.... - - .... V- -'7 I I V7h .Inimn FRJOE FIVE CENTS. tOMK AND GET A BARGAIN. V .SMITH for; THE - Next - Ter - Days, -I WILL OFFER SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS IN Table LiBeus, Dailies, TIA CTOTTfa. L1NEV 8HEETTNG3, COTTON SHI-KTINUS, VH LOW CA61NG8. MAR 8FILI.BS: QUILTti. HOKT COMB ' . QOILTS. TPKrtTRT CUKTAlVa,. " -MADBA3 DHaPKKT, 8CHL S, AND . OF , . floosi i taislpis. , T. L. SEIGLE. Specia Prices FIGURED LAWNS - At 3 cents per yard. " ' I CREAM CRINKLED SEERSUCKERS At 6 cents per yard. , LACES m all widths, sols and Umbrellas.' ' Fine assortment -.Remember onr 8U0CESS0BS TO ALEXANDER & KARRIS, t o k, JCE CREAM Opened for ha season, parties on short BQtIc Ice fream and THE Fresh Bread, Cakesc and;; Pies Daily. Jmt received a choica tot of Potted Meats, Canned Fruits, Pickles,; Crackers, Sen. Also, Imported and Domestic Confectionery. - ... C. F1. HARRISON. ' ' ' ' . ' Successor to Mayer & Rosa. ' - C2r:i & ElcDOTTTL.1 Cluirlott, If. li enM. t ClTi TAXKETUBNS NOTICE 18 HKBE8T GIVEN TO - LL PKB ons Md ng hvtbe City of Charlotte, or who on or have ontrol; ot taxaOlo propertj ' lo- the City on the first of June, lt6. or wno Bre liable to poll tax, to return to me. on or b fore the test flay , of June, a list of t!lr taxnb!e propertj (and polls) In said CIty.n oaiJ 1st of Jane, looo : tursuaat 10 864 ndedCb Treasure Betorns taken from 1st to S3 h of June at c2ce In Citr Hail from cioci, a. to a p. m. -- maj29 r ; i ;- -, T.Zjt . 3 - 'v fr - - - - , mu6 14UWBILI BEFOBE Leximrton IiM.. p.:. J DEScniPT.o, i . In T ' I I ' I il I I l V ' I I I 1 1 II 1 I I I 1 II 1 If I 1 II 1 BUIUIWa. & GO. First National. Baul BwWim South.Tryon Street, - y - Charlotte, N. C. DKALEBS IN v . - - Ladies',Missesand Children's 1TOTB BUTTON, CONGRESS & LCE SHOES, Hents' Fine Hand-Made and Machine Sewed ' " BOOTS, BUTTON AND L ACE BALS, BO8 AND YOUTS FINK BOOTS AND 8HOE3 OF" ALL GRADES GENTS' FINE - C'll- f f 1 1 Pl'if ff j SiUc. Soft and Stiff Eats, I TRUCKS, f - VALISES ana GRIPSACKS, UMBRELLAS OF ALL KINDS. . 8HOB BLACKIN9 AND BRUSHES. Alma Polish for. Ladies' Fine Ihoes. Stock always kept lull and up to the demand. OBDKB3 BY HAIL OB 1XPRE33 PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. of ORIENTAL FLOUNCTNQS and White Goods and Embroideries, Para- bakery; KALOON Wifcor ces furnishe4 to familes and riSW UQNPQN, prjriri. Mqtifactnrcn of fts "Wt Reliable' Brown Cotton Gins, Feeawi an4 Coa- ;" densert. v-" ' " All the very latest Improvements : iw "proved roll -box, patent wblpper, twd ,brnsb. - belts, extra strong r brush, 'cast steel bearings, new Improved Feeder, "enlarged dost proof Condenser. 'x'i'C' s Dtruugi wuow vwv www- . Vhig fast, runs lijsbt, cleans the seed per fectly and produce first ciaM samples. ' af any aticewutle point. .Be tor iu C L U B HO U SE -KEEPS THE B EST B A R - '-' ';- and " ( - ' PECMi reran k TDE T4BIFP 'BILE.-: BEFOBE " TDE HOUSE. Tance, Mr. .Breckinridge and the : Nalem CommencementGeneral - Cojc Morrison and, the' Tariff : Bill PersouaIs-Tn Press Ex cnrslon. Coq-espoadence ot TSif Obbrtbb "Washington, D. C . June 17.A few minutes after 11 "o'clock a few more persons than usual might havs been seen - in the Houss galleries, while on the floor there were manr more members than are accustomed a.this part of the session ta reach their seats at so early an hour. But there was nothing like a crash to see the vote taken on the consideration of the tariff bill.; The leaders of hntW parties and both factions of the Deni ocratic party were in'place'befor the clock pointed to 20 minutes past 11. Unanimous consent was given for perhaps twenty minutes for action on certain measures. But at half past 12 the regular order was de manded by Bland. " ' - In reply ; to a question from His cock, Morrison Baid he proDosed to ast for a vote on the consideration of the tariff bill at half past ten o'clock. " Breckinridge did not go to Salem, prefering to remain here and cast a vote direct .for the tariff : reduction bill to the course originally agreed upon of . passing for, the occasion. Senator ' Fr ance was . equal to thn emergency; Learning the state of things late in the afternoon,; he de- uiuea to prepare himself in the few hours remaining and take l the i 11 o'clock train. I understand J he got off, and that, withoutT accident he will deliver the annual address today before the Salem Female Seminary. Mr. Raid accompanied him. ' - ' Mr. Breckinridge regrets the co incidence of - the two events the tariff vote and the commencement but decided that his public duty was paramount.. But he did not make nn his mind until late in the day At the time of mailing my last letter, I thought be was getting ready to take "o.wmuuu tram ior. wortii uaro . f mr. Henderson returned frnm hfa oau miBiun in time to give nis vote with those of his colleagues for the Morrison bill. - ' .-- jGen. pox left for home' Tuesday night, and expects to return Sunday. He was paired on the tariff question. All the - North - Carolina Democrats present, that is, all' except MessrsP Reid and Cox, voted for the consider ation of the bil as did likewise the South Carolinians. The colored Re publicans, O'Hara and Smalls voted no. ? . , . . . . .Promptly at the hour named Mr.' Morrison - submitted the -motion of which' he had given notice. The House was full,'? the galleries about half full. The scene was far differ ent two years ago. : 1 But there was some little enthusiasm; as when the travel-worn, sweaty son of tiil, Hol man, of Indiana, just from his train, rose half way from his seat in order to make his ,4ayeV heard at the desk. The Democrats applauded loudly. No other vote was so. honpred,. although the Republicans were direlict in duty when the clear-cut "no" ot Mr. Ran dall rang over the hall and they did not give him a lively hand clapping. The Republicans greeted the result ayes 140, nays 157 with tremendous applause. Randall and his thirty-odd sat silent and unresponeiv&v ., Four Republicans voted .with the, revenue reformers. Y Mr..- Morrison received immense applause when he gavenos tice that on next Tuesday he should make the same motion. ,. He hopes by executive pressure to, win over in the meantime nine of the weve New York Demoorats wha yoted against him. It will be impossible to do so, and the second yote will injure the reform cause. " 1 " ' Mr. Johnston reported thig after noon or the committee on public buildings and grounds a substitute for the Statesville public ' building bill. .The only difjerenpe hetweeo this and the original bill of MC Hen derson, is the limitation in amount to be expended by the committee to $75,000, " " - Mr. J. W. Powell, the elerk for Col. Greene's committee,' goei home today for a ten days' leave of ab sence. Mr T. B. Womack, clerk of Gen. Cox's committee, will leave On next Tiiesday on an extended vaca tion. j - . , . , - The present understanding is that the presg excuirsionts will arrive a .0:30 a. m. on Sunday. Detro cratc assqeiatioq will open its room during the evening of Monday fqr, wich ot tne editors- as mvy wiah to avail themselyes of; the 'opportunity to meet the North Carolina residents in i the city . . ,y , " Misse s May Wright and Lilla De vine, of Wilmington, who will grad uate from the CAtholio Qoovent of the Yan m. Georgetown,:, fj , on tho 83d iust., were- at the Capitol today. for? the flrst time.-' -' '' ... '. " . . ' - ' " H, ' Sharp Poi(; AtbWdrt the! : -. J : . I"reli ead, - ,.""' And in the muscles of the neck and shoulder," dj nauymoswicentaftor nightfall, are amons the mosteheerbiliranlfestatlonsot neuralgia ItJs an aff-ctlon of the n -rve intensified by a cold. Re. pose, bruwlDd with it a ca aUon of pal, la in. duoed by -Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, which Is a nne nerve ton le and tranquilizer. It is also a reliable means of eh'cktBC rheumatism and coat. These maladies have always more or less to do with the kidney that, when lnactlre, fall to throw oil the impurities which engender them. The Bitter can be relied upon to renew a tealihy and purlfrin act 'on of the renal ormns - Besides this, it gives tone to the stomach liter and bowels, and enriches the circulation Appetite and sleep both profit by It, and It is a wn accredited means of fortifying the system 8P"si iD8,firta. It hastens toe recovery of s'vent,. a 1 coavaienceata, nui'-f.- tee ii. frrr irs of fc.3,'ancl L ;.; s tU cuusi-tutionaUy Lexington T Hannah. t?;v..Ij - -..vm. UitUUJUUU 'Qoar. a youne; man nhnnt. years of age Lving hr Midway town! evening in a fish rl Z Mr. Solomoh Lona- H- -a. ' jng from the harvest field -and not 4." PP-. ' knowing the depth of the pond went I.-- in for a bath. The water is supposed This community was horrified to be about nine feet deon. Ana th Saturday afternoon bv the - r unfortunate young man being unable-j ment tnat Robby Robinson, youngest "o uruvyoea oeiore mscom ivuwi uiLu am. . ! ARhAViiitt a. mu - , T a,T. CT Tu VrAUW ua8e"01 Ui??ne uPe"or, court yes vwiuuBuv,; Thft? ra?f,ni &nd tQe trial begun, rbe plaintiff claima tn tvQOi lars damage for personal injuries : re j u iU' wn or jaarsnall, caus ed by fallmg over a stake, which, as alleged.in the complaint, was negli gently : allowed to remain iin the Krounasauer ttie suryey bythe de dant railroad "company. .--1 v, Raleigh Visitor : At a meeting of the board of trustees of Trinity col lege . recently held; the following named gentlemen were appointed a opmmittee to suggest a president foi that college sUbj,)ct to the endorse ment of the board of trustees i- Judge Wt S. Montgomery.. Rev.; Dr. ! T. M Jones, J S. Carr, Esq., Colonel J, W. Alspaugh and James Gray, Esq. We also learn that the trustees provided for the salary of the president, which will be two thousand dollars per an UUU1, -.T - - , ' ... ' - " ' - n - - - Asbevilla Citizen: This morning Aldermen Alonzo Rankin and N W. Girkwood leave for a visit to Raleigh; Richmond Washington City, Indian appolis and other points for the purs pose of inspecting electric light plants and their ;operations. The city ouKnuribiea nave concluded tne pur chase of the Patton Milt property on th$ Swannanoa from Captain Wm. Cocke, paying therefor six thousand dollars.. Cheap enough. This is to be the source of water supply for the city. --'v-. -- Wadesboro Intelligencer; After the late freshet. iMr. Eb., Ingram it is stated, made sundry finds on his land which was overflowed, where the soil was washed away. In one place he found a stone po, holding . about one bushel, supposed to have been an Indian culinary utensil; in another place, a gallon crock of quamt dos sign? in another place a huge human skull, which, as soon as the air struck it, crumbled to dust, ; and any quanta ty of human bones and foeilizd corn-cobs. These things would doubtless" interest the antiquarian searching for curiosities, but they are a poor recompose,t6 Ebenezer Ingram for four thousand dollars 1 umao-oa sustained ;by; him in consequence of the flood. - , 4 " Wifmingtbn Review: There' "were quite a number of railroad officials in the city yesterday, prominent, among whom were Mr Julius Gray, president Of the Cape Fear & Yad kin Valler Railroad, besides several of the directors of this corporation. They were here to. confer with the com missioners appointed by thtfljoard of aldermen in relation to the terms and conditions upon which that road could be extended to this city. ' The conference was held yesterday fore noon in the mayor's office. . The pro ceedings of the meetings were not given to the public,, but it is under stood that the railroad represent tivfi-wiJV extend the road to Wil mington, providing the city will sub ssnbe $300,000 to the capital stock of the same. ' -." ' - - - ':-.Lf , -'Xil- Vj- .. " -.I - C , -v- Salisbury Watchman: A few days ago, a trial justice' in Morgan town- snip, naa a negro Dy, the name of Ja cob Parker before mm on a charge of murder; It seems that last fall Parker got mad with, his wife while they were attending a corn shucking, and kicked her severely on ech side of the abdomen, so that swelling re sulted and she became almost an in valid. It is said that he has been giving his wife, who died on the 3d inst a peculiar poison, said to -have been made from snake's heads, which a cut off .for the purpose. These are then beat into a powder and given occasionally in whiskey. He is now in jail and will have a 'hearing at the next term of Rowan court. He seems to be something a Bjqeheard, hav ing had a fermerVife to die under circumstances not entirely lree from suspicion. -,'-?..' r Statesville Landmark : The most of the early wheat has been harvested; It' has tuy-ned out fairly well, though not so well as it promised a few weeks ago, owing to rain, rust, &cc. The wbeat is not near so good, and the crop on the average, ia 'about the same us last year. Tbe oat crop is excellent. ; Cotton is looking up, to bacco plants are dqing wel.and corn, though in the grass, nromiges first- rate- On Saturday 5th inst.; R. H Crawford (Blaine WuT be Seated Crawford,) a subordinate of .General George B. Clark, special internal rev enue agent for Virginia North Caro Una and South Carolina, accompani ed by Special Deputy Collector Van -dnrford, oarae to this place and seiz " ed four .packages of liquor -in the wholesale liquor house of Messrs. Key & Co.. and thre in the wholesale house of Messrs.- Lowenstein & Co., one of which: was 'dot theirs but had been stored with ; them" by 'tg pwner. General glark, r. 'jefome Djowd, chief deputy of tbe cbllector,and Col lector Dqwd himself, have since been here, and the two packages of Low enstein & Co., and two ofthe four of Key & Co.,t have been released.and the latter' firm have the : assurance that It hi other two will soon be. The ViOlitions of the law in all of these, cises where anything at all wrong was discovered, were pupely techni cal. Sin consequence of bis oonpeotion wlt'i thfge seigures'Mr. Vanderford has been dismissed from the service, he having been previously - notified by Collector Dowd that he was not to associated with Crawfoyd. . ' Bpw Gkoeral piftr, wbo " a 5 Missouri Democrat, regards this last action of his sub.- has . not been ascertained, but he still retains . Crawford . in his service. He probably is not able to discharge r the duties 1 of his 1 office without him, and if this is the case it would be no more than a' plain act of justice for 'him to resign and give place to' some Democrat who is. ' PositiTe Cure Tor Piles.'. : i To the people ot this county we would say we have been given the agency of Dr. Marehlsl's Italian File Olntment-remphatleally guaranteed to care or money refunded internal, external, blind, bleed ing or Itching piles. . Price 50& a box. Ko core, no p. - r: , -. . ' i rsila tyL. B.Wrlston, drcc"'t. O-o-'otte r.c -. i-."i.... 8EDE4Tn. rULi V nAUfiH HAM . A VP W.desboro : "Aieatled Aceount of . Death - J " U1 louuxviDinson, wasavmEr i hcb uiudu uibhului oi hjj uiBeases , hydrophobia. The particular, of so J-l Ba.u aeatn cannot tail to be read was i Kuuueman wno was nrenAnt: nnrJ - J the young man during all of his terri j ble sufferings we get the following J o.n., t A .ir.i.:rr . wm& account of the melancholv AtTniF -On the 16th day of August 1884, shortly after sunrise, Robert, in at tempting to anve from under the house a strange dog which had taken refuge, there after attacking the yard dog, was bitten somewhat severely in - the arm, through his shirt, just above. the,- wrist. He went to school as usual but his father, feeling alarms ed at some reports that the dog might be rabid, came after him, carried him to, Wadesboro, and had the wound reiuuy cauterized.. - JN early two years passed, and no alarming symp toms appearing, the fear of his friends became assuaged, when on Thursday the 10th of Jane, while moving a' hive of bees.- he was stung on the same arm near the wound. Some three- or four weeks before this a peculiar involuntary contraction of the : muscles - around the eyes ' and moum caa at certain times, been noticed by some. After being Btung he complained of a numbness and a twitching in that arm, but it passed away. On.Fnday he was observed to be unusually lively and, jokine ..vm uu uiuouoro, Knowea an inclina tion to laugh at trifles, and somewhat restless, but not so as to attract much attention. Saturday , moraine . ha complained of feeling unwell, and very - weak, And some': spasmodic actions were noticed in the bitten arm whenever he attempted to raise it to hurhead. About 8 o'clock, while at the spring with- a negro boy, lie would laugh hysterically at the com monest . remark, replying, when asked why he did so, 5 that : 'It was not funny to him, but something oaahw.jJ 1 1 . 1 a.: ...... . . O ouviuu x mo tune w . tiCKie nim in the side." He nicktd un a hiif iror. nf water, . but could not hold it in his wounded hand. He took it in both hands and started toward the house. He soon set it down, and upon reach ing the house,, informed his father that he felt sick and weak. -His father made for him a milk toddy of French brandy, and handed it , to him. Hardly had he touched it when he was seized with a violent spasm These continued with intermissions of from five to seven minutes, the remainder of the day, and upon the arrival of the physician who was muisuiawij Bumutonea,' ne ' pro nounced it a well developed- case of Hy drophobia. . Any thing , solid or liquid, approaching his face, the slightest touch, jar. noise, unusual or unexpected signt, would bring on a convulsion. He was perfectly con scious all the time. His mind was not in the least affected. He knew when the spasm commenced and would indicate it by the" peculiar look from his eyes. He said they were not at all painful. Upon being told the nature of his disease, and that he had but a short tirae to live, he was perfectly calm and composed, and said he had suspected it, and express ed no fear of death. He told us that he loved and trusted Jesus, and bes lieved he should be saved. About dark he was so prostrated that' he wished to lie down; (he had been sitting m a large rocking chair,) the spasms produced by the contact of his feet with the carpet were very severe, and his sufferings from reflex action appeared to his friends to be intense. . Still he wished to kneeL stiff as he Vas, and- say his prayers. He was placed on the bed. and after he had somewhat recovered, wished then to get up and pray. Being con vinced that it was impossible, he said his prayers, lying down; in a whisper stUli distinguishable to all standing near. He - prayed earnestly ' and closed with a petition for God to ble9s and save all, especially those afflicted as he was. ghoytly afterwards he called h.18 brother Carl, and told him that he had but- a dav -: mom tn Utra and he expected to go straight from this - world to heaven - and wished everyone to meet him there He re peated ; the same and then c!miy and rationally stated what "disposal he wished to be made cf his effects, and seemed so very thoughtful of every one; he was coUeQted all through, shedding only such tears as were natural Up to tnis time he had shown but little inclination to injure anyone, and theri, only when, at his own request, the perspiration was wiped irom his face. Durincr the, spasm which was sura to accompany the apt, he would sometimes snap at the hands of those wiping his face.. Once he asked for a rose: but did not say why he wished it: About ten o'clock - hit attempts to attack: and injure himself and others became so desperate and his rage and exertion upon being restrained so extreme, it was deemed best to administer chlo roform. His abhorrence to taking it and his struggles to prevent its inha-. lation were terrible.. Eygn upder the constant adn&nifitratfca of chloros torm his paroxysms were very sever, requiring three or four- men to hold -him. These continued till nearly 10 o'clock Sunday morning when their violence ceased. He commenced sinking rapidly. - Froth accumulated in all the respiratory channels, till at 25 minutes past J- ne o'clock respiration ceased then the heart ceased beating and his soul enttjed eternity; freed from ba. poor, poigoned suffering body, and freed hy the love and mercy of Christ from the poison of sin, : - - j - Sir Wm. Hareount H - ihm Irish London, June 18 Sir William Vcrner Haroourt, Chancellor: of . the Exchequer, in hia election address to hia Derby constituents says the En- glisn people could not expect that the Irish would quietly submit to the Marquis of Salisbury's i poliscy of resolute and unflinching government in Ireland. , Dawsbterstj Wires amd .Mothers .. . . . We emphatically guarantee Dr. Marchisl's Cath olicon, a Female Eemeay, to cure female diseases, such as ovarian troubles, inflammation and ulcera tion, falling and displaoe ment or bearing down feeling, Irregularities, barrenness, change of life, leucorrhoea, besides many weaknesses springing from the above, like headache, bloa'lng, spinal weakness, sleeplessness, nervous debility, palpita tion of the heart, c yor sale by druggists. Price 11.00 8"d $1.EJ per boti.e. tend to Dr. J. B. Mar cuu 1, ti'sa, N. Y., for fnmphlet. free. lorsiiie by Ii. B. ioa, orud'st;. '0,n.intt ..v. . .... : . J arMI r : -' imuv I11UJ 1111111 u UU1 ill Yl , i ' - ggggl N " ; . - - StiJl we always find ' . . last - 1 Absolutely Pure. Ajjjpowaer never varies. A mnrmi hr rvitr-.' Jan20d4wly 8PHIN6S 4 BUBWET.T.; LAUREL." HAllAw'lSnrl u '""X h'gher qu.Mty. the nAN.SHOE bu keoomo the recognized rtandaid lorfna wear among -discriminating gentlemen For sale by A. E. BiKKIN a BRO-' cnariotte, N. C. BURNHALl'S IHPnOTED ' : 'V I STANDARD URBINE IS th6 BEST MinrtniY'rMf an fintHhAii TnrhlnA In thamwM lested percentages, with part and fllll CAt.4 llriivn Amiil m.Mi. , i.-.' Wmi.iT.T. w wueei. . s-jjibw pampniet sent free by iikus , TURK. PA. i lUtliVVUd DEBILITATED P.1EN. Sn?!i0DSpenwrT.A1PIianees. fr the peedy S18?? Permanent cure of Kenotu DebUitylotk ? i J"?'" and Manhood, and aU kindred troubles. Also for many other diseases. ComnlBt rmtnra. aranteed. iw , ib lucurreu. uiugtroted Damn u. ' 6 nun jruinoooa wet?pe mailed free, hv adilressinir . S, V01TA10 BELT CO., Mwshau, letlnaeaJed noVt7deodw7m Whlgfccy nab- at borne with- Book of nr- sent PEEK. t H. tin. nffl.. WlUtehaU Street. mar39deodtwly . CUREeDEAP FECK'S, PATENT IMPROVED CUSHIONED EARDRUMS iw,t uimu rai acxxivB auil perform tha work of the Datortl Urom. Invisible, comfortuMe and lwT. in portion. AU GonTerwa Mi eren whispers heard distoiottT.'Seaa -)rintutnite hook with tellroonhls f pgr. Address or cait oa F. H1SCOX, 849 BroedwayiwXwt; Ueatkm thii paper. ' -.. THRESHING MACHINES A SPECIALTY. . Slmu'est. BIostDnrtbe,EconomioBl and Perfect lnnse.1 Wastes no Grain ; Cleanses it Heady Jor Market...'.-.. t .: . . - . ThreiiLintr Eneinas . and Hotm Powats- 8aw illls ans Standard Implements Generally. ww uiiBbiaieu uauiiUKue -,-. A. B. FARQIJIIA.B, " Pennsylvania Agricultural Works. York. Pa. mayjdckwlm . I CURE FITS! Wlieu I aay care I do not measmerely to atop them for a Urae aaid then have them return iesLin, 1 mean jadia&l cure. I have made the diaease of FIM. KPfc wanmt my remedy to onre tke worst oasew. BeoMte otae.'s have failed isnorea30BforBotnowrecerrlDtra 2", .Send at once for a treatise anda. Free Bottle oi rarhjlaJliUle remedy. Give Express and Post Offloa. yM nhijigforatrlal, andl will enreyouT Pi'fjNYHQYAL PILLS "C HiCH IvSTER'S ENGLISH." The Oflfinal and Only eenaln. - Jefc 0 awjNi Bell.hle Beware of worth leas Imitation!. IPi"?"""1 ? I.A Dl ES. Aak roar ttntarcta for oioae4e; NAME PAPEF (tanpi) u us for iiaruoalari UtHr h. retHrB HE PAPER. Chteheeter Chemlval Oe Bold ejjeajl lanJOdtkwly hh atsMiuum etaaiara. PhUsda. Pa ? ererj where, Ak r "Chlehea. KSaatsmwi fUik Take ne ether. :. - I a,M an old. man. For 38 years I suffered with psexton my right leg as the result of typhoid lever; Amputation was suggested as tne only mean p of preserving life. The doctors could do I notlvtM for me, and thought I must die. For 8 , yM I never had a shoe on. Swift's Specific has I madCba permanent cure and added ten years to bit Ute, f , Wat. B. Hkkd, Hall Qg,, HbT j Ihisvetaien Swift's SpeclflQ for blood poison. I Mntrtctedata medical coUege at a dissection, I while was a medical student, I am grateful to I say tnat it gave me a speedy and thorough cure I Sret6 8pent anndreds of doTEirfor .1 . it Awrooa Wraim, M. Newark, N. J. I .My wife from early girlhood has been suffering from rheumatism. She has tried many remedies, and TmuKt frankly Ray has derived more benefit from Swift s 8peciffJ tIa from all the others, after long;and faithful trial. i 1". 3aj(es I., Pixbck, Oxford, 6a. Swift's fipeclfle Is entirely vegetable. Treatise on Blood and Skin Dlaeaaeft nullnd tr . . ... JiT .rac S 3. Atlanta,Ga., aAlwQyn gaffe-awl always Bnre, f cevtii by mail. A"ml wt;"iaim i.fldieg-jivHpopsia ymatprice m CT1 io hu mntl VBMT fkllTTii t a a . maylddeodckwly f CASSAUD'S PUPE LARO, "StAB BaANiy - i Is for sale by Uie foUowtog , , . . ' "" LEADING ''GROCERS: v ' ' G. ElLKCB, J. L. Davis, ,l - , la,' A. MlSBNHKnrER, B. B. ALCXAHDXB A CO. JOHNCAUB8 '- S. D. MoGiNirrs. Batk8 ft Todd, ; f. B. DUBHAH, - H C. Irwin. ,W. J. Fkidat. S. M. BowsxL. j -CDU Sc Schboedsb, L. J. Walksb Co , Every paekaee bears our Bed Trade Marlt, and It guaranteed absolutely pure. - . - To the VICTOR the r- - (Ti -w m m aiAtlan BMSSSMSMI . CAS3AED & SON, ' -j. .imore, SI1 1' " , Ready to be spent, when . - - 'y ADVERTISE BARGAINS. WE , ' 1 , WE ARK TIPWLI'fMfS, Jl JD Ingham f .-. " -V1. i. -. Each Pattern contains 11 yards, none Wfi WILL mi THIS WEEK 4 4s Bleached Domestic at - 8 cents per yard, equal to any sold at 10 cents pe ryard.. Pieces of Lawn at: They are . INVEST M TDEM RW ! 28 cents per yard for . our entire stock of French Satteens worth 45 cents. - & ClDdD yards Nunk Veiling, Canvass and Tw Beiges at 35 cents. ; ' , , 'They are 36 in. and 40 in. wide, and are all wooL -' . ! EVERY YARD OF - ' - ' Colored Embroidery . :.. AT COST. B ELOW COST. - A FRESH LOT I OF ' - CANVASS BELTS AT lO CENTS EACH wit mo wsKi W: mnmL : CHARLOTTE, N. 0. MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED AND PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. OFFERS TO THE il FIVE TONS TWENTY BARRELS PIE LINSEED OIL A Large Stock of Colors, Varnishes, Etc ALSO- ONE CAR LOAD ALL AT CLOSE PEIOES. J. H. MoADEN, Trade mm Keta Pare He ki Kerosene Oil, SURE, TO TOUCH (" Dress Patterns for 98c t8 ... r -, .-......' -1 worth less' than m 'cente per yard: the well known Pacific 8 cents per yard all handsome. J . : .. ' FERRIS' Boneless Breakfast BacoD, SMOKED BEEF -AND- TO N G U E S BEST ; QUALITY. h-. 'V Get them a, ; i - r - ' . " -BiRNrHT VAIEXANDER. . Ffee deii very; Telephone call 81: ICE CO., CHARLOTTE, If. C.," . J CITY TB ADI. pntll farther notice, On and after Jmaufc inu -1st, our city customers purehaMDg. wetwy tlekSS wiu be furnished ice from tiMeompaadeiit wagon In such quantities UM,Zi (S up, at the rjnlfrom rate price of WntDtaJr, dred pounds. Those boldmg weekS tkk 5 m MS, HECK LENBDRG lor quality oi pure crystal tee made from'Meckiim bur! spring water thoroughly lrrrrolt - ; f ;.. 8. W. CATIS, flapf. . " -' '-. SHippmapMOTs. - load of 10 tons, tusoiwrtan From 5 to 10 tonsT - . 6 00rS t- From I to 6 tons, - . -70oSStor? IMto1 - WeWSoib.- iU) 10 - CUD pounds, . i - . -.-raVnerimir We are now using the celebrated Hvatt tiitlSr iES i?1!8 ma' rel opon all lee rnan wao S" "f" Pwe as it is possible to maks tt. f Orders solicited and promptly filled. Loiwvrt freteht and express tes senired brm! may22dtf - t lOCSLESBma ICS CO. VVIliTEdUOYiv herown locality an old firm1 a6eK,StN?T. f8 rA?Co: M Broadway, .New York, tiw Only bnuuuuti. ; pr4oeea - ... -