The Grape Cure. SAL-MS mm Tie CTtarlotis CSUseriuv- . SATURDAY, JUNE 12. 1886i Tram oxrrr " Arrival and Departure ot Trains. Correct for the current montb. THE GALLOWS L.005IS UP. " " A NATURAL - -' &1U IlruOai-he and - . IypepIa Caret " IN AMERICA: -Th i37f Hwl sait, rsextracted from grapes and fruit, a -most wonderful product from nature's laiirrftorr. l ve it In your homes and travels a spec tie lot the-tareed wear; or mn out It cure M k beiacuc. dyspepsia stomach am? bowel complaints; removes bllijures; stimulates the liv. i to a healthy action, counteracts the effects of Imi tire ftfer and the excessive use of atcobolle btsYge and prevents the absorption 01 malaria: tw lies to the system theAwant of sound, ripe Imit. Prapared by the - ' - - . LONDON 8A.L-MUSCVTRLl.BC0. - - LONDON, KNQULND. Be ware of ti nations. The genuine in ."blue wri pers only.' . tSf- Send for circulars to ft. EVANOVTTCH, General American Manager. P. O. Box- 1968, New lorH City, agents. B H. Jordan & Co., L. Br writ-ton. Druggists, Charlotte. N . C. - a-'i81dwlT . . ' Mention this paper. ihxor j, citjcrttssmeuts. , NOTICE..- IWH L SLL Vt THE 'FrtiaitffiT DEPOT AT 11 o'clock this morning about 300 haras slightly damaged. Terms cash. - .W. A. MOODY. -luieliilt .Agent PTKI5vt!Di)G;.,0raRS. OJI AN A FT KB 14TH OK JUNf IN3T. ALL ctr8 foucd running at large without having on a tax paid tag for t he year ending May, lb87. will be killed. By calling at the City HaUaod pay inr trm ht 11 00 on each doe ami 12.00 on eacn bitch T-the Co. lector will turnfobhe necessaij.tag. junelldSt , . , - City Tax Collector, - WANTKD. MKNRRftKTIC -VQCN9 MAN WHO CAK urnlsh korse and buggy to travel la this and adjoining counties ' a ppl? at - . 1 WILDJSB'S DHTJ STOBB. JaneU . Charlotte, N.C.. . : V RICHMOND AND DAjrVTUJC AlB-IjNB. ' No. 50-Arrfvegat Charlotte from Btchmond at .0a. m. Leaves for Atlanta at 8:00 a. m. No .61 Arrives at Charlotte from Atlanta at 4:05 a.m. Leaver for Richmond at 4:15 a. m. . i No. S2 Arrives at Charlotte from Richmond at IX -i ) p. m. Leaves for Atlanta at 1 p. m. - : No. 58 Arrives at Charlotte from Atlanta at 6:15 p.'fti. Leaves tor Richmond at 6:40 p.m. - Lo-y Krelsrht and Pansenger Train leaves for Atlant i at 5 M a. m. ; arrives from Atlanta at 8 :30 p.m. , Ctt iRUrrTB, COLOMBIA ABD AUttCSTA. ' Arrives ttimi Columbia at 6:16 p, m. Leaves foi Columbia at 1 p. m. ; . C. , C. 4 A. A. ; T. ft O. Dmsitw.- - -Arrives from Statesvllle at 11-30 a. m. . t : -: Leaves for StatesvlUe at 6.40 p.m. : . Cabotjna Central. , . ' Arrive from Wilmington at 70 a. m. ; Leave for Wilmington at ai5 p. m. Arrive from Laurlnburg at 4.40 p. nu; Leave for Laurlnburg at7.80 a. m. Leave for Shelby at 8.15 p. m.; arrive from Shelby at 0.40 p.m. . MAXU. ' General DeUvBry opens at 800 ra-; eloses at Money Order Department opens at 8.00 a. m.; wosesannjcp. m. - - Weather Iodicsttvns, . . For Maryland and Virginia: F-ur weathsr; slightly warmei ; variable winda, Bhifting to euthernly. , For North Carolina, South Caroli na, Georgia. East Florida, West Flor- i Ida and .Alabama: f air weatner; nearly stationary cemperature ; vari able winds, generally southerly. - - Index to New AdTerusements. - , W, A. Moody Not'ee. v ; - - v 3P (Settlements for debtedue ThbObskrvib or myself by Col C. W. Alexander, or Mr. H. A. Deal, iu be recognized at this otnee. - - . . CHAS. B.0ONIS, - Editor and Proprietor. . 1 FOt:,SAI E 5-. u.l6. : -'.Vti'l.- i LwT 99 feet on trade street, running back I qa tw. t. v.uirt.h. Atriwf. 'inta nine two story brick awel.lng, artjolnliig property of Di. Q'Oono gaue. Price S3 ouo. . -V" : - r - 11 0 C corner dllege tnd Vtftb streets, 46 feet front, 123 feet deep t" tea 1U0. . : - - There is to be a big sale of bams at the freight depot this 'morning. : , Mr. W. G. Means, mayor of Con cord, was among the visitors on : our streets yesterday. . . - - Misa Mamie H. Davis, of Juiss burg,- is visiting r-friends in Char lotte. , She ia the guest of Miss Maty X)aborne r . The Ifews and Observer an nouncea that Mrv John F, Grr, the teller of the First National Bank in this city, has been commissioned a notary public Double Dailjr Train.. . ; , a fin Snndav. June- 20th. a double daily passenger and mail service will b established on the Western North Carolina railroad .to meet ; the de mands of the summer traffic. - The trains will leave Salisbury for 5Ashe-? ville at X :20 o'clock at night, and afr 11:25 o'clock in the day, so as to per mit of a connectiou with the south lj pn trains on : the Richmond arid Danville. . r ' - - " ' ' CJeorge Moore Conrlcted of Cap Ital Crime and the Jude iZw quires for an Alraanae Other Cases-fThe Grand Jury DU- ' charged. . In the Criminal - court , yesterday, George Moore, colored wasrraign ed, tried and convicted on, the. charge of having repeatedly outraged the person of his own daughter, a girl 15 years of age. Only a few witnesses were examined, .and their evidence was strong and convincing. . The vic tim" of Moor e's eavogery . was placed upon the stand and detailed the shockmgtreatment which , she had received from him. Her story was told in a , straigqtforward manner, and was corroborated :by other, wit nesses. The brutal father could make no defense other than to con. tradict the girl's statement. The case was given to the jury after argument closed by the lawyers, and within a very short time the jurymen return ed to -their seats and rendered a 'ver diet of guilty. -( As this verdict ; was received ; Jude Mearcs : requested Capt: Robertson,, the clerk,, to hand him an almanac, but the -clerk r was minus one. It is probable that had the almanac been - handy, the date would have been fixed and the Ben-tnce- of death pronouncecT upon Moore without delays - It is aggra vated case, and 'unless a commuta tion finally comes,. Moore will pay the penalty with i his life. - Moore came to Mecklenburg - last . March from South Carolina. Several' years' ago he murdered a man in that State, was convicted of manslaughter and served out a term in the penitentiary. : After the disposal . of i Moore's case yesterday, Horace Davis, j colored, was arraigned and tried on charge of embezzling funds belonging to Mr. "J. H. Van Ness. The jury - found f him guilty. Martin Hall, the negro who some months ago made himself a ter- ror to the ladies of this city, " was tried, found guilty and sentenced to two yeare hard labor on the county roads. ". The grand jury yesterday : con eluded its labors and was discharged. The members of this body inspected all the county buildings . and made favorable reports on the manner in which they are . kept. - The . grand jury returned 81 true bills this week. I The ZYewton State Iformal Sehool. j The faculty of the Normal School ; which will be held in Newton this , summer is composed of teachers of fine reputation. The session begins June 30 and ends Julv 23. The fol-, lowing is the . faculty: M. C. S. Noble, superintendent of Wilmington graded schools, superintendent and teacher of arithmetic; E.- P. Moses, 8UTerintendent ' Raleigh rr graded schools, teacher of - geography r and history; E. C. Branson, superintend dent ' graded - schools Athens, Ga., methods :of teaching and -English grammar i H. R. Stanford, State in stitute conductor . New York,, school government and methods- - of teach ing; J. M." McCorkle, M D. Newton, physiology-and hygiene ; J. A. ; Foilv Catawba College, algebra; Miss Nellie Cook, Wilmingfon : graded "schools, teacher jof model school; Miss M. I "McCorkle, Anson high school, music. In addition jo the studies above men- daily exercises mldffllrt" 8 3: net re sales 751'; : flock 14,994: l treat Britain - : eonU gross 808; sales -; coastwise,, JiU3; tioned, there -will be in reading, spelling, writing and jalis- .thenics." The ' coming session 1 bids iair to te tne oest ever neia m wews ton. The climate is fine, the location . fs convenient, and the teachers are well known as earnest faithful and successful educators., y Those .. who wish instruction about board, etc., should write to Rev. J. A. Foil, secre tary, Newton; N.C - -- LOTS on Co' ege- street,. id story brlc-K fone einlalnlng two sure.! Lot 198 feet deep.. Prlcv HOnsi5 AND LOT next to Charlotte Hotel, a stenntme bulldlpg PrleeiaU'- w e. n ACBS YiCn near Elddle '"institute on the DD C C.B R. Prloe $25.00 per acre. -' , - HOUdTS AND LOT, comer Third' and .College streets, two Btorr frame dwelling, 12 rooms. Price $3,000. HOUSE AND LOT on Sixth street, near B.- -D B E, lot 50tl98 feet.: House contains 6 rooms. Price $2,600. -. . - - DO t bered). in Gaston county on C. C. BaUroad 8 miles from Ml. Holly, tuee J-io per aen. OQO ACBKSOrLAND In the Hopewell section, 00 one-half in Umbnr land and about 60 acres In bottom land. Price $10 per acre. - BIDDING, KTJBNITCBS, MATTRESSES. Linen, Mosquito Nets and Crockery at re duced prices. A Fall front n Yadkin Illver Urldse, William Ricaud, one of .the work men at the bridge over the Ynitkiu river, yesterday experienced a thrill-, ing ; fall, having tumbled from-;, the top of the bridge to the. water Tjelow, a distance of sixty feet. Kicauu a fall waff caused by a piece of timber e-ivine wav - under his- feet, and he dropped straight down,' being fortu nate in not coming Into contact with any of I the timbers or - iron of the bridge-i When he struck the water he .was almost insensible, but, man aged to keep afloat until rescued by a boatman. ? He was- carried, to his home where the necessary treatment was' given him It ia believed that he will bd able to resume work in a few 4ays. , - - - - -I rrOF Vi itdlnJ CASH 1 ORT RAD -AT IS I Mm. BuUer'i Madstone Called for. , : Mr. J. J. Smith, of Clover, B. u,r arrived: in the city yesterday for the purpose of securing Mr.; J. T.-Buuer s madstone.- Mr Smith was bitten last ! Thursday by a doff that was su ppos t ed to have been mad, and, immedi ately applied to a physician who cut lout the bitten flesh , and cauterized the wound. Mr. Smithr however, could not rest easy until he had ap plied the madstone and accordingly made a journey to" Charlotte: Mr. Butler gave him the stonewitn tun instructions -for its applicatioti, and Mr. Smith returned to hid home, evs idently experiencmg a great, meniai relief. -t . " Commencement Sext Wek.; V Davidson College- commencement occurs next week, and; the annuaT oration will be delivered on Wediie3H day by Hon. W." M. Bobbins. ' The addresses by . the member's of the graduating class will be delivered pfl Thurey . fetter transportation fas cilitiesthan haW been usually pros vided have been secured this year Ofl the5 Atlantic Tennessee and Ohio rail road," and, extra' train will 'rua'e ween Charlotte an Davidson Col leee on two days during the' week. The trains will leave vnanuvw Wednesd'y &ud Thursday mornings atSiSOo'clpck, aad return at night. This'wiU be an excellent opportunity for all desiring to visit Mklenburg's hiatorieal college. ' " Tbe News from Ashevllle. '. - Correspondence of Tu Obskbyhi. AsHttVILLE. N. Sj A. Gymnastic Pantomime. - - . , ' The " young men t of the Athletic Club have a gymnasium fitted up on the third floor of Granite Row, oppos site the Central Hotel, and last night they gave an exhibition to an audi-, ence that apparently, they wot not of. Through the" wide-open vwindpws of the gymnasium "room the evolutions of the gymnasts on the various mus cle strt-tching contrivances were plainly to be seen tfrom the street, und about half an hour after the per formances commenced the pavement alougr the Central was blocked, by an interested mass; of spectators eagerly Watching the - enow-l-One man, dressed in gauze -shirt and tight fit ting red pantaloons , appeared to be a performer who hadVthe especial ad miration of the 5rowd,;and his every appearance before the window, was greeted by suppressed murmurs of approval. The young man who anon would hang from . the horizontal bar by his big toes -was another favorite, and - thas dumb'beir, man,' who was slinging the clubs around,, very much as if he was fighting a swarm of yel low jackets,- was applauded sotto voce. - witn one accuru iub wowu denounced the thoughtlessness of one young man, who," justat; a critical moment when an - athlete was about to walk the ceiling, picked up a gui tar and tookra ' seat ; in the .window ehuttingout the view until he could rattle" off several stanzas ot moon light music. ' " '''...' The show continued for some time, and the ' spectators saw enough to convince them ; that some excellent material goes into; the formation of the Athletic Club."" r- ' The Jewish Feast of Weeks, v ; The-Jewish Feast of - Weeks begun this week. It : was originally a harvest "feast, when the meat offering was made of the new flour. Accord ing to tradition, however, the sixth day of the third month was the mem orable day of . the Sinaic revelation, and is therefore called ."the time of the .giving of the law." This will be the 3198th anniversary of the ap pearing of. God upon -Mount Sinai and giving.unto the children of Israel the ten commandments. . It derives the name of. the Feast of Weeks from the counting of-, the seven weeks as commanded - by .God Deuteronomy xyi, i 9 s -"Seven weeks shalt - thou number unto thyself; from the time thou beginne8t to put the sickle to the corn shalt thou begin to number seven weeks."- The numbering corns mences from the second, evening of the Passover, and at the end of seven weeks is s the Feast of Weeks cele brated. : Services appropriate to be occasion will be held in. the syna gogues every where!?,, - 5 j - Cotton. WALVTfiTOS Quiet ; eeipj 8; grtiKS 11; exiKtrts conatwUe nent - . Weekly net receipts g 1059; ezp'ts to continent, j ranee ; breat uriuuu - . ? . : . - NosTOlJt Dull; , middling 9; net receipt 60; gross 60; sales ; stock 14,ri98: expoits eoastvls ; continent ; firent Britain . " WeeklF-net rec'ts 8464; cross 8464; sales 1631: export coa-twlse 2108; Great Britain bU9L Baltimore Dull; middling l 8-16: net receipts 1074; gross 1094r tales ; stock 13.0?8; spinners ; exports eoasfrwise ; ftreat Britain - Weekly-net recetots 8478; gross t6tf7; sales ; exp r s coastwise h&: to Great Britain 77uii; spin ntrs 675; continent 2136. . 1 .-- . Boston Quiet; middling 9; net reeelrts 8136; gross 4048; saies -; stodi 6,810; exports coast wise ; to Great Britain . Weekly-net receipts 109i2; gross 16.M1 ; sales ; exports coastwise . Great Britain S87J. : ; , : j WiuniJOTOH Quiet; middling 8: net re eyipts 10; fcro s 10; sa:es 857; stock -i. exports co istwtse . dJWeekly net receipts 154; gross 154; export? fGreat Britain 206; continent coastwise 6b. s.rPHn.At)LPHiA Quiet; ToW middling 9; net "lecelp'B I; gross 16: sales "-; U ck -12.5i9. . ..Weekly net - receipts 812; - gross 356; sales ; exports coastwise ; to Great Britain 2525; France ; continent . . -- Savabnah Quiet; middling 8 11-16; net receipt 244; gross 244 sales 10b; stock 11,114; exports coastwise . Weekly-net " receipts 2750; - gross - 2750; sales 900; exports to Great Britain, ; coastwise 4275; continent -t France. - - ; Mbw Oblkans Quiet; mliidUng 8; net receipts 80 ; arost Bu3; sales 1000; stock 72,476; exports coastwise -r ; to Great Britain t Frnnce ; continent . - - . Weekly net rec ta 4632; gross 6661; sales 10,000; exports coastwise 3692; Great Britain 2196; con tinent 178, franco a Mobxu Quiet; middling 8; net receipts 903; gross 913; sales 3 0; stoca 1 1,791 rexporu eoHtwisc Great Britain .' ' : -1 . Weekly-Net receipts 909; gross 910; sales 4450 exports coastwise 2450; continent ; Great Bri tain . MmPHisPteady; middling 87fe; reeelpta 64; shipments 2947: sales 950. stock 82.156. . I Weekly receipts 741; shipments .11679; sales 4450; spinners - ; Btock - . v . Adousta Quiet; middling 8; receipts 88; sales 162- stock 12 468.' . -' . - Weekly etock . 193; receipts 1068; .shipment 769; sales .t ' Charleston Steady; middling 9; net r receipts 90; gross 690; sales 100;.,stoek 10,841; exports continent i coastwise i Great Britain ; Franc r-. Weekly net ' receipts "2778; - gross 2778;' sales 5500; exports to Great Britain s Trance ; continent 19c9; spinners . s Nw Yobk Dull and lower to sell; sales 148; middling opianao 9 8-16; Orleans 9; consolidated net receipts 6608; exports to Great - Britain 26754: to irraiior 359; continent 1292; Btock Weekly Net -receipts 44; gross 10798; " sales 3496; exports to continent 42A; coastwise Great Britain 12136; stock 271.5&).: ; - - oil. Contains a larger pr cent of pure oil than any preparation made. 50 cents and $1 00 per bottle. Prepared by - B U. JOBDON CO, uruggisis. Tin.r n rwTnn ruaJX-Tiii r - - - - - - - TOXIC, . - . Will prvent tb hair falling.- and thoroughly eradicate dandruff. 2aand 40 cents, ireparea oy B. H. JOBDAN & CO. . . EltOG COUGH MIXXUItE, Is the best preparation made for all affections ot the lung, contains no opla es ot any kind. . 25 and 50 cents. - Prepared by - - . ".. B. H. JOED AN & CO., Druggists. ' FOR 95 cents, . . on can buy a bottle of Furniture Polish That will make old furniture look as good as new, at B. H. JOH.DAN CO'S, " isprings' umer. If UQllliS CARItOLIC MOUXXI WASH, j Will keep the gums In & healthy condition, pre serve the teeth and cure sore mouth of any kind. Prepared by , . . B H. JOBDAN CO.. - , . . - . . Druggists. - ruiJ..ij.j..ill.j..o ' . --' - - CASTOBITE. - - - The cheapest and best oil for buggies, carriages and vehicles of ail kinds, in quart cans, at . B. H. JORDAN ft CO 8, Springs'-Corner. - . .Warner's Yeast Cake, . A great convenience tokousekeepers. 10 cents per box at B. H. JOBDaN CO'S, - , ' . . Springs' Coiner. fr Scov Electric Hair Curler Immediately ; -la, bangs and crimps the half jror sale py , . n, a. jjauA.n a, xaj., t - . . - :., ...; . Springs' Corner. Talentlno's Taffy Tola - ; Is the purest and test ehewlng gum. Seven pieces I lor o cents u ' v . u. u. jsjtwAn a. w s, . . . - . aprlngs' Corner. ' - Ivory Soap at .B,H.y0BDiN4C0'8. s mm it nnh v&m rutt n 111 'IT ii3 Cozen UK! OT n - n4- Double back and front at the k sum o 50 cents each. . Te are selling an elegant Seersucker Cc: and Vest at 81 50. We are selling an elegant T7ool Suit 7 00. . -r We are selling the best 5.00 Boy's Suit in the city. 1 . . " ExtraPants for Boys in "age from 5 "to 13 years. . : ' - : . : . Boys Shirt waists in White Goods, Tef cale and. Seersuckers. Call, and see us. ; Leading Clothiers and Tailors.' Mail orders promptly and carefully attended to P Fnmres. Rkw Tom Net receipts ; gross 430; Futures d .sed quiet; sales 67 500 bales, i - - ;. May. ...... ; . -."18.115 WORTHS OF - TINWARE FOR VV September. October.,.,... wovemter, December. January...,... ...... Febniary.... ........ ,. ......... March. . .. ..... .. ... .... ....... AprU .....-.... 9.1531.16 9.02a.03 &S9ffi. 9 9.01ft.02 9 98 09 917rD.18 9.273.29 9.38;. 39 AT iTlcADEIfTItXJG, C, : - - - ' - NOTHING SUCCEEDS UKE SUC CESSFUL BARGAINS. 7'-. , , KBCKIFTS AT AT.T. PORTS, Nbw York The following are -the total net re ceipts of cotton at all points since oepu isu. 1000. , ; McADEN 1 YODNG Our stock is now full and Complete, surpassing any previous stock of BOOTS AND SHOES that we have ever offered for the . . , . ; , , Spring and Summer Trade. - - Our orders were placed with the best manufacturers, which enable us to . offer a very superior line of -. r x; .- s - 'r'' : LADIES' MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S- . ' . . ; Fine Shoes, Slippers Newports and Paris rTies. Onr Worst Enemiesi;5i:'? Next to our vices, are our follies.' ' Among them Is tne imperilling of future bodliy comfort, and the average tenure life to which persons of moder ateiy good constitutions are presumably entitled, by imprudence In eating and drinking, and the reck It an use Is one ot the happy tpa billiles of Hosteller's Stomach Bitters tbat It can rpalr d'imBgeUws inflicted. When the blood la thin and attry, the bowels out of order, the com pleilon and tongue b-th giving evidence of bilious ness, mere is necessity ior reyairs uyou mu uuuiau tenement obvious enougri to startle Its possessor. A cuuroe of the Bitters, theab ndonroent ot "drug elng" fO' relief, and a common, sense mode of UfeT-these will sredily produce a change for the better ; what quinine for fever and ague, and mercury for biliousness and oonatlpatiou, mm t do, the Bitters will. It aiso relieves rueumatlsm and neuralgia, and inactivity of the kidneys. - V - . .; ; tm m - - C' CUBFOKPILES. - - PHes are frequently preceded by a sense of weight In the back, loins and lower part ot abdo men, causing the patient to suppose he has some affection of the kidneys or nelgborlng organs. At times, symptoms of Indigestion are present, ' flatu lency, uneasiness of the stomach, etc. A moisture tike perspiration, producing a very disagreeable ltchihga after getting warm, is a common auena ant. Blind. Bletdlng and Itching Piles yield at nntv) tn thn nnnlloatlon of Dr. BosankOS Pile Bern" edy. which acts directly upon the parts affected, absorbing the Tumors, allaying the Intense Itch ing, and effecting a permanent cure.- Price 60 eents. Address The Doctor Bosanko Medicine Co., Plqua. O. sold by u. n. wiiston. - . - forty lean' Experience or aa OM Nnne. : Mrs.' Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup, for children teetbln& Is the prescription of one of the best fe male pni slcians ana nurses in toe unueacuues, and has ben used for t-rty years with never fall ing success by millions of mothers for their chil drn. -It relieves the child from pain, euros dysen tery and diarrhoea, griping in tne boeis and wind colic By giving health to the enild It rents the mother. We would say to every mother who has a child suffering rrom any of the foregoing com plaints: Do nutlet your prejudices, nor the pre judices ot others, stand between your suffering cmid ana me renei iaai wui i sure-jra, lutely sure to follow the use of this medicine. Sold by dragglsts throughout the world. Price 25 eents a bottle. , , Mrmrnr w TELEGRAPa v JUNE 11, 1886. .'. ; ' 5 '".'."-"."" ' Produce- Galveston. New Orleans, -. Mobile, j- Savannah. Charleston, Wilmington,. ; Norfolk, v ... - Baltimore, - - -. New York, - Boston,: --' : Newport News, miiadeipma, West Point, ' Brunswick, ; ' 'i Port Royal, ! -Pensacola, ,. -Indlanola, .,, :' Total, ;-; -'v 694.430 ; -- 1,701,162 215,380 - ' 7H9.666 -. ' 490859. - 10n.fc39 552.2S7 64.013 -s 145,950 '.- 87.327 -: 46.7K2 221.136 '- 16,252 : 19,17i i 781 : 6,213,176 COSTPAKATTVB X)TTOH 8TATK1CKNT. r . Net receipts at an TJ. S. ports during week 81.386 Same time last year. - ;s? Total receipts to this date..-. ?-2W75 Same time last yr 4'b2-; Exports toy the weeK .... i. & , . Same week-last year. & i Total exports to this date. .;: t 8-95J.?g xosameaaie lasiyear.... . ......,... Stock at all United States ports . .-r. . . . . . Same time last year. .......v..-....-. ."-'- Stock at all interior towns.... ............ Same time last year;: Stock at. Liverpool .......................- Same time last year v.-.-.-," Stock of American afloat for Great Brlt'n. I Same time lastly ear. S 684,728 : 453,019 5,756 . 51,372 25,h37 64,000 : 933.000 l4,O0Q - 890.000 Immense - Bargains Have become a household topic everywhere. . Or der pouring In from all directions, Bich and Crhndlng out where the great bargains can- be DSTEBUINZD TO LEAD POB THK PK0PLI. Be firm ; one constant element of lock Is genuine solid old "Celtic" pluck. - - Stick to your aim, the mongrel's hold will slip. But only crowpars loose tne ouuaog's gnp, Small though he looks, The Jaw that never yields Drags down the bellowing monarch of the fields. We are daily' increasing the pressure, pushing things as they were never pushed before; offering bargains that knocks everything UaU Knocking making competition all.- With us business has been oceanic. Th' tidal wave of trade -sweeps grandly Into McAdensvllle, N,. C In tbese preca rious times. In these uncertain days of LICENSE or PROHIBITION, It is . necessary to be on the aien ; alive and lull ot business glneer. as Is well known we.have.cnt loose the hld and the grip of high prices, and have whipped up the horse of trade, and here we go tlck-1-ty cut for the people B benefit, and ffr still luWKB FBiCKS. Dry Goods cheaper than ever. 1 Bargains In every department Send your orders to us. A1U packages of (500 value delivered In Charlotte free. . - .: . x . SlcAIE. & iOUlVC, LEiDEBS OF LOW PBICE3, y MisAdensvIUe. N. ' -: , " - ALSO A. LARGE BTOCK TRUNKS, VALISES AND II AND DAGS, ! GLYCERINE POLlSH,?FRENCH BLACKINa, BLACKING BRUSHES, &c r . , Wejwish especially to call attention to our elegant line of GEWTS' CUSTOM MADE SHOES. ' . . , - - .r t .- - -. , ' - c .. :-'-" You are cordially invinfed to call and see us bev Prices to suit the times, fore buying. . Trade Street . - GRAY & CO. V -OF- BOOK AND STATIOXSaYTOSE. : ; No. 17 S. Tryon Street. , r IffiCKLbllBDBfi ICS CO, : II A. 1 LOT1? E, W. - CITY T3ADS. ' c, Vm further not'r-e. on and after Jue-da, Jane Jst, our pity ousto wiu De lurniNutu icf purctiasin? - nn 8 delivery from 5 pour, us ot t J i-j-tjts rr h'.iu i ' WrtfcW f'tl-k -si.8 of a . .j t ftiti t-t taeir option ,t, t"C, y Ln t c'nrfg for -is. .weaie nw mauuiactur- a -1 rf,ir 1)9 U) tne in!e ai " ' S?qu ?J 5 P?ire e-vstal h f eca liHK wer fiAVIS, Supt. wagon lu s BP, at u dred pounus. hlcher price c wnhjur t ii-f ci,- the lower iimwd i . Car Load of 10 tons, YW from 6 to 10 tons, - ' PromlM5 tons, . " '-. - rx)toi,( ipoun. i. : . , . t"roi iv i Inn. ii t ' tUl C 1 t V 1 , , It. ( ' t-ff.-' rfn ?r ta rt -i rl t J Jnne 9. The immense rainfall of the last few days has done much damage, say addi tional reports from the country.. Es pecially in the neighborhood of Mar-: shall,' Madison eounty, the most las t-rt Mia nt the bright tobacco counties, the injnry to property; xcropsis said to be greater thaa that of any rain that evpr felHa thecounty- gne planter, Captl Wyatt Bunion, says he was damaged Xully one thousand jnn-av .nofher said one-third of bis crop wk? gone and that haU of his neighbor bad suftered as badly , as he Tta trestles' on the W, N. C. Rail road, which wer washed a way. have been replaced and regular travel has been resumed. ': : : . v : The new furniture factory, requir ing a force of 150 bands, has started. Messrs. McCarty ft Hull are begin ning the manufacture of a most da lio-btful smoking tobacco, on a large The Trial Today. l Sheriff Griffith has checked off the necessary 100 1 names to' compose the special venire for a jury ' on the, and the trial will begin inthe f court house this morning. There has been naoessa tion of interest ip. the matter 5 what-" ever, and the court room Will doubt- lea be crowded throughout the heart ine Since his imprisonment in jail, flarge number of friends have called at the prison to 'see Mr . Loqg, to, - ass sure hinv of their sympathy and friendship. -vThe prisoner appear to be cheerful and ' ip : hopeful of an acquittal at the bands, of "the jury. Mr! Long's imprisonment is looked upon a s a xnere form of law. Yess terday he wa, perm.itted to visit hs horne under guard to." see ms iitue chijld, whih is dangerously sick a4 in a low conditioii, . .; st is Jbardly prohable that th trial will be concluded today, but it ex pected all. the testimony ' will be taken. - ' r : Gray's Trade Street Theatre. " The work of fitting up Gray's Trade street theatre is now in full blast and the ta9k will be completed " within a mon th, v The interior pi tins puuoing will be arranged very much on the plan of the Charlotte opera houss, excent tha'theVpalcopyA curve around the Bides, but is square from wall to' wail,, eitending well over the auditorium." The. stag? -if large and roomy, and i? '.constructed pa th0 latest design, the- front being slightly lower than the rear, part. The dressing room, .will, be down stairs under the stage. -Mr. Gray intends to'haye- a ' big time at the christening of te new theatre. ; . ' mm i. i mi mJ " 1 11 ' rni?sfeterm X7Iy d Slothera ' ir.o-v-'---,'"-"vr"r.Titoerr. I'-'bI'b Cctl- RiirMOR.-inour Steady; 'Howard vStreet snj Western Superfine J2.50a$3.0O; Extra $a.l0ffi$3.8a: Family $4.00a4.75; Cltn Mills Superfine $2 50ai!l.00; Bio bra,.dB $45034 75. Wheat Southern nominal; Western lower and active, closing dull; Soutnern red 80383. ameer 86ab8; No: Na 2 Western winter red spot 70 b d. - Corn Southern firmer; Western Irregular, and lower? Southern white 4346; yellow 42a43j,; - CHIOA80 Flour onchangedf - Southern - winter t4 25a $4 50 Wheat- active and tower; June 7214 73;; July 73iAS75i&; Auaust 74f276.- -Cora Zeaw; aSh 84 Jun S4E4rJuly 36a87; August SomtTso 10-W. UaUC-auu UU WBJi H U71A; June 2736927; July 2728 Mess pork fatflV ettve and steady: cash 8 88; - Jalr-S&jBO BStBBO; AUgU-8.w. iiara UHjauj; caon o.uivs ffi$6 10; JuSr 6.12Va$6 16; August $6 20ffi6.25. Boxed meats steady; dry salted shoulders ' $4 70 4 75: short clear sides $5.75tii6 80; short rib .Ides steady; cash $560, Whiskey steady at $1.14. ; Sugar-raacUanged; Standard A 61. Nkw yoRK.T-Southem floar -dull; - common to fair extra, $3.26a$365. Wheat fuUy le wr. Nn. -a red June 823)82: July 825fc&83. Corn 1AC lower; No 2 Julv 43843: Au gust 45iAffi46iA. Oats taaysc lower: No. June hVtQMk Coflee-spot fatr Kio d,ull at 9Vs- Sugar steady; Centrifugal 65fe; Mu ovado4'?;PoTto Bico 49-16. fatrto good refining 4 13-16415-16; refined steady; 5i Standaro A 6; Cut Loaf and Cwshed-7f27i; Granulated 6t. Molasses stead. : Biee leady. Cotton seed oll-qnlet; crude 36; reaned 82. Bosln steady at $10010-; Tur pentine steady at 83ffi84 - Hides on;New.O -leans SwailV; Texa I0dh-' Wool firmer : do mestic leece 273)36: pulle04a33; Texas 922. Pork steads; miadleB dull; loDg clear 6- Xard c-Jibout'e fTlgher; : Western steam spot $6.22Vs; July $tf.S0,a$6.85, KreightM firm. ; Cotton $$ Wheat 5d. - Irerpool Cotton Wnrltet. - LrvKBFboc June 11. DnU with limited inquiry; Uplands 6tfed; Orleans 6 a-iwi; saies b,wi; specu lation and export 1U00; receipts 8,400; all Amerl . can. Futures dull. . , - Uplands lo jnlddling clanse June and July delivery 5 4 64d. . . , . July and August 5 6-64d -4 August and September 5 6-64d. . :-., . - ' j September and October 5 2 64. , November and Deeember 4 62 64d.-' - v saioa tnr thB mwlt fi7 fl): American 46.000: spec nlation 12 00; export 1700; actual export .1,700; Import 60.000: American 43.000; stock 643,000; Amerlcan.480,000; afloat 232.000; American iu4,uuo. 2 p. m. Sales American 6 800. June delivery . 4-64d,tbuyjrs.i - . , June and July 5 464d. (buyers,) v July and August DWira isenere.i Augut and September 6 f-4d, (sellers.) . KontamlMT and October 5 2 64d. (buyers ) ; :'' - October and November 463-64d, (buyers.) ; November and December 4 62 64d, (buyers.) DeoembfT and January 4 62-4d. (buyers ) , : , ' September 6 6 64d, (buyers.) ' . - t Futures closed quiet. . , - - City Cotton llarfcet..t;..,;,J- .." r." - OmCI OT TBX OBSKSVTO, I :, Chablottb, N.C.,Juuel2,l885 J ' The city cotton market yesterday eloped steady i at the following quotations-3 . - Owvi mlrlrtlttlff . .L -i .. .7.. . ; ; 8.75 Strict Middling. v.- 8.871A Middling, - aS0 sfatosT..:: - v mm RMBints vesterdav... ... ..... .. .. .. . ; ... -.. - 87 Latostfrom Chicago ivomobe mors. . Because we aue shipping our Ice Boxes, Befrtg srators, Freezers and F.y Fans to keep them cool Only one glance at them prevents anger. Try one and von will be convinced. : Husbands tnank us wives implore us not to be : without them. . Save. trouble and buy one. , ttKFBIQER4TOKi, - k ' REFRIGERATORS, BGFRId EHATOBS, FREEZERS. '. . , - r- ' - FHEEZERS, - . FREEZERS, READY MADE CL0TDII-. -:o:- ' This sale will commence to-day, and the prices which all goods, without exceptions, will be offered, secure to intending purchasers BARGAINS un paralelled in the annals of the . :..': j.. - , : . I ',.-.';. y '- ; FI.1T FAW-Fl.. FANS,. ' FANS, GIT Y -TAX RETURNS ; TAKE NOTICE". - -fcTnTims ts hkkkby hivkn tu w futt- li sons resid ng in the City ot Charlotte, or who on or have control of taxable property in the City on the first of June, lfc86, or who are liable to win ta-i tn rotntti to me. om or before the last day of Jane, a list ot their taxble property (and polls) In said City, on said 1st of June, 1S86 Pursuant to See. 30, amended Charter of rity. - ; K. Returns taken from 1st to 30th of June at ofllce in City Hall lrom 9o ciockj a m to a p. m.- . . .. maj23 ICE CHESTS, - , - ICB CHESTS. ICE CHESTS, j- ; j . " These -good are being sold, at astonishingly low figures. We nly ask a trial to convince you. TO ARRIVE Fruit Jars. Jelly Tumblers and other seasonable goods. - - I JL X The best and choicest stock of Clothing, Gents Furnishing Goods, 1 Hats &c., will be offered. -Our stock comprises ALL WOOL BOUND AND SQUARE ; COT sack suits, -" " -', - In Cassimere, Cheviot and Diagonals, which will be sold from $5.00 up. RUftlr. nrnwn and Fanev Colors, which -. tTmrrnrK ttstttt rr I uuw,mouu .m., .0w - : .. AIS U 1 JOLCjiX IN H VV JLiUX I we will sen from 7.$o up. FERRIS' Elfr H:tt, nt ntntiPT RptH.- Ten sets have been sold to one buyer. Call and examine them at the China Pal- ace of ; " , -. . K B. dautsfield; Agt. CHILDREN'S SUITS, Norf oiks. Corded, Plaited, and Plain - Sacks, in Seersuckers sizes from 4 W13 at $1 75 and up. Cassimeres, Tweeds and IITCBIS Naval. Stares: Bosln. ' ir firm; hard 400. WlLtOHtfTOH Turpentine fl'ta at 29 Srm; strained 721fc; good etrainea nnu at Sl.ito: oruue uuinuw. 76: yellow dip $160; vlrsto 1.80 .- . ,-; - h&vannah i urnentiue auiei 3 woi, Bosln firm at 90fr$l.05 . chablkston -Turpentine quiet at 29, .Bosln Quiet at b5 for good strained. ... Financial. NKW TOBK. ' ' ? - ' Exchange 4.8634. Money 2tfeffilt& Subreasury balances gold $129,162,000; currency l4,ao5,0u0; trovs-.Timents tieglcCted; tour per cents. Sl.2(j; threes. $1.00 SUte bonds-qulet. -Alabama Ciss A. 2 to 6. ...i.. .,", Lya .. . " CIsjs B, 5.,,, . .... .... L07 -. Beorgia '8,,,,.,, ...... ...-' North Carolina 6'8.,,,.-.., a.o North Carolina 4 Mt.rt. .i..v; ...-. .... . w South Carolina-Brown Consols...-.,.. ...! .. HI Tennessee 6's... ...... ............ ......r Virginia 6's..i.. .... Virginia C nol8, rw Chicago an4 Korth western.,,. . - ? Cblcagoand Nortnweatern, preiewa..,-.. rtnioicGrA onrl T .nxlrawB.nrift .. .". l.o1 'il A7QianMv iui iwt.i ------ t)- 8 837g SMOKED BEEF -AND- TONGUES ABK THK- Men's Seersucker' Coats and Vests' at $1.50 Boys' " ;-"v " : " Mens' Office ' " . 50 doz Mens mackmaw straw hats at Hlnrlfc ftilvArwarA! 50 doz Bovs and Ghildrens " 44 " ..w. ..... . . 10 doz Mens Merino v enuiators 10 doz A .Manilla Hats, very fine " 1.00 WuMf -IPi? .(Dcsmu wmle in every case, tne reduction nas oeen suraciem w -- - - 6ZQ 35c 503 " 1.00 DIAMONDS JEWELRY -AND- ....... BEST ; QUALITY mm S0L2ELY scale.-:. ' C"art;.:.burg road is v!i3 inr:?i:at?!y. on the Asisevilla and promised to the Buncombe lead- Oliwn.aie"- et- iwy.vic sucaaa ovarian trouuifs, lunai tion, f..i "1 d " - -eai" f-,..r , (lTr t S, t 1,.,. ' L' H D 1' y V . t , ,-r t f i. t ii b e f."iaied'"- imHuon ana ui'"i- t or beam-g c a 1, Ciiii:...d Of 1 S sr;s Bprlr '. I" o- ... --, p. vu- . X 1 i to 1 1. J. is, j. ' Erie. East Tennessee....... -Lake Shore......... Irfmlsvilie and Nashville; Memphis and Charleston. MobUe and Ohio. ... .................... N ash vllle and Chattanooga. . ,i, ............. . k . n,lfiQnB Pa'i tl. 1 at. . . . .... .... I v.. . ! . .... r. , ioo, vk rkntt! ........... 1.04i Norfolitand WesterBpreferred..... 33a Northern JPaclflo common ........... i N'ort'oern Pacific preferred.,... ........ ... Io o Mail , .... .... . . ' F RliEg..... .... .... .... ........ ... I ;timondand A;,'3ny..M.......fl?Mv ', ..hmnnil and T ... . V A ............ ...i : -mond and West Point TemJgial..... ... Island....,,..,,.,.,,......,. -j. k iU, .... m . Faul.pranta : -3 Ist- C..M .....f GetUsenia - SPECTACLES -A VISIT T( 24 4 - II I -i I - E- 1 BARNETT & ALEXANDER. Free delivery. Telephone call 81. - , t' w 'Trn1 nV Acive and Intelli-. , ' h , i I t llLi-U I pent, to-represent in rnrowa locHitiy nnoianrin uoioretrces re-nui,- V9"v3ni t vo ' '-n and good salary, ui aw. lii.,... ytwN.Y. . - -. aprlw , . w -noe. ltt. SCOTT S ti.toia.iU UUUio, DUES mas, m JL- mmm. This ia genuine and no disappointment need be feared. Every prr wiU be fulfilled. West Trade Street Ctarlotte, K. C. 1:-:U'.e :, will ou,: i ew urn. Ine Uu. wuUauo. n Or ' -1 f - r-M- i or V Ell i,. c.