- 1 -1 VOLUMK XXXIV. u tiAititrmjj, JN C WEUNMS DAY, JUNE 16, 1886 t 4 to i - KM III AND OET 1 1? i!if J9 v)a 13 FOR THE ! - : -. v -'"v : .a . . - '. .... . N ext -r Te n - Days, -t WILL OBTKB -; SPEHU' INDUCEMENTS; IN Table Liiif s, Doilies, TJl CLOTHS. oHKKTINGS, tlNEWt 9HIITTNR9, COTTON Wt lOW VA8IN63, ' MAH SKILLKfe . QUILTS. HONEY COMB eiTfLTS, TPBTRT CURTAINS. Madras BHaPKRY SCBIiS. -ft it T. 1. SEIGLE. 'I Speeia rices KTfIPIHIiaiEvL FIGURED LAWNS: i " At 3 oenta per yard. " ' . .J' CREAM CRINKLED SEERSUCKERS ' ' m:nA .QanrtmAiit nf ORIENTAL FLOUNCING3 and. LACES in all Widths; Remember onr sola aod Umbrvllaa. - 5 f,. - , 'A, - ,i ' t": y ' auocEsaoRS to Alexander a Harris. THE 0. IC. ICE CREAM : SALOON- Opened for thaBeasqnV Ice Oieam and partiee on 8bort ootice : -Fresh '-'Bead, Calces t..U -.C .hAiM lot of r Potted Meats, Ca nned ; Fruits, Pickles, CrakersV&c. Also, Imported and Domestic Confectionery. " , - , Sijccessor to Mayer & Boss. - - r SPARKLING- CATAW O 4. CO.,- It, C - - W Inatlr eelebrated waterjM plaeeI now Mn f or the accomuiod&ttoa 3t ttie puo.jc. r- M ew BuUdlnS Sivebeea erected, aedtne rooms - - bmnSSid wdwlumtehed wttk new tur- : TM management prorjvtM the bf ! powJble, anu tbe table will be ouptUed wlU - besttbiitUteinari-ett-l-ords-" ' - T , . THE MEDICAL PROPERTIES: OF ' ;; THE WATERS UNRIVALED 7 a-?' ftS5bfc..iiir -Healthier Location not to be lound. , ul I u-if nw. nt Warm SalDhur,- anil Turkish HatAlfrYaporand Medicated Bth8, wheu Wwimiita-LiftlllteDt at flwtclaM Wa- : terlnx Placee.-- IH I. O ELLIOTT, -c, .Proprietor , 1 B. X WADDELL viifjs. . -' , fcanagar, 4 inay3at.iunwe-i,r----- Hourjn-ntcd, in C. B A4 i CATAWB A BARGAIN. mm First Nalioi'al: Bask WMn South Trjoa Stjset," Charlotte, Nva DXALXR3 IN , ,. Ladiea'jMisses'and Childrrn's imXWms k UCE SHOES, Gents' Fine Hand-M4e Md Maebtae Sewed : , boots) button and lace bals, r - BOTH' AIVD YOUTHS' YxK FINK BOOTS ANB SHOES OP ALL GRADK3 . r GENTS' FINE Silk Soft 'and Stiff ' Hats, TRUNKS, J " , V:--, VAUSlSaiid . ; GRIPS CKS, DJSiMf 4ii KJNDS - i BHOJ BLACglNe 4NO BRUSHES. ' " . alma Polish for Ladies', fine bhoes. Stock always kept lull and up to the demand. ORDERS BY MAIL OB EXERES3 PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. - ' White Goods and Embroideries, Pra-,, BAKERY Water Ices furnished to familea ,ani and - Pfes Daily. CLEVELAND MINERAL SPRINGS lye nqw o, eq tor the -ceptj -i of visitors. TI1ESE. SPiilSfiS Are 64 miles west of Charlotte, 3 miles trom Shel k. k r. nrtonirlmile Irom I'-arollna Central -hve a new depot has been erected and beautlftiuy ftalsned for the beneat ol to B Plenty of Ue secured for the season, irr; ' COLD AND HOT BiTHS. v A good string band has been employed for lie TbetnMe will be furnished with the very tost ti mftTift. ftfTnrtdfL i- v . - r ' EacKs!litet tie Springs' station on the ar- r!"i ot e-"- if--n. rl f 1. iiL ..uar J' - 1 CO. Visitor GLADSTONE'S APPEAL TI1E GBAND OLD MAH'S MAW IFI28TO TO . n 18 COW-: - J STITUEWTS. . Shall Ireland . be Gorerned br Coercion, or Shall She be il r lowed to Manage Her Own Af , fair The Great Question of the Ilour. -7 - x- ', - London, June ' 13. Gladstone has issued the following manifesto: 1 ' " To the electors of v Midlothian Gentlemen: In consequence of the defeat of the bill for the better gov- era men t or Ireland, the . ministry ad y ised and Her Majesty was 1 pleased to sanction the dissolution of .Parlia ment, for the decision by the nation of the gravest and likewise ,the sim plest issue that has been submitted to it for half a century.- It is only a sense of the gravity of - this issue which induces me, at a period of life when-nature cries aloud for repose, to seek, after sitting in thirteen Par liaments, a seat in a fourteenth, and with this view to solicit ,-f or the fifth time the honor of your confidence. At the last election I endeavored in my addresses and. speeches to im press upon you the fact that a great crisis has arrived in the affairs of Ireland- Weak as the late govern ment was" x for ordinary purposes, it had great advantages for ;: dealing with that " crisis. ; A comprehensive measure proceeding from that gov ernment would have received, warm and extensive support from within the Liberal party and would proba bly have closed the Irish controver sy within the present session, and have left the Parliament of 1885 free to prosecute the now stagnant work of ordinary legislation, with the mul titude of - questions it includes. ' My earnest hope was to support the last cabinet in such a course of policy. , - On the 86th of last January the op posite policy of coercion was declared to have been the choice of the govs, eminent, the Earl of Carnarvon alone refusing to share in it;': The Irish question was thus placed in the fore ground, to the exclusion of ;: every other. - The ? hour, as all felt, ; was come, and the only "point "remaining to determine : was the " manner in which it. was to be dealt with. . in my judgment, the proposal Of coer v cion was not justified by the facts, and was doomed to certain and dis graceful , failure. Some method of governing Ireland, other than coer cion ought, as I thought, to be sought for and to be found. Therefore, I viewed with regret the fall of the late cabinet, and when summoned by Hr Majesty to form a new, one, I undertook it on the basis of an anti coercion policy, with -the fullest ex j planations to those whose aid I had sought, as colleague, when J propos ed to examine whether it might not i be possible to grant Ireland a domes tic legislature,and maintain the hon or and consolidate the unity -of the empire. " A government was formed and the work wag at ; once put in hand: ':--fiy:J'r; -v .:;'t;-- You will now, gentleman, under stand how and why it is that the aN fairs jotlreland, and not for the first time, have thrust-aside" every.; other subject and adjourned our hopes of useful j and progressive , legislation, As a question of the first . necessities of social order,' it forces itself into the van. The iate cabinet,; though right in givjng it that place, "were as we though t," wrong? in their manner of treating it.- It was an absolute duty, -on taking the government, it we did n6t adopt their methods . to : propose, another,;--Thus, gentlemen,, is it that this great' and simple issue has corne upon you and demands y oyr decsin. Will votf covern Ireland by coercion or wifi you let Ireland manage ber - To debate in this address this and that detail of the lately defeated bill would only be td disguise tnis issue. and would be as futile to discuss the bottine. stumbling, ever-shilting ana ever vanishing projects of an inter mediate Class wnipn nae pr outseuw from r seceding ; Liberals. r There are two clear, . poeiuve ana iniv"Km plans before the world, r There is the plan of the government and there is the plan" of Lord Salisbury. Our plan is - that " Ireland ehouldf under woll considered conditions, transact her own affairs His1 plan'is to ask" Par liamoqt to renew.represeive laws and enforce them resolutely ; ior twenty vears. . bv the end of which -.time, ne Asorrrafl us that Ireland wilt be fit to RfineDt -anv eovernment in the way or local covernmens. on wo reueai ml the coercion laws, you may : wish to eive her. " . : . ' ; ' , 1 leave " this rory project to speaa: fhr itself, in its unadorned simplicity, and I turn to the -proposed policy of the government. Our opponents, gen-' tlemen, whether .lories, or Beceueru, hAve assumed the name ot U monists. I deny them the title to it. -jn intent tion, maeea, we are tw umouigw alike j but the Union they refuse to modify is m its present snape a paper union, obtained bv force and fraud." and never sanctioned or accepted by the If wh nation, xney are not unions iats.- hut naner unionists, we nave Irrh union DetweenJLtreas xsrivaiu iiu 1. - t-:.; J Ireland now than we had under' the oAt.t.lnrrtent of 1782. I r. Enfranchised Ireland asKs through htw lawful reoresentatives tor a re vival off her domestic" legislature- not on the face oru -an innoyawng, Knt. n restorative Drooosal. she urees with truth that the centralization or Parliament has been a division ot the rwSbnle. but he recoemzea the fact that union, lawlessly as "it was ob tained, cannot " and ought not to be repealed. ' She is pontpnf to receive her legislature m a iorm uivesveu m nreroatives wiiiuu uijkuh iiavo iiu- Paired ' her v imperial interests, ana 1782 to secure to her regular control or her own, anaira one nas uuu re- nellod 'but has welcomea," tne stipu latioDS for the protection of ; the minority. iTouch provisions; we have irtven. and shall give,; careful hftftd: But I trust Scotland will con demn - the: attempts f so singularly made to imnart into the controversy the venomous element of religious bigotry.; Let- her taker warning by the deplorable " riotg in Belfast, and other nlacea in the north. ' , Amonz the benefits, ; gentlemen- I anticipate from your acceptance of our policy are these: The consolida tion of the united empire and a great addition to its strength ; the stoppage of the heavy, constant ana aemorai izins wast of the public treasure r the nhfttpipnt and eradual extinction of ignoble feuds in Ireland, and that de veloDment of her resources whicb experience shows" to be ; a natural consequence of free arid orderly- gov ernment : the " redemption - 'of the honor of Great : Britain from the et'T-.v- f artersed .. upon . her ehaost from time immemorial in respect to Ireland -by toe ,x judgment of the wnoie civilized world ;;and,"i lastly, the restoration orS Parliam An t tn? itjs dignity and efficiency, and the regu lar prgrtJBs oi me. business of , the country . . Well, gentlemen,' the first question I now put to yoa is, how shall Ireland pe governed? There is another ques tion behind it -and involved - in sit How are England and Scotland tq be governed? " You know how, for, the lass six years .especially, the-affairs ul fiogiana ana sttotiand have been impeded, and your .imperial Par Ha ment discredited and disabled, j Alt this happened while the Nationalists were but a small minority of : the insh members, without support from so much as a handful of members not Irish. Now they approach nine ty, and are entitled to say," "We are spaakmg the views of the Irish ta- tion. V , - ' v It is impossible to deal with this subject by half measures. .They are sirong in tneir numoers, strong in British support, which brought 13 members to vote for their country strongest of all in the sense of being right. . ' - - '.v But, gentlemen, we have done our part; the rest remains for you. Elec tors of ; the country.? may you -be enabled to see through and cast away all delusion, refuse eviland choose good. ,r I have the honor to be, ; gentlemen youc f jithful and jgrateful servant,'' - - W. E. Gladstones v : How -j Cnrf ew . was WrKten.s Brooklyn Magazine. ' ' " ' t 3 Of the hundreds of residents of the1 city of San-Antoniay Texas, only; a few who frequently meet a tall, slen der lad yvwith raven brown eyes and hair, and . with a singular attractive ness in her face,"" know . that sheis Mrs. Rose Hartwick Thorpe, whose famous - poem, ' Curfew M ust Not Ring To-night," has given her a rep utation in both hemispheres. How, at the age of sixteen, the young coun try girl was ' led ; to write the poem. now so widely -known, is thus nar rated, as furnished by her personally for' this publication! "The poem was suggested to me by the reading of a story, 'Love : and Loyalty,' in Apfil 1867. 1 was then a plain country girl, not yet seventeen, residing with my parents at Litchfield- Michigab, and under the pretext of working ojit mathematical ' : proDlems- with njy arithmetic before me. -' I wrote the poem roughly on - my slate. I wba forced to carry on my literary work under these; difficulties becauoe of tiie opinion of my parents that my-time could be better employed than in 'idle dreams and useless rhymes.' I wrote the first eopy on my Blate between 4 and 6 o'clock ia the afternoon, but "much time has since - been spent in correcting and revising it. I had ho thought that I would ever be able to write anything wortnys or-notice. The poem was first published Jn the. Detroit Commercial Aavertiser m the fall of 1870. - The editor upon receipt of my manuscript at once wrote me a lengthy letter of congratulation and praise, in which he predicted the popularity for the verses which they nave since received. I had no liter-; -aryjriends, n.ot - even a literary ac quaintance at that time, and did not jnow the simplest requirements for preparing my manuscript for publication-'' The poem at once attracted popular attention, and bestowed upon its young author a reputation which each" succeeding -;year, nas,eniar-gea, i 111 1 2. 1 I i M innumerable . forms .and different books and collections., laud has been translated into the . Srench, German and other : languages. -: the poem has never brought its author any nnan oial remuneration, as is too often the case. 'It raised me," writes -Mrs. Thorpe, ' from a shy,; obscure coun try girl into puDiic notice, ana Dnngs to my side yearly hosts of new and delightful friends.- Wherever go my: friends are there oeiore nie. the poem," which I gave to the public wih no 'right .reserved,while it has made a-iortune tor others: ana arop- ped golden coins in other pockets, has reserved for its author admiring friends.1'. Mrs., Thorpe spends her summers in her native : climate or Michigan, where she yearly recuperr ate8 from the exiectsot a lexaa win ter. 'The author : thirty : years of age, is happily : married: and is en y ablea to : quieuy : enjoy r tne reepe and love or her neighbors and, friends while her literary admirersvare legion, vt Dr TonSehieiss Uenies thatlKlnff , ,. - XHrtwif,Was Insane, . : ' :. MTTTnoH.'June 15.Dr YonScbleiss' who was . formerly King lAiawig s nhvsioian. denies that the king was insane, tie maintains mas uuuwig was eccentric only. -1 he aoctor adds that though he - disagreed with the official report of the examining board of physicians declaring .the king insane etui ne lew compenea w keep his views to himself. ;tF9r," says he, "if I had publishod the fetate- court doctors I should have -shared the fate of certain other persons, and been at least, consigneu to pi iouu As to the king's condition, myropins Trtn is based on mv ; experience as-his )hysician smce- his birth. . My coi eague, Dr.'Gente, agrees with me. Snii to jteeoveran lAIIeKed JShort- Nkw York. June 14 In the Unit ed States District court the trial was . . . . , . 1 oegun toaay 01 tne euisorovigut uj the ' government ? against l- General iFhoinasv Jordan, I who : wag captam and Quartermaster la the army aur lne lue Jaexicau war. ' unu - rriaiucu his commission until May, 1861, when he resigned and enterea the tomea- erate army.J It is ciaimeu tnat nis accounts auring tne. Mexican war showed a shortage of 117.882,- and it is souerht to recover the amount witn interest. The defense is a denial of the existence of the shortage. Ihe case is ptill pn.- " , , . ' " All the Rage, Rambler.- ' :-"??:: ?::; ::v:;'- !- Wbat d'ye thing of me new spring trousers, old chappier ' . ' TTm: well-the stwme is nretty iouu. To ba candid, deah boy," I think they orA waa! stwikiner. -i.y-i-- mio vou. - weally? That's all the wage now. These are stwiking times, . They Have Done the Work. Petersburg Ta,r Indei-AppeaL - ' ; The internal revenue ofiiofcrs, now nailed the 'blue bottles."; have Oone thn w.-irlf iri North Carolina- that is,- they have killed outright the Ibosur- bon uemocrauc pariy mwvcijr wuu- ty where they have operatea. s , WASHLNGTON TOPICS. MORE ABOUT T1IE TARIFF No Expectation That It Will Pass - How the North Carolina Dele : . Cation Will Tote Mr. Reid to 7 Accompany Mr. Breckcnrldse.to . the Salem'Commeneement. - Correspondence of Ihk Observes, ' -l, . - Washington, June 14. The tariff bill will not be taken up until cons sideration of all the important ap propriation - bills is concluded. The legislative, s executive ' and - judicial and naval bills will probably.be con eluded this week..,. After the sundry civil has been "passed. Mr. Morrison will call up the tariff measure. " I get this information from the same re liable source., a friend of the chair- manor the .ways and means com mittee,, who gave me the programme of the committee weeks1 ahead of the ordiuary channels. - There is no ex pectation that the bill wiU pass, "and no intention at this session to put" it on its passage.' r ' - -' ' - Since writing the. above I ' learn that Mr. Morrison says that he will ask for a vote on Thursday on con sideration of the bill. The Democrats on the Sorth Carolina delegation will vote as a unit in favor of .considera tion, and as far as known,- will in the same manner support the measure on its passage. - " . - ' , The Speaker, says this morning that the bill will be taken up Thurs day.-- y : y . : : '- ' " Judge Bennett endeavored to "ob- tain the floor by unanimous consent today to make a short speech against the merits of a bill incorporating- the Young Women's ; Christian Home. Objection was made, ; and the vote was proceeded with. It had been ordered at the previous session de voted to "District ' business. At a ater stage in the proceedings 1 the dge secured the floor and delivered an argument against the bilL He read extracts from the message of Presir dent Gmnt. Judge Bennett objected to . the principle . involved in the measure of an unjust incident of fe.x- ation. Mr. Hemphill replied in beV half of ; thej District committed and the friends of the measure. . The bill passed by a vote of 107 ayes to 7 n6es; MrReid was paired with Mr. Rice against the oleomargarine bilLv -He will be paired on the tariff bill ' in its f avort as will .Mr. Rreckinridge.r 1 Mr. Reid . will, accompany Mr. ;W. 0. ' P; Dreckioridge to Salem " on Tuesday night. ' Senator Vance ex pected to be of the pirtyj , but was detained here. : . . . t Mr. E. T. Pemberton, of. Fayette ville, and" Miss Pennington, of the same place are in the "city. . ; k , Frank Coxe and, family are stop ping here. w.-:- . : ' i-ij "A-'party fro'a Anderson, S, C, are nthe city, Miss Reed is one of the number., . '! :' t ; Y.IM Mr, .: Iteid offered a resolution for night session on the 25th for business from the comfnittee on printing, and a report from the same committee concerning the publication, of a "doc ument. " ' - ' ' " H. PLUCK IW PETTICOATS. A Veritable Texas Heroine, wno Comes to Grief" at last. , itlanta ConsUtutlon. Just now Bettia Travis is the talk of Texas. The frontiers of that State have, produced many ' women : of dauntless courage, hut Bettie in her wav has surnassed them alL' 4 . This girl is a beautuui Dionae,sym- metrical as "the Greek Slave,"charg- ed'to her finger tipsy with electricity. and as wild and fearless as an Afua- zon.' - In some unexplained way Bettie got into trouble in Hunt county, and the minions or tne law maae an at- temDC to arrest her. She; stood her ground with a six shooter, and: kept the omcers at a sate aistanca- untu ehe succeeded in effecting her escape. She sought a home with her relations near ; Bairdsto wn, - but they provea aUarrel8ome. and she found it neces- sarry to araw, ; a piBwv.. huu unve them into the next county ; jb or tnis a constable tried" to arrest . her,- but she got the drop on 14m with a Win- aneBter nuo ttuu uucu two uu w van-, . rill- 1 1 . . n waw.. . .... . - . - cures new; , xue inguopiiiw)ii uuuji ser was next beard ot in tno inaian Territory. There she was charged with violating the revenue laws, ana a determined eSort was made-to Vse cure her capture. -Miss Bettie was equal to the emergency. . She donned r. nn'n onir. tf artrtOT-al nnrl a rmi n cr herself with a double barrelled shot gun and a revolverrterrorized all the ofBcers and settlers until she made her way to Re 1. River, "r The ferry man declmea to carry, ner over witn. out nay. but the girl" took aim at his head and persuaded him to land her on the other side. -. . Such careers are generally as brief as they are brilliant. A deputy sher, iff finally captured-poor Bettie Travis near Irans. ne found tne girl roam -ing the woods like a vertableiOphelip j bahbling uumteliigible nonsense, ana adorning herself with wreaths of wild flowers. .'- Fortunately the deputy had sense enoueh to see that he was deal ing with a lunatic Instead of a des. peraao. .tie treated my prisoner kindly, and: turned her. over to the State lunatic asylum. , "Texas now feels a sense of relief. For . a long time it has been a question whether Bettie . would take : Texas or Texas wouid.take nym,-Ymm. 1 - High tlodIn'.ifew'jerseyaJV ; Sahdy Hook, N.: J.I June 15. At 9 o'clock this morning, the wind was blowing from . the "northeast at the rate of- sixteen miles an hour, and the weather was Cloudy and hazy. Outs, eide the; Hook the swell .is pretty regular, and . not very high. , The prospects are good for the race -be tween me Dig sioops, JTuribau, , Jrxia- cilla and Atlantic, and as the" tide will serve the yachts both ways, the race will probably be sailed .in quick time, -Unless ; the I wind;, shouli go down. mm Absolutely Pure.. ; This Dnwdnr atrengtlt and wholesomeness More economical man toe ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only n cans ju Wholesale by . - A SPRINGS & BUR WELL, v . JanSJOdAwly ' f ; v . Charlotte, N. C. . tTo'the VICTOR the LAUREL" Pre-eminnt 'In 1 every lfiher Quality, 4Ke HAN AN SHOE has tacome the. reoopnized standad 4Qt fine sweer among d'scratfng genttemen. For sale by i a. RANKIN a BBO ' .feVw--::;-i'-.'f5-.i-' -i Charlotte, NiC- BURNHfiIJ'3 it'"ninVn M Is the BEST constructed and OnlaLed Turbine In the world. Tested percentages, with part and full gate drawn, eaual to any other wbesl. tNew pamphlet sent free by HUKtnritAiU K ,YOKU, PA. ERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN. . Ton are allowl d free trial qftHtrtv days of tne use of Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltaic Belt with Electric Suspensory Appliances, for the speedy relief and permanent cure of Nernovs Debility, looa " of Vitalit't mid. Mnnhxirfl- and all klndrm) trounlM. Also for many other diseases. Complete restora tion to Health, vigor and Manhood fraaranteed. . Ho risk is Incurred. Illustrated pamphlet laMoied amveiope mailed fri. hv nddre6fitni . ana Wniskey ITab its en red at liome witli- oui pain, iiooli of ticulare sent FBI is. m. wuoiJ.Ei. 65 Wlutefail Btreeu ffiayl9deodAwly GURESSiDEAF FECK'S 'PATENT IMPROVED CUSHIONED EAR PttUMS Pbkfeqtlv jtHSToJCB th HKAUt and perform tne work 01 Of atnmt armu iuvlsibw, comfortaniewia arwaw in positioa... All ecBveKatiro nd even whispers heard di?tmcs4y. Sand lorUlmtrstec bmrlcvriih teHiDMBfnls FPEE. Address or call on t. Ul&UOA, S49 Eroadw'ay, ew York. Mention Ihi paper. WN6 MACHINES A SPECIALTY. StmD'est. Most Dor Wa. Keonomloal and Perfect In use. Wastes no Giuln; Cleanses it Beady for Market. : . Threshissr Engines and Horse Powers Saw Mills ant Standard Implements Generally, i bend lor illustrated catalogue ... kgih A. B. FAR QlinAR, Pennsylvania ' Agricultural . Works, York, , Pa. mard&wira i ; - ; t I CURE FITS! When I say enre 1 do not mean merely to stop thenj tor a time and then have them return again. I mean a radical core. ' I have made the disease of FITS. EPt IPSY or FALLING SICKNESS a lifelong study. 1 warrant my remedy to cure the worst oasea, Beoauas. others have failed la no reason for not now receiving a . cure. Send at once for a treatise and a Free Bottle ox bit Infallible remedy. Give Eroress and Post Offioe. ; X. coBai yoa notnin zor a tnai, ami i win cure jo . Ad on. a U. w, injui, in rnui ok) xivw 1 orKi IMYP.0YAL PILLS ; "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH." The Original and Only Genuine. , : Sife maalwAvK Relt&lile. ' Bewue of wortnleaa Initatloaa . In4ipeoitile to LADIES. Ask your Urncclat I . "Vtttcneetero LRgtUK" ua au bo otoer, or incMie c . Jsuuups) to s -for panleulara m letur by retun mall. -. NAME PAPER. C'h!eatcr Chemical Co- 1 " 't ..S 8 Mttdliioii Square, I'nUadavTP. Bald by Drnnclot everywhere Ask for "Cklehea. . isn- pennyroyal ruis. Take ao other. 4,rui. t i . jaiuuuanu -j. ' I am an old man. For 38 years I suffered with mcers on my nent lee as tne resait 01 nypnoia fever. - Amputation was suggested as the only means of preserving life. The doctors could do nothlna lor me. and . thouaht I must die. For 8 years I never bad a shoe on. Swift's Specific has made a permanent cure-and added ten years to my me. i : . ..-....t wm. a. akkd, mm ml, wa. I have taken Swift's Specific, for blood poison, contracted at a- medical oolleee at a dissection. while I was a medical studentv : I am grateful to say that It gave ine a speedy and thorough cure after my parents had spent hundreds of dollars for treatment . ! . . . Auetosrrra Wkhdkl, if. IX, Newark, N. J. . . .... -. ... My wife from early girlhood has been suffering from rheumatism. she has tried many remedies, and I must frankly say has derived more benefit from Swift's Specific than from all the others, after long ana laiuiTui trial. - -i r .-. .. . Hbv. James Ii. FrBBOS, OzfordrGa. ' Swift's Specific Is entirely vegetable. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. - " . Thk Swift Spscitic Co., Drawer S, Atlanta.Ga,, Or laa w. 23Q bt... h. i. . ; - i Alwavs Sale and always snre. Ladles' Relief ': ,"PiHs(no!fhij)and Ladies' Dvspppsia YxUsipnce tia r&ipnre Covlactaa. Ky. , Cf.niti oy man. , uuu iituu vu. mayl9deodwIy. , - - . . -'. CASSAUD'S PUBE LARD, '8TAU B AHI ' : Is for sale by the following' . LEADING "GROCERS: b.?HiLKBfct;v-'v.X Haws Toro,. i. l. Davis, ' ": - B. Durham, L. Aw UmKMHRrMKB, '- ,H. a lBWlS. ; i B.B. JIiBXAKDBB CO.,W.J. KKIDAT Johh Caubb i C Scott. - - - 1 t B. D. Mctrnrsis, tt ? a. m. mowklu fc. J. WaTjKkb Sc. Co," Whekbs & EUSSBIJ. DOLS tc 6CHUOEDKK, ' Svery' package bears Out Sed Trade Mark, and i It guaraLttea aDsoiaieiy pure. v - . G.CAS5ARD & SON. ' ... ;: . ' : . .... ; . Baltimore, Ud. m m m m m n n TIMESAREHARDJ Still we LOTS W . . " Ready to be spent,'when i i j. ' - " W E ADVERTIS E BARGAINS. r, . . - . 7. Z 71 S - ' .WE ARE SURE TO TOUCH. " ' . " THE PEOPLES' POCKETS. I , 1 .... j - 1 . . 1. . 11 ir : GingHam . each, i Each Pattern contains 11 yards, none . WE ; WILL ' SELL' THIS , WEEIL A 4si Bleached a Domestic at; 8 cents per yard, equal to any sold at'10 cents pe ryard. Tl irdTS Pieces of the well known Pacific X I.Vti tJr ' ; Tlortrn of Q They-are all INVEST LY , 28 cents per yard for French Satteens worth iRflhflh jas Nuns - "'vjV ' They are 3& in. and: 40 in. EVERY Colored Embroidery AT CANVASS BEL.TSAT j ' ' ' CHARLOTTE, N; C. : MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED AND IT J. H, OFFERS TO" THE lesale s Retail Trade FIVE TONS ! Pure White TWENTY' BARBELS PURE LINSEED OIL;- A Large Stock of Colors, Tarnishes, Etc.- !' 5 5 ALSO- ONE CAR LOAD ALL AT CLOSE PRIOES, I r J; H. MoADEN J Who Lead - - - ty always .find,. TJOKIM .; Dress , Patterns for 98c worth less than 121 cents per yard. nnn 4- ciJ nnii nnml1 . handsome. . TflEH NOW!.:1,; , our .entire v stock; ol 45 cents, Veiling, Canvass and ' ,' wide, and are all Vo6Lf YARD OP -- COST. 7 -i ." J . ! I lO CNTSTSACII ' if A i .... 7 PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO" - IllRRIS' SMOKED BEEF -:,?.;0NWG:1IES; -AM THS BEST : : QUALITY. , Get them at " . ' rt I BiRNHT'i'ilEXiflDER. Free ddiyeiy., , Telephone call 81' v Is. ICE CO., CnAHLOTTC, N. CL, , , crrr tbadx. , ' v mmnanv Aftll.n. wagon In such quantities as desired, from 6 Donnda np. at the rmlfrom tate price of 60 ot nts perhun dred pounds. TlKjee holding weekly ticket! ot a higher price can exchange them at their option wlui our ticket agents at the City Drag Stores for the lower nrteed tickou. wam i mniuht.. ing and offering to the trade at low rates, a super- - vi ,tuoivj vi pure cryauu ice maae I rum JieoaieD- burg spring water thoroughly filtered. , , ; i;. Mr . W,.DAVIS,8apt. , " v SHIPPING PRICES.' 2 ' Car Load of 10 tons, C :. ' S60pertoa From 6 to 10 tons, ( , , ; 6 00 pec km . -Irom 1 to 6 touv. - ' - - 100 pwr ton 600 to 1,006 pounds. ? - 60eperloro 100 to- 600 pourKte.t -. . t ,ti &perl Uos We are now psing the eelebratsd Emit luiar, tnrongbwhleh all the water is passed beiure frees Ing, and the trade mar rely upon all lee ssanuiae tured by as being ss pare as It Is poJbls to 'ma -It. Orders solicited and promptly fijied. Lownn( freight and express, rales secured for ear vasts- nanTED-LiDT berown locality an Old firm r 1 iu iettw -s-1 feirB"- Perraanet t posltkm and good suarr. i oj. -16 Barclay St, M. Y. j-- -. y.t;.., aprl.tw ; www . . lIUUU ono DR. aCOTTa UilCi nl iuu. W Broadiray, liav iw Va.1t .k. i t fork, U Oolj f-rii mii pr4oeCm .r? o-j 1. PIG H A MS, ,' it i S iT . if' ' 1 i - J W IT. ' ' ' " ) Boneless , Breakfast Bacon MECKLENBURG

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