V OLUME XXXIV. fFWJ'' 'I'rWYt W ' TO HI COS1IK1J" XO MPKPElt.)ard,inwhichif was stated that as I . - . " i , : -SOME- FOR THIS WATCH OUT, smith BiniAiTvca. I Biff Offer -IN- BLAIK :-: :o:-- i The following re duction in prices has been made on the goods offered below: A. 43 lnrh all woolf.umu veiling ?at 45c worth 60c 84 " " 40o " Hte 44 " JlfcTnmlfe - 1.10 " 1.60 44 ' " Battiate 1.10 " isna 40 M " " 85o u 1.10 38" " Bengallne " 82e 100 .42" Motns Cashmere .... " 1D0 "160 Take advantage of these prices, as the goods are offered much below their value, T. L.SEIGLE. ILCPdPIE. fWfj We expeet a new arrival of FIGURED LAWNS At 3 cents pier yard, MONDAY OR TUESDAY . Other attractions will be offered. - E. L KEPLER & CO. ' " SUCCBSSOBS TQ ALEiNDBR & HABBS, . THE 0. C BAKEBY ICE CREAM SALOON . . ' Opened for tha season. Ice OVeam and Water Ices furnished to familes and parties on short nptice ; - 5 " - , -. Fresh Brea4, Cakes and Pies Daily. Just received a choice lot of Potted Meats, Canned Fruits, Pickles, Qrackers, &c. Also, Imported and Domestic Confectionery. C. F. KL A Ilil 1 O N" Successor to Mayer & B,oss. . ! , SPARKLING I Q 1 t K)l lllUUk.it CATAWHi CO., I. V TM Justly celebrated watering place Is now opi-n lor the accommodation ot the pub lc. New Buildings bave been erected, and the iwms have been refitted aud refurnished with new lur: The management promise the best action possible, aua the table 111 be supplied ritn the best that the market affords. - THE MEDICAL PROPERTIES OF THE WATERS UNRIVALED Kor Diseases or the LWf r, Dyspepsia. BheamRtlsm. kidody ana Urinary Diseases, and nerel Pa miity aad Nerf .s Prostration, and a Health Jer location not to be found. ' - . IfLTII HOUSES I pMPLETE Bool, Shower and Warm Sulphar. and Turkish Sot Air, Vapor and Medicated Baths, When d All am isemeDts xnaaMj ept at Jlrrt class W Wn Place. DB. E. O. EM.IOTT. . B. . WADDKLL WJITB, , . Proprleto. . . - Managers. mayiMsatjunwedAlrUm - . - Houses Rented, How rented and teats ooltoeted, In the ; AdrerUaed tree ol ebarge. - i . B. B. CXXJHBARE. Manager, I MM IT c mdt eaeet front central Hotel.-1 CATAWB m YOU First . National M Bmliini, South Tryon Street, - - Charlotte, N. C. ' DKALElS IN Ladies'.Misses'and Childrc n's FBSB BUTTON, CONGRESS t LICE SHOES, Henta' Fine Hand-Made and Ifaetrine Sewed BOOTS, BUTTON AND LAC!E BAL8, BOYS' AND lOBTtlS' FINK BOOTS AND SHOES 69 ALL G BABES GENTS' FINE Silk, Soft and Stiff Hats, TRUNKS, VALISES and GRIPSACKS, UMBRELLAS OF ALL KjNDSx SHOE BLACKING AND BBU8HE3. lima Polish for Ladles" fine. hoes. Stock always kept tall and up to the demand, OBDEB3 BY lAfL OB, KPRES3 PBOPTLY .. ATTENDED TO. team k Co, GLEVEL ND MINERAL SPMNGS Are now o; en lor the reeep'lon ol visitors 'THESE SPttttlGS in l m !. frnm (Urnllna Onti-al Ballw'ayi wbeie a n"w depirt has been erected and beautifully fluunea ior me Deueui oi Visitors la tl Plenty of Ice secured for the season, COLD AND HOT' BATHS. A good string band bas been employed for the season. Tne table win be famished with the very b?st the market affords. Hacks will be at the Sprtogs' station en gie sr-j rival of every train.- - Jfor further iniormanoa a-wresB " . . 8. MeB, POSTON, - Juneldil' - - - -Eroprifitor, . WEEK. 1 & CO. . n r-rwra a . Chicago's Klot the i Result of Preiueditated Ceusplrsey. The grand jury of Chicago report ed to "Judge Rogers Saturday aftr noon. The report deals entirely with uuonuwu) voaca, vuiuu tuo jury nas oeen considering for three weeks It says in substance: We have found true bills only enamel, buuu persons as nave been lustrumeatal in causmg the riot and Diooasnea zn the Uayniarket gquare. vv uave in soTae 1 cases reiused to nna Dills against persons who seemed to be tne weak and ignorant tools of uesigDing men.: "We believe that the total number or anarchists or nihilists in this coun try rrom whom danger need be ap prahended is less than one hundred. and probably does not exceed forty to nf ty men. Associating with them are a iew nunared more, who would be dangerous in proportion to the extent tney are made to believe in tne power of their leaders and in the weakness of the law. Then there Arc perhaps from 2000 to 3000 man vri ousiy classed as socialists, comma ni8ts, etc., who are addicted to wild uncut iob in regaru io matters ot gov. Un: r j . . . . oLiimeuD, dui wno are not necessarily uauiitjiuus or inimical to tne nennn and welfare of society so long as the law ia eniorcea in auch a manner as nnti'il. - A. A. .1. 1 1 uuh iii.io tneir wnoiesome re spect. . ...... we find that the attafe nn t.h police was the result of a deliberate conspiracy, the full details of which are now m the possession of th nffi cers ot the law, and will be brought uuu wueu inese cases snail be reached in court. This force of disorganizes had a very perfect organization nf its own, and .was chieflv under tho control of the men who werfl con nected with the DublicAtinn nf.--, t.hoir English and German newspaper or-, gans. the Alarm and the Arhaihoi. Zeitung. ," -: "The evidence has shown conclu sively that these men were manipus lating this agitation from base and selfish motives, for the power and in fluence which it gave them, and for the money they could make out of it ; that the large maioritv of thir fn . lowers were simply their dupes, and that they have collected, in this way large sums of money from their fol lowers and from the workinermen nf this city. "Their plan was to involve, so far as they could, not only the socialist and communist orsranizationn with whom they claim some kindred, hnr. also the labor societies and trades- unions. So well has . the consniraftv been managed that the whole com munity has been for a time terror ized, by the small fraction of its mem bers. Witnesses have come before ua nns der protest and with fear and trem ahng, lest their appearance before this grand jury should draw down upon them the secret vengeance of this unknown enemy. Branches of industry in this city have remained paralyzed after all cause of disagree ment between the employer and the employee have been adjusted, by the same fear among the workingmen, coupled with the feeling that the, law as administered was impotent to afford protection, ta a man ready and willing to work in support of his family. "bo exaggerated has been the pod- ular notion as to - the magnitude of this force, 'that . politicians have cringed beforeit and political parties have catered to its vote, processions have been tolerated upon our. public streets carrying banners and inscrip tions wnicn were a sname ana a dis grace to the city and aft affront to every law-abiding oitiaen. Public harangues haye been permitted that were an open menace to law- and or der, and which haye reached their, culmination in the bloody outrage known as the Haymarket massacre. We wjsh $o express our confidence that the police force that has pros tected us by its bravery is quite corns petent to hunt these public enemies down and bring them before our courts of law with sufficient evidence of guilt to insure that they shall re ceive the punishment they so richly deserve.'V Saturday afternoon Sam Fielden. Oscar Neebe, Adolph Fischer, George Engel, Louis Lingg August Spies and Michael Schwab were taken be fore Judge Rodgers to plead to the charge of murder, "'lerk Doyle read the indictment charging them with with the murder of Officer Mathiag J. Degan. Captain Biack" entered a plea of nob guilty on behalf of each of the pnsoueis. . f Commencement Nutey To te Jklttor Qt Tgs Ui6KHXfl i The annual commencement exer cises of Gaston College camo off on May 27th and 28th. The weather was favorable and the audience quite large and attentive. Rev. E. ROnd thaler preached the annual sermon and delivered the literary address. Both efforts were such as might : be expected from that distinguished di vine and progressive educator. Last ing good for the oause of education and religion, we trust will grow out of his work here. The Dr. made a most favorable impresfon upon-our people, and he wil not goon, be for gotten. ' - The exercises, which consisted of declamations, recitations, orations, plays, calisthenics. . vocal and I in strumental music, were of a high or der o; merit ana weji oeuyereq ana rendered on tne occasipn. i Prof. Wolf, our efficient instructor in music, deserves especial mention for the most excellent music furnish s ed by the Glee Clubs, and his vocal and instrumental music pupils. The whole programme showed bis good judgment and fine taste in the, se lections, and bis 1 ability as an" in structor. The music department of the school under his management en rolled during the year 60 pupils- a larger number - than during any pre vious year. - - ' The next session will begin August 16th, and continue 38 weeks. Cata logues sent : tree to any . address on application, . " i j m,jm w Temperance People Boj-cottinK Frofen 'Wafers.-. " . There is a considerable sensation at Rotkford, 111., oyer a novel boycott which has been inaugurated - there. Some days ago Mr. Leonard, presi dent of the Leonard Ice . Company, signed, with others, an application for a liquor license for Mrs. Henry, a respectable4ady, who has kept a res taurant for fifteen years. ; The pro hibition paper published the applicas tion and the names of the signers. and when the members of the Wo men's Christian1 Temperance Union" saw Leonard's name, a letter from jtheir secretary -was sent to Mr, Leon CHARLOTTE, N. C J WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9, m wuicu it was 6tatea that as long as Krank J. Leonard had signed a liquor application, they would be obliged to discontinue taking ice from him. Mr. Leonard - replied to the letter, in which he aavs hei ha donated more to the Women's Christ tian lemperance .Union thart all profits on ice thev have tafen frnm him; and-he adds: "I thank the Lord i am not dependent on any inetitu tion that makes bovcottinyr its basiR ot operations - rhe time may Come w ,a - i wnen you will wish to get ice from us, but if this is your plan of work. I would sooner throw it into the river. than to sell it to you " The temper- Huce lauies are ereativ as-it.at.wi nvpir 1.. 3. . 1 nis reply, and, it is said, all have de ,j y vo ' - - termiued to enforce the boycott) vig urouHiy. STATE MEWS. Wilmington Review - Mr Snl Weill who has since Prof. Hooner'n ueatu, bo aDiy nnea tne uree fhair 4 A.l 1 I nil . n at Chapel Hill, would not accent: nn eiecuon to tnat position on the facul -i-..- - . .. '. ... . r ty ana has returned to this I city where he will engage in the nrart.irA of his profession, the law. He has secured an office m , the rooms of Major Uhas. M. Stedman. on Princeps street, Mr, Weill is young, accom plished - and talented and has! the world before him and he will mnfe-o nis mark in it as sure as 'the sun shines. - Wilmington Star: The tug-boat Aipna caugnt nre about halt past 12 o ciock last night, and was totally de stroyed. The boat was lying at the wharf of her owners, Messrs. George Harris x uo., jusu in the rear ot i Col. John W. Atkinson's new building on North Water street. . When the fire was discovered by the policeman on that beat, the boat was in flames amidships. -No person was aboard of her or near the wharf. The alarm was given, and the first persons who arrived at the spot, seeing that the burning beat was in close proximity to a large pue ot ngntwooa on the wharf, untied her fastenings and set her adrift. Laurinburg Exchange: At a cost of about $2,500 the Methodists at Gib son s Station have just, finished an elegant church. It has a seating ca pacity of 300 or more and is hand somely furnished with a beautiful chandelier, valuable organ, carpeted aisles, chancrl and pulpit, cushion chairs, costly silver vessels I and cloths for the communion table, the vessels a present by Mr. P. B. Gibson and the cloths a present by Mrs. J. A. Parker. 1 i Fayetteville News: i The heavy - - . - rains wnicn nave tauenjia theipast two days have put new activity! into the constructors of tho iron bridge across the river. A large wooden trestle has been thrown across the stream aud the iron work is being put on between the two i longest and moat widely separated piers, litis expected that by to-morrow evening the iroi work over that space will be finished, but should the river riie in the meantime and take away the wooa worK on wnicn tne iron resxs tne loss wonia include the iron space as far as put up. In consequence of the threatened high water, operations are greatly . pushed on; The imen worked in the rain all day yesterday on extra wages and at Jerre John son s shop blacksmith work was done ail last night. . An English Jury . St. James' Gazette. V - I was - present in court when the following incident occurred :- I Scene: Uerby Assizes.SamuelLowe and James Halligan, charged jwith stealing a ham. Clerk of Assise : "Do. you find the prisoners guilty or not guilty t" k jttireman or the lury ; "We find as one on 'em stole it and the other re ceived it knowing it to have been stolen." I Clerk of Assize: "Who do you say stole it?" 1 Foreman : "Nay, I can't say which stole it. One on 'em brought it home under his arm and the other took it from him." I Mr. Justice Matthew : "That man is Lowe, and that is Halligan. Now;, which stole it! ' I Foreman : "I don't know, I warn't there. How could say? If they didn't steal it why should they have itr I Judge: .Gentlemen, this i! your foreman. Is there no one of you who oan say whether .Lowe is guilty qi stealing?" - j Foreman: "Yes, l&we, stole the ham." ' . i .: ... Chorus of jurymen ; "No the other stole it.'V . , Clerk of Assiao: "Is that the ver dict of you all?" i Jury (foreman included): "les. , Mr. Beecher Jokes About His Death, i At about half past twelve Satur day Henry Ward Beecher answered a summons at his door bell, No. 124 Hicks street, Brooklyn. He found a gentleman whose errand was to ask it Mr. Beecher was alive or d.ead, a report having been circulated tba.t he had died suddenly. "I neyer felt better in my life,' said Mr. Beecher, an ft he laughed out right, as did Mrs. Beecher. who stood in the hall door to the parlor. Mr.. Beecher had been disturbed at his dinner,, and i as, he talked be stepped out on. the porch wiping bis jaoe meantime with the napkin he had retained in his hand as he left the table. "And I may say," continued Mr. Beecher; '-'that if there is such a rumor as that I am dead, shall be kept quite jolly learn-, ing from frequent callers how much interest thr re is in the stoyy.-l No, I am in hearty health, splendid spirits, and hope the true rumor of my death, may be long deferred. This is rather jolly, as I say; if it was really true 'it wouldn't, be jolly, would it ?" and his eyes Iwindled merrily.' - Scoli'ii Gmulxion of Pare Cod Liver Oil, with - Iynophosphites. In Pulmorary Affections and ScroICs Diseases. pr. I U. IiS Now xork-f 6aysT"I have pre scribed Boon's' Emulsion and used It It my family and am greatly pleased with it. Have found it very serviceable in Scrofulous diseases and Pulmo nary affections." - i J - 9Irs.4oe Person's Remedy Is still the best Blood Purifier on the market. - ' - , 3SO. H. McADKN, Wholesale Druggist. - mmws' EstAblished 1 is the only School in - tor boys m me Sonth with - 6AS LKtHT, a flrstrclass GYMNASIUM, and a nrat-claa BATH HOU8K. - . : - r - Special terms to young men of small means. -The 183rd session begins August 25th. , .. Foreatalogue,address BEN&HAM,' jo - . . . r Bingham School. N. C. IHrs).ilOe Peroni Remeiy v Ii still the best Blood PoriBer on the market. - -r j-fSfiy. .McADRf.hlesaJe DwgJst, -rPil 11 niiiucoj run iflc Mmco Absolutely Pure. This DOWder never varlmi. A marvnl nf nnritT. Strength and WlinlmnmnnAaa Mora UMnnmlngl than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In uoinpetiiioQ wicn me multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only u ixuiB. fruuiesoie ur " ... - - tif KINGS BUBWlfXL, Jan20d4wly Charlotte, N. C. LAUREL.' Pre-eminent in every higher quality the HAN AN SHOE has became the rncntrnnaH fttnnriarrf for fine wear among discriminating gentlemen. - For sale by A. E. BANKTN A BBO., Charlotte, N. C. BURNHM'S inPROTRD STAKD.4RD T II R R I M . .fiJA I U II. It I 11 U t Jltijr Is the BEST constructed and ; .fm nnished Turbine Id the world. i.-ta Tested percentages, with part and full ratH drawn, nonal tn any other wbefel. pNew pamphlet sept free by HIJKnilAn IIKUN ,UKH, PA. NERVOUS DEBILITATED : MEM. Too are allowed a free trial nffhtrtii itmn nf tfu nse of Dr. Dye'B Celebrated Voltaic Belt wltn Electric Suspensory appliances, for the epeedy relief and Twrmnnpntcnra fit trmua ThiUtu lraa of Vitality &ruT Manhood, and all kindred troubles. Also for manv other diseases. Complete restora tiou to Health. Vifjor and Manhood guaranteed. no nK u incurred, illustrated pampmetlnwoMd ynveiope mailed free, by addressing vulxajlu Uioii to., Mjrahall, auch. rovndeortwTm i-uiai,Trumiruyana i.artuw Dvspppsia Pills (price cents') by maiL BEO0 DKUO CO.. Covington. Ky mayl9deod&wly , wana Whiskey Hab- 3 out pain. Book of par- nun uuifii Hi, iiiima unfh. Iucuiars sent KKEE. B. M. WOOILEY. St. n Atlanta, t h - (ifii..u wa nuiuiuiui street. mayl9deod&wly - ; CUREftIiDEAF PECK'S PATENT IMPROVED CUSHIONED EAR DRUMS mnaiT xenon. the bkabiko mml perform the work of the saiarmi arum, invisible, coniioTtitile and always in posittoa. All eon vert at Ion and even whisper beard dUtirtrtly. Send foriUTi?tratef Doon wttn testimonials, FREE. Address. or call on iv. MiSUUJL, 849 iroadway, ew iort- Mention thu paper. MACHINES A SPECIALTY' Simp'est, Most Itor tble.Xeonomlcal and Perfect In use. Wastes, qq Grata; cleanses It Beady for Market. Threshing Engines and Horse Powers Saw Mills and Standard Implements Generally. Send for Illustrated catalogue. ; A. B. PAHQi mAR, Pennsylvania Agricultural tforka, York, Fa. mayAitwlm . I CURE FITS! ' Whpji I rjiv 'iipfi I do not mean merelT to ston thm . for a tmw and then have them return again. I mean 4 radical cure. I have made the disease of FITS, EPL. tEPSX r FALLING SICKNESS a Ufe-long- study, I warrant my rented; to cure the worst cases. Becaiwa otaers have f ailed is no reason for not now recoiviag a cure. Send at onoe for a treatise and a fyee Bottle ol jaj Infallible remedy. Oive EznreM asd Itoosts you nothing for a ti . . . .- ... - tna-ostumoa, Omoa. a, aaawiit core Address ua. u. u. A Pearl St., Mew Turk PENNYROYAL PILLS "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH." The Orifrlnnl and Only Oennlne. Safb and BeliaMe. Beware of worth lea Imitation!. Indlspenrahlc ta LADIES. Ask yoar l)ranit tat "Clileaeatera Knsllidi-' aud take ao other, or inclose 4o. (stamp) to ua ftir particulars in Utter by retura wtaLU NAME PAPER. Chichester Caemteal Co., - , 188 a Madison iiuare, Jr-itllada Pa. Sold by nnisrcUtii every whoe, Atk fer "Chlches. . ra EniUai" Punnvryal 1'Ula. Take no oUier. JanlOd&wlj I am an old man. Tor 28 Tears 1 snffftrnd with ulcers ommy right leg as the result of typhoid fever. Amputation was suggested as the only means of preserving lite. doctors could do nothing for me, and thought I must die. Kor 8 years I never had a shoe on. Swltt's specific has made ft pef mar-eat cure and added ten years to my iu. - r. .ttxsp,uanu.l(ia. I have tafcen Swirt's Speclflo for blood poison, contracted at a medical college at a dissection, wliile (was a medloal student. 1 am grateful to say that It gave me a speedy and thorough cure after my parents had spent hundreds of dollars for treatment. - . .. - - f : ACGUSToa Wbhdkl, M. D., Newark, N. J. My wife from early girlhood has been suffering from rheumatism. She has tried many remedies, and I must frankly say has derived more benefit from Swift's Specific than from all the others, after long and faithful trial. - . tav. jAxsa Ji, Piscra, OxfordGa. Swift's Specific is entirely vegetable. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases moiled five. ' The Swift Specific Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta.Ga,, orl69 W.23dSt..M.X. FOR RENT. . A COMFORTABLE 4 room cottage, pantry and kitchen, within a few hundred yards of the Graded school, and six acres of land for rent to r good tenant. Apply to jania : .- B. K .COCHBANS.Manager . FOR SALE, t C- UnimDroved lot 99x150. adloinlne the cro- OO perty of S. H. Smory. J. P. Irwin and others. neon Shade trees on tne lot. Price 500. -Charlotte nar2fKltf '. Real Estate Agemcy, v B. B. COCHEANS, Manager j Sirs. Joe Pf rsen's Bemedy Is stflltte best Blood Parlfief on the market. '. :. . JNOU. McAUN, Wholesale Druggist, ,.....tr. r i v. . - i j - ! .... ; . ... kTo the VICTOR the ynun 1886 a. 19 Cents. - . i - i . At this uniform price our entire stock of untrimmed Straw Hats. FORMERLY BOLD AT 40 cents and 1.50 cents TTEIPS! 200 BUNOHES -AT- 42 fents Worth 75 Per bunch of 3 tips, IPlotnes M One lalf f heir MRS am At DOWN WITH PEICES! f Whilst goods are still in demand. . MOTE THESE. REDUCTIONS': now Hosiery, 11 cts. 19 cts. A pair for Boys Ribbed Hose. ; 15c A pair for Misses Colored Hoso 35c to 50c a. Dair for Ladies Balhrierp'An Hoba I 9Zr 19 cts. 45 cts. 57 cts. A pair for Ladies Black Lisle A pair for Ladies Col. Lisle All Parasols 9 CENTS PER YARD For 40 m. India Linen. Seductions in all Departments. THESE PRICES FOR A LTMITED TIME ONLY. " WITTKOWSKY k MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED i . ! in: AIMI l. ..: r - -. ...- jJ,ajXI.Aaa&Wa - - - - . n-"e-tgl 33 MILES WEST OF CHARLOTTE ON THE ATLANTA - & CHARLOTTE AIR LINE R. R . The above Resort; was newly , biiilt last Seagon, is beautifully located and elegantly fur-; nishedi'- Has an open fireplace in every room; i New bath! house and bath rooms. - New Dancing PavUlion. The table supplied at all times with the best the market affords. Terma Keasonable, For further information. address - . - COZZENS & THOMAS . . A'prUWdwed&suntmayfB&StwtaulS -S- j i' :,"S: , All-Healing P. O.; Gaston. county, N. C... cjjSsaxxi sweep IN MnDDfiimeiFy (Lrooiflto AT COST, Our entire stock of CHILDRENS' HATS. 150 08 cnts " t mils proportionately low prices. FORMERLY. NOW 38 cts. 38 cts. 38 cts. Pr yd for Pr yd for Pr yd for Pr yd for Pr yd for Hose ' ' 65c 28 cts. Hose 75c j 10 cts. at Strictly Reductions in White Goods, 1 A CENTS PER YARD v For 22 in white Strp. mousselaine CHARLOTE, N. C. AND PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. ' AND PIiASUR PRICE FIVE CENTS. 36 Cents. At this uniform price our entire stock of untrimmed Straw Hats. FORMERLY SOLD AT 65 cents and 75 cents TTKIPS. BUNCHES - AT - Cents Worth L75 , Per bunch of 3 tips. j Actual Value. Dress Goods. FORMERLY. all wool 40 in Canvass Cloth all wool 36 in Nun's Veiling all wool 36 in De Beiges every yard of French Satteen Domestic Satteens, 31 in wide 60 cts 60 cts 60 cts 45 ct 15 c Cost Price. 11 CENTS PER YARD " 33 in. white plaid Mousselaine. BARM. RESORT it if! ii I .8 v i it : 'A 1 I: it- 51 s, 11 r I