"knglsh fifiids. 4tlA , statistics, aua t thl3 mlte Interesting. . e """" . P nrlnciDaUy among peo- piaino nnd others of pro p Jate ivln. and others Pie"i r . u. the use of . ..ji who oppose jnaicBu -- A th.t among I log etimnlant My - thoBe who those who e compara- themorOTfealtny eia maintain a sideboard ther J " . r a TBneDSia. ne cu "W -wAherearethemost ty; Z..-t ters and gourmands of the """tT a -,-r the moat indigestible :itoliW.WBW- ""trtmachs Ol at the feeble ana . ann 51 n v Svetad in'England wlU teU how he w oSed at the mention of dyspep-U . Hn from diseases of this . .. h.. irink with their tf H " ShMrenU wett as grown people, who has uu uvup " "Vhe use is not enough to prod uee a good ar JflJ fih""nes pite this free use -fl.'SPwhen boJmi I Uclo." Im t& mercban muaV lo mow? of allagea-and jesaesp Ue cf hiikido d.tches VVlien ;nen than .it Anwn hhind his counter. of 8timnlant,tnere F drankejiness, among the E.fT a an -that mere m i born craving ttm- rP nof ihe" foodot the preset useii. x -.Vli. Mntrv ara ., . :.: .,imn inu to a uau- ?ai?!"n.! "t"n to the retraction of "rT neonle. This stupid op- ' ffnffTS pure malt whiskey, h done more arm' and been the cause of re misery -as eTiaencea "7. " " M'm. mH- .Jl;rnerft .int. ira ii thi lit w - i Jaiestion-than . could ver fisa .i i.nnM vtr nriae iroin even a ,-3... - -lnnn , - is always closely associated with, and fol- liqnors. TMi.-rgr WTomnlaints that human flesh is neir mlort ninga 1 vuiiiyc - , . almost alone noon this point. :0M A N t HEK IJEMT FHllirU ! 11 DR. J. BRADFIELO'S ) "Hun REGDLATOU ji Thti famous remedy most happily meets the de mands ot the ge for woman's Peculiar and ! molH- .AIMIml Tt la a TRTTlMlT for WOMAN ON LT. and for one?CIAt CLASS of her diseases, Itis a SDecIBe tor certain diseased conditions 01 the 1 womb, and proposes to so control tne Menstrual function as to regulate all the derangements and tregalarfUesot woman's ..i ,k . - ; HlOZf TIIIjT. sickness. Its ijroprtetors claim for It no other medical prop , ertr; and to doubt the faet that this medicine does MjtiiirirTnRwm sodteonlroUlne and retrulatlne ' aowers Is simply to discredit the voluntary testt bmbi of tboisaDls of living witnessfs who are to ' tiny exulting In the restoration to sound health and . ittppiness. IfRADFIELD'S EMALE ReOPLATOR Is strictly a vegetable eompoond, and is the pro- net of medical science and practical experleuce dlrect- ' ea towards the Deneut 01 gflFFERIlO WO.TIAxK! --fit is the studied DrescrlDtton of a learned phr- . slcl in whose s'uily was WOMAN, and whose fame , ' bee ime enviable and boundless because of his won- , 1 tier (ulru ocean In the treatuieut and cure of female v earn plaints. -: rtus un.uuus.rou is the granaem remady known, and richly deserves its name: OMAN'S'girpRlENDl Because It contro's a class of functions the various derangements o' which cause more 111 health than all other causes combined, and thus rescues her from a long train of afflictions which sorely embit ter her life and prematurely end her existence. Ob ! what a multitude of living witnesses can testify to its charming effects! Woman! take to your confi dence this PRECIOUS BOON-OF HEALTH! -It will relieve you of nearly all the complaints . peculiar to your sex. Bely upon it -as your safe guard for neaitn, nappiness and Jong lire. Sold by all drug? Ists. Send for our treatise on '. the Health and Happiness of Woman, mailed free, wuicu gives au panicuiars. mm BilADWKLD RfOULATWB Co., 0ox 20, Auania, ta. ; THE GREAT SOUTHERN REMEDY FOR ALL aiOMMROUBLES - ;ANft CHILDREN; TEETHING. 'r'leTe Ter7 few who do not know of this , . pintle-bush growiDg alowrudaof onr noun. i-i "if "V; f DIVBIGGER'S Mi JSH". : bu' ver7 'w realiea the fact, ' tha the littte pornle berrv. which so many . , w m dito eaien in 1 t . " a pnaciple in - fm thA hni.nl.. 7-. -. """b cyctj Bimne mere ' " a pnaciple in it having a wonderfnl effect On the DOWfilll.- . TIT Ttivywa XJ ...1. 1-1.. - t .Cordial is tne orbat socthf.rnhekkdt that f 4 Jtores the little one Jecthingf and cuiw' 1 , rn"hE? Dysentery anrCramp Colic, (r txTt " te considered that at this seasonof ; u'j -J.jrear aivideit 'an dangerous attacks of-' - etie oowete are so frequent, and we hear of so i't r V'L.tftPctiW'?X before a physician " 1 J -n be called in, It is important that every ' :t ehonld provide themeclvea H 2L'i BO?!'e speedy reliefaoeseof hiob will . r.11 'rrieivethepalnanrtBavatnuehBliyietv.. r. ' i JI,'s;er Huckleberry Cordial is a -Mi enwWeheiad faplcaaed to'. rnce, eo cents a bottle. Manufactured by . WAITER A JAYL011, Atlanta.Ga . : ;Zttt?f, jClwoltee Remedy of - ' j?nnr ? MHeln wilwire FRED C. HUNZLER lJAtaESXTrtEEll DEALGB Jfi - BOTTXJBH, CHARLOTTE, N. C ; Eepresenta two of the largest LAQEH BEER Breweries in the Cnie4 States The nersrmerEsvel'XSrewlaic s - Co or Pbna&eiitala, and the " . ir. M. acnauer xsrewutst Co ot l- riewTork; -'' , , m- TH3 LAEQE3T LAOEH BEE2 BOT TL1NO ESTABLISHMENT y " -j3 Tns city; t . Orders' liclte3. " All orders promptly filled and delivered free of tliarfe to s.aypirt cf t":? c"y. . - - da. :iif ; '- TT7i arwwr, -h nrnTSZ -g SgplTjffK 1S-1886 STATE NEWS. Tbe Raleigh Visitor eays .thai iJohn recently preach . i - a. wr. rvW Willi had visions, etc., nas " VV'-rr. t-i inakine a tour tM IV .Stogtoo.BeaiifDrt coun State. anae- -. , -Ralritrh News and ObserTer, of I announces: Governor Scales leaves Wednesday for David- I '"If"'. -V7n onH Thnrsdav nn I V1IA7A HI1U WJU m- thereT returning Friday. Quite a. 1 .r 1 i frtt from Kaleigh P- t ,vir mmmflncement, which m one of tbe events of this week. -m iia Mown- There is a far rBvcil"'u 'v . mor in Wake county who lives omy iufrnm the limiis of Kaleigt ; a "T ... . ml .tl, tuon. menced on it twenty years bottoms were grinning on all sides in utter barrenness. -oi,h viaitir We are pained to .nriAnnm the death of Mr. Joseph , vrK whih tok nlace at his resi dence,' 116 West Edenton street in a:. aatrrinv at 1 :i0 o'clock. At the lime of his decease .Mr. Kreth was in tbe sixtietn year vl tr oa hnm in fJermanv. : but. bad resided in our midst for thirty eight years, during which time, by nis in- dustry, 1 honesty and gentlemanly hear.ng. ne n ia """ r.TTf hI- -. , nt.tiiani 111 Hi HI KH v. v.w . " - . : r-r .i tj ,' : . , wife and eight ( cniidren nye gino and tnree b,)ys. tojnouin ineir ure cximmoa with " tbe vvwv - , community at iarKo, ro . our heartfelt sympathies, firfifinshoro Workman: i No case has attracted so much attention for a inns' time in the court here as the case brought by Nannie; E. Jones, .minrAi. nn nrosecutine witness. against E- H. Garland, a colored Presbyterian minister, for seduction under the promise of marriage. The trial of the case occupied over two days and resulted in the conviction nfth defendant. Eminent counsel wnra Antraeed on both sides, the State being represented by James E. Boyd, Jullard, li.mg x uinara ami j. a Jrtntf ar.tint? solicitor, and the de fendant by Colonel J. T. Morehead, J. A. Barrineer and General J. M. Leach, This is the first case ever tried in the State under the new law, which was passed in " 1885. The speeches of the counsel were fine ef forts. ' Ai the close of Colonel Boyd's speech there was considerable ap plause in the court room, - which was quickly stopped by Judge Clark, who endeavored to find out the par ties who did tbe applauding, assuring them that if found out they wouia spend the night in Guilford county jail. Tbe sentence of the court was that the defendant should be confin ed in the penitentiary for eighteen months. The defense moved for a new trial on the ground that the ap plause in the court rocm influenced the jury against the prisoner, and tbe limited time in which they had to trv the cage, and did not allow them to do justice to their client. The motion was over ruled and the case went up to tbe Supreme court by appeal. , Sunday in Sew Orleans. The people of New Orleans will have to submit to a curtailment of their Sunday pleasures for the first time since the foundation of the city by Bienville. 170 years ago. the Leg islature now in session having passed a Sunday law. ibis measure ' the House week before last, and went through its final reading in the State Senate Friday last. Aeide from the opposition of tbe city members, the bill meets with almost unanimous support. As the bill passed the Sen ate with amendments, it will have to go to the House for concurrence, but the House, it is expected, will agree to the Senate amendments and the friends of the bill do not anticipate any opposition on the part of the ! Governor. The bill as it passed the 1 House was much more sweeping than it now is after amendment. Under its provisions then newspapers were prohibited trom publication. The v are, how included in the exemptions from the operations of the law. The measure as it stands closes all places of business, (including the liquor sa. loons.) except newspaper offices. bookstores, public markets, drug stores, redtaurants.? theatres, and ouier places ot amusement where liquors are not soldstreet cars and a few others of minor ! importance. jiotei Dar-rooras win also be closed. but guests will be allowed to purchase wine at the table, as it has been she custom here to keep, all bar-rooms. corner groceries and small shops open tarougnout eunaay, and necessary worn; nas oeen done, also in all ins dustrial establishments. A Ietter from Mrs. Cleveland. 3 Misses Beulah and Marv Everlv young daughters of Albert J. Eyerly, Exq.. of this city, prior to 'the wd ding of President Cleveland and Miss Jioiaom, sent a handsome boquet to tbe bride elect as an expression of tbeir admiration of the coming "first laay.oi tne lana. , xnis morning they were surprised and delighted at receiving the following letter from Mrs. President-Cleveland, in her own nana writing : - Execntive Mansion, Washington. T-My Dear Little r Friends: What good fairy prompted mv two - little- unknown friends to remember me so sweetly on ; my wedding ' day? Whoever the fairy which I think was your own little lovine hAnrta T thank you most: sincerely, and the xrremueut joins me very cordially. Sincerely your triend. -l : - i. -,- t, - FBANCKS CLEVELAND. - June 11. 1886. v Itis needless to add that the happy recipients treasure the acknowledge urcub very nigoiy. DaughKra, AV1v-m and ftt others We emphatically guarantee Dr. Marehlst's Oath ollcon, a Female Remedy, to cure female diseases, such as ovarian troubles, inflammation and ulcera tion, falling and displacement or bearing down feeling, Irregntarltlea, barrenness, change of life. from the tiOQ of the ana ti.rju per bottle, send to Dr. J. B, Mar For sale by I. E. Wrtston, druggist, Charlotte - j - - luiytveoniv :- . KJREFOtt PILES. rues are frequently preceded by a sense of woiKiuiu uwtock. loinsana lower part ol abdo men, causing tne patient to suppose be has some affection of tbe kidneys or neigbonng organs. - At Umes, symptoms of Indigestion are present, flutu lency, uneasiness vf the stomach, etc A molrtura Jiwe perg.ilratlon, producli.g a very disagreeable .viuuigi, BivaeitiDg warm, is a common auena ant Blind. Blet ding and Itching Plies yield at Onee to the Rnnllcattnn nf Tr Rvniibnsi Plln nam edy. which acts directly upon the parts affected, absorbing the Tumors, allaying the Intense Itch ing, and effecting a permanent cure. . Price GO cents. Address Th Poctor Bosanko Medicine Op., iiua.u. BUU1 OJ At. tt. WtlSHJD. IfOT OA PAlTII'ii .j I had been troubled all winter with cold and patu in the chest and got so relief from remedies recommended bo Prunlsts and 'Phys elans. At the same time I was adverthing Dr. Bosanko' a Cough and Lung Syrup. I bad little faltn but tbougot to trr It as a last resort, now I believe even more u an tney tell me of Its curative qualities. L r"m i ue lws1 inzabeUilura, is.y.j feu.d ty u. uuuij wwtuiesses Bpnnging I i above, like huulaiha hinoiino SI I r sleepless ness, nervous debility, pafptta- 1 heart. && rovs&lebtrtnunriKta fit I m. " - - ' , ! Ben Sir. - Sendder Suggests tn Christianity be looked After as at Business. 7- New York WorkL Rev. John N. Scudder spoke at the Tabernacle in Jersey City. on . Ine children ot this world and in - this . S . J ' - a generation wiser than tne cmiaren vz light " Before commencing Kev. Mr. tn&z on unaay : next Children's Day would be celebrated. A huge floral . bower m the sbaDe of a tabernacle will, be erected. The music list night was of BUDeri0r order, the magnificent 8ingiQg of George Bauer being one of the features D urine vhis discourse Mr. Scudder said : - "One of the prominent features of modern life is the advertising of busi-. ness. The time was when a fortune was slow in coming, but those days have gone.- Goods are now adver? Used extensively.: ana luever ; to ne- MHtie ri&h has become universal. : slt than sit down behind his counter, He must drum up trade by advertis -ing in the newspapers. This has . be come a modern mania. v Pick - up your morning papr' and you win find- yourself suddenly, brought against a liver pad and when you turn to another column and gee , in - terested in an elopement story you suddentv run across a cherry pecto ral advertisement. 1 be same imng .nnli8 in horse cars Whole sides r r . . . . . . , ... are covered wiin nonet s 01 wnere vou can secure a sacrifice sale. ! Be tore you reacn your omce jrou wm run aero s a living sandwich in the shane of a. 4vertisement. In spea&ine v. - various moues . . .... ... . 3 . of advertisiBtr. the et aker. referred 10 the drummer and Uoney lsianu, and said: "You can't streich jour legs and look out on the sad ; sea wavta without running ; across ; the cien on a fechooner. uisnop s soap. . - . r - , , .. . 4 and you turn about only to meet tbe photograph or Jydia ftnitnanveven though she is dead. My : purpose n alluding to tfiis is; Can the church of Christ leam anything from this to do it erood? i sav vea. We must keep up with the spirit of the times, for to be successful - our religion pi use pe quick and aggressive and pushed to every corner of ; the world. This must not be done offensively, in tbe way of shoving it down people's throats, but we must be vigorous and advertise - the .Lord's work., uur Saviour taueht us to be up and do ing; and believed in advertising, and eoine all about the world to Show what was to be won , Everv true Christian "should ad vertise religion for two reasons. One because man v men are . practically blind, and again because tbe devil and his eartbly supporters are un usually f pry." ? - lie referred to tbe theatre, the sa loon and certain- illustrated papers i'These influences. Mr. Scudder said. -should be counteracted, and that is our : business. We must be - more vigorous than they.' ;..r The speaker suggested that it would be a good . idea to . distribute circulars and canvass every bouse in tbe city and thereby bring people in to ine 1511. - Riebmond'e Electric Llgbt. Cherlotte's electric lights will soon be in operation, and- ihe following from the Richmoid. State in regurd to the lights in Richmond will be in teresting. In an irterview with the report-r, the superintendent said : -- The flickering noticeable for short time after starting the lights is a necessary evil in all systems, as the carbons when placed n the lamps are blunt, and the arc has to be formed by the electrio current before the light becomes steady. The mag nets and the machine, too, starting cold offer a certain Obstacle to the perfect passage of the current; and tbe entire circuit requires to be warmed by the electricity before the current is perfectly regular, All this requires from a half to three quarter8 of an hour . In a high wind the car bons ere apt in the swaying . of the lamps to become cf ossed, and then itv is impossible tor the current to light the tamp. -"Soon after the lighting of . the separate circuits the special patrol men inspect personally every light in the city. ? This is done again oe tween 11 and 12 o clock. The com pany have arranged a code of signal alarms, so that by electric connect tions from the police station with the sleeping-room of the "trimmers," they are immediately, notified if any lamp is out, and -which one. By this system of watching itis impossible for any lamp to be-rout but a short time before ' being attended to : It sometimes happens, as has been the case once, that gome accident to the line will occur so that the wires m the circuit or lamps are broken. Unless this is found before turning i n the current, the result is no ligbt over the entire circuit until the break can be found. In order to be sure that the circuit is complete, each line is 'carefully tested with a magneto, by which it is ascertained whether there js any break or not. - - - cause or Tka accidents. "AU the accidents which nave ocs curred, .with 'the. exception ' of the one broken line, baye been due to the fact that until . recently the engines were not connected, so that the nec essity of shutting off the lights except tor a iew minutes, fin a possible ne cessity of putting the load from one engine On to the other, cannot occur. The candle power - of,- the lights in Richmond, it is true, are of only 1,200 C P,, whereas .in many-cities a 9,000 CP. light: is used, but this is not a fault of ; the ;; Schuyler i , Company," since the Council, in making- their contract, believed that it was better to have lights of the 1,200 C. P. and have them nearer together than to ay the additional cost of the larger ight, since the present does not out a very little . exceed the cose of gas for a given territory. . -7 ' ; .- A CHEAPLY LIGHTED' CITY; . - "Our citizens, too, are not aware that Richmond is the cheapest light ed city in the United States ; where electricity is used and produced by steam.; 5 A few - cities where waters power is used do obtain their light at a r little ; less figure.- The. average price paid in Washington, Baltimore, iNew lorn:., jrnnaaeipma,. ccc, is oaj. Where many are using water-nower for producing tbeir el-.-ctr.city, as for instance. Minneapolis, where 65 per light per night is paid.r Evansvillo. III., also- usiog water-power, where 59 is paid,' Richmond is obtaining its light lor 29 per light per night. , , Positive Care for Pile. To the people of this county we would say we have been given tbe agency of Dr. Marehlst's Italian Pile Ointment emphatically guaranteed to core or money refunded Internal, external, blind, bleed ing or itching piles. Price 60c. a box. No cure, no pay. For sale by L. R. Wrtston, druggist, Charlotte W.O - . , - .... ulrl7eodly. 8cotse JBmalfiion of Pure Cod liver Oil, wltn. Hypophospliites. In PnlmopaiT Affections and Scrofulous Diseases. Dr. Ira M. Lano, New York, says: "I have pre scribed Scott1! Emulsion and used It It my family and am greatly pleased with It. Have .found It very serviceable in EoT' jlors diseases and Pulmo. iu.7t . - . - .. Forty feats fellpcrtew of a eidjipne. - H7Ir.ilr.WH HOOMIing r.jiui, I j fo bin. 1 the pres;tiptta ol o.ie of i hgtre. .ul tug dr"n "offiSsBrtat in " fiords and wind tery and . th p.nud tt re-rta the colic. By "S":. , mother who haa moiher. Vtmrn anr of the foregoing com a child suffering i0" 'naaicei. nor the pre plainis: Do o3 kH youj, PSoVsufferlng ludlces or .r"?.n mm&du& child aiid the reKef tW Irtlt be sure fest abso lutely sure to ioiiow- iub jy. ri - Prifi, aK Sold by droggists throughout the world cnta a bottle. - r -.;.- -.- "ltfrw. JToe Person's Jtemedy Is titlU the best Blood Purifier on the market - -' sJriU- It- OltJA rtiX. PUWiwaiv -m - DR. eV Vfl LITER PIlS, ' .! rvintl nation, nrevents malaria, cures Dyspepsia, and gives new life to the 8tm. HUniy nL,tZ a. ..oart. - free samples at h. B.. Wrtston s Mr Jo rersee'H Remedy Is stm the bes Blood Purtfl-r on the market. . - JlSO H. HCt-VX-n, wai'ww uii'- TIRED OUT! At this aeMon nearly every one needi ito UMSMnS of tonio. ITtOT m mvh i's ymeuiiiinop iiii w y DE5TT0MII Wenkne, L.jw1ibi1 e, I tutg. ,01 Snera-v. etc, u His nu ms-mvamj, no m the ouly Iron medic tne that tt wot wjuriOBS. It Enriches the Bleed, fiiyigoratee the Knun. Ueatores Aopeute, Aida Piaestlou Pa. O. H. Bnrsxrr, a leading physician ot Spring. - Broi'.roa'kitterii te a thorOTtii good medj. - eineL I ose it in my practice, and and tt anion ex eels mil other forma of iron. Iiwealmesaoraloweon. illtion of the aystaoi. Brown'a bm JgP 5"S"X a, pueiMVB BQjvniijr. , m m w tar. - It croc sivaa otmifftl and inuwovw (beBatlon, i oil wiapper. Talie ether. Made only by tfH9W tySUCAJL CO BALTIMOKK, HB TORTURES BLOOD HUfJIORS I HUMILIATING Eruption, Itcbtngs and Burn - ing Ek'.n tortures, Loathsome Bores, and every species ot Itching, Scaly. Pimply, Inherited, fif.rof nloua and Contagious blseases or the Blood. Skin and Scalp, w(ib Mes of Hair, from infancy to eld ag are positively cured by upTicuBA, tne great Skin Core, and Coticuba Soap, sa exnuislte Skin Beautifler externally, and Cotigdba B8-OLVKBT. the new Blood mrmer. internally. v COTER6D WITH SORES. . Thavii been affl'cted since last Mairh with Skin disease th doctors called Eczema. My face ma envered with scabs and sores, and the Itching and burning were almost unbearable Seeing nnr CtrnCTJKA Rkmkdi so highly recommended Muirliified at trire them a trial. udngtheCCTlcuKA and CunciiRA Soap ex'ernaDy, and Besol.vest Internally, for four montbs. I cnli myself cured. In gratitutde for which I IBSke this puolle atatemeut. - - - . - Mrs CUBA A F1JKDEDICK. : BBOAP BlO0, CpNH. i SOU P.P U auamECK 1 was affll. -ted with Eczema on the Scalp. Face. .Ear ana Neck, which the druggist where I got your remedies, pronounced one of the woit cases that bad come under bis notice, -tie advised me to tr our CTnciilU kynmnss, and after five davs' a-e ni? sctln a,d onrt or my lac weie en tirely eured. ad I hope In another week to have my ears, neck aad-tne oiusr part or ray 'ace eurea HKnjlAM etiAUJ. 170 E. tTH iXUXKt, Ksw Tokk. r ITCMBIVU ItiKA8K8 CI BED ' CrncoBV stands at the bead of lis class, especi ally im l .is tbe e-s wuo up wjpuuuA buai-, Uau ha1 an iiikiiannllw OAfkft mlM Chlit MimmMT. owtrqg to th prevalence ot an sgxraya ed iiwin of Ifcn inroiign one McarHies in tne count ry. in WUICU lliC I Z.MKM)M HVTm IlllS'in.WlI, 1 UsioiriowK, Kt.; . 4 ITX1CURA RFtlKDIE 9 Are sold by all drurirists. Price: UTicrniA GO cents; Basoi vkht. f 1.03: Sap, 25 cents. - Pot i a a PRCS amo CHiMiCiL Co., Boston Send for "How to Cure Skin Diseases. !..-. : DC 1 1 ITiFT 'he Complexion and kln by using Ulhu (netrricnKAiOAr. THE 8EWINQ MAtHlNK IS TBI eaua of ntHrlna Palna and wrak- rt-ss Kor ieblns HI es and Back, x tuner Pains, sciatica, cneai rains, weaaness and mnammatton, tne urn- CVHJL . nti-Paih Plastsb is infallible. 25c - CAPITAL PfiIZE, $75,000. TifsUi Onfy SS. .. Harea In Pro - portion. Louiskm State Lottery. C liW do hereby certify that w tupaf Viae the arrangementt for all the Monthly cmd Quarterly Drawingt vf the Louis iana State Lottery Company, andin per' eon manage and control the Drawingt themselves, and that the same are eon ducted with honesty, . fairness, and in good faith toward all parties,' and toe authorize the company to use thie aertijl eate, u ith fac aimilies of our signature attached in its advertisements." r ; ', ; ConxmiiMtlonere. j We the undersigned Banks and Bankers will pay all Prizes drawn in The ; Louisiana State Lotteries which may be presented at our coun" ters. -' - - -. W. OGLFJBT, Pree. Lenlsaaa a.tiona.1 Haak. " .t " jr. W. K1IHRKXII. ; : - Pres. State National Rank. - A. BALDWIN, . Pree If ew Orleans IVa.t'1 Rank. :-. Iooorppratedln 1888 for 39 yes,rs by the Legisla ture for Educational and Charitable purposes th a capital of $1,000,000 to which a reserve fund of over 4560,000 baa since been added. . -' By an overwhelming popular vote its franchise was made a part of the present State Constitution adopted December 2d, A. P.. 1879. - The only Lottery ever voted on and endorsed by the people of any State. - " "never scales or postpones. ' .'" Ita Grand Single Number Drawings will take place monthly, an the Extraordinary Drawings regularly every three . months instead of Semi Anuually as heretorore beginning March, 1886. ,A SPLENDID OPPOBTUNIT1 TO WIN A FOB TUNIS. Seventh Grand Drawing. Class Gr la the Academy of Music. New Orleans, Tuesday, July 13. 1886194th Monthly Drawing. T : C4PITAL ?PH IZE OOol 100,000 Tickets at Five Dollars Each.: Fractions In . , ,, Fifths in proportion, . . ' EAt ot Prises. - I CAPITAL,PRlZi,.i..4..w....; $75,000 1 do -' do 26,000 10,000 12.000 10,000 10,000 10,000 20,000 80.000 26,000 26,000 6,750 4,600 2J60 . 1 do rio ;2PBIZK8of $6,000. ..M . ... ... 6 . do . 2.000.. .20 do -siji-h- g00 100 J do 200. 4 sou do iuu.. 600 do 60.. 1000 - do , 26.. APFBOXDCATIOM FBIZKS. ' ' v - S Approximation Prizes of $750..".. ..t 9 do do 600........ do , do . - 260,... 1967 Prizes, amounting to.... ...... .$266,600 - Application for rates to clubs should be made only to the office of the company In New Orleans; -. ror further information write clearly, giving fun address. Postal Notes, Express Money Orders, or New York Exchange In ordinary letter. Currency by Bxpress (at our expense) addressed 1 - . v .- M. A. DAUPHIN, T. - -. New Orleans, La. Or H. A. DAUPHIN, Washington, D. C, ; s . ? ' Make P. O. Money Orders payable and address Registered letters to '-; NSW ORLEANS NATIONAL BANK, " " , , , New Orleans. I To Printcro sm RROVHR-i rs HTirimrl Lit) l,,l II II u F 1 SKIN Aj &J? j A (mod secocdhand Plocgh Paper Cutter, will te k 1 cef o. " i .as, E. J:-?s, at t3 crr.cz. nihnu8l stwniiAimw . B Wr m ir n v a -mm. . .- -.Bnt IkUAII. CToikdensed Kcbedule. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. KayZd,1886. No. 60, No. a ' ' - Dally. paiiy. wNework : : 1200 n't 3 40 p m - Philadelphia, 7.'!U am 8 OS p m . " Charlottesville, r : S.EOn m s.oo m r ... ; Lrnchbiirg,: ,w- 615pm 615am tH",0,1"1 3 25pm 200am -fiiirkvme s 26 p m 4.06 a m ! eTBVlfje0 ' 6 06pm 4.48 am v ,-. Drake'i Branch - . -j 6 20p-m 4 69a m - DanvUle, - 9 25pm SWam " - (roldsboro. , lLfo a in Balelgh, - ; . - 6 00 p m - ' Durham-, - . i - ' -. , 607 pm " Chapel Hill, . - 4.66pm " ' HI lboro, - 6 47 p m - " jreeD8boro, 1 1L21 p m H.50 a nj " Salem. : fafiigp rnFlTS5am . High Point, 11 65 ii m lu.ia a m t " - fiallsbnnr, " i f : i.w a m H.2., a m C -ncord,, - - 1.67 a m 11.59 a m " Charlotte, , - 3.00 a m 1 00 p n ' " Spattanburg. , - v ft.66 a mi S 84 p m ' Greenville .. ; r . 7.14 a m 4.49 p, m Arrive Atlanta, r , 1,40 p mllO 40 p a TRAINS GOING NORTH. May 2d. 189G. No. 61,' Dally. 4N0. 5?, Dalir. Leave .tH-iUia. - 6 46 p. ill H40a m 3 30 p m 3.43 p m 6.25 p ni l. b p m 8.01 p m 9.08 p m 9.43 V Arrive Greenville. tiiwp m ' - hpartanbtirg, - Charlotte, i oo cord, Salisbury, ' -High Point, " - Greensboro, - 4.05 a m 51 la n 6.48 a m 7.01 a m 7 5 a ro 'F. ' v,JJiJi'.w ii a m f.TTa "in " .H41so.ro, " " Durlmm. ' Chpel Hilv " Balelgh, , " Goldsboro, ' ; " . Danville " Drake's Branch, Keyville, - v . Burkaville :. l '- BlcbmoDd -: ' 11 54 a in 12.28 p m l.ou p m 1.35 p m 4:40 p m 9.42 a m lL58 p in 12 20p m Vi MH, p rc 120p m 8 87 i m 8 n a m 8.06 a ru 8.67 a m 7 00 a m " . Lynchburg, . " CharloiteavHIe, . Washington, : Baltimore, Phtladelohla. " NewYiTk, - - i2-45 p m 2.1Ua m 425a m 9.45 a m a.15 p m 845p m 11.26 p m 10 03 a m 12.35 p va a uu a m 6 20a m s uu p m Dally except Sunday. ; i. SLKJBPINtt CAB SEBVIC?. On trains 60 and 61. Pullman BuffefTsieener De tween New Torkand Atlanta. - - v On trains 62 and 63. Pullman Buffet Sleeper be tween Washington and New Orleana,. Washington turn MUfguBpa, ... . Pullman Sleeper between Rlahmond and Greens boro, - Through tickets on sale at principal stations, to ail points. ' - For rites and Information apply to W, A MOODy. agent, or B.B, THOMAS. ' : C. W. CHSAB3 Geueral Mauager. ' Asst. Gen. Pas. Agent ' Blchmona. Va. t lAKUIiUIA tMI UaL BJAIS. KJ - W4J, Oma or 8uFKBiTAMnBan Whjohgtoh, N. C Jan. 6, 1886. ; ORANGE OF 8CHEDULE. ; : ON AND AFTER SEPT 27, 1885, THE FOLLOW Ing Schedule wjll be operated on this Ball- 1W4 - ' - - - . ' - . ' PA8SENGEB, MAIL AND KXPBESS TBAOtS, . DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. ) Leave Wilmington at.. ......... ..7.00 r. m. No. L Leave Balelgh at ... 7 86 p. m. ) Arrive at Charlotte at... ..... ..7.80a. m i Leave Charlotte at. .. .. ..... ... .8.15 p. n. No. 2. Arrive at Balelgh at. t ...9.00 a. m. i Arrive at WUinlngton at.. ...... ..8.28 a. at. " " LOCAL FBKl6HT-Paaeneor Car Attached. Leave Charlotte at .... ....... 7.40 a. Arrive Laurtnburg at 6.45 p. u, Leave Laurlnburg at. 6.15 A. M, Arrive ututriotte at . . . Leave Wilmington at 4.40 P. ....... . 6 46 A. M ., sioo P. H Arrive at Lauriubure at Leave Larinbnrg at Arrive at Wilmington ;6t .gfOr.i. Local Freigh bet"een Charlotte and Laorln ixirg 1'ii weekly leaving Charlotte on Mondays. Wedaesdays and Fridays Leave Laminburg on Tneeaaysj-xnaT'oays ami saturnais.- - - - Pa-ieener trains stop at regular stations only and Points designated In tbe Company's Time Taoie. - SHELBY PmslOU, PASSENGEft, MaIL. EX- . - fBl S3 AND FBSIGHT. ' ' CPalfy Wpept Sunday.) " , Leave Charlotte at.. , , .. 8.15 A. av Arrive at Shelby at... .. .. . .. ..' . .. ..42.1s. r. u. Arrive at Charlotte at.. 5.40 r. u Trains Nos. 1 and 2 make close, connection at Hamlet with 3.(1. trains to and from Balelgh. - Through Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and Charlotte and Balelgh and Charlotte. ' ' Take Train No. 1 for Stateeville, stations on western n.v. tt b., asneviiie ana points west. Also, for Spartanburg, GreeuvMe, Athens, At lanta ana an points ooumwesx. - - - L. a JONES, - -- . Superintendent. . Y, W. CLABK. Gen Passenger Agent. ? : "FOR, SALE. , ; it Unimproved lot 99x160. adjoining the pro OO perty of J. H. Emory. J. P. Jrwln and othors. Eronitng on rraoe sueet. bnado trees on the lot. trice S'juu. - Charlotte Real Estate Agency, nai36dtr '- B. E. COCHRANE, Manager FOR SALE, ; en Two desirable building lots, 60x300 feat, JJ fronting on South Tryon aireet, adjomlrig the propertv of J. H Carson. Shade trees on lots. Wia be sold separately or together. Price $700 : CHARLOTTE REAL ESTATE -iGENCT. C1T V TAX RETURNS ; TAKE WOTICB. ; NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ILL PER , sons eld ng In tbe City or Charlotte, or who on or have control of taxable nrnnert.v in t.hn City on the first of June, 186. or who are liable to pon tax, to return to me. on or D-fore the last day of Jane, a list of their taxable property (and ooilsl in said City, on said 1st of June, 1886 - Pursuaut 10 seo. au, amenaea quarter 01 i.ty. - - FH.RD NSH. Tnumrm - - Retrrrns taken from 1st to 30th of June at office in uuy uau irom o ciocK, a. m- to 3 p. m. , may 29 - . -- ' ,. . .. -': WANTED. a "IP e mln nmmr r!fri nn AmAlMir ThrtY ArHit 1 AHkn 1 w coHectme family pictures tn entarjre. Special B. OO0HSAUE, 0HA8. S. J0NE8 iMrvferV"i4fiyw CHARLOTTE R. E. COCHRANE, Manager.: THIS AGENCY WILL BUY AND SELL LANDS of every description and la any part of North or South Carolina, and will rent .property in the city of Charlotte, collect rents, attend to repairs ana mane prompt returns, ana u aeeirea win at tend to payment ot taxes, effecting of insurance, eco. - - AD property put Into our hands wQl b 1 : Adyertfsed Free of Cost For a stipulation previously agreed upon.' 1- One dwelling hoose on B Btreet, 7 rooms, closets In each room, well of good water, lot 99x100 feet. In good nelhborhbod. Price, $2,000. , . - .. 2 One dw Jng on 6th street, adjoining residence of S. M. Howell, 4 rooms, well of water and stable, ; lot 50x198, convenient to business. . Price. $1,650 One dwelling on Itouth Tryon street, adlolnlna Oresidenee of Dr. Bratton, 8 rooms, closets and v pantry, weii 01 wwrwnu mmju ior a ooardlna house. ? Price, $3,000 . . v-nni iiiMiilmr on corner of Graham ami inn. Ostreets, 6 rooms, Wtoheivwell of water, lot 120 " ieeiwu- wrauom iawur avii Vu iulu screet. ' fery desirable propertj. , Price. $1,250. , , , , r nnn dwelllnK on PoDlar itrpfjt. in 599x198 feet, brick kitchen, outhouses, stablewell ..' Ox guy-wwai.v, vu wur.,wsuil,-purcna8er. ' l?rioe. $4,000. .- - . . :. .,. '. QO Tw0'08' arand! 80S, square 46, fronV DZ ing 99 feet tin B Btreet and running throaab to C street On the premises la a two-story fran. dwelling, seven rooms and small storehouse. n i iTan yara a ixwesville, N C.:: 22 " thav 0 i.vate.4PO?1.311mel shop house 18x22 iSrk house, oara miiinouse. siaoie, dwelling: 10 acres land connected with tan yard, Prtcel.OOoTor will lease for 6 r 10 uears on reasonable terms, on Lot fronting on Morehead at, 99x366 tnrt i 2sl 5S2SiJ10U8e' loi iTietrtti 41 12. ana. WttESstTSSS ono tfi Fifty acre of land In and adjoining Hunt. 54 ersviUe, N. C On the place there to aeoS fortable tour-room dwelling house, good barn, ertb kitchen and well.. Very d&slrable prorerS. Prlii $o0peracra. . . . " -T 5. Lot with tHry house, six rooms and two ,1 : room kitchen. .well and garden, belngnrXo: erty adjoining J. a. Phmps ktentpnS:. $2,650. . ESTATE AGENCY -Jin. JiOe Person's Klexneoy Ii still the" beit Blood P"" on fie nrat : jao. h.i:oai- i. v , Si P0LICE1O. Atlabta, GA, Ju J 23, 1885. Whenever I know of anything that might be ot service to my fellow-men, I de4re to impart such iixformaOon; hence Iglve the following tacts to the public: Mra, M. M. Prince, living at 38 West Fair St. Atlanta, Ga., has been troubled for several months with and ugly form o' catarrh, attended with a copi ous and offensive discharge from both nosta-lls. Her system became so affected and reduced that she was confined to bed at my house fOT sometime, and received the attention of three physicians; and used a dozen bottles of an extensively adver tised blood remedy, all without the least benefit. She finally commenced the use of B B. B. with a decided, improvement at once, and whgn ten bot tles had been used, she was entirely cured of all symptoms of catarrh. t - - - It gave ber an appetite, and Increased her strength rapidly, and I eheerf i lly recommend it as a quick and cheap tonic and Blood Purifier.., -. Z-' , J. W. 6LOEB,'-' ; ! Policeman. Was it dancer ? I have been taking B. B- R. for six or seven weeks for something like cancer on my neck, and I would not take one thousand bolu as for the benefit received. " s I had previously tried various so-called blood remedies, but B. R. B. I the best, the quickest and the cheapest blood purifier I ever used, I refer to any merchant of Griffin, Ga. . ' :"' J. H. BARNES, Griffin, Ga, BOTH HANDS UP. A XVewnanlte Suddenly Raltea . Hie Hand for the First Time in. Two Tears... Correspondence Atlanta Jotirnal. - . Nkwnah, Ga., Jane 10. Mr. Jacob G. 8 ponder an old and reipected citizen of this place expert enced rather a sudden change in his gesUculatlve extremettes-latelr.- It sems that a Uttle over two yean ago Mr. Sponcler had a severe attack ot Beurnattsm, (its arms becajne useless, and, hi fact, he could not raise his hands to bis head until tbe other day, when he called on the druggist and obtained a preparation that acted like magic on hljnj for after taking the first half bottle be could faoye his arms about, and when he had taken six bottles he was sound and well. . Rev. W. W. Wads worth and our people generally who are familiar with the case almos. swear by the -wonderful remedy now. - Mr. Sponcler said the medicine was called B. B.B. - i - " x - r . BLOOD POISON. Mr. i. P. W. of Hampton, Ga, hasrecently emerged from one of the most remarkable eases ot Blood Poison On record. His body and limbs had no lejs than four hundred small ulcers his bones tormented him with pain his appetite failed bis kidneys presented frightful symptoms r-and a) doctors and JQQ battles of the most popu lay Blood Poison remedy failed to give him any relief. He secured B. B. B., the concentrated quick cure, and five bottles healed tbe ulcers, re lieved all pain, eured his kidneys, restored his appetite, and made him a healthy and happy man f t Wr nosworth fnterrf evrcd. From the Southern Clipper. . - "Yes," aajd Mr. James L.BoBworth, an ol At- lanUaB, "tt was twelve yeara ago when 1 contracted a terrible ease of blood poisoning, - My affliction was truly horrible. I bad 119 appetite, u)d not sleep well at night, my digestion was Impaired, iny throat wBaeauterUed five times, and in fact I was a total wreck.' I had been under the treatment of several of the leading physicians of Atlanta; tried nearly every blood remedy advertised; went to Hot Springs receiving no benefit whatever." ' . - . "And you remained In this condition twelve years?" Interrupped the Clipper man, ' : - "Yes air, and more than that. . Three years ago I was laid up with rheumatism. My knees were drawn up tn such a position that I could not leave my bed for months. - My life became a lingering torture. A truly wounderful blood remedy was rocommended, knpwn as B. g B. 1 used it, and sir, 5 bottles cured me, and I really believe it to be ihe grandest aqd quickest blood 1 remedy ever taown.1' , , . scrofijil: ' Are any members of your family thus afflicted? Have they scrofulous swelling of ' the glands? Have they any scrofulous sore or ulcers? . It so and It ihould be neglected, the peculiar taint, pr poison, may deposit itself In the substance of the lungs, producing consumption. ' Look well to the condition of your family, and If thus afflicted give the proper remedy without delay. But that which makes absolute cures in the shortest space, of time. . The uneerlng finger of public opinion points to B.B.B. as the most wonderful remedy for scrofula ever known. - Ask your neighbors, ask your druggist, ask or right to those who give their certificates, and be convinced that B.B. B Is the quickest and most perfect Blood Purifier ever before known. RUEuniTitn. " . Although a practitioner of nearly twenty years. my mother influenced me to procure B. B, B. for her. She had been confined to her bed several months wltn Bheumatisnv which had stubbornly resisted all the usual Remedies. Within twentv- four hours 'after commencing B. B ' B. I observed maraea reuef. : She has lust commenced her third bottle and is nearly as active as ever, and has oeen to the front yard with "rake in hand." clean. tag up. Her Improvement is truly wonderful -and immensely gratifying, f Book or Wonders. By addressing Blood Balm Co.. Atlanta. Gaa.n. one can secure free one of the prettiest and most valuable 32 page books now out. It tells all about the blood, Ita diseases and remedies Scrofula m ears. lUieumatism, Kluney Affections, Skin Hu mors, e , 4a Drop a postal for It at once. - " - - a H.K0NTGOMEBt, M. j, JacksonvUle, Ala,, June 6,1889 Do not tall to tend to 3. B. Co.. Atlanta fta ' S EM 01 A B L E , A Full Stock of , LAWNS. AND WBITE GOODS . Of all, kinds for EMS & C0HR BURGESS WHOLESALE AND BKTAIL D KAUtR IN ALL KINDS OF ,:. rnn'n 11 -V 3S F U M -BEDDING, &C. ';" fai A fnll " lira's, r4P TV I tB a T MWvUWMta a - v nniin F"" fins of all kinds on hand. No. 6 West Trade Street. Charlotte, North Carolina. - Bops v Carriages ENCOURAGE TYSON & JONES, Carthage, N, C. No shoddy work. Every Buggy,; -:' 1 ... is wt m WK:M We are at home,' and we can always be found to make good our p- omise WE ARE - The largest Carriage Man ufacturers in North Caro lina. , . ' ! - For Durability, Style and finish, we are on surpassed. ' For sale by A, C Hntcnlsoa & - Brown. AHhw-tll. f. ari.. 7-- , Bortic Ilroihers ft nr mm ., . TYSON & JONES. Carthage N. C - Keeps the largest and . IPdniTimMmiircB r : IN THE STATE. ; A bed-room suit of 10 pieces, imitation walnut, $22.00. c w 10 " mai-ble top imitation"vvalnut, f30.00. , ' ' ' " . A bed-room suit of 10 pieces, walnut with marble top, $45,00. ' j. .'..' ' Elegant walnut and cherry suit s from $75 ,00 to $1 75.00, - A parlor suit of 7 pieces, imitation of raw silk, $30.00. " A ( " u7 raw silk, trimmed with, plush $40,00. ' . . . Pailor suits of 7 pieces, domestic or silk plush, $40.00 to $125.000. ; , Lounges in great variety from $5.00 to 30.00, - Sideboards 44 15,00 to 125.00. : Baby Carriages in great variety from $6 00 to $35.00. ...-.O ..." ."- i! .. " ' 'W j. ' - Window Shades, Cornice Poles and Oil Paintings, COFFINS AND METALLIC CASES. -' X : "' w C) CD a 0 0: O CD o a: No charge foy packing or drayage. li J ' TTR't ' J TT:- - 'A1' GOODS. sal 'eheap for cash at NICHO s W -TTw I r m : .w-- -vsncj-3 SI. -:or - r - North , Carolina -BY- Carriage or Phaeton that leaves our shou guaranteed, v. :o:- ;:mi: m m m WE CLAIVI To be aMe to compete suq. cessfully, in prices and quality, with th best manufacturers .in toe S North and West. Co Charlotte, If. C, Tan Gilder & nr. Hmitiuioai Baii.in, m r Wright, Shelby, W. C, ... most complete stock of SZS O1 r-3 o o t) '3 a m &) H CD . 3 W S3 3: I t-3 - ;" --s HOME li M tt. TrL..-u, . - v j, 1