- (1 on UMK XXXIV. JUNE PRICE FIVE CENTS. f ' "'PrriTTTn mm i - " - - : : "; ; 1 u aAKLOlTE. N. C, SUN DAY, TITI ITTTT ' - rM-rrT- Z "T " x i vr llrli, Fil I ;.I;(JU J2sri! :wm( ' - -: y ' "I . ' . "FIBJI season and offered for sale were ' UV r' j . , brought to . market this morning. ( I : T:-rwmll" V 4 ' - ' - .- . -""v,-; -TO v They were raised on Mr. HeinVfl rvJ J.-'lrLSs - . . . - . ' - A. d then wine trad see for yourself . OUR MR. HARGRAVES 5f,l h0rthermMfor..t,he PMt week- and has secured some r- 6wuo, wuiuu wiu CO ME 'AlI BIG LOT '. or White Robes It I'i 00 ack. Kaeb pattern contains 9 yards o em rolcery juid la yards ot ma erlal. Cool variety of FIGURED LAWNS It 5 and 6 cents, New lot of White" Plaid OwdieSr T. L. SEIGLE. IMD;IK.:; Mil. . . 'We expect a new arrival of FIGURED LAWNS . At 8 cents per yard,' MONDAY OR TUESDAY. - . Othey attractions will be offered, SDCCISSOBS TO ALXXARDKB HARRIS. THE 0. K. ICE CREAM Opened for the season.' parties on short notice Ice ream and Fresh Bread, Cakes arid Pies Daily. Just reeeired a choice lot of Potted Meats, C& nned Fruits, Pickles,' Crackers, &c. Also, Imported and Domestic Confectionery. CV W. tiMRRISOISr. . Successor to Mayer & Boss. MRS. a h. wmrsijT, IN HKB LOWS XXPKRTKNCV IN THK MIL. ilnerr. and tn bandllng tips and pinnies, wmd tar to the Ladle that stw is now prcpanr to elean, curl, bleach and dye all plumes according to the Vrmeb trrtein. ll orders lft wtth her at Mm. Siostn or at S ft G. Nwwuomb's m receive prompt fcttoi tlon . Fst experience Is a citmi i tee or her ability. : . ... majSdlw. - , NOTICE- , Tbaksfkb Offmj ' Balto.AN.C.Cokpbb amd (told Mixing Co., - .- -LiniOK,. X. June 1st. U86. Pursuant to action taken by the Stockholdf r' held Hay 24th. 1886, and la accordance with arti cles Yl, Till and XVII of the By Laws, a special meetincoftbet-toclEboldersof the Baltimore and North Carottoa Copper and Gold Mining Company will be fcatd at the 1-ransfer f Mnce of the Company, 17 Pout uffl e avenae, Baltimore, on Monday June 7th. 1886. at t o'cjoek. p. m for the purpose of lerylng aa SMeMisent, (not to exceed Ua cents per share) on the caplcal stock of the company The traoafer books will be closed from June 1st to June Ub. - . H. BAT. Junel-a 8-47,, President. : FOR SAtE. 1 1 Unlmprorod lot 99x188, adjolntng ths pro OO part of I H. Bmory. J. P. Irwin aad others. fronting on Trade street. , Bhado trees on the mc mat ClHwIott Heal Eta Aemcy, tfiarXdtf a-B. C0CKTU5X, Kaneser ; .'BXrsj. Jl on rersen's I3eiedy ADVERTISEBIENT that we offer goods cheape r than thej j oe piacea on our counters next week. SEE THEJtl. ft First Moiai M BiilSiDi, Sooth Tryon 8treet, - . - Charlotte, N. C D8AUEBSIN Ladies'jMisaea'and Child en's BUTTON, C9N6RESS 4 M SHOES, Gents' Fine IIand-Made and Kaohlne Sewed BOOTS, BUTTON AND LAC&BAL8, bots' and Torrns JTUiJE BOUTS Ai SHOES OP ALL GBADK3 GENTS? FINE Silk, Sift and Stiff Hats, TRUNKS, " , . VALISES and . GRIPSACKS, UMBRELLAS OH1 ALL KINDS, SHOX BLACKING AND BRUSHES. Alma Polish for Wies' Pice Mioes. Stock always kept lull and - up to the demand; i OBDXB3 BT MAIL OR SXPRSS3 PBOMPTLT ATTENDED TO. WITS BAKERY SALOON Water Ices furnished to familes and CLEVELAND MINERAL SPRINGS Are now ot en for the reception of visitors -THESE SPiiltXGS Are M miles west of Charlolt", Smiles from Phel by. N.C and only 1 mile from Carolina Central Hallway, where a new depot has been erected and beautifully ttoUbed fo. tiie benefit ot Visitors lo h SpnD&- Plenty of Ue secured tor the season. COLD - AND HOT B.VT BS. - A good string band has been employed for the seasoa. The tattle win be finished with the very best the market affords. . ' ,, ' .... ; Hacks will be at the Springs' station on the ar IriTHlof every train. , kox further lufurmatloa address S. itcB, POSTON, . J-'"" ":.t Proprlotor. ' . PE 1 IPegram k k W1 occo manufactnrors Bos tie Bros. A WrISh.SheIbr's arnae and JUope. fihey Aurora. . An eminent author, once writing a UWUViJ ui iioittuu, enuuea onecnaDs ter as follows : - , J'Snakeain Ireland." The chapter comprised six words: There are no BunKfH m ireiana. ' we are reminded of this incident wutm we unaertake to write about the factories of Shlhv - nr 1L. . - ,. . . . . . J"." VW1IOO iue aDDiicanon is iimirod factories but they are few ; we can wuBtue ourselves with this reflection however, and that is that every man ufacturing center of the country has had its day of small thintrs a cess of evolution must come, and in the fullness - of time wa hnno t.h.t njuoiwj icbuuuu witn ine dusv num-ac labor from mills and facto ries. ine tobacco interest ; has nlrnArlv pined a firmoothold here," and the factory of Bostic Bros. & Wrieht is w wuicq ina Rnmmunitv mor well feel proud it is emrjhaticallv aftn Cn XI ' L . 1 - . ... rf oucp iu iub ngus direction ana it em- paasizes every claim that may be made in behalf of Shelbv. " Forth information ot tbeusands of nurrnarl. ers of today's Aurora we shall, in this article, try to oonrey fair certainly truthful, impressions concerninsr this enterprise an enterprise ; tuat has been weighed , iri the balances of public opinions and not' found want ing., r .:r. ine history of the firm is brief It was established bv the firm nf Ttmat-.i Bros , six years aeo. So far aa thv were individually concerned it was a newf enterprise: :: neither of the co partners were- practically " familiar wiiq coe nusineas. and so thev lAhnr. ed under a disadvantage." However. tbfiad pluck : they had confidence in themselves -and their - ability to produce good goods, and one by ene uuoy overcame : wnatever nrtntARiM lay in their path. Four years ago, the better to accommodate their buss mess, they built the substantial bri"k raciory now occupied bv them, and uuo j oar later me nrm unaerwent a cnange oy tbe admission of Mr. Wright, the cotartners now heino- :T T. Ijostic. J. B: 'Bostio and E FT Wrieht. The two first named a irom Jtutnerford county, and the last irom tspartanoure. s. c. all ar young men, ranging in age from 28 to aa years, and all unite in usrner every honorable effort to advanoe the uusiness in nana, - ; - Bostic Bros. & Wrieht are more extensive employers of labor than is generally known here at home. Their ordinarily full working force number aoout etgnty, ana the capacity of the factory, operating only during the summer months, or say from May un til October inclusive., is fully 800.000 pounds. .;-.. , .--v, - :r Unly a portion bf the leaf iRonanm- ed by the faotory is bought upon this mtu-net ; certain srraaes are necessari ly purchased at 3tatesville, Salisbury, asuovuiB auu eisewnere. dug we ar informed that the firm have ben successful in. securing some very fine wrappers upon this market so far as tbat is concerned we wp,ujd be glad ii vroYomn.u voubv.. fiFntsneq every pound; of eaf ooneiimed.i The pro Suet is mostly ; fine goodi. Lowever, and so the vari0U8 markets of the State have to be looked to for bud-. Plies . ; ,v :,- ;vc : i .: Bostic Bros. & Wright don't Vgo in ior a great variety of grades or brands if we remember rightly only aeyeu regular Dranasare tu,rna OUf, "Kjia jacic iNauce" being the leader. Thia is a nine inoh plug, i made from carefully selected leaf, and is deserv edly popular. Indeed, in all brands. eyery process is carefully scrutinized i iu jjoevu uutuiug out pure isa t sugar and the choicest of liquorice is used : and each grade of tobacco made bv tbe nrm can be relied upon to mam- tain us unirorm stanaara ot exeei. lence. Jt is only by adbering to such a polioy as this that a factory holds its trade competition is as active as ! can- well be imagined, and iq the hUh cory or successrm tooacoQ Vrflanufac- turing tqe ' oountry oyer we see exs empiinea tne aoctrine of tbe survi val. the fittest," - ---' we were curious to learn to what sections I Messrs. - Bostic Bros. : A Wright took for their trade and thev 1 J t r.A-l i t- - . . utiu uun 4ie8ii;ation in lniormmg us. "Otir leading business is in North Carolina. South Carolina and Georv gia, though we have a very flattering ! trade in Texas. -Florida and " else- i where' - One or the other of the firm travels. and we should judge with the best of results, and ; when we inauired how they found collections on last year's business the reply promptly came: f irst rate, if we never lose more than we did last year we shall be per i. ' What are the indications fori your ' trad the present year!' we asked. - - "Splendid We don't anticipate' any aimcuity m selling all, tbe goods we can manufacture, ana we hope to produce not less than 150,000 pounds." ; , . t -: ' It was evident' to the Aurora "re porter that the copartners are as san- gume as can ue, ana, witn reason too. Several things are in their favor. In the ' first place they ' manufacture grades of goods that will bear the test of trial in the second place they are thoroughly in earnest, and three young men - of business habits and animated by similar motives as are these gentlemen cannot fail to grasp success, wnere a vacilating or uncer tain policy would result in failure. The factory supplies both the whole sale ana retail trade. " -i Orders have been coming very freely 'thus far. and the work of filling them is being pusnea iorwara witn all expedition. John. Kelly's Funeral. . - New York,. June 5. -The funerai of John Kelly, took place; this morns ing. from St. Patrick's '7 Cathedral. There were no services at the house. At an early ; hour' people began to arrive at the house to take a final view of the remains," whisk lay in a casket between heavily draped win dows in the rear parlor. There were no -flowers, on the. casket. All was black, save a silver ' plate and the handles at the sides. The plate' bore the words: 'John Kelly; born April 20th, 1821; died June let, . 1886," Many candles burned, at the head of the easket. k ; - w ; Mrs. Joe PenoBs Ceinedy . Is stDlthe Mrt Blood Pqr8erontlie inaet. ' E. i-citiJi, w toll-sale Vtv ;'3t.- i e nn .. . just outside the city and were nice, - : .1 N I " ' - ' . . fairandnpe. . - . , - ' - . rnlilaVii-iwv 9 A a . , uvwdwiu - ni-v IM . A . T"Q Iflfl, . mftrb-oK7r rAA i t . . Afc- uivu ucai "l.'avj jr i :i j I ( I rpi I rn;i n niAii .nnM -rriuoeton, Jobnston countv. last. wee., ne was lia vear,. old a .kuo negro, and sincn tha vm -u j t n . . . . - . "au uougnt a tract ot wood land, cleared it, paid for it, built him a nice hnnnn upon it ana was in comfortahl . cumstances at his death. He hewed with a broad-axe most of the timber wun wmcn nis finiiso wn (inrctw. ea.. ; 1118 name .was Gillis Stevens, WUOHI lJ UU ne Was not a rtnnlrinr man TT . uaa uvea even bevond the Allnf j ears on me oeioreriie was made free, JNews and Observer- Wi Willio . " - v . r AaaLU ijawrence. or Kmi?ham tnvnohm urange county, died lasfr Saturday uuuov irouiiar ciFCumRtAnrng anil was SUPDOSed to be nnianncul ; TTio . r rj.s. wue ana Joan Ur&wfimi wak ar. restea ana confined m jail at Hills' Doro on rrtnrrter s Rn vueui a ueiog concerned m bis death. Strychnine is supnosed to hav hoon used to produce death. The stomach has been sent to the State chemist for examination. , Dr. J. B. Thnmn- bwu. ui vuainam, ana M.r. a. a. Xaovd-. rf ln . 1 1 . ... y l ui auge, urougnc 16 nere. t ; : W umineton Star ? i Th atsr-m day night last was very destructive u uuuiuus oi unsiow. , ureat dam age was done to the farms of Mr. P. X AAnAA' TJ" . v. inson s farm sixty acres of!cotton bes- siaes corn and other crons wer rln stroyea. au fell in great quantities, some 01 tbe stones-being more than rour inches, m circumference.. On tae rarm ot Mr. . D. Mattock, the storm tore up by . the roots all the trees in his orchard: blew off th tnn of his gin house, mashed one niiin of his dwelling house, and sweot awav sixty acres of fine cotton, leaving the fe uuu aa wK.t3u ,tt it was oerore tne cotton was plan tea. Near Barker's oriaget we schooners were cansized the Gold Leaf and . Millie B.. nearly drowning two men who were on the liold Lieaf. One man was blown a hundred feet : from his vessel, but strange go say was not much hurt: .. -.. Daager! If loo have a feellne of ODT.TOltsi.ila And nnonofl- pess a little above the diaphragm, and just below the right ribs, aggravated by lying on the right side, look out! as sure as fate, your liver is dis ordered. Perhaps not seriously as yet, but fatal htpatic ab8ceste8 are not uncommon . Hostetter's Stomach Bitters Is the precise rtmeay to regulate the liver, and prevont Its congestion and lnflam wation, and to d'scuss such minor indicia of its derangement as lellownesa or th .tin k.h the ee. furred tongue, sourness of the breath. naosta on rising m the morning, dizziness, sick headache and constipation. By relaxing toe bowels Dainleaslr. It odous k Ahnnnai nr vVii the superfluous bile, cheeks a temtency to conees on and engorgement of the liver, at the same tune giving a eentle lmnatim to ttu MAmiiuninHnn . ane affords relief to the stomach, which is usually Inactive, one of order and oppressed with wind when the bowels are oobUyw -tJse the Bitters also " out ague, meumhusm ana Kidney troub.es lflrs. -Je Person's Heme Is still the best Blood Purifier in the market iixv. n. sicsukm, waoiesale Druggist . THK TJ, . ASS&T OtTlOS AT CHABIjOTTE, N. C. 1 . CfiAKLorrc, N. C, May U 18. f O I ItTO proposals will be received for the ft i rv loslne sr lelea tn h fiirjii.hAvt tha rr a Office, Charlotte, . c:; "7 "7" v- "- 1st CUSS. , - 900 Batferrea round d crnclbjeg. Li black lead erticlhies. l'J lnhu hint, e Ineh mouth .--hum - . 14 blacfc lead crucibles, 9 Inches high, 5 Inch mouth. ii blaclt lead crucibles. 6 Inches high," S1A Inch mouth. (With same nnmhor nf mrru.jinrii, Mu ers.) : - -r ' 1 inch cupels. ' 48 clay crucible covers. nanr;iwi tn a nehes in diameter, ' -6 Bnnsen burners. 4h ri a tn-ii tnKa a. Inch bore, best quality - . . r 1 steel sledge hammer, 4 pound head, 12 Inch handle, chisel shaped back. ' 1 steel sledge hammer, 10 pound head, 24 Inch handle, chisel shaped back. sieei anvu hammer, 8 ounce head, 12 Ineh handle, chisel shaped back . ) . - rw 1 steel anvil hunmAr a mnM k . iq tn.i. handle, chisel shaped back. - - 12 stout iron wire triangles, assorted slaes, 1 Inch to allien side, . s - x teei ruober tubing, 4-10 Inch bore. ; r. "- . 2nd CLASS. . ; 19 pounds aaua ammonia In bottieB nt ahnnr s pounds each . .. - - - ' " , 20 pounds nttrla ael C 11q boltles of about 5 pounds eaeh, r - 1 carboy ultrlo add (lap pounds), tree from chlo rides, dee. -v .. , ,.. , '. , - . o pounds acetic acid. -' 800 pounds boraAt. best onajtti, ' ! rovnds blue-tone- nd phosphate soda, C P-. : i : - V pound oxalic acid C P. . : V pounds oxalate ammoala C P, j f :: -; " 6 pounds blsolphate potash C Pl - , 3rd CLASS, t tons anthracite coal, tons coke, - 4th CLASS. ' 10 cords hart wood. . . V 6 cords pine wood. - ' i " . - ' : 6th CLASS. t J , . 2,600 bushels charcoal, - - ; ' , : - A se Da rate bid is invited for uiiit ninu. tha hin der to contract for one or more at hU option. The proposals will he owned, oh the 16th day of June. ibb ana awaits made subject to approval of de partment Tbe articles to ba sunnllMl u mnn as convenient after contract is made. UfJaT. P. WARING, majlodltwiw . . . ;. Asaayer In Charge.. CARRIAGE 1ND BOGGY. REPOSITORY. ' A foil line of Carriages: Bnireles PhnAtnns (Tart Spring Wagons, etc., of the best makes and latest styles, on hand., . tWehlcles made to order and repaired. ' a. c Hmrcnisoif co., Charlotte, K. C., next to Wads "th8 stables. pr26aai)r - - 15 Is not complete until you have added that cbara , .. log resort . - - - THE ATLATIl- llOTEtj MOnElfJBlO C1TT, If. C , , Immediately on the Atlantic ocean and one of the most delightful SUMMEB bEOATS . - jN' AMERICA";'-; The table the best, and suDDlled with ever? deli cacy from the sea. SURP AND STIUi-WATFR BATH- v ING UN8UBPASSED. . - Trolling for Blue flan and Spanish Uackarel tbe finest in the world. A beautiful beach arid elegant orchestra, and every amusament to be found at a seaside resort. ' No seaside resort on the Atlantic coast has mo e natural advantages than Morehead City, and the new management are deteermlnted to make it SECOND TO NONE tS THE SOUTH, "' The seventh season eommencaa Jane 1st " -The Hotel and Cottages have a oapaolty for 750 gnmts. : - - v JTor terms and new lllnstrsted paraphlrt sddress COOKB 4 1'OSTEa BROTHERS, . m!iyS?isun4eci.f Proprintors. YOUR PR06A1 .'r : ; ' ' r: i '"'7- Absolutely Pure. i niHTnlMAP HAM MAB 1 . A S ?i"Siu n.a wnoiesomeness . More economical mm nitiXV, ,?uy.lnua' . ana cannot be sold in Com ne tit lOO With fhA miilHtnlo l . i . B 'alwm,Lpia28phate Powders. Sold only vv llvluoaul UV SPRINGS BUBWBLL. Jan20d4wly ; Charlotte, N. G VICTOR- the UUREli." Pre-eminent in everv hicrhfir in HANAN SHOE has bflrnm. .tha urAonnarl rianJurf : ; for fine wear &monz discnmmatin? frantlsman. ; Kor eaten A. E. BANKIN BBO - Charlotte, N. C. BURNH&Q'S WPROTRD : . ST4KD.4RD TURBINE Is the BEST constructed and finished Turbine in the world. Tested percentages, with part and full eate drawn, ennui to any other wheel. ' -New pamphlet sent free by NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN. Too are allowed afreeMaloftMrtvdayotth ose of Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltaic Belt wltb Electric Suppensory Appliances, for the spedr relief and permanent cure of Nervous Debility, loss f Vitality and Manhood, and all kindred troubles. Also, (armany other diseases. Complete restore. Uou to Health. Vigor and Manhood guaranteed. No rtak la Incurred. Illustrated pamphlet inteaied tnvciop mailed free, hy addressing . ; . VQLTA10 BELT CO., SLershall, Uleli. novl7deodw7m Always Rare and always sure1. Lodless- BPrtef Pills monthly) and Ladies' Dyspepsia. liir(prv- cent) by mail. BEOTJ DEDO CO., Oovtnstoil. K; mayl9deodiwiy : - i ' " and Whiskey Hab its cured at hum. uh, fl out pain. Book of n. ticalars sent FfiKF Atlanta. tT'iikif.l 65 WllllhaU8treeU moyl9deod&wly CUREDEAF WWf TATENT IMPROVED CUSHIONED EAR UMg mhkih mraroK th uiASna snd perform px wort, of iht atanl drain. Invisible. eomforUMe and sf tk position. All essTcnasion andven whisper heard AintBojs. Send furilluslmtef fcook wiih tertiinooiIi, FREE. AddresoallonF. HISCOX, 849 Brodwy, New Yotk, JJeatiou this paper. . i MACHINES A SPECIALTY. Slmp'est, Most tMirtble, Economical and Perfect In ose. Wastes no Grain;- Cleanses It Beady for Market. Threshing Engines and Horse Powers Saw Mills and Standard Implements Generally. Send for Illustrated catalogue, m , A. II. FAB QYTHA.1K. Pennsylvania Agricultural Works, York, .a, I CURE FITS! Wheo I bj core T, do not mean merely to stop then for a turt and then' hare them return ajrairul mean a Sadicalcure. I have made the disease ot FITS, EPI tEPSX or FALLING SICKNESS a life-long stody. I : Varrant my remedy to oure the worst cases. Beoanss Others hare failed Is no reason for not now receiving a Cure. Send at once tor a treatise and a Free Bottle ot my Infallible remedy. Give Express and Post Office. It oasts you nothing for a trial, and I will cure you. AddressDa. H. O, ROOT, 1S3 Pearl St., Hew York. PENNYROYAL PILLS "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH." ' The .Original and Only Genuine. Sure and alwayi Reliable, ' Beware of worthless IroitatUjaa. Indiapenaabls to LA D I ES . Ask your lrarola for MlilchesterB EukTIhIi1' and take no other, or hicioae 4e. (atamps) to as for particulars tn letter by return aaall NAME PAPE R .Ch lenester Chemleal Co., SS1S HadtKin Sauare,PbUadawPa. . . Bold Oy Vrnnrtata everywhere. : Aak tor-Chlcki ta everywhere. :Ak torChlches Fenny royal l'llla, lake up other. . scrs jcaarusn" JanlOddcwly FOR RENT. ACOMTOBTABLB i room cottaere, pantry and kltcben, wltnln a few hundred yards ot the Graded School, and six acres of land for rent to v gooa lenani. appiy to lania a. S .COCHRANE.Manager I am an old man. For 28 years I suffered with ulcers on my right leg as the result of typhoid fever.. Amputation was suggested as the onlv means of preserving life. The doctors could dO nothing lor me, and thought I must die. For S years I never had a shoe on. Swift's Specific has made aperma' ent cure and added ten years to my "w. , - . .... in a. c. xuusii, mm w.f tta. I have taken Ewirt's Specific for blood poison, contracted at a medical college at a dissection. while I whs a medical student. I am grateful to -say that it gave me a speedy and thorough cure after my parents bad spent hundreds ot dollars for treatment. .. . v Aoansrus Wxsbkl, M. D Newark, N. J. My wife from early girlhood has been suffering uulu iiiGuiiiaiisui. dud iuw u-ieu many remeoies, and I must frankly say has derived more benefit from Swift's Specific than from alt the others, after iviuj auu uuuii ui trial. : - - i . Bxv. Jakes L. Piergk, Oxford, Ga. Swift's Specific Is entirely vegetable. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. The Swut Spskcdtio Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta.Ga., ClRRf SEEDERS, FLY.FANS, r "seines, SEINE, TWINE ' " ', ' AND " " General Hardware Belting'. &c, At prices that will sell them. 4 Call and see" lis or sena us your oraers. ., BBOWN, : WEDDIN GTON & CO. maj29dlw . .. . nTo the; OPIUM THRESHING OF WITO0W MAIL, ORDERS HEALTH iAL a. c CT! i - . ,- -1- ' j , S3 ; MILES ..WEST ;.OF CHARLOTTE ON THE ATLANTA & : t- The above Resort was newly buitt last Season, ia beautifullv- located and'p.Want.1 v -nrw-- nislied :vHasr an open fireplace in eyery room. New : bath house and bath rooms. 'New Dancing Pavillion. The table supplied at all times with the best the market affords. .Terms Reasonable. For further-information address COZZENS & THOMAS - Apnll4dwel&siintmayl5&3twtausl5 ' ' All-Healing P. O., Gaston county N o.' - WE KINDLY ASK THE To read the SIPECML Aft HiCTIOIS Which vwill appear IM TBESE COLUMfS Of the next issue THIS PAPER. - Respectfully. SKI & CHARLOTTE, N. C. SOLICITED AND PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. AND PLEASURE 1 1 mm, ft' f RESORT. 1.0 ! ll 4 ',. rLINE. CHARLOTTE" AIR R. a

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