ywM'Ul, XXXIV. CHARLOTTE; N. C SUNDAY; JUNE 20, 1886 PRICE FIVE CENTS. ANOTHER HoeTb!dfnif.atCeate.Sry1 Hosi. ry, 6 tu 9, full regular at 20 and 25 COMBINATION SUITS; '8o all Woolen Fabrics. New "lot of At half of former prir-e. Look at our the prettiest goods ever shown on this SPECIALS FOR COME AND GET 1'IIHITB' FOR THE Next i Ten - Days, Wl WILL OF?K5 - SPECIAL- INDUCEMENTS1 in Table Linrcs, . Doilies, TB CI OTH9. LIKEN 8H' CTTNHS, COTTON SHSKTING8, Pii.LOW CASINGS, MaK-fiFILLKb- QUILTS. HON IE Y COMB . QUILTS, TJKKSTRY CURTAINS, MADHA3 DBAPKBT, 8CBIM8, . -AND-r-rr?- A TE;SEIGLE; or Hon hpisoid ' - ' ' v Cheapest of the seasop. Special bargaini . MOHAIR AND LINEN ULSTERS A. few . - ' , HANDSOME PARASOL, v 4k a sacrmce.; Unusual inducements in Ladies Extra Fine Lace, E. iL...LlSEIIii3Q'C. - S 8UCCS33033 TO ALBXNPa WW . , s -'r ' 1, THE 0, K. ' - TP.R P.T?RATVLwSALOON Opened f or' Ice prean and Water Ices furnished to f amiles- and parties on short notipj " - . ' - Fresh Bread' Cakes and Pies , Daily. TnVf Valval "a choice loV of Potted -MeatsT dinned Fruits, ,Piokles, at&'& and Domestic Qonftippery, - ; ; ; " -s MsUsS'NsBsIr fS, 'mM- 'W. k-- r r mayadwedXiatiw'-a CITY TAX RETURNS kVoTlfT? IS BEBEBY GIVEN TO LL PFB- NeffiSto CUT or C or ,bo i i ii4ru nn nuijl I 1. "-'8'it ; i J e at Uif.U. 'I ?--- 1 1 In City 1 m.s-3, SBIPllIT A big stock of Children.' Ribbed cents. Big reduction in ' , new "Tufted" Ginghams. ' They are market and entirely new. - . ' TUESDAY. A BARGAIN. f!TTIXJDimL 1 First - national- Bant? Miii i - - 8tt Tiyen Street, r -' v Charlotte, N. C ;-. r v ; ; SKAXSB3 TS LadiesMisses'and Children's .-J i im : . - -;- .. fin, RES 4 LACK SHOES, - tieate Sine Hand-Hade and Machine Sewed BOOTS, BUTTON AND LACE BALS, . 'bois and irr aa FINK BOOTS AND SHOES OF ALL GttADKS GENTS' FINE ' . ' - SilkSoft and-Stiff Hats, TRUNKS, V " ; " VALISES and. -l ; ; GRIPS UMBRELLAS. OF ALL KINDS, . SQOS BLACK.IN& AMD BRUSHES. ' Alma Polish for Ladles' Fine Mioes, Stock always kept lull and '. .np to the demand. . ORDERS BT MAIL OB BXPBES3 FBOMPTLT ATTENDED TO. . , - A BAKERY 1 0 !! I 111 HARRISON. Successor to Mayer & Ross; ' Goiicn -Gin So., new LoriDOM, conn. V Maunfacturers of the "014 'BeHable't V Brown Cotton Olas, Teeder w4 Cob. I - ' densers. - - r." . -K- i: r All tha verr latest improvements; Im proved roll box, 'patent irhlpper, two brash ' belts, extra strong brush, cast Bteel bearings, new finproved: Teeder, inst nraof Condenser. . Strong, simplejnconstructlon, durable ns fast, runs liht, cleans the seed per ptinl nrnduces first class samples.- DELTTEKED FUEB OF FKEIGHT at umt oceeeaiwe poinw m j escriptioa and price Usft , ? -. Icrb'TCLK tliarlottc, It. C.. T T7 J i 1.1. .-UUIIUUIVU) CLUB 'HOUSE ; KEEPS .THE .-' - R B ES T B A . AND iLLinn HALL ADDITIONAL' SUPPOET. COLOJIEICOWtES AMD JTJDUE IIOT,IAN . x - " Speak Out or, the'. Democratic , Administration -- Something About' Adjournment Morri ' sen's Mistake. Ceriespondence of Ta& Obskbtsb. ' " ' ;s WASHiNQTONj J'June - T17. Colonel Cowles will aldress'thd-North" Carov Una Democratic Association tonight at their rfeulat neeting. . I had some conversation with the members from the 8th district a few . moments ago, and while it did not take the charac ter of an interview I think J. will do a public Bervice to state a few-points which he made and which in . some measure indicate the drift of opinion here among those who have not been regarded as the peculiar, friends of the- Administration. But I willT& call first bis sentiments as" to the ac tion of the gentlenen who voted jess lerday with the Republicans and de feated the consideration of the tariff oill. He said he could see little or no exuee for Democrats who went in direct opposition to -the known- de sires of the people and the deliver ances o ; Democratic: convenuons. Here we werepresented not with a proposition to pass but with a mere opportunity to consider a bill which all might not agree .was the desira ble thing. TThirty five gentlemen re fused to permit this billl q be debat ed and amended, - It was a tyranni cal act. utterly . unjustifiable, one which' could not enure'to Democratic or popular advantage, but whether intended or,noV would ; be accepted as in the interest "of the Republican party. Colonel Cowles thought with respect to the administration that of course the right of private judgment on its acts! would be accorded to alL But eo far as could be seen" the Presi dent was an honest sterling Demo crat, sincerely desirous of administer ing his high office for the benefit of the people. We must sustain him; said Colopel Cowles, in : all bis meas ures which ore . calculated for the public advantage,, and no repervation unfavorable to tha President's course is intended by the apparent qualifica tion.' Colonel Cowles further ob erved that he thought the chiefs who were ta carry1 out the pokey of ; the - Administration should be in . sympa thy with it. "He hoped that the re movals demanded by 'the people and by every consideration of sound' pol icy would be effected before very long. : As to general support of the President the worthy . member was emphatic; "I think -that those who deny thi3 by word or act are lacking in good judgment," . - ? - -Mr, HoltSan wenf -to- Indiana ex-; pecting to firjd it necessary to use easy argument to prerent the people from going against the Administration- On the contrary h says that the sen timent in his distriot is very , favora ble to the President. ' 'Indeed,, he remarked to a friend of mine- today, it is much more than that. Mr, Cleveland is stronger with the. masses than any . man 'of our time, except Lincoln or Grant. They look on him. tea honest,-faithful ; and J earless. 5 1 will say for myseythat if th Presi dent continues' to administer the dun ties of his office as, he is doing he will retire at the end of eight years the most popular of American Presidents and the most successful statesman of his country v Mr, Holman thinks he wil certainly be renominated and re elected in 4888. ' He expresses the conviction tha tfcere : is 30 ; pther epir&e open ta the . Democrats or probable tq be pirsued1 by the peo ple. 1 -It is now the opinion ha Mr. Mor- f ifjon made a mistake in not fringing up the:tariff bill earlier. It is' Mao said that the threat to move tfor its consideration from time o time will have the effecJ of keeping a quorum here. . -. - - . Hepburn and George Wiss discuss ed the war this afternoon to a thor oughly disgusted'House. If sectional debate can he kapt within 'reasonable Umita thft,JHonse can adiourn Wore 0 August. TBut there is small prospects of tbis. Jir. Morrison says xnas iqv House will be ready to aajourn oy the 15th of July. . Colonel Cowles has just remarked that Congress would adjourn between the 7th and the 4jth of J, uy. -" An ejtperfencedl journalist, whose jadgcfieqt perhaps is as gool as anybody's, thinks that the adjournment will take place , be tween the 20th":and the 25th of ; the, same month. -! - Sonator Yapce and Representative Reid were in their seats this morning, haying spent two nights in travel to and from Salem. . , A, report of , the commencement exercises is not ex pected from this quarter.- ; v . The Senate committee on commerce agreed on the North Carolina items in the river and ; harbor - bill; .this mornme. Several! these were ins. creased. The .bill Will probably be reported to theSenate tomorrow.' Yesterday thehill providing foe the Eastern band of Cherokees. Came up in the Senate- ; Mr. Dawes defended it; and Mr. Cockrell -criticised the provision which defined whence; the fund of $20,000 for. carrying out the purpose should, come. He said tha if it should be drawn from - the gen eral Cherokee" fund he would be sats iBfled: ; After . a colloquy between Cockrell and .Dawes this was agreed to and the bill, as: amended- passed. But a motion to reconsider was also carried and further consideration was postponed. The bill gives J53.S3 to .r.y : ; men-ber f.cf .'tha band .who There is a strong movement on foot and the whole fund will probably be required to - effect the removal of these-proposing to emigrate. Dr. Faison and wife, of Goldsboro, are here, " - 4 . . STATE HEWB. , High Poin t Enteroriea Th fol- lowing memorial of a most extraordi nary woman .has been distributed in the form of a circulars , ; . Rev. - Hammer, who eloped 'with arson's wite, m- Guilford County,' nas oeen sentenced :to pay a hne 01 200, and 12 months in jail.' ; ; Dayettevrile Ubserver: The. recent heavy rams have of course put": the crops bad!y in the grass,, but with. a few days of the right weatherf the farmers oan generally put themselves straight; though in somA neighbor hoods the damage to corn and cottoii is almost lrreoarahle.: fu On -the feast -side of the-river in some DlaceB ithe water is stui' stanarag a loot deep in the fields, but Mr. N.- L. Monroe and, others in, his part of the county tell us that they have dot- been at all in-: ABheville Citizen y At a meeting 'of the. stockholders of - the Asheville Street Railway Company beld ' yes-- bank of Asheville; a complete organi umj ax viiw - x a vjvs vut a a wm ux vug zation was affected by the election of James Jr. awyer. Thomas W. Pat- ion j . in. itantin, u. m. Jttooerts. no.. iu. yjarder ana u. m. alcxjOUQ as r jji rectors ; The President of the com4 pany (when ebosenl . was authorized to make such contract, subject to the approval of a majority of the board of directors, as will secure the earl v conapietion or the enterprise. , .. Wilmington Review: From near ly every section of the State comes the gratifying intelligence . that ' the crops are doing remarkably well. in some sections of eastern - North Carolina there' has been v rather too much rain,, but not enough thus far to cause. any serious damage.: while from every point nearly the farmers report the crops as never better. In Bladen. Columbus Pender. Samnson. ana uupun counties .the -crops are very fine. .In nearly- everv section the farmers are well ahead with their work Hhey" have had a hard fight to kill the grass, but have sucoee Jed, and will, tbereiore be ablv to 'lav Dy tneir crops m good season.17 & - - it . "' Goldsboro Messenger:" jThe work on the Hebrew . oVnagogue , is -pro gressing nieeiy.' Mr. 1 ' l rank K.- Borden's fine mare astonished the horsemen last Monday by trotting. without . training, a, mile - in three minutes -On:Tueeday a freight train going south pulled 42. cars, and yesterday two trains, South ; bound. one closely- following the other, bad 38 cars each - The Carolina Mu sic House has a regular piano factory connected with : the - establishment, where old instruments are apparent- Jy .turned. in tajnew rones. The Eastern Carolina Fair and stock As sociation offer $1,025 for trials of speed at their next annual exhibition to be held on the 3d, - 4th. and 5th of November. - ' ' . , "In memory of Tabitha A. Holton, noble daughter I Kest thy in thou im- moital triumph. The powsr of tbv genius has broke the iron bands of brutality which had been -tinted: for ages upon thy sex; No more can the barbed sbatt of prejudice and envy reach the in, thy eternal repose. The genius stripped death of ail terror." First in all the Sunny Sauth to claim and obtain the full rights of. woman hood. Death has crowned thy works but a short' SDace of time did eterni ty allot for thy mortality, . The 14th day 01 June, lttro, commemorates toy; death . - Over her I rejoice over death l weep. , - ' r- .- v tier own last words: .- v I am dying in the true Christian faith: but not superstitious. - I am happy but few understand it; I am going to a place boundless and mag nificent 1 isory me with a neat, red Bible in my hand.' " ' Wilminzton Star i It was currently reported a short time ago that color- ea lemaio servants - in w umingwu were being organized bv a member of the Knights of Ijibor, and that . a soon as the organization was perfected xney lnranaeq magiog a uioTeineui. . - 1 3 ? 4. for increased nay and shorter hours of labor." "Inquiry set?. on ffaot - the fact that secret meetings of the char acter mentioned were heinsp held in a haUon Third streot, but further than this nothing could be learned. i- The residence of Mr. Martin O'Brien; on Front between Mulberry and'W aK nut streets,; was robbed by a burglar, about half -past twelve o'clock Tues day night. . Mr. U unen bad retired a short time before thehour men- tionedr wjen bo wag awakfetied by a youpg man wnu was ijtug uu a ptuft. bed i an adjoining room,' and arose jast in time to see ft massed man, whom be thought - be colored, es caning from the house.: .The sum of twenty-two dollars ana ? nity r cents was taken from Mr. O'Brieo' dqthfss and .floe gol ; wfttqb: and chain;5 which -sere in a pocket of hit vent, were left, showing. that the objeot bl the robbery wag money, , BelJKionr of fpong-ressiaen. A-taCOTstttttUTO,,- - c A gentleman who has investigated the subiect gives me some ngures re- lative to sne rengiouu comniexion 01 . . . .a ! 5. . 1 J sT the oresnt Congress, which he says are reliable., Of tha AOS cJenators, members and Territorial Delegates who compose -Congress 72 are Meth odists, 63 Baptists, 41 Episcopalians, 37 Presby terians, 38 Catholics,: 15 Unitarians. 8 Lutherans, 10 Chris tians fCampbellites) and 2 Quakers, making a total of 283 who are active-' Iv connected with some church "or- e-atitzation. Anis ieaves vizo . wno either never belonged to any Church or have drifted out or. such , associa tions. It would appear from tbeae. figures h& Cougress ia apretty good missionary gruuu, - -;. ; - -',--,- Sharp Panst ". Athwart the - .' Jforehcatiy , 4 I Arid In the muso'es orthe neck and shcmldet, n naiU most Tlolent aftr nightfall, are among the mest cheerral matufestatlons 01 neuralsix. t It la an aflectloa 01 t&e n-rve lntensiaea dt a eoia tte rxme, bringing with It a cas.vai ion of patn, fp In h.wh hi HiWf.ter htnmunh Bitters, which Is a One nerve ton lc and tranquilizer. It Is also a reliable means ol enacting rneumaiismaiiu puuv- lutwe maiiuflM hKve alwars more or less to 1o with the kiinCTthHt.: when Inactive, fall to throw off the Impurities which engender them. "The Bltterjean De reuea upon- vo renew a oettuu; w v"' "-v , nn or t.hn ivniil or.mnn Besides this. It Kivg ton to the stomach, liver and bowels, and enriches th imiiu.tian . .. Antwttta and sleeD both nrolit b It, and It isawll " "MiitetJ means of f'TtUyingthe gvmetn 6 ainst ii,.i.ii a: It hastens the recovery r.t .... h T ;. '""ots, miv.Tu -'s t!'e In- . - - ' rr - : - : . j . . TOE OYSTER North .... Carolina, . Some Day,', to - Snpplj- the Alarkets of the ITnit- ed Sfates. " rV' , - Asheville Clt'zen. V ' " . Railroad communication has fna'de the people of the mountains almost as familiar - with 1 the . ovster as the peopie 01 wie coast. : At all events the oyster aas become very popular with mem: ana since becoming aeauamt ed ' with; the 'luxury their concern, would be as-great at possibly dimun itipn, br co3t of supply as those have come tofegard them as a necessity of iiie. -. a.na -mere- is danger-of. both contingencies coming to pass. -L The - great store house of the Chesapeake Bay w greatly depleted. The de mand on its supply is enormous, and improvident and wasteful modes of catch threaten very appreciable-ex haustion. The oyster beds on the Connecticut shore- are, nearly ruined by the ravages f the- star fish r and unless judicious steps are "taken for preservation or a no w" territory util- izea lor artinciai cultivation, or un less natural beds are, improved, the sam process will go oh j which lias made the ovster a luxury onlv for xne nenm ungiand and France. i ortunatei v on the coast of North Carolina, ira territory ' where such natural beds exists, or wherelhere is unlimited helds for cultivation. . From Albemarle sound down to the waters of the Cape Fear rivers the natural supply is : large and ' the quality of me oyster is good. - - j and to this the intelligent. work4of a survey, on the part of North Caro lina,;under the direction of Iaeuten- ant Winslow is.beihg..conducted, - i we extract a few items from a re port in the Monthly Bulletin of the Department of Agncultur : for'; the month of June: - Beginning- at Morehead City ac-. cording to the original scheme,, the survey has been ; pushed to the east toward) the Newport river Back Sound, Straits and a portion of Core Sound and North river and the waters in j thetSiVicinity .- of Beaufort having been examined. i-dfiii tp. The area gone, over is between 25.- OOOjmd 26.000 acres. ' Of this space the natural oysteri beds.- 757 in num ber occupy an inconsiderable portion ; but several thousand acres are taken up by sifting sand shoals or other: Un suitable bottoms. v v ":'";:: T Over 40.000 separate determinations of the nature of the bottom have been made and the results of 16 011, which . were charactenstichave been record ed for future reference. - The specifia gravity of the waters of the sounds, rivers and creeks,, have been agagr tained from teste made 329 different specimens from various localities. What are called "natural beds" are found; but the chief future relf ance is upon ariincial beds m lots ex ceeding, rather them less than, ten acres, one provision ot which is-the exposure of ."clutch" or . material to which the floating spawn can attach itself.-' The area available is several thousand square miles, and as atten tion is now directed to the m&ttar in view of rapid exhaustion elsewhere, we may hope in - the course of a few years' to see the oyster , beds of North Carolina the main source of - supply for the markets of the whole United States, and possibly . for the rest of mankind.: ,-7': -. - - chablestoji's weddog ;.; " -"gift.- -,'-'' The President Aeknwledei's a IQacslve Tase Presented by Pal ' duetto 8tate:CitIjren9.'ft-vr- Chaeleston, June .17. President Cleveland, in a Istter which is. (a be puDiisnea pere tomyrryw, ejtpreBBOB tbe sincere thanks or tumsblt ana Mrs. Cleyehnd for the magnificient wedOinsf present received irom - tne oitiaens 01. Charleston. He says: I have asked tbe privileges of thus communicating our joint acknowledge ment.of this present because tnis ael- icate and thoughtful attention to my wns nas, naturally, given nse to gru te rm emptionst ana because it anoras me an . opportunity ; to express my appreciation of the kind words with u.u . u - 1 f and my performance 01 public auty. Ifou and ypur associates ; who have Uniteu m., iue letter aucumptiujf ti your gift can hardly realise tne com fort! derive from the assurances therein contained of confidence and esteem.. " t r The letter and the . gift "take their places in my new household, and for ail times win serve as reminders, not only aa the happiest . incident of . my life as fa citizen, but of the further fact that in my official character.; the humble efforts rhaye mftiiei to assure gooa go vernmant : ta tne peopie ana Qomplete reconciliation betweetu all sections of the land, -are considerate-' ly, and Dleasantly recognized.by mf iorarintmnen; r-1 ? - Tho present-consisted of a massive silver vase, accomDanied biy a letter ju Mrs. Cleveland, saying that it was mtenaea m a xotten or ; tne nign es teem in which President Cleveland was held in Charleston by Reason of rjis aburtyi ms true manliness and bis constant ndelity to bis obligatiotis "under the copsttiitioii, and laws of. tneae feumea atateir"; Ileavy Freshet fn X-omlslaii New Orleans, June 19 -r A special to the Timessjlemocrat from Alexan dria says, i Commencing at noon Monday last .and; continuing untu. Wednesday afternoon. . this . section has, been yisited . by the most 'severe rain storm - ever recoraeo. bere. 'All that portion of town- extending from Third to .Tenth ' streets ' and from Madison street to Morgan depot.- s entirely" submerged ' to a depth of tbree feet : ilJuring tnis . beavy ram fall, the river rose very rapidly, the total rise ibeingtwenty-fivft feet one and three quarter inches. ' Two col ored men m ifte twa.mp were arown- ed by.the overflow.. One ThiDg; She Had Not dot. Kew Tort "ilaa and Brpress.. : . 4 VN6," snappishly said the summer boardiughouse keeper , to Mrs. Culs ' ture, Of. Boston, who was inquiring as to ine neaitniuinesa ox tneiocauty. rnoweajn'tgot no typhoid germs. and there hain't been no calls f or rem either.' Folks is wanting everything nowadays , and ain't satiiffieq With clean beds and plenty or what s good i i Positive Core for Plles. - To the Twmleof this county we would say we fcve been given the aeency of Dr. Marchlsl's Italian rue uintment empuaticauy guaranteed vo eareor novj rradeT lnternai, external, pnnd, Dleed Ujgorlwuiiugiuiea. Price &e. a box. Jioouie,no M0 A bsol utely P u re. strength and wholesomeness. More eoonomlOal than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only u ihuii. wuoiesaie D7 : - - -, SPRINGS Se BUBWILI.. la-saodiwlr &h . 5 . Charlotte, N. C. jo eyiCJORnK LAU REli." ' ro-minwt In" every higher que-tity, rtho HAN AN. SHOE haj become the recognized standard fol fine wear among discriminating gentlemen. ( -.- tor sale by A. E. HINKIN a BHO '.: : Charlotte, N. C, s IMPROVED - STANDARD T IJ II BIN E Is the BEST constructed1 and finlMhAii Tnrhlnn.in thftwnrlit "Tested pejeentaxes, with part and mil eate drawn, eaual to. any other wheel." JtNew pamphlet sent free by JBimiVII rtt HKOS ,YORU. PA. DEBILITATED MEM. Von are allowed a fVm trtnlnffhlrin ami nf tTrut rise of Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltaic Belt witn Electrto Sngpeiisbry Appuanees, for the speedy . relief and permanent cure of Hfrvovs DrbilityAoaa Alio .for many other diseases. Complete restore tiou to Bealth, Vigor and BlannoOd euaranteed. No riHk is iucurreii. julnstrated pamphlet inamtod -"srjrtoiMiiedijw sMrMtew- j ., , VOLTA10BCQ,H,nhaH,'lColu OOvl7deodArw7m and Whlsber ITaI- its cured at home with out paia. Book of par Ucufarw nerin FREE. B.M.WOOLIET, Atlanta, tin- ' iiiiiTS. - 6SH WhitehaU SUeeu mayl9deod&wly CUREfthDEAF t ATEIffT IMPROVED CUSHIONED EAR DRUMS v-cirimT -futfrou tub HKAKiKO and perform the w-orlt f the' Batoral dram, JuviBibke, comlortabre and always ta itKiw All covrer-iatK-n-and even wh5freri hoard distinctly, Sd lorilluitratetf book with tetlmonrals, FREE - Ad'treti 0-j.cattoa.t, ttiJCUi, 84ft Broniway, flew xort MexitunikJsVvaper" : MACHINES a A SPECIALTY' Slmn'est. Host Par ble. Kconomlcal and Perfect In use. Wastes no 6rsln; Cleanses It Beady tor Market. - . . . - . ThrefeMn? Engines and. Horse Powers ! Saw Mills' and Standard Implements Generally. send lot illustrated catalogue .-. a. 11. piitqunAB, . Pennsylvania - Agrlcnltoral Works, Tors:,-' Pa. I GURE FITS! '-WTBenlflavoareldonotmeaamerelTtostOD tham , for a time and then have them return again. I mean a Multaal cure I hare made the disease of FITS. EPI iLf.PSy 5r FAlJUINa SICKNESS a lUe-loogatudr.- f, J warrant mjmmuj moure we wuraccasea. neoaua . otaen have failed Is no reason for not now receiTina a 1 euro. Send at once for a treatise and a Free Bottle of my infallible remedy, aire Express, and Poet Offloa, It DOStsyon aothins for a trial, apd I wlU cureyott.. ; PBINYROYAL PILLS CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH," iTbe Original and Only Genuine. - ' tUfc aad alwayi KUmMe. Beware of werthlttM Isiutieaa. '- inonpeDuaw w unuits. ak ywr ttrantat Sir -. "Caleheater'a aa;Ush" aad take aa other, or inclose 4e. . r.l.mnsi to aft for tuLrucnlVR to trettr hv ia.IL : MAME. PAPER, Caieheater Chemleal Ca, . ?k - SSI 8 MUon nare, I'hliadaA Bald byJDvwclwta eTerywaere. Atk fcr "Chlchea , terX-BstUli" Feaajrey ai FUla. Vaka no ouur. ..- JanlOdAwly , ' ' i am an old man.' For SB years T Buffered with uleers on my rteht lea as the. resalt of tynJaold or. abihuvcihou wa BUKtreauM ua -vue uuiy ansof Dfesarvlne life. The doctors could do nothing for me, and thooght I must die. - for S i years I never had a shoe (tn, Swilt's ESpeclno has DWia a permaneQi, oure rbq aoaea ten years w my uijs. . .- ns. a. itaucju, nau -jo,, ua. - tbave taken Swift's SDeclBe for blood poison. contracted at a- medical eolleee at a tllssectloar while 1 was a meaioai swaenb i am graierai to say that It gave me a speedy- and thorough core after my parents had spent hundreds of dollars for treatment. - - ;- ;" ' - i , ADGDSTDS WXHDKL, .M. !., CieWaTK, It- 4. My wife from early' elrlbood has teen snfferlnK from rheumatism. . She has tried many remedies, and I must frankly say has derived more benefit term Swift's Specific than from all the others, after long ana lattntui trial. . - - . - 1UV. JAUJBS L. flKBCK. UlIOM. ua. wtfp8 Soeelflc Is entirely veeetable. .Treatise a - B'.ood and aRln Diseases mailed free. thb Swift Spsexno Oo Drawer a. Atlanta.ua.. or x w. -atsi.,n. t ; ... . ii. i-, i in. .. i , - ;i Always Rare and always sure ' Tjanles Belief -yuratjaoHfUviana I.ames' Irvspepsia Fills(prif. '.. 4 cents) by mad. beou nana i . Oovinstoa, Zy. -majl9tIeod4wlj CASSAUD'S PUBELARD, "STAB BftAIl 7 ... Is tor sale by the following ii 'LEADING GROCERS r-: CUttKini, ' - v Bates Todd, J,'L. DAVI8,,: - K. B. DfJRHAJt, ' - i lj. a. 3B ISTSNHS1XBK, - tX li.lttWlK, - . TSi. B. il,XAKBKB 4 CO..W. J. FKIDa.Y v i - Josh Caldbb. ' r C-Soorr, - .- J "fj. D. UOtiltnnS, S- M. riOWKLt, I, J. WALKKBA CO, . BULSSc SCBBOSDKB, - "V.'iTHSHS dt ECbSKLL 4. Every package bears our Bed Trade Hark, and Vi guaranteea uusoiuLeiy pure. T immm ! "j SI OPIUM .-luauouini Til ESEiV? cWilliaolAob'.BDcl TO :-: B Wc Have DividedUhe .iL(iDrir n i - - i And contains Silk and Satin Parasols 1 T-. And contains a-large variety -of n. . - boiu ' " miflDTT nun Among those you will find Silk' Umbrellas and Lace Trimmed Parasols y - wuiuu uuiu reauuy ai Offered at a bargain, is quickly bought . iuib vuuia airvnce , Aney are au regular maae. - ' 19 cents a pair Ladies Untleached Bal briggan Hose worth 25c. 46 cent a pair h Ladies 'Piue - Balbriggan nose worin duc. - . .. NEW LINE OF EOUCHINGS "A N ASSORTMENT OF FIGURED 1 fJOH YARDS OF 31 in." DOMESTIC SATINS 7.. J-iVUV . r , , . j , - At 2S RPnts rr varrl Qfl YARDS OF FRENCH SATTEENS, Vverycheap" - '.". "f yjJV , A t. QS nonfs Tier -tavA LK UUNGilAlu. DRESS PATTERNS DO , r ; CHARLOTTE, N. C. ? MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED AND OFFERS TO : TBB Wholesale r Retail Trade FIVE TONS Pare White Lead, TVV ENT Yr BARRELS PIE LINSEED OIL, A ; Large Stock of CoIors;Tarnfehes, te."-- -ALSO ONE CAR LOAD ALL AT CLOSE PEIGES. J. H. MoADENi 1- -lllUJOJld : - : Stock' in Three Lots. sells at $ 1.20 -each. - ' . which sold as high as $2.50 each. sells at 81.90 each. Handsome Sunshades, " many , of which at f4.uu. . - -Vj"-' x -"" ells at 3.20 each. fo.uu ana fo.uu eaca. up by economical purchasers,' therev 19 cents a pair Ladies Black, Navy, " Seal ;& Card. Hose worth 25c. 45 scents a pair LadiesBlk, "avy Card. & Bro'n Lisle hose worth 65c: - - , -7 . PACIFIC LAWNS - ' - ' . - -- . - - - - - - -Each of these rnbn 11vArrl. PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. FEKftIS' SMOKED BEEF . .. . - -. : ANDr - - TQNGIIES y- iT: - -ARK TH-- - . BEST - QUALITY. Get them at : BAMBTIffiANDER. - Free delivery Telephona call 81; - - - . PIMA IIS, Boneless'- Breakfast BacoD MECKLENBURG cniRLOTTe, pr. e, . . " . . - ClTXtBADJE. " Jlnffl-frn-ther notice, en and after Jnesday, Jnne city customers purchasing weekly tickers will be furnished lee from tbe company's delivery wagon In such- Quantities as desired, from 6 oounus up, at the nnlfrom rate price of 60 eents perhun dred pounds. - Those holding weekly tickets of a higher price cab exchange t flora at their option with our ticket agents at the City Drug Stores for the lower priced tickets.. We are now manufactur ing and offering to the trade at low rates, a super ior quality of pure erystal Ice made from Meckien burg sptlng water thoroughly filtered. -' - ; J ' - W. DAVIS, Supt. - SHIPPING PRICES. g rtlO tons, f : -. X i. . 5 60 per ton From 6 to 10 tonv -. . . , -; , 6.00 per ton -From 1 to tons, - - - 7.00 s r ton 600 to 1,000 pounds. - - - frieperi lOOto toOpounds,- - - H - , frrrl 1 - Were now nslcg the celebrated i i . " tfirough which all the titer is passed be . e tr& Ing, and tbe trade may tea epon ail lf nnuts tured by ns being ss pute as it is po"'Ve to m-. It Orders solicited and promptly 1 .ied. Lowft freight and express rates secured lor eur euak mors.' :f-af . -' maj22dtt , , KCLi:;rrS3 IC3 CO. USrjTELT--UDY $TuXV2:? ber own locality an oid Brn Knfereno - r -i Fermani t position and good salary, Al (. . ' 16 Jbarciay St, M. X. - - - - fcpr f,ff1flfSAUR"fT',S,r"r:--"' IWWpnm .lit. SCOTTS I-. j fei Broadway, laewVorfc Ifaa Oi. V i"-. ; prtoedjni .' . - . . .i of t3i a-iJ hci-s Via euiis...ntiaiLy i ri -3 cy Lu u. i.n'.on. uz-j.- hi, m-.b - - . G, CAS2ASD & SOX. ' r: 1 13 ij to tl3 Izi: .ra .Territory, - Eutlniore, Hi

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