PRICE FIVE CENTS. vOTUME 'XXXIV.'- CHARLOTTE, N." C., TUESDAY, JUNE 8, 1886. b i i ninwn nan miin i 1 mi OUR DUELLING DENOUNCED. SALE DAY fcATEST CORRESPONDENCE I 1ST TIIE CODE. j . done Mrt R. Y. McAden hae been the expression of my purpose to ignore him, and to this : purpose 1Y shall henceforth scrupulously adhere. r-. 5. . . - Richmond PeAson, - STATE HEWS. ! - ; vmi tir xmmi of our iumomers IS A GRAND SUCCESS Lawns and Flouncings. WE OFFER TO-DAY t $140 Flouncings at 135 125 100 75 SUct 40 37 25" 15 8i and 1Q Laces -f. Teanon's latest to Mr. Me Aden. and. BIr, McAden's. "R- plies. , ...!. The Asheville papers of Saturday nrmtam the . following- corresDon We have iut received 100 pieces of Oriental dence: v- . v ;.. . . .. .v.;. .. 7,. " I : III I.I I H M III' III' J1 I1X1U All. I LW A .. OlIJ Aaen made a violent assault upon me without war-nipg, for words spok en by me in debate in the House of Representatives of North Carolina, and for which I deemed it my d,uty to hold him to a personal account. , On consultation 'with, friends, in whose hands I placed the care of my honor with the understanding that I would submit to whatever conclusion they reached, it was determined that I "should let the matter drop, and ignore the man and the assault.. ' ; - Since then he has assailed botk my honor and courage in the newspapers. This second attack provoked the fol lowing correspondence, which is pub lished alter lull notice ana wicnoui objection. It forms the necessary sequel of that which has already been forced upon the public notice without my consent: May 21st. 1886. R. , F. McAden, Esq Sib :' , - In an article recently published you make charges against my courage and my honor ;, coupling with said charges an intimation that you would either retract or make good your words on demand. . - I have now therefore to demand at your hand reparation or satisfaction. I beg you to communicate y pur an swer to Captain J. R. Hamilton, who awaits it at. Chester, S. C, and who is by me fully authorized to act in the premises.. , : Absence from the State has pre--vented earlier notice of' this matter. IamS'r V -. . - Your obedient servant, ' . . Richmond Pearson. , 'nmniumrai "KT f Moir W "I Ladles , Misses and Unilarr n7S Richmond Pearson, Esq-Qw.: Your note of May J5180 nas just oeen nana, ed me. - As I understand the note, it' is a demand for an appology for a re cent ;-: publication.) You should remember that you first published an article ina rratter in which I had no interest and was in no way connected with.- In this publication yoirre fleeted on my po&ition as a gentle- man . ' h ' In reply to this I published the ar tide you complained of. ' In the res ply,- in my own vindication, Ipub- ,. mr. m -i J Pl'Jff TT i-" lisnea a statement r.rom your mouu, Si I If bfttf 3.71(1 htm liiLS. I Dr: Grifm. contradicting your ar $120 1.05 - ' - " -' 95' - 85 c ' . 65 . . 36 - ' t -30 " - ' - A': , 27 18 11 ' . r 6 Ones'! housand Children's Fane v Bordered handkerchiefs at one cent each. after today we will sell them at two cents each until they are all sold. -Two-Thousand yards Cream Crinkle at five cents per -yard, not over twen- ty four yards sold to one persons: ' . : ' ' - . All of our Fine 12i Cent Ginghams and Seersuckers" at 81 cent per yard among tbem some that were jobbed in New York in the early part of the season at 15 cents. - " ,-'-' We wilt'have some Plumes for you later in the week, they have not yet arrived. Come one and all, - " SMITH BCILDIPH1. m for -IN- ERi First Moial :M Mft BLACK :-: The followiitg re duction in prices has been made on the goods offered below: .? 42lBCball wolnunj Tllltig'at lULTimiM " Battlste - 44 44 40 45e worth 60c 40c . f )c 1.6U 1.4U Beagftllne Moire Cashmere 1.10 1.W- We 1J0U. 100 110 Take advantage of these prices, erctods are -1 much value. J 1 ! - as tne offered below their T. L SEIGlE. SObth Tryon Street, - - . . - DX1LSBSIH Cbarlotte, W. C BUTTON, CONGRESS 1 U?I SHOES, .' . . ... ,. , f -i . JenU fine Hand-Made ana Mohtae Sewed ' - . ; ' " ' :u- " ' -. r - . ;-" - " - -"r. - BOOTS, BUTTON AND LACE BAlS, BOYS AIf TOtTTSltS' imB BOOTS AND SH0E3 OF AW GRADES " GENTS' FINE TRUNKS, - VAIJSiSanct ' GRIPSACKS, UMBRELLAS OF ALL KINDS,' - ' 8BOB BLACKING AND BRUSHES, Stock alwray8j Kept lull and up to the demand. ORDERS BY MAIL OB XXPRES3 PROMPTLY ATTSNDED TQ. Mma Polish for MeY Fine tull Pegfam 1 Co, 9 O ILCDCIPIK. (DHJIT ' . .. " - . :-V''; r ' , . -,r"l t. y- i-.f' : 'i- t t ' ' - - - '--$- . -..; . ., s - - , . - ,, .. . y ' '':.'' We expect a new arrival of - , .. . " ... FIGURED LAWNS , - . At 3 cents er yard, J" -. 1 . MONDAY QR .TUESDAY. Other attractions will bo offeredt ' ' . aoCCESSOBS TO ALEXANDKB HARRIS, THE 0. K. BAKERY ICE-CREAM SALOON' . Opened for tha season: Ice Cream and Water Ices furnished to familes and parties on short notice ' - ' Fresh" Bread, Cakes arid Pies Daily. ' Successor to Mayr & RoJ. "'- lot of Potted Meats.' Canned fralfc. Pickle SPARKLINQ 1 V CATAWB n CATAWB' CO,, Xt f Si nlUiFe. I . Thi. i.,tt Minhrnied watering place 19 od for the accommodation ql tb yob.w, -h. hJn niMd ad refurnisUed wlin new iur muniment promise tliB bMt attention lble- anu Uie table wUl be SopHiea wju tnattbe market flprda. .j , r tttit wmn AT.' PROPERTIES OF - THE WATERS UNRIVALED Vor DlMaies of Uie tlwr, Dysrpsla, Rheam". Kldrer andiBrlnarf Dliige, and Oene 1 bllttr and Nervoo Prostration, and .a Heanmei Location not to be found.-,, v BATITIIOUSESl tOMPLE I E Pool. Shower and Warm Sulphur, andTnri Hot Atr, Vapor and Medicated itauia, Turkish de- O first Class Wa- EfXlOTT, proprietor. - U "amusement usaallf kept at lerlng Places. . .l WADDRLL A WIRE! ' k; Kan&gars. maj30satnnyearllnt'. ' Hbuse3 Rented, Honses rented and rents collected, In the .. advertuedtree ol-eharee. CHABLOTTB RIAL E3TATX AfiXCY, B. X. COC2XAA.5. auBt, CLEVELAND SUNSRAL SPRINGS ire-no, d en tor the ropptlm of visitors f THESE SPU AreB4 miles west of Charlott, 3 miles from 8heK b N C. andonly lmile from Oarolirur Central tSi&n. wberea new depot has been erected and beaatUnUy ttulsned for ibf bpneat of . Visitors to the Spriop. Plentr of ke secured for the season. COLD AND HOT BAT US. Tt1 eeet Tror.t Central Hotel. I Janeldtf A good string band harbeen ewplqyed for the IIAASOB Tte table will be tumtohed with thewy Jst Huka miu be at the Springs.' Btatton oa the ar rival of every train. - . . Jf farther InformaUon addres and ' with the statement added. ftiitth remarks as I thought your con- djt deserved.) As I still think I did nothing more than the circumstances demanded, I respectfully decline to make an apology. . , " I send this through the same chan nel I received yours. . - ' Respectfully, " ' - . ' R. Y. MoAden. - May 25th, 1886. - R. Y. McAden, Esq.Sm: In my note of x tue 21st inst. I used the fol lowing words, to-wit: "I have now therefore to demand ' at vour hands reparation or satisfaction.!' In your reply of ? the 24th iilst. you decline to make reparation Due . avoia answer ing my alternative demand for satis faction, which I now repeat, in the sense in which that demand is under stood among- gentlemen. I. request no the favor of a categorical answer by the hands of : a gentleman, em-' powered v by you to act with my friend. Captain J. R.. Hamilton, who awaits such ". answer at: Nicholson'9: Hotel,-Chester, S. C. I am, sir, ; Your obedient servant, - " ; ' . Richmond Pbarson.T " CJharlottb; N. C, May 27 J Rihcmond Pearson, Esq.SiB.: Vours of the 25th received, iu which you complain that my reply to yours of gist was not responsive to your demand. In reply to this I hive; to say that, hacUI been so disposed, I might well have declined lo take any notice of your former , note since, you therein couple your demand for an apology with a manifest tbyeat This I waived and r- declined you? demand, fop reparation, which J construed to be a demand for an apology. The demand which, you now makQ for satisfaction I construed to be ah invis tation' to fight-a duel with you under the Code. This l unnesnannRiy ue cline.. I owe you neither reparation nor satinafct.on in the sense m which you:; d?mahd Us You f have twice gratuitously wronged me by attemptr ing to injure my reputation as a gens tleman. Once m the House of Rep resentatives of I North Carolina in a controversy with Lieutenant (Jover nor Robinson, and again in your re--cent controversy with Greneral Jones. The first I resented In a manner which I thought the circumstances justified. Long after I had reason to hfiliPive that our first affair had passed out of inind, you again wantonly as aaiA me in a communication' thro the public press and in a controversy in which lhad no manner of concern. To this I replied in a manner which I thought, and, still ttynk be$tted ifly character as a gentleoian. , - : . I feel'itris not necessary for; me :to pretend to fight a duel . to establish my character either for honor, or courage. No one knows better than that, durlincr is universally discountenanped aid is no longer recognized among gentleman. It t itan'A'At, hn f.oura'reous or honorable to demand that to be done which the laws of all civilizd countries pro nounce ai felony ; it cannot be wants ing in courage or dishonorable to des cline to do that which the law forbids under Us severest penalty. .may add conclusion $hat the practice to -which yoa invite me ig one which by - the cqmmon understanding f of mankind is most often regorted to by those who are wanting in, the lelem nf manliness and true courage. Why challenge me a fight a. duel , to rieLt vour wrongs when you are not mv InfAHnr nhvsicallVf rfot recognising any primpio ui suo Code, -I will not eyeh send this by a friendi'but through the channel I je- ceived yours. ' ; Respectfully, :r; : n. l.uuouiui. - . The world v hag. .very , generally agreed that dueling is a deploraMe Trftf.t.ioe: but the Kenius of our mod en civilization, while it pronounces upon this practice its unqualified, condemnation in candor wilLateo de Clare that the dei ig more honorable and rnore fair than the street fight with conceded, but equally " deadtjr weaponsin the use of which the mean advantage- of the first, shot or ol a blow without warning settles noth ing butthe brutality . of the assail, ftnti.''- t-"" ,. - 'r '---'-' ' -vn- The only w rong which Xhaye ever is Wilmington Star: Great interest is felt in the matter- of - the. Onslow railroad, project. Petitions in circus lation asking that the question . of subscription by the city be submitted to a vote of the people have been Bigned by a great many citizens.! .The matter will be presented to the board of aldermen Monday night. . : j J Shelby Aurora : A Rutherford cor- respondent writes us that Mr. James Toms, of that place, and Miss i Lou Carpenter, : . daughter of J. H.I Car penter, Esq.. were married Tuesday, Rev, C. B. Justice - officiating. ! The wedding was a complete surprise even to the friends of the contracting parties Julia Blanton, - colored, . wife of Dock Blanton, who lives on B. Blan ton's place, became tired of life's troubles,iand committed suicide by leaping "from a second story win dow on Sunday noon. She had been insane for several days previous to her suicide; -. - j - . - Asheville - Citizen : We regret to learn that Mrs. J. K. Connally is se riously ill at her mother's residence in Richmond. CoJ. Connally left for Richmond Wednesday. .Mrs. C- has never recovered irom, me severe shock she experienced while recently crossing the ocean. - We learn of great destruction of tobacco plants in Madison bv the bugs. : Maj, Rollins i savs he has had one4-acre lot plant ed four times, and he does not . think there are now one hundred i plants living on that lot; and -the same ex perience is reported! by all his neigh bors." The damage has been so great that the farmers' have concluded to at.fl.rvA r.ham mir. hv nlantirjer no more plants. - The loss this year threatens to be. heavy. - ; ., ; -r-.. Durhim Recorder:" We stated a i few days ago .that Mr. Wmj Law rence, who resides near Gath, in Or ange county, was found dead! Satur day night, and that two parties are suspicioned -.-of. having . murdered him. : That, quiet -, community ;ince then has been, aroused as never be fore. ; Suspicion rested on Lawrence's wifoand a voung white man! named Crawford.'; The physicians sayjhere i is every indication of poisoningi The parties have been "arrested -and? have been on trial before the coroner' jury since Monday. We have not ;iearned whether the case has been concluded or not The excitement .has been in tense since the parties were arrested. Mrs. Lawrence is about forty years old and Crawford twenty-two, Craw ford was in Durham last week and spoke of buying some medicine for Lawrence, . I; mm I,- - ftjtOYAL HWJ11 "a J :.., ; At I THE 1 -IN- MnIlDuimrf,y Absolutely Pure; This powder never varies A' marvel of purity, strength and wholesomeness.- More eoonomlcal than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders.. Sold only n cans. Wholesale by - SPHmeS A BUB WELL. JanaOdAwly - Charlotte. N. C. : 10 Cent, At this uniform price our entire stock of untrimmed Straw Hats.;, S FORMERLY SOLD AT 40 cents and 50 cents AVI COST, Our entire stock of . t: 30 Cente. : At this uniform price our entire stock of untrimmed Straw Hats. FORMERLY SOLD AT the 200 BUNOHES CHILDRENS' THATS. 1 65 cents and 75 cents 150 BUNCHES -AT, 42 Cents Worth 75 . Cents Per bunch of 3 tips. -AT- 98 Cents Worth 1.75 : ? Per bunch of 3 tips. , .. ' To the VICTOR LAUREN" ' Pre-emirtnt in vry higher quilttj, U HANAN SHOE hu become the recognized standud iot fine weu among discriminating gentlemen.. For sale by A. E. BANK IN KBOJ, . Charlotte, N. C. Plames At One. -lalf Their Actnal , falne. , IT News and Observer : Yesterday Mr. A.- L. Woodall, a workman at the planing mills ot Mft T. H.i Briggs, was hurt and died in an hourj,; While wnrkine at a saw. a plank caught in A pulieyJMid an end of .tb0 plank struck Mr. -Woodall on the abdomen:. Two physicians were promptly sum moned to attend him, Mr. Woodall was a valued employee and j a good citizen The, first passenger train on the PittsbOro railroad was run yes terday nearly as far as Gum Spring, a distanoe of "nearly four miles from Moncure. It carried a portion of the excursion party of the First j Baptist Sunday school of Raleigh which was picnicking at; Haywood. The grad ing IOrce ol convicts la now a uiuo from Pittsboro. - The Record says many people go out daily to see Che orfe. Among tne convicts ib b.cui: ored preacher who preaches regu larly every Sunday to his lellow ' "Wilmington Review : Messrs. John j. Fowler and .Gilbert H. Greene, under the firm name of ; Fowler & Greene, are moving machinery into the building at the foot of Ann street for the manufacture of buckets,pails, kegs and wooden shuttle blocks. The engine, boiler, and a portion of - the machinery have already 4seen placed in nosition. and: the remainder will be setup during tb,e next week, and operations will be oommenced imme diately afterward, One oft the curw ous labor saving maenmes aireauy ux position is a cyliffdrical fiaw for saws ing and ' giving the proper curve to staves: , This is so arranged that 5000 Staves can be sawed in ten hours and .ot any required thickness. Another saw for tapering . and beveling the edge of the staves. will make 4720 revolutions per minute. 'The mate rial usedJor staves will bei, mainly cedar, but the shuttle blocks will be made of dogwood and persimmon, t PresiAeut's BUMH&U'S IMPROVE 1 s STANDARD TURBINE To the BEST constructed and a finished Turbtne in the world. ' -: t ieatea peroenumeo, wuu iu and full irate drawn, eatial to any other wheel. "New pamphlet sent free by BURNHARI BRl)8 ,YOKM. PA. NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN. Ton are allowed a free trial ef thirty day of the use of -Dr. Dve's Celebrated Voltaic Belt wltn Electric Sngpensory Appliances, for the speedy, relief and permanent cure of Aeroou Debility, lot of Vitality and Manhood, and all kindred troubles. Also for many other diseases. .Complete restora tlott to Healtht Vigor and Manhood xnaranteed. So risk to Incurred,- Illustrated pamphlet IneaUeA miwtope mailed free, by addressiiiK . . : T'YOLTAIO BELT CO., Marahau, Mich. I .:. .-.v. .... ; . !... . .... . , j novl7dendftw7m ' i - . - -i illll - , r At proportionately low prices. DOWN WITH PKIGES! ! Whilst goods are still in demand. - , - MOTE" tWm EEMCTIOSiS i s Always 8afe and.always sure. Vicente) by .mail. -majl9deod4wly -pillaMmWw)anii T-nfiies'lryspepsia Pillscprire Iiadles Belief na ruispnre Covisctoa. Ky ana WhUker n Kb it a cured at home with out pain. Book of par tieulnrs sent JFI1EE. B. M. WeOLLEY.M. D. Whitehall Street. now ;Hosl8ry. ' formerly. 11 cts. - j A pair for Boys Ribbed Hose. 15c 19 cts. A nair for Misses Colored Hose. .1 35c to 50c 19 cts. j A pair fo"r Ladies Balbriggan Hose j , , : . 25c 45 cts. j A pair for Ladies Black Lisle Hose " f . 65c 57 cts.- j A pair -for Ladies Col. Lisle Hose : ' , 7 75o NOW 38 cts. 38 cts. 38 cts. 28 cts. 10 cts. Dress Goods. , formerly. Pr- yd for all wool 40 in Canvass Cloth Pr yd for all wool 36 in Nun's Veiling Pr yd for all wool 36 in De Beiges Pr yd for every yard of Fronch Satteen Pr yd for Domestic Satteens, 31 in wide 60 cts 60 cts 60 cts 45 cts. 15 cts mayl9deod$wly CUREthreDEAF DECK'S PATENT IMPROVED CUSHIONED EAR DRUMS rokilt unou thk ami perlonn mo wor v in Uxnl dram. Iaiibi, comorujble mad tlnyt in pulttoo. All cunwatiop and mwUipen heard distinctly gend fori tint trtt book with tastinwntali, FREE. AddFMOtcaHoa F. HISCOX, 849 Broaiwmy, SatrYork. hlwtUoa thU paper.- - , AH Parasols at Strictly Cost Price. A. ' i Reductions in White , Goods, ilUlUJOUin in Mir win fs L I y V I " y .rmK-rrna -OTTO V A T?T II PDtrIBIrlW lit I TM KBK T AK J III X lan j. iJJ-ioy . OI I.UIH-.I i I ... ; For 40 in. India Linen. V For 22 in white Strp. mousselaine 11 CENTS PER YARD S3 in. white plaid Mousselaine - Slmp'est, MogtDnrWe.Keonomloal and Perfect lnuae. Wastes bo Gr&ln; Cleanses it Eeadj tor Market ; ' - - - : TtrftsJiing Jngines and Horse Powers Saw Mills and Standard Implements 6enerallr . Send lor Illustrated oataloguo.. - , . -1 j ; Ju B. TARQCHAB, ; An Appeal. , in the. Behalf. Boston Herald. J, : 7 Tt : fJnnerrPHS stbn ' sending 3 the President bills for the present. It would be most ungenerous to test hist capacity to say 44no" On his Jweddiog week4 Let the officeeekers gp, to work, " go afishing, go anywhere, rather than to the "Vhite House. Let the Canadians illustrate international courtesy, and show-that the! warmth" of love is honored even in their cold clime, by permitting : xaneea ssipt pers to buy bait m ineir. parts, untu the President gets down from Ely sium to his desk again. It would be most unkind to trouble him now about a : cold-blooded" " and; prosaic thing like fish. Let the Democratic papers cease - nagging the .President for hot giving offices to the faithful as rapidly as. they think he ought to do. Tne spoils wHl keep. Ogor Cupid's nnd Hvmen's sakes. let the clamOrers forget " the partisan- and toast -., the pridegroom.i . Even the . Mugwump can afford to forego for a fortnight his unalienable risrht to find faults Accopdingt ' to all accounts,. ; there is positively no fault to be. found with the bride. She is a lovely tnd per fect tjpe of ho flower ol womanhood n American girl. t " . If too have a feeling ot oppression and uneasl neVa Uttie above the diaphragm, and Jiist below fie right ribs, aggravated bj iylng on- the. right aide, look out! as sure as fate, your Uver Is dlSK orderS. Perhaps not seriously as ret, twtfatal heratie abscesses are not nncommorr. HQstetter s Stomach Bitters Is the precise remedy 40 regulate the Uver. and prevont Its congestlott ndolnflaf matlon, and to d'seuss such- minor Indicia of its derangement as ellowDess,ot tha sWn andball ot toeeje" lurredT tongua, sourness of toej&reath. T.T Vn'Snaflhn. Bv- letexln stue Kwais MwfSiivTiT opSus Tchannol of exit, fwl the superfluous bile. checM a wnaencrwj centre fton and engorgement ofthe llvertb same Urae giving a gentle impetus to Its secretive action, wm affords relief to the stomach, which ta suaUy Inactive, out of order aod oppressed with wind wnethe oowels areoosUve:- TJse the Btttera also and ague, iheaiMt.arlUdney troub as tt tm csnnn's Liver Bills for SaHow ; Complex j ton. Pimples on tha Face and BlllonsnesB. Jiever SdntsrlMav Oalvpnelora doaej . SaaEes Pennsylvania Agricultural Works, York, Pa. mayadanvim ' ' ---i- I CURE FI11S I Wheulsay cnreldonot mesjimereU tostop thB .. for a tiiae nd then have them return aajnOmean radical core. 1 have made the (ttoeaoe ot FITS, KPJ. or FALLING SICKNESS a life-long stody. I warrant my remedy tooare le worst oa6e. Beoaoaa ether have failed fcno reason for notnowMceivtog a 'cure. Send at onoe for a treatise and a Free Bottle ol my infaiuhle remedy. Give Express and Post Offloa. . It aastsroa nothing for a trial, and 1 will cure yon. "dtoQ.RO0FerlSt..ir8wYorfc PEHNYROYAt PILLS; 'CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH." ' Tho Orljrtnal and -Only Ctenulme, j , Safc and always BeliaMe; Beware of worthless jiitatteni. . i IntopeMabte to LADIES..- Aak yoM ftriiglat tat , . "Cfcteheater'a kmkivm" wan ao maw, or luoiose m. - JanlOd&wly Beductlons - in all Be THESE PRICES FOR A LTMITED TIMfi ONLY. WITTKOWSKY k mm. CHARLOTE, N; C. (tumps) to na for partieulnn n 1ht by return auulw AtJc toz GlitckM no ouier.- 5 - MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED AND PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. 4 ' jjjaajaaBljjaajBMSMaMaaaWaaa FOR RET, ' HEALTH ijfli FliEASlTBK ' RESORT. I - XD1ttT0BTABt, room cottage, pantry and i. KttcheA, within a lew hundred yards of the (fraded school, and sl acres of land for rent to v good tenant Apply to j I am an old man. For 28. years I suffered with ulcers on my right leg as tUe resttft of typhoid 'favar Am nutation was suseested as the only nf TtrAHarvtne li fn: The doctors could do nothing lor-me, and thought I must dte. If or 3 sears I never had a shoe "on. Swift's Bpet'lfio has made a permanent cure and added ten years to my Ule. - - - Ww. R. ItKJtO, Hall Ca, faa. - I have taken Swift's Speclflc for blood poison, Mtnrrantcvi at medical coilese at a dissection. while I was a medical stndeut, I am grateful to any that It gave me a speedy and thorough cure after mj parents had spent hundreds of dollars for treatment. - -- . - , - Arjatwrca WEEPS!., m. l ewaxn,i.i. Mv wife from arly girlhood has been suffering from rheumatism. - She has tried many lemedie. and I mustfrankly say has derived more benefit from Swift's SpedSe than from all the oikera, after long and taitnrui tnai . . .-. 'BaT.JAjf&Tri.' Fines, Oxford, Ga.: Bwift'a Speelfle is entirely "egetaWe. Treatise on tainnri and slrln ntwiuni mAlled free. - - - Thk swtff Spbciwo Co., Drawer 3, AUanta,Ga., or 159 w.awat.t. x. . FOR SALE. ! 99x150, adjoining the prp- oif Trade street. Shade ree n. the lot. . . j-- i--r-' -:i--J."- "-- ' - ' - " ' ' - ' 1 v&&mr L - - - ; - r -- j ; ' TTnlmnTmrnrl kit OO party of J. H. Emory, t- P. Irwin and other, S3 MILES WEST OF CHAItXOTTE ON THE ATLANTA " CHARLOTTE AIR LINE ' R. R, fron! Price Charlotte martSdtf Heal Estate Agemcy,' . !-.- . - ' , B. X. OOCHBAKXt Manager - - feeatL. - Hn. Joe -JPew ., Bemejlf - to gantteoWBtoodPuTlffeT on the market, -f ' The above Eesort wa; newly .biiilt Vast Season, ia beautilMly located and elegantly ; fur nished . Has an open fireplace in every room; -' New r bath house and bath rooms. Iew Dancing Pavillion. The table supplied at au times wiin "SrtVa 1" Ueasonlble- For-further information adoress COZZENS &:THOMAi3 . ApriU4dwed&mintmayi53CJliwiaugi& . ... t ti t n - - - ' - - 3 All-Healing P. p., Gaston t?oimty, N. ,0. 1 44 V y t. ? I! i V 1)1 I 1 " li 4 , I

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