PUBLISHED DAILY EXCEPT MONDAY. . cajLS. it. joif es, ' . Editor nd Proprietor. "Truth, lim th boti, Boiarmoa km. T.TKE TH18CH, ONLI FOB - OBSCUKXD, Tim. Subscription to the Observer. TliTT.Y EDITION. " Singleooby.... DCeniB, 20 76 By tae wees in u . by the month. ..... Three months. Six months.... One war... ; ; ; : wekjOly edition.. Three months. Six months 9ne year ., wvf'"' - In dubs ol five and over JuoU. ..$200 .. 4.00 .. 8.00 60 cents. Wo Deviation From Theie Rale- aHnn RiwHTs Davable In advance, not only In name but in tact. - . rEHTHRJro AT THS POOTOmO M CHABIXHT, N. THURSDAY. JUNE 10, 1886 ' THE SOUTH'S FUTURE ' Richmond Dispatch:' Nowhere is the unwisdom of emigrating from, the South Dointed out more'clearly than it is in the articles on the advantages ' of the South that are constantly ap pearing in our Northern and Western exchanges. If a scrap-book made up of this class of articles could be placed ' In 'the" nands of -'every" Southern voune man, the emigration fever would never get so much as a start in bur midst! , Throughout the North west and New England, especially, it seems to be generally recognized that it is only, a" question of time - when the South will outstrip all other sections of 'the country in the race of wealth. A recent issue of the Providence Journal contains an arti eta nn "The Material South," which, after contrasting the systems of farm ing North and South before the war, savs: :v ' , . . . 4 'Today the ' agriculture of the Smith ia larerer and better than ever Kotnra whiln it, is based upon truer Ttr&ry and more intelligent practice. But the South is destined to be a araat manuf aoturine section. In neven years its manufacturing estab-i-ahmpnfa hava . increased 15.U00. During the year 1885 the amount of capital ana capital . etocJt mvesiea iu , no or antarntfaes aeerreeated the sum nf tR() 000.000. The South has in haustible beds of coal and iron; she has timber of the finest qualities ; she is turning her attention to business as busineBS. Inhere wiJ! be gqme un- T)rf5table speculation, some " cities wifrbe built ud too rapidly for solid and immediate profit, but all the ele-i mentsof fiiftfioesa and prosperity are, nerei- . The Journal then declares that the Soubh has some other than physical advantages, and that she will bo ex ceedingly oareful as to what immigra tion she invites, and adds: 'As a matter of fact, capital is like ly to go South quite fast enough, and the employment ot capital necessw tates the use of labor.. 'The laborer will be found: and from present ap pearances the labor of the South will be, for a long time, more trustworthy t.han that of the JNortn, insofar as large manufacturing enterprises are concerned.;; It is not so much a mat ter of consequence as to each year's growth as it ie that f the important facts should b9 comprehended ; the resources, the spirit of the people, the possibilities in the various lines of trade and commerce.. There are drawbacks: they will be overcome by time and the light and ambition of younger generations." " The Journal's article is a spesimen article upon what our northern con temporaries generally term "the new South,"'and does not overdraw the picture in the least, either as regards . tfie possibilities of the South for de velopment or - the conservatism of .our working classes. The conditions , ia the South are all such as to attract cipital. Good government is now guaranteed, our labor is quiet and law- abiding,and even should we have seri ous differences between employes and employers, it may be regard as cer tarn that neither class will tolerate the violence that has characterized the labor troubles in many places at - the North. The South is free from the lawless and vicious elements that swarm the northern cities, and if those -elements know what is good for them they will continue to give 'the South a wide berth.- Neither our capitalists nor our workingmen have any use for them. Ifsoutbern young men will reflect upon these facta they must realize that our northern con temporaries have good- grounds for their predictions as to the future of the South. They mutt realize that the southern man who emigrates .makes a great mistake, i They must see that all the capital the South needs is bound to find its way here id the near future. That this is flux of , capital will demand southern coopers ' ation and utilise southern pluck and "energy r "gpes wiftjout ' saving! 'As a rulje; the enterprises already started in. he South by northern capitalists owe much of .: the success, they have met with to southern cooperation and the . employment of southern labor and brains,, and It is not likely ifcafc' this fact will be lost eight of by those who shall start "enterprises here in the future. LEFT -OUT IN THE COLD, In our report of the proceedings of the Senate yesterday, the House bill appropriating $80,000 for a publio building in Ashevill passed without question.' It had already passed the House, and now only awaits the sig nature of the .President to become a law.. ; Charlotte is ' the third city in the State . in population, and probably about the first in importance. - She is ignored. 1 Raleigh; W ilmington G reeDsbord and Asheville (and Statesville accord, ing to, our Washington correspon dent) are to get public buildings while Charlotte is left out in the cold. Some of these days .Charlotte will have a representative, either in the Senate or the House, who will - look after her interests when the pie is distributed. . V . :, -.. . .- ; Senator Vance has uniformly voted for Asheville in preference to . Char lotta, and W3 have had no representa the lower House : for many years who has had a higher ambition than to serve his 'own interest. - ? Jleckleaburg casts 7,000 votes, and gome of these days her peopiq rise to inquire whether these 7.000 votes are not entitled to represent-, tion in Congress, and if not, why nou Possibly she may mate some u manAa nf the eenttemen who repre- oant.a thA 6th District in the next cjvmvm : f fc r, -PnaaiWv TlOt. DUS WLVB. probably she will. . - IMPORTANT rri itelntr Made to Settle TIf ferences Between weuiuuriii- and Republicans Measures. I- - !'v;. . : wiamSfiTnN. t; June on i u"" 9. Senator Wilson, of Iowa, from tne committee nofitroads. reportea favorably today his bill to prohibit the transmission through the m nf lottery and other like circulars. w y .. ri l M U.l4 nn XUO iUUJUV. order of business caucus tnis morn inir. An order of business, com nriaincr twelve Or niteeu luoiwuira, agreed upon by the Republicans, was laid oerore tne cauws. " cided to get up a counter list oi onhmiaainn to the RepUDll' ana hut the work was not jhnisbed this morning Among w . 4 - lL Minmiwaa which- the Democrats wui as tu uavo included in me uruti mo ud . pension and Hot Springs bills., ine Democrats win see. w uavDCAwu from the list the biu mtroauceu uy annr TTnar- known as the national inaueet bill. The bill is -. designed to . .... . a1 Uhataa o-i-eA aiitnoniv. to tue uuirou courts to investigate political out o Th faucua appointed a com' . -Drnh. U1IVUVJVI v,". , . Harris and (JocKreii, to cuxupicto rTAar nf husinesR on their pare. jana Annfar wif.h the Houblican commit VUUAWI ! " . j tee, which consists o - benators ra- munds, Allison and Conger, in orcter that the difference, if any, between the two sides may be harmonized. : Th followine order is agreea upon bv both sides: Kailroad rorreuure bills, pansruptcy puis,- rr pem uj. ud nra emntion. timber culture ana desert land acts, the Des Moines veto anrl t.ha nnem session resolution, Th ndditinnal measures proposed by the Republicans, but not yet oeciaeu nmn hv thfl Democrats, are the loi Rill to provide for the ad- inatmpint nf land srrants to Kansas, and to iorieit ine unearoeu muus, mo national inmiPRt. hltl. the DlllS tO PITO- hibit the mailing of newspapers con taining lottery advertisements and to nravent the publication of lottery advertisements, the Union I'acinc futodine bill, the bill to increase the efficiency oLthfr army the merchajat marine bill, tae arbitration dm, .me agricultural experiment stations bill, the bill providing tor a tjongress oi American nation, the private land claims bill, and twq biHs providing for the manufacture of modern steel ordnance. TJbe Confederate MM -IJftA dbarieston News and Courier. A proposition has been submitted to the House committee on war claims to have the government as sume the debts or the late southern Confederacy. This explains the fevers ish demand for Confederate securities which has prevailed during the last year or two, and does away with all the fanciful theories which have been advanced from time to (time of " Con federate gold and Confederate cotton stored away in mythical vaults and warehouse- and in the custody of im possible people. Th& present propo sition comes from foreign speculators who have bought up Confederate bonds in the delusive hope that . by some hook or crook the United States government could be induced to as sume the liability for their payment. It is not expected that the committee will regard the ' proposition with favor, but this is a matter of secon dary consideration. The idea is to show the people of England, France and Germany that the American uongress is actually entertaining a proposition to pay "the rebel debt, and this, it is expected, will give the bonds a fictitious value, small, it is true but large enough to enable the present holders to unload, if not with profit, at least without loss to them selves. . : . . - . The speculators have employed ex- JUdge jruiierton, ot New-York, to present their case, Who claimed in his nrst argument before the committee that "it is eminently just and proper that the government should pay off the Confederate bonds. "All this leads the Philadelphia Times to say f "No one was better aware than Judge Fullerton, however.that it was only an argument for a fee. If there is one fact settled as the result of the war, it is that the Confederate debt cannot be paid bv either the United btates or the individual States." - The men who bought the bonds staked their money on the : success of the Confederacy. When the cause of the lonrederacy was lost the money was lost, and it is very foolish to throtf any more good money after it in the snape or lawyers' tees." - ; It is even worse than this, how ever..-The bonds are not now in th hands of their original mirchaunre , They have been purchaspd anH am largely held by foreign speculators,: uougufc Miem on ine wiioebt ven ture twenty vears after Mia RAnthom Confederacy was dead, and for pure j speculative purposes, we ho.e that there is not one Southern Con- gressman who will vote for any such preposterous sc hfimn Wora tk Southern Confedesacy, there can be uo ionreaerate war5 debt.4 and there is-not a State in the 8outh which can now beheld responsible for securities were issued bv the Confp1 atagovernment durine- iialniflpJ.woi struggle for independence, and have since been repudiated by the govern ment of the United States, 'ALABAMA. TUb Democratic . Ktote Coimm. tion." - Montgomery, June 9 Th T)mnc cratic State. Convention, of Alabama met at 12 o'clock today. .Chairman Tompkins, of the ExecutiveCommit mittee, called the convention to order and made elegant references to President Cleveland, which were heartily applauded . W. T. Foster was made temporary chairman and made a ringing speech.. His refer, Ltoube candidates -were well re . by their riends.v Owing to contests ; from three counties the committee on credentials will not be fni6 uep0rt until tomorrow morn n?hf conventlon adjourned to 9 pdock tomorrow: iraornimg.. Great conS68 in the gnatorSl fSSw Tn6T flre foUr candidates, Sav ThAI?W80D;IcEleroy and gateV Tne-Conveotion has 732 deles Cbange ofCauKe on the H. C.B. B. - Raleigh June 9. Yesterday the tetffUage the NoriharolSl Railroad, from Company 8hops to Goldsboro , was made and by night- StL2L ther r6ad8 in the South changed. ? ; It ; has ; been used as a 8i-ageL roa for engines and -cars, f " 'I.K Bear7 two hundred CT cars .at Uompany Shopi on Sday--. Today; trains on all the roads m the State and their connec tions are running n eehedule ti&o, BECOMING IFTERESTING.l MORE LIFE m THE SESSIONS OFCOHGBE88. A Ple for oieomarpiriuo MAM South Carollna-cmi erriee Eloquence In the House. . ''TtTioTjifwriiTVMr -TllTlAl 9. SKNATB. In the Senate Butler read a telegram from the mayor ana a targe numu of citizens of Spartanburg. 8. C.urg-: ing the Senators from that State m Congress w use iDeir wiiucuuo " . , feating the oleomargarine the signers declare the worst form of protection. "Let the people buy oleomargarine," they say a juvy nrsuiTrl anxr OttlAr article Ol 1UUU. After routine business, the Senate proceeded to . the consideration of Wilson t.hf calendar under the five minute rule.-. . ,- ' - ! VJa arlnv mOVPrt tO POSCPOne 1DUHU' nitoiv tha hfll- introduced ov vance .. -w . 4 . . "VVI J Wuw to repeal tne civu service . Vance called for the yeas and nays on the bill. Harris obiected to this consump- f inn nf m. and the matter went over. Ameng the 'measures passea were the following: Bill to authorize ine omnlovmp.nt of law clerks for Jus .4. -d;ii tinpfl ot i tne tsupreme ami v.? authoring the Secretary ot war to Knv-. thA "Hunt" lot in the city ot St. Augustine for military purposes. Tha hiir tn ipcaiizft the incorpara v - --wq . tinn of national trade unions. A. bill authorizing the retirement nn their own application after forty vAAra BP.rvice - ot v ice-Aumirtu Stephen C. Rowan and Rear-Admiral .Tnhn T, Warden wdrth." highest pay of errade to which they belong: Hale explained tnat mis oiu was uui . . . . i - i - i t- cn. tended as a precedent, but wag a special provision in the recognition of very distinguished services rendered the nation. Dy tne gentlemen nauieu. CoRkrell said he did not believe in the principle of , the bill but regal cfed it as a special: provision in favor or the distinguished officers named, and he would thererore not ooiect to is. . . -iT l Lo&ran qxnressea a similar view.i An act : to reirhburoe the national home for disabled soldiers for losses incurred through the failure of Xhe exchange bank of Norfolk. Va. i A considerable number ot bins ior private relief were passed and the Senate adjourned. . : House. The House went into com mittee of the whole (Biount, of Geors sia. in the chair) oh Jthe legislative. executive and Judicial appropriation bill. "J.-"-:L.;" ....: ' - I ;l :':: After speeches upon the civil ser vice seetion and other items of the bflL bv Conroton. of Md. : Bayne, of Pa ; Hitt; of UK, and Price, of Wia, an attempt was made to arrive at some, determination as to the time when the general debate should be Holoian uggeeted ' that ft sii3d end at 4:30, but the Republicans ob jected to it as -being too short a time, and Reagan, of Texas, on the ground that debate should close at an earlier hour.-' It was, be said,, too late in the session for the House to consume the time in listening to political essays. It was' finally agreea that." general discussion should close at tea min utes to five. A-'. . The discussion of the bill i turned' principally to civil service approprias tion Hems. ' Cox, pf North Carolina, chairman of the committee of Civil service reform, said that the; friends of civil service reform had nothing to fear from the discussion which had taken place. He had nothing to say about the violation of the ' law: No law could be judged by a faithless administration of it. It was no ar gument against the civil service law to say (hat it bad been violated. The first Jaw that had been rise4 "look ing in this direction, was passed by a Democratic Congress in 18)58. Re form was then inagurated and it went on up to the time of the war, and the greatest spoilsmen who had ever occupied the White House had been Andrew Johnston. The first bill that bad ever been introduced after that time had been , in :;. 1864, but i the ; - Republicans : r had been opposed to it because it prevented them from disposing of the offices to pay their political debts. But reform had gone on and this re form would go on. Talk about it be ing aristocratic, it was the - very essence of democracy. It gave peov pie a pure service. If carried out in its purity it would decrease the ex penses of the public service, and that was one reason why reform had gone on. has been opposed by the poli- ticiang, but great power, that voice that made political parlies, ha4 de manded that the ref orm should go on. In 1871 the law had been passed in re- fard to civil service, and both parties ad found it necessary to incorporate a reform plank in. their platform. If they thought that jt was a sham and a fraud, why had they held out false hopes to the people: From that time civil service reform had continued to grow until to-day tne country saw both Bides apologizing for ; not carrying out the law in jts integrity. The -gentleman from Illinois. (Can non) had said yesterday that he be lieved the chief ; executive was the most popular Democrat ia the coun try. He would add ; to that remark and say that he was the most popu lar man of - either party in the coun try. Why was itf Because he was known to he man of the highest ins tegnty ana; purpos-ethat when he gare jus pledge to thje- pejopls he would stand . by that pledge, f Ao- plause.J. The country bad an execu tive fvho was attempting to carpy out the law in it iotfigrity, and jthe ques tion was ; whether Congress7 would stand bf him. If Congress would not ; the peorjle of the United States wouiu. t Appiasse. . xne rider nni wy ui wuum not uepnye tne execu- .- uve ot- tne power pt making such rules and regulations as it thought best, c H (Cox) bad Btgry i; reason to believe that if was the purpose of the commissien to change .rules and amend them' - After remarks bv Randall th eral debate was closed. nd the read. ing of the bill was commenced Morrison raised a noint of ordnr against the worda ''in f uU compeDsa; tion", where they occur in the general appropriating section of the bill, He intended, he . said. - to have the bill to conform to the rules of the House, v whether it took in civil service or put it out; When the com mittee, on appropriations; wished to" appropriate more or less money for salaries that was provided by law, let it bring in a bill to increase or reduce them. Applause. Pending the deci sion of a point oi order the committee arose and the House ad journed. - Tne. Murder Sentence Confirmed. Raleigh, June 9. Today the - Suv preme Court - afnrmed ; Judgment ot the Wake county Superior court in case of Gooch and Smith, white men, charged with the muraer or jonn a. Cheatham, a merchant of this city, a year ego; Both or the men were con victed ana sentenced to u waRwit but appealed: They will be re-sentenced at August term of. the Supes rior court ' ' TXrm. Joe Prom Kemedjr . Is still the boot P'ooa Pn?er on themd'-ket. . . t. .AT .-- ... La k . ii..-atfi. STATE SEWS. Greeneboro LWorkman : ; : The man Alf.' Long who. was lynched last Sun day in Davidson county tor the mur der jof McBryde and wife' and the burning of their dwelling, confessed to having poisoned two or nis xwn children three years ago, . ; t Newton Enterprise: 1 Mrs. Cynthia Bailey died very suddenly in JLincoln. county, May-13th, aged about ' 70 years, ohe seemea to w in gooa health up to-witniu a lew minutes oi her death. Her ; granddaughter, : a young married w oman ,' w ho ? was enci&nte, was so i frightened . and ex cited by the sad event, that she was taken violently ui and Qiea iour aays later. .. . - - -: j Goldsboro Messenger: The-Golds- boro schools receive yearly about$700 from the ucfuor license tax, instead ol 325 as stated by our neighbor? the Argus. The school . iund has ; oeen realizing something over $3,000 a vear from liauor . licenses - The pamtui mte'iigence reacnes us irom Mount unve mis moraine inai. ur. S. B. Flowers, whose cnticall illness has been repeatedly reported in these columns, died - Sunday ? evening. I A highly respected citizen a most uses ful man and a good neighbor has thus passed away. : Concord Times: News reached this place last week of the sad and sudden death of Mr. Milas Ritchie, who lived near Bilesville, Stanly county Thurs day ' evening he was out in a! field about 200 yards' from the house "with several or his little eons at worK, when, a black cloud coming up, he sent them home charging them, not to stop under a tree. Mr. Ritchie stayed to put up some bars, and b fore he had gotten very far on his way home the ram began to tali- in torrents, when he took shelter under a large tree. Tbe children reached home in safety, and after the rain had stop ped, as their father did not come. they went .out to search for- him, They found him under a large tree, cold and lifeless, the lightning silent ly yet- surely naving performed; the tragic work.' - - Wilmington Review; We' regret to announce the death of Mrs. Owen Alderman which.,, occurred at ! the residence or her husband, about four miles from Point Caswell, in Pender county, at about 4 o'clock last Sun day morning. The deceased was about 71 years of age and had . been an invalid, for many years.- Mrs. S. Sellars,' wife of Mr. David SeHare, of Riley's Creek, Pender county, died very suddenly at the home off Mr. John .Wilson, of ; that plaee, on Sun- I day morning, the 6th inst. She was standing at the dining table, and, was welt and nearty, wnen. au at once. she complained of blindness, and then immediately fell and expired at once, cause ot death is supposed to be ; heart ' diseam----8Zean36cttttn report that the trtver had risen' about 15 feet at Fayetteville when they left there yesterday morning and that it was s:ill rising rapidly. ..It rained heavily in that city on Sunday j last. They also report that the false Wood work, which was used in putting the iron bridge across the Cape Fear on the Wilson and Fayetteville railroad. about three miles above Fayetteville, was washed away, and a portion of the wreck was passed by the &teamer when cjming down about 30 miles this side of that city. - - Oraug-euien Itiotlnjc. - Belfast, June 9. The orangemen ounng their riotmg last night, de molished 100 houses in the cityi two or which they burnea. ? The rioters broke into several wbi9key stores and possessed themselves of the contents. Numbers of men, are lying about in tne gutters arunfc.- uthers maq:d des perate or maudlin by drink, Jwen prowling ftooui tne streets, s crying out vto neu wijja ttje 1'ope . ;j.a va rious assaults made by the police upon thetn. twenty-five of the latter nave already been; severely wounded py DucKgnop nrea at them. The po- nee nave oeen ordered to . nre with pall tonight in the event of any gen era! renewal of the rioting, i , . Baseball Yesterday. Washington Nationals nothing. St. Louis nothing. . (Rain during first liming. . -s , : New york New York 11. Chicago 1. (Riip during sixth inning.) Cincinnati No game account of rain. , . Btaten Island Metropolitan 5, Brooklyn 1. St. Louis -St. Louis 7, Louisville 16 j : Charleston Charleston 12, Augus ui a. - - . CPRE FOR PILES. rues are frequently preceded to a sense of weight In tbetxujk. IMns and lofter'feaft ?i atxlo- uiu, causing ine paiioni to suppose He n some Huoction oi we KMne?s or nelgbormg org jis. At uuwn, Bympwms ot inoigesiion are ore tent. Hutu lgncy, nneitsiness or the stomach, etc. v A mouture line perspiration, produdig a very disagreeable .uk- unvtiuc iwu, u m wiuuuu . attend t. Blind, BTeflr!fe and phing Plies yield at w wfp npiHicnuuu oi ut. boshuuks file Kem ely. which act dtret-tly npon the partsi allced, BDsorblDg the Tumors, allaying the Intense Itch ing, ana enecung & permanent cure-. Price 60 - Aourttsa i a uocior juosanKoiltedlcuieCo.. Pinna f QaU K Jf T nr . . : tortj rwiW BiPierieBeeor ou Harse. i Jfo Wtoslow's Soothing ' Syrop. foT cniloron teething, s tho preserlptlon of one of the beat fe male ptnsltriMns Pt nurse in (h United States, and hag been ufed for forty years with never Jail ing success by millions of mothers for their chU drn , It relieves the child from pain, cures dysen tery and dlarrbsea, gnUog in tue boels and wind oolle- Bjgirlnff health to the child It rets the " wuu.u aar iu every momer who nas ui) nunnu( i rum any or ine ioregoitw com piaOitii not igtonr prejudices nor thepre- iKH1 Ht,K0tbrfl!?.i?'1-fweel, row suffering child and the relief SB wflr Ue ra-. bs Sold bf dfqsgjsts throughout the world, t PrlcelS fnts a boftll Prodve. Baltimore. Flour Steady: - Hnrnm nw.e?torn . -Superfine $a.6oai$3.m; isxtra 9.iuia.o3: fBuuij S.00Q)4.75l. Cltr Mills ouperuue a eoafJi.OO; ttlo bra .ds $45084.75 w ueat aoumern - quiet: Western easier- and ami: ooumern na hh.iiH! - imu,: nui. iT- - i. vz'f aim. a weiHru. winter red spot July mm& , Corn-Southern bout stwW: J5Si2rn iT j Sfi? J?r,r1' MMlrl Southern white 4346; yellow 410) --c w . OMio4eo-Fiour easlerj Southem wlnt-f $4.25 fTt4.60 Wheat- Aicttnl .Tnn 7:flfl7s. July 15fflm; a .-prtng 731478. - Corn ttVC lowrr: oa-h 841Aft!i454i: June 84Uf&: Jul 35996 S-16 OHt8oiDed firmer but. closed tower; cash 27t4S28: June a7a28; July 27 2fSB :M-8t (.orlt opeue l 10c loer and closed Quletl cash $8 7B( July 48.75a$$8 em; August $8 9iU.a B,87W - Lard easy 2VOiBo , lower; cash 6 U6$S.07Vb: Jul 8.10gH6.12W Boxed meat steady; dry salt&d shoulders . 4.45S4 50: short clear sides $5.75; shon rtb sides steady; cash ti-W- Whiskey .swady at $1.14. Sugar -eaty; Standard A Ias- vv . w-'':--- '- kw Tom. Southern . flour steady' com mon to fair extra, $3.a5$3 . waeat declined about lOi&Sf no. a June satror; juy B3t 058514. Corn a shae aMerj No 2 June nominal; JulyT40455fe. Oate ffio lower; No. 2 June 84o84. Coflee spot fair Ulo dull at 9 Sugar steady: Centrifugal B5fe; Ma crad" 4; Porto Rice 4 9-16. fair to good reQning 4 13 iea4 15 16; refined steady; CSStSik; Stan.iaro a 6j; Cut Loaf and Crushed ?&7&; Granulated 6tft. ' Molasses quiet, steady. Rice firm. Cotton seed oil crude k6a27; refined 82. Roeln dull Si O0$l C -; Tur pentine firm at 821a33. Hides quiet; New Or leans 91ai0; Teia- loaiO Wool-firm; domestic fleece- 2736; pulled MASS; Texas a22 Pork steady long clear 6: middles arm. Lard about 6c lower; Western spot S6.25; July $e ifi. Vieigbfat firm. -Cotton ll-64d. .Wheat Sd. - . IVaval Store - Wiua5T0R Turpentine quiet at ?9.- Bostn firm, strained TlVi; good strained 77t4. lar firm at $1.25; crude - turpentine firm; hard 76; yellow dip $1.60; Tlnrln 1 JO ? J ' - - 8avwmah Turpentine firm at 28 paid and bid; sales 2u0. Boaln firm at S0tf.$1.05 . t4t,rios -Turpentine quiet at Sosln quittt at u for good 8rataed. .. .. fcaianoKs KOid slSB.lfiO.IKiO: Kiinv,nT iU.ftfi fnvf. threes $1.00tfc. State bonds-quiet and firm. ! - ' " ClpmH. Una ' ' -ion-. . , - : .... ...... ...... Mi . eeorgiaffs........ ..... ......... ......... looia reorgla 7's mortpage ".i."., j norm carouna fi'8-.....v . . 1.19 Nnrt.ll Cjirfilra A'a South Carolina Brown CtoasolgYli; Tennessee 6's..-.... .....4 ......... 111 ; 44 : 55 - 8 1.1' Ski . ' wis - 84 .1 . in ; 621 1.0H 3414 . 2H .- 67 631 23 ' 3 .116 3 r' 1.21 uS? . -1W4 . 631 . -62V4 virginiae's.. ................ 4 v. Virelnla C nsol . '" " Cnesaoeake and Ohio Chicago arid Northwestern ... .-, -" I unicagoana worxowestern. prefsrrea. wutwaie ana iucKavanna.... ..... . Rile....:.. Bast Tennessee..,........;. .. " Lake Sherey.v.. .... iKJuisvuieandasnviJie....... ... MemnbtsandCl'or'eston . . Mobile and Ohio NashTllleanfl-Chattanooga ........ . . New Orleans Pacific. 1st..... .... . New York tefrtral... ..-,w .... , Norfolk and Western Druferwd Northern faclfic coiumon Northern Pacific preferred... . . Pacific Mall 4 ". ." Beading............. Richmond and Alleghany. ............. Richmond and DaiviUe.. ... .... .... Richmond and West Point Terminal.. Rk Island . . . St. Paul....; .... St Paul preferred .i.. ...,... Texas twsitic........ Onion Pacific. New Jersy Central Missouri pacific...... Western JJniou. . am Bid. tLastbld. SOffered. tAked. Ex. On. CotcoB. , . -: --' ttALifesTOH Nominal; middling 8 Si; net re ceipts 43; gross 43; "Miles H; : stock 14,923; exports coast we iKti; ureal Britain. : eonn nent - . - -Nomtolk Oulet: middling 9: net recelDt 798; gross 798; sales 188; stock 17,6,7 exports ooastwise ew; continent . -; ureat Britain . Baltimork Dull; middling 3-16; net receipts ; gross 220: sales ; stock 21,077; apinners ; exports coastwise ; Great Britain BosTON-Qulet; middling 9; net reoelr.ts 4002; gross 4399; saies - : stock 6.310: exports coast wise -: to Great Britain 8783. , . wrunNGTOM Quiet; middling net re elpt8 68; gros 48; ; stock 3,351;' exports coastwise . Phoadslfhu Quiet; low middling 9 net receipTs 3; gross 21; sales : stck 13,333. Sataanah Quiet; middling 8 11-16; net receipts 656; gross 655; sales 2 0; stock 12.E27; exports coastwise txk - - Sew Orlkan3 Quiet; mlJdllng tf?fe; net receipts 662; grou 1012; sales 1000; stock 86,61; exports coastwise 2857; to Great Britain ranee ; continent, . . Mobil Qulut; middling 8Si; net ; receipts 69, gross 69; sales 100; stock 16,433; exports coastwu bu ureat Britain MfflfFBTs Steady;' middling 8; receipts 91; shiDments 1344: sales 3UU: stock 35.967. Adsusta Quiet; mludXing 8; realpu 47; sales 49- stock . .-- . . CHARLrarmif-FInn; middling 9; nt receipts 111; gross 111; sales ; stock ' 12,418; exports continent ; ooastwise r: fcrresi Britain - j France, - . . . , Niw York Weak and lower to sell; sales 190; middling uoiandt 9U: . Orleans - 9 7 16;. consoli dated net receipts 6305: exports to 4reat Rri- taln 2783; to franca ; continent -; : stock 490,100. ; NkW ' Tobk Net receipts ; erost 4766; ruture closed anil aca inactive; laies Dales. Slay.... June..., July, . August. 9.C89.10 9 3132 Saptembei... 9.17a8 a . uciooer...,. November... 9.03a 06 .oia.02 9.cea.o4 sua is DeoemLcf January......; Koriuu7 March 9209.21 9.803 81 e.40ii April..... LTmpou Jm 8. AteiKty, ytth tatr deostodt Uplands SIM A; Orleans 5 -16d:- sales 10.000; specu lation and export 1HW; receipts 12,000; Ameri can 11.603. Futures steady. - Uplands low middling clause June and July delivery 0 4-Mtzo s ota. . . July and August 5 6-64d - iUKUst and September 6 6-64d. -September and October 6 3-64. ' Septemb"r6fr64d. . v 2 p. m. Sales American 7 600. June delivery W4d, (sellers v June and July 6 6-64d. (sellen,) ' July and August 5 6-6td (buyers.) -August and September S6-64d, (buyers.)' September and October 6 3 64d, (value ) - October and November 1 63-64d, (buyers. " ' Noyember and December 4 63 64d, (buyers.) PecHn'otr and January 4 62-64.(1. (buyers ) ueptemner a i-wa, (sellers, Futures quiet but steady. 4 p. n. Uplands low middling elanse June delivery 6 6 64d. (sell rs.V . June and July 5 6-64d (sellers.) July and August 6 6-6 id (buieri.) August and Septembers -64d, (spl'ers.) - . September and October 5S-64d (sellers,) Oitfober and November 4 63-64d. (yale ) November and December 4 62-64d, (buyers.) -7 December and January 4 62-64d, buyers ) September 6 7-Md, (sellers,) Futures quet. . v., -CltyCottosi Uttu-lce ,.' Omox or rax Ob8kbtvb, i . ; ; CHABLom, N. C, June 10, 1886. I J The city cotton market jasterda eluded steady at the following quotaUonsi Cktod mlddllmt. a76 . ai 88 25 ' 637.76 Strict Middling.. Middling,,. Tinges, Stains , r .... Ha-lnts yesterday, CHARLOTTE CITY TBADX. Until further notice, on and aftpr Juesday, June 1st, our city customers purchasing weekly tickets wll le furnish d ice from tbe company s delivery wagpn In sucb quantities as desired, Irom 6 ponr ds up, at tbe unlfrbm rate price of 60 & ots per bun drrd pounds. Tbose boidng weekly tickets -of a ntgher price can exchange thenj at tbelr option ' wlib our ticket ageotsal tne Cltj Drug Stores for tbe lower priced tickets. . We are nw manuractur Ing and offering to tne trade at low rates, a' super ior quality of pure crystal tee made from Mecklen burg spring water thoroughly filtered. . - . . - - 8. W. DAVIS, Supf. " SniPPINGPRICES- Car Load or 10 tons, i X. - 1 1 $5 60 per4oi From'Sto lO fans, . - 6 00 per ton -From 1 to 5 ton's, . ; : - : - - 7 to per ton 600 te 1.C00 pounds. . , . J 0c per lflOlbs 100 to 600 pounds,' : ' . . 60c per 100 lbs v We are now using the celebrated -Hyatt Filter, through which all tbe water is passed before freez -Ing, lino the trade may rely upon all le manufac tured by us being as pure as it Is possible to make Ik Pfdprs solicited and promptly Oiled. Lowest freight, ana ejpresaf rajes Secured for oar custo- majgadtf -. MKCXLgNBURG ICg OO. ANOTHER JTNB LOT OV ! WhitinanV Candy and Confeetio&erles Cider and Saadivllctaea Alwarp on hand. W. B. TaYLOR. ESTABL1SSE1 USEDINALL MS3f'THE kSQtP; WOBXB xatogoea iapd Prlpe pn ppllaatlon. Sold by - - . UIMIJIISIVATI. IT. li. A Deczzdtuesths&sa t-tf - CITY TAX RETURNS TiKE NOTICE. - IV U1IU1 lo HJEKEBT CtTVkW TO ITT: '1im: sons 'esld na inYh.rttw nf i-,o-im z:irZ gfnor haveooi&T of taxabie"prop tolhe to Sec, 30, amended Charter nr r.i'ti - pursuant Treasurer; ma1 ,rom S,.0M. to 8 p! at office m. . JIr. Je Perxoii'. K,m,.l. T. .Hll k. nt . - J " ?N7;"luD'!J;?e!IU0'lth market . :- jNO- H. McADKN, Wholesale CruMf i firugglis. WAWJED.: can be quietly L APIBS to work for us at their .-tl." ' io per week made. Nn nnxn ...I.,, canvasstna. Vnr tu nan.,ii: r u" at once. CRKtcn Vdx" A VS"f aa8? Street. Boston. Mass.. Bbx 6170 lm' SY7EET POTATOES. Snffar Pc8, Cahha BAN A NTT AS OBAN0BS, LKMOKS t&V X0E PICKLES at WANTED. TBK Charlotte Eeal Kstate Afnncy eouidrent bail dozen thp houses ju ,t now. Keal i ... ,n m. M t lilt & "T.Jl 1 . tate owners tuAentiuve K03T. B.COC"vn may!4d:t . raw- WE MElOv DISFtHIl - I.'. :j-!n - All -IN abfi sinnd j - And the I T? Joys': M Youths Wear. Our prices this season will be riVDER THE HI ARK KT throughout, AOTTJA.L VALUE ? . ' " is regarded, we will stand without a rival. E. D. LATTA &.BRO. :":-ATT.El!liT,I0Mr. LADIES." ' We 15 ully call your attention to the large and extensive stock of Millinery fc-V-Sr Goods, at Mrs. P. Query's, Trade street. Also to the fact why she uUiame I - . NEW-HIGH ARM. VERTICAL, FEED Exclusively in ber Dress Making Department, after using other machines foryears: . By this New f 'Feed Invention" all seems are made strong and wai not rio. Try it before you buy ; it will cost you nothing. Supplies for all machines. , j . . r FERRIS' PIG H A k Breakfast Bacoo, SMOKED ! BEEF AND TO N-GUES - -':, ' "fir"- ' . ' ' ? ' . ; . -ABKTHK ' REST QUALITY , , .. Get them at BARNETT S ALEXANDER. : Free delivery Telephone call 81. -, ' j , - . ;,Mrii Joe Person's Remedy . I still the bet Blood Purifier on the market. JMO. H. MOAOSN. Wholesale Druggist T! ME Alii TBBI TO V.A Crippled CJVerte Say at U:lPn,y we'ened 128 pounds when I commenced QDINN'S floNEElt, and now weigh 147 pounds. I could hardly walk with a stick to support me, and now walk long distances without help. Its. benefit to me is beyond calculation. I. ETJIOS BUSTICK. Cotton Buyer, ' . , . t Macon, Qa, Mr A H. Rrambleit, Hard ware ''Z-Uj:' Merchatit of Forsyth, : fI-'SSe-aa.r.rlte)i-: ? R acted like a charm on hit ovnAmi iioaith. t ponsider it a fine tonic I weigh more than I have tor 28 years.- uespectr ully, : ' A. H, BBiMBLBTT. Sir. . W. P. aonttu Kf aeon. n w AV&fg wtlghT,:,&tB nd 'ncrease ptokvvb ri 7;?'?" .w recommend GDINN'S . - ue wnie, w.F JOJNiS IS, Bone res Blooa and Skin Disuses;. Rheumatism; Scrofala, ; Old Sores. A Perfect P0lPer B $1 ; the new. - - SttarKT JHlsitts latest styles in : J 3NT O- S -for- and where R MOORE, Qeneral Agent, Trade 8t A GRAND SALS OF CLOCKS and .JEIEIRY, Dtamondsy Silver and Silver-Plated Ware, ipectacles, &c. Prices cut down from Thanksgiving Day to March 4th 1885. Those wanting any of the above goods will please call and hear my prices, they are tbe lowest and tbe goods are the best. . J. T. RUTTRR: SAIARVTO AGEBfTS.-AddrefB 1 9IUVWiuUK. SCOTT'S ELECT RIO HOODS, SIS Broadway, New Vurk. The Only Uenuine. pr4oedSm iv'T- - ' .v. j:, A Chance For 1 Watches esh row TIB :WfiTfSE.SES. TWENTY POUEIDS Vor Forty years a Sufferer from . - catarrh: Wonderful to Relate! "For Fobtt Yxabs I have been a victim to Ca tarrh three fuorths of the time a sufferer -from KXCRPTIATTNG PAINS ACROSS MY FOREHEAD and MI motrils. The dischai ges were so offensive that 1 hesitate to mention it. except for tbe good it may do some other sufferer. I have spent a young for tune from my hard earning during my forty years of suffering to obtain relief Irom the doctors. I bave tried patent medicines even- one I could learn of from tne four corner of the earth, with no relief And at last (67 years of age) have met with a remedy that has cured me entirely made me a new man. - I wrlgbed 128 pounds and now weigh 146. I used thirteen bottles of tbe medicine, and the only regret I have is that being in the humbl- walks of life, I may not have Influence to prevail on all catarrh sufferers to use what has cured me GCINN'S PIONEER BLOOD RENKW EH. - . -HENBY CUEVKR, ?No. 267 Second St, Macon, G." - ; -"Mr. Henry Chver, writer of the above, former ly o: Crawford county; bow of Mscon, Georgia, merits the confidence of all interested la catarrh. "W. A. HOFF. Xx-Mayor of Macon," - 00, - " f : ' . UU,, GRAND T SELECT" x EX'UHSION - - TO Mw4ni aoUlie Stsbre - ---v- i .-.-Under the management of the Hornei pi. pttiy, of charlotte, n. C, will r . Coa Wednesday evening, June wu5 :16 00 . l . ' - WEB. . . . 3.SO for tbe Round 'i rin Tickets good for four days Peon win bate the privilege of VZffi Special ears wUl b3 provide.! for Iadi4 an i s1flriaD. - Jo. s. byekly! L. J. WAXKEB. B. K. L,J .. Wholesale and Betail erocers. ikw pi Rra . NKW oqis ( )?nl5,.da, of Janoa'M886.the ui derslgBed Georral firocerj Busisss At the old stand of 8prtngs" 4 Porwell. corner Tryon 4 Fourth streets. We are luauaed bV l experience, to meet the demands of tbe terede, and give satisfaction to our customers. We will keep on hand at all times a full stock of FAMILY SUPPLIES Which will be delivered In any part of n (t aa of charge. . - ' 08 . &mREMEMBERjfci We will not be undersold In the Charlotte market, er'-There Is a good wagoa yard In the rear of our store for the accommodation of sur custo mers, , " L J. WALHEH & CO. BAZAAR Glove Filliif Palkni -ALL TE LATEST STYLES -FOR - Spring and Summer -AT- Call and set one of our latest catalogues and Queens for June. JUST RECEIVING THE BEST STOCK OP GOODS IN THE CITY IN OUR LINE. - X. R. &.W. B. NISBET, and - ' . t .: i Doctor CertfieaiN; rae ' Blood Poiea. T have used wCINITS FJONIJB BLOOB B; NBWEB In several cases f cutaneous diseases or long standing with the most satisfactory results. Have seen the happiest results fellow its use Id Br&anis Um worst lora, aa bellevs it ts be ttae best alterative li use. J T.l4W3,M,D.,rtfa.eft. A Voice from thoLoao Star Ntate ' GUUiN'S PIONEEB BLOOD BENKWEB has cured one of my children ef tte worst cases of Scrofula I ever saw. 'Her skin Is as clear as mine, and the doctors say it is a perfect -cure. In tbelr opinion. I am ttankful for hating tried tbe remedy. , , M. L. PAtt&i, Dallas, Tei : ' Savannah, Ga, January 20, 1886. .GtriNirS PIONES BLOOD BENE WEB h made several cures of Blood Poison and Bheuma i Ism among my customero. I most heartily re commend it to sufferers from these affections. C. M. HILLM AN, Druggist. Nxw OKUiHs, La.. January 16, 1886. I have been cured sound and well of a bad case of Blood Poison by the use of 15 bottles of tiUIN N S PIONKEK BLOOD JilCNXWSR, I wUl sound Its iiralses forever ., - JACOB KBTJTK. ty I nn acquainted with the above case, and ' most heartily fittest it. . h EUGENE MAY, Druggist, Canal street lar ai.o R1 75. Macon, 5 Ga. WALKER iiiiii, 5 - t . ' : --v ' . tsr- I omi;

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