i Absolutely Pure and Unadulterated. HOSPITALS, -CURATIVE INSTITUTIONS, INFIRMARIES, ' O PBES0niSO BY PHYSICIANS EVERYWHERE, CUBE8 CONSUMPTION, HEMORRHAGES And att Wasting IHsease ! DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION,. - MALARIA. - THK ONLY . PURE STIMULANT For the Sick, Invalids, CONVALESCING PATIENTS, AGED PEOPLE, ' -Weak and debilitated Women. lor sale by Druggists,- Grocers and Dealers. Price, One Dollar per Bowie. WSoMtai1 fcotHM; awl none ud th. nmrn of compuiy bloxra in bottle. TeStori2Krnbl to procur. It from their dier, cm h.v. Half Dozen ont, In plshl tw, nnmarted, Jtl preM charges prepaid, by remitting Hll Dollars to , The Duffy Malt Whiskey Co., Baltimore, Md. nanntmvtio Porm- WLttrwyim M Wart DUtoua. Btmbe prtparnl L.",Z7 i ei iUtan, will i ckeer- OMAN! II UK HEST FKIKII ) n DK. J. BHAOFIELO'S Kl I EM ALE RE G D LATOll IpsisMHBHnaBB This f&meus remedy most happily meets the de mands of the age f or woman's pecuilarand ! multt form affliction,. It is a remedy for WOMAN ONLY, and for one SPBCIaL CLAdS of her diseases. Itls a spec! Be for certain diseased conditions of the womb, and proposes to so control the Menstrual Function as to regulate all the derangements and - Regularities of woman's . i . MONTHLY SICKNESS."'. Its proprietors claim for ft no other medical prop erty; and to doubt the fact that this medicine does, positively possess such controlling and regulating pewers to simply to discredit the voluntary testl fnduj of thousands of living witness-s who are to Tf exulting in the restoration to sound health and :1raiMaa. C . mm''- ' "P RAD FIELD'S ?EMaLB REGULATOR - - Is strictly a vegetab'e compound, and Is the pro- net of medical science -and practical experience direct ed towards the benefit of SinFFERINQ WOMAN! . " It Is the studied prescription of a learned pby ' slclan whose sudy was WuMAN, and whose fame - became enTiable and boundless because of his won derful raccess in the treatment and cure of female complaints. THE BtttULA rOH is the grandest remedy known, and richly deserves Its name: -.. YEOMAN'S" gKST fRlEND 1, , Because tt cemtro's a class of functions the various derangements of which cause more ill health than all other causes combined, and thus- rescues her ' from a long train of -afflictions which sorelr embit- ' t"T her life and prematurely end her existence. Oh ! what a multitude of living witnesses can testify to . Its charming effects! -Woman! take to your confi dence wis . -t . - i- PRECIOUS BOON &W HEALTH! ' It will relieve yon of nearly all the eomDlalnts peculiar to your sex. Bely upon it as your safe guard for health, happiness and long life. . Sold by all drugeists. Send tor our treatise on ' the Health and Happiness of Woman, nailed free, wuiuu gives an particulars. - TMBBADlTKLDRSCTJLATeBCe.r Box 28, Atlanta, Ga. mCOUGHS, CROUP CONSUMPTIONS a mi nnfs SWEET CUM IVlULLEIW. F. I tg Te :Puni leathered from a tree of tha J8-" . growing along the snail stratvauta the Btatea, contains stlmttlatlng expecto " rant principle tbat loosens the phlegm prodncing the early morning eongh, and stimnlates the child to throV off . the false memfirane in croup and 5 i whooping-cough. .When combined with the Ileal ... ing mncllaglnone prlnClpie' tn the mnneln plant of the old Aeldivpresenu to Tatloe's Chikokii RKMmr or Swiet Gvti ahd Mdxlkih the nnest known remedy for Coughs. oup. Whooping-cough en Consumption ; and so'latable, toy child to 5c' :!.Kliroe'iiot keep it, w wffl'par. for one time only, express charges, on targS aip ttle to any part ofthe Ul 8. on, receipt of tl-OJ, WA LTTH ATATMW. Atlanta, d." EKMOVALJ: W.ILFaraorf JEWELRY, WA1X3HES, 5ce - Having resaoved te our new stand, opposite the Central Hotel, we will be pleased to have our frianda eall, where toey wlU find a full line of. . WATCHE9, CLOCKS, J EWKLrV';--DIAMONDS! . 8ILTKB. andSILTEB-J'LATE WABai""; Special attentten given U dMuult watch Pairing. ; ..v X r . vf. H. FAERI0E & BRd.;; ) gent, to represent In her own locality an o'd firm Keferenoes required, Permanent position and good salary. BtY ACO. , Barclay St., N. Y. - ? . " ...... . pK284w Elrs. JToe Permon's lltmrdy , H lUll the best Blood Puffier on the market - JNO. li. HcAXi.n, Wholesale Drujslst VV' 'Sit TrarXatte fcstrije. TUESDAY. JU305 8. 1886 Bell's rnuincnfteintiit. of tP' . iiiffh School To the Editor of Tag obsbrvm , Your correspondent was WJora with an opportunity 10 commencement exercieen - yj. school, which is justly lairning large share of attention from all who are interested in educational matters, and which year by year lifts i its name and its fame niguer up on 1110 v proKresa. - These exercises began on Wednesday night with a public ex-hibit-on by tbe pupilsof the primary department, of which' Prof. & W. Hall is chief, aided by a musical pro -gramme furnished by Mrs. . r. vf,.t on1 hmr music scholars. An audience which could not nod sittiug or standing room m me iai &v , mv hall attested the interest felt, and . . . i ny,rl Haoi"fir pn. the irequent appiauoo nraioA hfistowed upon nupilsand teachers expressed a teel- ing 01 COU VlCWUlI nuav bv both of these teachers was thor- OUgh ana 01 gOOU quom-j. . ' Witliout endeavoring w iy of the special excellencies of either department, n.-ww- that the minds of the children who attend are being wen iramuu thoroughly drilled for tne ; nigner courses which lie before them. A boy or girl, 12 years oia, wno utu take one of the difficult spellers -of this day, and spell through with scarcely a mis of a smgle word, shows, careful and thorough. deal ing with. This is not uncommon in this department. . On Thursday night the exercises were continued by a select musical entertainment, followed by a tea party, presided over by half a dozen of the matrons of the town, the whole of whih was a most enjoyable affair from beginning to end, and netted a handsome sum of cash to tbe treass urv of the Alpha and Delta societies, for whose.benefit the programme was arranged. , . , - Friday was the big day, howerer. A. slight rain in tbe morning did not interefere with the plan which had been marked out. The Mecklen burg band, which had been engaged fnr tha occasion, was on hand, and about 9 o'clock, a procession of thirty cadets marched from their armory, preceded by tbe band, and acompa nied by a large concourse of citizens and Tisitors, to contest for a prize offered by W..D. McKinley one of the alumni, for the oeat drill in ine manual of arms. , Lieutenant ; cl. Jos. O. 'Lipton and Mai "W. "W. Bover. bad been made judgt. "and they decided that Robert L. St owe, of Gaston county, was entitled Ito the prize. : This contest being over, the band lea the crowd to iracy grove, where a large arbor, with appropriate decorations and inscriptions, had been erected, and seats, prepared for the large crowd, which continued to come in. . a . - At 11 a. m. - the contest for prizes in oratory and declamation began, .the contestants being: . . : . ORATORS. The Rise and Fall of Nations" (Delta) Cant. J. T. Darwin, York county, S. C. " : . music:, , American Progress During ' Last Century, (Alpha), A. H. White, Jones county, N. O. . . ' MUSIC. . Our Lost Cause, (Delta,) W. W. Daviea, Duval County, Fla. . . - MUSIC. - Conflict Between Labor and Capi tal, (Alpha), W. T. tt. Bell,rJr., Cleveland county, N. C. DECLAIMERS. Ransom on Reconstruction, (Alpha). S. A. Lattimore, Cleveland county, N.CL . MU3I0. The Black Horse and his Rider, (Alpa), D. J. Cudd, Spartanburg county, S. C. ., , . MUSIC. . The Sanity of True Genius, (Delta), R. L. Stowe. Gaston, county, N. C. MUSIC. Lang on the Future of the South, (Delta), J. ' A.' Porter, .Orangeburg county, 8. C. - , i . , MUSIC. ' t - . ' The judges . in itlris contest were st-lected from , visiting gentlemen present, and consisted of W. J. Yatea, of the Ho'ae and Democrat; Mr.. Field, Tate of Florida, and Mr. j . A. Anthony, of the Grover High School. Capt. J. T.-Darwin,- of South - Caro lina, received the medal for oratory, and R. L. 8tove, of Gaston ' couDtyr for declamation. Mr. D.r J. Cudd, of Spartanburg,' was too unWellto take part in the contest, to the regret, of bimBelf and his friendar Your cor respondent, mixing - in the large crowd present,, heard many Bur mises as to who would carry off the prizes, and each contestant bad many - supporters, who felt that he prize belonged to him; but all could not get a prize, and tbe announce ment of the judges was accepted with a hearty gcod will, and when Mr. Anthony stated it had been . a ' hard matter to decide who - should have the prizes', the crowd felt that' had the decision been left to them, they should have been vcbmDelled to make the same statement, r But those that laueu neeu not ieei disappointed nor discouraged. Could all have voted, each man or boy would have polled a handsome vote.' ffods and exclama tions of approval were exchanged. Honor to all of them, and none the less to . Mr. Cudd, whose sickness kept him out of tbe fight, and who would have increased tb difficulties .of the judges in deeding had heheea mere. . . ,- - -, . After the epee king, came the ad-; dress of Rev. Dr. Yates, to the socie ties, a He choee for the basis of hie remarks: "Truth the foundation of all true character, and proceeded to show lip the sham and humbugery of this age, and to impress upon his au diepce the importance ot building" up their lives upon the foundation of truth'fulnt sb -and honesty; - -. For onw hour he held the closest attention of the crowd as he, enlarged upon his theme and. his exposure of the shams of the i humbugs of the present day, as they exist in almost every occu. patlon and branch ' of -: life, and his portrayal of the beauty and excels lence ot a ma formed upon; truth and none8tyr he won the assent , of t all who heard him' and their thanks.for the liigh and noble thoughts to which he gave fatterance. t'ZM - f y . i i i " :( And then came the award of meds als and diplomas, as follows:' - J. y Medal for oratory to Capt. John T. Darwin, York Co., 8. C. :: : For declamation to Robt. L! Stowe.: "Gaston Co. N. C.::--3 -:i The McKinley Medal to Robt L. ptowe, Gaston CaiN-C. v; M .j s The Delta Medal, for improvement in debate, Robt. L. Stowe.Gaston Co, r The Alpha Medal, for improvement in debate, to A. H. White, Jones Co., N.' C. V,; . ,2 i. i - The Medal for bett improvement in scholarship, tQ . G. O. Barnhardt, of Stanley. Co, N. C. -i :v .. In the Writing Department prev 8Idkdver by Profg: JTPrWgen; A' I Daniel, of West Virginia, for.best im mi . l .. 1 t t.hl irhinnH iiriy.A .-in thlS QBOart- ment, a baautitul diploma, executed with pen by Prof Pridgen. was awaided to Robert E Shannon, . of South Carolina, and the third prize for penmanship, executed as the second, was awarded to E D. . Ren i -gass. ot Camden, county, N..C." Prof. PrioTgen claims that : he has no su perior in this line, and the execution of the diplomas above described, shows rare skill with the pen. -, . ?, Prof F. P. Matz, the earnest, in dustrious and - efficient head of", .the Business Department, brought thrt afternoon exercises to a close in the presentation "oF'dipl011188 to. seven graduates, ns follows: - y : - E D. - Burgess, first, Camden county, N. C v.- - -' !, J. H Miller, second, Rutherford coimtv, N C. -J. D. Barnhardt, . third Stanly county, IH.G. ; J D. Mobley, "fourth, Fairfield county, S. O. " C A. Smith, fifth, Anson couaty, n n F M. Easterling. sixth, Marlboro county, S. C. " , ' -. G. S. Easterling, seventh,! Malboro county,-S C". .Do the people know this Business TWiartment offers every advantage in thorough, business education that can be had at any other placet If not let them learn theiact ana avau thftrhMlvcs of the advantages this home institution offers, v v - '- . The rain which began at? p. m rendered it necessary to hold the Alumni Reunion in the halls of - the academv. where ! at 8:30 .Geo. .B Kine. of Greenville, N. C., delivered hia address to a, packed audience. which assembled notwithstanding the ram. ' Officers of the Alumni Society for the ensuing year were elected as follows: . , - - : :-. President D. Hugh Black,Melford, S. C. " . - - - Secretarv Prof. E. W. Hall, of Kine's Mountain. r i v Orator John F. Schenk, Cleve land, countv. - ' r And thus closed another year of the King Mountain High School and the most prosperous year it has ever had. Its roll numbers 165. of .whom over 100 are boarders, from eight States. y::-:y - v " : ) Captain Boll, wirh his- assistants. Prof. Matz. Prof, Eaton. Prof. Hall and Mrs. P. Matz in the music des Dartment.and Prof. Pridgen in the writing school, has. lifted, the stand ard of his school a notch higher, and lashing his flagstaff firmly there, he spreads bis canvas to the breeze, with the motto 'ExceJsir,M and invites attention to tbe record which be has made. Beginning in 1876 with nine students.- in a small, -two roomed house, be points with pride -'to his large academy, well supplied with tbe newest improvements in desks, and to his yearly increasing roll of matriculates,-to the position which his students have taken in the col leges to which they! have gone, and to the fact that with: over 1000 schol ars whose names appear on the rolls of the school, not a single death has occurred in his school. And as your correspondent learned these facts and many others of interest, he could but feel that this school has wrought a good work, and that : tbe day of its usefulness is just dawning., It is pleasant to add that the whole exercises were . not disturbed by a single act of disorderly conduct, Everything- passed off pleasantly. Much praise is due to Chief Marshal Cowan ai;d his aides for good order and politeness to alk The band was Mecklenburg's best; and .-acquitted itself well. Tbe fireworks at 11 o'clock were enjoyed r by a large crowd. Thus closed the commence ment, and alt - retired, pleased and wishing many returns of the occa sion; . - - . F. A Block. Destroyed In Ioulsrilley imy. Louisville, June 7. At 5:30 this morning fire was discovered behind the stage near Grand Theatre. Can vas and oil of scenery and stage settings ourned nerceiv. and in a few minutes after, the discovery of the flames the entire stage was. blaz-' ing furiously. An alarm was sent in J but tbe engines that responded were unaoie to do anything toward extm-t gumbing the conflagration, which bv this time covered all of the middle of the block between Third and. Fourth Jefferson i and Green streets. . A second alarm was turned in, but the entire theatre was then on fire and resisted the greatest efforts of; the firemen. The ' blaze' spread to rear of satoons fronting on. Green and Jefferson streets, and at day ; break the entire of Center Square wa a glowing mass of red-hot ; metal apd blazing wood. ' Enough "engines were by this time on the spot and the firemen directed their efforts to stop ping the spead Of the flames. The block was occupied by Jose'pti Ca mozzi, Moke & Hughes; Bmkworth's restaurant, J. R. Gotel'B lottery office and the Kentucky School of Medicine. The theatre was in the rear of these. - All of the interior of tbe Grand Theatre in the rear of the building occupied by the Kentucky School Medicine. : restaurant on UGreen street, rear of Denunzio's fruit owjiD tmu unruer biioo on uenerson street were burned out and" serious damage was done to other stores o-n both Green - and. Jeffdrson strctci. The theatre was leased rtoWhaller Brothers abot . four . years ago and was one of the finest hi the West or South. The block was valued fat $100,000 and is a complete Joss; Green street front which was. occu pied by the. Medical College being all that remains standing and it iff pre sumed the whole property was jn snred, buf at this hour. 6 a. m it is impossible to discover; where Or for how much. At 5 o'clock flames broke out with renewed vigor in the jiaeuicai tjouege Duuamg at Jefferson street Bids pf the theatre.: Roofs' of all the burned structures have fallen in and the block i threatened with destruction. - . - . , now labor Can Effect Reform. Toronto World. - " 1 . " t .If labor organizations would only exhibit the same dogged determina tion arid the same solid .front in tall political issues affecting their inter est as they,do in strikes thv Wnnlrl effect greater, reformsin the relations pt laoor to capital than are dreamt of in their philosophy. " -vrv . 'A sWh.te Mn. .wumowf "... As-thls question U frequently asked, we will sim ply say that she is a lady who for upwards of thirty years has untiringly devoted her time and talents as a female physician. and nnra-rin,iiuii among children, aue has especially eiudled the consauition - and wants, or this- numerous class, and, as a result of this effort, and practical knowl edire, obtained In a lifetime upent as nurse and physician, the has compounded a Soothing syrup, tor children teethlnfL It operates like m agio giving rest and health, and is moreover sure to regulate the bowels. In consequence of this arti cle, Mrs. Wlnslow is becoming world-renowned as a benefactor ot her racer children certainly do rise up and bless her; especially is this the- case In this city. Vast quantities of the Soothing Syrup are dally sold and used here. We think Urs.. win slow has immortalized her name bv this invalid ble article, and we sincerely believe thousands of cuuaren nave Deen navea irom an early grave by Its timely-use, and that millions yet unborn will share its benefits, and unite In calling her blessed. No mother has discharged her duty to her suffer ing little one, tn oar opinion, until she has given It the benefit of sirs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup Try It, mothers try It now,--Ladles' Visitor, New lork Cisy Sold by drividts. Twenty-five cents ajttl - - - .Terrible Xoes r lAte rh Chicago HiUAUu, June - went nprsonft were burned to death in the frnmn house 731 and 733 South Canal strt at four o'clock this morning. The names of the dead are ; .". :? -;..v Michael Murphy, agd 40, emolov- ed by the South Division Railroad Company;; Mrs. Michael Murphy, aged 35 years; - , . " Annie Murphy, aged y years; Nellio'Murphy, aged 11' vears: - .'Mrs. Mary Durkin, aged, 30 -years; ratsy.ijavin, aged 4 years, son or jars. Mary uurKin. oy a tormer mar riage; - - t "v John Durkin. weeks old, and . w m. liana, agea : bs- yoais. a butcher. Tbe fire broke out in 1 the cellar, of 733 Canal s' reet. rho : flames shot uoward and quickly burned through the first floor, which Us on a level with the ground, and shooting upj wara, inn- nexb uuor-, was soon con sumed. The fire spread through the wooden walls of the basement, and No. 733 was soon wrapped in names. which enveloped the adjoining num bar; 'Both . houses were filled" with smote before any of - the occupants were aroused Many of the sleepers were doubtless smothered m their beds.. It will probably never be known who awoke and tried in vain to escape from the stifling smoke and scorching names. The names, ioi- lowing rapidly after the: smoke, burned , the bodies until - they " were unrecognizable masses of black and charred flesh and bones. -. cm the lower floor of No. 733, occupied by John Raleigh. Jr.. his " wife was awakened by .a sense ot eutiocation. She aroused her husband, who hasti Iv donned a few articles of ".clothing and threw up a window : Tbe raging flames scorched his face, singing his hair and moustache. Me caught bis- wife in bis arms, and with v terrible effort threw herjbodily through the names out of the window. Her night' dress caught fire, ; but - with '. great presence of, mind she extinguished the flames with her hands, and lent assistance to her . husband in saviog the lives of their two small children. Bv this time the fire had gained addi K . . . I t . L 1 . tionai peaaway, anu ne. was unaoie to put the children out of the -same window, ue tben? knocKea on line wall to arouse the people on ! the second floor Catching the babies in hisarnw, he ran upstairs and jumped with them trom the second story window. ,.:-' r ' - ': ' ' The .second floor of No. 733 j was occupied by the Durkin and Murphy families, wo member oe either or these families escaped. The firemen, in searching the ruins of the houses, came upon most harrowing scenes. Some of the victims -were lying in half -burned beds - Others who were awakened before . death came u pon them, were clutching eacn other in groups on the floor. . AH the victims had evidently oeen overcome oy me smoke before any effort cou d be made to escape.:; . r ProhiblMon In Terinont, Manchester Union. ' j . ; Vermont is generally referred to as to the state where they . do en force the statutes prohibiting the sate of intoxicating : liquors, and hence it is that a neatly printed .-.circular issued by the selectmen and bailiffs of Montpelier, under date Of May,17, which has accidentally come to our notice,- reads very peculiarly. . Tbe following is tbe mandate of the cir cular; ."Proprietors of saloons, drug stores,' billiard nails, hotel bars, and all . other places where intoxicating liquors are kept, sold, furnished or given - away, are directed to close their places at 10 :30 o clock p m and tbe same must not be open at any tme on Sunday." . And still it is unlawful to sell the ''accursed stuff at all in the State of Vermont ; but at the very capital ot the Common wealth the authorities -admit that it is" sold nay, worse, they virtually license its sale wee"k. days until 10 0 o'clock p. m. What is their. circular but a license to sell up to' a certain hour? It is not only, license, but it is free license, just as if is in this city of Manchester, where nominally we go the Vermont Uaoital a naif hour betn "tor in tbe hour of closiog . tip time. Is there never to be an end to this rank hypocrisy? We throw, a sop to temperance and then turn our backs on professions made without any intent of fulfillment. Let us be hon est and admit the facts, which prove that while we pretend temperance we practice free rum. If a prohibi tory law can do - no more than pro hibit according to tho terms- ot this circular, let us; make law and prac tice meet and at least be consistent. But we can do better by other means, and 'w e. wpujd, were it not fo stick l-irs who care more , for titimen than for actual good accomplished. Infants cry for the moon andrefu.- to be comforted with any terrestrial play thiDg because her celestial highr ness is denied them'. - ; i Newspapers) Rochester Post-Express, : . From'a newspaper directory which has just . been iteued it is found that there are ; now - published j- in the TJaited States 14,160 newspapers and periodicals of all -classes. The net gain of the year has beeri , 666. . . The daily papers number 1,216, ia gain of 33. Canada has 679 periodicals. There are about 1,200 . periodicals of all sorts, ' which, according to he ratings and estimates , of the editor of the directory, enjoy a circulation pf more.than-5,000 copies each. The mcrease VirA the weekly rural press, which compf iss abou t two-thirds of tbe whole list, has been moat marked in States like Kansas and Nebraska", where the gain has been respectively 24 and 18 per ; cent; ;; Kansas also shows ; tbe greatest ' gain ! in daily newspapers, r The weekly pres is gaining in Maesachusetts, while the magazines and other monthly pub lications ' are losing ground there. The tendency of ; such nublications toward New York city is shown by the establishment there of not less than tweny-three monthly .periodis cals during the year, . . ! . - ::.: CURE FOR SICK HEADACOE. Torproof that -Dr.'Gnnn'sLtver Pills cure sick hf-ada he, ask your druggist for a free trial pack age. Only one for a dose. . Regular size boxes, 2o oerrts. Sold by L. B, WMston. i V:-:f',---v-v .: ' - ts ; . ... OTrsu Joe Persoit'si Remedy Is stlU the best Blorwi Pafle on the market. - ; f- -- JNO. H. McADKN, Wholesale Druggist. Positive Cure -for Piles. To the people or this county we would sm ; we have been given the ageney of Dr, Marchlsl's Italian Pile Otntment-emphatloally guaranteed to care or money refunded Internal, external, blind, bleed ing or Itching piles. Price 0e. a box. No cure, no FOTtale by I B. Wrieton, druggist, Charlotte N c - , HUyl7eodly. Mr Jo PeroairMntyl I Btttl the bet Blood PurlGer on the market , , . jno. H.MCA DSN. Wholesale Druggist Scoii,' Emulsion ePtwe Cod :,. UTer.Otl, wltn :' Hypopfcosplmltes. n Ptflmonary Affections and Scrofulous Diseases. Dr. Iha M. J,Aif9, New York, says: "I have .pre scribed Scott's Emulsion and used If it my family and am greatly pleased with it. Ba?e foand it very serviceable In Scrofulous diseases and Pulmo nary affections," . Every strain er cold attacks -that weak back . . .. ana nearly prostrates yog. UlmZ THE BESTTOUIC StreBgthena the Muscles, - Bieames mo nmra, Eniichefl the Blood, - Give New Visor. Dr. J. W Myebb, Fairfield, Iowa, says: . . . -Rrnwn'ii Imn Bitters in the beet Iron medicine 1 have known in my 3U yean' practice. -1 have found it epeouuy oenenoiai m nervous or pnysioai bumuswuu, . and in all debilitating ailments that bear so heavily ; on the system, Use it freely in my own family." Mb. W. P. Bbowh, 637 Main St.- Covington, Ky., : ays: I was completely broken down m health and troubled with pains in my back; JBrown's Iron -' Bitten entirely restored me to health." - . Genuine has above Trade Mark and crossed red lines . on wrapper. Take no other. Made only by ' BROWN CHEMICAL. 00 BAA.T1M01U3, MD. J 0FFER8 TO THE Wholesale s Retail Trade fivetons Pure fit. TW ENTY BARRELS URE UNSEED OIL, l A Lsrge Stock of rr ALSO- ONE-- CAR LOAD ALL AT CLOSE PJRIOES. Ha MoADEN. i FRED C. UUN2LER'1, L4GGH - BEER DR ALEII A1XV DOTTLER, , - j CHARLOTTE,, :N. Q Sepresenta two of the largest LAQEB anaou urewenes in the United States rtae BerRsier A Engel Brewtja t Co., of Pbliadelphtaand the P. etc In. Scliatfer Brewlsg Co ot . Wlew Tork. THE LARGEST LAGER BEEB BOT- ' TUNG ESTABLISHMENT ; IN THE CITY, v , f. :. WOrdeni Solicited. : All .order promptly tilled and delivered free oi enarge to any part of the city. - -' deoSfldlf " .: - ' i , : AN1- . l.:.l-J PLUMBERS SUPPLIES. v ... - t . , WB WILL BB PLIASSD TO FTJR5ISH' ES x.,. ""V"1" "eating prirate bouses, DubUo buildings, or factor! s . . ,M5. H??.-- OOBK, lat chief engineer of the KUnbalt House, will conduct a geneial plumlt L, lie8wllh.an o08 in our tore.- We will w. imuu a mil suypiy oi - - , " PLTMBER8 RUPPm'es at2aumelac0ttf DW &toUs1ied FAV'R '.ifuM. AC1ILLA ROOHriG! tronjr and rtnrxblei ot tar corns at half th i easy to ai tie tha Ba,. a, rkii r-n . , To Priritbrs ;;' Apply to Chan, B. Joces, &t -V ' ' ' - ei9dAwtf THIS O0ICB. WANXED AGENTS 10 day offer. - mraodlew3m lflrs. Joe Persou'e ttam.rfJ - -. " . y"t uweeaie iruggltt. - Safes for. Sale.1 Apn'y to Chan. B. Jones, a Uw CT.C1 ittfiii Lead, - : t : - 1 . kmm Ci mm . .mft.si.M- ill i- i i i in r 1 r-TTTri Ulii'i 1 SJJji " '- - " Atlahta,Ga.,Juj23,1886.. - . Whenever I know of anything that might be ot service to my fe!low-men, I desire to impart such Information; hence Iglve the following facts to the public: ' -. '' K " ! . ' Mrs. M. M. Prince, living at 38 West Eair Sfc Atlanta, Ga., has. been troubled for several months with and ugly form o: catarrh, attended with a copl: ous and offensive discharge from both nostrils. , ." Her system became so affected and reduced that she was confined to bed at my house for some time, and received the attention of three physicians;- and used a dozen bottles of an extensively adver tised blood remedy, all without the least benefit.-: She finally commeuced the use of B B. B. with a decided Improvement at once, and when ten bot tles had been used, she was entirety cured of all symptoms of catarrh. , ,i It gave her an appetite, and ! increased her strength rapidly, and cheerfully recommend It as a quick and cheap tonic and Blood Purifier. ' J. W, GLOEB, , I Policeman. Was- it Cancer ? . I have been taking B.-B. -R.-for-six or seven weeks for something like cancer on my neck, and I would not take okb thousand dollars for the benefit received. . " t I had previously tried various so-called blood remedies, hut B..R. B. far the best, the Quickest and the etieapest blood purifier I ever used. I refer to any merchant of Srlffla, Go. t ! .' . J. H. BABNE3, Grlffln, 6a, BOTH HANDS UP. A newnaalte inddealv Balsesi His Hands for 'tbe First , J Tie in Two : Tears. Correspondence Atlanta Journal. Nkwsan, Ga.,- June 10. Mr.: Jacob G. Sponcler an old: and respected citizen qf this place expert enced rather a sudflen change In bla gestlculatlye extremeties lately. It seems that a little over two years ago Mr. Sponcler bad a severe attack ot Rheumatism, ,bts arms became useless, and, Id fact, he could not raise his hands to his head until the other day, when he called on the druggist and obtained a preparation that acted , like magic on aim, for after taking the first half bottle be could move his arms about, and when he had taken -six bottles he was sound and well. - Bev. W. W. Wads worth and our people generally who are farninr with the case, almost swear by tbe wonderful remedy now. - Mr. Sponcler ssld the medicine was called B. B. B. ' BLTJOD POISON; Mri A P. W, -of Hampton, Ga, has"reoently emerged from one of the most remarkable c of Blood Poison on record. ' 1 His body and limbs bad no less than lour hundred small ulcers bis bones tormented bun with pain his appetite failed his kidneys presented frightful symptoms -r-and all doctors and 100 bottles ot the most popu lar Blood Poison remedy failed to give him any relief. He secured B. B.fBM the concentrated Quick euro, and five bottles healed the ulcers, re lieved all pain, cured his kidneys, restored bis appetite, and made him a healthy and happy maq. Mr Bosworth Interrlewed From the Southern Clipper. "Yes," said Mr. James LL Bosworth, an old At- lantian, "it was twelve yeara ago when 1 contracted a terrible case of blood poisoning. -My affliction was truly horrible. I had no appetite, did not sleep well at night, my digestion was Impaired, my throat wascauteVlzed five times, and In fact I was a total wreck. I had been under b treatment of several of tbe leading physicians of Atlanta; tried nearly every blood remedy advertised; went to Hot Springs -receiving no benefit whatever." . j, 1 "And'you remained In this condition twelve .. . r . I years?" tntorupped th Cllpppr man. - '-Tea sir, and more than that. . Three' years ago I was laid up with rheumatism. My knees were' -.- t - i . drawn np In such a position that I could not leave my bed for month. - My life became a lingering tortiire. A truly wounderTul blood - remedy was recommended, known as B. B B. 1 used ltj and sir, 6 betties cured me, and 1 really believe lt'to be the grandest and jiutckest blood iremedy ever known." '''' " " ' " " - - - , CBOFVLA, Are any members of your family thus afflicted? Have they scrofulous swelling of the glands? Have they any scrofulous sore or ulcers? If so and It thould be neglected, the peculiar taint, , or poison; may deposit Itself In the substance of the lungs, producing consumption. . Look. well to tbe condition of your family, and If thus afflicted give the proper remedy without delay. But that which makes absolute cures tn the shortest space, of time. The-ijneerlng ; finger of public opinion points to. B.B. B.. as the most wonderful remedy for scrofula ever known.; . - .' .i. : Ask your neighbors, ask your druggist, ask or right to those who give their certificates, and be convinced that B. B. B is the quickest and most perfect Blood Purifier ever before known. ,: . Although a practitioner of nearly twenty years, my mother influenced ms to procure B-. B..B. for her. She had been: confined to her bed several ... -.1.- . , r. .. . . months wltn-Eheumatlsm which had stubbornly resisted all the usuaj remedies. Within twenty- four hours after commencing B. B B. I observed marked relief. She has just commenced her third bottle and Is nearly as active as ever.'and has been to the front yard with "rake in hand," clean ing up. Her improvement Is truly wonderful and Immensely gratifying. . " r . Book of Wonders.". aj aaaressmg wood Balm-Co., Atlanta, Ga, any .oneean secure free one of the prettiest and- most valuable 3? page books now out.' It tells all about the blood, Its diseases and remedies Scrofula,' Ul cers, Rheumatism, jHney Affections, Skin Ho i mors, Ac., Ael -Droo a postal for It at once. " , C. H.MONTGOMEBT,MiP. Jacksonville, Ala,, June 6,1885 '."7 ' Do not fan to send.to B. B. Co.. AtlautaTGa for cory of tic'r Bock of Wonders, free. A Full Oriental Laces, Eacibiirg f dglngs and Insfrtirgs, ''lAWNS AND, WHITE. GOODS Of all kinds, for ELIA BURGESS WHOLES ALK AND EST AIL DKALKK IN BEDDING, &C. ,..1 A full line of rrntiP phtistva na LOUNGES, Parlor and Chamber Suits, Cof . fins of all kinds on hand. No. 6 West Trade Street, Charlotte, North Carolina, Immense Stock! TClAcaTirHfvri All grades m Manilla, Mackinaw and &- all kinds of JC Z-.j.-u rUi, tr-i-f.v:--... .-. j It's rms. a5EEf ?!y 21 9 EetLa.,ia-th. -. STRAW Hi .Kooitjnuaren sxiats atlOcents. Our 25 cent :Bov's Straw Hflta Z the best and cheapest ever offered Men's AH-Wool Spring Cassimeriv Suits At $6.30 worth fclO'.OO . Fin All-Wnnl Hi Arrr.l Qatlr Qui fa tin An M ai 115,00, Our large assortment of BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING Has been admired by all our patrons, and are moving off rapidly. Anybody m search of good clothing; at remarkable low prices, should not lail to call and see our fine assortment. " 7 .. - - , . - - iLKAMIVe. CsLOTIIIFJUf. CllNTRAL HOTEL CORNER, CHARLOTTE. N. C. i -s ENCDURfiGE Bpiies aid- Carriages TYSON & JONES,. Carthage, N. C. No shoddy, work. Every Buggy, , " .is We are, at home, and we can always be found to make good our promise, ' -WE ARB ' ;- The largest Carriage Man ufacturers in North Carolina.--. ' '-- :"- i-.'-T" : .' " , . ' . For Darobili ty. Style and finish, we are un For xale by A. C. nntchfaon fc Co Charlotte, Tf. C, Tan Gilder & Brow. Awheville, M. C, W. IHmlthdeal. SIlsbary, W. C, BoIe Itrothem & Wrlgltt, Shelby, If. C. : . W. M. Wllllamsj, IVewtom, W. V s ' TYSON & JONES. Carthage N. C. BAZAAR -ALL THK LATEST STYLES -FOR Spring and Saauicr -AT ' Call ftnrl irot . . . . - ' and Queens for J one. - Jalesl catalogues Glove FittM, Pattern; HIS Stock of sale cheap for cah at NICHOLS i ssassa sum COHEN :.Sr-A , It. OPEMED! Canton. All new. No old see them. stock. A by any house. We shall sell this week a ' INDUSTRY. -North . Carol toa -By- Carriage or Phaeton that leaves our shop guaranteed. -:o: WE CLAIM To be able U compete suc cessfully, la prices and quality, with the best manufacturers 1 1 the Nerth and West. -A GBAND SALE 07 A - - . CLOCKS .. and .JEWELRY, lUamonds Silver and Silver-Plated - , ' ,.Ware. pet3tacles, 4c. Prices cut down from March 4th 1888. , Thanksgiving Day w Those wanting any of the above goods will pi eall and hear my prices, they are tbe lowest ai the goods are the best. v . L .' 1 Male 1 Chance For 1 latches. j: t. butler.