' , ww.nnl1""" -SdDAILT EXCEPT MONDAY. SSALt MHS PASSED. THE rHis, B. JONES CDAS Editor and Proprietor. SENATE CAI.E1SIA TARES UP. !r-'ISr"-' the mme nthe Present fiscal 00 """in? .Tn Ktth0r wasaDroviso i WTl "r'ifition of the THE Doitii.e in uiiEta. ; j SWEET GIRL GRAUDATES T.Trt THS BUK, 80MBTIMKS SlTBMm TO -MBUx-,- - gQM, OMLI i OBSCWKBUi "w BI TUB- on Stanton Strong !- riiirTption to the Observer. III LIJUU11UK' - - 5 cents. etDgieoopy.......-.-" go By t&e week tn the city 75 - By the month .- "00 Three months Btx months '.H'.U". o0& One year i,mT,os. , 69 cents. irawimmu""" 11.00 61x months.... VJ6 '3ne year.. VK" In clubs ol five and over L50. No deviation From These Knles. Subscriptions always payable In advance, not onlf In name but In fact. - IKMTBRM) ATTH POSTOJMC C1IABWTT", N. j.. as sjmx)SD Class MattjuU - -v . tr T-Tvr'C o 1 RRfi WASHINGTON CULLINGS. TUB OLEOMABGABISE IS THE SENATE. BILE Wheeler's Brashness J ude Bennett Introduces a Bill for the Belief of Omer " and Prof.Hanna,of the the Mint -No Bankruptcy Bill to b Passed this Session- Personal. " Correspondence of Thb Obsbbvsb. Washington, I). O., June 7. Gen. Wheeler is a little brash. Several times recently he has assailed Ed win M. Stanton, in the House. His - attack on Friday night at the session intended for private pension bills was printed in' extenso in the last number of the. Congressional Record. This morning Judge Kelly made a motion to expunge the speech from the Record, or to prevent its Dublication in ! future editions. He said he should submit someremaiks tomorrow. This war episode was followed by reconciliation between Messrs. Crisp and Holman.. judge Crisp's hand some retraction of harsh words utter ed in debate Saturday was accepted in (M same spirit by Judge Holman. The latter then went over to the Georgian's seat and shook his hand, both in meetiDg and leaving him. The vote in the Senate this after, noon pa the reference xf the oleos .margarine bill is regarded as indica- '- tjve of a close vote in that body when .-She rfts&Stys comes up in its passage. nt b " mittee on Agriculture in preferenoe to the Finance committee by a vote : of 22 to 21. One Senator who voted to refer to the Agricultural commit tee said afterwards t'oat he should vote against the bill. Senator Beck says privately that the bill will not pass without tariff amendments- He mean's to put on free salt, &c. ' Judge Bennett introduced ;today three relief bills of some public inter est, one of these for the relief of the postmaster at AlbemarlC the, other two for the relief - of officers C. J. Cowles and Hanna, of the Charlotte . mint. . Col. Cowles introduced a personal relief bill. - Some of the North Carolina mem-, bers, friendly to the measure, re marked this morning in the hearing of your correspondent that no bank ruptcy bill would probably be passed at this session. It is said that the reason is the opposition of western members, whose States have local laws deemed sufficient. News received here is favorable to the re-nomination : of Col. W. J. Green. But the rule requiring a , twothirds vote will make it not easy for his friends to secure the re sult on the first ballot. Mr. Dortch's ' " candidacy is being pressed with ener gy in a number of the counties. ' There, is nothing, new, or at least - -definite, as to our public buildings. The reports of the various sub -corns mittees have been revised by what is termed the revising committee of the main committee. In the nature of . things at the next call the State of North Carolina will be reached. It is not known at what day the com ; mittee will be called. But I have r good authority for the statement that whenever the State's opportuni ty comes the Statesville. bill ' will be the first acted upon. . My last letter closed too . early for " the vote on the Warden case. On this question the delegation divided - aa follows:. : Ayes, Messrs. Bennett,' Henderson and Reid. Noes, Cowles, , .. Cox, Johnston and Skinner. Not yaCBag, Messrs. Green and O'Hara. : I learn that a novel in reply to - wThe Bread Winaers,'.' will appear ia this oity during the present week, wtten by Congressman Martin F3ran, of Cleveland, Ohio. Mr. Foran is a working man's advocate. , He will, in the forthcoming books, , which will bear his name on the title - -page, pltftere lilt tstm the eteundpct-t of the laboring man. The seene will i b& laid in Cleveland. Col. Green spent the latter part of v the week in attendance on St Mary's . commencement, Raleigh. His little daughter is a student. . He returned ' to, the city yesterday. ; v?-- Mr; Heuderson obtained: leave of . absence this morning on account of the serious illness of his little boy. Col, John L. Brown and wife called here on their way to Washington Territory, where Mrs. Brown's sister . - resides. ' 1. Mr. C. . M. McLoud, c of Asheville. arrived yesterday.'-, Mr. Savage D. Trenholm, of the same place, is a re, cent arrival. - Mr. M. M. Hunter, of Statesville, - . and Mr. O. M. Sadler, of Charlotte, have been here recently. : . j : Lieutenant Gov. Stedman spent ' Sunday in town with his friends. fcr and The Sen- biilg on the were the re- Danghters, Wivts sd Mothers We emphaHeally guarantee Dr. Marchlsl's Cath olloon, a Female Remedy, to core female diseases, . such as ovarian troubles, Inflammation and ulcera tion, falling and displace men or bearing down teellng, Irregularities, barrenness, change of life, leuoorrhcea, besides many weaknesses springing from the above, like headache, bloaMug, gpinal weakness, sleeplessness, nervous debility, palpita tion of the heart, Ae. - For sale by druggists. Price $1.00 and tl.60 per bottle. Send to Dr. i. B. Mar- - cnisl, Utlca, N. Y., for pamphlet free. '. For sale by L. It. Wrlston, druggist, Charlotte - . iulylleodlv Wheeler's Speech Forth Sonre guage from Kelly. ; f ; ' Washington, June 8. -Senat In the Senate Mr. Murnll, from the Committee on Finauce, reported the bill creating an adduionalsecretary of the treasury. He asked I the itn mediate consideration of the bill, in view, he said, of , an emergency known to all Senators. hv Mr. Hoar, the bill went onJthe calendar, Mr. Hoar say mg it was a bill of too much conse quence to consider on the instant. q Mr. Dawes offered a resolution t.Vift RftrrGtarv of tne Treasury for information as to tne legal authority of the opinions and decisions upon which was based the action of the treasury in postponing the collection of taxes on whiskey, bonded forexport andmPrard turned to this country in 1885 ana 1886 and other information m regara to whiskey affected by such treasury action. Agreed to. - - rrfu- v;n fkr- t.hA rfllief of naval ca det erased from the roils by the op eration of the naval appropriation hill of 1882. was then discussea am time, sliahtly amended finally laid upon tne taD.e ate then proceeaea wuu calendar. Thft followiae measures passed . T authorize Secretary of the Treasury to settle SXSof the State of Florida on nf the exnenditures maae in suppression of the Indian hostilities. This bill was afterwards raconsids ered for the purpose of amendment, on motion of vMr. Call. . - A bill to prpvide for the repair ot Fort Marion, at St. Augustine. Fla. " A bill providing lor a cuuiiuu of three persons to be appointed by the President, by and with the ad vice and consent of the Senate to in vestigate the truth of the alleged dis coveries of specific causQ of yellow fever. The commission is directed to go to Mexiao, and if necessary, to Cuba, Central America and Brazil, for purposes of investigation lbe commissioners are to be medical man -nn or more of them to be an officer or officers of the government smeciallv versed in biological search, particularly in microscopic investigation of germs of contagious diseases. , ,, . A bill to remit the lorreiture qi ine British bark Viscount Canning, and refund to her owner the proceeds of her ale, which took place at Mobile in 1877. Adjourned. House. Mr. Henderson, of Iowa, rising to a question of privilege, stated thft the remark made, by fiim in the soilvquy wita Mr. Whefe, of Alabama, when that geotteman was deli verina a speech attacking Edwin M. Stanton had been, "by some mys terious mistake," misplaced ia the Record. Mr. Whesler stated that the mis placement was entirely accidental, and he had no objection to the cor rection being made. On motion of Mr Reed, of Maine, a Senate bul was passed for the relief of Chester A Arthur and Willi im H. Robertson, late collectors of customs for the district of the city of New York. Mr. Kelly, of Pennsylvania, called up as the privileged question, the motion submitted oy mm yesterday to expunge from the Record and and speech of Mr, Wheeler, of Ala bama, upon Edwin M. Stanton. He based his question of. privilege on a conscious, , deliberate, persistent abuse of the order of the House by the representative of the Eighth dis trict of Alabama. In lieu of the mo tion made yesterday, he submitted a resolution reciting that Mr. Wheeler had been guilty of abuse of the order of the House, inasmuch as his speech had not been made upon any pension bill, and declaring that as the deliv ery of the speech was without the sanction of tne House, and in contra vention of the special order, the said speech be expunged from the Record and prohibiting the public printer fronrfurnishing it in pamphlet or other form. Reagan, of Texas, raised a point of order against the resolution. The speech bad been made by the unan imous consent of the House, and therefore could not be an offense against the House. . The Speaker replied that it was not in the province of the chair to decide whether it was an abuse or not. It was alleged to be an abuse by the gen tleman from Pennsylvania, and the question was to be decided by the : House. - Kelly then proceeded to speak at length and his remarks were listened to with great attention by the House; He was unwilling, ho said, that the future readers of the record of the proceedings of this CongredS-should, by any possibility, be able to suspect him of having sat by, through what must have involved three hours lis tening to slanders which had been re futed f r twenty five years, and many of which were now absolutely putrescent, on one of the . most un selfish patriots the couutry had ever produced, and one of the most beV loved friends he had ever known in his long life. . He was unwilling that ha should be suspected of listening to a paper which feebly regretted that in a moment of beat, its author had denounced Abraham Lincoln and Ed win Stanton as conspirators, and Stanton as an arch conspirator against the character . of particular American citizens, and as combining to thwart the Union army. He was unwilling that posterity should be told in the Congressional Record that the Republican party had sat quietly, in the hours of midnight to hear these slanders on '? Lincoln and Stanton poured put hour by hour, and that no man, either Republican or Demo crat, who had periled his life under the administration of war power by Lincoln and Stanton for the support of the Unionr should' have failed to say "these slanders are nowl offens sive to all honest loyal uoion men haviog tested ? jo ; heaps, breathing noxious odor, or been' consigned scores Of years ago to the cessation of gossip." The country owed some thing to the illustrious dead, and he did not believe that such scandalous matter as wag enoooiea jq the 25 columns of this paper would be sent to posterity with the sanction of tho American Congress, which, if it vin dicated its own order, must declare that there was no warrant for utter , ing the speech and none for declar mg through the Congressional 'Re cord, that it had been made with the unanimous consent of the House. .After a long speech in defense of Stanton by Kelly, of Pennsylvania! Morrison cut ehtrt further discussion by moving to refer Kelly's resolution to the committee on rules agreed to 72 to 52. The House then went into committee f the whole on the legisla tive, , executive and judicial - appro priation bill. . , ' - . - The .bill appropriates 120,560,119 against 21 million four hundred and sir thousand, sir hundred and eighty five ($21,406,685) dollas appropriation for the current year. Holman anal- Sf .5it of each State enure uo vi apH" . , - , rpu;a v, v,aA massed examination. ; mis tneima ButteYworth inquired wheto this AiA nnt nnlllfV the 1 BOOSt :.fnt .ra-nrisinn Ot. the V C1V11 00.mw kw and whetherf its -object f tA. Aimhla the appointing power to select his partisan friends . v. Holman answered most emphati-u-, h nocative. - It ; was, ne tannA a matter of justice to the applicant who was successful in pas- nine tne examiuauuu. - . ; . to "R Tftvlnr. of Ohio, inquired whether the main object otj the pros vision was not to secure the appoint- trimQn rAnlmJ that so f ar as the. -.aHm vraa ftoncerned he must i tto wnnld sav. however, had the incident- tUoku IL mo y w - , i -.ii- inf inAPAARiner the number 01 Democratic -employees. ! he did not tkinir the, c-entleman ought to com- VU Mr Findlev. of Indiana, inquired whetherlthe object of the provision was not to enlarge the scope of choice tnr nnlir.i(al nurnoses ? . f Mr Holman to enlarge the scope nf Ahnine'I admit, but for govern mental purposes and for the purpose yf a-an.hnndAd lllStlCO. P - - After criticisms on the special ser. vice provisions by various memueis, . ur- riohoa nf Alabama, from the Committee on the Judieiary, asked leave to report back Mr. Edmunds anti-Polveamy bill, but Mr. Carney, of Utah, objected. rif . Tho nnint. was made that tne oeie eate had not the right to object, and the Speaker sook tna poinu uuuh visement. Adjourned, BACK TO WASHIHttTOlI. Clevelflnd Gives al Sadden Order to beTaken Back to the White House. Deer Pabk, morning June 8. -Early this John W : Davis, : who has charge of the Pr.dent's party, was notified thathe President desired to make a trip to Washington, and that he would like to have his special fol low closely after the midday train, (known among railroad men as num ber 6 ) Ad engine, was at once or dered from Grafton, and the palace oars TWtimore"and"Delaware "were put in readiness for the reception of the nartv. What caused eo sudden an alteration of the plan is not known, as it was thought last night thai the bride acd exoom would re main i the mounwuns a day or two longer. Secretary Mannmg may nave considered his presence in Washington indispensable and work ed upon the feelings or nis superior, but Mr. Lamont has not shown him1 self to the newfapr men and nom ine can be learned of hig complicity in the plan to cut short the Presi dential Honeymoon. At half past ten this morning a carriage was brought to the botiage xt tne president ana Mrs. Cleveland. Secretary and Mrs Lamont started out for a driye They went to what is known ae upserva tor v Hill, about two miles from the executive . cottage," where a magnifi cent view of the eurrouadiDg count ry is obtnint d. The Presidential party arrived home from Deer Park at 7:20 o'clock this. .evening. . ' The International Typographi eal jLTnlon. Pittsburg, June 8 The second day's session of the International Typographical Union was opened at 9 o'clock this morning by 1-Tesident Witter. Amonsr those present was Congressman John M. Farquhar, of Buffalo, who was invited to a seat on the platform He made a short ad dress, in which he took strong grounds against uniting with the Knights of Labor, although be said he was not hostile to that organiza tion. President Witter, in reply, said there was only a small fraction of printers who were in favor of such a move. The electiou of officers was next in order, and Charles B. Stivers of Chicago and Wm. Amison, of Nashville, were nominated for the presidency. The ballot was tafcen with the understanding that it would voice the opinion of the convention on the question of joining the Knights of Labor, Mr Stiver being announced as a determined opponent. The bal lot resulted in the election of Amison by a vote of 69 to '45. Mr. Amison thanked the convention for the com pliraent paid the South and his oity The new-president has been a mem ber of the Tennessee Legislature for three terms, and is regarded as one of the strongest men in the union After the election : the convention took a recess for dinner. - Jljiseball Testerdav. Boston Boston ; 13, Kansas City 9. Baltimore Baltimore 3. Metropolis New York New York 2, Chicago 3 Brooklyn Brooklyn 11, Athletic vvasnington wasnmgton o, -.at. Louis 7. . f. Louisrille Louisvile 3, St. Louis 9 (8 innings, ram.) v Philadelphia Philadelphia 4, D troll 8. : . - i Pittsburg Pittabdre 9, Cincin natilO. Augusta No game on account of raan. . Fnll Details Of he Late Tragedy near Iexlnscton The Confession and tynehlns:. , - To the Editor of Thb Okbbtbb : : T.kxingtonJ June 7. The particus lars of the double : murder, j robbery, arson,and Iyncnmg near Jims piace.as obtained by your corresponaenu,' are as follows: m tne eariy part .oi last Friday night the neighbors, living nearMcBride's neara inexeport oi pis tol shots in the direction ot ms house, but as everything seemed quiet lm- mediately afterwards they; thought no more of it until alters iu ctciock, when two ' negroes, Alf Long and Walter Womack. aroused Mr. jonn Jones, a near neighbor,5 and told him that McBride s house, was on nre. as soon as Mr. Jones got to his door he saw the whole country illuminated hv the burnine house, the root nad alreadr fallen in when the neighbors hes-an to catner. --ineyi. couia uu nothing however, to save the builds ing or its contents, and: every thing was lost, xne ereatesi eiuiwuitiui. nre vailed: when the question of the whereabouts or mccriae auu ui wive -.-- " i - . . - 1. 3 arose "i INo one nao seen or nearu anything ol them.: Their, suspense did hot last lone, however, until their worst fears were realized, tor : as tne fire burned lower, two distinct charred forms could be seen among .he ashes and debris of the back part or the house: used as a kitchen. The posi tioh of the bodies as they were lying near the burning dining table, clearly indicated that, they were murdered while eatine their evening meaF One was at each end of the table, and the woman's body had partly fallen into an bid cellar, the wildest excitement was now manifested among the gath ering-crowd as to who could have done ' this dastardly , and; terrible deed. Soon, however, suspicion was fixed upon the two negroes Long and Womack, who are tenants and live near McBride's house. In asking Alf Long how - be came fco first discover the fire, he said be beard the dogs bowling, and that they were tied near, the fire and he ran to the house to turn the dogs loose, but that they were too near the fire for him to reacn inem, and tnat tney, were burned up. This was falsi, as the dogs were Ued at their usnaL place and turnea up hu ngni, xms, wun other circumstancfs, led to their arrest by the crowd, and they were held until the UoroDer could be sum moned from Lexington to investigate the case. The Coroner arrived late Saturday evening, and after examin ing numerous witnesses, the testi mony all pointed to All Long as the guilty prty. Whfc'ri he (Alf Long) was put upon tne stand ne dented every thing, uiner : witnesses pre viouBly examined had testified that Alf Long had been in Lexington on Sriday and hadtraded a watch to F. Thompson & Co; for a pistol. Alf o reply $Md that he had been at work do the Broadway plae; some throe miles off ; said he never had owned a p'scoi tie lied m various other ways. His wife, who lived wun nim a iitue nouse near! McBride's, was next examined. She! Seemed at firgn inclined to screen her hUf band, but finally said she . was going to tell the whole : truth i that gbe had ' kept it back Jong enough. Aif: told me Fri ,day evening when he came home from Lfxingipn ita the j isipl and twenty ve cartn i$ce .mat. tie was going to jc.ll ia Jei(.jc McBnde aud his wife with that night; hesai's now if you tell this I will ki-l you loo; he says; I know old Mt Bride sold his tos bacco in Salisbury and haarot some money, i tnca pj persuade bim to give ir up, but he went off and was gone some time; when he oame back be woke me up and said, take and bide this pistol as I have killed Mc Bride and msj wife; 1 shot old Jack in the bead while he was aittine in the chair at the table; I then shot the old woman m the back the first time. She was making up bread he gaid. j I then Bred two more shots in their bodies be said : I then ransacked the house bunting lor money ha said j l nnlv fnimrJ ninn fAl 1 ara " : K : aaifll T then poured kerosene oil on the and set the bouse on fire." After Alt's wife's evidence had been heard, he (Alf). was aent'for and his wues evidence read to mm, when he wilted and made the following: con tession; ' "I am guilty of the murder of AJ J McBride and -Polly- McBride, and I know the consequences," Ho tried to implicate various other parties, but tney an proved an alibi by good wit nenses. - -.- .- j-ois confession whs made at a school house on Sunday, after which the juy retired with the coroner to tne aweiung nouse or yigero woods, near the school housa, to "make Out tneir report in writing ana appoint a committee to carry the prisorier to jail. ' The news came that the" prison er, Alf Long, had been taken from the officers and hung to a "tree near there. The crowd had been verv clamorous to hang the negro alii the time, out tne coolness or, tne uoroner and the Justice of the Peace .faejd them in check until the investigation was thorough and complete, and the guut ot pne, prisoner fully established livery tning was conducted witn a spirit of fairness, no undue haste,! but mi waiteu patiently until tne lime came to act. I hear, no one express any regret, all, seem t jfchink4 the lyncnwg wej i merited. A. M. K FAiit socTn cAitouniAns at HORTll CAROLINA COLLEGE. VE ARE II DISPLA Commencement Exercises of the 'Charlotte : Female Institute The Ifames ot, the 'Bledalllsts from. the Palmetto State The Annual Concert. ... Chart; stem ew9 and Conrlpr Charlotte, N. C,, June &-For brilliant commencements the Char-, lotte Female Institute is not to be surpassed, and the one which closed last evening was the finest ever held. Tjhe qiicert hall had ; been enlarged by th3 present principal so as to m -crease its capaeity 'hy '- two hundred visitors, and at the earoe time 1 im prove its ventilation, so that, thougn there were nfeany nve nunareo per sons in attendance, the heat was nob at all oppreseive. : - The commencement , on Tuesday night opened with prayer by. the Rev.v Dr. Kobey ot tne Metnoaist Church;- The. address was made by the Eev. W. S Licy of the Presby terian Church..; "lis subject was Tact."- The characteristics, power and desirability of tact were learnedly and - humorously dwelt upon. . . 1 he address abounded in illustrations, in which the well known humor of the speaker and his ready wit scintillated wun tneir Drmiancy. . . : - After the address the principal an nouaced the names of the pupils who had received "distinction; in their studies.- Among them were the fol lowing' young ladies from Jsoutn Carolina: Misses Euth Allen, Janie Gregg, Sophie Haskell, Mary Steed, Joan Behre, Anna Ciowny, Janie Clowny, j Nettie Drafts, Josie Izard," Mattie Izard and Mattie McKeown. When g young lady completes the course of stijdy in any sgljogl. and attains the standard of J'distinccipa" therein, she receives what is called a certificate of . proficiency, and might be ajd to be graduated in that school. Miss SrUth Ajlen. received a ceitificateof proficiency in mathema tics, and Miss Janiu Gregg in Iat'n, Miss Josie Russell, also from South Carolina, was the only English graduate this year. Miss Russell also won the prize of the "English medal" for the best essay on the rise and deveI?pmentof the English copy and-literature. South Carolina was represented among the full graduates by Miss El la Biam. Bibles, diplomas, and the graduate's medal were presented to the seven iuii graduates, and diplo mas to two graduates in music; one of which was Miss Ruth Allen, who among her other attainments.achiev ed the distinction of being the finest piano player in the institute. Tne principal announced tnat mere would be five additional medals of- fered for competition next year. One for tne best record in recitation and deportmemv one for the greatest im provement in penmanship, one for the best exhibit of oil paintings, one lor (ne nest e&uipit ui urawiugs, and one for the best . player at sight on the piano, the work to be ut?ed at the eompetitive trial being Mozart's son-. atas excluivly. The.-e are to be handsome gol4 medals. ; The annual concert ' Wi dnesdav evening waa the grand finale of the commencemeat exercises. As has been implied already, it was the most popular und brilliant concers. the institute ha3 given to Charlotte undr its pri-?enF regime. I would tnakJ spedal mention of Von Weber's Kando lirilaame, a piano duet for four piAnos, in . which the Misses Izard. Haskell, and Blnin appeared, and (odef roi'J's most beautiful "Awakening of the Fairif-s," for four pianos, led by Misss " Allen on the grand piano. There were parts of this play as soft and featherly as a fairy?s wings, and the crowded audience showed their appreciation of the beauty of the music and - the skill of the players by keeping per fect silenoo to listen to the ' silvery sounds, so low and yet so distinct, as if they expected to see the fairies theme elves ; flutter into the room. Miss Aljen also rendered, with the great' applause : ; pf the audience, Weber's version of . ''Home, Sweet Home," with only the left band. After the concert was Over the "art exhibit was thrown open to visitors. Everybody in North and South Caro lina has heard of the art exhibits of the Charlotte Female Institute. One was made a few years agp at the State Fair in Columbia, the next year there was another at the State Fair in Raleigh.1 They excited much, at tention at . the time. The . annual exhibits during commencement week fully sustain the reputation of . the institute as one of the best art schools any where in the Soutb. The array of paintings and drawings and deco rative works wa9 magnificent. - Th catalogue of the ai t exhibit showed that two hundred and thirty pieces of art were on exhibition. In it I noticed the names of the following young lady artists from South Caro lina:. Missen Gregg, Haekell, Izard and ' Clowny. Youth and - beauty kepjt the exhibit . room, and the spa cious halls of the institute crowded with promenading couples until past midnight ' Thus closed one of the most brilliant commencements ever held in Charlotte. - j All the new GRAND -IN mB aimal SHuHT Msiis And the latest styles in PUIiTINGS FOR- pur prices thif season will be UWDEB THE MARKET throughout, and where - -a'c;t::xja:l.v "vAlxt-E , : Is regarded, we will stand without a rival. ,. , SILECT :-:EXUmiON JTO Wi?mngton and the; foM Under the manngement t the Hornet Fire Com mny. of iharlotte. M. C, will leave han. tte n Weduesdaj evening, Juue 23rd, at 8:15 o'clock FARE. $3.50 for the Round Tr p. Tlckfts eoort fbr tour dare Persnnir will have the privilege ol returning on any r. unA, train. .. B ,,r Sneclal eftrs wtlt be provWeit for ladles an I their escorts, and under no elrcu nutanoes 111 urunkw ears, " iieiregnmenta wui be semd on the train D. M. KIGLKtt, Chali'man cm. Davidson, ... w. j. byehly, , k. f. cbkswell, .. 380. 8. BYEHLY . - Comm.ttee. L. J. WALKEB. B. K . BHYA L J . Mil! 'I CO.: Wholesale and Retail Grocers. XKW FIRM We t" ' 1 "'fjjlly call your attention to the large and extensive stock of MillineryW.) "r Goods; at Mrs. P. Query's, Trade street. Also to . the fact why shct tni-tte NEW HIGH ARM' , VEUTICAI; I'KKD Exclusively in her Dress Making Department, after using other machines for years. By this New "Feed Invention" all seems are made strong and will not rip. Try it before you buyj itjwill eost you nothing. Supplies for all machines, - I N the first day of Jammrv.iRRK.thA nn,i. ot ealoM860'11 P General Grocrj Baseless At the Old Stand of Rnrtn-a A Bn .ii Tryon & Fourth streetsT we are juallfied bV leug MIjsrle.n(7!' t? meet the demands of the trade, and give satisfaction to our customers wo wm Keep on nand at all times a full stock of FAMILY SUPPLIES Which will be delivered tn arv Dan nf tt . .; of charge. We will not be undersold to the Charlotte market. R. MOORE, General Agent. Trade St The Brown imi l - .MB i f" .--- A -. Cotton may2dwed8atw5m NEW LONDON, CONN. Manufacturers of the "Old ' Reliable" Brown Gottoa ins, Feeders andi Conr densers. All the very latest improvements : fan? proved roU box, patent wbipper, two brush belts, extra strong brush, cast steel bearings, new improved Feeder, enlarged dust proof Condense?, . . ..... . . - a , r-. - 5-. - Btrons, simple mconsiruciiou, uuramq .'- 'ins fast, runs light, cleans the seed peai jfectly and produces first class samples. I D ELJV E HE 11 FSE OJf -itlWtl'X at any accessible point. Send for full deBcription and price list. IttcDOWEl' ChaHotte, Nt C, Agents. METAL POISON. I am a coppersmith by trade, and the small par ticles of brass and copper from filing got Into sores on my arms and poisoned my whole system. Mer cury administered brought on fheumatlsin, and I became 'a helpless invalid I took two dozen bottles of Swift's Specific. Mj legs, arms and hands are all right again. 1 use them without pain My restora tion is due to S. a 8. Pktbb X. Lovf, Jan. 9, 1886. . - . i - Augusta, Ga. '?f;1 !WAlAttI A 1. POISON. ; ' We hav used Swift's Speclfip tn our family as an antidote tor' malarial poison tor two ox tbtee years, and have never known it to tall In a single In stance. ! i W. C. Fuklow. Sumter Ca, 6s., Sept. 11, 14. , 1 1 CKg. For slxorelAt -es rs I suffered with ulcers on my rlgbi leg. I w u - reated with Iodide of Potas sium and Mercj -i, and I became helpless. Six bottles ot Swift's 3i cine made a permanent cure. H. D. WndOK, Gainesville, Ga. February 38, 18 -. j . - - '. - - : - ' ' ' ' , . . i . - - - - . - Swift's Speoifio Is entirely vegetable. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. . - Ths Swift Sracmo Co., Drawer 3. ittanta, or 109 W. 23d St.. N. T. j . ' ; WANTED. TB'E Charlotte Real Estate i Agency could rent M. half a dozen ch-aD houses Jurt now. . toPT. . coeHRAire, . ma14dlt i Manager. MECKLENBURG ICE CO. CHAm-OTTfE, W. C, CITY TB1DK. Until fnrther notice, on and after Juesday, June 1st, our city customers purchasing weekly tickets will be furnish, d ice from the company s delivery wagon in such quantities as desired, from 5 pounds ud. ax tne unirrom raw price or ou writs per nun K dred pounds. Those holding weekly tickets of 8 iiiKUOT urice can eicuauiw uim uieir uutiun Wtth'our ffekef agehts attnepity J)rug Stores for the lower priced tickets. We are now manufactur ing and offering to the trade at low rates, a super ior quality 01 pure crystal ice maae irom jnecmen- puig spring water morougniy juierea. - ; 8, W. DAVIS, Supt i shipfjkg" PRICES. i "Par Load of 10 tons,' From 6 to 10 tons, . From 1 to 6 tons, BOO to 1,000 pounds. 100 to fcOO pounds, 5 50 per to t 6 00 per ton 7.C0 per ton : BOcprlOOlbs eucperiuuiDs We are now using the celebrated Hyatt Filter. V'rouen wmcn au ine water is passed before freez Ing, and the trade may rely upon all loe manufac tured py us oemg as pure as u is possible to make It. Orders solicited and promptly filled. Lowest freight and express rates secured for our custo mers. maj22dtf MECKLENBURG ICS CO. SIAAA SALARY TO AG 9IUVV once,' PR. HCQTf'S EtECTKlO prfoedSm V - . There Is a ood wason yard in tbn mar nf our store for the accommodation of our custo L tf. WALKEB & GO. H f. Ef ILES i III. AUCTIONEER WILL SELL AT- AUCTION, Wainnt Chamber Suits, Painted Chamber Suits Mattresses. Springs, Bureaus, Marble Top wash-, stands, Rocking Chairs, Tables, Mosquito Nets, Marseilles Quilts, Sheeting, Pillow Cases, Towels, Feather Pillows and Bolsters, Crockery and Glass ware at reduced prices. ' "i'als payer is kept on file at tbe office of SON pVERTISINq GENTS KM Mm nut r i.irn;rsrrr rtt Lcvost sli Sates I I'l-L fil! -"- rr Ki :1V!". I Superb BiWIET SPRWQi, ' '-Cttn 2Uarkt Stuntiat; rtw Tork, June 8 - Green & Oa. sayi It has been a purely local mar ket without a feature of special signi ficance except Hhe continued absence of a demand and ; the necessity for shading values every. time an effort to realize was put forth. Old crop ranged 3 to 4 points lower to day, and ciosea ; tamely. 1 jn e w - crop H remains unaer neglect owing to further favor able -weather reports, and few buy- erg can be found willing to, negotiate even on the prospect of having modi . tied ' bids accepted. ,,No one appears to want cotton, old or new. at this moment. Fatal Wreck on the Georgia Central. - Savannah, Ga., June 8 -Theiight express on tne tieorgia Uentralj Kail road, was ; wrecked at ? Rogers, 85 mues west ot oavannan, tnis mornn ing. A block of wood, tightly wedged between the rails at a switch. threw the engine and three cars from the track. Fireman Uharle Maddax was Killed, and engineer Wm. P. Prendergast was eeverelv injured. -It was a deliberately laid plan to wreck tne cram. t - Senator Aldrleh Relete4 f Newport, R. L, June 8. The Leg islature today re-elected Senator Aldrich to the tJ. S. Senate as his own succssor. . Destrurtlen of . tbe BuIIdlnes." Sare One, by Fire, - Harrisbukq, ya., June 8.-rThe greater portion of Rawlev BDrinern. fitualed twelye miles west of ithis place, waa burned between 3 and 4 o'clock this mornioB. The main building, known as . the Virginia House, Washington House, dining room, kitchen, , bakery and store house, wiMbt all their; furniture, nem totally destroyed; The Baltimore Houso was saved. The fire is sup posed to have - originated in the ba kery or kitchen. The insurance ag gregates: $13,000, placed as 'follows. Portsmouth, Va.. companies, $1,500; Georgia Home. $3,000; Hope, i New Orleans, $3,000 ; . Fire Association, Philadelphia. $1,750; Phceaix, Brook lyn, N. YM $1,000; Virginia Fire and Marine, $2,750. The insurance was on au the buildings,; including; , ono left standing: JTbeTioss is estimated at $13,000.1 The Springs was to have been opened Thursday. The builds ings will not be rebuilt this season. The managers will "open the Springs and receive as many guests as the re. maming buuding will accommodate. JnTra Joe Perso-i nemedy - Is still the best Blood Purlller on the market. ; JMU. u. SiOADlSM. wholesale uruggiaj. yTheBloteroLrralisned. , Milwaukee- June 8. This nuorn- mg fortysnme of the recentlv ar rested men indicted by the grand jury for riodng and conspiracy, were ar raigned in the Municipal Court. All plead not guilty and were held for trial, baij rargingfrom- $1,000 to $2,000 each.: The impeachment trial of Alderman Rudzinski has been ad journed till Friday, when (he defense irlrs. Jfoe Person's Bemedy Is sun the best Blood Purifier on the market. - jmo. u. mcaukm, wnoiesaieDruggist. )estb pf a Great Printing Press Man, New York. Jun nnirmAi Richard M. Hoe, head of the firm of R floe & Co., printing press manu facturer8, died guddenly to-day, "at Florence, Italy. -. CURS FOR PILES. . Plies are frequently preceded by a sense of weight In the back, loins and lower part ot abdo men, causing the patient to suppose he has some flection of the kidneys or nelgborng org ,ns. At times, symptoms of indigestlen are present, fiatu leney, uneasiness of the stomach, eto. a moUture ', perspiration, producing a very disiigreeable iwmngs after getting warm, is a common attend ftnt Bllfid, Blot ding and Itching files yield at onoe to the application of Dr. Bosanko's Pile B6m edy. which acts directly upon the parts affected, absorbing the Tumors, allaying the intense Itch .intti and .effecting a permanent cure. Price 60 cents,.. Adiireas Th Doctor Bosauko Medicine Co Plqua, O, Sold by L. B. W tston. V -- - . - ':'. -. Positive Care Tor Pllesi. - To the people of this county we would say wa have been given the agency of Dr. Mnrchlal'g Italian Pile Ointment emphatically guaranteed to care or money refunded Internal, external, blind, bleed ing or itching piles. Prtoe 60c. a bo. Mo curt, no pay. .- . . For sale by L. R. Wrlston, druggist, Charlotte esh i roiiw ant JUST RECEIVINC tLTE BEST STOCK OF GOODS IN - . THE CITY IN OUR LINE. A. R:& W ." B. KTSBST, Prioif Press - for Sale. IHAVB FOR SaLE a complete - Adams Book and Newspaper Press. Size ot platen 34x00 Inches. Tbe machine is In good order, mode b Hoe ACa, standard work. . . List Prtoe - , - - 12,24000 W1U be sold for " - . fiOO , on terms to suit purcliaeer.; . , , : CH4S. R. JONBS, '- anSdtf i -r. ' Charlotte Obeenrer. : . v - ; ANOTHER FINS LOT OV .... - Whitman's Candy and .Confectioneries, Clfler nn d , Sa.4rltchesi Always on hand.' ., - , W. B. TAYLOK. TBJSI TO TWBHTY FOUHIS5B RELIEF Crippled Coi"- (terte Says; - I only weighed 128 pounds when I commenced GTJIKN'S PIONEEK. and now weigh 147 pounds. I could hardly walk with a stick to support me, and now walk long distances without help. Its benefit to me is beyoim calculation. -. D. RTJFUS BOSTICK, Cotton Buyer, . . .. j Macon, Ga. Mr. A. II. Bjniblil, Hardware Merchant of Forsyth, Oa., Writer tt acted like a charm on my general health. I consider it a fine tonic I weigh more than I have for 25 years. Respectfully, i AH. BRAMBLETT. - ;-n; W. r.Jonrs, IWacov, Say' l(?nmfri1if S?1??1 5Sr Terurth nd increased woSmnS Lua Jh1PM .WS reoommend GTJINN'S noMJSEB as the best tonloi W; p tusxa For Forty years a Sufferer from CATARRH. Wonderful to -Relate! "For Forty Tears 1 have been a victim to Ca-TAHRH-three fourths of the time a sufferer from mfCKOTIATTNCJ FAINS ACROSS MT FORSHSAD and MT NOTRU.S. The dischaiges were so offensive that I Jiesitate to mention it. except for the good it may do some other sufferer. I have spent a young for tune from my bard earning during my forty years of suffering to obtain relief from the doctors. I have tried patent medicines every one I could learn ot from tbe four corner of the earth, with no relief And at last (57 years of agel have met with a remedy that has eured me entirely made me a new man. I weighed 128 pounds and now weigh 146. I used thirteen bottles of the medicine and the only regret J have Is that being In - the humbl walks of life, I may not have influence to prevail on all catarrh sufferers to use what has cured me-GUlNN'S PIONEER BLOOD BENEW EB, .. -. -'HENKY CHEVER, ' ' "No. 267 eecond St, Macon, Ga." .. Doctor's Cerifleate t'ase of BIoodPoioa. - I have use GTJINN'S PIONEER BLOOB BB NEWER Id several cases of cutaneous diseases of long standing with the most satisfactory results. Have seen the happiest results follow its use In Syphilis t the worst lorm, and believe It 10 be the Desi aueranve in use. J T. ELLIS, M. D., Griffin, 6a. - -Mr. Henry Chever, writer of tbe above, former ly ot Crawford county, now of Mxcon, Georgia, merits the confidence of all Interested In catarrh. ; v "W. A. HUFF, Ex-Mayor of Macon." "A Toicn from tne Cone Star Niate ftUINN'S PIONEER BLOOD BENEWEB has cured one ot my children of the worst cases of Sorofula I ever saw. Her skin is as claar as nunc ciiiu iub uuciAirv mty iv is a. ponvvv puib i't their opinion. . I am toanktul for having tried the remedy. , WM. U f ARKd, Dallas, Texas. Savannah, Ga., January 20, 1888. GDLNN'S PIONtEB BLOOD BENEWEB has made several cures or Blood Poison and Rheuma tism among my customers. I most heartily re commend it to sufferers from these affections. C M.HILLMAN, Druggist. " - Nkw Obleams, La.. January 16, 1886. I have been cured sound and well of a bad case of Blood Poison by the use of 15 bottles of GUINN'S PIONEER BLOOD-BENEWEB. I will sound its praises forever -r- v i-- JACOB KBUTE. - Kf I rm acquainted with the above case, and most heartily attest it.. ' - EUGENE MAY, Druggist, Canal stret Uures all A .Perfect Blood and Skin Diseaspia T?riWnrria?Bm 9m.ftfiil" AU i! c. ,-". . . t "Spring Medicine. Price Per Bottle, $I OO, . : ; Large 8fee,75. V r-:: ; MACON :;MEDICINE?ico:, ;i Maco 6 -