.1 " - - " '"" ' , ."...- K UH' "'V'" " " -''" i r, in, ,MMM.. ., .... .... . , ,.,., , ii. . ! ' ,,..., mm" "" " ' j '"" VOLUME XXjXIV. CHARLOTTE; N. C.; IWDKES DAY, MAY 1 1 886 VI nrii i h in rt ittri imJ 1 1 ni hi n t ?! Ii 11 L)Li II iJX Mil Jl II UIW uur ou cenc uniaunanea sairc try afek the ladies attention to our large stock of Gauze and Balbrigai Under wear in high neck and long and short sleeves, and low neck and short sleeves. - I !- ! ' ' J l : ! s i ' 1 f Jtl A new line of French Dress Cambrics, match in red, navy blue and hijack. A MARIS iMWSTft For the balanee of the season id Whito OckxJi, and Woolen Goods Look at our boss 25 cent ToWel, it is a stunner. We are selling a handsome jcolored Quilt at ij.QQ made. at iMcAden'g mills.- Be sure and examine it. j r ; - - " ', Special attention to orders fpr goods or samples. JTST RECEIVED, THE BUTTERICK PATTERS FOR JUNE. . . ; i - L - -- -JiLii'i" . fc 4T SMITH SUMMER. ' ATTACTIVE PRICES ON BLACK. ; TAMISE. ATTBACTiyE PRTCE3 .ON BLACK :-: BATISTE. ATTRACTIVE. PBICE3 ON ATTRACTIVE. PRICES ON Black Vilbatrosr A BIG TCCiLQtE' 'kJ i Henrietta (iolhs, Dlack Barred; Organdies. - - - Beautiful variety pf J. .,a - -41 . . OBafCS IX BTKBT Y1BI1TT, j Mecklenbucq - THE SEIGLE r 11 . . -3k : '-t.-rt;.-i,.kf'.r;- tunitZuui&Ajl : ICE CREAM SALOON Opened tor :the season. Ice Cream iind Watei Ices furnished to temfles and parties on short notice' :.,:'.ff . ; j';'-.".'"! ' f Fresh Bread, ' Ca!tes t. ii - a.r.A;s lrtk nf - Potted Meats.. u& nnea runs, xmn,; W UflV I vWI I wU CI vuvivw v , w- . - Crackers. &c Also. Imported and 'y'i'C '" K -".''V'; 'i'JLi:- Cuccessor to'llayer Sc .. . -1. ,J,TJixmxtiSSk in nricps" never before equalled this city. A few very handsjtne Spanish Robes and wmwnaucm duiw a , Sicriflce. A fine lot of the . " -T ? " "S" "f -i A -w 1 nfl ITtrUXX RLV I1KI1 lf trHLt3U UTtalVUV vr Far below their vftluNWw'atrival l6( OnehtoJ i Flouncing and Iftgyptian.. ped fou-wV'Everya; ..T??1 ,;T-si rio"" J'Aa bavk Ptatabanking.tassociatioia Js' JlJUl-l W f,. amount o notes by any person, trof some be r ore thev are all eone. we with Embroideries and Atlovers to : i.; - -.. . 3 v ... u MILE BIJIXAIIVCL CI First " Kaliiial i Bant Sooth Trjoa Street, ,,-.(-, Charlottoiiri. Ladies',Misses'and Children's I . 5 , 4 , . , Jim.- .a - f 6DTT0N, ' COiNfiBES't' LICE HS, Bents' Fine Hand-Made and Machine Sewed BOOTS, BUTTON AND LACE BALS, . .: BtyvS A3f D TOUTOtS i J :. jdt BOOTS ANlJ SHOIS 09 aIl'MjVDBB Silk,' Soft and Stiff , HatS, .TRUNKS, VALISES and V c -: GBIPS ACKSr UMBRELLAS OF ALL KINDS, SHOSBLACKIKe AgDBBUSHBg, T AJrsa Pdisb for Ladies' fine Shoes. Stock alwaja kept- lull and up to tne demand. - - "tJ i DBDKB3 BYfHiILnt iKTPES5 e5MPTLX. ATTXNDSO TO. - 4 C.-"".44-Oi4 1 t . lit" '( Iron - r ..... I ; - .1. ... . . Dwaestw Cectmneryr-:, . . ; ' ,1"'V v vTwTr-; : in mw-- . . - . m. ' III Ull Works BIICERY It "Titiwu. T.m tttk arm. wimrrnra hihhi'M m Bl OBSCUWtD, BUT, LI XI THS BUB, WILT FOB A SvbscriptioH to tbe Observer, ! - DAILY KDITION. I ! leoopy 6 eenta. Br the week In the city.. 157 wemontn.. Three months.. Six months .... One rear WKEKLTUHTION . is .$3.00 . 4.00 . 8.00 'Three months. Menu. tnxmonuis 1 fWl xn cmni oi ave ana over sla). ; If I(Tisi,tIomJFrm TIkm Bmles SabeJrlptions always pejabl In adronce, not onlr In name but In tact. ; WASHINGTON NEWS. JOE "TARIFF BIIX WEEK. WljXT Senaetf. Cowles and fereen la the Middle of the Jarion oi the X Ho!uBePereouaI -T Correspondence of Thb Obssbtkb. - Washtngton, J). C May 18 j-The Democratic party here is in a better condition than tome of the inews from this point represents. There is a good deal in what Mr. Morrison saya in today's Post, i The Refiubty icaii party has no special f motive for gaining control -of theHouse pree yearj before - the great election' of 1888. ; A victory is not always e safe .thing inpohtica. : To remain' in op position two years longer would; suit the programme of the shrewdest Re publican Jeaders much better than to take possession of the elephant before thejproper diepoitha forvhiareten tictf have been effectea.' "This inay bsajid:,,lThe Democrats ..will -make every possible effort to keep a major' ity in the House of Representatives. Everything at present indicatifl 'that there will be a" determined effor by the Democrats. ; I , I learn that the Ways and Means, Committee will probably bring up the tariff bill next week. The idea is to let the appropriation bill go through the House and then while the Senator is considering the bills recently passed to debate the tariff measurai without rjsk of prolonging fchft aRfuamn. :. TVm friends of the hi he committee say that it all "observrd. They think the pro gramme above outlined can be car ried out. -; ... '.-. I - On '""the "Blair1 bill requiring jthe common schools to teach the delete rious efforts of the use of alcoholic spirits theN. C. delegation was' thus T1 f: Ai-dmoo, joansron, jeia ana Dsanner were no; Messrsji Bennett, s Co Wles, Green and general Cox did not T.otjes fTh Wo eaa&peraneenioiif iTTthe gal- pieties. Jaravedtbeirihandkerebiefs on the anpouncement of the vote,a large majority in favor. " J. " . " ',':.' The halt was in the greatest con fusion when .O'Neill moved to suss pend rules and set a day for the con- sideration, of. labor bills, including the education-measure; tSome of the ablest Dem'bcrata "were as unable to oontrol themselves " as the ' weaker vessels' Randall - en deaWred to" bar out the education bill by a legislative trick. Mr. Johns ston tried. to .et the Speaker's ear three or four times. He, CoL Oowles and. MriRandallbad an exeitedxcons versation which could not be heard, while the vote was being taken. - In the explanation itappareditbatithe committee on labor bad finally sacri ficed the education bill by omitting if.frpm thPiPrder propoaed.oMiv Wil lis accepted the situation, but Messrs. Dunn,' Johnston, Cowles and others protested, and a . scene ensued. A- sharp tpquy uetween tttajaan ana jowies, ana uci-w- u .wwwu O'Neill occurred. " . 6 - '4rt,iAm rha .MJr fiorful . .. : mfAmit An thfl nnnr ymm At is , saw jtnaif ne, House wiiiawau subsid v DroDositions of the Senate on the Dost-offlce aoDroDriation kill, but that the item providing a fast mail to jUoa win oeauupuiu. When 4he session of Saturday 0vpoirit ot f no quororja llblx been made by Mr Cowles on the In; diartCPTOPiftBion bill. He had pro- posed an amendment the object of i ' i 4-v. A 4,,iMi av4. . . . . . . WniCU rvaVa tuvuuuua nuo uuvioo w w discharged by tbe commission to the officers of the army and officials of the Interior Department: Col. Oowles had enforced, his proposition in very practical remarks delivered at different times during the after noon's debate.. No action was taken; CoL Cowles' reasons were the greater efficiency of the officers named over persons from civil life, as suggested h Mr TTnlman in the hilL and. the i ; .TiiAniaVahnot v.MO.m; awvsww , '"7 " . ..t r I wh;ca the Colonel thouzht unneces- I sary and wasteful. Col. C sary and wastetui. joi. jowies ap pears very well m running debates.; r Col. Cowles on the" passage of the urgent deficiency bill today, called for the yeas -and nays, - his purpose being to produce a quorum. He made that point and the Speaker appointed tellers. Judge Bennett, Mr. Johnston and another member voted with Col. Cowles. Finally a quorum was had and the bill I Judge Bennett introduced a bill tor - i to silS of the Re- 1-dised Statutes. Sen. Cox and Mr. f.r- repeal the i innarAant laT nn lfUilll of State 1ahks."Tnes8ecli1tjn "tr6p "to be 4f-la. -1.- 1 i. . . . I L-..W.4KK4I, 'B M i - ... eociation- used for circulation and paid out by them." , : i , 1 Mr. Reid introduced a bill , provide uig tor leave of absence for employes of the Burean of Engraving and Printing. -: Heretofore ' these, the hardest worked, perhaps, of all Gov- ernment servants, have not had the privilege of a vacation enjoyed - by the sinecure holders. Z'J' '-' ' . Mrs. Laboy teon, of Elizabetji City, who has been.; visiting "the city for several weeks,! left for homjeT this morning. ' 'Miss J. H. Ramsay, t was registered at the Metropolitan jHotel,' Sunday.' 1 ; Senator Hampton has Just returned to the city. ! - - ' H. Ii"' POTSOBIPT. ! Hitching' upi his suspenders., Col. Morrison said jhe "wanted to; hear 1 something about education,? and yielded three minutes to the gentles man from 4 .North Carolina ..Col, Cowles. The latter said in a most energetic manner that , he was isorry to find no more gentlemen in favor of sustaining 'the public schools j, The Democratic" party in its platforms had demanded this bill. , It was so at least in North Carolina.; His people were taxed to keep up the internal revenue systemj which' they detested, and he asked that some of this mos ey be devoted to this laudable 1 purs pose. , - - '. . ". . j' JOHH If. MAFFITT. An ElequeBt Trlbate to of - the Bravest of the Bravo - - "Wilmington Bertew. ii It is with sincere regret that we chronicle the death of him whose name heads this article. Saturday evening, at his home in this city, as the busy week was nearing its close and the sun was sinking to rest in its western home, the spirit of this brave man and patriot : went' out,: ; and ; to rest forever, with the God who gave1 it, ; Captain Maffitt, distinguished for his aervicies in tbe navies both of the United States and Confederate States was the son olTtbe famous and ielo-. Juent Methodist preacher, the Rev.1 ohn Newland Maffitt, who Charued with bis rare , and superb eloquence listening and admiring thousands, . I i 1 1 1. . . ... ; - 1 1 1 wuu liuug, wifcu, jrupiuro vu c uiti lipa and in whose coronal are many stars foe "thev that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; land thjby that turn - many '. to righteous ness as the stars for ever and ever." The highest praise that can be aos corded any man is that he . did i bis duty and this Captain Maffitt did, or endeavored to do. : ; 1 ;' I U He served bis country well and faithfully, but ill did his country re quite him. lake the great ; historic men or. tbe world wno earnestly de voted themselves to their pursuits, so with him. the "ruling passion was strong in death." Napoleon, baffled ana peaten Dy a continent, ana ex piring on a lonely isle recalling the seen 38 of his former glory ;.in bis death-grapple with the insatiate Archer, cried out as his unsubdued Bpirit was about to take its flight "tete tfArme." ' The immortal Stonewall Jackson, the Napoleon of America, as he sank to rest on the field of his fame, aad amid the wails of a sor rowing people, said : . ; 'Tell A". P.. Hill to prepare for action."-! So this - man, -less ' renowned but equally dauntless and devoted. .dreaming that he was once more on the bounding , billows, exclaimed in deatblShipAhoy I - - v - c; I -: Ana only a tew aayB peiore ms de- mise.'bls Once bright, but then bes-l a uniform system in our mode of liv. I trown'8 ibon s bitters itcllv bb clouded intellect wandering back to I ing. I a stored w health arid strength Mr. s. h. Bas- other vtim and hthr timM IiaI . ' ' ' nwd, Durham, N. CV' He-had suflered untold mis- other scenes and other times, lie said; "The snip, is ready, the sails are set. and the wind is favorable: all we are waiting for ' is Mr. Lams Serb to come and ask Ood's- blessingJ on us: then we wiineave ancnor ftnrl iiwftv on the billowa." . Mr. hArt wM hi fchiir,tjtirL'''w hink. hs fore the war, and lives, we under-1 atAnA in jar.irmnr. ntifti- 'Rnatr.n During his Illness his mind fre- quenUyrevSrted to hi8 . distinguished and noble father. Un one occasion he enquired of his son,;Mr. J.L.' Maf fitt,; if his father had1 a 0me. ; When informed that he bad not ; he said: vW ell he will be -here in a day or two aijd.oea he dws : come he will i Rejp us.au iousy, ' , auuaing r to tne j crowds i that theyjw.uuld r have to I entertains Then waid he;i"heri3 td preach at the New Market aud we ,1 r ... - . . . . . . i miiar. no rtTt T.i itih ir - w ars r.n . cor. seats." (Jod grant, and" we ; believe. I that with his eloquent ana pious I father.he is enjoying .the ''pleasures KgJSJf tirxw, een a greai sufferer, mentally and pnysically.and en Friday, about 11 o'clock.: a. m , he i oeu w oicrop 4uwwij uu wumuuviw S" fJaot..Maffit was born at sea Feb I ruary 22d, 1819, on the passage from T . a A. . - - I irHianu 141 America. &iiU'HU bnrj-wuria I I ; . - - - ----r was nis country tuiu w uo. uih uuty his religion.' He was of Irish extrac- a . . - . tjon and possessed tne nooie qualities which distiniish the sons of tbe Ems erald Isle, ' wit, courage, . generosity; chivalry, love of country. - He was adopted by an uncie, wno uved at Fayetteville, in this State, and when very young but 13 years of age ne was app&inieu a miusnipmau in tbe U. S. Navy and was ordered to the Constitution, Uommodore Jbaliott s flagship, then fitting out for a cruise in the Mediterranean. His first, indey pendent command was when he was ordered to ; the Gallatin. He was with Commadord Bache m his sur vey of the Atlantic coast, at Wil- mington, among other points. His last command in the U. S. JNavy was in the Crusader. In 1861 Captv Maffit resigned his command in tbe U. S. Navy and has tened to Mentgomery, where the Fro visional Government had assembled, and tendered his services to Presi dent Davis. Mr. Davis told him that the Confederate Government would probably not need : ft navy and ap TKiinted him to a position on Gen. 1 Lee's staff. Afterwardshe.and Capt. sions in tbe Confederate States Navy which .was tben being 'Organized. Gapt. Maffitt'"first commanded the famous privateers" Florida and. Albe marle, tbe former ot which --was known in the'' North" as the Oreto. During the latter years, of the war he commanded a blockade - runner, the Owl, jand bi last trip-was made just about the. time that sthe Cape Fear defences felLintQjbe. .t hands of the Federals. Capt. Maffit, with the Owl, succeeded in getting safely into the Cape Fear river one night about three days after tbe forts had been captured but after-getting inside he wuuu vuk tuo position or ;auairs ana again steamed out to sea and made for Galveston, which port he succeed ed in reaching safely, through the midst of the blockading fleet, p .In a few months after; the dse of the war Ctopt. Maffitt . was ii com mand of a packet steamer running be tween Liverpool and "Rio but soon threw that up and came to Wttming- ton, where he has spent very duietly the closing years of his Eventful life: His fortune, which, just previpus Co the war was a. substantial, one, was lost by the events of the war apd out of the wreck he was able to save but a mere pittance. Recently , however, a valuable residence in Washington' City, which he. owned, and which was confiscated during the war, had been restored to him. j . .. --Thus, one by one, like the leaves that fade and fall, the relics" Of the .''lostcause'pass from tbe stage Of action to join the "silent majority, and of all brave, daring man -Who' so1 gloriously, illustrated, on lnd and sea, what a liberty loving people can accomplish when contending f6r the right none Wer& braver .rtA trin than the gallant gentleman who was yesceraay laio to rest m beautiful pakdale and whom we admired' liv-:, mg and mourn dead. Peace to hia ashe8.-bonorand tears tobismmorv. lor-a brave, chivalrous admiring pec- pie win not soon torget tnis verjitable child of the seas and man of tbe bil . ; ST1TE REWS. formed that j8heepheaf nave pegun co Dite unusually .early, tnis season at sne jocks. Det ween fort Fi8her and zefce's island, and that a eood manv have been caueht within, the last few days. 1 Lovers 'of the sport abd of I tnis mna ot nsn wm govern themr seives accoraingiy. ; , Goldsboro Messencer: We,; learn that at a called conference of the r i u .mi T7..ti. a(iuusb uuaruu ul buis viiy on, r.naay. evening last, a motion for an expres sion of the members with regard to a pastor as successor ot JJr.' ' Whitfield,' revealed a large majority vote in fas vor of Dr. F. H. Ivey. ' The many menus ot tnis ahle dmne Hereabouts would be glad to welcome bim back' to bis old home among us. ""At its next regular meeting the church will probably take final action. ! The third annual convention of the Protestant Episcopal; church, in jthe Diocese of East Carolina. , will meet. D. V., in St. Stephens' parish, Golds boro, on Wednesday,' the 26th day of May 1886. Applications have been made to railroad and steamboat com panies for reduction of rates to dele gates. . The place for:f holding ' the North Carolina Press Convention has been changed by a vote of the Association from Shelby to Morehead City, The Executive Committee have set 'the time for the convention Thursday j uns ltn. iiacn. member wno des sires to attend, should notify Mri J. H. liindsey, secretary, Kernersville, in. U. A lull attendance is desired. Raleigh Visitor: Mrs. Nancy Clem- mons, aged seventystw years, resid ing in Cedar Fork township, Wake county, is a living instance of what can be done even after we have corns pleted our allotted time of three score years and ten. Mrs. Ulemmons can weave six yards of cloth a day, and frequently walks to the residence; of her son a distance of eight miles, and back, without exhibiting any unusu al fatigue. So much for a life devpts" odto usefulness and frugality, i It can be truly said tnat mucb of our activity in after life can be traced to Mere j4lxisreiists, Arrested. ! SAH i) BANOISCO, May 17. Five 80s - Cialists while engaged in harangueing I cruwu wWo urrcBvou.. uuu uuoigcu TAm-'J'With misdemeanor. iThe most prom I inent of them is ' J '? P. Rudeizky J a Pole, whom his speech advocated go- I ing tO INOb JtlllUand Sacking the TeSl I aenceu ,01, meuan,. pwiuoru, .uruwtw lAnd - J'iood, ? and distributib money and' valuables' found amohg themselves. On Rudeizky 's person was found, two pamphlets written; by. j Ohn Most, ot Uhicago, entitled 'fine 3eastof Property," and Jtotal iinini hilation'proposed as the only ibfalli ble remedy." The prisoners resisted the arrest, and the officers had to use their clubs. One prisoner, A. JL Warren, was resetted from the police by a mob, but was recaptured. The prisoners were nrach excited . over their arrest and disclaimed the' idefk tnat tney were inciting riot. i ... .-, s a : . i 300 Pairs .f Slippers at 63c V ; Pair - - : -v At Wlttkowsky ft Baruth's. They contain lini which are worth as htarh as 12.26 a oalr. lhey sacrll sample sUDBen. therefore this . unusual - aerl WrRnowsitT A Babdok. UBOWN'S IBON BITTKB3 CUBKD MISS jtron, and invigorated her whole system Maud L. Xrnul, New Berne. N. C. of lndlge one re MiMm.nn.ninu milD H . -FOR . v 1 $ 9 STRAWBERRIES We are now receiving BEBBIX3 from Mr. Lyle! farm near this city and will nave them . ! it EVERY DAY i During the Season. Mr. Lyles' Berries are noted , as Ito finest oflered In this market. We make It special point to have them fresh oy setting them right' . From' tb Garden Every Morning, j - . - 4 - - . We have the eicluslve sale of Mr. Lyles enUre 1 BAMlsTT Jt ALEXANDER. Free delivery. Telephone J Call 01, i ' Scott'o' Kniiilsloih orPttrCioa '' liivsr Oili with tiBrpophophltsu .Is Remarkable as aFesh FrodnoeV I . The Increase of flesh and strength, is percent!! immediately alter oqmmenalng to ase.tlie Kmal sloa The Cod Liver pa emulsified wtthj the HT. jiophOBnhltes ts most remarkable lor. Its j heallne. Bvnuisinenmg, ana pesn prodaemg atialltjles. ..... ' -' TDROWK'SmOff JO H.Ktench. 619 Marl LTB3 CURED . MRS. .W. it as a most,exeellent Ionic. . Ha familj his t- nuu euuiv miccess. v .'; 1 !Tlr8.Joe Person'.. Rcmedv- IB still the best Blood Purifier on the martfat . .... -nu.jt.i04ujtN, wnojtsaietrugglts.. ..4,;-v- Absolutely Pure. This DOWder never varlra. A mnrvnl nf hnrttr strenstirandwheleBomeness-' Mbre economical man tne ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in AfimnAtitinzi ortrri-fcliA tyi,iltit.,fia r,t t..t i aT.nt weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only noang. Wholesale.br ) .. , ... . . . . StmNliS BURWEIili, - anaQd&wly : ... Charlotte, K. C. n h n l.l'f-l'i NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN. . Ton are allowed a free trial of tMrttfdavt of the ' nse of Dr. . Dye's Celebrated Voltato Belt with 1 Electrie '8uSDen80TT ArmltanpAa. tnr thn stmmwIv relief and: permanent cure of Nervous DebUityAota '. at Vitality and Manhood, and all kindred tronbleiv - A Iro for tnnnTotlipp 1 rm aia ' nnninLifAHttlnn. tlou to Health, Vigor and Manhood (niaranteed. 'iSteedT 5 1 NO riHK IS lncuiTSfl. Illufltratml niunnhlot intenlxA tMHUope mailed f rev, by addressing a . . r ! vyiiiAiu iiiiL,i' uu., marsnau, mica. . .. . ... -.. - - '.... ' novl7deolAw7m m? A TTIVrirvlQ ltsCAU8BSandCtJBB, IX FvOObft ne who was deaf twenty-eight rears. Treated by most of the noted ' specialists of the day wltli no benefit. Cared lilm self In three months, and since then hundreds of - others by the same process, i plain, simple and successful home treatment. Address T. 8. FlGB, los jcast aiu ar., hbw xorKuiy. , i ! I CURE FITS; iTUin cure x uu nub una inereir vu nop cnexa for a tima and then have them return again.1 pfceaji A rewlicAloure. -1 hare made the diaeue of FITSL EFI LEF8T or FALLING SICKNESS a life-loiur atnllT. H -warrant my reraeoj boouru we worst cages. nep tbsn hare failed is no reason for not now reeeiri ears. Send at onoe for a treatise and a Free Bott. TOT iniSLiiihle remfiav. fiive Jxnriw ajifl femt (M XfcflOatK tod nothinfiT for a trial. .ntt T will mm 1 amin va. 41. w awr,-iBa rem ab, aew x otje. TJBOWN SK'W BITTBHS CITBKD MB. P. I. I u w jatt, zla N. McDowell street Kaletsh. NiC , of IndlgestlgQ. nervousness and dizziness and; he una gruwu Btnjua ami ueart. corjsur.iPTiorj. I hare poaltiro ra mad, fur tbo aboTS dlseasa : br Bs -; ma tbewaadaolcssesof the worst kind and of long Btaadtnff navs Men cared, i ndeed, so stnmr 1 s my falta ' in its emeacj. tnat i win sendTWU botilks FREC, . tosetber with a VALUABLE TKBATISB on this diaeass toaar wllsrsr. ' SWeexpressand P 0.addrss. i i afjb. 4. a. B4AMu4a, x4 x-aariac.rxisw' son. ery from disordered liver and kidney and neuralgia. morning bjw reiieveu mm. . .-. i The Ofiginnl and OrrlyOenvlrke. j Safe sndslwari ReliaMe. Ucwats of worthless Isntstionai IndisbsuasM te LADIES. Ask your Draawlst tot r Ckleheatara LukUbJi'' sod take no other, or inclass tw : (tampa) to as for particulars in Utter by ntnnt ntalLJ NAME PAPER. Uhlehester Chemical' Uov,' ) Sold by TrrnfirrLts errry where. ' Aak for GUeheaJ sera r.aBiisnr jrawnjrrojsu ruu. iiu nswier. anlM&wiy i . a-. - ' 1 ,v BBOWN'S IBON BITTEB3, CURED MB. M. 6. Lovelace. Beldsville. N. C. when troubled with mm i. - H ps n n n 1; . i PENNYROYAUPniS feHrrefrT r -s en r.Li sh Lovelace. Beldsville, N.C., when troubled with I. . t( Idney and liver affectron: ; He' expresses himself r' " -j much pleaded with its effect. I 13000' naneyand aa PAY'S . . lsee UiUJlLLll liUUI'lAlbl swoaj nwirnnss. w aqmposiauro: iy -yyy s l t ana anraow; at nan tne ooex or an, . aaiy i kll tha nvrfiS flkrfiifSSdamrJas! 4T1TUTK for HjASTKK' m Hail mei rjUJC . ; ! W. K. VAT. Gw CAJtOBH. Jt 3 CURE theDEAF PECK'S IfATaW IMPBOVal) 'CUSHIONED" EAR DB1TMB narscriT'atwas rn i4iia ami ipsnon us .wots or tap mstaral dnsa. JaTUibls, eomfortsble sns alwsyt in poiiwoa. . ai Tnutio ail ini wMipan haard dlrttoetly. Sand forllhiitrSta took with wattm-niala, FREE. Adiren or fall T..BISOOJ Kent, to represent Id her own locality an 01a nrm iteiereuces reuuireui n .. . ..;,u.. .n4 4 ..i.t , 44.av-a.nn! 16 Barclay BtMS,X : i- ..aprZBlw fTTi uTrn LADiKa to worK ror us at ma kl AN I tU. own homes, $7 to $10 per weeK I I can be quietly made, no pnoio raiming; m 4nnvASBinir iTor full nartlealarB, ntease ad at once, CBBSCENT ABT COMP4lNY,.19 jCem 3 Street, Boston, Mass., Box 6iw .'1 inpnnvGD . ? ' STANDARD' f tlllB INI I 1 r th best constructed and! finished Turbine in the world .1 f j Tested percentaires, with part; v - and full srate drawn, eaual to another wheel. - -New pamohtet sent free by ; nBOwN'3 1U BinrJia o'i ALMOST ,X.n.atAW mllnf to Mr. Wm. B Thompson. tL..knFi n r.. . in a case of annnylnat lndlees-r Hon, and be considers It a most reliable medicine 'J Crab Orchard WATER., 4 THE LIVER. THB KIDttETPS THE STOMACH THE BOWEMr 4 -IKS ' 4V FQSITIVKCTJBB FOB 1 3 DYSPEPSIA. O CONSTIPATION. S I CK HEADACHE W 7s a 2 " . n ( .aaaWwmfnfs. iQcBahs CaaavOaCBAaV kVaAH lnal-l tomi led ucksRci a u iw issis. w - I . i . a. 1.. uljl I. Vnlr. , . . .....' i w?! t. W. fOMBS. Maaafr. luawilla. Ky. L. B. WBI8T0N, Agent, BtfMBadeoaswfa It was an Thai we offered last wAwtllcfiJorftl hiVnrirftfl fai&'nt&TTPPTfots&C'liiL itenfa m. we sold the very ;lait pair. ; .Wp bad Jikewis suceess -with - the -sale' of over " 200 calico wrappers, which we tolos.ed put . . . . . i I..-- ALL TIIRSE WERE GMUl'iE ' BARGAINS. . . . . i - .1 ... . 1 - J-i J ... ..t. V ul,4'.i w A... 4v v 4. .....ai ,1 4.....II.. j.. Our patrbis, acknowledi . ..,1 I TOUXJBEE- -.i.l v Ladies Grey Silk SEVERAL 4 U4..iiU Placed on our'front Counter,' of Which umEAj ac oniyw , t t , ;j ...i V .3IoIl:aa Our Buyer secured a lot of 400 retailed for ..... . .-.. U-i a'.-" J...J4 i.. ;..., l'- .,( , 1 ... . ...' '." . Don't fail to secure one of these Circulars; if vou don't need it this week you will Another, they are the prettiest 88 this low price low will make them sell Dr. Warner's $1.00 Coraline Corset at 1 1 Mouncings and Skirtings 30 per pieuwj oaitiuB, evtping iviohe: . More Spepial CHARLOTTE, N. Q MATT, ORDERS SOLICITED 'JIlND ,. . 4-, - ... -. ( . Keeps the largest and . . .... - . . v ' I IN IPaiiinimitoi ., 4. bed-room suit ',ol ID. tpies,'iat ;, A bed-room suit of 10 pie!8Xwatnut4...witnmtwfle top. :;EIea:aut walnut.and cherVJ, - A parlor -suit oi 7 piecei3, imittio.oi.rK-Biwc,.$3 $'40,oo. ,, v:J ,. . ;v:;,;. ;;;; ;l fJtQ !,P.ln nnS mt T' i! nAna' ' nWi aafrf n rvn aillr . TtTnaVt . .9iAf Art 4-r jTiariOr ' RniT. fll " TJie.CeB. LILULUllUIl Ul mT BUA. fiOV.UU. i. a . ? f . wzKooof. - f s:!i jaounses in great : vaneiv uuoui, $y,vu u;fuw, ..,4.,. irsirieboards z;::jA'' 15.00 ten 126.00: t DwDj uamages m great variety iruui Wsvy, w tvw. ..,- COFFINS 4JJD MET4ILLIC CASES. - . - '' "' ' ' 1 "J f'. j s"-- - '-'' J-'4 "'' ' 8- S r ...... k.,, 1 I I " " .'-. l " - ... . --..4a ,- '0SA1UXTTS. N. a i 1 t! . .s.i'i . 4.CJ -. i.i-'vy 1 .11 I . TV 4 if -I S - ".II? .4"J 'vK' Idulv aDDiciatedrwaBvroverr bvth'A 'f&nt that at,?5 .cfnu.eaotu.j-. t .' k , 4.'K . V .4 11' 4.1 1 L.Butlt .11 lM.,l4tl..i:.i w.." r4' i .u. ri t i 4.. J.t .1.1.4 .. ...4iit ..4 U tv'.l ...ll!4 t 4 J .1 ,14 Jt. J.l..4.v. HUNDRED Coated Rubber Circulars itjt Jt 1 s k. . MlF 4 4 4.4 we are offerirfg'theflr8 ONE HUN Oi l 1. 4 v J .4 U1 i . 3,.i'. vj- J.I .'4 4 t. .1 ..'4.4 it .ill .. i l .1.i .4-4 Circulara,' which' wei' ipanufaptMred i to be goods ever brought here,, call, soon rapidly. SI . . ; 1 ... . .ri - 75 cents. New arrivals of i Oriental cent ofC regular prices . .10 s i i Buuwj aii.ooq jjorgru . .;tii ,. . ..t 1 . 1 " t. i. I . ;1 . , i t i' . U It J , . t -1 s PROMPTLY ATTENDED 'TO. ' . k y , ... . .v ...... 1 most complete ttdek of ? , 1 1 -. ' .-.. -ot"J i4l I a j :i.-: ,i a jmai uie .op uutauuxr "wainut. . , ,i,J i .Jit !( ...i-.J '4.U - rrrom pO'-fo inKcto. .: ' . . A v-. - 5. a ".iiJ,-4vfj.J - f Oflei? ---- 2.V;'.'.gig If fl r 11 '4 I il 1 S t ? f 1 1 I il I us 1 ii I -',? -11 1 II - SI --if fl If I! i! 1! M .1 . 7 I !.! - - ' , 4 .1? . i j-i 1 I 1 . ' . ,1

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