Jhe Grape Cure, bAL-MDSCATELLE A NATURAL Si-k llendttche anil I)"lrptila Cure ' IN AMERICA. The crysta llzed salts, p.8 extracted troni grapes and fruits h most wonderful product from nature's labratory. nve It Id your homes and travels a s pet- fle for the fagged weary or worn out It cures si. k hepdach', dyspepsia, stomach: ana bevm complaints; removes biliousness, stlmu'ates" the llv i to a healthy action, counteracts the effects of Impure water and the excessive use of alcoholic beverage and prevents the absorption ol malaria -gup. lies to the system the want of sound, rim trull. Prepared by the - . LONDON SAL-TJ8CATELLECO. -' LONDON. XNOLAKS. . ". - Bt-'vare of Imitations. The genuine In "bine wipers only.' ' tar Send for circulars to ft. EV4NOVTTCH. General American Manager, P. O. Box 1968, New lorkClty. A bents.-R H. Jordan Co., L. R Wrlttton. Druggists, C harlotte, N . C. . Ja.3ldwly Mention this paper.' ilew &dtrerttsmetits, " 1;AIR NOTICE CttAKbOITB. N, C, June 7th,S8t,; A f A MEETING OK THE 1XECUT1VE COM- I i mlitreoitne froQiDiiionciub, the following resolution was Introduced- and unanimously Udouted: - Rolved. That we give the liquor. Interest and whl- key par y notice now that we intend to renew ihls battle n the nrst Monday in next June, and that they may put their uouses la order, so tbsj can have no conAplut about being closed without notlcw, , - Published by order of the Executive Committee. , - VC W, ALEXIN OBB. un8dtt . , . ' - Chairman,, !J.- - of Paid In CASH OR TRADE, AT- BOOK AND STATIONERY ; STORE,. No. 17 &Tryon Street, 11 WATER PROOF -PalST, Any Size Package; -FROM A- PITT TO A BAHKEL ALL. COLORS. foj sa0 at C. P. Wheeler's PAINT AND OIL HOTJSB. JuneBdy CITY TAX RETURNS TAKR WOTIciB. - NOTICE IS HEBBBT G1VBN TO JLL PEB sons .esw ng in the City ot Charlotte, or who City on the drat of June, lb86, or who a liable to poll tax, to return to roe. ou or b.-lore the tost AW of June, a list of their taxtble property and poilsl In said City, on said 1st of June. 1886 Pursuant to See. 30, amewled Charter ot Cl FkED N4SH. Treasurer; Returns taken from 1st to 80th of June at office In City Hall irom 9 o clock, a. m, to 3 p. m. . may29 - " " ltlra. Joe Person's Hfcnidy y Is still the best Blood Partner on the market. JisO. H. McADKN, Wholesale Irugglts. Land jf the. Sky. FOR RENT. . rraa WT.Y. RTT1T.T HOUSE9s .ITB FIBS 1 nlaoes. brtuitlfully situated, tauitabie 101 boarding booses, or Mge famines. Bent reason able. Apply to T. BAXTKB WUITK. - juneltuesAfrf ' Highlands, N. C. . SPECIAL WOTIGE. CC I'desirable balldln lot fronting W 'feet 00 on Trade street, and running through to Fourth street, oetween the property of CoL H. Jones an 1 Dr. CDonoghue, known a the Or. J. " llri. Joe Person' Ilemedy .It still tbrr 1 r " t -; 100101, wil. IMS' man & Philportt's tttt ttatJutte Obrvrc. TUESDAY, JUNE 8, 1886.; THB CI1T Airival and Departure of Trains. v Correct for the current month. .' - Richmond and Danville aib-Lihx. No. BO Arrives Mt Charlotte front RMmiuul at. "i.W a. m. Leaves for Atlanta at 3:00 a. m. No .61 Arrives at Charlotte from Atlanta at 45 a. m. .Leaver for Richmond at 4:15 a. m. " No. Ki Arrive at nharlnttA fmm ninhmimri at la.fljp.m. jjeaves ror Atlanta at 1 p. m. ft o. 63 Arrives at Charlotte from Atlanta at 6 J5 p. m. Leaves for Richmond at 6:40 p. m. Loc Freight and Passenger Train leaves for muh atoau a. m.; arrives rjrom Atlanta at eisu Cil tBLOTTX, COLUMBIA AMD AUOCSTA. ' Arrives from Columbia at 6:15 p. m." " . Leaves foi Columbia at 1 p. m. : - C., C. 4 A. A., T. AO. DmsiOB. - -i Arrives from Statesville at U -Sb a. m. " . Leaves for Statesville at 6:40 p. m. Cabolin a Central. Arrive from Wilmington at 7 JO a. m.; Leave for Wilmington at 8.16 p. m. Arrive from Laurlnburg at 4.40 p. Ilk; Leave for Lanrlnburg at 7.30 a. m. . Leave for Shelby at 8.16 p. m.; arrive from Shelby at 6.40 p.m. Kails. General Delivery opens at 8 .00 a. m-; doses at 7:00p.m. ' - . . . Money Order Department opens at 8.00 a. m.; Hoses at 4 aDC p. m. - -.. -, sv . Weather Indication." - ,- "For , Maryland, Virginia, 'North Carolina; South Carolina, Georgia, East Florida, .West Florida, Ten nessee. Alabama and .MiesiasiDDi. local rains, "stationary temperature, rvariaoie winds. Index to New Advertisements. Wlttkowsky & Barncb. A harvest for the ladles Hargraves Aixander Special sale day. T. L Selgle A big offer . .-. ' ; C. W, Alexander Fair notice .' CS" Settlements for debts dun Tun okhkrvkh or myself by Col C W. Alexander, or Mr. H. A. Deal, wUl be recognised at th's office. . . CHAS. R. JONBS, . " , Editor and Proprtetor. LOCAL RIPPLES. -r-Tbe ; rainfall since Sunday has been heavy, amounting in all to 4. inches. Wittkowsky & Baruch's large es tablisbment will Bhortly be lighted by . "electricitv. ."j. i--On account of the election ex citement, there was no meeting of -the board of aldermen yesterday.. Mr. R Ii. Goodman, proprietor of the ..Poison Springs. of Iredell county , has completed the equipment of his hotel, and is now prepared to take boarders. '.aj- meeting of the prohibition ex ecutive committee was held lst night, andr aawill be 'seen by a no tice given elsewhere, they will pick their flints and try again. . 1 - f The gauge of the North Carolina division of the Richmond & Danville road is to be changed today between Company Shops and Goldsboro, and and then the great task will be fully cpmpleted. " A hop is to be -given by the Junior Pleasure Club this evening at 8 p. m. to which the friends of the club are invited. Gentlemen - can purchase tickets from Mr. A. D. : Os borne. . .. f " . "--The Richmond &! Danville rail road Will sell round trip tickets for Trinity commencement at 5 cents per mile. The tickets will be on sale on the 8th, 9th and TlOth. and will b good until the 12th. 3 - ' ; ; The closing exeroisea of the Pine- ville HiV School will be held on the nights oTie 17th arid 18th insts. Mr. W. P. Bynum, Jr., of this citv, will deliver an address before the school on the evening of the 18th. , A speoial request 'lias been made for a repetition of the Macon School entertainment, and Capt. Barrier and his boys will doubtless be oompelled to succumb to the pressure, and an nounce the date for a second enter tainment. - . ' ; Governor Colquitt, of .Georgia, was booked for a prohibition lecture in Concord on Sunday afternoon, but the wreck on the Air Line threw him nff his base." He got into Charlotte yesterday morning and stopped him at the Central. : - v ' v - A couple of colored individuals were yesterday arrested and bound over to court for a violation of the law which provides that there shall be no selling or giving away of whis key on election day. Chey had been treating " eachf other, " Federal Court' meets in Charlotte next Monday.1' It is yet uncertaia about a provision of money to pay jurors and the five men who . were put in jail here last February on charge of counterfeiting may yet have to lie in jail until the December term of this court before a-trial is reached.. 'J I, Veterans' -Reunion. a reunion of the old veterans of tfompahyl. 'Southern Stars," First RAo-i m An t North Carolina - V oum- -TT"0 " - teers, will be held in I4ncolnton on Thursday, the lOt inst This is to celebrate the ?5th anniyernary of tnis qompany, which participated ift.the battle of Bethel, twenty-five : years ago. There ftre about twenty five survivors of this company. A dinner will he given ,th.e survivors at the wncointon ttoiei. j.ue wu colnton cornet.' band will : be in ats tendance. - A Passenger Train Deratlod. - : Tne southern bouQa.. : passenger train, No. S2t on the Air' Line road, which left Charlotte for Atlanta last Sunday afternoon,' was thrown from the track, near Gaffney's. The'accis dent was caused by o rail turning under the baggage car. f All the cars left the track and turned S over on their sides, resting against an em bankment. - There were a number of passengers on b,oard and all of them Were pretty badly snaicen up, but no one was injured beyond a few slight bruises; A young lady received a cut on tier sbalp, and a male passen ger was hurt m his side. It was at first thought that one of his ribs was broken, but this did not prove to be true. The baggage master was sorely bruised, but beyond these cases, 8 one was injured, Tbeaacident caus ed a bad blockade wb,ich was not cleared beEore yesterday morning. It is not thought -that the change of gauge was in 'any way the cause of tho accident, as even the best epiked CHAELOTTE GOES WET; I ESTER DAI'S E LECTIO H TI11S CITY. . IN The Prohibltlouists Defeated by a Large majority Incidents of the v Pay Eleellons in Other Towns-TheWet and. Iry-Col ' umns, , . ., The contest over prohibition; which has been waged in this city for th past few weeks, culminated jester day in ; a heary defeat for, the prohi bitionists at the ballot - box. : . The voting began early, ancjl there was great animation on both sides through out the day. It was seen early in the day that the election was going in favor of license, the - only question being as to the size of the -majority, yet the prohibitionists never once re laxed their efforts, but worked ener getically until late in the evening, when the, victory was conceded to the anti-probibitionists. t The entire vote cast was 1,607. vOf this number -1,018 were cast for license, .and 589 " for 'prohibition. making a majority of 429 for license. The vote of -the city by wards was as" follows: Prohibition. - 213 -88 133 155- License. 268 275 333 . 142 Wardl. Ward 2. Ward 3. Ward 4: Total. 589 1.018 Majority for license.....'.. - 429 The only ward ip the city carried by the prohibitionists was Ward -4, and the majority in that ward was only 13. According to the report of the -registrars, the total registration of the city for this prohibition elec tion was 1,932, and from his ap pears thaK525 voters who , registered failed to vote.' . .- ' 1' , A great deal of interest was mani fested in the progress of the election, but the best of order prevailed, and not a drunken man was seen on - the streets. The day opened with- dark clouds overhead, and at intervals the rain came down in copious showers, .driving - the crowds to places of sneioer. o.ne polling places were thronged all day long, and. bet ween showers a procession of . children paraded the streets, carrying flowers and bearing alott banners inscribed with mottoes. The colored, popula tion, turned out in lull force, and voted almost solidly ' for license. Their badge was a red, white and blue ribbon, upon which was printed : Freedom and Liberty.'' The result of the election was hailed with great delight by the colored voters,; who paraded the streets with bottles, jugs and kegs held aloft, and waving flags. The cornet band appeared on the square in the band wagon and dis coursed music, after which the crowdSgdfcpersed, and by.ten o'clock the streets were deserted. All throughout the day prayer meeting services were held in the Tryon street Methodist church; and were largely attended by ladies; The pastor, at one of these services, ad monished all, in case of defeat,, not to be discouraged, but to renew their rnergy to fight the battle again next June. - 1 Elections Elsewhere. . : CONCORD GOES DBY. : ' Concord, N. C , June 7. The elec tion in this place resulted in favor of the prohibitionists by -25-majority. No. 11 township, which adjoins Con cord : township went "dry" by 28 majority. The . electioa . passed off auietlv. and - there were -no -.distur- bances. - ASHEVHjLEWET. - .. Asheville, N. CiJune 7. The election here resulted in the defeat of nrobibition by 114 votes. Great ex citement but good order prevailed. . . THE NEWS FROM STATESVILLE. Statesville. N. C, June 7. The vote in Staleaville today resulted: 456 for license and 173 for prohibi tion.' WINSTON AND SALEM BOTH DRY. Special to Thx Obsbrvbb. . Winston, N. C, June 7. The elec tion nere today passed off quietly. The majority for prohibition in the township is: Winston 69, Salem 28, a total majority for prohibition of 97. RALEIGH DRY OTHER FROM. TOWNS HE IRD Special to Thi Obssrvfb. REiqa, N. O., June 7. Local op tion. elections, were held. today at many points in the State.. Thore was much excitement, but - the elections passed off quiejtly, - The. prohibition ista carried ' the day at Baleigh b r sixty majjority, and they also caryied at the following places Oxfords Einston, Henderson, 'Warrenton, Loutburg, Winston, Salem, Apex, Beaufort township and Seaboard. ' The antUbrohibitioniats carried elections at Durham Franklintori, Beidsville. Holly Springs, Morehead Oity,: Asheville, Qoldsboro and Little ton. The election -was upon theques tion of license or no license for the sale-of spirituous - liquors, and goes into effect at once where prohibition was carried. . - - - BECAPITTJIiATION. So far as heard; from,the result o the election in the vurious towns yes terday, : may be samffied uo as fp- ;ow Dry Column. Raleigh, Winston, . '. Salem, - Concord. Oxford, , Kinston, ' Henderson, Warrenton,. Vet Column. Charlotte, 1 Asheville, , Statesville, i - Goldsboro, ja . Durham, -Franklinton, -v-Beidsville, ' Holly Springs,' Morehead Citv. Louisburg, -Apex, - , Beaufort,: j LittJetQn, The Weaker 8."-rv -Are Immensely strengthened by the use of Dr. R. T. Pierce's "Favorite- Prescription." which cures all female derangements, 'and gives tone to the system. Sold by drngglRts: . 5 : - nira. Jee Persoa'i Rem Is still tb" b t P,n"1 F -'er in tie nwket. COrUTI MATTERS. Election of a Board of County Commissioners and a Superin tendent of , Public Instruction- Taxes . Ierted A Reduction t of the Taxes from I.ast Tear. J The board of magistrates for Meck lenburg county met at the court house yesterday, according to notice. and there was a good attendance, the roll call showing. 54 members of the board present. Capt. R. P;rWaring was called to the chair. The election of a board of . county commissioners being in order, a large numbar of names were offered, for election. The first ballot resulted in the election! of three out of the old board. - Those elected'on first ballot were: ' Thomas Grier, 29 votes ; T. L. Vail, 28 votes ; S H, Hilton. 29 votes ; J. R. Morris, 29 votes. - All of these were members of the old board except Mr. Grier. A second ballot was bad for the election of the fifth- and remaining membsr of the board, but with no result - After several iallotings, ?Mr. H. K Raid was declared .elected, having received 32 votes. " The new board will ibe composed of T. L. Vail, Thomas Grier, S. H. Hilton, J. R. Morris and H..E. Reid. . f . The election of commissioners be- ing concluded, the bord of magis trates adjourned to meet in joint ses ¬ sion with the board of county com missioners for the election of a coun ty superintendent of public instruc tion. Mr. i W. W. Robinson, the present incumbent, was re-elected.. The tax levy was then made as follows: - State and general special pur poses, on every $100 worth of . property.... 25c State taxes for public schools, on I every $100 worth ot property. 12 Taxes for general county pur poses, on every $100 worth of property 15 Taxes for special county pur ; poses on every $100 worth of property -. , . . . . ; . .'. : i . . 28 State poll tax, for education and for the beneht of the poor. , State poll tax, for school pur POS63.. .... ... . ,37 County poll tax, for education and for beneht of the poor.. . , !50 Road tax...:...- ,07 And upon all other subjects' liable to taxation, the same tax as levied by the State, except under section 34 of the revenue law, -which shall i be only one-half. 1 1 The value of all property in the county liable to taxation is $7,891,- 635. The above schedule shows a ides crease in the taxes this year of eight cents on the $100 worth of property, five cents being cut. off f romthe tax for general county rJurposes, !and three cents -from the road tax, and this in addition to the half tax levied under section 34 of the revenue law. THE LEXHGTOJr AFFAIR. Lynching of the Guilty Man-'IIe Makes a Full Confession . and the Lynchers Io Their Work Speedily. -;- . j Alfred Long, one of the negroes im plicated in thefourder of A. J. Mc- Bride and wife, near Lexington,! the details of which were given in Sun day's Observer, has been lynched by the indignant citizen? of the com munity in which- the outrage was committed. He was lynched at 3 o'clock last Sunday -morning at a spot about - five miles ' from : Lexing ton. It appears that after Lobg s incarceration, additional tacts were brought out serving to establish! his guilt beyond a doubt. . iiong's wife first made a confession implicating him, and a crowd at once collected and made a raid on the jail. Xiong was secured, and Womack", his brother-in-law, who had also been arrested- anl imprisoned onr the charge of murder, - was released. Lwg made a full and complete con fession, telling how , he had slain y;' the : two . persons while they were quietly eating their supper. After killing Mr. and iMr& McBride, Long's first thought was to secure the $300 which they were said to have in their possession, and he soon found the money. He thenet fire to the house and hastened away to his own home. : The bodies of Mr. and Mrs. McBride, and everything in the house were burned. Long was arrested early last Saturday morning. The prisoner repeated his confes sion while the lynching party were moving of! with him, and stated at the last: lI am guiltyand knew what would I be' the. consequences.." The work of adjusting the rope, when the spot selected for the hanging had been reached, was, speedily perform ed, when Long was swung up, and the lynching party qqietly dispersed. Tf Criminal Oaurt, .. - y : ' The June term' of the Mecklenburg Criminal Court'; was.oonvened in this city at 3 b'olocfe yesterday af ternoon. Horn. O P. Meares presiding and Sao licitor George JJ. Wilson prosecuting for the State. ..The grand jury to serve for the present term was drawn as follows: John E Oates, foreman. R C Bell, R C Miller,-W O Neal, W F McGinn, G W Howie, T O Alexander, WLG Flow. J, E Lemmond, Lee Campbell, H T Coltharp, J AlMarks. " After Judge Meares' charges to the grand jury, the court turned its at tention tto a revievf . of tQado,cket, and 8eyefal Boiallcaaeg were dispose ol bv subm,tssron. i';.There is one capi tal case to be tried a.tth(s term or the (jourt that of George Moore, colored, for an assault upon his own daughter. The grand jury yesterday found a "true bill against ' Moore, and i he will be arraigned in oourt this morning. PostofRces Jjasa Ceekx, Eender Co., N. O , ) . ' ' June 4th,' 1886."f To the Editor of ThkObskrtxb. ; : . h - ' It may be or interest to many m vour section of the State to say that much mail matter conies to this office from and around Charlotte evidently intended for a section named Iong Greek," in Mecklenburg county, but There is but" one postoffice in Jhe Btate by the name of "Ing Creek, and that i3 in Pender county. Hence inucu 01 , tne man matter tnat . is directed to parties in the Long Crck uecuon, in mecKienourg county, nnas its ; way to - the dead , letter office. What, is the-name of the office in the Long Creek section! - . - Postmaster, Long Creek, Pender Co., N, C. STARTLING BUT TRUE. wills Point. Texas December 1. 1886 After 1 BiTfferiDK tor more, than three yean with dte- I ease of the throat and lungs, I go; to low last I sp ng 1 was entirely unable to da anything, and my, cougn wa so Dad 1 itcarceiy slept any at night. MytlruKKlst. Mr. H. F Goodn'eht. rent me a trial bottle ot !b Eos vnko's Coooh and Lcno Syrcp. I found relief, and after uslne six il.iO bottles. I wan enureiy ourwi. .; v. j J. M.. WELD EN. bom dj l. k. wnsvon. --s , MtUUETil BY TCtGttKAPO T JDNr " 1886. v., Produce. BaIiTihori. Klour Steady; Howard .; Street an J Western- Bunernne sa.80jf i3.00:-' Extra $8.103$3 83: Family - i4.00Siii.75. City MUls buperflne S2 BOaiil.00; ttlo bra its 1450S4 75. wheat wutnern a met: western lower and dull; Somnarn red 1:3 1 86: amoer 88a aO; No. 1 Maryland oawstKOo; JMa -t western -winter re-i snot July 62 bid. Com Southe-n uteacy: Western high r and dull: Soutnern white 43aio: 1 yeilOW . - . - - Chicah JTiootr Steady: Wheat-.sctva and unsettles June 7t3Aa7iUi: July 78iA5)79lfe: au- Kust 783ha77 Corn firmer and higher: cash June WfoQ-'m: July 358tM 0..ts ! firmer: cash 27: June 26S27: July 271AS273s. ju"dd kfi iv' civ no cAuva uibuui( vaou f uuui ui 1 i8.7US!i85: August $8,7638 821A. Lard firm and higher; canh,,$blO; July J6.15a$6 25; August $6.tfVa$6XO& Boxed meat steady; ! dry salted shoulders 4 45314 50: short clear sides 5.80S$5 85; short rib sides steady; cash 15.45. WhlsKey steady at tl.14. Sugar easy: manaara a bi. - v -. Micw yoBX. aouxnern nour uncaan-rea: . com mon to fair eUra, $3.25a$3 65. Wneat lower and closed steady; no. a ra June &txttvm: -July k. Corn advanced - Vzoiwc: No 2 43 435b in elevator: June 43ffi431fo Oats ikdile higher but quiet; No. 2 June 84 Vt - Hops un- ebanged. uonee spot nur too dun at stag, sugar nom'l; Centrifugal 5; Mu cavado 4; Porto Blco 4 9-16. fair to good rennlng 4 13-164 16: refined steady; CSftioiA; Standard A 6; Cut Loaf and Crushed Wlm Granulated 6V4. Molasses 17 for 60 test, bice steady. Cotton teed oil crude 22327; refined 310)34. Rosin dull $1.00$! 0 .; Tur- I JiAaiO, Texa lOaiOiA. Wool aulet; domestle inline weuKer at nzvg. tuaes nrm: new urieans fleece - Zia&; pulled 14933; Texas . 922 Pork steady long clear fm. Lard 6c higher; spot $6.26; July $6.32. Frelghhi nrm. Cotton ll-64d. Wheat 4d. , . -r-'WaTal .Stores WnjKniimw Turpentine quiet at 29. Rosin firm; strained 70; good strained 75: Tar firm at il.25; crude turpentine firm; hard $1.25; yellow dip $1 60; virgin $1.80 Savannah-Turpentine firm at 23Mi; sales 250. Bosln quiet at 90a;$1.07l; sales 100 UHABLXSTON -Turpenune KiQiei at wv. uosm stead; at 85 for good strained. Clnanctal.- NRW YORK. . - KxchanM 4.871A. Money 192 Sub-treasury balances gold $129,191,000; currency $15,028,000; I wove-.nments dun; tour per cents si.asti; threes tl.WBu. State bonds entirely neglected Aiatama viswA.it toe i.ms 1 uiajs if. nves. ... .... . ............ i.vi Georgia 6's. ....... l.ouft Meoreia 7's mortgage l.iu North Carolina 6's ;. 1.1814 North Carolina 4 s..... 95 South Carolina Brown Consols 1.11 Tennessee 6's.,... 67va Vlrglnlati'8.. : 44 Vlrelnla Ciiiso1s......j...i.. . 53 Chesaneake and Ohio ... 8 Chlcaso and Northwestern...... l.lSUt Chicago and monnwestem, preierrea.. Delaware and Lackawanna 1.41 1.28tfe - 26 Erie East Tennessee. Lake Shore. Louisville and Nashville. Memohle and Charleston. 83 Mobile and Ohio Nashville and Chattanooga..... -i..... New Orleans Pacificist New York Central 41 . ! 621 Norfolk and Western preferred.............. - 3i Northern Pacific common.... 214 Northern Pacific preferred..... 6Vfc pacinc mail oam Reading......: M 2i Richmond and Alleghany... v 3 Richmond and Danville. i.i... -1.11 Richmond and West Point Terminal. 3 Buck Island..., i.an Va iuplutprei Texas Pacific..... 1U& Union raainc... .......i.. R84 New Jersey Central..... 62 . Missouri Pacific l.f8i western union ; bitg Bid. tast Did. Hunerea. risked. x. inv. Cotton. HALvwroH Oulet: middling 834; net re celpis 21; gross 22; sales stock exports coaaiwiae : Great Britain : eontl nent . . - 1 Nobvolk steady;, middling : net receipts 724; gross 724; sales 394; stock 17,187 exports ooasiwise : coiiwiieui ; trreati eriuuu BAliTiMORa uuii; middling y a-ib; net receipts 1 4; gross 3b6r sales ; stock 18,195; spinners -: mnnrts coastwise : weat Britain gross 675; saies : stock 6.310: exports coast boston uoiet; miaanng w: r.ei reeeiim 20; wise -; 10 wreai riuun . wrr.mNOTOM bteady; middling v. ' net re- eelus 4: gro a 4; saies ; stock 32,824; exports 1 Mwtirwlsfl . , PHrLADMraiA inu; ,iovf middling sb; net 1 receints &: cross 3: sales : stock .13.287. 1269 grots 12b9; sales 300; stock 12,161 r exports tVARNH vuiei; mraanng o 11-10. nei receipts Kkw Orleans Quiet: mUdilng K; net receipts 87; gross 1766; sales 800; Btrck 89,667; ei porta coastwise ; 10 ureat Jtsnuun France : continent . ' Mobil steady; middling vafi; net receipts 615; gross 615; sales 1000; stock 16,632; exports Mwfltwts ureas Britain - MKMPHis ouiet: middling ; receipn xa: hlnnients 2475: sales 6SU. stocK SSS.UJ. AnanaTA yuiet; miaoiing eon; reotipiB o; saies stock 243. -:. Chaklbston uuii: middling a; not receipts 829; gross 325; sales 1600; stock 11,429; export continent 1801); eoastwlse 844;;Uret Britain HTnM . - . Nsw York Biraay; sales 010: middling apianoa 9V; Orleans 9 716; consolidated net iwelpw 43?2: exports to Sreat Britain 6846; to franco So); eonuneni Zisao. Fuiares. :wm VriRi Net receints .-. : gross 407: futures closed barely steady; saies 5,aju oaies. Hay...... June..... juiy.... 9.l4fS.15 - 9.219.22 august.. . .. September... . -9.33a 34 9.19.20 October.. November..... .1.. . .. ... 9.06306 9.a.03 9.Mr7).06 9119) 12 9 21A.22 Deoember. ...... ...... ........ January Fnruary . .. ....... v - Karen..... April .. .. .... .... 9 81 32 9.41(8.42. t.Irerpool Cotton Marltet. i.TvwmwYir.. June I. (Mfm.. with fair demand; Uplands 6id; Orleans 5 8-16d; sates ia0); specu lation and export 1600; receipts 13,000, Americas 12,700 Futures steady, - uplands low miaaung ouuiae mue vuu auu delivery 5 S 64d. - , . July ana August a tna August and September 6T-4d.- ; ... September and October 6 8 64. Ocooer ana Movemoer 09 ma. . November and December 4 $2-&kL TtoMmnnr and Jamuirv 4 62 64d. - l p. m. Sales American 6,900, Juno delivery t 6-64d. (buyers.) - i June ana juiy o uta. vmamj 7 -, v .v July and August a 6-6d (bnyers.) ineut and September 6frtd. (bnTers.) - L. September and October 6 64d, (buyers.) ; November and Deoember 4 63 64d. (buyers.) neoemOff and January 4 63-64d. (buyers J September 6 1 64d, (seUers.) lhujinu finsnd Htnadv. ' -. . 4 p. m. Dnlands low . middling clause June delivery 6 64d. (buyers.) x . June and. July 040 tonyers.) July and August 5 6-flla (buyer.) - August and September 5 64d, (buyers.) September and October. 6 3-64d (buyers.) -:: October and November 6d, (sellers.) .- November and December 4 6S-64d, (value.) December and January 4 63-64d, buyers.) - -September 6 7-4d, (sellers.) - ' . Vuturea closed qu et but steady. ' -. . '" City Cotton market . , Omcrs or thi Obstbttb, 1 : v - : , Crablottk, N. C, Juue 7, 1886. f The city cotton market yesterday ehued iteady at tne iouowing quotations: - - , ... -- . Good middling..,,... :, . ....77 ; ' 8.75 . tjtnct Middling;,,,.... ...... .j .. 8 ,871a MldOlinSu.,,..' t ; 8.60 Ttaseji. : .. 825 Stains.'...-.!.. . ... . . 67.75 Heoelpts yesterday,,. ,.W.....M.;.,. ....... H . CITY riJODlJCE MABSETi - IBeportedfcyX u. JDNK im. Corn per bushel... 6163l meal per Dusuei..,... ........ .... owstu vueaii yes uubiioi.... ........ ........... guut.uu Peanuts per bushel..... .....iaoaL15 Flour FamUy ........................... .!i.3D2.85 . ., BXWa.-'.M-r...- itifcsezsu - Sutier. . .... 2.20ff23& Peas -Cltu, per baahel..., 853 tfO - Mlied............. 80Sa6 hOat-helled,....;.....,.i.i..i.. 46360 Dried jrnut-Appies, perm.. oat ; unpoelftd.... ' 4 - BlaokhiMTles..... ...... . 6a? . treacnes. neeieo. -: rro PntmtflHt Sweet .1....... 55r?60 , iTUh ....... l.ipffil.50, caboege, per pouna.. xnwt unions, per ousntu ...... . -. VDtr.su Beeswax, per pound.;;..;.....,.... '; Jea23 Tallow, per ponnl 6fr6Ui Butter, per pound.,... HiiW F?gs,perdoaeiu. 13314 Cliicfcenj. ........... ...........;..... - 20a DUCkS .. ..... r v.. ........ - 4J(t: Turkeys, per poun L la l aUoHtPrp4 -a l, net , . 7 FOE ; 5 f ozeri White Jhirt. Double back and 50 cents eachl We are selling aa elegant Seersucker Goat and Vest at SI 50. We are selling an elegant wool Suit , at We are selling the in the city. : . . TSxtra' Pants for Boys in age from ,5 to 13 years. . ,. Boys hirt VV aists in cale and Seersuckers. Leading Clothiers and Tailors Mail orders promptly and carefully attended to Our stock is now full and complete, UUU'IW AJNii'ailUJad taat we have ever otterea lor tne s Spring and Summer Trade. ' Our orders were placed with the best otter a very superior line or - LA.DIE3 MISSES' Fine Shoes, Slippers' Newports . and. Paris Ties. . . ' ALSO A LARGE STOCK OF - : . . : ' " - : TRUNKS, VALISES ARID HA1D BAGS, GLYCERINE POLISHFRENCH BLA.CKING, BLACKING BRUSQE3, &c . Wejwiah especially to call attention to our elegant line of . GENTS' CUSTOM MADE SHOES. Prices to suit the times. " fore buying. -Trade Street. Keeps the largest and IN THE A bed-room uit of 10 pieces, : l- " "M0. " 130.00. : I A bed-room suit of 10 pieces,' 45,00. . . I - Elegant walnut and cherry IBimiiriinntoircB A parlor suit ol 7 pieces, imitation of raw silk, $30.00, : - A " r 7 ' raw $40,00. i ; I ; Pailor suits of i7 pieces, domestic or silk plusb,"$40.00 to Lounges in great variety from $5.00 to $30.00. Sideboards f " 15.00 to 125.00. Baby Carriages in great variety from $6 00 to $35.00. Window Mk, Cornice COFFINS AND METALLIC CASES. . to 3 33 PES 0 (fi CD PQ. CD o a cjj H ft No charge for packing or drayage." IBo f ML AnndlirewSo OHAELOTTE, N. al : NOTICE. ' SlW USED IN ALL PTJRSTJANr TO SECTION 2674 OF THE CODE fmrn 3nnnnn"C0 -TFARIS EFTHE ot Laws tor Norib. Carolina, I do hereby call a Ultn LUUiUUU figraLVl Izl 1 Z meeting of the Board of Magistrates of Charlotte emn V'WnK In township to be held at the Court House In Char- - V" .iU -iiU'. -..?. viuoi lotte to morrow, June 6th. 1886. at 11 o'clock., a. lu yat e3J'- t' TH m., for the purpose ot selecting a successor to W. . : O Jf . . fl . . r.- W. Pegram, now absent from the city, who was : nflFfl lAlini AflMf I fl k-jwsbs1" the TiLr isUuujvUAmimiitn u. l- Chainaan Board Trnstees Charlotte Township. . . ; Charlotte, H. C , June 4. 1886. dlt -.s Catalogoes and Prices on appllcstloa. Sold by - 1 ' ' ' 1 1 1 " i ail the best Carriage Bnildera and Dealers, ... WAMTCfk LADIES to work for us at their , , . CINCINNATI, V. 8. A. All 1 CU. own homes, $7 to $10 per week :. Cable Address. COO-CN. can be quietly made. No photo tainting; no -nrM.. ' canvassing. For fuU particulars, please address ; Pec33dtuestns48awi ' . .i- - at once, CBEaCENT ART COMPANY, 13 Central ' : ' ' - ' - ' SnF"' JlJSr RECEIVINC I ROOM COTTAGE. CORNER ' SIXTH AND THE BEST. STOCK OP GOODS IN gEstreet Garden and well of water. Price r UXE. - CH1BLOTTE BXU. ESTATE ASENCT. . i - i A. B. & W. B. KISBET, j , FOB. SALE. . . 77- roAWTpi) TTTT rf Two desirable bonding lots, 80x300 feet, , ; . - 1"L . A . - , OO fronting on Sooth Tryonstreet, adjoining rpHE Charlotte Real Estate Agency could rent the property of J. H Carson. Shade trew on lots. J half a doaen eheap houses Just now. Real es Willbesold separately -or together. .Price $700 tate owners take notlt. each. - ROBT. E. COCHRANE, SAELOrra ,mayl4dlt . .Manager.: mi II! front at " the sum of - . - . ; best $5.00 Boy's Suit . " . . . ' '. - - White Goods, Per Call and see us. : surpassing any previous stock of manufacturers, which enable us to AND CHILDREN'S You are cordially invinted to call and see us be- GKAY & Cd. most complete stock of STATE.. imitation walnut, $22.00.' marble top imitation -rvalnut. walnut with marble top, suits from $75,00 to $175.00. silk, trimmed -with plush -' ; - . - ..Poles ' anil 'Oil Paintings, V o CO p a .m : CP H a .3 CO 5 1 W XldlvkJ IIITGIIEfi" PAfcATAIlLE CCI iavER oil Ernuusioii - Contains a largeT per cent of pnfe oil than ani"- preparation made. - 50 certs and $1.00 per botue. Prepared by i , R. H. JORDON CO., , - . . ; iruKgutui. nvGucs iin!ms hair , . ;. v; '; :0 TUIVIC, 1 I . Will prevent the hair falluig. "and thoroughly eradicate dandruff. 25 and 40 eents. - Prepared by' IIUGIIES' cnERRTaid GLTO ERUG COUG1I MIX.TIJKE, - Is the best nreniumtlnn mfuta for all affections ot the lungs, contains no opiates ot any kind. 25 ' and 60 oents. Prepared by . - H. U. JORDAN A IAJ., JJTUgglSH. FOR 185 cmt, ; .- .... . - ... 4 v - Yon can buy a bottle of Pnrntture Polish (bat -will make old furniture look as good as new, at ..... - Jt. H. JOBDAN UU'3, .. V V - . . Springs' Corner. HUGHES CARBOLIC MOITTH T WASH, - Will keep the gums In a healthy-condition, pre- ' serve the teeth and cure sore month of any kind. . Prepared1y E H; JORDAN ft CO., . -.. . , - - . iiagguta, CASTOBIE. The eheanest and heat, nil for hiursies. carrlases and vehicles of all kinds, In quart cans, at n. n. duuuAH M a, springs' wraer. , Warner's Yeast Cake. . ' : - A great convenience to r-oasekpepers.- 10 eents -. per box it R. H. JORDAN 4 CO'S, - Springs' Coiner. DrtScov ' Electric Hair Cnrlr Immediately - bangs and erlmpt the hatr tot aaie Dy ji. ii. jukuam a cu., ...; . Springs' corner.' -'--f--nririi ijiim: ii'iqr r i n-.i ni 11 iriririr.-.-r i-r - ' . Valentino's Taffy Tola Is the purest and best chewing gnm. Seven pieces for 6 oents tt R. H. JORDAN 4 GO'S, : Springs' Corner. ' "Ivory Soap at . . R. H. JORDAN ft CP'S..': '- Printing Press for Sale. T HAVB FOR SALS a complete- Adams Book 84x30 xua newspaper rress. size 01 inches. The machine is in good or made, b .- List Prtoe - 4 . $2,24000 W1U be sold Tor - - - . . - 600 on terms to suit purchaser. 1 v . CH4a. K. JUNJEJ, anSdtf , ' . Charlotte Qpeeier. BROWN'S IKON BITTERS HiS BEEN U8KD In the family of Mrs, M. E. Fittman, lm Fourth street, Wilmington. N. C, with entire satis faction. She Bays there is no remedy equal to tt for malaria, dyspepsia, and weakness. . J. LI. KEHDRICK, CLUB HOUSE! - ;-.- .-, -QKPS Tim '.. L . ., . ' ' - . BEST BAR; : AND - ' BILLIAR1D HALL 'V -, - lln the ettv. tfebWdtf . WORTH OF TINWARE FOR" AT MdADETTILLE, If. C., ' -. . - z ;-.. . rff NOTHING SUCCEEDS LIKE 8UC- t CESSFUL BARGAINS. - Immense Bargains - Have become a household toole evervwhera. o. ders pouring In from all directions. Rich and -poor nnding out where the great bargains can be - DKTKKMINED TO LEAD FOB THS- PEOPLE, i Be Brm; one constant element of luck . - :" Is genuine solid old "Celtic" pluck. - v -; Stlclttoyouralm,themongrei'8boldwnisl1p, . But only crowbars loose the bulldog's grip, v' -. . . -Small though he looks. . The Jaw that iever yields . Drags down the bellowing monarch of the fields. ': We are dallyl increasing the pressure, pushing things as they were never pushed before; offering -bargains that knocks everything flat; knocking making oom petition walL Wlthjis business h& ' been oceanic. Th tidal wave of trade sweep grandly- into Kcsdensville, N. C. ' In these preca rious times, in inese uncertain days ot LICENSE r . or PBUHIBITlON. It is necessarv to rw nn th . alert; alive and lull of bqslnexs ginger. As Is well ' known we have cut loose the bold and the grip of ' high prices, and have whipped up .the horse of trade, and here we go lick-l-ty cut for the people s -benefit, and for still LO WEB PRICES. Dry Soods ' cheaper than ever. Bargains Id every department ' Send your orders to us. A 111 packages of (5 00 -value delivered in Charlotte free. - . " Sic ADEN & lOBTC. . - - , . 1 v" '-I - iiEADEBS OF' LOW PBfCEa, rK';U: McAdensvtllMJ.a i BROWN'S D30N BITTER3 CURED MR. H. ff Lovelace. Reldsville. N. C when troahlMl with - kidney and liver affection. He expresses himself as much pleated with Its effect. - . t from Chicago AO MORE mOTS. Because we aje shfonlnff onr tne Rnres. SAfriou 9rators, Freezers and Fiy Fans to keep them cool. Only one glance at them prevents anger. Try on and you will be convinced. Husbands toank us wives Implore as not to be without them.- Save trouble and buy one. s. - , ' ttEFRIQRRATORS, - 1 . BEFRIGER4TOR8, KEFJRI43ERAXOIU? FREEZERS. J-I- . 1 ' -; FHEEZERg, ' ' ' ' FREEZEIM, FJLY FAIfS, . - FLT ICE CHE8T0, "' . ICE CUESTS. ' - - - ICE CIIEST8, These oood are belne fmld at astnnlatiinolv inm flgores. We only ask a trial to convince you. TO, ARRIVEi Frnlt Jan. Jelly Tumblers and other t easomibiA goods. Of Dinner Sets Ten sets have been , sold to one buyer. . Call and examine them at the China Pal ace oi . - . Q.D. DARTSFIELD,Agt. SVEET POTATOES, Sssar Peas, ; Calico. BAITANNAS. OBANGB3, LEMONS and LOOSE PICKLES at - s;m. HOWELL. BROWN'S IRON BITTER9 IS RECOMlfEND--edby.Mrs. Adeila Strickland, 6l Uareett street, Wilmington, N. C 6be sa?s her hofban. took it formalaFla and general debility and It re - lleved nun when quinine tauea. - -. Jt' if ii "31 1 II 1 11 1 : w nit 1 1: .1 Is it m II .. j f ' -A! -1 i I 1 4 '! p !' V. i . lit . is if, 1 - s j l 1 . .-;' -. '" : 'I J : ' ' '1 , I -' i ' ' - ) ' I!