COME AND, GET SMITH nirixmiva. 7- V .' . ' I." ." EOR THE Next - Ten - Days, -I WILL OFFER- SPECHL INDUCEMENTS -IN- Table Liuens, Doilies, XB V CTOTHS. L1NEV SHKETTNfiS, COTTON SHtt STINGS, VliLOW CASINGS, MaU SKTLLBS . QUILTS. ' HONEY COMB QTTILTS. T PELTRY CORTAIV8. . ,: MADHA3 DRAPERY, SCRLttS, -AND- OF- House Joppishings. 1. 1. JUiUfdL. Special Prices: Krapfirfflism:iiin)Tr OF- FIGURED At 3 cents CREAM CRINKLED Fine assortment Remember onr At 6$ cents per yard, LACES in all widths, sols and Umbrellas. 8UCCKSSOBS TO ALEXANDER & HARRIS. THE 0. K. ICE CREAM SALOON Ooened for tha season!. Ice Oeam and parties on short notice " Fresh Bread, Cakes T.,at -.j! ohninfl lot of ' Potted Meats. -Ca nned - Fruits, Pickles, Crackers, &c. Also, Imported and Domestic Confectionery. - . - cv w. SPARKLING CATAWBA x CATAWBA CO. ?L aaiahpofAit watarinz Dlace is DOW opn lor the accommodation ol tbe pub te. Mew Buildings nave been erected, and lb rooms halnKfiiSdaad reluWtohed wltti new fur- n,ThT raanagmeDt promise tn best attention posslWe, ana the table 1H he -aoppUed with the beHi that the market affords., .,: ' - - THE MEDICAL PROPERTIES OF THEVATERS UNRIVALED 3 - " Vat Diseases of tbeUwr, Dyspepsl. Bhwamat Iot. ; Klditej and Urinary Dlfteaaes, and " . tiilitr and Nervous Prostration, and a Healthier : Location not to be found. - MATH HOUSES 1 OSIPUBl E o 1 ckr.n warm riulnhur. and Turkish Hot Alrrvapor and Medicated Bains, when to ll?'mnmirtii nmaltf kept at firat elass . Wa tering PJaees. ? Q jtjLTOTT. B. S WADDKLL A WI?K. - , . Proprietor. Manafen. maraosaUunwed&irUm - - - . Houdco Rented, c Houses rented and rent collected, In the Advertised tree Ol ciiara. ' - t B.cocnz.ir3.r'azrr, SPRING A BARGAIN. 1 0. First Hatioial Bant U&m, Soath Tryon 8treet, - - - - Charlotte, K C. , DIALERS IN - Iiadies',Misses'and Children FINS " BUTTON, CONGRESS i UCE SHuES, v tJente' Fine Hand-Made and Vaanine Sewed ' BOOTS, BUTTON AND LACE B ALS, , ; -v HOYS' AND OfJTl . FINK BOOTS AlND SHOES OF ALL GRADES GENTS' FINE Silk, Soft and StifF Hats, TRUNKS, V - ; VALISES and -: GRIPSACKS, UMBRELLAS OF ALL - KINDS, 8HO BLACKING AND BRUSHES.' - Alma Polish for Ladies' Fine hhser Stock al ways kept lull and ,np to. the demand. ORDERS BY HAIL OB. EXPRESS PROMPTLY . - ATTENDED TO. ' Pepin k LAWNS per yard. SEERSUCKERS of ; ORIENTAL FLOUNCIN'GS and White Goods and Embroideries, Para- BAKE Water Ices furnished to ramiles and - " ; and Pies Daily. Co. RY iiAKIilSON. Successor to Mayer & Ross. ' CLEVELAND MINERAL SPRINGS Ire now 04 en for the receptl m of visitors THESE KPiUXSS tM miiaawaf nrr.h.irtott'. 2 mtles from She! h hi . r... and onlv I m.le from ('rollna Central Hallway,' whore a new depot has bee a erected and Oeaiiuituiy njiuoeu lor mm wum m Visitors to tk-. riD. Plenty of ke secured for the season,: COLD AND HOT BIT US 1 good string band has been employed for the Tbe taMe will be furnished with the very, best the market affords. ; Backs win be at the SpriDKS station on the ar rival of every train. jr further iB&nitlniUnw ( ' Junejdtt " Proprietor.' ;.l WASHINGTON POINTS. POPULARITY OFJTHE CLEVE. LAND ADMEflSTRATIOW. The Humorous Side of Congress" The Members Afraid that a Bet- ler Class of Men Will Succeed Tfaeiu If Civil SerTice Reform Succeeds. Correspondence of Thk Observes : . , Col Green has not been favorable to.the civil service law or the general policy of the administration in the matter of appointments and remove ale. What, he says, therefore, in favor of the President must be un derstood as having more value than if. he had ' been always one of his thick-aadthio admirers.- CoLGrecen thinks that the administration is bev coming mora fopular. In the course of a conversation he observed,: "Mr. Cleveland is likely to succeed him self, if he continues to grow in popuv larity. The feeliDg that he is to make a clean sweep sooner or later has much to do with this." I have heard similar statements from other South ern men. This morning' an intelli gent Marylander remarked that the Cleveland administration was becom ing popular, and that he thought it would be endorsed in 1888 for a 'sees ond term. . ' A well informed correspondent makes a first rate point in discussing civil service reform. He says that the average member of Congress does not care to" have the reform succeed because it would so far improve the calibre of the persons in the govern ment servicers to .make it indispen sable to send a class of better -men to Congress. During the" debate, to-day on the Legislative bill the humorous Allen, of Mississippi, said if the silver ques tion was to be discussed he would go home - and get his speech. - Mr. Randall replied 0 that he hoped the gentleman wouldn't do that, as the vote a moment before bad-devel oped the fact that too many Demo crats were already at home." Some fun is poked at Mr. Ilolman who has deserted the leadership of the House' on the legislative, &c, bill and gone home to mend his fences. Both r rison and Randall answered Hiacock's charge of a large increase, in the ex penditures of ; the government appro priated for this year. The former's was shorter and much more positive. Captain L. " R. Exline, register of deeds of Chatham county, is in the city. - " " - , Petitions -for' settlement . of war. claims have been presented by Rep resentatives Cowles and Green. The latter brought in , a pretty .heavy batch. - . . v ' -i The two Democratic leaders in the House, Mr. Morris3n, chairman of the committee on ways and - means, and Mr. Randall, chairman of -the appropriations committee, pronounce the word "deficit" wih an accent On the second syllable. " - H. - The Richmond and Danville i at :. . : WashinKion.. .. .. j . . - The following is taken from a long article published in the Critic con cerning new ; railroad enter prises that Washingtomans are interested in ; i "The Richmond and DanvillerauV road has purchased sixty - acres Of land in Virginia, at the end . Of the Long Bridge, and will erect extensive yards and deposits, there, thus ; en abling them to make up their trains on that side of the river ; and push them right over into the city. . The privilege of a water front has been securea along toe snore at tne east end of the- Long Bridge, and I docks wilt be built to accommodate freight traffic. This company has surveyed and staked out a new line from Alex andria to Washington, and : it is ex pected the rails will soon be i put down. It is stated that if the gov ernment builds a free bridge at the Three Sisters the Aequeduct Bridge niers will be secured f or . -the - Jiich- mond and Danville. . affordi ig them entrance to Georgetown and connec tion with the Baltimore ana unio north of the city. Railroad men at tach . considerable signincauce to these improvements when i coupled with the rumor .of the new trunk line to the Southwest." -. Fromlneut Citizen Dead. Richmond Dispatch, , " I ' . Major Louis J. Bossieux, one of the best known citizens of Richmond in military and business : circles, died quite suddenly" at : his;, residence on Twentieth street near- Broad. "about 8:30 o'clock yesterday morning. .-j. Some eight or ten -years ago Major Bossieux began to suffer, from heart trouble. He was at the Grays' pic nic at Bon; Air Monday, and though be said he was not feeling well,: there was nothing to indicate the, approach of serious illness. ' Monday night his son Gray went up to bis room and asked him if he was going out. He said "No," and then Mr. Gray Bos sieux said : "My wife and I wislLto en to the Mozart.1 Won't you take care of Elsie (his grandchild) V- He cheerfully agreed to do so At bed time he seemed to. be in his usual healths - ' . . - y . BKAP IN BED - -. - .- : . It was TiiS habit to take his break fast in his room. He was astir and his footsteps were beard about eight o'clock yesterday morning, but the servant whO went up to take him his breakfast found the door locked. La-, ter, no" movement beihg'heard in the room, . the servant was. .sent . there again, and, having managed to look into the room, reported that he be lieved Mr. Bossieux was dead. The door was then forced open, and Mr. Bossieux was found lifeless in his bed. : He had evidently gotten Up and gone about his toilet, .and feeling bad ly,stretcbed himself on the bed again and there, apparently without a struggle, his spirit fled.- Physicians were summoned ; but their efforts were in vain. ' He was dead, and no doubt from heart disease. ;. . , : -s r V Mrs. Joe Person Remedy ; Is still the best Blood Purifier on the market. -: JNO. H. McAPSN, Wholesale Druggist. - STATE HEWS. ? ' Rev. T. DeWitt Talmage is to spend a portion of the summer season at the Battery Park Hotel Ashe ville. r LumbertonRobendnian r'rom what wehad to say on this subject last week most people would think that Lum ber ton was now dry r but this is not the case. The State and county li cense will not expire until July 1st, .and the town granted license for that time much to the surprise of our peo ple. - ' AshevUleCitizen :Representati vesof all the southern railroads, will meet in convention in this city on the 23d inst A large number of gentlemen will be in attendance, with theirs families. The meeting will be an important one involying as it does the .interest and Comforts of " southern traveling pub lic. The association ; have secured rooms at the Swannanoa, and the Messrs i Rawls will give them a most pleasant time during their several days' stay in our city. , : , - Asheville Ad vance : The celebrated contested will suit of Ray vs. Ray from Yancy county ; has been set for Tuesday of next week. This suit in volves a large amount of property, and the questions involved is the ca pacity of old man - William Ray to make'a will at the time. Those of the Iieirs opposing the will are represent ed by ; Messrs., M: E. Carter, Joseph S. Adams, Colonel Bowman and oth ers ; those in favor of the will are represented by J. Gudger.Sr.. Colonel McElroy and Major W. H. Malone.- News and Observer: In a window: of Watson's art store, 112 Fayetten villa street, is a portrait of Governor William Hawkins, who iin ; 1811 was the chief executive of North Caroli na. It is a rt -production of an old portrait, the work being done by Mr. Eugene L. Harris, and it will adorn the governor's office.. It is given by the Hawkin's family, in compliance with the request made sometime ago by Governor Scales for such por traits of North Carolina's governor's Other pictures are in course of com- Juetion, and by the time tne. legisl ature meets ic can see what necessi ty there is for a f pay for such portraits,-- instead of depending for them upon the courtesy and patriot ism of private parties.. The State bids fair at last to. have a picture gal lery. . ! Goldsboro Messenger: Green corn now: sell sat ten cents per dozen in this, market. On Thursday - last a passenger train made the trip from Wilmingion, to Goldsboro, eighty four miles in one hour and fifty-eev- en minutes. -H It seems to be gen-: erally conceded throughout this judi cial district thai both Judge Walter A. Clark and Solicitor Swift Gollo way will be renominated.- Dr. Chas. Duffy, formally of : Newbern, but for the past two years a resident of New York, died at Asheville last Sunday, of consumption. ' He was thirty-three years of age. Mr; Will Manly, a son of the late Hon. M. E. Manly, of Newborn,; who for several years has been in business in Baltimore, was married to Miss Kenny, of the latter p'ace, last : week. The board' of magistrates of Sampson county, re elected the present excellent board of county commissioners, also Mr. Isham Royal, as county superinten dent of education. '. The tax rate was fixed at 29.1 6 cents on the one hun dred dollars valuation We leard from Captain Swift J- Galloway, our popular solicitor, that the request that the local option law should not be enforced in Raleigh came from the j leaders of the local option movement, and was prompted by the fact that the licenses had only been granted last spring to the first of July. - Ev ery reasonable mind can but endorse the movement of- the Raleigh local opitionists, and Captain Galloway is neht In com Divine with their request. Mr. W. W. Dunn, clerk of the I Lenoir: Superior court, some time since received a letter from Mr. S. P. Leighton, of L H. Bufford's Sons. Boston, Mass.; stating that he bad in his possession a will which was sup- . . i i r 1 poseu vo - nave ueeu iuuuu uu mo Cobb Mills farm : three miles from Kinston,during the occupancy of the Federal forces. The result of the correspondence was the return of the will to Mr, Dunn tabe given to , Mrs. Harriet E. A. Peebles, one of the heirs. The wjll bears date of October 22, 1828, signed by John Cobb, and witnessed by John H. Bryan, at one time a member of Congress: and John H Parker. As a relic it has a peculiar interest and will be treasur ed as such Dy Jars. ireeDies. v A Model for Boys. ? John Lannon, of Alexandria, 'a. , died recently at Garfield hospital, Washington, after a long illness. The" St. Jdhn's' Academy Journal says:' "Mr, Lannon was born in Ire land and came to Alexandria with his mother with a small boy. He entered St." John's On the : 12th of t January. 1857. He was a very bright boy and a hard student, and his standing in school was high, but his mother being very poor, he was taken away; early to work for a living. Mr. Joseph Broders, a merchant of Alexandria, becoming acquainted with him ana liking his appearance and manners, took him into his store, f and leaving town snddenly ; upon its - occupation by the Federal troops in 1861,- he left his store in his charge. Young Lan-. non. was then but sixteen; and Mr. B.,' ; of jcourse expected nothing of him but an honest return : for such goods as ; he might sell ; but i he was not only honest, but enterprising, and finding that a. larger . business could be done than before, he replen ished the stock, and-when Mr. B., re turned in rt. two . or v.nree years, ne handed over to him not - only more goods than he had left, but $6,000 in money which he had' made. Mr. Broders made him a present of half of it and took him into partnership, and such was his business talent that in twenty-two. or three years -which followed he accumulated- property estimated at from $75,000 to,100,000 in value. He built the opera hou-e and other houses, together with the largest wharf in Alexandria, and was an enterprising active -business man till disease prostrated him.' .His honesty and industry as well as his uniform observance rxt ms reiigio duties, point him out as a deserving example for boys - i .. Daughter. Wives and W othera " We emphatically guarantee Dr. Marcolst's Cath ollcon, a Female Remedy, to core female diseases, such as ovarian troubles, Inflammation and ulcera tion, falling and displacement or bearing down leellng. Irregularities, barrenness, change of life, leuoorrhcea, besides many weaknesses springing from the above, like headache, bloating, spinal weakness, sleeplessness, nervous debility, palplta- tun jit tha hanrt. An. vnr sale b drueslStS.- 11.00 and $1.50 per bottle. - Bend to Dr. J. B. Mar- T, ..s rri.1-. V fAvnomnhliit fAA . -ITorsale byL.B. Wriston, Urugglft. jCbariotto GOT. JLEE Oil HIS METTLE. He Dnoaneea a BombProof Belilfferant, Who Didn't Fight Until After the War was Over. ' St. Lotjis, June 16. On decoration day. Rev. , S. McChesney, pastor of the Methodist church at : Topeka, Kansas, delivered an address in which he used the following language : "1 will not attempt : to conceal or de scribe my emotions when I learned that on - the 4th of ; March of last year, at the time of the inaugura tion ceremonies at Washington; an ex-Confederate general Fitzhugh Lee led that military? procession lp Confederate uniform, with the gal lant Sheridan relegated to an inferior position in that line." ; . The address attracted considerable attention at the time, and met Gen. Lee's eyes, for yesterday the Demos cratio State Committee received the ; following letter from him: - i Commonwealth or Virginia, , :-t J . 3rOVKBNOB'8 OFFICE, Richmond, Va.,' June 10, The statements Of Dr. McChesney are. false when he says that an ex Confederate general led tke military in the procession in Confederate uni form, as well as his .statement that Lieutenant General dheridan. in blue, was placed in an inferior nosition: and that the military was martialed by a man in the color of ashes. Just after reading bis: absurd sentences comparing the color of gray to ashes, etc., I read in another paper of the i action of . some Federal soldiers in Watertown; N. Y., who bad received pensions under the laws of the United States, but who, not "requiring them, had sent them to some Confederate soldiers in this State, because they thought their ; necessities greater. Which is doing most for the promoi tion of the restored union of co-equal States, thm narrow-minded, blood thirsty preacher, who has probably never; smelt gun-powder, or the ex- union soldiers who stopped -fiehtine when the war was. overt - I can only pity the man who remains belligerent so long, and express the hope that after death his ashes may be at peace. Very respectfully yours,' - FrrzHTJGH Lee. HEAVY FAILURE lit ATLANTA Walter; .Taylor : in Trouble. Financial :." Atlanta, Ga., June 16. The re ported failure of Walter A. Taylor has not been published by the Atlanta papers, but has ' been the theme of conversation in commercial, circles today.; Net a great while ago the statement was made in ' the public press that Mr. Taylor had cleared thirty thousand dollars on his TSweet Gum and Mullen." Taylor's Premium -Cologne and ' several proprietary 'medicines which he was manufactur ing and handling:, and the general impression was that he was doing a ' large business. The present embar -rassment is a source of surprise in commercial circles. -' Mr. - Taylor's liabilities are said, to be largely over a hundred - thousand dollars, while his assets are comparatively small. He has sold but to his brothers-in-law, Messrs. J. A. Porter and R. J. Lowry, both ; prominent bankers of large means, who, it is" hoped by Taylor's host of friends here, will be able to tide him safely over his pres ent embarrassment and place him up on his feet again, i - Prohibition in Maine. Btchmond State. .'. ' Richmond, that voted wet, beats Portland, in the prohibition State- of Maine, in enforcing the Sunday law. This is what the New York Herald's correspondent says about Portland: "The first attempt made .to strictly enforce tbe Sunday law was a corns plete failure. The Sunday . papers were sold on tbe streets as usual, and the paper and drug stores have been pn all day.- The liquor saloons have been doing a rushing business, apparently." The great mistake that moral reformers make in their efforts for a better observance of the Sabs bath is that they undertake a clean sweep. It must be- shocking for the good people of: Maine to think that saloons exist at all in a prohibition State. - But there is no reason wnat ever why the saloons should keep open on Sunday if the community is in favor of closing. ; But instead of putting the reform ; law into effect only so far as saloon's are concerned, tbe sale of newspapers is prohibited on Sunday. Other cities have r at tempted the : same thing. A : few years ago . the authorities -of Louis ville stopped the milk carts, the ice wagons and the sale Of papers; along with the closing of the saloons. The result was that after the first Sunday the milk men and the ice men and tke saloon-keepers, were all. doing business on - Sunday.. Too many church-goers take ice and milk and the papers on Sunday for a Sunday law prohibiting traffic in tbe articles named ever to be operative in a large city. luchmond strikes . the nappy mean, and all works well. - I TJEMHES8EE. , Bepabllcsn Ticket Field. - -r Nashville, Tenn, June Republican State Judicial In the 16. The Oonyens tion met here yesterday and. norm nated a full ticket of five judges of the - Supreme Court. ' Nmetyfive counties out of ninetysBix in the State were represented by over seven hundred delegates. lbe basis or rep resentation being one vote for each two hundred cast for Elaine. - The candidates : nominated are . W. M . Baxter. Samuel . Watson, J. A. Warder, W., W, Hurray and W. M. Randolph. Another Dynamite Bomb. Chioaqo, June 16. A special from Racine, Wis., says: :At 10:30 o'clock last night -. a', dynamite bomb was hurled into - the acarnage-way vof Mayor M.- M.r Secor's house:" The bomb exploded with a report that startled the whole city. Mr. Secor drove over the fuse that exploded the bomb about fifteen: minutes previous to the explosion. A Bohemian named Jambor was severely hurt, and he was traced by blood from his wounds for over a mile and a halt to the reeis dence of .Ex Alderman Palico. . He claims he - was passing Mr. Secor's residence at the time of the explosion on his way to the 01 :10 train on the Northwestern railroad. ; le wul no douht have a chance to explain why he did not call for help, when - so severely hurt, instead of running away, - K i r " .iislTa SssTa m-r. " . ' 1 Sirs. Joe Person's Xtemedy - It stin the best Blood Purifier on tbe market. ., ' im. H. iioadk, wooiesaieuniggin, OTALfS&'jil Absolutely Pure. Thls powder never varies! A marvel of purity, strength and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot he sold in eompeOtloa with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only n cans. Wholesale bv - . SPRINGS 4 BTTBWXLL, an2Qdwly ,- , Charlotte, N. C. o the- VICTOR LAUREL." ' Pre-ninnt In vry htghf-quality, th MAN AN SHOE fi kscome The recognized standard lor fin wear among diacriminat'ng gentleman. . Tor sale by & BANKIN BBO, ' : - , Charlotte, N.C.. BUMHAH'S IMPROVED j HTAilDlBD 11RBINE Is the BEST constructed and n flnlwhed Tnrblne In the world. 1 Tested percentages, with part - and full gate drawn, equal to S?New pamphlet sent free by any other rbeeL BfJRIVHAITC BROH.,YOHM, PA. NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEfl. Ton are allowed afree trial pffairtw day of the Elect rio Suspensory Appliances, for tbe speedy oi ut. uye ceieDratea voltaic jjeu m renei ana permsnenicure oi iver-uoti utouuy, loss . of Vitality and Manhood, and all kindred troubles. Also for many other diseases. Complete restora. iku to aeaitn. v i Ho risk Is Inenrred. Vle-or and Manhood Bnaranteed. satfMtotM mAlleri Irw. Iit nrlrlrefwiTiff iiicftratea pampaiet iniimin VOLTAIC BELT CO., HTShaH, Kkh. BOvI7deod&w7m opiuhi and Whiskey Hab its cared at home with- out pain. Boot of par ticulars sent FREE." B M.WOOLTJY.mJd.. Atlanta. 4in (Iffiivt 65 Whitehall Street. inayl9deodtwl y CUREmDEAF IfSCK'S PATENT IMPROVED CUSHIONED EAR DRUMS nmcTtT Simon mi buvixs sa4 pwrfonn the work of tha amtvml mm . Invuibie, comfortable and alwnyi in posit iwa. All onvTtttioti sd even whispers heard dhtlscUy. Send for UlmrtnUc book wfth WimoaiaU, FREE-' Address or call oa F. HISCOX, Broadway, Hew York. Mention thii paper. , MACHINES A SPECIALTY. SlmD'est. Most Durable. Economical and Perfect inose. Wastes no eraln; Cleanses It Beady for Market. i - - --.- Threshing Enginea ) and Horse- Powers 8aw Hills and standard Implements Generally. sena iot limstratea caiaiogue . : y v - j-: -v: A. B. FARQUHAB, Fennsrlvanla Agrlcaltaral Works, Tork, Pa. mayadftwlm , -A ; j j : ; : . I CURE FITS! When I say core I do net mean merely to stop then for a time and then hST them return sgain.1 mean a . radical core. I hare made the disease of FITS, EPI : LKP8Y or FALLING SICKNESS a life-long study. I . warrant my remedy to oure the worst cases. Because : others hare failed nuo reason for not now receiving a core. Send at once for a treatise and a Free Bottle of Ej Infallible remedy. Bin Express and Port Office, oost tob nothing for a trial, and I will cure yon. ; - Address Da. H. Q. ROOT, lffl Pearl SW. Mew York. PENNYROYAL PILLS "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH." : Tbe Original and Only Oennlne. Satt and Uwjt ReHaile.- Bewansf wsrtkless Imitations. Indispnuabte to LAD I E S . Ask your Dranlst tor : "C'liirheMter'l EnsUsfc?' and take so other, or iaolot io. fttampa) to no. for partienlmrs in Utter toy relwra mall. NAME PAPER. Chleheater Chemleal Co., " " " itftSMsdlsoa Bouare, Phllada- P Said by Oraraiats every w ft ere. lik for "Cm lea ts every wo ere. 1U Feswyroyal Pills. car's r,s;llB." JanlOdAwly . Take Do Maw. lam an old man. For 28 rears I suffered with ulcers on my right leg as tbe result of typhoid fever. Amputation was suggested as the only means of preserving life. The doctors could do nothing for me, and thought I must die." For S years I never had a shoe on. Swift's Specific has made a permanent cure and added ten years to my life. - . - ... r Wk. B. Kksd, HaU Co., a. -1 have taken Swift's Specific for blood poison, contracted at a medical college at a dissection. while I was a medical student.. I am grateful to say that It gave me a speedy and thorough cure after my parents had spent hundreds of dollars for treatment. i - y , Ansusroa Wanna M. D Newark, N. J. My wile from early girlhood has been suffering from rheumatism. She has tried many remedies, and I must frankly say bas derived more benefit from Swift's Specific than from all theyothers, after long ana nutniui trial. - -,.-.-- - -, - Rjv, jAxra L. Peebcs, Oxford, 6a. 8wlft's Specific Is entirely vegetable. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. . Tn Swift Specific Co., Drawer S, Atlanta, 6a., or im w. aaisi.,N. x. , . . . Alwavs Safe and always mre. rum .mmuuy) una games' uyspepsia rnils(prtr cenU) by mail. oauv vav uu vvnagvom. ay. - mayl9deodAwly -. - . CASSARD'S PUB E liARD; "STAB D IULm - - , I for sale by tbe following - ' LEADING GROCERS: C. Hilksr, ' i -5 - Hatsb Tods, . : J. L. Datis, - 'i r B. Durham, . , L. A. SUSMTHmCSB, H. C. IBWIN, . : B. B. ALSXANDXR CO..W. J. KKIBAT, - JohhCalukb. - - C. Scott, - K. D. MoGimns, 8. M. Howkll. ' ' L J.WtLUK CO., DClflfc SCHKOKOKK, WlTHKBS dC KUBSXLb. Kvery package bears our Bed Trade Hark, and Tt guaranteed aoswuteiy pore, : 0.CASSABD SOX," t - , - Baltimore, MJ. , royal ystwifli , NJ ::i'rag-::: 'the r o THRESHING t . Still we always find " t - . LOTS 01F OOKEf t i v .- - , - Ready to be spent, when 4 . . V- '-! W E A D V E R T 1 8 E B A R G A I N S. - - i. n WE ARE-SURE TO TOUCH 1 i f 1 mA Each Pattern contains 11 yardsr, none WE WILL SELL TIIIS WEEK; A.,4s4 Bleached Domestic - at ; 8 , cents per yard, equal t any sold at 10 cents pe ryard. n 3TY Pieces of -v.- : JaTf rt uu They are all INVEST L THEH NOW! - jf - - 28 cents per yard for ourt entire - stock of French Satteens worth 45 cents. TrilTi yards Nuns Veiling, Canvass and - r y r :. : :., They are 36 in. and 40 s i EVERY Colored Embroidery AT COST. BJfcGLiO W COST, - , . . A FRESH j LOT OF .' v - ' CMVASS BELTS AT CETS EACH. CHARtO'tTE, N.'O. , MATTi ORDERS SOLICITED AND PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. ; J. H. OFFERS TO i TBE Wholesale s Retail Trade FIVE TONS Pure White Lead, rV ENT Yr BARRELS PURE LINSEED OIL, A Large Stock of Mors, VariMes,:Etc. ALSO- ONE CAR LOAD ALL AT CLOSE PRIGES. v . J. H. MoADEN, . ' , -. - ' ' - - Keposefte 1, t. nA..:li; V- now worth less than 12 cents pel yard the well known Pacific J;WUti IVl, JUlur 'i, t handsome.' y in. wide, and are all wool. . YARD OF FERRIS' PIG H A M S, J ' U r lj 1 " r- V ! Boneless' Breakfast Bacon, SMOKED BEEF . . , . AND - - - - 41 : - . TONGUES -ARI THI BEST QUALITY. GettHeaaK BARNETT & AlEIANDER. Free delivery; Telephone HIBTlfRTDnDri rno nn liiuinLuiiij Ullll lli tU.f CHARLOTTE, If. C, j , CITY TBAML' , iirE'SI?ieL?ottoe'011 dafter Joeedar, June 1st. oar city customers purcHaslns; wur tokSZ will be tarnUlied k from u SSiV dlllwr? wagon to Quantities ileslred.TrmVSrSS np, at the vaibvm rate prloe of rrh7,r7 uidu yuuuus. ruoBe nowing weekly ticket of a hlgber price can exchange Uiemat toeir owuori frtU, our ticket eeau at toe Cl Dn 8tw S the lower prtoed tickets. We are MmuiM log and offering to the trade Tattow meSSS! burg spring water thoroughly flitered. J . . , " . - :. W. D4TIS,Sapt. SHIPPING PRICES. Car Load of 10 torn, " - 18 per toa ' - FromSSoton? ' IwPtoS ' 600 te 1,000 pouwia." . . " .: i'rK. 1001 to 600 pounds, - - - . . We are now wlog the celebrated Ejaa iuu. terough which all the water U paaeed beore fr tog, and the trade mar relr upon all lea maoata. tured by us being as pure as U U pos' We to m tt. Orders solicited and promptly a.ied. Lomrt freight and express rates secured for ev ensta. mayffldtf ' ' XXCXXZKBTmo IC Ca a 16 Barclay 8t,N.T. air 1 1 0 O ft AAVAB1TTO ACwrv.Ad'trsas at WBrtwdway.JiewTork. Xoa Oa 6aiua, ,' prtoedSra ' nir TPn iinvMd in vu ivuuit; iii utu urm jmiereoc r"" - If ' Trr: C" -"t X.zzt Ctil riotel.

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