Or.rMK XXXIV. ' - ' ? I . , - .-, f . , " - ' w JLlxxriJLil J I I r . i . M SATHR HA V ittatt? 10 oo - : : - dDQDG'" cenT S SUk Taffet es-nice shades dUO pairs Ladies lull fashioned Finger 25 cents per pair. & inini00r yar.d8' nice FSed Ratteens, colors, 5 cents p r vard 4 " X0 yrds.32 iDch 15' cents JPercates -at 8 crhta per Vel yardfa'd8 nice fummer Silks, lovely shades at 25 cVnts Jobs in Ladies' and ChiloWs Hosiery at half price. COME. AND ' They are exactly as advertised, and the prices as are not offered to you probably once in a life Come one and yall and et a bargain! is a HOJ FOU THE SE ASH E I ALL GRADE3 OP Navy Blae Twilled Flaoiiel For Eathlog fults -:o: ALSO A FINE LINE OF- FOE iwvauss niB. t: l. seigle. ILqDI; ABGDOT ; ' ; " -V . We expect s new arrival of . " FIGURED, liwNS; '- ' - . 'v'.f-J !!?'. L:i , ' . .. ' At 3 cents per yard, , " MONDAY OR TUESDAY. : - - " " " -. r - , - f" " -' " ' Other attractions will be offered. s- ' - v sxrcCBsaoBa to axkxandsb t HASRia ' , '. , THE 0. E BAKERY , . ICE CREAM SALOON . . Opened for tha season. Ice Cream and parties on short notice Fresh-Bread, Cakes and ; Pies Daily. - - . - , . - . . ' - Jmt received a choice lot of Potted " M-eats;,'-Canned. "Fruits, . Pickles Crackers, &3. Also, Imported and .Domestic Confectionery,v..;v.-';.i...:'.j-..l-..i-:.: .' C. -Irl A;RKI80Nr ' " ' ' ' ' Successor to Mayer feRis1?. SPARKLING CATAWBA SPHINGS, CJLTAX7U 1 CO., X, :iX - Tlil Justly celebrate! watering -place !j now open t r tue accommodation 01 toe puo.ic. -.' New Buildings have been erectdd, apd tlie Towns -' have bena rtfikied and reluralsbed wltb new lor- nlture. - . . A - tin) manHgmern promise xnc opsiv .w!iimimi C8lble..aBathfl table will be guytUed 1Ui the L mat tie murXet aflorOs. v . : THE MEDICAL- PROPERTIES OF . , THE WAER3 UNRIVALED Vot Dlieases of the LIt.t, Dgoepsla. Bheamatlsm. Kidney Hal Urinary Dliieanes, and General De. bllityan1 Ner ms Prostration, and tiealibler ocatlua not to Us f und. ' "V'AX: I.J L'. 113 OJIt.KT55 - , Vpiol.S'iowarani Var n Sulphnr, and Tarkteh - Hot Air, Vapor au J i-uU.cated ttlis, waeu de-.-. elrel. . . . All am-isemeots usually kept at first class Wv tondoM. rH B 0 Kt tT0TT B. 8 WADDfiLL A WIK4.' ' Proprietor j Vnnagsrs. . .'-Hy308at.':awed4frun - ' Hcu:c3 Rented, Eof s r - ' 1 (-1 r d (I c s e " la tse 3 Inn rrS9 -A THE FEDERAL FOCUS. accurate information, which may be v - 1 - jjmlq .Aire rfmZAn- i 1 I B TOT TO TFTi? " r a n:r at 35 I is!e GIoves "at guaranteed fast SEE THESE are such time. kmMmm 1 First HatioHal , Baal: BiilJii, Booth Tiyoa Street, -- Charlotte, W. c. DSALEBS CT -1 Ladies'jMisses'and Children's BUTTON, CONGRESS & LGE SHOES, - , - . . -y tienta' Fine Hand-Made and ifachln Sewed BOOTS, BUTTON AND LACE BALS, ' BOTS' AIVD YOUTHS FUJI BOOTS AND SHOES OF ALlT' 6 3 - ".' GENTS' FINE- ; Silk, Soft" and Stiff Hits, TRUNKS, : T ' VALISES nd I ; : . GRIPS Cks, UMBRELLAS OF ALL -KINDS, SHOSBLACTINS AN 0 BRUSHES, i " AIei Polish for Ladies', Hnrhies. tock always kept lull , and 7 . . ..:', -r : i . : ... " a : ' up to the demand. - OEDSR3 Bf MAIL OR XXPHKS3 PBOMPTLT ATTSNDKD TO. , - ; v Ikain & 0Ir!F I Water .Ices furnished to familea and r - t - l ' 'y-' '' CLEVELAND MINERAL SPRINGS Are now ot en for the reoeptlm of visitors. THESE sP.l.GS Are 54 miles west ofChwlott-, 2 miles from 8heT br, N.C. and only 1 mile -froA (.irolma Central Railway, where a nw dpot has beeu erected and beautUully 11 ilshed for the beneat of ; . - Visitors Ta thti fyriojs." Plenty of Up secured for the season, COLD A WO XXOT II AT II 3. A food g&rlng band has been employed for the 8- ... .' - 'i , t.ti'pw'll be furnished with the very bst C r' is .r-i!. t v u be et tie Eprln-s' station on the ar- r ( ' ' f f t 1. - ;. . : . :. r L ir ' ' . :, r t: PEOkAIIA CO. r . :m v m rm . - - - , " 1 a t j j 1 r 1 1 1 . 1 . a... m ... . . m m 1 mt hi. m 1 m m & - - - - - . . 1 a t ft1 . s en Cox's SpeecbDeatlrof Con gressman Henderson's Child .Democratic Senatorial Cancuss ' Other Washington News. ' General Cox's epcech on the legis. lative bill late on-yesterday was the ablest effort he. has made here.; It was not only well prepared, but was admirably delivered. It was so much the better too because the speeches of several Democrats including Mr Bandall's, were in direct opposition to the declared policy of the party. General Cos s speech has been high ly complimented by discreet judges. As anoutline was sent by telegraph," I do not here state its provisions. ? ? I learn that the friends of the edu cation bill will endeavor to: get that measure included . in ' any order of business that may be agreed upon by the conference of committee chair men. So far the chairmen have not ,held their first meetings The scene in the House - today be tween Morrison ' and Holman was very funny. It closed-,with the for mer standing in the form of oro- nouncing a benediction over the head of the sitting Indianian, both hands extended.-- " ' . It is said today that the tariff bill "will be taken up next week. " J - y Mr. Henry B. Hedrick was gradu ated last night -from the Columbian University in this city. He received the gold medal for elocution, several diplomasjand the degree of bachelor of arts. Mr. Hedrick V graduatory address was on the progress of sci ence. - . Mr. Reid made a report today from the committee on war claims.' -' ; Mr. Henderson's little child ' died this morning between 3 and 4 o'clock. It ; suffered ; intensely lor " several weeks. The infant was one of two 'born about eight months ago. It suN fered- from whooping cough and bronchitis. The remains will be taken by'the stricken parents to Sal - kbury tonight.- The older children were sent home night before last." -; Mr. White and bride, of Oxford are in the city 7 - Mr J. II. Lindsey, of the Kerners ville News and Farm," arrived: this morning - - , - ' ' Rev. Ft. D. R. Bruton.of the North Carolina Conference, is also in the city. : . - .Gentlemen from the South report that, the Administration .: is gaining ground in that section. - - . Mr. Lindsey ia here to make ar: rangements to .receive the Press As Bociation.y The .membership in at tendance, some fifty, will probably be 1 quartered at thev Metropolitan HoieL They will ' arrive about the 20th. ; On the evening o'f the 21st reception in. tbfeir honor will be given by the1 Nor tfc Carolinians - residing id Wasbiogton. " Qn the following day the Association will disband and re turn home. , , , ' Democratic Senators held an order of business caucus this morning. An order of business comprising; twelve to fifteen " measures agreed upon by the Republicans was laid before the caucus a "by Senator Beck. It - was decided to get up a counter list of measures ' for submissioq to . the Res publicans. Anrong r"the measures which the Democrats will ask to have included in the order are the Mexican pension, and .the Hot Springs hills. The-Democrats will "seek to have ex eluded from the list the bill introuc; ed by Senator Hoar, 'known as the "-national inquest bill.";, .The bill is designed to give : authority to TJnited States courts -to investigate political outrages. , The folio wing 'order " ia agreed upon by both sides: . Railroad forfeUnre bills, bankruptcy - bill, re, peal of , pre-emption, tjmhef culture and desert land acts, Des Moines, veto and open aession resolution. t ; ;.-; " The retirement of CoL Samuel D. Sturgis; seventh cavalry, on the Xlth insb; will make ttje following promo tions: l(ieut-Col. J. W. Forsyth, first cavalry, to'be colonel seventh cayal ry ; Major Abraham E. Arnold, sixth cavalf v, to be lieutenant-colonel first cavalry Capt. - Emil Adam, ? fifth cavalry, to be ma jor sixth cavalry First Lieut. : A. W. -Greely, -fifth cavalry, to be captain, and Second Lieut. Jas. ,V.' S. Paddock, j fifth cavalry; to bejirst lieutenant, - Senator Cockrell; from the com mit-r tee on military, affairs,' reported favorably today ; a bill- authorizmg the.; Sec.rtaries of War and of -the Nayy; respectively, .:ina8e3"whgrQ retjred officers of . the army or navy refuse -or neglect to provide for their wives or children, $0 appropriate the pay of any such, officer, between him and his wife or children as ' he shall deem just' and- equitable, and pay over the same to-hin'-her, or them.. .During, the month of April, 1886, there were 38 arrests made by officers of the Postoffice Department for vio lations of the postal . laws and regula tions as follows: Three postmasters, two assistant 'postmasters, one post office clerk, three letter carriers, four mail carriers and twentyfive other offenders. f he cases ;were disposed dE as follows: r Seven were convicted, t wenty-1 eight were, held f os ' trial and three were discharged. : . ' In a communication laid before the House today the, Secretary of SSate requests that an appropriation of 110,000 be inserted in the sundry civil appropriation bill for 'the purs pose of procuring evidence relating to Trerch spoliation - claims. Ila ex pr: - 3 c;' Ion tat it trhoovea t'?U " -i f -"-3 to hzva-ful r-I nformation adduced in evidence to refliRft pttsV erated or - fictitious claims "under present law. ' ' ' , ? The Senate, committee on the ex penditure of public money continued today the examination ot " Pension Commissioner, Black with reference to the charge that the pension bureau had been managed as a political ma chine under hia predecessor. . -. The case of Sergeant Charles Rowland; of Iowa, wag considered, but nothing of importance was developed. . . Senator Mahone, from the commit tee on public buildings and grounds, today reported favorably bills makv ing appropriations for public build ings at the following places r'Ashe-' yille, N.tC.i $80,000; Savannah,. Ga , $200,000. . ' Increasing the limit of. me. cost ot the public building "at Williamsport, Pa.",' from $125 000 to $225,000. - - . ine graduating exercises of the Columbian College took place at the Columbian University i building "to-" night.? The follojying graduates des livered addresses: M. F. F. Swartzell, of this city ; Henry Bv Hedrick, of North Carolina; J. E. Christy; of Iowa, -upon'vwhom' the degree' of bacEelor.; of arte was conferred by President Welling. ' ... The Senate committee on aerieuR ture met hia morniDg to hear repre eentatives of the interests to be af fected by the oleomargarine bill,- but hone appeared. . .Another; meeting will take place next Tueedy morn ing, when a number of people inters ested adversely to the bill are ex pected to address the committee.' v The Navy Department is informed that Lieut. Scheutzej . who went to Siberia to distribute presents to the natives who had assisted the survi vors : of the . Jeanoette," arrived- at Jakutsk April 24, and would proceed south in about 40 days. t . Senator Call reported favorably "itf the Senate oday. the bill granting 13 I days' annual leave of absence, withf I Pay; to . employes of United States I navy y.rds, and.'providing.Ior com4 j pehsation when incapacitated by in I Juries received in the performance of duty. - 7 " . . ' - . . Secretary.; Eniicott left. Washing ton .this morning for West Point, N. Y., to attend the graduating exer cises of., the Military Academy. Lieutenant-General Sheridan and Colonel Blunt, one of his aides-de-camp, left for the same place .this afternoon: The Hartford, Adams and Shenan doah were at Payta May 12. The Omaha, , Oasipeei and; Alert were at Yokohama May 14. . The Marion was cruising on the coafct of China on that "date. The Monocacy-was at Canton and the . Palos at Nagasaki May,14.- ' -I , ' "' ' Acting Secretary Fairchild today gave a hearing to certain importers of snow-white -wool from the Cape of Good .Hope, "who claimed that it should be classified - as gashed" wool instead of as scoured wool, as has been .the practice at some: of the ports." -v : . " . , ; ! - The Postmaster General today ap ' pointed the following named fourth class postmasters in Pennsylvania: At Argentine, C. B. McFarlan; Fur long,1 Wm. H. Fell; Hammond, Das' riusL. Carrolton; Swissmount, A. Truman. - It is expected that Mr.; Domingo Gana, now Chilian minister , to Bras zil, will be appointed minister to the United States. ' - " - , . . The President today nominated Corbin Jay Deckerr of New Jersey, to' be. an . assistant surgeon in the navy, ' ' , - H. THE COTTON MOVEMENT. Reports of the Ifatlonal Coltoa t '. ExehaDeY or Mayv v . ' :: NewOblkans. June 9,-rThe follow; ing is the report of the national cot ton exchange. for May,- giving :the cotton movement of the United States for nine months, ended May 81, 1886, compared with last year: - ' , . 1885-W PortreoeJptB 6.19598 Total oorland shipments . 1.074.568 - 1884-85 4 691. see .,'.66,873 i Of whleh to mills - " S. 763 8B4 Of wblcb to ports - .. .- . 265 693 Of whlcb to Canada -. ': 29,739 In transit overland ." - 18,749 " Total takings northern spin - - tiers r 1,675 503 At sea between ports - 1 13 4(8 Exports to Hreat Britain : 211,0 Exports to Trance 896,120 ' Exoorts to eont. and channel 1 258.244 " Total exports . , Stock at United 'tares ports . (33,481 Spinners' takings Ma v 89,243 Overload shipments lisj - - 45,851 - - BKCAPrrUlATIOK, Becelpts at United States " ' orts, Sept. 1 to Maj 81 ' .6,19S,1G6 Shipped' overland direct to 1 ' ' . ; milts . - . -' ' --. 763.387 Bhli ped overland to Canada . 26.733 . In transit trom points ot crcs- . as sing on Ohio and iilKslri-' . sippi rivet to eastern deliv- - ' ' try ports ' ' . -' , 18.TI9 684,510 249 517 '.v.23,125 i 1,296,110 2.282.769 87i,500 I 95.4?4 8,fi60,723 447.144 , 68.964 i9,aeo 4,691,266. 584.510 23.125 8,220 Total Add tn ctivdta- at Interior 6,04,071-607421 townn in exeess of reports ' or Sept. 1 - ' - 181,000 Estimated consumption of '. , southern mills to close ot ' ' , May I ; - . 270,000 . 40JOCO-I 240,000 6,687Jta Grand total 6,405.071 ' A Boy's Theft. Boston,' June 9 A. few days ago Detective Dearborn was. called in to trace the disappearance from a law yer's office in this city of $340,poo in unregistered bonds. Investigation disclosed that the tin trunk contain ing theeecuneties had been stolen by a little office boy. who knocked off the lock and helped himself to't 5Q in eold coin, which was in the trunV and went to fill up qd pid. leaving the trues with the bonds hidden in an area-way under the old. Merchamts Exchange. The next day the lad returned the trunk to- his employer's ofSce, hiding it in an out of the -way place wnere it was : subsequently found with the bonds untouched. The boy began his stealings by tak ing postage stamps which were legal tender at the Williams Uourb pie stand. - jmc.Fon sick nEiDAcnc, For proof Pi at Dr. Gnnnii Liver Pills cure slpk hfau:v tie, a-. your drtr .A tot a Iivw tnt! Vbi--f j-"v ' t-rac'--i. Kevulur size tvxes i C . . ''. t . 1 17 L. h. t."l. i : , the U 'CUn ' Xlv lli,u, L,UA HiJJi MliiL ' h-Ll!" I " 1"" : i , ' K 71E! Absolutely Pure BtnAh0?? Str arte- A marvel of parity, l&&SZ?Jk.X". P?ofr be sold in ihV -v;." "t" ".'""woe or low test. ncans. Wholesale b " " um or Dhrwnhat- Jan20d4wly SPHINGS A BUBWSLLi - Charlotte, N. C. -To the-VICTOR the. LAURELi," . u..,-!!,,'!!?.nt tn 'v7 higher qual(t, 1h riniMiM ornje tias become the recognized ctindaid ;; tor fine wear among discriminating gentlemen.-- Tor sale by - a. X. BANKIN BBO, . Charlotte, N. C. BURNHAIil'S STAHD1BD llURBINE Is the BEST constructed and finluhul Tn.Mn. I 1 . . f.. iui uiut) 111 mriu . Tested Dercentasefl. with nart i3' and full ealM flrawn. pnnnl tn any other wheel. f-New pamphlet sent free by l MM) NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN. Too are allowed o free trial of thirty day of th 5"' 1l- ye's Celebrated Voltaic Belt wltft SSSrio Suspensory Appliances, for the irpeedr S'sf."?? P"nen cure ot NermuaDebUUy.Von or VUtUxty and MarrHooAittnAaa kindred troubles. Also lor many other diseases. .Complete restora t on to Health. Vigor and Manhood (raamnteed. . No rink g Incurred, Illustrated pamphlet lnaealad tmntiope mailed free. It adgresSing ... YOLTAIQ BELT. CO., JlarsiaH, JEci. aortMeniUkwTm i :'T v Always Hare and alwwya snre.- LadleR" Renef Mlls(mon?Aij)and I.aflies' Ir'spepsift Pills (prtr if cent) by mail. BEOU DEUO CO, eovtortoB. Zr mayl9deodwly - anil Wiiskey Eab lta cured at borne with out pain.. .Book of par ticufars sent FREF 654 Wllitehali fetrpi cuiilDiAF PECK'S PATENT FM PROVED' CUSHIONED EAR DROM8 nmmi iotoe, w, lus9 and perform th. work of the aatand drum, inviiiblff, comfortl.it muA w.yt io position. . All utmYvrwMin ran eroi woiipen newaaiatiucuy. seiKltnrtil.slnW book with testimonial,, FREE. Adirew or (mil on F.-HISCOV 849 BraUw, Nr York. Meaiioa UiUpper. . J A SPFC1AI T Y, ' . ' ' " Bimp'eat. Most Dur ible, Beorjomlcal and Perfect In use. .Waatea.n.Q &rainr deaosee it Beady for Market .v. . , . TKresLing Engines and Horse Powers Saw MUle ana Standard Implements Generally; Send for Illustrated catalogue . . - ' A.. FAKqiTflAlX, : - Wnnsyivania Aeultural Works. YOrk.' Pa. i mir- FITS! ' for a time and then hare them return again, I mean a ' : ladical care. . 1 have made the disease of FITS. EPU -LEPS7 or FALLING SICKNESS a life-lon study; I warrant my remedy to cure the worEjtca&es. ' Because . others hare tailed u no reason for not now receirintr a .. cure. Bend at onoe fo a treatise and a Free Bottleof BiyinfaUibJe remedy, Qire Ezprera and Post Office. A i oouterou nothing far a trial, and I will cure yon. Addrea Da. H. Q. ROOT, lis Pearl 8W, KawTork, PENNYROYAL FILLS "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH." - Tbe Original and Only Genuine. ?S "d 'WT' Hflii: twm f wertBlew, Imittin. Indispensable to LADIES. Aglt jour Bruaarlat tor ' - "hteheeterri EBclish" ml take no other, or iuolow 4c ... (".rap,) i to M tor imrtiojlar, v utur y, retara mall. . -NAME PAPER. CMohe.ter Chemical Co- ., . t S Madiaoa rsanare, Philada, Pa. ': , : oii r UruepT.t. lererywhere.- Ask tor "Chlehe janiediwly M3T CllllU JT 1 ara an old man.' For 28 years I, suffered with uiutsirj uu luy rigju teg as me Jesuit ol typhoid iever. Amputation was 8Uft(,'ested as the only means of preserving life.- The doctors could do nothing for me, and thought I must die. For 3 years I never had a shoe on. Swlit's Specific has made a permanent eure and added ten years to my . , v. .na,u.ivuu,niiuuil,tll. I have taken Swift's Specific for blood poison, contracted at a- medical college at a dissection. Txhiie I was a medical student. I anr gratefdl to say that it gave me 'a speedy and tboroogh cure after my parents had spent hundreds of dollars for treatment. . . ' - Anacsrua Wbndkl, m. Kewark, n. J. - I My wile from .eariy glrihood has oeen snftertna from rheumatism. She has tried many remedies, and I must frankly say has derived more benefit from Swll fs Sne:iffc than from alt the o.hers. after ivng auu uuuiiui inai. -. ' ; Kbv. Jajibs L. Plkkct, Oxford, Ga. . Swift's 3rclflc is entirely vegetable. Treatise en Biuua aim Bsm uiseases mailed nve. - . . -Thb Swift Sra-mu Co., Crawer 3, Atlanta.Ga. or 15a W.aSdStN. Y. . CASSALtD'S PUHELAI1B, "STAIi DkHD Is for sal by the following " LEADING GROCERS: ;U C. Hilkkr, . ' : " ' : Haths & Todd, : ' JjX. Davis, . " - . Y. B. Ihjkham, . ' U A. MlSKNHKTOTSR,. H C. IUW1N.- . ' . R. B. ALliXAKUJiB 4 Co.,W. J. FKlDAy,' JOHH CAl.UKH. ' C. SCOTT, . - -K. D. J'OblNHIS, ; S. M. KowKT.I,, " - L. J. WALKKH CO., . Dyifl ie ScattOEDKB, ' WlTHEltS (t.Eussti.:. Every pac"te boars out Bed Trade Mark, and Q I , If CIS Cl CT O CI o o n n n i) u rrn ni luuiiioiiiiv W-m -v mm m m-m m 11 G. CAS3APD SON, A-Jfoie, 10. Cento. At this uniform nrice our ' entirA stock of un trim me d Straw Hats. . , ; FORMERLY SOLD AT 40 cents and 50 cents 200 BUNCHES -AT- 42 Cents Wertii 75 Cents ; - Per bunch of 3 tips. Placies . M 'One -Wt . ;f heir WIS At irow . Hosiery. llcts. - A pair for Boys Ribbed Hose. - v: A pair for Misses Colored Hon : ' 19 cts. ' 19 cts. 45 cts. " 57 cts. A pairfor LadieB Balbriggan Hose j A parr for Ladies Black Lisle Hose A pair for Ladies Col. Lisle Hose j All Parasols i a cents' per yard I'.' - Wn An in 7-. For 40 in. India Linen. Deductions THESE PHICES FOR A LTAIITED tit T mal:; orders , solicited : lIEAIril 5. V -V V if - fC J..W rn? 111111 111 If v 1 t Iflf- B I : f : I B llll ft ' Tf 83' ,MILES , WEST OF , CHARL0TT2 ON TDE ATLANTA & - The above Resort was newly built Jast Seoa, is beautifully located und c'ntly f Jiisbed. Ha3 an ODen .lireDlafta in evfirv rnnm- Haw hth honsa cvA h.-th rr - . ? Dancing Pavillion. The table supplied at all times Trith'ths bect the marlict cZ:rz. rA - lleascnable; For farther 'infennction' cddrci3 Arrill4iwcdrj:zt -13 '"CTI3I3P MIuDDunDer?y (RodcdcIIso Our entire stock of CHILDRENS' HATS. 150 - : 98 . r proportionately 16 w. rn an ill , Whilst goods are still in demand. I: FORMERLY. NOW , 38cts. 38 cts. 38 cts.; 28 cts. 10 cts. ,.1 ' 15c 35c to 50c J85c , 65c 75c Pr yd for Pr yd for Pr yd for Pr yd for Pr yd for at Strictly Eeductions ih White' 1A CENTS PER YARD . - Yv For 22 in white Strp. mousselaine in all k CHARLOTTE, .N. C. and promptly attended to. ATI PJLEAS17RJB -iJTT,- -turn i -t -? 7 ' --- pplied AU-nIlr? P. o., V SO ' Cenfc, - At this uniform "price our eatira stock of untrimmed Straw Hata. FORMERLY SOLD AT. ' vo cents ana t o cento BUNCHES .--at - ' ' Cents TVcrth 1.75 . Per bunch of S tips. ..Mtud ; Vain c. prices; IRIIIS - -' 1 ? Dress Goods. FORMI-XY. all wool 40 in Canvass Cloth all wool 36 in Nun's Veiling all wool 36 in De Beiges every yard of Fronch Satteen Domestic Satteens, 31 in wide tO Ct3 60 ct3 45 CtS 15 CtS Cost " Price. Goodgf, .11 CENTS PER YARD - " ' 33 in. white plaid .Mousselaine TIME ONLY. BMUC!!. RESORT. - Saai aua , SfcSat CHARLOTTE ATR LDJ2 vj II THOIL a G-rtcn ccv-ty, C.