. ....-if nr - h n - - " - ' -' - v- V FOR RENT FOUR BOOM COTTAGE On "Fifth tWt kJ yond the Air Line depot. Ud waKM nri An shade Prtofl in- .waIr' garden 'I 1iBES cTTGBon Sixth street" be- I t n Pnnlamnri Vina . r , . . . V ness. Price $8 60rontii; w Du1- T1!!? OOM COTTAGE on 81xth street, b- W OOM DWELLING on comer Sixth street a. d Ft & D. R R. Goort water, fine nttehbS- I Junel7HARLTTK ?EAL B3TATB 6ENCI i W ARM SPRINGS HOTEL ! 'OPEN T(f the public.- 1 . win be 010 for the recettloSoI gaests Si -- . , , icriuH oaxno. J 4bo of Hlghl-tiid PMote'lfSen!BC-c, U " - THURSDAY,; JUNE 17. 1886. oru k. s.u, ts, J C3llI2n Tnj3 wnEEIi8. Arrival and Departure of Trains. . vottoct ior the current monrh. BiCKwnrb akd CAirvnxi AJB-Lm. ' '- Kft- 1 p.lmn. r-r, - . . . . . i .49 a.m. Leaves for Atlanta, at. mm . N0-.61 Arrive Ot rnarlnH. 1 .1 . Oil. LMflV.;(W nhm . 1.1C . -.. .w i 01, v-imriowe nom Kienmond at J om J 'or Atlanta at 1 p. m. oS Arrives at Charlotte from Atlanta at8J5 And IHeckienburs's Wew Claim t ..7.000 Acres - of Smith r!m.in. f I.and Report of the Surveyors. Capt. S. B. Alexander, commis sioner, and Mr.1 Artnur Wiusrow,' en gineer, who were" recently entrusted with the work of making a survey xt the disputed boundary between North and South Carolina, on the Mecklen burg county line, have completed the task. X Mr.sWinslow has returned to Raleigh, and reports to the News and . Flagman Rronnd to Death at the- JnBc(Inn.n. m.-i. J a ,f!rI TmmeIc Fate. At the Air Line junction yesterday afternoon,; a flagman . on a south freight tram, was j eronnd tn danth under the car wheels.-.The name of the unfortunate" youn i iman was Henry Pitchf ord, and he ' was just finishing a trip- from West; Point to Charlotte. The train upon which hA was doine - service triarrivfid . at. th "in? and Pair Train ieatei to, J Ka,eigb and reports to the News and j was doing service , arrived at thq Aim,taat50a.n.;aniW8 from AUanUatsao Observer that he spent, three weeks junction about 5 :30 ' o'clock in t.hA ' CH4BLOTrB.coiJiifBiA Ami Aniwr. ' I in making the survevJ th work h I afternoon, and as ia nnnnl tha hmw SIOCKHOLOERS MEETIHG. 0 wnrAAi. J Comfaht Shops, K. June I5Uiu 18&6. The Thfrtyevebth Annaal Meeting of tbe ur ensooro on Tharwlay, July 8th, 1886. - Stoi kholders desiring to at end ran get ticket for themselves and the Immediate membe s of their fHmilles- wife and children living under their . .... . . P. B. BTJTTTM. unewaw . . Beeretary.- The very finest : - CREAM CHEESE. . Crnd Canard Bef Trrf low. SWEET' BREAt) AT CAKES. S. M. HOWELJL'S. Arrives pom Colombia at 6 J5 p. m. w8fromStatesvUleatn-50a.nv r""1" awitoBwuo at ou p. m. Arrtyefrom Wllmlneton t 7.30 a. m, Tf. - wiumngtonataiSp. m. ' ?$Z!32L!S&a 440 p. m.; Leave for s Ln8Il7at p- "-J amve from Shelby 70 pTm7 """ wwu paw a. m-; eioses at eiiS2SK!r?eirtH,ent opens at 9.00 a. m. 7-" ivu ! War Weather Indications. For Maryland and Virginia- t.0i rains, slightly - cooler. winds. . ; v - For North fin rnlino ' -ann. rt i:. na, Georgia, Florida and Alabama: Local rains, nearly stationary tem perature, variable winds. Grea Index to New. Adveruiip.mnntB. Charlotte Hnni i m .: 1' Chataeld Warm Springs HoteL -OVER- LOW PRICES , i r. My stock Is now brim full of NEW GO0D3 of mry descriptio i, ana I am prepared to sell them AfeAnr-a than snap kafnua Jfm bw.aaIaIMm . Silver and Silver-Plated Ware. I also offer bargains In DINNER SETS, DINNER SETS, DINNER SETS, WATER SETS, WATER SETS, WATER SETS, CHAMBER SETS, CHAMBER' SETS, CHAMBER SETS, TEA TEA SETS. SETS, TEA J3ETS, - TIN TIN TIN "SETS. BErs, BETS, J D ST RECEIVED," i Fruit Jars, Jelly Tumblers. Fly Fans," VTeejers, Betrleerators. Ice Chests. Water Coolers, Cage?, and other SEASONABLE GOOD8. Call and be eonvincea mat you can gave money. - R. B. KARTSFIELD.Agt SPECIAL fe Are Now Offei Special inducements trade In to oar customers and the WATCHES. CLOCKS, JIWELBY, DIAMONDS,. BLLVJUt mo ail.VtSK-J'LATJSD WAKS, Special attention given to repairing Watches, JOICalpw Jkrn ... . W TT TfAT?TlTnTl Jb VXtn Opp. Central Hotel, Charlotte, N. C. DISSQL0TION. BY MTJTTJAJi 'CONSENT, ON MAY 31ST. 1886, the professional eo-partnership of lrs. Jones 4 ttraham, was dissolved. All persons indebted to them are notified to call and settle wUh S. B. vim. 1 t n TnitH xr n " . JOSEPH GRAHAM? M. D. - - ' ' SIMMONS B. JUNES, M. D. NOTICE. THK UNDERSIGNED. UNDER ' THE TTBM name oi ur uranam K Jones nave associatea uicuueiveo ior toe pracuee oi meaicine ana sur- JOfllfPII fittlTTlW M. T. . BIMM0NS B. JONES, M. D juuei,uim VALUAPLE Is FOR SALE. 1 0T 99 feet on Trade street, running back 896 feer to Fourth street, eonta'nlng two etor tbue. Price $3,( 1 1 0T corner CeHegesnd Fifth streets, 46 feet 1 front, 123 feet deep. t toe $700. - ' : ) L0T3 on Co' ege street, (one containing two Tt "tory brlek store.) - Lot 19 feet deep. Price W,U00 I. - A - . TT0U8E AND LOT next to Charlotte Hotel, 2 ' Herf lAmanta fn' n . . ." . -Deal, wm be recognized at this office. - - ukas. . JONES, Editor and Proprietor. I.OCAX. BEPPIS, : The body of the infant child of Mr. Terry, which died at McAden vine yesterday was brought to the city last i evening There are now twentvsix United btates prisoners confined in tbe county jaiL "All of them have busi neeg with the Federal court. Mr. John Devereux a Drominent lawyer 0 Kaleigh.arnved at the Cen tral yesterday. Mr. F. B. Arendell. representing the State Chronicle, is also at the Central. A large crowd left last evening for Davidson College, tb train being crowded. The special train whioVu leavett this city, at 8:?0 this morning, wiu carry another large delegation A game of baseball is to be Dlav ed on the Institute grounds at four o'clock this afternoon, between the Wearn nine and the Charlotte club An invitation is extended the public. --Col. H. C. Jones,ch.airmqn of the county Democratic executive com mittee, publiehes a call for a meeting ot the committee at the court house m this city, on Saturday, the 19th mac ; The Observer, acknowledges an invitation to a reception to be given Dy the Twin City Club, at Winston. tnisevenmg. comphmentarvto Hon. W. C P. Breckinridge, of Kentuekv. ana visiting young ladies. An old fashioned Johnn v-cake board, made of cypress,' was yester day found by the workmen in the old Corawallia headquarters. f This board is believed to have been the property of Lord Cornwallis. Mr. John Carson, who was to have acted as chief marshal at David son College today.is unfortunately detained at home by sickness. : This will prove a disappointment all around, as ', the commencement goers sat great store by Johnnie. One hundred and fortv three bales of cotton were brought to Con-. cord yesterday by wagons from the surrounding country;' and all of it found a ready market.' Our lively little neighbor - possibly had the lare est cotton receipts yesterday of aDy place in the State. i-Mn M. P. Pegram. Jr..vesterdav received another lot of carrier pig eons from Philadelphia," which he will liberate this tmorning.- Noth ing has been heard . from tbe pigeons released at this place last Monday The cloudy, raiqy weather is not good f or long distance flights The electric lieht Dromises to be Dooular. Ross & Adams, booksellers. and Hargraves & . Alexander, drv J - " it:.1.. ... J... goous. yeuierviay gao ineiroraers for lights for thefr stores. - These is enterprise a the Charlotte mer chants. As soon as the list is made up we will publish the firms taking tneugnfeana tne numoer ot iigntg taken by-each firm. In the Circuit court 'vesterdav. the somewhat famous caseofLans re ceiver of Wftstern NorthCarolinaRail roadagainstBaford,Logan,ClTde and others, was brought up. . - A ''decree was filed in conformity to theiom prornisg and decree made at the Su perior Jcaurl of. Mc Howell county. in making the, survey; the work be mg none by the direction of Capt.. 8. B. Alexander, of Charlotte, the com"; missioner on tho part of North Caros lina,' The survey: was made - some years ago by the- South Carolina com ; uiidsioner, wno maae a compass sur vey. Mr. Winslow's survey was what is technically known as a venier sur vey, in which a venier and theodo lite were used, and the exact course was taken from the stars. " Numer ous errors and variations were disi covered in the old survey. In all, Mr. Winslow went over thirtv milen of line The greater part of the country, is fine farming land, but near the Catawba river there is some land v almost 'mountinous ' in its roughness, v In a distance-of . five hundred feet there are valleys one hundred and fifty feet ; in depth. By Mr, Winslow's survey, made with the greatest care and accuracy, he "states, about 7,000 acres of land here tofore claimed as South Carolina ter ritory, are part and parcel of North Carolina,; Most of the people in this territory' Mr. -Winslow J found to be very well plejised with tbe change which - throws them ; into f Mecklen burg" county. They are in a strip of country far from the town of Lan caster, the county seat of the county or tnat name. . By the change of counties and States they get within ten or twelve miles of Charlotte, their new county seat. "Of course some of the residents in the territory do not like to leave South Carolina count of old Associations, etc. , Mr. Winslowill today begin to ' make up the maps, etc ;-from his survey. Tbe papers will all be placed in the hands of the Governor. It is" proba ble" that a board of arbitration will be required to adjust the matter satis factorily in all respects. m J w IIKM PAL IT4ALE COD i . . -i, -.. a. a. MtmoN a Co., -.- it:?:.-i,s,. - Druggists. 5 BDGUEg UUILKE II A I It Wi!i. PT"?" w iar falitng. and thwooghly radicate daadroff. 25 and 40 wotT PreDwedbv HITGRicnERBYaad GLVO oinF n affections of IVsA2;ir",Su m. wpuues ot any sand, ffi uv vou . ' rreparea oy , , . -. . ;, B. H. JORDAN ft CO.. Druggists. YOUR PROGAMME Is not complete untn you have added that charm ing resort t TOE ATLANTIC IIOTEi;, - IIIOREUJBATD CITY, W. C, Immediately on the Atlantic ocetn and one of the auvav wiiKixbiiu oumja&n iUtdUKlO IN AMERICA MS . UUv. u usual, urUKe- I b.s .,9)P" - , men and flagmen set abouteir dutylf buy a bottle or "pnrrdtnre-PoiMi' mat nf AiviAin uW ju"if i. 2 , . . I Wil mafte old furniture look ut am as . of dividing the freight fears, one lot to oh the east side of town for the y U & A. road and the other lot to go on the west side for tbe Air Line road. .The train was moving along slowly, and a Pitchf ord. with his coupling stick in one hand was walk ing along with his other hand on the end of a box car j waiting for the train to come to a stop to uncouple the car. All went well until a t frog in the track was reached. Pitchf ord struck ins foot against ' this frog and fell headlong to the track between the moving cars. , His head fell under a wheel and was crushed into a jelly, and his body being caught py; the brake beam was dragged along under the cars for about - fifty feet before the train could be stopped. The conductor of - the train wag standing within ten feet of Pitchford when he fell, but was powerless to render any assistance, as the. man's head- was crushed in i an - instant. When the train was stooped, it was found that PitchfordV mangled. body was held in such a manner that it could not be taken out and the train could not be moved either backward or forward v without:, still further crushing the body, and it had to re main in that position until a jack screw could be procured at the de- pot, and the car hoisted from the track. ; - The luckless flagman was a citizen .of Brown's Summit, near Greens boro, and was about 23 years of age. He had been in the employment of the road for about three months onl v. His body was placed in a neat casket and shipped to Brown's Summit for burial. . H. JORDAN C&S, - .: Springs' Corner. IIUOHEK' CARBOLIC mOUTH 1V18U, j. Will knnn tha mm.. ... PnnaMH U. cure bu uiouLu oi any Bind. i r - - ; a a. auuuui arco., . CASITORI-VE. nSZSS&StU&'g? '?r buggies, carriages g. a JOBDAN ft cbTOrlnP ffmer. - - Warner's Yeast Cake. iS?t.conTentenoe tofcousekeepers. 10 cents .u M. 4 008, ; ; "-" '" " Sprmgs' Corner.' Or Scv Electric Hair Curler The fable the hmt mil nnntta .n cacy from the sea. " T' SURF AND STILL-WATER BATH- AWtt U iN ou Kir ASSED. Trolline for Blue Of tt and Spanish Macfctrel the finest In tbe world. uxmni A beauttful beach and elegant orchestra, and No seaside resort on the Atlantic coast has mo e natural advantages than Morehead City, and the new management are deteermlnted to mukft It ' SECOND TO NONE IN THE SOUTH.' ' . The seventh season commence. Jane 1st ' - The Hotel and Cottages have a capacity for 750 (nests ..'.J- -... --'. -(), . lor terms and new Illustrated pamphlet address 4 may30dsnnft wedtt . ' Proprietors. Immediately ;For sale by -: is, bangs and erlmps the hair M. H. JORDAN ft CO., , Springs' Comer. ' Yalemtino'si XatTy Tola SUt5eJSS???a,,d best chewing gran. Seven pieces Springs' Comer, Ivory Soap at 1 B. H, JOED IN ft GO'S. WANTED.: AN. ENERGETIC YOUNO MiN WHO CAN iuiuibu nurse ana euggy to travel in this and 4 - WILDKB'S DBUO 8TOBE. ' l1" Charlotte, N. C 13 ICBHOIVl AM AITIX,UE SOUTH CAROLINA DIVISION: V - Jfannai-y 34th, 188. FOB THE INFORMATION . OF THE PUBLIC. 80UTHWABD. STATIONS. t48, Mail and Mall and Express. 1 Express. 18 A GRAND SALE OF latches CLOCKS and .JEWELRY, Federal Court. - Yesterday was a busy day in the court house and a large number of esses were disposed of. Attorney J ones and Judge Dick have a way of pushing business. The counterfeit ing cases were called , for trial, and all the parties indicted for passing, or attempting to' pass counterfeit coin, except Dick Fox, were found guilty. James Freeman and C. J. Freeman' the white men, were each sentenced to two years in the Albany -penitentiary, and toTpay a fine of $100. John Anderson and Rufus Lowman, the two colored men, were sentenced to a like imprisonment and fine. " j " The remaining cases disposed of during the day were: United States vs Arch A. Smith, retailing:. Plea: guilty. Judgment suspended on pay ment of costs. - ' : W. H, Taylor, same as above. I8aballe Bryan, retailing, guilty. . Nathan f Bridges- retailing, : not guilty, ' - - ; ; George "Eagle, robbery of the mail between . Salisbury'" and Asheville Plea, guilty. Judgment not yet pro nounoed. - - S. N. Liles, counterfeiting Called and failed. Sci fi, ' : J. N. Drennan, U. S. Marshal, rule to dhow cause. Rule to be discharg ed on payment of costs. David McCurry, retailing, gudty. Four months imprisonment and $100 fine. . T -" , i , ' , " Jane Kistler. retailing, continued. ' D. Gregory, retailing. P-iea, guilty. State lmmi$rratiod Sell mes. Mr. John T. Patrick, of the North Carolina . Immigration : Department has been sending out periodical cir lars to his editorial friends, to .let everybody know how he is getting along. His last report treats of the Southern Pines . (Moore county) scheme, and says: The order for erecting the first hotel at Southern Pines, has been given to contractor Morfitt, of New Hampshire. The house is to be built in the very beet style, and the verandas will . be en closed, in glass similar to the hotel at Kittrer8. This house is erected by Mr. William R. Raymond, "of New York. -There are now under contract twenty-five cottages for. northern people who will spend their winters in North Carolina. Arrangements have been about completed to commence at an early day a summer: resort ; in Western North Carolina, similar to Southern Pines in the middle - section of tbe State. Tue object of the mountain resort will be to interest newspaper men of the extreme Southern States, and through- them direct the large majority of summer travel rs to the mountains 01 this Utato. When this work is completed the- Immigration Department : will take up a similar work for Eastern : North Carolina, as a sporting and pleasure rsort, at a point near Newberne or Edentoh 5 the exact "point has not beenrTjeoided upon yet.' Hwmondai Silver and Silver-Mated ware, , pectacle, &c. MhethTLsdOWn rom ThanksglTlng nay to. - TbosewanUneanvof thA.tM eall and hear my prices, -they are the lowest and k KAa the goods are (he j J. T BTTTT.ER. ITfaNTFfl AMES to work for us at their VV "',vJViy,' ow bomes, $7 to S10 per week Hirr Jr Afli,is antral uvouju, joasu., JBOX 01VO ' FOR RENT. A f00? ttaw. Pantry and c-Jtn',1,lu,in lew bundred yards of the -onoirit a f 1 acres oi land for rent to lanlS . a X XXXrHBANX,Manaser. FAV8 1866.. BLLAnOOFIHGI J?8 doeorrode Kk tin or iron, nor mj Wknwhinjm or Ur eompoaitioiM; morto pplr: 1 wao m STITUTK 'far PtASTK I? St -am I fX2 UAKPRTS sad RHRS r :.i.r sudaunaiea SU W. B..F AT A CO, 4 D.A. TOMPKINS 4 CORNER COLLEGE AND FOURTH STS . . (B, M. MlUer ft Son's Bonding.) - Have received and have In stock a full line of Democratic "Executive Committee aa wregory, reijauing. Flea, guilty. The members of tbe Democratic I - . George Flow, retailing. Plea guil- Executive Committee of Mecklenburg t DI ITIiniWfi" GTIPDI 1176 ' Judgment su8pended6n payment JSL'TS? ' rfqted to meet f i-iUUIilW - SUi'l'LliVV ft' ApRKS T.iNO m-ar Blddle Institute on the HJCr6:R.R. PrigetJpeyacre, .1 H. . peri ur 4uurii vi . ail- u w o u .... vuuuii v . OUdE AND LOT corner Third and College 5,l'. 4 , ' ' - t -f ui'-ii, mr-u, twb storV fwnie dwelling. 12 rooms. Trus is the case, of which it has been Wceooo. . remarked, "the lawyers got it all." T T f inaV 1UH rVH a. CU.iI. nAw O V , . . - . - 1-1 l. R. It . lot filrlitf ft ' Hnaw feuit&liw 6 JMrns'. Price $i 600. fiR7 CRE8 Off. L4ND (one half neavily tlm Ku f be.ed). In ftaston oomitr on !C. O. RMlrOac ni ifcg from Mt. Boily. I'.lee tio per acre. 1 . QO ACR(f,8 0R- LAND tn "the Hojewell section. I lino.k..lf In t(mlu anil aWtllt- Ul flAFOsl - It h Ha i .j i.. .i,r i - " innu. rnue y per acre . i Another Good Enterprise, -r - jsessris fy. 14. s Ljitta as, pro. , - the well known clothiers, and owners of 1 1. .. ... .. . -. . " , t the Charlotte Clothing Manufactory; ty. Judgment suspended on payment Of COStS. ' , . 1 - ; . : Jonathan Arledge, . distilling. Judgment suspended on payment of costs. - . v 1 -- - Rohert Bradley, distiUing," guilty. Four months imprisonment and $100 fine. , - - Joseph McOraw, retailing, plea., guilty. Judgment :; suigended on payment of cogt. I EU' Shepherd, retailing, continued. Cornwallis' Ifeadqaarfers anf a the Wires. .. ' " " Mr. R-MS, the house mover, yester-, day set to work at drawing the old Cornwallis headquarters from its foundations, preparatory to rolling it through the streets te. one of Mr. ; H; G. Spring's lots. : The housewill be rolled to Independence J square, hut thence the route has not yet beqset tied vpoq, ajji Mr. ; Springs baa not yet decided wnioh one of ;,his, lots to select for its reception. Last night the old house sat squarely across the pavement, but today it will be rolled out, , , - , ------ - The old htse fiaa a tolerably hjgh roof, and this is going to cause trouble, for in rolling it through the square, a perfect net work, of Rfttiirdftv nfi-rr. t.ha IQt.Vi tnat. I - The followinecomDOsetheoommit. tee: - " " t Charlotte township: - ,yvarai vv w iciemmmg. v " -Ward 2 H C Jones. Ward 3 T R Robertson. Ward 4-W C Maxwell. Berryhill-Q H Wearn. . Steel CSreek A Qrier. . Sharon R B Hunter Pineville J H Collins. -Proyiden.ee J T Kell Clear Creek - C P Munsro.' : Crab Orchard n B OmM TT M Dixon, ' Morning Star M E Crowell, J W Hood Mallard drwik-W T) kUranAar' N - 1. 1 . ..... . ...... . . ' V3T1UUOO. - -. - . Paw Creek J H Sadler. - Deweese J D Brown, H J Walker, T.nrnltr'o .Tnoonh M WilnrM " ? v " --- H. Q,-JyNfea4. Chairman. dst ef .Letters Remaining in the . postofflce at Charlotte, N. C:. for the week endine June 15. 1886: - - -. Arnanda Alexander, ; Zelpha . Al- .. MB, JBEO. W. MOORE,- t In charge 6T oar on-wshTnwoidw,'. wtMVttl, WUW1' harViaivd MILITARY & NATAL ACADEMY, , - oxforo, mo. : Cadets are to be appointed from several Con tTesalonal Dlstrlota of the dtate of North Carolina. make tanm-dUtte application, cadets receiving unnnininuiiu Anuvth. . Mnam u , Total enrollment of Cadets 2f 4 representing thirty thiee States and two Territories. ese Ion begins July 20th.- Fuil Information will ke given by ap JunelSeodlm, --jfej ;, l.: i4 ESTABLISHED ia7o. OVER 20QH00 sous (OOJtfAnniAGE USED IN ALL FARTSfffTflE WORLD all Uv wm t-rBKe Kuuaem ana wwMfeSi&i: Deoaadtaesthsftsat tt wwv-? ipHoatlon. Sold by ueaien. - CO-CXN. NOTICE. bright, OA Adams,7 Diley Albright, "Whebeas.-at a spetiai, meeting ok Miss A T TtnTii " A T Ti,mtn Tirt I T r, th St00khola of the Baltimore and North miss A J iioya, A U, UuntO.W, lori 1 Caollna Copper and GoldMlnlng Company, held 'THTtl.n.O.fu V I tW 7th dai Of Jiine. ISHfi, at thu-Tmn Vmi v, i Jtsarnton, - k, JU. ; AteQgon Jagie Bjlanchrd JJus'an Bond, ausan C Bjlanehard, "Vyijey Coleman, Mrs S H FTIRNlTTTRE. i in, Mao ilto New MA'TTRltftSFS and Crocker; at re- II ADDING. -I Linen, ii ii mm km tlA have iust completGd arrangements to I phone and elecric lieht "wim will h I Harri run the sowing macbiuea of their fGT 1 encquntered. How the house is going D Vaughn, Mies B L. Dixon Pataey vy 6y uuuii.. , vuU , , . yi. uuH.. wo i jane i? ora, aane oru, a) n 11 -i o gviug .: iu -en v ver . ine louse, is a question- that at nreaent appears difficult qf sotytion. ' - Safes for Sale.- aiBodfleeond-nsnd safes will be sold ehent vueiiiLLEB'S;-' '- - One HEBBINU'a. ADPly to Chsa. R. Jhiuw. a lepSdawH -. - v .. THIS 1FF1C& Rfra.9e Pro's Beratdf Mrs E Ferguson. A J Gordon. Hattie Orftn . eaf, James. Grahdm, J F Grady;, J, B Garrison; & E Garris,:Wj R HunteJ James Hager, H H; Qood, Q S ter, , Q girshman,'' Huston, S Q J,p,hn9op, Alex Lawson, (col.l Mary Malice, R H Miller, Salhe Moa( M K W B.ay, EmerUne Osborne, Bish Pat Print T Have FOB 8 AXE a complete' Adams Book; and NewtmfLMF' Pmii fil7 f nluten - 24xhfl RnTTv. xne macnine is in good fS S-T"- naaro work. - .- . X Price . : . . . , -1U be sold for -- , . terms to suit purchaser. - CH4S.B. 30 12,20 CO 1, tqry by engine power;-- They will put in an'Otto gas engina,t of a power f . . . i i . . . . pipaoie or r.unnmg miri7-nve ma chines, audhave ordered; the shaft ing and necessary machinery, her - iin. . ii. a . engine win i nt h same. uaMjru-a. i .t-.M1,fc-1,m -. : w j-. - --. - w . i.. mn nbiii uin iinnb i J iinnj in iiidi irii inn iiim ric wi. -1 the one; which supplies the mo'ive J : jno; h. iicaden. Wholesale Druggist. power for Th Observer S presses. ghf tbart the Thifl iflastrofceof enterDriStj: on the r-w w.rha.i part of Latta Bro.t:which WU1 jot And in th? only give them, better facilit jes for most mwrtui irlTnifestations ot neural S i? Phifer,Sallie'Reivers,' Ers Sarah Roe-. turning out good, hut ; will , greatly wlCIo era, Gea Robinson, Mrs F E; Reddick, loBBflti tlifl lhbis of their emolovep. I ?McedtT Hotetter-s atamaca Bitters, which ft a I a - rx a q-j j . , . , - - . , . ' one nerve touicaqotranauiiizen ltlsalsoareltab'o mwdi,. m-. flt munie This Jclothmg : factory . is one of the mean of chcktog rheumatism arid iout Thes gheets. William Turner - Harvilla . T i ul .u maladies have always more or loss to do with the wuock3 V xuuer, darvuie most successful in, the south, the kjnejs tht; wbenlnaotive, fall to throw off, the Temnletyn, Hattie 'Thomnaon A A crnZdk i turned out Ifront 'it? findins a -l2??Jfiffi; Sl8?6' !mi.mn$ ry. t ir -w. 07.7 - 1 " uwu w ihk. a arqiMiy aua punrnng I VJt M u i'uBcr 4iuBO io4Ue, JTres Bct oti or wrenorans eues this, It gives I ttt.-h. m ttt ttt-. - y . kv nuoiopvu, -tutu w - vv mier. : When calling for any of the above letters, please say advertised. - ; a- , ' ' J. A. YOUNQ, p. J. , Nri, Joe Pe.rson' Remedy I Is still the best Blood Por'fler on the market -I - , JNO. H. 1iAUjs.I, Wholesale Lru'tfc Iflff "Pl'Q? T IAtT' nA ready market ; in ' all . the southern HI 1.1 1 VOiJ "lUl.i .UulUs States and in some of .the northern , Spates, also. ; ana . SaaIa. thi. f. t.. .. - - " ,T , . aw yvup vv biivoiiviacu. 11 .pt 01114 iajwoia the clrcu'atlon Appetite and sleep I liver and bowelsand enriches 4fv .uu-usvu pTjjviuuv 4va dkv WiAl 141 VIA UJ It, and it is a well accredited man ot fortifying the ir, made b .l . , '- rjliaidi!ieBsrs.afl'ectinf tnuleor fe male, however Induced, speedily and permanently cured. I'lUBiratea dook -ior iu cents in stamps. World's Dispensary Medical Association, 663 Main -Ver. I Eireet, cuaio, . : system against malaria.- It hastens the recovery oi airengtn Dy convalescents, mitigates the In firmltles of age, and helps the oonstltutlonlly .feeble. ? ? a - - - . 5 .: , . . inirs. Joe Person's Qemedy . Is still the best Blood Puraer In the market - ztj. a. amajjAj, wholesale Druecjst, nf tha rvrninnnw Nn 517 Piut ru. . nIV.. more, Md., 101.728 shares of the stock being repre- 2,"ie foUougreeolutlpn was adopted: Resolved, That the Bi4 W Dlieetors be, and are hereby dipted to levy an assessment of tbm ckstj tnon eaob share of the capital stock ot the C-tniny, payable w thin thirty days after the 9th day of June. 1880;: and aU stock on which the as seagment shall not be paid .'shall be forfeited to theoompany. Now tfewefore, ta nwwianoe of Uie authority and dlr ctton. ttwefcy conferred, the Bodofi lbri o ft BWOsftore and North V"Y "'" yyr oi U V(U1U Mining U)mpaOy UO, Wfi day, levy an assessmentpt ten centaper share an each ahd everr share.' ar rn-hriiiQi snide mpiuji.'payabieonortieyrrfji mt of July, lb86, to the TV8fltanS S2?!e?a tSnourJ' K U a-. and 2 p. -m., at the Transfer Offl of the Campany, No. 87 Post Office TW BlUinowMd. AU stock upon which said assessmeB t iatoot paid, on or before tbe 10th diy of July, 188ft, shaU he, andig hereby declared, thereupon, forfeited, to toe Company. The Tram? terBl vlli be closed on June 9h and remain Closed untn July lM. JAMES a BAFT"1" ; SkOMAS, . -TlieSdent nP9l0-lt24l",lyijl . ' J. n, iEBIIDRICK, CXlJB" HOUSE i ?;.''.-: -ii- KEEPS THE ! ' : B EST BA R -'V. .AND - D I L L I A n D DALL Datkactty, I Charlotte. F't den - - - rraaem 1V Mils Hl.llna Pineville - Fort Mfl - - -.V I Catawba T, O. ! Bock UUl -Warren's Smith's I Lewis' t Chester Cornwall's ; RlnnlrBtvilr'a Woodward's - wnite oak Adger's . Wlnnsboro i Simpson's ; Blythewood enarpe-s Rllllnn'a ! Columbia I W.C. ft A. Jtmc'n Rarr'R -v i Kelaler's - . . I GUbertHoUow . Summit . Leesville . " Batesborg ' Ridge Springs Ward's T. O. Johnston's Trenton Miles' Mill -Vaucluse - " Granlteville . -Aiken Junction Langley . Bath Dead Fall i -Augusta- P. M. DLv.lOOl 1 J6 - 1.2? - 1.44 L52 2.02 2.15 2.2!1 2.301 . 2.45 8.03 8.12 3.18 a so 3.87 . 8.48 86 -4 08 4.16 132 4.41 - 4.49 At. 6.15 Lv. fi.2n SA 6.80 SL 6.67 24 6.40 6 68 6.66 7.02 7 2(1 7.27 7.R1 8.02 8.18 &30 8.42 8.52 8 9 02 9.0b 9J2 Way Frt Patuinnffnr ivea at e a Ar. 9.38 P. M A. M Lv. j 6.16 - I . . .- BAr. 6,201 BLV.6.60 7.21 : 7.32 746 A "7.48 7.68 8.09 8.15 . - 887 R47 - 9.16 . 9.29 9,40 9.67 9.69 lo06 10.09 ir. 10.3E A. M NObTHWABD. Lv. 5.00 6.20 5.45 6.20 6,40 IJM 7.46 v H.l . 8.15 9& : 10.12 : 10.80 10,60 11.17 11.86 11.66 i 12.13 12.25 12 40 ; 1.05 1.46 2.80 2.46 830 M. ; ..50 Dozed mite Mtiu. Double back and front at the sum of 50 cents , each. y T We are selling an elegant Seersucker Coat and Vest at $1.50. We ai-A rpII? w w.-wAAA&Ba uu. vij.rf mil. . vv 1 1 1 r i i 1 1 u . 7.00. . . "7! . . ;We are selling the beRt. Skk (ioTtv'a antt '. in the city. . Extra Pants for Boys in age from 5 to 13years. . . , KJv. CL!. .a n' i - w . . - . - ,i -uus ouiix vvaists m wnite (ioods, Per cale and Seersuckers, fiflll uii!iUVlMia(tnli1iL& : OUQP'ifLJCfiOS. Leading CilntriiAra an1 Toiln, : -r:i : .:," V ' ' - "- ; " - -io. laau u prompuy wiacareiuiiy attended to ' Our Rfc(V1r to nrinr full' r,J iVr:!" " BOOK AMD SHOESwetaTIX tS7 "T'??" 6t00k-f SDrina and Summftr TraHo 1 " wa A MU offe?7Bur1Se which, 'enable W .to ' LADIES' MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S F, Fine Shoes, Slipped Newport" and ' Paris Ties.' ALSO A LARGE STOCK OF V TRUNKS, VAUSES AND; HAND DAGS, GLYCERINE POLlSH,rFREN CH BLACJKINGBLACKING BRUSHES, Weish especially, to call attention to our eleran't line of OEWTS' CUSTOJU JWADE SHOES. To'u are cordiaUy invinted to call and see us beV Prices to milt t.hn t.tntaa fore buying. ; Trade Street. GRAY & CO. STATIONS. t63. Augusta - Dead Fall ' -Bath -- - .. Aangley ; Aiken Junction -GranltevlUe . t Vanclase Miles' Mill - - -Trenton Jounston's -Ward's T.O- -Ridge Spring. Bate8burg . LeesvUle Summit GUbert Hollow r .Eelitler's Bar's -v Lexington W..C.& A. Jnnc'n Columbia Kllllan's Sharp s ' Blythewood ' RtdimwaT : . Simpson's - v" uocaion Wlnnsboro -: r- " - KVtrwnit Adger's White Oak Wnmlwiivi-a . Bladcstnnk'a Cornwall's Chester , . Lewis' 1 Smith's Warren's RockHUl Catawba T. O. Fort Mill Pineville - tn w Mm aiin - Charlotte, Trade SL m Dep. Mail and Express. A. M Lv. 9.06 47. Mail and Express. -956 9 42 t -9.60 -5 - 'r. - - 9.67 10.10 10.26 10 43 - lfl fi4 1 11.041 11.26 11,82 114b 11 62 U.55 12.12 12 9S dArl2.62 IdLv L12 Ar 1.2U Lv. l.HV L68 . A06 J 2 84 2.47 1M . 1 8.02 3.15 8.22 V8 44 . R.K1 3 59 . - 118 4.42 4.49 0.14 6.22 6 42 . 6 66 6.16 P.M. P.M 6.65 8.2! B.V6 ?! SAr.fi.S3 SLv. 6A1 7.00 7.11 7 25 7.43 8.04 8J5 ,8.37 H.43 HJbH 9 03 9.06 9 221 u.asl Ar. 10.05 Lv. 10.20) Ar. 10 2 a. A WltV - 1TfO ICthAfcd :o:- Lv. Ar LV Ar . nr. . fi.4R ' &26 6.87 fi.52 12& 8 08 I 8.20 . S53 8.23 9.14 9.26 9.60 10 10 10 60 1 12 06 - 12.36 12.50 : 1.06 180 225 9.40 815 1 8.48 READY MM J- . tTMs sale'will commence to-day, and the prices which all cooda. withnnf Tinny I I I M I II 'I Ar P.M -440 o..mnsio!Vt I 11 - The best and chnipMr. efyvlr f ri-i.tn. -m.- . -.ill V J vimuR VTCUIM X! uruisaing UOOOs. HALS etc., will be offered. Our stock comprises ... ,.6 (r. STATIONS. ; SOUTHWARD. 2. StatesvlUe xroutman a . -Shepherd's v.: Mount Mourn . Davidson college Caldwell's Tlnntnravlll Stonewall oecoon boom. Charlotte . SS1 WW ALL WOOL ROUND AND SOUADE CUT SAtli SUITS, , -:v. A. H . Lv 8 30 8.62 -9.15 980 9 48 10.00 10 20 1080 10 66 11.12 Ar U3Q A.M. STATIONS. HOBTHWABA I' "fc3. Wail ahd -upress. Charlotte - ' Section Hoose - StonewaU Huntersvllle Caldwell's ' Davidson College Vnnnt IfAnm. . . .. MoresviUe - Knepard's - - , - Troutman'a Statsvll(ft-v P.M Lv ,60 7.09 76 7.45 7.64 8.10 8.26 840 .868 9 22 Ar 950 P.M.. TWoI lrVntK4 V a 1 ltk avHJvimUHUaB MU Mil "Aal ITelght No. 18. with paaenger coach at tached, runs on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur days, v v. i, ...... Flag Stations Trains stop only when notice or fVpal U glwsn rDaiiy. tnally except; Sunday. B Breakfast. D Dinner. 8 Supper. ' , - ' " N. 62 and 68 enA; T.ftO. Division, daily, ex cept Sunday. . ; --":,' . -o!." roesdays. Tnundaya. and Saturdays. JMondsys, Wednesdays and Fridays. ' Where no time ts given tialns do not stop.' O. ft Til YYIT-T Bupenatenaent n rivnviTT . Asst Gen , Pass. Agent. SPECIAL IN OTICE. e C ; A desirable tending -lot, fronting 99 feet Fourth street, oetween the property of CoL H. c. SH Ll2S?52v Pfl the Dr. J. UllAHLOTTE aSALESTATE AGENCY. BOVStt i ;-,;.'-....... METAL POISON. t Ml ft HmnmmlA h. hn. .. . - . w wv.ow.. v houo, auu uio sin tin par ticles of brass and copper from filing got Into sores nn ml Armi ami nolannari1 m b!u,i.. w. cury administered brought on rheumatism, and t oecame a geipiess invalid l took two dozen bottles of Swift's Specific My legs, arms and hands are aU eonisdui toa sTsTr 7 piSB e Lov rfan. v, usao. - ... Angusta, 6a, SIAULRIAK. POXSOIf. - Wa hom ima.1 (hwtffa Onaalfta -TW mm v v. uuw uawu unuv D UVVVIWS AAA VUT CM fJ antidote lor malarial poison for two or three years, and have nevni known tt ta fnil in tance. .W.C.Ftrauiw. Sumtex CL, Ga., Sept 11, 1884. For six or elcht vesn I anfrnm ftn' mm n mV flffhf IMF. lai. TMtwl Wtl TmIM. T1-Z? slum and Mercarv. and I became heiniam. hit bottles of Swift's dptclo made a permanent core. WbruaVas.lW- .. Rwlff II PrW1ftA f inHMh taneAonla fl ..IT Blood :andbiaelSe; in Sea? In Cassimere, Cheviot and Diagonals, which will be"' sold from 1 $5.00 up. . linens' Cut-a-wa37' Suite, In Checks and PIaMa Tliocnnnlo in niooir vt-r tj. ----r ... . ' we will sell from $76 up. KAJlon wmcn v GHILDREN'S SXJITS Men-s Seersucker Coats and Vests at $1.50 : Boys' ; " . . 5 . A- : t -35c Mens' Office ; . ; "s ; 1 35c . 50 doz Mens mackinaw straw hats at 50c 50 doz Boys and Childrens " - ic " - 25c 10 doz Mens Merino Ventilators. " 1.00 10 doz 4t ; Manilla Hats, very fine 4 1.00 V CUeiffiu;- Reductioa in prices will be found to have been made in' many instances, while in every case, the reduction has been sufficient to ' . HANDSOMELY REPAY ' 7 ' A VISIT TC wiuStiiffi6 noPPOintment ;need be feared.- Every protifa CZIITIiAL HOTEL COPJTn CIIAIIL0TT2, N. C. Oi nit J

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