VOLUME XXXTV. ID ana "IPBuDEmDs" Aire pai h, Udi SiLk Taffeto Gloves-nice shad 3U0. i,8 Lidies lull fashioned 2d cj?ls p r pair f , . - AiU yurdn nice Figuied colors, 5 i,ts pr yard. yards, 32 inch 15 yard. LMHyardS DiCe Summer Siik8' lovelv sVad at 25 c,nta per ya. u, . ; , j Jobs m-Ladies' and Childrea's Hosiery at half price. COME AND They are exactly atr advertised, and the prices as are n.t offered to von nmhaWw Come one and all and - . L get a 4SL . Li SMITH HO! FOR THE SEASHORE -:o: ALL GRADES OF Navy Bine Twilled Ffanoels For B ithlug cults. ALSO A FINE M.INE - ov IVTAEEIMAItS -FOB WEAR. T.L.SEIGL ILdDM. . We expect a new arrival of j FIGURED LAWNS At 3 cents per yard, MONDA OR TUESDAY. Other attractions will be offered, v E, .L, EiEELi.k & CO. IfUCCBSSOBS TO ALEXANDER ft HARRIS. THE 0. K. ICE. CREAM Opened for tha season, parties on short notice Ice Cream and Fresh Bread, Cakes Just received a choice lot of Potted Meats, Canned Fruka, Pickles,' Crackers, &a. Also, Imported and Domestic Confectionery. O. K. W AKRIBON. Successor to Mayer Sc. Ross. .SPARKLING CATAWBA CO., I. t , Tui Justly celebrated watering place W now oppn lor the accommodation 01 the public New Buildings Have been erected, and toe roams lime been refitted a ad refurnished with new. fur niture. - Tim management promise thP best attention possible. uu toe table 111 be supplied with the best that the uiarhat affords. ... THE MEDICAL PROPERTIES X)F THE WATERS UNRIVALED Vor Diseases or the LIvjT, Dysnepila. BbeumRtlm. Kidney anJ Urinary Diseases, and General De bllitr ana Nenr ius Prostration, and a Healthier Loeatlon not to be found. . . MATH HOUSE '. OMPLE I E Poor,Showeranl War n Sulphur, and Turkish Hot lilt, Vapor and Medicated Baths, when de sired, vy : I All am uemeoti nsuallr kept at .first class wa tePiaees. - DR E. O. ELLIOTT, H, E. WADDBLL A WIKK. Proprietor. i Managers. ,. mayaOgatunwedAlrllm ,, . . : Houses Rented. Houses rented and rents collected. In the - :. Advertised tree of charge. - CHARLOTTE REAL ESTATE A6ENCT, ' B. X. eOCEBANX. K&n&get, 5 I el. I 3d if Trade eaeet mot Central Hotel CATAWBA onim Ie8 at 35 Finger I isle Gloves at Satteens, guaranteed fast cents Percales at 8 cents per SEE THESE are such time. J wvw M.IM. i Jim a bargain. alexin BlTlXAfWCa. GO. BsilfliiiiL First Kaliosal Bani South Tryon Street, - . - , - Charlotte, S. C. .' : DEALERS IN LadiesMisses'and QhUdrcn's BUTTON, CONGRESS & UCE SHOES, Gents' Fine Hand-Made and Machine Sewed ' BOOTS, BUTTON AND LACAXS, BOYS' AND OIJT fist FINE BOOTS AND SHOBS OF ALL .GRADES GENTS' FINE ' Silk, Soft and Stiff Hate.' TRUNKS, VALISES and GRIPSACKS. UMBRELLAS OF ALL KINDS, 8HOB BLACKING AND BRUSHES. Alma EoM.. for Ladies Roe bhoes. Stock always kent tall and up to the -demand. OBDER3 BY HAIL OB EXPRESS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. BAKERY SALOON Water Ices furnished to familes and and Pies Qajyp CI SPRINGS ; Are now o. en for the reeep'i'm of visitors. THESE SVdlXm Are 54 miles west of Cbiirlotr, Smiles from Phel by. N . C. and only I m le trom Itarollna Central R.rtlway, where a n-w depot has been erecte.i and beautifully Unhlied for the benefit ot - Visitor lo tiio Plenty of Ue seemed for the season, COLD ARD HOT BAT IIS. A good string band has been employed for the season. . . - The table win be famished with the very best the market affords. - - - Bucks wiu oe at the Spring' station on the ar rival of every train. jfor furtlfer biformattoa 1dres 6. McB, POSTON, janeldtf . : ; . Proprietor. mm dDnnr! WASHI CHI?S A A. v KIT AX It CIVIL. SERVICE. Gen. Bob date for Vanee to be a Candl Congress m the Ninth -Other Washington . Hews, Correspondence of Thb Observer. "XT a fiTfwts-'imsN.H T . t mi ManmflUTUH, uune a. mere is general and great curiosity to hear Judge Bennett on the civil service question in connection with the pend ing bill. Yesterday the Judge went over on the Republican side, an uh usuai ucuurreuce. ana iifiTnert in. tently. lie seemed to be ready sev. eral times to jump upon Cannon, but refrained from asking questions, cannon nad refused to yield to others. Asked if he would speak, j uage .Bennett saia tnat he bad not yet decided whether he would not. or Springer made a most spirited and successful defence of Commissioner Black, and Reed was only able to get even by a quip, which caused a laugh at the expense of the very posi tion he was advocating,' namely, that Black was not carrying out the civil service policy. Kumors from time to : time that Gen. R. B. Vance was preparing to stand for the nomination .for Con' gress in the Ninth District have been circulated. It has been said that this must be so, because he has offered; for sale his residence here and sent his children to Asheyille. But these two facts are hot in themselves conclusive evidence of such intention. There is, however, a general belief here that Gen. .Vance will be a candidate in the convention, i Mr. London, of Pittshoro, nephew of Maj. H. A. London, is in the city, on his way home from Poughkeepsie Business College, where he has been for five months.! H, . . . i - , TOE RfiTORPASSED HER BIT Comiit,uniou Denied to Bliss Maye at the Elisabeth, 9T. J., Christ Church. New lork World. The Rev. H. H. Oborly, rector of Christ church, "Elizabeth, N. J., is in hot water with ' his congregation. Reports are current cf n scene last Sunday- in Christ church when he refund communion to Mies Mayo, a member of the church. . It is said the lady wept bitterly when he passed her by without administering the sacrament This is not the first time he has doi.e the same thing, It is stated that he has refused to give Miss Mayo communion since the time an altercation arose between them and she struck the pastor. The af fair was published at the time in the World. . Miss Mayo is a lady of refinement, and is a member of a well known family of Richmond, VaM and a niece of the late Gen. Winfic Id Scott. Her brotherMn-law, Gen. Qracie, wag a distinguished officer in the Confed ate army. : Miss Mayo is a devout church goer, and Is noted for works of chanty. She dresses in a rather eccentric way, and it is said can be found kneeling at the church door long before the doors of the edifice are opened. The quarrel between the pastor and herself has had many ver sions, but the following, from an in timate friend of the lady told to the World reporter, is considered the most reliable; He states Miss Mayo went to the church and entered the vestry to get a silver plate belonging to her. which was lying beside the baptismal fount. Rev. Mr. Oberly was in the vestry. When she reached her hand for the plate he pushed it to one side and said she could not have it. She became indignant at this, whereupon h,e or dered $be sexton to put "her ; out. When "that worthy attempted to place his hand on her arm Miss Mayo gave him a violent push back. He stumbled and fell oyer a coal sputtle The rector made a motion which she construed into an intention to strike her. She instnntjy took th aggres sive and struck him with her hand, in which she held a hymnal. She then abruptly left the church. On the following Sunday the pastor in giving communion passed her by. MJ asked the minister why this was done," said the gentleman who nar rated the above story,' "and he haughtily replied, Oh, we've ex communicated her.' I was puwled to know," said the gentleman, "where the authority was given tho rector to excommunicate , anybody' i for such an offense without consult' ing his superiors." i - It is only a short time ago that Mr. Oberly removed M, r. Colburn, the bUnd organigt, who had served the phurch in that capacity over thirty years. This caused , a "commotion, and intensified the dissatisfaction against the ; rector. The. congrega tion of Ohriafc church; includes the most aristocratic people of Elizabeth. Tfte rupture between the rector and a portion of his flock is serious, and growing wider daily. v-- r t . - Squibs, The only thing that can make money without advertising the mint. '. The payings of many great men would fill volumes. Their doings could be written on a postal card. A man who gives his children a habit of industry provides for them better than giving them a stock of money. ; J "Kiss the baby while you can," warbles a poet. Thanks. We will wait till she is sixteen, and take our chances. , . "For a young woman to begin to pi ;k the lint off a young man's coat" is said to be the first symptoms that the young man is in peril. ; -:v . - A new novel is called "A Bache lor' Paradiee." -A bachelor's para, dise! Well, , that must be a place where buttons grow on shirts, . v. - Don't judge a man by the noise he makes in this world. Two trade dol lars in the pocket will- make more jingle than $10,000 in bills. i CURE FOR SICK 1TEADACIIE. for proof that Dr. Gunn's Liver Pills core sick headai herask your druggist for a free trial pack age. Only one for a dose. - Regular size boxes, 25 cents, Boldb7L.B.Wrtston7 , CHARLOTTE, N. C, SOCIAt PBECEDESClf. A Question XJbat lias Agitated Official Circles Marriage. ; - . Settled ty Philadelphia Times. . "J "' I ; ' The nuptial ceremony in the White House among' other happy results has set at rest that abstruse problem m the social economy of the Execu tive household which has been agi tating Washington since tile instal lation of the widowed President Arthur in, the place of the murdered arneld. There had been widowed Presidents before. The wife of Jef ferson had died nearly twenty years before her husband became President Their highlv cultivated and A!)llf.l fill daughters, Mrs. Randolph and Mrs. coupes, uiviaea the honors of tho social regime, rejieved when absent by Dollv Pavne Marti bustling, somewhat rollicking Quaker wife of hia Secretarv nf Sr.nfa M.0 Jackson, a.delicate, sensitive woman was overwhelmed into eternal Bl.r just before her husbanu's inaueura- tion by he foul slanders bon tisan malice and heaped upon the idol of her heart, the of Pensacola and New Orleans. Her two nieces. Mrs, Andrew IDnnol and Mrs. Andrew Jackson jr., did the honors of the White House dur ing those stormy j,imes of, political antagonisms and social and domenrm scandals. Angelica Singleton Van Buren, a dark-eyed beauty of South Carolina, the wife of the son nf M at,' tin Van Buren, was advanced to the place of presiding lady, the1 rightful occupant of that place; having been dead fully twenty years when that scion of Knickerbocker blood entered upon the duties of Chief Ma sriat.rnto The death of the first Mrs Tyler in the White House caused tho " duties of the early part of the ad- iniaiBiraDion to devolve upon the wife of the President's son. That high functionary later conferred that honor unon Julia Gardner I nf nv.t York, br makiner that his wifs. That suiierh da Pennsylvania. Harriet Lane! adorned the social environments of James Buchanan in his high office of President. i In those days of . eleerant manners and regard for social conventionalities- and proprieties among the high born and cultured ladies Wnrtih r-5nnri South, who were the leaders ojsocie- tb capital, this question of the fi8 lafty of the land, the Pairtflnt not having a wife, was never mnntwi No one doubted the right of toe-Pres ident to invest some lady member of his family a daughter, a sister or a nieoe with the domestic arid social prerogatives of his high station. - It was during the caDtivatirisr snf.ial reign of Mary Arthur McElrov. the petite and pretty sister of President Arthur, that Blue Grass statesmen ana dames undertook to force this heretical doctrine into the social forms of official life. The w ife of the Speaker was exalted as the first lady of the land, and held a rump court at one of the hotels. ! i The inauguration of Groyer Cleve land revived this vigorous contro versy in a more formidable shape. In the administration of President Ar thur there was simply a President pro tem. of the Senate, then in the line of succession to the Executive office.hut whose wife was ah invalid, and upon which frail assumption the wife cf the Speaker aspired to tEre honors of reigning queen. The elec tion of Thomas A. Hendricks as Vice President placed the wife of that omcer next in line m the van of the aspiring fashion- of the feminine world of the great government. Mrs. Hendricks, had made the! appoints ment of the rugged "Joe'' McDonald a political impossibility, and when Miss Rose Cleveland took her place as the presiding lady of the White House notice was served against her assuming social precedence as first lady of the land. I President Cleveland, with an exhi bition of sagacity in fine points of etiquette surpassed only by; the deli cate sensibilities displayed in his love, courtship and marriage, clipped the wings of this threatened rebellion in the social world by giving to the late Miss Katharine Bayard, the daughter of his Secretary jof State, the place of precedence next to Miss Cleveland at the initial levee held under the auspices of his administra tion. The wife of the Vice President was ignored as a claimant not only to the post of first lady, but even of he honors of the first social enter tainment. , f ( The act of January 19,l888.'the firet act" on - the American statute bookjs to lay down t distinejl order of official precedence, designating the Secretary of gtate and after him, in specified order, the other members of the Uabmet as the respective sue ceesors to the Presidentalj office, in event of the demise of the . President and Vice.. President, disposes of all pretensions of the wife ot the Speaker to the social honor of being1 the First Lady in the Land The marriage of the President has settled, the new social problem, as to whether the rule cif preoedenoe applicable to the CabK net successors to the political preroga tives of the Presidential office,in event of a vacanfjy, would not extend to the ladies of their families. ! Had the President not married., the Secretary of State, being a widower, Mrs. Man ning, the wife of the Secretary5 of the Treasury, would have had claims to social recognition which the wife of the Speaker nsver had. by statute, custom QT common sense. I s : He Smell (lie Rleaielne. Chicago Ledger; ; - i A bright little five year old boy was visitihg his father, who belonged to a Nw York regiment, in gamp. One day as he was -playing before his father's tent, he was accosted in a pleasant way by a sprucely dressed solViier; ; He was accustomed to be ing noticed, a child in camp being a great luxury, but from this soldier he showed evident sfgns of moving away. ' 1 "Come here, my little man," said the officer. . ; The discerning child replied:' "I don't want to; you are a doctor; I know you are a doctor." ; "You are mistaken; come here, I am no doctor" m : . : But the little fellow only put hia head out of the tent far enough to say : "Yes ypu are a doctor too; I know you are a doctor, for I ' can smell the medicine on - your breath." That New York officer- never re ceived any other name afterward du ring the war.- . - - ; t - y - : - Cabinet Officers In Dot Water. ' Boston Recerd. " " ; v Secretary Manning has gone 1 to Hot Springs. Secretary i Bayard is getting into hot water without leayv ing Washington. - . - FRIDAY. JUNE 11, the Absolutely Pure. th?fd wh0 esomeness More economical Smri?irdSJdnd8- ad cannot be sold u! Z?Trt h,wlthKa mulWude onowtest, short r uviuuaio uj Jan20dAwly SPBINGS A BURWELL, Charlotte. N. C. 'To the VICTOR the LAUREL." HAKiAM'turt e,e'y higher quality, nflNAN oHOE has become the recognized standard lor tine wear among discriminating gentlemen. For sale by . 1 A. B. BAKE IN a BRO., ' Charlotte, N. C. BURNHAM'S IBPROVBD t ii ii b i n Is the BEST constructed and finished Turbine In the world. Tested percentages, with part and frill PUta liruarri onnal t any other wheel. ENew pamphlet sent tree by BIJKNIlAm ilKim ,OitK, PA. NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN. Ton ar allowed a free trial of thirty days of the Di- Dye's Celebrated Voltaic Belt with fclectrlo Suspensory Appliances, for the opeedy - . VSLa?d pennsnentcuro of Semnis DebiKtu. loss Of Vitality and Manhood, and all kindred troubles. Also for many other diseases. Complete restora. S L2 ' Health. Vigor and Manhood guaranteed. No risk Is incurred. Illustrated pamphlet inaeaieS ynveiope mailed free, by addrebsinn T0LXA10 2SLT CO., Marshall, Mich. noTl7deodw7m Alu.Va KaHi ii u.1 alffnm ... Ladles Relief f .uiwi,u;,ana i.aniei' I'yspepsift Pills (m-irr. lift h"iils(jjnr Covington, Ky may9deodS;wly and WhJskcy Hab its cured at home with out pain. Book of par ticulars sent FREE. B .M.W001tEY,M.D. 63 iVhitehaU Street. majl9deod&wly CURE'theDEAF PECK'S PATENT IMPROVED CUSHIONED EAR DRUMS mmeiL-r kestohk th hkaktxs and perform the work of the natural drum. InvMible, comfortable and alwayi in position. All conversation and ern whispers heard dietinctlv. Send fori llurtratec - nooa wiin jesinnonKUs, p R g . Addr or call on F. HISCOX, 849 Broadway, New York. Mention tail paper. THRESHING IV! ACHINFiS lJ A SPFHI AI TY. ' Slmo'est. Most Dnr ibin TnonnmlMil nnri su Inusa Wastes no Gr&ln; Cleanses it Bead! lor Market. Threshing' Engines and Horse' Powers Saw Mills' and Standard Implements Generally. Send lor Illustrated catalogue - A. B. FARQ1JHAR, Pennsylvania Agricultural Works, Tork. Pa. may2d4wlm . " I CURE FITS! Wheu 1 say care I do -not mean merely to stop them for a time and then have them return again. I mean a radical cure. I have made the disease of FITS. EPJ. J,EPSY or FAWNG SICKNESS a life-long study. I Tarrant my remedy to oure the worst cases. Because tnen have failed & no reason for not now receiTimr a ' m. U. Q. BOOT, 183 Pearl St.. Xew York. PEHNYHQYILfiLLS " CH ICH ESTER'S ENGLISH." . The Original ana Only Ctenalne. Sate and alvwpa BWj. Beware of worthleaa Inltatlom. (Rtaaina) to ua tor -partloalarB in letter by return mail. NAME PAPER. Chlcheater Chemical bS, S81 8 Madiauu 8uaare. Pkiludu- !. . -t -.-.. !. .mua,w 111 Ci US JO, Sold by lrue!t every wli ere, ter'a ualiah" Pennyroyal 111 Ak fcr "t'hleke JanlOdiwly T3JK W CiltWI. lam an old man. ; For 28 sears I suffered with ulcers on my right teg as the result of typhoid fever. : Amputation was suggested as the only means of preserving life. The doctor could do nothing for me, and thought I must die For 3 years I never had a shoe on. Swift's Specific has .uiouc a. yeiuiov out cure aim aaaea ren years to my . j n. naim, uau w;., bo. I nave taken Swift's Specific for blood poison, contracted at a medical college at a dissection, while I was a medical student. I am grateful to say that It gave me a speedy and thorough cure after my parents had spent hundreds of dollars tor treatment. : Acecsrrus Wkkdh., M. D Newark, N. J. My wife from early girlhood has been suffering from rheumatism. - She has tried many remedies, and I must frankly say has derived more benefit from Swift's Speiiffc than from all the oJuers, after long and faithful trial. Rkv. Jakes L. Pikrck, Oxford, 6a. - Swift's Specific Is entirely vejfetable. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed five. WT159WrT.to-,I)raWer3'At,anta,Ga-' CASSAitD'S PUH ELAR1), "TAIt BliAND" :4 . ; ; I for sale by the following LEADING GROCERS: ' C. HlLKKR, J. L. Davis, 1 - L. A. MlSSNHXTMZR, E. B. iLKXANDES & CO. JOHSCALUKR. ' E. D. McGlNHTS, L J.WaLXKB To, WlTEEBS t &DSSKIX. . Batbb ft Todd, v. B. Durham, H C lEWDi, ,W. J. Friday, , C. Scott, - S. M. HOWELL, DULS Ic SCHROEDKR, Every package bears ourHed Trade Mark, and it guaranteed absolutely pure. . i J - G. CASSiKD & BON, v Baltimore Md, . POwTOR 1886 n M 19 Cents. At this uniform price our entire stock of untrimmed Straw Hats. FORMERLY SOLD AT i 40 cents and 50 cents soo PES? BUNCHES -AT- 42 f enfe Worth Per bunch of 3 tips. Plqmes At One ialf f heir At DOWN Hosiery. NOW 11 cts. 19 cts., 19 cts. 45 cts. 57 Cts. A pair for Boys Ribbed Hose. A pair for Misses Colored Hosa A pair for Ladies Col. Lisle All Parasols a cents per yard I W Vnr- AC in For 40 in. India Linen. Bediictlons THESE PKICES FOR A LTMITED WITTKOWSKY MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED IIJEALiTII V- -an i-a"v.;--j-- -' - ";arV- -i-i! -f-' if7f' C S3 MILES WEST OF CHARLOTTE ON THE ATLANTA & . The above Resort was newly built last Season, is beautifully located and elegantly fmv nished. Has an open fireplace in every room.' New : bath- home !and bath 'rooms. Nw Dancing Pavillioh. The table supplied at all times with the best the market affords, trma Reasonable, -For farther information address COZZENS.& THOMAS, ApruUdwe4&suntmayl5&3twtaugl5 FOE m CJiESABI SWEEP -IN- ffllnDIInimerpy (fiifls( Al COST, Our entire stock of j C1IILDRENS' HATS. 150 75 f!ents 98 proportionately low IIIK WITH PEICES! Whilst goods are still in demand. 3E EEHUCTI0MS: FORMERLY. NOW 15c 38 cts. 35c to 50c 38 cts. e I 25c 38 cts. a-' 65c 28 cts. 75c 10 cts. Pr yd for Pr yd for Pr yd for Pr yd for Pr yd for Hose at Strictly Reductions in White 10 cents per yard For 22 in white Strp. mousselaine in all k CHARLOTTE, N. C. AND PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. AID PIiEASURJE r -Zr s. n.- ri r 4 IWW a ; . ; , ; . AH-Heahng P. O., Gaston county, N. C, ' PRICE FIVE CENTS. LAD ES! 36 Cents. At this uniform price ' our entire stock of untrimmed Straw Hats. - "FORMERLY SOLD AT, a - 65 cents and 75 cents rrnip BUNCHES -AT- Cents Worth 1.75 Per bunch of 3 tips. Aetna! Valne. prices. Dress Goods. FORMERLY. all wool 40 in Canvass Cloth all wool 36 in Nun's Veiling all wool 36 in De Beiges every yard of French Satteen Domestic Satteens, 31 in wide 60 cts 60 cts 60 cts 45 cts 15 cts Cost Price. Goods, 11 CENTS PER YARD 33 in. -white plaid Mousselaine. TIME ONLY. BAKUCH RESORT. 1r 3W id- Cf r - CHARLOTTE AIR , LINE R. B. 01

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