, TVtXMBXD HilLX IXCXM KONDAI, 7. . wt . -. CBAS. B. JOIfES, Editor and Proprietor TWntnuira bum, waxrnxa iwhmitbto B OOT, BUT, UU TBI K, OW.IIOBA ffnb43rlpUom to the OVoerrew . v PlILTIWTIOlC. . fllniriaaoor seems. ,Bf 1M Woe ID uiswiJ...... ...-.... 13. .. .Myml. - . . . It- Three BionOu.J.. ...."MrS 6ii months ..,............... jSi - ? ? Uue yes. ................. . v ; WXIXXT KDIT10N. y Thf4iiimtli.....;......,......-MW flu moatbs,,.... ........ ...... .'" : 9m year..., .... la clubs of ore and orer IL50. . -.. .. Wo ITlatlo From Tfceoo Bales Babscrlptlons always payable la a4Taace,not onlr in name but la tact. " - -rxmrcBiD at na ptwromoi a CSASLorra, . J., A baOOKO Cum MATTag. I TUESDAY. JUNE 22, 1886.- ADSEKITEEISM in COIf CTBESS. Oufr Congressmen are the beet paid body .of legislator's in tbe world. Their regular salary is $5,000.00 per annum. ; - ' y Witb no end to tbe perquisites. T-oat. . vAftr as has already been "ehown in-these columns from official reports each 8enator cost the country orer. $13,000.00 vv',;:v-:?j.;r, Members of the Epuse of Represen tatives, something less, as they ar more directly responsible to .the peon .,pl9.T.y-..t ): ' 7 - ' And as to opportunity we quote a paragraph from a recent speech of -General' Job.' If. Gordon,' who is now making a canvass for the Democratic ; nomination: for .Governor of Georgia: VErery intelligent reader knows 'that all a man has to do, when he iar ln'the Senate.'is" to hold his seat as a ' "great Senator, rote and become a .''candidate for President. ' Why, "why does be want to get out of the "Senate and sell his seat for money, - whsnihe can make a ousand-fold J 'more tfr remaining" in his seat and selling his rote it he has a capacity -'for that kmd work.' : ; . ' ' .. But we started to say something about absenteeism. J Senator Vance's bill for the repeal of civil, .seyyicf reform,- wa8 voted - down in Ihe Senate a day or two ago by'a vote of ?6 to .:.-' . .' i, Barely mpr, than one, half of our $13,000.00 Senators were present. ' ..Thereto not a vacancy .in the Sen at aoi tf aekod whore tboMssrvAnls (T) of tho poopU wore we rho-ald hav : to say they, wM.prppably excused to attend to important business, or like Senatof ;" Jones, of ; Mqrida were off - on a courting expedition. ; But the House of Representatives is . equally as culpable. J V An incidental roll oall one day last ' wsek revealed the fact that there were one nunarea ma rorty aDsen tees nearly one .half of the entire body. Verily the people are lone suffers mgr- - - - THE DEBBETTA EIERE. T Is Papal Amerca to Ablegates Come to Iaroet Areh Bitbon Gibbons with the Uardlaalate. NkW foRKi June 21. The 'Papal - Embassy arrived this ' morning, and v ieiD lor Baltimore at iu o'clock. " v The Sarvia was mt at the, ntiftr. 'amine by Bev. Dr. J. S. Foley, Vicar ueneral of tne diocese of " Baltimore. Rev. A. L Magnon, tbe President of St Mary's Seminary, Rev. Dr. P. L. , ChapeUe, of Washington, Maj. John - Tt. Keily, Jr., of Brooklyn, Ool. John McAnery, of Jersey City, Patrick Farrely and Jas McMaster, of .this . City , ; ,r : ' The embassy from the Pope con sisted of Manager Staniero, Count , Mucciola and Rev. T. 8. Lee. At four o'clock Ibis afternoon the zuchetfa was presented to Archbish op Gibbons, by Count Macciola, of the vate and without pomp and display. r- That which will accompany tbe in ' restore of the Berretta will take . ace in the Cathedral on Jane 30th. TbCoontjsa young man of 23. , Eanaj5er gteciero U 33 years old. "i rTbe nooor of representing the Pope v mjc voHMMie enorcn in America was conferred pon;tbem for dis" tinmishHl service. : i - - empted tbe - Papal emissaries from r,t m iuhuh cunonm process, so mat they proceed without delay to their destination, ' No special ceremony wu oe ooservea at tne reception of the-ablegate son the cutter, the ob- j jectpl the expedition being a courte OtW intent tli fMlitat tha trmnm. tn. : . Baltimore and a mark ot respect for bearers of the berretta. , lirtn DlstrloCensrrrMloMal Con- Totbeldttor of TxsObskbtxb. V The Democratic oartVof tha Wifth v olina. throiifi'h their O wmvuwio WUi' unwic uau uireubeu buab s conven--i v tion be called to meet at Greensboro ioren uaroima. on wednesaav. .Tnlv n . . . ' . . , - J rtunt main liafHf 11 tK. -. . -, J toe unitoa (states, ; -vu.- ' ' Th basis of reprtseutatioo as fixed X by the State committee is "one dele ht gatd and one alternate for every fifty ; or lraciiois i di ; over twenty five Democratic vntpo oAt ; at th . l.f rgubernntorial national election"', in "vJeachfconntv: sr - ? ?r-'-s-:-5-fv.?; r--r'!;.- The several county executive com-, r 'mxter 6f tbe?ditftaict will please pro- . , yoeu tortowitn uv accordance with iu.piun m organization to call con- - r . ' vvuuvK70 venuons oi tneir roRiw.t,i wMmt; ' By order of the. executive com- - . R, B. Kebxeb, Sec'y.. ,; ; : j-,;j'.- '- . i i Oi I' 'i '., '. ';' ? VXhoy-DldnH Rlako the Trlp.F'l LVWCHBTTHO. VA '.' Jlin 21 :A crrv cial to the dailv Advanoi from . Pai cooy Falls says: . Two young men tourists from Dayton, .Ohio, arrived 'with - them ) two small boats with " ( soent of the James River to' Rich , mond,-' stopping -at ' intermediate - points. When they reaehed Rope Fer- - n. ji i . . -1 . ::,jttu jjeuiyru couniy,one or ine ooats v .. wcuDiau dt a man namm vv narr,rn struck a rock, ; and Wharton was -f Tae body t has not been - recovered. "la not known. urea pillxj. . ' Vm Dr. Gunn'i Llr Pin 1r W.rt Co"" Vm.Flir ..(.nufHsn-li ,..vj. i fiefclL.. r.ijltOU'B, ' TTEAVJ YET0ING . CI.EVEI.AJri ON A BIC KICK. He Beads Conanress lctnre ow Fenslonsand Pnblle BuUdlnics. WAsasaTOW, Jane 21, The Presi dent today - sent to Coagress fifteen veto messages, six of which were sen to tbe Senate and nine to the House; la his message Tetoingthe bill grant, ing a pension to Elisabeth Z- Dt Krafft, the Presdent says bis objeo tion is that it is of qo possible advans tage to the beneficiary; that the present pension laws gives her all the advantages which she would receive under a special law. - The President adds: "I am so thoroughly tired of disapproving the gifts of public mon ey to individuals who in my view have no right or claim to . the same, notwithstanding the apparent Con gressional sanction, that I interpose with a feeling of relief in the case where I find it unnecessary to deter mine the.merita of application. . In speaking of promiscuous ;and ill ad vised grants of pensions which have lately been presented to ine; for ap proval! I have spoken of their appa rent Congressional sanction, in recog nition of the fact that a large propor tion of these bills have never been submioted to the majority of either branch of Congress, but are the re sult of nominal sessions, held for the express purpose of their considera tion, and attended by a small minor ity of the members of the respective houses of the legislative branch of the government. Thus, in consider ing these bills, I have not felt that I was aided by the deliberate judgment of Congress, and when I have deemed it my duty' to disapprove many of the bills presented I have hardly re garded my action as a dissent from the conclusions of the people's repre sentatives..'; have not been insensi. ble to suggestions wnicn -snouia in fluence every -citizen,' oitner in pn -vate station or official place, to ex hihifnofconlv a dust, but a generous Annrflriation of the services "of our country's defenders. In reviewing tbe pensionriegisiation presensea w me many oiiis nave oeen appiweu upon the theory that every ; doubt should be reserved in' favor of the nrooosed beneficiary. - I have not. however. Deen aDie to enwreiy uivcsi. mvself of the idea that public money appropriated for pensions is the soldiers;- which should be devoted to in demnification of those who, in the defence- of. the : Union, in ; the nation s ' service, - nave wortnuy deserved, and who in the day of their dependence, resulting from sucn sui ering, are entitled to tbe benefa Hons of their government. " mis re flection lends to the bestowal of pen sions a kind of sacredness which in vites the adoption of such principles and regulations as will exclade - a porversiou as wou as uaure to ue Uberal and generous application of arateful and benevolent designs. -The, heedlessness ana disregard or princi pies which underlies the granting of pensions is unfair to the. wounded,; crippled soldier who is honored in a iust recognition of ;his government. Such a man should never find himself side bv side on the pension bill roll with those who have been tempted to attribute their natural ills to which humanity is heir to service in the army. Every relaxation of ; princi ple in the granting of pensions in vites application , without merit and encourages tnose wno tor gain urge honest' men to become dishonest. This is a demoralizing . lesson taught' the people, that as against tha public treasury most questionable expedi ents are allowable. During the pres ent session of Congress 403 special pension bills have been submitted to me and I am advised that 1H more have received favorable action of both houses of Congress and will be presented within a day or. two. mak ing over 600 of tbene bills passed up to this time during the present session.: Nearly three times the number passed at any entire session since 1861.' With the pension bureau fully eoip ped and regulated by the most liberal rules in active operation.suPDlement- ea in its woik oy constant and special leguusuoii. ii certainly is not unrea sonaoie to suppose in ail tne years that nave elapsed since the close of the war, tbe majority Of meritorious claims for pensions have been pre sented and determined. . I have now more than 130 of these bills before me, awaiting executive action. It will be impossible to bestow uoon all of them tbe examination they den serve, and many will probably be come operative : which should be re jocteo. . in tne meantime, X venture to suggest the significance of the startling increase in this kind of leg islation and tbe consequence, involve ed in its continuance " '': Z' v --' .-'. ; The bills providing for the erection of public buildings at Zanesville.Ohio, and 8ioux City. Iowa, were -vetoed for reasons that no Federal nffWra were located at either place except postmasters, and the rwmfjiV Of these places does not. warrant the erection of buildings bv theovpm- ment for the special accommnHn f.inn of the postoffice. " "... The President says: " Public build ings now in process of construction. uumueiiug pu, involving constant su pervision.are all tbe bnuding projects which the government oucht ty htn on band at one time, unless very pal pable necessity exists for increasing the number. The multiBlication n? these structures Involves not on J v the appropriation made for their' com pletion, but a great expense in their care and preservation v thArso ft While a fine eovernment hniMinv a desirable ornament to anv town city, and while the securing of an ap propriation there or is often consid ered as an illustration . of . zeal and activity in tbe intareat of encyI am 6 tbe opinion that the expenditure . of public money for such purposes should depend upon the necessity ; of - such buildings for pubuc uses.' f v ,... ? Oovid Iarl IIoeleaitly III." Chioaoo, June 21.-A"special from Bloommgton, IlLr says: The family and physicians-x)f ex-Vice-President Davi i Davis have concluded that his end is approaching, and he has very little chance of recovery; : They de termined to give this information ttf the public, believing it to be no longer ?-peri? cal his true condition. When Davie was attacked by a car buncle on his shoulder, about May L he was already reduced by diabetes iNo sooner did tbe carbuncle improve two weeks ago. than malignant erup tions set in, so that he is now suffer ing from a complication of disorders ile is very weak, and cannot read the newspapers. Visitors are not allowed to see him, A consultation of his family physicians and medical men from Chicago will be held to day, r ' .... . , - ' .; BtooinuaTOX. June 21. A tation of the Chiearo ton- nV...i.i Judge Davis rj ttu vouay pronounced beyond hope of re- covery. Positive Care for Pile, f J.he 10pl 0' tnio connty we wonld sy we rue omtment emphatically gimrantw-i to ci'eor money iwnjnded-h4U" Hi, exrn.a, bi"-.d, b.l. 1 OtliiUigplifcH. tft a L-u. i.ou ,13 i'wle fcf L. RWrraton, t c 9 IX'COIfGBCSS. v.i.ira work in tne Ben ite and Oonso The Consideration f Bills. 'June. 21.SESATB. ni-mt from thA committeeon the judiciary, reported favorably the bill to remove tne poiiwui v J. G. Flournoy, of Mississippi, and on motion George s - bill was at ouce napsed, the vote being unanimous. jt'rye, irom ine cuuuuumjo uu reported favorably- the fiximunas resolution providing for such amend mAit to the rules as to admit oi uo bate on a motion to reconsider. The - resolution was agreea to, ana the rrules..; were amendea aCCOrQ." I intrlv x-- . 1 -- - - .. ' The army appropnawjn u woo reported, from the House of Kepre sentative8 with al message of nons concurrence - in the Senate amend ments, and asking conference. -k- Th Rriate insisted on its amend ments, and the chair appointed Lo gan," Plumb and Gorman as a con ference committee.- ' ' : Thfi consular and diplomatic appro- nriatinn hill was received from the House with a message of non-concurrence. The Senate insisted on its amend ments, and ordered a conference. , Plumb eave notice-tnat on weanea- davbo would call up the conference report on tne postomce appropnawon bill. s " t v : i'yvvH - A number 4if veto messages were received from, the President which, when read, were laid on the table. Tho bill to repeal the pre-emption and timber culture acts ; was then taken- up uiid ita 1 consideration pro ceeded with. :'.r .' The bill was discussed until 5-15, when, without action,- the Senate went into executive session."- At 5:40 the doors were- reopene V and. the Senate adjourned. ' i House The Speaker laid before the house a - communication from tho acting. Secretary of the -Treasury, submitting the estimate of appropria tions amounting-to. $526,714 for the transportation of mails -on the non subsidized railroads controlled by the Central Pacific railroad company. Referred -if On motion of Town send, of Illinois, tbe Senate amendments to the pen sion appropriation bill were noncon curred in. and Townsend, . Wilson and Long appointed conferees. Tbe Houtfe having resumed consideration of the naval appropriation bill, rejec ted ; yeas 99: nays 13L. "s The motion- made Saturday - by Goff, of West Virginia, to recommit tbe bill with instructions to tne com mittee on naval affairs to report it back with amendment making pro vision for theN;ompletidn of tbe dou ble tuxretted monitors was taten up and the 'bill then passed, li-'h - At the eonolusioa of the eall of ataies for the introduction of bills and resolutions." on. motion of Ban dall, of Pennsylvania, the House went into committee of the whole on the sundry civil bilL. - There wag no general - debate i on " the measure. though it was agreechthat when the clauses were reached ; ' relative to the public .surveys, tne . five, min ute rule would, not be held to apply. Tbe bill was then read by paragraphs for amendment, aud a number of changes were made both of insertion and omission, chiefly affecting local interests. The paragraph relative to the bureau of engraving and print ing having been reached, Dingley. of Maine, offered an amendment requir ing the engraving of notes of the de-. nomination of one and two dollars and other denominations authorized bylaw. -' , - Randall raised n point of order against the amendment, and in the course of his argument took occasion to deny the charge ' that the present administration naa waged, war on tbe silver dollar. : The amendment was ruled out and on appeal, tbe decision of the chair was sustained.' - " . -" .j. . t Warner, of Ohio, offered a similar amendment which met with a similar fate Warner, then .attempted to evade the point of order by modify ing the amendment so as to author ize the issue of one and two dollar notes in piaceor mutilated and can celled notes of like denomination,' ; ' . Randall raised the point of order against this amendment also, declare ing that the avowed object -of the proposition was. to compel - a different administration vf law than was practised at tbe present and therefore changed the existing law; After some discussion the Speaker overruled jtanaajrs pome of order, a vote f jwas taken, . and ; the amendment was lost. 75 to 67. r . 'Warner then offered an amendment of Similar purport, tbe last pending action of tbe committee, rach Tay lor, of Tennessee. xnB. ered a resolution reciting tbe fact that tbe lower dot tion of tbe city of Memphis has been in part destroyed by tbe caving In of a bank .of " the, Mississippi river at that point, and providing : for ft loan to the ' proper,: authorities the - offi cers of the district of Shelby county, all or enough of the barge boats, tools implements and appliances, un der the control of the Mississippi riv er commission, to be used in imorovs ing the river below Peel street in that city. The resolution' was adops ted and the House at five o'clock ad journed. . . . ,: :;' . "'.'-.' - .- Call for Bonds for Bodemptlft'n. ; WiLSHD-QToir, June 21. The Treas urer today issued a call for .four mil lion bonds for redemption. The call matures August let. ; The following is a descriotion of itfie bond rkG ced in today's call: $50 originalaum- dot to original No 147. hath in- , v. , Tiuu uiihiudi uumuor xoio LO original number 1883, both inclusive ana original number 8922 to original number 9926, both inclusive;. $500 original No. 824 to original ' No. 843, both inclusive and original No 4225 to original No. 4228,s both inclusive : $1,000 original No.' 6963 to original No. 6194, both inclusive, and original No, 2373 to orieinal No. 23737 Kith inclusive - $10,0Q0 original No, 12966 to original No. -13344, both inclusive and original No. 28209. - - ' nomlnaltng Conventions. ' Raleigh, August 25 State nomina ting convention.; ' . - Wadesboro. July 21 Sixth Con gressional District convention. Greensboro. I July 21 Fifth Con gressional District convention - i Lincoln: -July 28 Eleventh Judi cial District convention. ? - . Gold&boro. June 30 Sixth Judicial District convention. v- : v-.v Charlotte. Saturday July 10 Con- ventlon : to appoint delegates to the Wadesboro, Lincoln and - Raleigh conventions. Mecklenburg prima ries to be held on July 3rd. Scotts Tnant.tIon efPnre Cod. tlver Oil, with. Ilypephesphites. In PnlmoDary Affections and Scrofulous Diseases. Dr. Iba. M. Lans, New Tork, says: "I nave pre scribed Scotv's Emulsion and nsed It It my family and am greatly pleased with It Eave found It very serviceable In Scrofulous diseases and Palmo nary assertions." . , - -. l . t 7 Intcrestinar Washington Holes. WASHlKdTOir, June 21. -Curtin got togethef ; ; his .' special : investigating committee today and reviewed a por tion of Gould's testimony. Hoxie's physical condition -is such, that he cannot appear before the committee, and it is very doubtful if v a report will be forthcoming from the com-? mittee during this session of Congress.- Fifteen veto messages were sent to Congress today, thirteen of private Eension bills and two public buildings ills. - , - - The House committee on invalid pensions today agreed , to amalgas mate the substitute forJthe Blair bill pensioning disabled sofdiers with the Kill tri ihAMoid f-.liA rate rt ianaiAn rk-f mniAiama inVin- hav nat. tt W nr nn arm, and attach to the combined bills a clause imposing an income tax to meet the expenditures involved.. This clause is patterned after, the in come tax bill introduced in the 47th Congress by Gen. E wing. Statistics collected on this bill were introduced indicating that a revenue of pixtys three million per annum : could be raised in this way If the bill can be passed promptly; it is expected by the committee that it will prepare the way for favorable, action on tbe bill to extend the date within which claims for arrears of pensions may be filed, as. n necessary revenue to pay claims will be available. , - ;-. A Fearful Storm, Or a Tremen dous Lie, '--Galveston, June 21. Specials I to the . News ; from Elgin, Marion; and Paigeon, on the' line of the Austin branch of the Houston and Texas Central Railroad, state . that, those places and the surrounding neighbor hood were visited yesterday evening by . heavy storms," inflicting great damage at Elgin. ; A terrific thunder, rain and hail storm swept over that -vicinity, deluging a portion of the town. Nearly every building in the Elace had windows broken and holes nocked in the roof. Hail fell varys ins in size from a' marble to a man's head, perforating iron and' tin roofs like seme nets, a piece of hail stone being picked up that actually weigh ed seven pounds. . Greesie's Ca-tlan Bewert Nsw York.. June 21 Greene & Co. say: 'Most of tbe busines was confined to putting forward July con tracts into August, and the ' market made no ; unimportant t fluctuation tnrougnout tne aayT-cicsing - some- what . nominal, about- , Saturdays rates. JNo one cared to Djiy tne- old crop, and the fear about selling at the ruling prices checked the, offerings. Some little covering of - late months took place pn reports of a less , favor able nature from crop sections, .but the . majority j of Southern' advises represent an - excellent v oondition. Liverpool; lacked tone and - private aucuunia were x-caujr uiuut. . . ; . Tbe Trains From Chleajco Do Met SJ JS.JW-SlSe . j- New Tork Sun. ' , President Depew. of the New Tork Ontraf railroad,; told a Chicago ros porter that his company had never run a iast tram to unicago that paid. Thty lost money on every; berth, at7cr maot satrainy TviTri1-iswA fr-aw arAA v'vsi auvM , v v a j piiufkO VUOJ OVIUt But the public demanded fast trains and Mr. Depew said he believed that faster trains would be run and tbe time between Chicago and New York reduced to sixteen hour?- -!; ' ' r Oaat ball Yew terdav. i Savannah .-Ram. New York New Yorks 7, Nation alsS. ' ' Pittsburg Pittsburgs . 8, tiOuis villes2. ; - - . . Cincinnati Cincinnatis 5, St. Louis 6, (13 innings). , , - t Detroit Chiagoe U Detroits 4. Kansas City St Louis 6, Kansas Utye 2 - , . Philadelphia --AtWetics 8, Brook lyns 7. - - a t., K,,r.-. ." .V- "''y'ZCi zm- ' Aaarchittt Psrsaas Tnras Up. . Chicaoo, June, 21,-8bortly before three o'clock this afternoon, : Anar- cnisc r arsons wno naa ; oeen missing smTe tne nay Martet not, walked into the criminal court room accom panied by his attorney. His appear ance was a surrnse to tne . coujrtand police officials. He is supposed to k... ,.:..j.vi..'j i . i uotd iou4ttueu iu umiug iu ioe city since tne nigns ot may aa. ( - " Trestles Batlfled. . WashaNgton, June, 21. The Sea ate haa ratified an extradition: treaty with Japan and one for a re-survey of tne oounaary line between the Uni ted States and Mexico. . - . ; . ' ' ?1!?.rl frequently preceded by a sense of weigat in tne oaf 5, (oios and 'ower part of abdo men, eausinf; tbe oattant po suppose be has some aleetlon of tbe kidneys or nelgborlng organs. - At sympwms 01 muigestion are present, flatu lency, uneasiness f tbe stomach, etc. A moisture line perspiration, produpb.g a vsry disagreeable iKHfuKD use KckLiujf wnriii, is a mmon auena ant. Blind, Ble ding and Jtching tlb-s yield at once to the application- of Dr. Boaanko'snie Bern edy. which acts directly upon the parts affected, absorbing the Tumors, allaying the intense itch ing, and enectuig a permanent cure : Price 60 oema. Aaaress inn Doctor uosanko usdlclneco.. a H.UO. Wf Um n W ' UUIIf J VMT Wn tX TJ fiT ALX, fj AT " lion. D. D. Hamle ot Balem. lll. ha nua Dr. Bosanko's Cough and Lang Srrup hi his faml- .U u" luuBiBttusmoiurj resuiu, m ail canes of Coughs, colds and Croup, and recommends it m particular fer tbe little ones. Sample bottle free nAnicETa bi TELRAjFal 7 ' JUKBlS,l.' 'a - ' Prdp'.--v v... ... iii!!rt7Floa'e-tT Wheat Hard Streetsni Western Superflne , $2.50 $4 0O;to brands 4.6oa4i Whetuthera gull bu nominal; Western-higher and active; Soutnemrea 82rt84; amber HfiJiitfr k J Western winter red snot aim. uiri Soutbern- hlscher. with an active demand; we yeuowiaas w luU' r,ll?il!T?,WBl: ?' cmoAeo Flour, Unchanged. Wheat, active and renerally easier? June ?VAttTir, June lliikft iHh! July WtefflVbi-AlXittomtl liJnlfjK,?i and easier; caih 84Vb; , Juue 841A3a; July ru1. August 88H60331&. 0..ts-lull and eat8:eaiu a; July wmmtb; August V6 -Mess Poik steadyand arm: cash and July 8.853 H BOi in. gust 8 95S$K.02V.- Lard-steadr ea6 1 ke l. Juy $6.20; August f6.27A60, i Shor" Mb sides stendy; cash $5.50.' Moxea menu st adri dry salted shoulders $4 Jj5ffi4 9lh shortclear $5 80 Qi $6.85. whisitey . steady at . (1.14. Sugar changed. : . . .. Z . - ' Nw York. P.oiir 5DnIt WohAttt. strorwer.i July 74Va85" August M(186. Corn 24oi fclgher, but Quiet; Mo 3 July 45U(D46li. OKtt-iaVl better; Mo 2 June 33a33U.olT--Quiet Cortee spot, fair; Bio du 1 at t&b. uugar 8tedy and quiet; re lined itteadr Jtfolases steany and quiet. Hlce firm. Cotton se4 oil '263i26; crude Bid Si; refined rosin dull. Tur-pentloe-eteadr at31i3i., tildes steady. Wool Arm. Pork unchanged. Lard very dull and without chaege. - JTielgnts steady. Cotton 11 64d. wneat a. . -., , , '7.rvil Strea - Wnjcrtierotf Tnrrwntina n firm; strained 76; good stralnea 80 1 ar drm at $1.25; crude turpenUne firm; hard 76s reuowdla $1.60; -virgin $1.80 . .u yeuowata Savakkam Turpentine Arm 4tii. ni.. Bosln firm at 90rf1.10; sales -i . , Chaslf-itos -Turtenttne nrm at 29. -anin quiet at lor good strained. Financial. ' , rxphnacf 4.87. r"n iv Pnh4-.., l.iiv.n!, c ul l"'t SlfOI'-'-, I " T -t ..i 1 i; t1 e Don. uuJ butfl'"'. i i ,'t. 1 Erie , ' ' niorurage ........... .'' lnj 4 Ke2,aBrowQ iff4 virff.niae'...:r.'.3r " v : Virginia Casofe.. .;::;'""" st Cbeeawake and Oh'o ".-"""-- -qU Chicago and Northwestern !" " "." 1 ml l&adp'::::-:. 1 $ Erie.. .... . . SuiS East Tenness.lt!r""" "" 7 ' -;- ? LakeShore.... " " """""" t6i2 Louisville and NaahvllJel ' rr" V'" o(S MeamhUarKi Charleston t to MobUe and Oh!o......V;'"",r ''"""" 15 Naahvllle and ChatUnooea.!". """" US ; New Orleans Pacific. ' 64 New York Central... ?..::::; ofa Norfolk and Western prererrd.""".!' SnS Northern Pacific oominon i . a6h Northern Pacific preferred.. ..." ; 6" Paclfio Mall...............k . , ."" . KftbS Beading......... .... SZHi Blchmondand Alleghany... .. . - 3 Bichntond-and DanvUle... . 125 Blchmond and West PotaJjrirmtaaL".' ,..;: Wll Bock island............ . . . ivjht 8t PBU1.....V... "..... ?" V ftefa St. Paul prefeiTOd..., .... '"Z"""" "'"' 1.23 Texas Paolfle..:.. "'" - Union Pacmo... , .... .A. .... .... . 67i ii1 67H4 E4VS Mimnuii Parrtflw nrjw worory tuiXeU,... . .... . WeMtnrn Tin Inn ............v........ BU)7! Bid. fLast bid,. &fferedV UskedV iSx! DU V Cotton.-. Wixvc-mm q let middllDR 8A; net re oelp s 16. gross 1ft: u0mi 47t; stock J.1,438: exports eoaatwue i,0iy: Ureat Britain : oonQ nent . 7 ; Nokkjl Oniet; .middling 9. net 'receipts 159, gross lU5; sales 78.CU); stock s exports coastwise 325; continent Wreat Britain ; Baltimobb Nom'l; middling m; net iwlpU 29; gross 68 - ales ; etoek 12.164; sulnners 800; export coastwise reat Britain 2,177. BoarroN-Qnlet; mlddUng- 9: net receipts 191; gross 1,679; spinners : stock e.SlO; exports coast wise j to Ureat Britain 8,464. - - . Wtlitwotou Quiet; middling 87: :' net re eelpts 6; gro s 6; sale - ; stock 7a3; eiports coastwise.' ' j- - Phclablfhia Steady; low middling 7; net receipts 200; gross 100;- sales ; sleek li,350: -m port tJ errM Britain--..; ; .. 1-..-. - SaTABNAH Dnll: mlddllnix R 11-lfi " no rnmrinfa 4iS9; groM 462; sales i stock iJJM: exports coast wise 1 737. . , HIV ORI.KAHH Olll.t- mliMlln. : MTb nc receipts 606; Bros i; sales 800; etnek E61; eiporu coastwise j to breat Britain 4f83 Vranee eontinent . , v - Mobilx - Quiet; mifWllng Kg; ' net receipts 56; gross 66, sales 200; stock 1.018; export eoastwise 1,900 (reat Brlpaln .... ldxitMns-Ste.lj; middling ? 8: reoelpU S39; shipments 864: sales 126. stock 24,656. - AceusTA-Oolet; middling 8; recflpt BOO; sales ; stock 6t0. Dull; middling 9; n receipts 1,295; gross 1,595; sales ; stock 7,723; export e intlnent - ; coastwise 2,100: Orest Britain 2012; Franc- Nw ToE Steady; sales 468; uplands -9i Orleans 9 6-16: eonaoUdated net recelpu 4Jk; exports to 4ret Britain 11 294; t framr 3,110; eontinent 4,648; stock 4U1JUH. j . - - Fsttrturea. Nsrw - Tork Net 8H7; groas receipts '. futures clused steadr; sales 43,200 bales. May....,., June...: 9 080.10 niy.. ... ,r,....M. ,,. 9.14.16 August...: 9.269 00 Septembar.. w 9.igaJ4 vlCOl)W . . mm t si w .03(.04 November.. 8.9a.99 UooeuiLer 902.03 January. toaa 10 February.. 91H&.19 Aprtl .......... ; . .. 9.38.1 .39 j"' . Uves-fsool eUotcoas Illssrket.. , LrnrapooL, Jon 18. Steady, with fair demand. Uplands 6id; Orleans 6 JH6d; sales 10,000; specu lation and export 1.000; receipts 17ilQD, all merl- Jane and July, 14-Md. IhIt ana liwnat. K SUit faallwa 1 ' , - 1 lumst and AentMnhMr. S HJUti I aallara 1 cwpitmoT, o owl. ' - - 1 h . : Tenders. 1UU: new 300. eld docket. '2 P. St. Sales of dav fnnlrutarf R HVI liUMtmn Hum, v j - : . dune ana wmy, o t-Ma (sellers.)- Jill KIWI Allaii&t K AAlii fhiiuM 1 I September and October, 5 2-64d' (sellers.) fWtnhAr atwI NAvamhAr AMlra i,1iia i lwinL Nnd SantArahAr ft SJIAW . novemoer ana uecemoer, bl-a. (Durers.) , futures quiet and steady. ' " p. M.-Jan, $td, (buyer.) jane ana Jaiy d b U4d. (buyers.) Jul Arui Ancmat. ft 1LJUA Khmm l AagnH and beptember, 6 4-64d, (buyers.) -. ' V lOQiroD.f nuTvinuer auu Aiecemoer 4 Oi DM, (Mirers ) iwruuri biiu iniiunrj Dl-oia. IDUierS I Futures closed dull - - , i.-s ' '.-,..: S City Cotiosk jrlarket Chablotti. N. C Jui.ea. istifl. ' nrrnnr nv maw numu a un luuuwuig quuiauons Good middling .. .. a?5 Strict MlddJlug...... . 7 85714 nimuing,...... .......... .50 Tinges. . 8ff825 Stains efc7.75 BeoelDU yesterday... ....... CITY PCODUC1G fffrtKET : f Reported by T. B, MAeiUL. J Corn per boshel.....,;,.,..,.:..;;.'... 61968 Meal per bushel.'....... Bnni Wheat per bushel.-:............ 90SL00 reanuts per Busaet,..., L10L18 Flour Famli .. .2.!t85 kxtra... i...,..,.s.a6a)a.M . - - - - - - - . ............ .... . mi ir' Li Peas -Clay, per bushel. 8690 808 Oats sbelled... ...... .v.. 45f?5u Dried Fruit Apples, :per Th..' , 8a4 ,-acnec,oeeiea...:. " 4B v anpeeied ' t&t TiTitiili If In . ' a Art -j. . ' ns-iiTif mmwm - ' Villi IVIsHt 'I At tn Oolonf. Ddf bUBhal ....... ....... ftftM ueeswcUE, per pound M .-.......r "2022 IHIrfrW. DAr TMM1IM1 ' : atAAtl HttttAP. TtmVr niHIflil .. I Z. lOA.fi gs, perojtea. ; 1214 180)22 tottiM Turkeys, per ponnd.,........,,....;.. : jftio Bnef. ner rjannd. nt. t Hk Mntxon. ner nounri. net - natji .jtwi, verywuu, ... .,,.,. V 70)o . ' j ' ------ ... ...IA..W , wwi( l i.. t Feathers, new '46050 Doa rvAA nA mil Great Excitement OVER t s LOW PRICES. . -4 VvatyMlr f nABhWM .Wv fistlna - ctoi j uescTipuurii sou i aw preparea ro seu tasin suoayer uuui ever ueivre. ij seciaiues are J V- Silver arT Silver-Pky Wir -7 "... n,..! J WA V I also offer bargains In DINNER SETS, DINNER SETS, DINNER SETS, WATER SETs?. . WATER SETS. .WATER SETS, ' CHAMBER SET8, ' -CHAMBER SETS", i r . CHAMBER SETS, I TEA. TEA 8ETs) TIN SETS, TIN SErs, TIN, BETS. UBT 'RECEIVED; ;' 111 nd other biiaON !h! A ij ncP06"?' C8e! oittaoi4tffi St,ES Ll .VD?' Call and be -r -n -ee sjtawV ifjyijtSJ, DISSOLUTION. A Graham. ... r..f !?rnrslilp of lira. JonM to, and tTeK fc'-.-j.S3 B. Ju.w.1 u 1 '3 B. .O.nJ3, kD. NTlT'Triir " i '"PEE ry- t , t ... a iiiti tuts Dili': - I: It -WILL -a ? i. -I PROITIlNEreT FEATURE ... . . f V7c!-' Dave. ; Suit Arranged- Z' 'Zi'f li-XZ V- ?''-4' 5'7-:Ws7i7;-i77,.;r .V::L.', i AND PLACED ON SALE: -Z:' t. - ; wrh ite Marseilles Vests at 35 cents. i. v7hite Marseilles Tests at 65 centaur- )F . ' SCriped Coats fast colors at 35 cents v - 1 r ' Office Coats Seereuckpr effects at 35 cents. Boys' Ctoats Seersucker effects at 25 cental . - , Boys' Knee Pants at 25 cents. v ?- Boys' Knee Pants at 85 cents. , Boys Knee Pants at 50 cents. r - . v. ; Boys' Shirt Waists at 25 cents, t " -J-: s Boys' Shirt Waists at 85 cents. - Boys' Shirt Waists at 50 cents. - - - - . . Boys' Linen Suits at cut prices. , r -i.i Mens' linen Coats at cut prices. j .' - : , Mens' Linen Pants at cut prices-.- :.t y . 3S , ' ';. J ' r ; J ' ' ? ; 7,7r - v iir. Tff TriB Ve T:.TI ITEUiL SENSK OF TUE 'TKli tf'(W'B'.:.ABai '.'..v1:. ..'HEA-b'Q u'a r'ter sr;;;.":"' El D.:LATTA;& BRQ. .we respecUully call your attention to the large and extensive stock? of Millinery and Fancy Goods, at Mrs. P; Query's, Trade stret. Alto to the tact why she uses the - - , " - :-- - "NT-XT' AT T TTS T-t" - a t i k;r h 3 VERlCAL FEED OOTID ' 'OOO'E0S -. , Exclusively in herDress Making Department, after . using Vther machines -will not rip. Try it before you buy ; all machines.- i 9 1 r - , 1 SOFTENS & PRESERVES LEATHEH r "I j .'.,1 -j - Our stnni ti im tnil f dfi8lmhlA nvv1a In nnr: ; ..:v;sjr .'5..I and Shoes thU season: . ' wt anaenoestDis season:; ' ' " o . g3, andtaor OompreheMlre i , :v.jj3..' pa r preparea meet anj reasonable demand in tbe ' 1 'i-g 7-6-... '- wayof HandBome. 8tjtefl, Low Prioet and good, ya s-at',. e . " :'e-t ?" aooos, sforaiiot wiieround Jsa-iSi'i, i7, Vii t;iSS3 - as represented. We Invite Inspection, and guar- S. . "aa Vfl,tWttW?iflon In eTBTTpartieulMtean -rr nzz - v j- - i -? 'I ;r nuv wtui HI WW! DUUI 3 . -..I, VtOatyinaairm 1 5" Ti i it - A, ft" I,.' t 'j "Timp If M -vv Z M ? .. v : 1 . ) ' iA Crippled Auerate Sayai' QUINN'SPfoNKEtt. aiadnow weigh ffiwZto Ji could hardly walk with a stick to supwiV.lnd now walk long distenoes without help . its beaeht w un is ucyvuu caicumuon. -. - - .A - . . . . ia. niiifua jsUSTlCKi Cotton Bayer; , 7 j - : Hunn. fluV Mr' A. II, Ilrambleit, Hardware ; ivu wi is ray an Qa., Writes. , It anted like a eharm nn m nui ),..), ft consider It a fine tonto I Weigh more than I have for ifi years. BespscUully, a. B, BRiMBLETT. . ' - V ;Mr, W F,Jo)ifi, Macon. Says 4 MOHKEB as tbe best touio. 7 u w. lr jiimm jj - - Mioen. yo -Street , . JNO. H. Mciahole Orlst fT 5 :Bl00d aUd iPV?bltisro .S Prion . D. DitU - fl . loiiDter BE A- 7 "A-:" :Z fit, ;;;.i7;j; 'i-:-nJ;-:' '7';v7--l; it wfll cost you nothine.i. Supplies for v . - - . R, MQORE, - i General Agents Trade St.;: i, .JS-: 6!-- nf th .hniu w.& lln : rw,. .y- ba. A ?2 ".V 'VWm VI UWf Detatf tn an grades larger Delntf tn an ers Utreer r S Unn ever, wearetuHy .. , - , r poUDQRgBb " iepelve isareffll and prpmpt f I i 3 TTltirS :'?7 ..A i- V lohiuitQm Dloek. Tr-fea Rtren I c 1llAf in a An "?mEi,E ji:rrfnais z. z. , JEiEHiIEJiT i.? Jertrjea a Sufferer from. - 1 J 1 h8? t Victim fac-" 3ts-three fourths ot the time a sufferer from a.i".A,' 1 " uituoniosj wenj w cmensive ciuu I i tone from my hard eandng during my fortyrwu of suffering to obtain reitef from tb orsI ed.P&tent medlotnes-every one TSuId ISJSii'i. "S 0,6 four J? ef the earth, with ISaLJSL!' (w of age ban met Mth a remedy that has cured me entirely made SA1 JSa ?. use rhS J ' HNBJ CIUTSa, 7 "No. 367 Second 8t,iUoon, &a.' t. rCTc. j ",,vrl ul w odcttb, rormerv. EiiT?KW,ord-?),ulty'Jnow of cob, Gojvta, merits the oonfldenee of all interested in catarii. n. m.. nun, ax-siayor 01 Maoon." rA- - r - s -1 . v. v-,v-f will Clocks,-Silverware DllOXeS, JEWELRY, Z:t4tiZrx:Z -AND-I-r . la.--. '-, s ' ' .; t SPECTACLES. 1 -. JEVELEHS: West Trade Street , ' Charlotte. X.c Is m the BlPg y , ww. nuoiessje uruggtst ":,.8PABKLINGr n ifn itTtn Prv:.. s s s s 1 OOVSEsTconplLfitE fool, Shower and Warm Hulohnr- mm ' trvii. - may30MtmwlAfA ' r; ' 3 UJ. IVALKKl. : . ' 5,-K.BBrAH L:-:J:lMEH(SCft 1 ' Wholesale and Betall eroeers. ' IIEW FIRiq lffEW OOOD8 rVN the Bret day ef January J888,the andershtned w entered into a eo-partnershlp. for the purpose General Grocer? Business -vll i ail I , " Tiyqn & Fourth streets. We are qoHllital by long experience, to meet the demands oi tbe tnde, ana ariM ani1frflant1im ftdt niw anatnmasa , ,we ui Keep on hand at all Omes a fan took of rFAimSUMSi Whldl Will he dAHUKMUl tn in, mrf of chargeT." i- - 7 .v . V-JKKmKMBKR. We win not be OndersoW lnthe Charlotte market oar store for toe aooomiiMdaaon of our leoste- men.'. -.'.-.. ' .. ... ... ... ? l. nAHiin a co. : 4 Mr, JM Persist' Remedy Is stUl the best Blood Purifier In the market " p -mmzmi-' Doctor Certficate Case f ? ; " ' Blood Poiwos. ' thsTe tjW- $trnra?s rtomxk blood eh- 1TEWEB tn several cases eutaneous diseases of auwuuig whs ue mw sansiaprory rssifi. Haye seen the happiest results follow its use In Syphilis of the wont lorm, and believe it to be the Destalteraflyelnuse. ' ,7 .7 7 ;:ib - iOtM-tti BrllCn,6a, ATelce from the Leae Star fltate eTJlNN'a HONSEB BLo6dBENWEB has Cured OflA nr m AtllLfpan nf tV. .nnt AQOA - . v,v. ran. 001 NUJ1 19 w cmH mine, and the doctors say it is a perfect eure, In taelrepioloa. , I am tbankfitt for ba? log tried tbe medyv :;-$:-WM. UtAHfS, Italbw, Texas. as-.-fj .7 4i-5.:A'." ij . ...' j ;tl'7 ' v .'Sata-wai, January 30, 288SL GUINN'S PIONKEB BLOOD BENKWEB bM lf Qmtf 1 1 ADA. .an. u .1.1. 1. M. n. uiau bbtdisi cures or tiiooa roison and KQeuma- vom BuiuuKmr customers. - -1 most nearuiy n- vymumnn it w Huierera rrom uiese aneciioos. v. a. mLiMAX , Druggist. . ? Nkw ObUuib, U.. jranaary 16, 1888. t -rTav5 een cured sound and weD of a bsd esse B,L2t?0'8on b' tte m of 16 iwttlee of eDINN'fl F FIONRRR DlVin uniiinD r (t. - mvwv AJUlAnjU. A Will WUUU imp Pn-ises.forerer -. - Jacob sbuxx. I. T rm iiffl,.h,f.j .v. -1. - moet nearty attest it. t . ". MB MAT. Druggist, Canal stJt ' a ;'6ldfl:S9res.-'A' Perfect - r. T: Ow .w, r? f- UAIAWdA ING k! illlll r.Irs. C oe ."cx'S i Ij f "l f v - r ' . .4 " S. :.,,! , I 1

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