VOLUME XXXIV. CHARLOTTE, N. C.. FRIDAY, JUNE C : ' VPk?rw 1 ...... MATTERS: SEIVATOlt VAJ CE OH THE CIFIC RAILROAD FOR FEITURE. ' ment not to leave here pending a vote on the tariff bill. .He had thought of going last night or this morning, and paired himself in favor of the ineass ure- H. EJfGLABTO'S POUTlCAt CRISIS PRICE FIVE CENTS, COME AND GET A BARGAIN. SMITH BUrLDIIVC.. The War Resumed In the Home The President's Ileception--ItIrs Cleveland's Self Possession Declared to be the Finest Look- I us Woman . in Washington. Personal. Washington, June 16 The speech of Senator Vance late yesterdav on the Northern Pacific forfeiture was on tne line of all his efforts on that plass of subjects. " He excoriated the .opposition for its easy virtue in the maiier or. lana grants and the ad ministration of the public domain. In the House ihis afternoon the war; was resumed, and Northern Democrats, like Campbell, of Ohio and Curtin, of Pennsylvania claim ed that the Democrats did as much or more than : the Republicans for the Union cause. Mr. Randall very 1? n w resident Arthur's Health. N.T. Sun, J!S. the .te re l "A1""", "cm this city re- 3:;ru" cna"10 of exPresi- -w-.vuur, me iact remains !Btly J?sing ground- WOttKflr flair ko t. SSSte amoigrrthu? Sr?J5?Sdlt'on.a extremely critical. Aicaoiv Oil anmit that. Uic. A ... JohnW- ,Th den deatVof th"5? Pf whose condition lijt thai and 1- - T " uvoo WUU uJhZiTi .y rePor63 were pub l1 a,mMt up to the very daVjof his death, has inmi 7r.AUL greatly. Two caused lei to the ,6OTTOU uu malaria whn wasTuil of mtl UUv his 8 his rPtnrn m, 6 UYBri' ani upon S'hSSSSf" th? effectsf Approved tlberalsIAccordlne to ., - ,v7lnc ttequest of Ireland a Necessity. . London, June 16 -Lord Derby and OthAF ni-nnMr,n.k T II . J Quu . fuwuv xjiuerais nave issu ed a manifesto to the electors of Liv- "i,wlu wuicncney say: Libnrnla must choos hBtLr, ihtl6rala filQot j , ""cgmuue to nlfl aiiegiance to princi ple. We annaal tn t.hna , SS? A8m Pary to BUPPort the Un ionist Association and to follow and approve Liberals Like Mr. Bright fed fti?St0Mr- Chamber ffi n? Selbr?Te- Mr. Goschen, Mr ofhers88' F Henry Jam6S and may Irishman, of" 'whatever' 'S repugnant to employ the "Cea to nnmnal . t . -""-"v w a rern ment arising out of a system of cruel out rages and terrorism. How lone would the so-called safeguards last? lhe re-conquest of Ireland has be- nH io If5 Ji! . . . "ome Rule saouu, - uun:nntM BPnamaa woulfbe Queen's forces. - . " Still we always find -J ' iOTS OF MOMffif Ready to be spent, when WE ADVERTISE BARGAINS. mion cause. Mr. Kandall was this beearv in qk- X , eixecca 0 I diaAotl. i T 7 gnomes mean anxious to divert t,h Hohata ths themselves. Oneof Ireland and injustice to intftUMi,',. ,:' vra vr d to -or! w lQen subjects ?"- -ny ipregnant with .".u),iuviwu.vuauuciB, uuk me xvo- I jlt . v onjp taKinc stimulante Special Prices PEGRAM -l-o-J- FOR THE Next ". Ten - Days, 1 WILL 0F7EB , SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS & CO. First .Mil M Baildiss, Sooth T17011 Street, . ... cbarlette. N. C. BBALSBS IS Ladies'jMisses'and Children's BiinOS, CONGRESS & LICE SHOES, IN tents' Fine Hand-Made and KmqIim Sewed BOOTS, BUTTON AND LACE BALS, BOYS' AND lOUTfU FINS BOOTS AND SHOES OT ALL GRAnKS . GENTS' FINE publicans contested it several min utes after the time fixed by the House had expired, j The reception given by the Presi dent tonight to'the diplomatic corps. the army and navy and the judici ary, brought a vast crowd to the ex ecutive mansion to ereet Mm. Cleveland's entrance into society at the capitol. The mansion was closed to visitors today and florists Were busy all day decorating the lower j room. Particular pains was taken with the last or largest room in the mansion and as usual on State occa sions this and the blue and red par lors were beautifully, dficnra Large tropical plants filled the cor ners, windows -and recesses of the east room, while the mantles were oovered with mosses andtnany col ored fragrant flowers. The large chandeliers were draped with smilax and garlands of evergreens encircled the pillars. The parlors were deco rated as usual for official receptions. Tbe mansion was never more elabor ately id ecorated and perhaps never Table Qi'lV C!W --J C I TT 1 contained a larger, more distinguish- MMJt, vuib CUAU UUUl U&tS, 64 or brilliantly attired throng. Linens, Doilies, trunks, VALISES and GRIPSACKS, UMBRELLAS OF ALL KINDS SHOS BLACKING AND BRUSHES. Alma Polish for Ladies' Fine Shoes. Stock alwas kept lull and a . . t 4 up to the demand. anAftl- STTNOSI. COTTON 81kh?JL . QUILTS. HONEY COMB PJJ' TAPESTRY CURTAINS MADRAS DRAPERY, SCRIMS, -AND ALJ-, KIBJEDS The carriages began to arrive before 9 o'clock and a steady stream of invit ed guests poured into the mansion until long after 10 o'clock. An un usually large, number of invitations had been sent out, about 1,000, and it seemed as though every one invited This iBnn-Cr T .8 BMmuiantB. toZXt'ZZ? by some of his w uavo oeen a mistake Ha. cause it resulted in JrLr ffi whol unfai b e to the improvement of his gener al health tha? was so necessary! The X onuing, his system be gan to be much deDresssd T became subiect J T Jt!? n5,he Jjons so great aV iTtninh'eT Sr saturate 5 thr of flSh Wh5ICt was rapid reduction ut nesn. When hm nnt im.;.. ibis has been rednvi tn . -.B; F nff Thi rePated report that he is suffering from Bright dis i- bn AthhS? bj u"086 ho have ff2hlm much in hia illness iney state most tw;m-i u. .rr'. lh hfLS fr2m no organic trouble.and; to inK116 todHy de wholly to stomach disarrangement, aue mented by severe malfp f 7TK,-.f: SfS?.fttto assimilate food ex-Ss?fhSe,ihsht-e and- mo8,i easily d ft ha Ld,e8Cnpti0n'and h" general diet has become a mixture of whisky aln mAllku 11 ia the P1 "ow to lake me otn or this month a n ments have been mde for hVm to ea, it ne is abln tr otani j that the . change wl.T be vS ken ?lm;tJheJetr rides h Ken Mr. Arthur has greatly enioved although they have usuallj fagued' JnvbtnH t0 qoito'lwutrlluS any benefit he may have received Tn theWhSS Hf Pre8,id Caeveland in the White Home is said to have touched q tendeFohordTn Mr III ?"'" wiiision ana danger, involv es many muifons of hard earned mi. Ul taxPayors. . n i 6 ,9?nservatiTes Ihave selected XT: j . AU niH a(J areas he re minds the electors that Jkfr. Glad stone,, who appeals to their feelings . " UJ- ogo,- enunciacea thiri wen years aeo th nrmmnia t.h. ty years should te the outside age kTI uu' w "uiu responsi DlefcP08itiona. He continues: . The Premier's Dresent lmioi-ri pic Proposal are singular proof that Mr. Gladstone's judgment is no Ion- T.ua.1, is was. xne strength of the Irish party is due to Mr. Gladstone'? concessions." Earl Cam JtFrlm-oae ae at New bury this evening, advised Conserva lives to stick to their oIor t, minor differences. He Baid be was gneved thatMr. Gladstone had I?! &1C'W d Promis- " w xrejana on a riitnm iBn rt Wd5Urigb, in a speech this evenmg, denied that the Con servatives advocated coercion, which Bf?d'Jea8 the Iast thmg they de sired. They would, however, us eyeryMans in their power to sup Dress the Land League. Mr stone's policy meant separation un der American influence. Absolutely Pure. competition Twith thiTmniHh "a??0! M sold in migW 08rtaiow test, short ans. Wholesalnh ' t WE ARE SURE TO TOUCH fBIPIOPffl'llIffl. Gingham Dress Patterns for 98c each. EachPatterncontAfnaii - jciuo, uune . wortn less than 12! cants per yard. WE HILL SELL THIS WEEK A 4si pleached Domestic at 8 cents per yard, equal to any sold at 10 cents pe ryard. 'To the VICTOR Pre-eminat the LAUREL-" eefy higher qualtty. the far fin. JT Become the recognized standard tor fine wear among discnmirating gentlemeiT Forsaleby Ai E. BANKW A BBO f ' Charlotte, N. C. IlaDdD fieCGS of the wel1 known Pacific xjawM at o cents per jard. They are all handsome. THEY TIMED Olf THE HOSE BURNHAH'S WPROTED i STANDARD T INVEST Vi THEM NOW ! 28 cents per yard for our entire stock French Satteens worth 45 cents. of U1BINE Hfretns, Wlfe-Beter, Drench ed by Werf ord's Fire Depart- Is Pi? ???T conatrncterj and finished Turbine In the world. Je5tS?3,PerCttntaKe8 with part nnrl fill) rvot.. a , - anv otho, ,hi -P" V'.TU' wi.uw unvs. IUHK PA. dDflD lda uns YeiIing Canvass and Beiges at 35 cents. They are 36 in. and 40 in. wide, and are all wool. had availed themsolves of the pipor f !, ttr 8 nature, which left him greatly tunitv to cateh a elimnnfl' nf th. ! ?,eP.r?88e: It will be rememhArorf .. House ForiiisliiDis, T I. SEIGLEi OBDIBS BY KAIL OS BXPBES3 PBOMPTLT ATTENDED TO. I . mite TT OF- FIGURED LAWNS At 3 cents per yard. ! CR&AM 'CRINKLED v SEERSUCKERS At Gi cents per yard. LACES m all widths. (Bolsand Umbrellas. Fine assortment of ORIENTAL FLOUNCLNGS and Remember onr .White Goods and Embroideries, Para- E. 1L. CiEESHEK & 0. SUCCESSOBS TO ALXXAKDEB BABBIS. THE 0. K. BAKERY ICE CREAM SAJQQN Opened for the season, parties on short notice Ice Cream and Water Ices furnished to f amiles and Fresh Bread, Cakes and Pies Daily. Just received a choice lot of Potted Meats, Canned Fruits Pickles, Crackers, &c Also, Imported and Domestic Confectionery. Cs F- H AtiHISON. gucoessor to Mayer 8c Joss, i . -J o OYSPEPSU, SICK HEADACHE, CONSTIPATION, r ff ' ABemcdrtoran DUemsetef th UTr,Klk I IflfAVMnUNUtkaailltinli. A positive to tWB teaaimonfuls. 8lU in sealed psekaires ai 10 and S&cU. No genuine salts sold la bulk. 1 tood&w6m L. B. WB1STON, Agent, -J. U, KEI1DMCE, CLUB HOUSE KEEPS THE B ESX B A R AND- - - B I L L I A R D r II ALL Hoiiseb Rented. Hooma rented tsd riti eon&.td, In tl , AdTrtied tree ol eaa: a. cu?Lcrr ' i TORRENT. ACOHFOBTABLEAroomeottaxef pantry And kitchen, within a tern hundred rardg or the graded school, and six acres of land tor rent to v ood tenant Apply to 1anU R. ft OOGHBiNE.Manajrer. d. a. mm d CO., tunity to catch a glimpse of the '.'first lady of tbe land." - The Braziliah minister called upon Prince Leopold ; and companions at the Arlington i about 11 o'clock this morning, and jtook them a his cay riage to the Staje Iepartment, where they were presented, to Secretary Bayard, who afterward acoompanied them to the executive mansion and presented them to the President. The preseotation took place in the blue room with nothing of a. peremp nious n.atujre. gome pleasant greet ings and good wishes were exchange ed. The party 'then ; went, to the Nayy Department and were intro duced to Secretary Whitney. They passed the afternoon driving abou tne city. They attended the White ttouse reception this evening and will remain in the city several days. The whole town is agog with praises of the President's wife. She was radiantly beautiful and perfectly self-possessed at; the State reception last night. One . gentleman says : "She is the loveliest woma.o I ever saw.'! A ady declares sle the finest looking woman in Washings ton.' ' ' There ia a gentleman here named George H. Gaskins, from Beaufort county, who has a veyy important inyentjon. ' ' He is investigating the records of the Patent Office to see if any thing has been patented of the same sor. The principle of the invention is thus briefly state : An electrip apparatus is so arranged as to open io a mi)- nnnVrf V11 thpee years ago rumor oonfldently predicted that Mr. Ar thur himself wmiM k j ; ZlJZfi0uae i th charming daughter oj Secretary Frehnghuyse lohu AarshiIl Ciemeat MoekivUle,DaYlCoant7Tlmea. Died at his home m Mocksville N ?RRateughto,cloCuk m-. June 4th, 1886. He was born at the old Cle ment homestead near MockvilTe, on thefirst day o.f November, 1825. - His Y?J41 BU.caun was, obtained at the Mocksville vallage school, and under the teaching of Hugh R. &aU, at Bethany, IredeU cqunty, ka 'grab ated at Qettysrg college? in 184, and oMaineflioense to practice aw at the June term.1848, of the Su preme court of North Carolina! H was married; on the day of Jans pary 4853, to Miss Mary JiX adE? who sil4 survives him, la his early life he served one rm ?A?w??,b8r of legislature of North Carolina. Tbe rest of his life was devoted to the profession of law, in which he was wonderfully, successful. He was a man of great ntu?a! ability, and a close student axi nis life, loving particularly' the study of law, j?bsessing a -great yatilty of Attainments, h0 waa es-, peciaay noted as ah accomplished and learned lawyer.' By his close application, he had so mastered the law that its most intrioate problems he could reason t as by" intuition. Ha. was a . brUliant speaker, a close reasoner and accurate pleader. Be fore the courts where he practiced both State and Federal, none stood higher than John Marshall Clement His domestigmd social fife was pleasant nd happy. He was a man of positive character and decided, op inions,. He suffered many years from the disease whinh tinnr ed fatal. vt p.hAnrfni n na.;,--. ment every part of an engine foy the pleasant in conversation, eenikl ,ri purpose of cleaning it out. ? gentle in manners, he wag a most The Senate Committee on Agricul-1 JJ?tobl Wd attractive man. Though ture Granted a hearW to onnnnnta i',ou" uul ea aim of C0BNE8 COLLEGE AND F0TJBTH STS., (B. 3t. miler A Son's Building.) ' '- ' f Bavs reoelred and bare La stock a full line of PWHD3CS SUPPLIES. of the oleomargarine bill. A large number of opponents, as well as ad vocates of the bill, were in attendance. Professor Morion, president- of Ste vens' Institute of Technicology, and Professor Chandler, formerly presN dent of the New : yor board of health, both testified fq being cbem ical expert and microscopjsts of many years' experiehce, and to have devoted much study to the subject of oleomargarine. ; They concluded that it is a perfectly wholeaome substitute for butter, made by equally clean processes from wholesome materials The hearing will be continued tomor-. row morning Mr. Jobn S. Rives, of Washiagton, having been in communication with Qivil Service- Commissioner Egerton, in regard to his alleged purpose to resign, has received the following telegram from that gentleman; "No thought of resigning. ; Am not the man to retire in front of an enemy. I intend to remain on the commission until its foes are less in number than .now ; particularly in the democratic party." ."...' ; , , . Captain Thomas Poynter.'of Curris tuck, superintendent of the life sav ing service , on the North Carolina coast, is in the city. j , . Mr. T.B. Hyman, a business man of Goldsboro. wai here yesterday, on his way to New York. . Mr. Forbes, of Curritucfe, ia in tne pen to various portions, of this and Mtuer Biases, nis nome for his whole life was within a half d mile of where he was'born, and he now sleeps in the grave yard on the hill, just be yod overlooking, the meadow and playground of ia boyhood- fit peaceful resting paCe,- sq near to home., so pjosg to h,eavoq. ' iBiiYBH a wira Ann aavan nh l. dren to mourg his death. The aym pathies of this entire community and seotioq of the State are extended to them in their sorrow. - " What Do CtraetN Amount To ? Manchester Union. - ' - , , .One Bky- gazer has already scored three comets tjais season. But what do they amount to? f hey are no pracijcai gooa. A bundred score of such do not amOun to a single one of the kind that comes within eye dis tance pf the earth. n such a comet tuero ia u. . ou can tafee your best gw-1 Seven nights a. week to gaze WATBBFOBD.Pa., June 15. Arthur lliggins. a prominent young man of this place, recently brought a bride from Louisville, ly. She cam? of good family, and is a fraii little crea ture, but pretty and attractive. Yes terday -two well known cituens caught Higgmg in the act of brutally beating his .bride,, for no other reason than breaking a plate. They report- ww w tne uagie hloae Com pany, of which organization Higgins ioaiuemoer. ADout 6. o'clock last mght a false alarm - of fire startled ITt n&'ad yonS Higgins hast ened to t.he scene. He was quicklv seid by three of the men, whife others secured a crockery crate, un der which Higgins was placed A swift stream of water was then turn -ed on the victim, and a crowd of 500 mn and women witnessed the sport. Ater.Higgins had been nearly drown ed, he was released and he sneaked to Ins home. The firemen then pub licly expeed him from the depart ment. Later in the evenine ha wa expelled m disgrace from the United Workmen and the Town Club. His iuw u a weu Known merchant of the town, and the young man clerks in the store. Today he was notified to leave town. Prominent ladies have raised a subscription to send Mrs. Higgins to the home e'f her par ents m lumviUe There is great ins digna,tion throughout the town, and the brutal husband is denounced. Senatorial Courtesy Special Washington cor. of the, N. Tf. Woild. , George V Hoar, the chairman of the committee on Privileges and elec tion, which has had charge of the in vestigation of the case which certain xvopucans naye squsht to make out against Senator elect Payne was a mamher of the electoral com. mission with Mr. Payne durine the winter of 76 and f. Mr farte also a member of this same commit' tee, was the leading counsel before this comrfliaaiop. There are five Re publican members on the committee and four Pemocrats. The action of this committee in refusing to order an investigation is in accord with the rnnHflrvati " wwvduo ui . we sen ate. The general spirit of that body is against the investigation of any of its members. There has not been an investigation of any charges made against a Senator sinna th Pomeroy investigation. - It would not be possible to genre, at the hands of he eqftta, an investigation o one or its members unless a case were mad QUt beyond all question. Even the megt extremely partisan do not oare to gam party advantage by smudging the reputation of any one of their associates The Senate in this reeard. is one of the oAnaact' close corporations. The Republicans are as anxious to preserve" the indis yidual honor of their Democratic as sociates as are the. latter of their Re publican brethren. Upon this ground and. upon the additional ground of Senatorial courtesy party lines are never drawn. The Republican mem. here Of this committee in this case however, are very explicit in ' their declayatrqns that nothing has been' submitted to them which would war rant in any way the ordering of an investigation. Charges of corruntion NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN. EVERY YARD OF Colored JEmbroidery AT COST. relief andpermanentcureofAWVlrw;,??6 I " m Li a " Electrio aMiniiSi1 voumc Belt wlta i?V,a, ?er "ea8eg. Complete reeSSl v2 Health, VtKor and Manhood irnaranteeL Is Incurred. Illustrated paSJlSSf toSu& iwi-iAiU Ll' CO., KMahaH. Mich. Ul EUIfl maylWeodiwly ?n WBIaker Hab its cured ar. hm put pain. Book of particular-!! o.,t uiiJfSi 65 WWteWrstreet. CURE "he DEAF PECK'S PATENT IMPROVED CUSHIONED EAR DRUMS JLfI "OT"" the Hs.ic. and perform th work of tha nmtanU iram. Invitible, oomforuble and wnvs in twsitio. All OMiTer-lKH. nd een whisper, beard di.tiDcUv.'Sei,d forrlteTt!-- I , FREE. AddreMorHF.HISCOi 849 Broadway, New York. MenUon thwyapen, ILLIWJBRir! VST COST i A FRESH LOT OF' CAN VASS BELTS AT IO CENTS EACH Wim0W8lt & BABUGHr CHARLOTTE, N. 0. MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED AND PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. THRESH ING MACHINES A SPECIALTY. innSp' w: ottDrIe.Sconomil and Perfect Martet -asteno6rMli: Cleanses It Beady for Threshing Engines and Horse Powers !2nrf f1?.,a,VLftenlard Implements Generally. Send, tor nitrated oatalORue OFFERS TO THE A. B. FARQTJHAR. Pennsylvania Agricultural Works. York-. mayuo&wim j,- Pa. le i Retail Trade I CURE FITS I trrFjjZf?? J 5 not mean merely to atop U,em for time and therl hare them return aWn, Imaaa U radical cure. I have made the toeaMofnsrsirioT ZSSilSrTS?? osure tie worst esse? Beoiw PENNYROYAL PILLS "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH." The Original and Only dennine. tPf' 10 " Particular, m lter by ritara iTmlt NAME P P E rf. hlelirter C heml"". ' ' 5 ' MmjiUoH Square, Pklliju, Pa. lanlOd&wlr . - . '. FIVE TONS rare lite ki TW tNTYr BARRELS .lain an old man. For 28 years I suffered with J.nla -0?- Swift's apetfflcha! uil - cure aua oanea ten years to my Hfc. Wn B. Rata, Ball Co., eaT I have taken Swift's flratna -wS? at a """"J eoaege at a di8con HAUL'S medlcal 8tudent 1 grateful to sajttatttgave me a speedy and thofough cure ADecsrca Wxhbxl, M. dh Newark, N. J. fJjJJfwH? early girlhood baa been suffering adVSaUsm- She ba "ed many remedies, J-bSmU?r ibaa derived more benefit Kt!fuTufromaUtheothera'after -.v.- Ksv. James L. Pxsbcb, Oxford, ea. PURE LINSEED OIL, A Large Stock of Colors, Varnies, Etc.; FERRIS' PIG II i II S, Boneless Breakfast Bacon, SMOKED BEEF -AND- T O N GUES -ABB THB BEST QUALITY. Get them UJ BiRNETT k ALEXANDER. Free deliverv. Tp1ot1i caU 81. " r MECKLENBURG CO., - ALSO at IE, ana it vou bave rounrfarl tha blissful period intQ the home strefcph I ani bribery are easy to makedurine iuiuuuuj, uom u uuiiQiug I osuBvuiioj cicuiiiuu, : out wnen it ter than a comet fop aa eiplanation I oomeg to the proof that become n why you missed the last car. ' 4. Flirt.--.- Atlanta Journal. '. ' With all due deference to Miss Eose Elizabeth Cleveland, who nerer writer a dull thing, and eeldom an unwise mmg, we must dissent - from her assertion that a flirt is the most harmless Derson in the world.? Giv en a small, quiet 4 neighborhood in a peaceful locality,' and introduce a flirt therein, and in the course of six months she will create mope harm than Herr Most, Bob IngersolL Sarah Bernhardt, and a thoroughly organized poker club, all combined. uwier masierv senator Pan v D6en very much annoyed over these owries. ne remained at Cleveland and took no part in the canvas All vi nis associates agree that if any mmg wrong: took place during tha canvass ne Knew nothing of ; it. As the committee has decidm? . . W WW V. der on investigation the cam nvainot the Senator will have to be considers w ob uisnuBsea. it probably never I would nave oeen brought if -it hnri not been for the intense factional ngnt Decween tbe two wings of the I democratic party in Ohio. rs oe 3?f rffla's Kcnec 222. d Skin Diseases mailed free. xwi vx iiiaai. wuu DBUO C0 CorinctoB Zr ttayl9deodwly - - " " CASSAKDS pirn e Lard, vstar d ojjvd ... - la for sale by the following ' " LEADING' QEOCEES: - . ! ? HlLKBR, s ........ BATBS ft TOTJD, " - . 1 . 1 J. L. DAYB, n-. K. ft. DUHHAM, , .- " L. A. It IS8MHEIKEB, H. C. IBWIH. B. B. ALKXANDKB & CO..W. J. FBIDAT. ' K. &. McGiinns. a M. Howeuu ; Fvpry pstcfe henn onr Bed Trade Kari. and ONE CAR LOAD kerosene Oil, ALL AT CLOSE PRICES. drd pounds, TSeehodlS nUS 5? the lower priced tickets w. WnSl.K t0T log and offering tottrad RMkir "f actur" W. DAVIS, Supt. SHIPPING PRICES. Car Load of 10 tons, - . : 58oDflrtn From 6 to 10 tons, . . . noSSw PJomltoBtonsT - - . . S nnSSlS 600 to 1,000 pounds. - - -. " snJSJS, loo to ew pounds: i?f?',?o?r We are now using the eelebrafed HwS ? imV1D - ... . . . ib iwnn nernni rma. i freight and exorwiH iowest mors. w w east. MKCKLEfBUBG ICI CO. VINTFn I A nY And totem- herown loftaTiri.n -xTi7" P'.w represent tr c! '"I I "'iL!V a-