-TT. ' J- -'; oi- - Baltimore Ma..,Apaiii8.. " nflWlMttor-W- have from torn, to time through the colurnnsot jw w ' will m through the medium of ffl newspapers of this country, called at- preparation which an be, P"'?1 Sny htftteehold. the principal beffiff nrw beefsteak end a specified na "tttv of Daffy'e pore man wnlskey. e exweted throtjgh the circulation of ' your " e ' a 1 other. In which our no tices appeared, to get a law demand for MDieeoi thle formula W our expecta Shave not only been met to the fullest See, bat exceeded most aanguine. Mpectktione. During which have elapeed eince - ameared. ten thousand Invalids have nfacad I themselves In eharge of pur Med i- ; i. ?al Department; all these cases received SdivflnllTupervIsion. nd the wonderful results that hive been obtalned.inclndlng ' ln ma"ycMes a gain In weight from ten to twenty-five poo ana, notices- of ,which hlive appeared iS the papers. ha.lsc . led ?o the use of this formula by thousandB with whom we are not In communication. - tr ends of oar patients. The wonderful nrcessof thia formula is due principally - " tu?i"nliar properties of Mr s fcnre Malt WS L range of actton of - this remeaj cuui ,.:, bowel affections and weakened conditions of thenervous system. The extraordinary growth of ourbuiij ness hasmade it necessary for us ito make ana aitena iw j ' , sands who re nsinf oar remedy, ndwe are anxious that no one a"0?.0 ' any of the above ailments should fail to aena so u iui . , ' . . , n -t witfi nlnunn en re- iptof a twoent .Ump " that may oe . " 7.4 . t it T n which : causes Dufy's p.wmalt whiskey and formula to become at one an established , household remedy. -We appreciate the -fact that our meat- xire oi success m u w uh - '"' . desire that none Who are ailing -from, the dls--eases above referred to ihonld remain tin- Conscious oi mo uu and effective remedy that wljl restore tiL ioaecA nnw nDClil TtH B DUFF i MALT WHISKEY CO. OMAN ! HER BEST FIUMU ! IV DR. J. BRADFIELO'S I) FEMALE REGULATOU This taraeus remedy most happily meets the de mands of the sge for woman's peculiar and multi form amlcttont. It is a remedy for WOMAN ONLY, and for one SP SCI AL CLASS of her diseases. It is a specific for certain diseased conditions of the womb, and proposes to so control thfr Menstrual Function as to regulate an the derangements and rreguiariuesoi woman v s Its proprietors claim fori no other medical prop- y; ana u aouot me xiici cnafc uiis iiicuiciiio uues tiveir DOssess sucn conrroiune ana regulating nrs is slraDlr to discredit the voluntary testi- monr oi tnousaoas or uving witnesses wno re 10 . tar exulting in the restoration to sound health and jiaisxaeaa.. . Is strictly a vegetable compound, and Is the pco met Qf medical science and practical experience direet- ea unvaras uie ueneui oi, . It Is the studied prescription of a learned phy sician whose study was WuMAN, and whose fame became unviable and boundless because oi his won ' derful access in the treatment and cure of female complaints. THE BkUCLaTOK is the grandest remeay Known, ana ncniy aeserves its name? Because it controls a class of function the various derangements o' which cause more 111 health than all otner causei combined, and thus rescues her from a Ions train of affltctlomrwhlch sorelr em bit tpr her lite and prematurely end her existence. Obi what a multitude of living witnese8 can testify to Its storming effects! Woman! take to your eonfl- aenceuus - . PRECIOUS BOON OF HBALTH!- - - It wBl relieve you of nearly all the complaints peculiar to your sex. Rely upon It as your safe guard for health, happiness and long life. -A- Sold by all arugeists. Send tor our treatise on the Health and Happiness ot Woman, mailed free, V- ? t , . IB BBASnKLD BKOULATeR Co ; " I ; Box ffl, Atlanta, Ga.: 0. COUGHS, CROUP AND CONSUMPfiONn it. w y ? SWEET CUM AND TwIULLEIW. ' V VL 01 ffum" ""Sttsrea trom a tK?9 ol ft ' sOo&g fta SMall ptoouaslii m - v ' BtfUtfaeiM gkto rtftta istto6fetiug expect taat wne1,re tkst fcosea, Q, iWe groauolng ' .fli early morning cough, and stionaates tho chiia - o (hrov pffthe falg membrane In croup and ' whfxpl ngsough. When combined with the heal- 7 Ins mnctlaginoM principle In the mallem plant , of the old Held, presents in 'TATiyjH's CBEneKEC - RfcM edt or Swxet Gvm 1ist Uvixtin the finest know remedy tor Congta, Cronp. Whoopiiw-cdngh. od Conmmiptlon; and so paUtabre,anchild to ruased to take . -Ask your druggist for it Price, . S5e. and 1. If ho does not keep It, we will pay, : ur one time only, express charges on large iHe K.Ule U. ar part of the U. S. on receipt of tl.00 REMOVAI:! W. H; Farriorfi Brother. JEWELRY, WATCHES, &c.- Havlns removed te onr new stand, opposite the" Central Komi, we will be pleased to have our trlemia onil, where tuer will And a full line of WATCH. CLOCKS, JKWBLBT, DUM0KD8 - fci.LVi-JandSiLVEB-PIxi.TiiDWABa.io. ' Peclal attention given to difficult watch r paii'lDg. . ... . , ... , . w. n. r'Ar.rjon & beo. ' ;: IU 1 11IU1O1, A " ' '"1 " -itaaJ V- i Faper Cutter,' a J - "FRIDAY. JUNK11. 1886 ; . CROP REPORT. The CoMltM r Acrioulf nral loiariiucu.. : 10 The depart- , orwMiitm-fi mak s tbe area of esring wheat ucaiJ' the eame- as last year-&uiui""'Gi'D -There is an inereaae of oueixth ol last year's breadth -m U iicuia, a ue- crease in jNeorasKa. a d. . - , ductJOti ia Wisconsin and Minnesota, Minor spring whoat districts Sbow a small advance. The extension of the pe.ttement and the neceesit.of ready money for improvernei'ita and some wkat to last year a ujis ii"w j " product in Southei n Dhkoia. - lho et- coanteracted by the superior rate ot yield of recent years. The"conditton 97 id June last year; . v lowurxo r Minnesota 99 ; Iowa 100; Nebraska 97; Tairsf j QO-. , Washington 100.'. s - ;;. ;;i Winter Wheat is boi quite o f1.""1 of fho lot nr miiv. : abusuii a in tha nnniiition isiraDortett UDUUUD -s www " - , . - in the west, ana tne low conujuuu.w Ka HnmhArn croD is still more res duced; jet the average ia only re UUVU . it : -f.ru vr. o n avprflfA to hlSTn in ill IB DUHllU'U - - the great wheat producing States., An in viun nf Rtrnn? root erowtb.'. It is iti j c--. 1 very promising in .. xaaryiauu mm Virginia, except inwei. wuub. vw Rrt.it.h it has been effected with nist. tv nirin . haa htvn ; iniured in XUQ . V1VF - t . Texas fromf drought, and by nooasin Ohio Rnrt bv naiisiorms in mmsuui 1. e-ood for about 12 t . t?v hns lso declined from a gen eral average of 95.7 to 94.4 during the last montn - . :- .- - - : Th hoioTr nrflflcn has, been in XU7 J v O ; ' Twr cfint. and the condition tVWMWWW ? . averages lUO; lasc-year iujuub iu woo The laree acreage of oars in 1885, von nrr. htxnn fxtensivelv increased. It has been slightly reaucea in ii.eo tuckv and Ohio, where the area was abnormal last vear. The increase will nnnrnao.h half a million acres. The condition averages nearly 96,- against 94 in 1885, and 98 m 1884. iz is highest east of the Alleghanies,and a little below the full condition in the south and west. ,;j ;.w .-v ;V :' ' rT- ThA tendencv to increase in the area of cotton has been checked ki tV,a oatarn etara nf t.ho mttnTi ht. The returns show a slight reduction in South Carolina and i Alabama. The more western ' states,' in: whieh settlement and farm, extension 'Dave been active, exhibit some increase, mainly in Texas. The net ' increase is about two hundred and fifty mil lion acres an advance of one and threa eisrhts ner cent. The record stands: Virginia 89, North Carolina r0. South Carolina 99. Georgia 98, Florida 103, Alabama 99, :Mi9sipsrppi 102, Bouisiana 102; l'xas 190, Ar kansas 102. Tennessee lOl.f - TT viniitinn nf tha nrnn in Innror than in 1885,averaging 88 7,against 92 i4- 1 .- o-t-nn iosii yrixi. ..it is luiru iu evvou otcibOB and higher in North Carolina. Flori da, Texas and Tennesse The State averages are Virginia 95,North Caro lina 97, South1 Carolina : 63 Georgia Di 87 Louisiana 85. Texas 95. Arkan sas 83, Tennessee 99. ! Heavy . rains have caused damage in Georgia, and 4.1 J 1 i . 1 . : . m 1 - tut) urougub tureaieuiug in j.exaa naa hAAn hrnkfn. Rinrtv bv J rAfrAahino- rains." The stand has ben irregular t .-. :? ia out nas oeen practically remeuiea Dy replanting. : BIOTIHG HI BELFAST. Police and Rioters In Conflict Scores of Men - Wounded and Some Killed. - Belfast. Juno 10. ThnnAnnln nnra have been wrought to a state ot great excitement Dy tne riotous demons! ra tioas of Oraneremea durint? thA nat. two days All wort is stopped, stores are closed and many residences are closely barricaded. -Mobs are every street prepared for further deds of violence. The Orangemen are greatly incensed atthe constabu lary for firing upon them, and threat en to sack their barracks. ; Detach ments of soldiers and poliee from Dublin and other cities are being for warded to Belfast to assi-jt tne au thorities in restoring order. At mid night a niGb of Orangemen raided a public bouse kept by a Catholic named O'Hare, and after sacking it set it on fire. -The police charged the rioters a dozen times with bayonets, but each time were forced- back by Volleys of Stones, The police were finally forced to take refuge in the barracks, ybere they fired upon the mob from second story windows. The mob, however, hnld thflir' OTftiinri timntir , mmnn longer, although the firing of the po lice was heavy ar.d increased. Scores of " rioters were wounded, and . it is snown positively that -sir men; and two women were killed A exeat many wounded -persons were jcarried away by friends, and whether their iniunea are 5 fatal4 ia - not .: known Twenty of the rioters who received uuuei ,wounas are lying in one in firmary.' large number, of Orange men WhO took Dart in t.hn rinta moi-o arrested today. , . An ijiquest on the bodies of those killeil will be opened this afternoon. A Southern Kewsnaoer's dtt't. LMaoon Telegraph. ' - . "To "Mr Grovr tniAvoInn? the ' Great and Gnrrl Tnlrrn nK. the legend that flamed upon a mam- iiiutu iiupeio gum oreaa tray wbich on vesterdav rpd t.ownrHa WocVi Vton from this city x It. fe a wedding icHc-uvjywu too leaoingv newspaper of Georgia to the first lady in the ; The. Teloaxftrih mot oootltr v. sent Mrs. Cleveland a set of diamonds or a silver servina; hut. thaaa &h. ho already. It preferred to send an ar ticle tbat wfll be a friend in all sea yertible and adaptable. It is a grand j eiTersonian com omation bread t ray, w arruu seu 10 serve a XJemocratic family in any station it may occupv. nation bread-tray. So it ia. .It makes a fine card receiver,' some what novel, it is true, ; but then the fashionable wt rld loves novelty. It constitutes a fine lapboard, and for shelling peas ia it has no superior. It will also serve as a canoe, and Grover with a good butter paddle to propel it, may enjoy many a moonlight ride on the tranquil Potomac in .the c& pacious trayrAnd then, too," as many Georgia house-wiveB know, it makes a fine cradle.: - If any of ;Mrs. Cleve land's Folsom kin bring babies to he rocked at the White House it will be found invaluable. There hasn't been a cradle in the White House in forty years. 8TABTLISG BUT TRUE. . Wills Foist, Texas, December 1, 18b5 After Bflerln? lor more toan three years with dis ease of the throat arid lungs, 1 got so low lat sp .e? I was entirely nnable tod anything, and ny coauh wa9 so bad 1 scarcely s.ept any at night. h-.y dru- jist, i'T. H. K Goodu'ght, leut mi a trial t ei fJH. i-.i4NT!0'8 CODGH AND LUNQ STSDP. 1 1 ,ui. i re f, eud aiicr Using six 1.(0 Dotae-i, I U' T-i .y CU'-'l. J. M. WiXDiN. - t;-JLjL.E. -V,-i'...t.:i. " STATE NEWS ilomonM rj-lfiflnftr: Mr GeprgB. J Haih, died at his home au.inja piv? about six o'cJockTuesaay e vuiug., inst-., aft ran amicwon mauy of wasting sieunesd - J not unexpected. . He leaves a wife and little girl two j ears old to mourn. the loss of a busoana ana . R xikinghmri Eocket : Mr, E - N. ln- fram. 01 ci-raB-v - that his IOPS Dy iue.4si;cu. JitRuy-: Peo Dee: river aggregates fight thou sands dollars estiinattng destructiori of growing crops apa ruin or tne iauu. tie caa a DmBfyrH'.rc uciuu -. wv which was completely . overflowed and the plant in consequence was de stroyed. From Montgomery- county, ca 7 iirn through - Mr. R. T. Rush, the reports of tb, ravages- mou Cheeks': Creek, are a ppai 1 ing ; iM os nltr mfirfl P.rotifl - destroyed :: but t he land, in many places, was washed bo-. y ond a I reciiination. no never saw - Montgomery farmora so "blue" before. ' " - V: Greensboro North State : Any one passing JNew Wjiraen , ana gmmnug over tbe school grounds will see that things are lively in the way . ot pre paiatien for th hew building..; The material is daily collecting and tne walls willbegm to rise as soon as tne bricks are cool enough to handle. This , new school building: will not cost less' than ten thousand dollars. The hall built in the tall, so.on alter thA fir nhst over six thousand doU dollars The old ball, "Founders," which has been standing btty; years, in wnrt.b. with its remodelling and various fixtures, not less than twelve thousand . dollars.1 so that : Friends School will be in better trim ror nrst class work than ever before. . ' " News & Observer fC Tod ay a report' r tntrviewed Sjlicitor Galloway' as to the time when the local option law in this township and -in the town of Apex would go into operation. The solicitor informed him that under the statute it took effect immediately upon the result being declared by the nroDer authorities, but tnat ne naa hd a consultation, with leading rep resentative men, both of the prohibi tion and the license side of the ques tion, and that without a dissenting voice they had advised the giving of reasonable ima to the liquor men to wind up their ousmees. ana tnai con seauenuy he would not institute any prosecutions against dealers for any . e - nC vC 1 : K fore the first day iof July next. Speaking of the death of Mr. Chas. A. Price, one of the victims of the Santee trestle disaster, the Wilming ton Review says; ? We have known Mr. .f rice long ana wen. - tie was about 36 years of aga and wasthe oldest son of the late Alfred LJrrice, ond Of the founders and proprietors of. the Wilmington Journal. ; Mr. Price was for soma time proprietor of a store in this city, tbeo, a l$t5 be entered into the puwnawn lo con- nection with the editor of this paper. the Evening Review (the predecessor of tbe Daily Review), and after aban doning the newspaper -business, he served ; first for some rears as cler.k in the Express office, here, and more lately as messenger on tbe road. tie was a man of many eterliner qual ities of head and heart, an exemol.irv son, a gentle husband and a kicd and indulgent father. He leaves a widow and three chiMren of tender yeard to mourn their terrible bereavement Salisbury Herald j . Some lime last summer D. A. Crieco, who lives in Morgan township,': near Pool postofs hce entered the store" of James L. Arey, one half mi'e south of .-the Dutch Creek . mine, and . sold five ounches of Branch gold and migireta. Mr, A. sold it to Mr. h E Steere, of our town, w no upon a closer . exam ination found it to b 3 Spurious. Mr Arey redeemed the bogus metal and looked for his man. He could pot find him until last Saturday, when he had Orisco nri ested. On the way to the nearest magistrate,' Crisco got away, oat. was caught Sunday morn mgat his house. Squire J. J, New man iriea mm ana oouna aim over to court under a $500 bond -; Not be ing able to give the bond, Mr. Crisco ia ; . now . studdying metallurgical cnemistry in our jau. ; Major J M. Clemment died after a short ill nesslasfc Friday night at his home in MocK8viue, N. U. Major J; has been suffering for years from consumption, so much so . that he could not speak at the bar. A thoroughly judicial mind that could grasp a le gal case unbiased and unprejudiced. he ranked among the very finest in his profession. - Major Clement was 58 years old and " leaves a large fam ily. Jane Bonnets and Rosea. .- . There l not s" va table a thing in nature as a -. lady's headdress .Addison. - Fancy straws are edged with little straw Dans instead of beads. A helmet of , black ; Lice, wreathed with ' roses, ; is one of the English novelties jn miumc-ry. - ' Jlats have ; verv tall crowns and wide brims, and, with very few exo;p- uuup, turn up at one siae. t Some of the straw hats have crowns veiled with tulle or crepe lisse, the effect being ' 'particularly good in black. - :. : Bonnet crowns are a continuel sur- : 1 .1 . . .,. pruje norse snoes, -neart shape, in dented, puffed out, square, ... oblong and round. ; Tbe-lady who dresses her hair according-to the mandate of fashion this summer will wear it on the crown of her head. ' ' - - -Larg? leghorn hats for summer wear will be trimmed with .which poppies ; and small Enc-hsh daisies appear. - Pretty, but expencive. are the bon nets made of jet, arranged as in -the manner of seals, and completely cov ering the frame of the bonnet, . K A vtfry hafldsom hat of sandal wood brown., faced with pale' yellow Straw was turned up at" the left side and trimmed with a twist of brown crepe and a buq'eh. of fine, pale-yele-low feathers, , , -- iv.-.- ' White straw gip?y bonnets trim med with white satin ribbon ... and sprays of smaiA white or tinted flows ers have been exhibited itr some of the.lno8t fashionable quarters of this city. - Here we see a direct return to one of the customs of our grand mothers time, wLose summer 'Suc. day best" was almost without excep tion after this fashion. These charm ing little 1 bonnets are. as a rule, be coming to youthful wearers and can be appropriately worn with' almost any dressy summer costume. 2 Supreme Uoart. - - NewB and Observer. - Opinions were filed in the following cases : C. 14 r,r i - Justice vs. Lutber.f roni Buncombe ; no error; affirmed.1 v ? - - -' :X Grant vs. Rogers, from Northampv ton; no error; affirmed. . : Grant vsEleese,f rom Northampton ; error; reversed. F ;a ; ' v Williams vs. Williams, from Yad kin ; report confirmed. . . - - ' . - - - - Positive Cure Tor Pile. To the "people of this county we wotild say we twe ben given tbe Hwency of lr. Marchisi'slwllan tiie Omtnierit empuaticaiiy guHraateed to eireor money r mded Uitertml, -external, blind, bieed t i or ti. ..ing piles. Fnue .K5. a box. IVocuie, no l'i " ti i ty L, E. Vr . :i, tfr r-! j Wei anA Ttjry in tSafctjtU, 4 ' -A special from Raleigh referring to there was great excitement hem The tsoard ot- t;anvatsera,; compegpa 01 ooll holders,- mot to canvas the vot Jt was aliegod tboy had nt been .chosen as :anyaRser8- by- the ptJll- hcl lers of their respective- precmcis ou the day of election. They . were sworn in " aft-r a stormy frcen be tween the chairman of the Board and ojie of the counsel for the- ante pro cimlioniqis- ;?iiie vnairman jiivuK-pu the eid of the i?herm but - the latrer snid he could not :.do ,apy thing,,, as here was no s breach ot - the peace. Tliev did not have the .o.fhcnl returns' of the e"iCUon, as tJie la' tc-r were in ihf ; Tiossofision - of tbe Register -01 Df-eus. - Tiie , ranvassers , took the figures from a memoranda 4 in . their posseESiOTj.:j xney ;s. aunouuti u ,. vuo result as 5S uisjority ,icr f prouioiuoii from the courthouso : door, mean time the scene of conflict wt6 chang ed, to the Boai d of County Uommis Rioners: Before this boJv the re turns were br meht bv Ibv Kegister, Counsel for both fwes . argued betore the Board Counsel tor the -anti-, nrohibiliuhiats argued that the' Com misiiioners were not a board of, can- vassers, and asked that -the , matter bo left to the iudge to decide. The BoSrd went ahead and canvas ?ed the vote, and made official proclamation of the result of : the election s6 ma ioritv for Drohibition-rfrom the court house door. The Board of Com missioners an d Board of Can vessers were . served "with notice .of suit brought bv -anti-prohibitionists to test the validity. of the election. All these occurrences today have result ed in causing much stir and a great deal of bad feeling The prohibition ists say that the will., of the people as ex oress d at the balL t box eannot be thwarted. The other side say that the Bard of Canvaesera was illegal and that the , t tounty Commission is not the Drooer body to . canvasstthe returns. The suit brought is return able at the August term of the su pernor i;ourt. more is no . wmug what turn affairs will take.!' Uoth sides are angry, arid there ere pnitual recriminations. It is. far worse than a nolitical campaign. Both sides ex aggerate, and both are- at daggers' points, as was plainly shown today. -i-; ' A Dead Issue. 4;j fcf Richmond Dispatch. - -- . - The Boston Globe thinks that the Stalwarts are pretty hard- up for an . . rr,, ii .1- Tl - issue. , -iDe BJum, u Bays, is aiiequ ing to its own business. The Jeff Davis episode canrrot be worked any further, and the bloody shirt '- has been so thoroughly washed that it will not attract a bullfrog. In short. it concludes - tbat 5 sectionalism is Stone-dead. . Our observation is that the majority of the papers in the North are very much of the Globe's way of thinking Just at present the Republican party is bankrupt so far j . Sir. launiBK fivnt Ills Bank ' The Albany Journal sayS there is an impression amffng the friuds of Secretary Manning tbak, should he fully recover his health, he will not return to the department!- : He has longeouerht to retire from political life and devote himself exclusively to the affairs of tbe Commercial Bank in which he took great lote'reet, and it is thought that uftgr a rest at vari otis places during the . summer he will, in the autumn, return to Alba ny and resume the presidency of the bank, a position which, in, view ,-of this event happening nas never beta filled. l 1MTC nJll 1 n V Ac-lye and lntelll W l? I I . U L " U I geiiMoreprfeeDtln ner own locamy ano'anrm . Kereretieei required, Pemtane! t position tvnd good salary. MAY A CO. 16 Barclay Stn IS. x. - - -. . aprt84 w mmm ice.do,, IUl.OTTK, !. ., ' CITT TBAOX. Until further notice, on andaftpr Juesday. Jane 1st, our city customers purchasing weekly tickets wui oe turninh- a Mm Irora the coin pun ts dellvHrr wagon In such quantities its desired, from 6 pounds UP, at the unifrora rate price of 60 mute per bun drd pounds. Those holding weekly tickets of a Higher price can exchange uim it their option with our ticket ager.ts at the City Prug Stoog for tne tower nricea iickete, - we are now manuractur Ing and offering to Tbe trade at low rates, a super lor quality ul pure erstal Ice made Irotn Mecklen- nur spring water uorougmy nitered. a. w. iatis, Fnpt SHIPPING"PRICE3. : Oar Load of 10 fe.ns, . - -' $5 60 per ton from 6 to 10 toqs, ... . 6 03 per ton From 1 to 6 tons, t . - 1X0 per ton K te 1,(00 pounds. - v fiOc p-r 100 lbs 10 nuu poujios, -.-. 1.' me per tyu 10s we are now- usirg me ce-eorared uyau Miier, t rooah which all the water Is nassed before frwz- lne, ano the trade ma' rely upon all manutae tured by ns being as pu's ai It U possible to mke it. - Orders so'ictted and prompUr Oiled.. Lowest freight and express ates secured- for our custo- werjt. ... - - :. ... . mayttdtf - KBCKUENBITBO ICE CO. Dlinan & Philpoitt's WATER PROOF, PAINT, : Any Sizi . Package. WW TO A CASUEL COLOItS. For sale at . IK W heeler's PAINT AND OIL H0TJ3B.- une6dy POR- RENT. : ACOMKOKTABLE 4 room cottaise, pantry and ktEcueo, within a tew hundrttd yards oi the Gradeti tichool, and six acres of land lor rent to r good tenant. Apply to . laraa B. B .COCHBiNK.Manftger r FOR SALE. t-t Unimproved lot 99x150, adjoining the pro t)J perty of J. H. Broory. J. P. Irwin and others, fronting on Trade street. Shade trees on the lot. Price j,jy0. Charlotte lTea.1 Estate Agency, mar25dtf R E. COCHRANE. Manager - "Irw. J oe Ptrsoo's ISeiimedy 1 tika r-1- ; Gomblnln; HtOH TrltH PCBE TE8ETABL TOXICS, quickly and completely-CtEASSES ad KSEICUES THE BLOOO. quickens Qo action of the lir and Kidneys. Clears the V complexion, makes theskln smooth. It does not " inj nre tke teethr ense h esdache, or produce coif r sUpatlon-ALL OTHKB IB0H MEDICINES DO. V .RjjsWbus and Drnggists eretjrwhere recommend It. ' . H. S. RtTGOIXS, of MarioiiV Mas says: "I . oammen Brown's Iron Bitts as a valuable tofiio ' JorfSifohkifithf) blooi and renrorow attdyspeptjo symptoms. It does not hurt the teem." , - Da. B. M. Petasia, Reynolds, Ind.i says: "I have praeeribed Brown's Iron Bitters m cases of : .anaemia and blood diseases, also when a tonic was : needed, and it has proved thoronglily satisfactory." Ti- Mb. Wm.Btbks, S6St. Mary St., Not Orleans,!, " says? " Brown's Iron Bittrs relieved me in a case of blood poisoning;, and I heartilj' oommena t to - theme needing a blood purifier. . J- Ms, W. WTMohahan, TuKcnmbia, Ala., says: I . have baan troubled, from childhood -with Impare f Blood" and eruption on my faoe two bottles of Brown's Iron Bittejs pffeoted a perfect cure,. I '. cannot speak too Mehjjr Pf tm raluable mediome." r Cennine has above Trade Mint and crossed red lines on wrapper. Take no others Aladeonly by BUOWM VUEU1UAL. CO., BALTIMOlije, f OFFERS TO TEE . V hblesale r RefeII:Trade FIVE TONS Pare White Lead, TWENTY' BARRELS A ; Lar;e Stock of i -.AL&Q-.' OHJL CAR LOAD erosene Oi Zd L AT. OLOSE PKIOES. A. n. Mo ADEN - Ii-Wlsit FRED C. HUNZLER: -,- WHOLES AU UGEB V3EEH - DKUEB Mk BOTTLES, t CHARLOTTE, N. 0 . Represents two of the larsrest LAQEB ntuoM urewenes in tne united States rhe Bererner A Enel BrewUi Co., or Philadelphia, and th . f . fe Rl. gchaiTer DrevrlKf C., .tfew York. , THE LARGEST LAGER BEER BOT TUNG ESTABLISHMENT 4' . IS THE CITY. ' ; GTOrder Solicited. AH ordert promptly filled and delivered free of onarge to any part oi tne city. j. . deeSOdlf - " ' ' ' - , ' --r-AlJD-- PLCJ1BERS SUPPLIES. Vt7K WILL BK PLKA3SD fp TTJRNI3H R9 . . tlmates i tor heating prlue houmja, pawle kM5, H?-' MOB,. lt chfer engineer f the Kunball Hoiiw, will oondaot a general Dlumb Inn business with an oflloe In our store. We will M$S!m? and fltilngs In Ha,16dtC PrioirPfes; for Sale. Iand'pap!rlL,?re Ams Book inches. The machine is in ord241 Hoe Co., standard work. er made b List Prloe -- . . . ' : ...'..-. ' Will be sold for -. . - j 12,240 00 on terms to suit purchaser "-' " T- .-WANTED. mBr20dlew3m ' Xu,k- Mr. Jo Herkeu', Ueradr 3 af ejTfora!or Apo'r to en, a Jones a CJe'a seuwtf - . TKlg )y n; t :: it e n rrFr l Jean b?n , . '"'t tT-r t ca o TEAM mmm P0L1CEI9AQ ' r , . ' ATLAMTA, Ga., Ju I 23, 1885. . ; Whenever I know of anything that might be ot servjoe to my fallow-men. I derire to impart such information; benee I giva the following tacts to the Dubiic: Mrs. M. M. Pilnce: 'llvkg at SW West fh .sSfj Auaixio, uu.t.ias vwyt. iru;iuieu lor ecvcicu uiwiuw. with an J ugly form o catarrh, attended with a copl Oils and offensive discharge irom both nostrils. Her system became so affected and reduced that 'she was confined to bed at my house lor sometime, and received the attention of three physicians; and o d a dozen bottles ot an extensively adver tised blood remedy, all without the least benefit . She finally commenced the use of B B. B. with a decided improvement at oaoe, and when tenlbot Ues had been used, ghe Fas entirely cured o all symptoms oi catarrh. - . it gave ber an appetite, and Increased her strength rapidly, and I cheerf Ily recommend it as ft quick and cheap tonic and blood Purifier, - ' ' "- " J. W. GLOEB, : ' ' ' - " -' ' " Policfman.'' Was it Cancer ? "I have been tajtlng Br J3. n. for six or seven weeks for something like eancer on my neck, and I would not take one thocsakd doulas for the benefit received. ; . I bd previously tried various so-cajled J31ood remedies, but B. B. B. i the best, the quickest and the cheapest blood purifier I ever used. '. I refer to any merchant of Griffin. Ga.- , J. H. BARNES, Griffin, Ga.- BOTH HANDS UP. A evrnanite Suddenly Haises - , H L If and? for tne First - Time iaTwo Teaft, ' , Correspondence Atlanta Journal. - Nbwsak, 6a., June 10. Mr. Jaoob G. gponeler an old and respected cl'lzen of this plaae expert enced rather a sadden change in his gesUculative jxtrentet(es latelf. B seeing tbat. a UtU over tvo fetm ago ffa Sjionriw; iad a senjese etlae& at BnettBsAtlva. bis arms became useless, and, is fact, he could not raise bis hands to bis head until the other day, when be called on the druggist and obtained a preparation that acted like maglo on aim, for after taking the first half bottle he eould move his arms about, and when he had taken six bottles be was sound and weU. - Eev. W. W. Wads worth and tmr people generally who are familiar with the case almost swear by the wonderful remedy now. Mr. Sponeler 6ald the medicine was called p B. B. 1 8LOOD POISON. Mr. A. P. W of Hampton, 6an haslf recently emerged from one of the most remarkable cases of Blood Poison on record. . His body and limbs bad no leas than tour bundred small ulcers bis bones tormented him with pain hto. appetite failed his kidneys presented frlghUul symptoms and all doctors and 100 bottles of tbe most popu lar Blood Poison remedy failed to give him any relief.- He secured B. B, B., the concentrated quick cure, and fire bottles healed the ulcers,, re lieved, aQ pain, cured his kidneys, restored bis appetite, and made-bim a healthy and happy man. ' Mr. BosworthXnterrfefred. From the Southern Clipper. - " "Tea," said Mr. James L. Bosworth, an old IA lantlan, "It was twelve yeara ago when 1 contracted a terrible ease of blood poisoning. My affliction was truly horrible, t had no appetite, did not sleep well at night, my digestion was impaired, my throat wascanterized five times, and in fact I was a total wreck, i had been under the treats ent of several of the leading physicians of Atlanta; tried nearly every blood remedy advertised ; went to Hot Springe receiving no benefit whatever." ' - "And you remained in this condition twelve years?" lntcrrupped the Clipper man. ( -Yes sh. and more than that.' Three years ago 1 was laid up with rheumatism. My knees were drawn up in such a position that I eould not leave my bed for months. - My life became a lingering torture. A truly wounderf ul blood remedy was recommended, known as B. B B. 1 used It, and sir, 5 bottles curd me, and I really believe it to be the grandest and quickest blood yremedy . ever known." . ' - - SCROFULA. Are any members of your famuy thus afBicted? Have they scrofulous swelling ot the glands? Have they any scrofulous sore er ulcers? If so and It thould be neglected, the peculiar taint, or poison, may deposit Itself In tbe substance of the lungs, producing con sumption. Look well to the condition of your family, and if thus afflicted gjjevue pro rejrsjSj wJ&fcwt iJay. o that wkbsh ofiim absolute cures la the shixtest spaee, . of time. The uneering finger of public opinion POlRtS (o B. B, B. an the most .wonderful remedy for scrofula ever known. ,' " - ' Ask your neighbors, ask your druggist, ask or right to those who give their certificates, and be convinced tbat B.B. B 18 the quickest and most perfect Blood Purifier erer before kuown. . . RnEunixiin. " Although a practitioner of nearlr twenty yearsw my mother Influenced me to procure B. B. B, for her. She had been confined to her bed several months with Bheumatlsm which had st Jbbomlj resisted all the usual remedies. Within twenty- four hours after commencing B. B : B. I observed marked relief. She has Just commenced her third botte and Is nearly as active as ever, and hu been to the Trent yard with "rake in hand," clean ing up. Her improvement is truly wonderful and immensely gratifying. " Book of Wonders.. By addressing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga any one can secure free one of the prettiest and most valuable 32 page books now out. It tells all about the blood, its diseases and remedies Scrofula, Ul cers, Bheumatlsm, Kiuney Affections, Skin Hu-" mors, 4c , 4c.' Drop a postal for it at once. J ' " C. H.M0NTGC3IEBT, M. D. JaA3onvi::8, Ala., June 6,lSt5 uiiiiuui. 11 u ' - .-"' K Full Stock of ' . rmitafi Li CfsRaiiabsi 'tgik and !a$(riijrS J - ' LA WN H AND TV H IT V. X) OODs Of .all feicds for BUEGss WHOLKSALB AND BSTAIL DSALKB IH &ll kinds of BEDDING . A fnTI Una nf - rTJV i TJ ovnoTi? fins of all kinds on hand. No. 6 West Trade Street, Charlette, North Carolina. - ENCOURAGE i Buggies and Garriages ELTAS pi i mni TYSON & JONES, Carthage, N. G. No shoddy work. Every Buggy, .We are at home, and we carnal ways be found to make goodeur promises ' WE ARK The largest Carriage Man ufacturers m North Caro lina. - For Durability,' Style end finish, ne ate un surpassed.- .: " 1 For sale by A. C. Hutchison Ac Co., Charlotte, TV. C. Tan . Gldef& ' Rmamtm . m .1. .wfll. 1W nr a -m . - a, ... . w I 'I Bostic Ilrotherx &, TYSON & JONES, Carthage N. C. Keeps the largest and . "IFimirimMiiiiircB IN : THE ; STATE. i A bed-room, euit of . 10 pieces, imitation Walnut, $22.00. '-." c 10 - " marble ton imitation walnut, ; f 30.00; - t ' . . - - , A bed-room suit of 10 pieces, - walnut with marble top, i moo. . ? Elegant walnut and cherry sail 8 -.from $T5,00 to $17o.0U, A. parlor euit of 7 pieces, imitation of raw silk, $30.00. a m u . . rawsiiv trimmed -with plush $40.op.. ' Parlor suits of 7 pieces, $125,000;" ' : , Ix)unges.in great .variety, from $5.00 to 30.00. Sideboards - . . 4 . - 15.00 to 125.0a Baby Carriages in great variety from $6 00 to $35.00. Window Shades, Cornice COFFINS AND ' S. - i a Cr-H O -- - - t No charge for packing or drayage. jODDS. sale eeap for cash af Nichols mm' North Wka Jab, -PT- Carriage or Phaeton that learea oar shop ;o:- Wfi L4lI To be able to compete sue- cessfully, la prices and quality, with the iest manufacturers 1 a the North and West. x Wright, Shelby. N. C. most complete stock of domefctic or silk plush, $40 00 to Poles . and. Oil PaiDtinp, METALLIC CASES. o o CD i. - - s "rt '-:: '4- w. 3 a rn p H Q n 3. CO -6 0: f -,V) - f r :p--itoE.B.co.. a:--. ,Ci i i

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