y , - - - - . .dV Or " -M- ffiTlT ' 'fTv , . , - x - - . - . . X " ' da, : VOLUME XXXIV. G HAIILOTTK. N; C WEDNES DAY, J UNE 23, 1 886 PRICE FIVE CENTS. OFFER One $10 00 Parasol at $4.00; . . ' ' , - .V-. Two $7.50 Parasols at $3.50, - V- , ; ' One $5.10 Parasol at $2 50. : - ' .- ' - OneJotr bt $4 00 Parasols at $2 95, One lot of $&50 -Parasols at $2.40. ' " - . , One lot of $3 00 Parasols at$l 93. . - One lot of $2 50-Parasols at $1.75. o 'V . One lot or $1:50 Parasols at $1 10 . ' - . -Our $4 oO Pongee Parasols at $3.10 Our $3.00 Pontes Parasols at $2.10.. -'""'; V. . Our $2.50 Pongee Parasols at $1 65,. r ' ; 2 Embroidered rink Zephyr Robes,1 price $5.00j to-day they are $2.50. V ,z . . ; " 25 pieces of 75 cent- Worsteds Colored Dress Goods in Qashmeres, Albatross, Mandalaya and Batistes at "45 "cents. They must go- I ' . ' : ..T";', 1 0 pieces White Plaid India Lineji at "8 cents per y ai d. 'f-.-'.j- - - ' - - i' - : i ----- t i SALE :CONTINDES j For Mliis We k; Only. Mr entire stodcot .. HOUSE FUaWSfflUGS At ablg.dt count Ko hisekfper MwvW fi V tite ednge Pi tte low prtoee. . " ' - . . - . . . .. TABLE LINTN8, . r r . DOILIES, TEA CLOTaS, " j(qrriKftaAH ims. - " V ' , jiT 6a,TAIl8, v- v CBKTON1TSS, BT?J, T 4 " ip8.qAFKT,rtQtva Cone Md et tkW Price." ' v Cheapest of. the season. Special bargains in MOHAIR AND LINEN .ULSTERS SOOCSSSOBS TO ALKXANDER BABRISr, It Pirn may2dwedAsUw5m CLEYElAND M1SERAL SPMKQS Ate no ot'an lor the reception of jlsltow. SeautlMlr nnUhed for tae benefit ot ' Mm to tfe pnnffs. Wrientf of ke secured for the aeasos. , A good .trim! band has teen emptored for the TbtatVr ibelarnU tie very the mamrt aa ir). Huftkiiwiiibeatt ill be at tae Springs' station on the ar- . vlui r.1 sun train Koi further informatics' i 1 J. P03TOS, Juneldtr ( i-4 - f . Ar--' T Mm BITHJOTVCL CO. First, Katioial : Bant Bmlflini, South Tijou Street, - - -1 Charlotte, N. a ' DKAXSBS IN , . Ladies', Misses!and Childrhfs BUTTON, (MGRESS & (ACE SHOES, - Gents' Elne Hand-llade and Maehine Sewed -BOOTS, BUTTON AND IjACE BAS, BOTS AITO 1UUT88' ' imK BUOTl ANA SHOK3 ' ALL GHADSS : . 'GENTS' FINE 1 Silk, Soft and Stiff Hats, TRUNKS, v fy:::. ; VAUSESwdx : - QBIPSCS, UMBRELLAS OF ALL -KINDS, : i : sho? BLACrae and bbpshzs, -. r AJiaa PplkW for Wies' Pice Ite. Stock always kept " lull and' ; - - np to the demand OBPKE3 BY Mitt OB 1XPBKSS-.JPEOMPTLT '-;'' " ATTSNDKD TUy ; tjEV LOriDON, CONN. N'V' -MaBnfactarewbf the "Old KelteWe I - ' I. , Brown Cotton Glna, Feedera and Con- , i - denseps,- :;.r'i:'-:: ""' " ' " ' AH the TWy latest tmpweiaeHtai tsup ' r ' W, patent whlBpeiv tV " - tioh helta. extra rBtron rOBh. aft ) steel bearlnga, new tmprored ?eed?F ; enlarged dnrt proof Condenaer. - . v Strong, impleIninMtioanjWW fast, run Hghti eleana tha seed per rw ni nroducea first claaa aamplea. 11KIJTEKED PBfiB OF at may aeceMlble point. Hani Tor luu description and rfc list. Jc jricIOW5liaj eiiaiMwiact w -7-.; D. A. TOMPPS C0 gOBNB8 COLLEQI AND JfOtTBTH STa, - ;(B,M'ltnierSontaFnUdtog Have repelled jn haye ft jtop a fulj line pf . . - - - - r ' . ; PWaUBBS"- SUPPLIES, . vb qt?0. w.'' MOOM. 1 in eharge oT our PiimRfNU DBPABfilBNT, and will call on aB, one wlshlng-work done. : . - r -.:-,-- - ; Hbusea Rented f MTitad and rents collected, tn the tdveroaed free of eharge. . ; ' - ' CHAELPTTI BKAL KSTATS ASKKCT, ; i . B. E. eOCKBANH. Manager, " ' 'i4 W V Ttv! Htrtwl Tront Conical fCoteV the bust stock - of, goods n tie: city in oub 'linii Gr.OIAL NOTICE. A i. n tt E0AN0KE & S0UTHEEN. XII E MORGANXOH MEEX1JIG. Detailed Report of the Proceed fniCS-IIelp From the Baltimore and Ohio. J Morganton Star. - ', - " A large and . entbusiastic meetine was held in Morganton last week : - Hon. A. O. Avery moved that the meeting be called to order by appoint? iog Mr T. B. T witty t of : Rutherford, to the chair and Major Harper, of Galdwell.andW.W.Barber,ol Wilkes to act as secretaries. -; -,: : . Colonel Tate.of Burke explained the object of the meeting to be a meeting of conference with the counties along the proposed line. , The following counties were ably represented:- . ? . - ' ' . ...Wilkes, Surry, Burke, Ashe, Wa tauga Caldwell, Rutherford, Polk, N. C., Spartanburg and Greenville, A free, harmonious and full expres sion of opinions was had, and all agreed tiiat. by - the -route : proposed from Eoanoake, Ya., to Greenville. cs U.a..,Wukes and Hurrv.or Ashe and Watauga. Uald well, Burke,Ruth- jeiford, Polk, and , Spartanburg' was the most ' practical route and . the shortest Toute by at leaat.sixty miles. Mr. Ubatham. from ourry . spoke m f ivor of this route.-. Said he was au thorized-- to say that Surry county would vote at least seventy-five thou sand dollars, besides many prominent citizens would give liberally of their private means. - Blr C J Cowles,from Wilkes, said his county was strongly in favor' of this route.and wbuld vote a handsome subscription, at least ; one : hundred thousand dollars. N : O ; .( Colonel Tate read letters from Ashe and Watauga : authorizing him to pledge fifty thousand dollars ; from each of these counties, provided tbe road was built through these coun- lies. . v - . . The delegate from Caldwell strong ¬ ly favored tbe enterprise and was sat isfied that Caldwell count; would do ner auiy. - - . Mr. Twitty said - that Kutherford county was looking to this route with mueh interest ana would give liber ally, Said "a number of - gentlemen wno were fighting the., other two companies wowd favor a subscript tion for the Koanoke route. - . The Polk delegates said their people were enthusiastic over, the .: prospect of . this road coming through: their county and they believed the county would vole a hundred thousand dol lars. - - Spartanburg eounty,S..C., wasrep resented by Dr. Landrum and others. Jlr. landrnm made avery impressive speech. Said his people were partial to this route; that it would open up communication " betweon Virginia. North Carolina and" South Carolina,' by a direct line, which had long been needed, and tha, both the town and coury of, Spartanburg would sub scribe liberally ;o aid in building the road. - - - " c Mesars. Davia and Morgan, r from GowfcBville, Greenville county, S. C, were nresent to sav that their section woula do its;whole duty .when called upon.' , - - -r' ' - Mr. F.M Keiiiey.ot iireenvme,o.u.. said that when - the announcement was made m the Morganton. paper that a road was in contemplation from. uoanoase,- a., 10 rtsreenvme, j.t bis people were perfectly elated at the idea, gaid it w&8 , characteristio of Greenville to go her full length for all railroad enterprises that came to or through their joity.acd for this grand enterprise he was satisfied they wbuld make an extra effort, - e . -. Judge Avery was loudly c.3414 for, when lie arose and sad thai courtesy suggested that urkeshoul give way t Xhp elegatea f rpm a distance.' He said, however that a majority of the most enterprising citigena of Burke were in full accori with the' enter prised and ;tfat they would do thair whole duty. ? Said that the Baltimore and Ohio ; cpmpany was a rich' cor poration was able to build all the . . . j . ' j i .t 1:1... -11 ..t.n road tney aesireu, pub iw t wvtc hueioess menvorKed" to the best ad vantage, and .when they determined to build a rauroaa tney nrss urTeys ed the most practical roue and then ascertained what section: would offer the most financial aid, which, mnu- enced the location ; of the route to ft great extent. - He then moved that a, committee of three from each eoiinty ftlong.the line of the proposed route to ascerrAin, as near as.possioie, now much their tespecti ve counties would subscribe toward the build jog of this road, and to correspond with Colonel S McD. Tate, at Morganton, through him wath Jhe onicerB 01 ine liaiumore and Ohio railroad and other syndi cates looking to the early construe tion of-a road throygn tne eounues aboye named . : . - . : - : The following are . tne genwemerA who comDose the committee? ' Wilkes C J Cowles, J A' Cooper, JQ A Bry an, W M Abpher, L C Ter- w -.'. - r m - 1 -j aft 1 1T ' T3t (Jaldweu-s i tspamnour, vr v Harper, Dr. It L Beail, R M Suttle, S 5 fatterson. - . . . ; ' Ashe - J W Jodd, wy . xnomas, G W Reeves, David W prth, A if Cowles. ' ' ' " - ' : : " ' ' ' WataugaW W Ijenoir, J GFm ley. G W. Drugger, , J J , pey, a u Uritcner. - ' Burke Dr. J-U yv hiteMoesj ur a Loven, 1 A. Bristol, 4 tr.l"earflon,.fJ 5 Dayw- PuthArfnifd Jas Andrews. Nathan Young, M H Justice, J A Forney, J Y ru.CEiUVJ'0-. '-:? .: . . . Edlk - J K Hottell, Jordan & Good euVj.A'T'hQrnJ Greenville and Spartanburg, S. C, MI Ansel. W L Mauldin, T C Havis, Dr. J Bti.Lftncrrum, T f Earie. : gurry B B QwynM Chatham, Romulus yolger, W F Centre, R 8 .Mr O J Cowles moved that the next meeting be held at Lenoir, .Caldwell "county." V' ';' ;' ' '. - - ' Sheriff Hamilton, of Polk, moved that while the delegates were prepar ing their lists -of committees, jtne r.hafrman call upon Col. Tate for,; in formation as .to the character of ; the management and the resources of th'e different raiJpad ' dompa.hies that mig)t becopae jntQ epted in the con struction of this projected linei-. ; He said the Baltimore and Ohio compa ny was one which would ieei an anxs ious desire to control -such ft line as this which thny could r readily con-: nect with their Valley .ro,acL that they were looking ' f or an outlet, in this direction with the view 'o con necting with the Georgia, system ; of roads, and that this was their near est, cheapest and best way out to the South and Southwest, ' That as for tvr?r r-r-rs t.ni - at-ilitjr to ; eccoxa- n - v: i ft.- He said that-now; seeing that com-, pany would seek connections South, as indicated that they were able to carry out their plans that fwev had the route presenting the most favor able conditions by nature -, vould or could we allow it to be diverted, by local aid offered on ot her iioes. It should be remembered that to main taia our.natural advantages it . was necessary, to ; see i to,; it that- other routes did not offer sufficient induce-' ments by way of subscriptions to overcome. those " advantages, .. This could only be done by giving aid in county,, town' and individual sub scriptions. Let us see what we can do in . this way. -' By , co-operation along the whole line we can raise, a sum which will attract thenv Cor -porations prefer to place" their prop erty in friendly communities, and the best evidence - of I friendship, is Sivingaid. - . - STATE HEWS. The Argus says t he Gold8b6roTro hibition ,Club will; appoint " fifteen detectives, whose; duty it shall be to ferret out and report to trie grand ju ries of our county all violations of the present; liquor laws. ;v .' ' The Saaithfield Herald reports many; deaths recently in thattounty. Among the dead are Mrs. IL It; John ston, Mr, A. P. Barbour, Mrs.Cassa Barbour, son of Mr. W. O. Hamil ton, Mrs. Elizabeth Enniss' -and Mr. B. B. Alford. , V ' ' Greensboro Workman : ; We "were shown this morning a spider, around which there is much of ; interest. ' It is the same thet-bif the little son ? of - Mr.E,;? P. Wooters i last Saturday morning, since wnicn ume. 1 we un derstand, two of our physicians have been in attendance on the boy, and that he is not out of ' danger. . The spider is very black, witb the excep tion of two very bright red spots; one on the end a very small one and - the other on the under side. : -- .Wilmington Star:, J. : M. Barlow: one of the letter carriers, was arrest- ed yesterday morning on the " charge of robbing the mails. At the prelim inary investigation of the cAae before U. 8. Commissioner , Gardner , he waived examination, made ' a full confession of his gult, and Was com- muted to the custody, of. .a. Mar shal Riehardson, in - default; of bail for $1,000.-. Barlowwas apprjinted to the position he held in the poetofBee ny Mrt.urinc, -ine lace postmaster. in may, laoa. , e is a atepuoiican. but was popular with every one- and considered, a good official. The ar rest was mad e by ; Postoflice Inspect tore w.. JS bmith and ibomas Troy, of WftBhingtoov D. C, who have been in the city several day workings up the case . . . . -f -. . -. f . . --"Wilmington - Review :" Three can didates, viz :' f Messrs, Frederick T; Price, Chas. ". E.. Burns and JJohn A McHugh, were regularly ordained to the priesthood at St. Thomas' Catho lic church yesterday morning. ?. The important ceremonies were conduct ed in a mpst impressive manner; by Right Re Vf Bishop Northrop. . There was a large and deeply interested congregation in attendanceri the music was . unusually fine;' and the ordination sermon', by Very- Re'v. leo Haid, Abbot of St.; Mary's Mon astery, Belmont, Gaston county, was a remarkably able and interesting as "well as instructive effort. ' The young candidates were deeply -k impressed with' the .ceremonies which placed them in the order ,pf the priesthood and all present bore testimony to tbe solemnity of the occasion. . .Tespers, at i, o'clock in the .afternoon, -were conducted r by th9 newfy ; ordained priests, -; .who acquitted ? themselves with mueh credit, r At nigbt. ... very Rev. Ijeo Haid delivered an interest ing and instructive lecture - upon vMonke and Monastic Orders.",' He is a deeply learned clergyman, with a fine. commanding presence," a clear articulation, and he treated, his subject -with. Originality, foroe : and clearness.: It ia a subject upon which there is radoubte41y a great amount of ignorance, and the; eliort of 4 the speaker was to let rays of truthful light shine in ; upon this darkened theme- - The services .throughout tbe entire day were edifying, ; a.ad large crowds wece present dpon each oq- '. ' . The Delaware Peach Crop. ; The Dover "-(Del.) Sentinel prints a cojumn of reports f rom. peninsular 5 teach growers, -ol which the follow aa is a svtmmaryi Forest ."Station wul ship 10,000 baskets, Middletown 800.000. Greene Spring 36,000"'- and Smvrna 100.000 baskets. The June: Qtop is rather light. Leisc . reports a light cropi Moorton a r poori crop'V may ship ,000 to 7,000 baskets. Ken ton will ship 6P,000 baskets, les$ than one-third of a crbpi. jCamdenTf ill not shin more thn oueixth .of a crop. Rilng Sqn repoiia one-half of ft crop, but tine fruit.--"Other reports are as follows ; Woodside Home orcnras one-fourtbof acrops "others few; or none: Felton Crop a failure ex6ept a few early varieties. Frederick 20.000 baskets. . about :- one-half of ihem on Mr. Willis's orchards. Far? mington--A total failure; not a single basketjvill be shipped. Bcidgtyile?4: No crop.; Seaford No peaches worth counting. Sassafras yrop almost a failure, a Denton Some orchards in Caroline county .have nearly a ' ful crop.; others none.; LankfordQroo irregular ; taken; as a "whole more than an average crop; yellow varie- ies beaviestti " Qreehsborough. -Not enough peaches to supply . the home demand Hillsborough very few Centreville-right prop. Still pond full- crop . trees -''.. vigorous s and neaitnjv tjnesierrowD ig crop? 640,000 baskets. 3ennedyviUe Very goed crop,j-yjx5omoke-ine ;pros-t pects for very nne crop.,: iwver Prop irregular? will shjp from 100,000 to 15Q.0U0 pastceta. , ; . The Temiessee 'Canvas. .Baltimore Bun. ..:s; O - J The nomination of Hon, A. A. Tayv lor, ot Blast Tennesseer for the gover norshin bv-the Repuhlioans will probably induce the Democrats to cake their candidate from the same section of the Stxite, and it is a sin- eular fact that -the ; leading - Demo cratic aspirant for the gubernatorial nomination in East Tennessee tbe Hon.-Robert L. Taylor, .brother of the Republican nominee. They f are sons of the. Hon. -N. G. Taylor, for many years a member , of (Jangress trom one or. tne iasD ienueBoee: uia- tricts. and both are recognized as able campaigners, ' l -' A uB(".ay taw In IeW Qrleanv; '-"Htvt OSLEAr-, Jure- The .Got freer ve:t:rd-y t tto Sunday FE0M WASHINGTON. Tit eMpiiess: exc tJBsidsr Aniv' .The .Boys see- the ' j OorernmrHt cfiPrlnitinar Qmee, Vail on -PreslT i dent Cleveland, and View y tbe ij t'Cave f the Winds" at the Cap-.,- tol Other Sights and Socialities -Charles It. Dllased. . - IC&ii- Correspondeneeof Tss Obsksvxb f.- j-. j ? j " ' Washington," ' June ' 21. About twenty minutes past 10" o'clock the greater part of ,the North ' Carolina editors presented themselves at I the front door of the Government Print- I ing 'Office.' They" were 1 shown through the great buildings tbe pros portions and arrangements of which. were much admired. The 'Presiden tial part of the . programme coming i naix pasc one p. m., ana cnere not oeiDg ume tor me vien to me Capi tol in the fragment of : the"; morning, it was decided to call at the Patent Office then get lunch and -"do" the two houses of Congress in tne after- noon.' .- '.- ' r' X-fr':'? t'- "fThe reception by Mrs." and' Senator "Vance will take place' tonight, as first arranged for,; and . hot on ' Tuesday evening as .the understanding was yesterday.;. Several -. young , ladies will assist Mrs. -Vance. Z;r:SQ?! Going to the Government Printing Office this morning the "percession' w as vie wed with amazement by some colored persons. r- One was heard, to observe : "Dere's de Salbation army shore's yer ? born.";- Another said -I fink it's de chain '? gang. The "percession" immediately ; exploded. Residents invariably ask : "Where's Charles R?" ?' We " all expected the editor of The Observer to be one "of the Quite a number went ' to church yesterday, some of them, like Presi dent McRee, twiee. )' r - - Repfesentative Reid went home- on importan t business, but returned this morning- , Gen. Cox also returned. TJie- members haye shown every courtesy to the editors. .; ' BETTER TD4I IDE . ;.. ;- Tit AT. A Black Poodle for 9Ir. Cleve land and a Dnteh Clock- for the PTCBldent;,.?- Hew Tork Son.4 ?-.i;!1sW-'-v'yi - When tbe steamship TTesterland arrived at har.-wharf yesterday ;it was evident -to; those around .that ! something unusual - was on ' board; The oantwin seemed worried and the first'officef's. usually ruddy face was pale.;i;.They watched ; with -.anxiety the movements of . two sailors'; who were carrying a large wicker basket i down the gang-nlank. ' The caotam lifted the lid and out jumped a black French poodle, with fierce looking whiskers and a beautiful tuft on tbe end of his tail. ----- , ' vHe is; alive," " said the captain. thankfully. - , , , , "Thanlc Heaven t" exclaimed the first officer. - ; If it had died, -what then?ff, said the captain. - ' v " ' l'Yet3, .what then?1' echoed the first officer , ' 1 . The poodle was a present to Mrs. Cleveland from - Mr,- Von der Bock, the agent of the Red Star line, and the captain had received Bpecial in structions to iook-f out .for ;its ' safe i transDortation, along with that of a i hunclrea-year-oitt-f?utch " clocfc-- tnat had feeeh sent asanresent ; to Presi dent Cleveland.- r- Mrs. Cleveland. then Miss Folsom, had seen the dog in Antwerp and had made friends with- it.1 i Mr; Van der Bock deter mined that it. should; he; hers. He didn't think it right -o neglect her husband, and sent along , tbe Dutch cock: . - - .. . m m , . W. - -.. "-if, "Pan Electric StocK-'-"; ' New York Star. ' v" - . MrrJ- Harris Rogers, who has for some time past been furnishing in - formation to the Bell Telephone Ajom- pany has. how thrown bfj. the mask and begun a suit againa wr- uar land and others "whom he induced to fomfo tbe ran jaiecinc.enterprise. lr. R?Jgera demands an accounting and $100000 from bis iat associateSi The suit iffSprobablj af mer act of spite, for if th -allegations of tne 5eu Uompsany, wun wnicn jut, iiarr BQW has relations more or less mti mate, aie to he belie"ved, there is no value whatever m -the ran isaeotnc 9tock, and Mr. Rogers simply owns a fractional . share of nothing. If, on i. the other" hand, Mr: Rogers bad faith in the company in which he induced Mr. GarlAnd and others to take stock, be j would unquestionably await the result of the pending st against the j-seii uompany o-ef ore - sum g ;. tor an accounting, or naming a pricejfor his share in the ran Mectric enter prise. Mr. Rogers appears ta he ft bad lot. . . - . - - 4, ABASIA. Decrerof D. D. CeaferrelCon traet for the Ereettoa of ao IroviFtYrnaee. ;""' ' MaNTQOMEEY.' Ala..",June 22. r The board of trustees of the University of Alabama have conferred the degree of Doctor of J)ivinity upon S. Hecht, Jewish Rabbi of thistJity. A contract, was closed today ror the cb'mpletion of the - Birmingham and Sheffield railroad and the erection at Sheffield Of the second iron turnace, with 100. tons capacity, ;:- neaTT RlttfU u Washington. iTfAsHENQTONK Jun6 . 22: -There was a terrific rain storm here last night and the streets were badly washed. The total rainfall for June up to date is 5.44, the greatest ever inown, i - .Sharp Pamirs I Athwart 'the. Forekead, And In the mogcles of the neck and shoulder, ns naiiy moei violent artor nignuau, are among tne most cheerful rramfestations of neuralgia. It is an aftactioa of the n-rve latenslBedy a cold. Be- nose, brmgiog wiinna cea-auoti oi pam, us iq- , . . . ..... .1. D.X , . i V. .. flDe nerve touic ana tranquilizer, u means of cheeking rheumatism an klaneys tht, wnen inactive, iau to mrow on ine Impurities wh'ch engender them. -The Bitters can be relied upou to renew a healthy and purifying act'oa of tie renal organs Besides this, it gives tone to the stomach, liver and bowels, and enriches the circu'attan. poetlte and sleep, both pv!.t by It,' and ltisawel!a!redted meanaot fortes tt e f.i'.-.-j ji nnt ir-';' -ij-ia. It-ha-'-Tst'-er-v"1 y Absolutely Pure. " This powder never varlee. i A marvel of Durttr. Btreneth and wholesomenes. More eoonomleal taantneordinarr kinda, and cannot be sold in oompeOtloa with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders, gold only neans. . wnoiesaio or -- -- - . - : ; vv. ,; SPRINGS ft BTJRWKLL, Jan20dwly . - - . . , Charlotte, N. C. To . th"e VICTOR .the UUREli.' : Pre-eminent ir every ihighw quality, tha HANAN SHOE has become the recognized standud . for tin. weof among discriminating gentlemen- : I'orealehy A. X. RANKIN A BRO., --Msk Charlotte, N. C WERVOUSiil DEBILITATED MEN. - Von are allowed a free Mat cf thirty ietyt of the . Electric Suspensory Appliances, tor the speedy i . reuet ana permanent! cure Ji jx eroousicmivy. warn - fit YitaSity and Manhood, and an kindred tronblea. : . Also for many other diseases. Complete res tor. : tloii'to Bealtn. Vlrror and. Manhood guaranteed. - "No rink is incurred. Illustrated pamphlet iueetUedl . VOLTAIO BELT, CO., Maraliall, Mich. ; its cured at home with out pain. sook or nar-- ucuiars sent Fit EI sent FREE. 0 I OT.T.1!V r t. - I B. M. wootlEV. r. n Atla.nt.iL. i-u- ctfHcft 65 WiuteiuOi Street. ' meuliMeodAwly . iiirsi MftCHIMFS SPECIALTY. - i 8lmplesli Most Par ible, Economical and Perfect In use. Wastes no ftrlp; tCleansea It Beady lot Market, j ..? .. . ; ; - Thre8Mng Engines and Horse Powers Saw Mills ana Standard Implements Generally. Send lor Illustrated catalogue .;,-:. - ' ,i .A. B. PARQtJHA,- Pennsylvania Igrlcnltoral - Works, York, Ta. . maySdikwlm . , - PECiNYROYAL PILLS "CHICH ESTER'S ' ENGLISH - Tbe Origlnnl nl Only Genuine. 1 flafcaAtorji Beluhle. Beiran of worth lw Imhartin. Indlapeonble to LADIES. Ask ;our-DrjrcUt for .; ' "ChtehiMter'a EhaTuh ud take ao other, SctoM tm. ' (stmipH) to us. Sor pM-ttcalare m letter by vulva small. : V NAME PAP ER. ChteB ester OKemif al i so i o fflHiiiauii euoaroi ruiaua r' Xik tor ThfobM. nils. Isks sw other. JanlOd&wiy . -j- ' I are aa old man. Tor 28 yean I suffered with nWitrs on my right leg ae tbe res nit of typhoid lever, Amputation was auggemea as tne oniy means of preserving life, Tae doctors could do nnthlnir for me. and thoueht f must die. For 3 years I never kad a aboe on. Swift's tJpeclflc has made a permanrdj oure and added ten yearato my Ule. ' i ' ..WM.B.BsKiHallCa,Ga. T tutve taken Swlffa 8 Decide 'for htood Tl9 nontmcted at a -medical: colteee at a dissectio while I was a medical atndeat. I am grateful to say that It gave me a apeed; and thorough cure after my parents had agent hundreds of dollars fox r.rAntmant. ..r . ' '-. .: . ' . ' - AwwsrnraWsarBaBu L lX.Newark,S. 3. - lfy wife f rem early grrlbood hMbeen sufferlrrR try in rueumautuu. one uw mm iusui iouicu?o, and I must frankly say has derived more benefit from Swift's Specific than from all the others, after long and faithful trial. ."-;''-', , i Bxv. Jakss L. Fames, Oxford, Ga - Swift's Specific is'enttrely vegetable. Treatise on Blood and skui Diseases mauea nee. , -- Thi Swtit Spxcmo Ca, Drawer 3, itlanta,Sa., OT 158 W. 23d St., N,?.- . - 1 CASSARD'S PCU E LARD, "STAB BftARD" r H tor sale by the following ' ; 1 LEADING GROCERS: : C.HrLSjKH, . , j B4TK8 ft TODD, J. li.Ds.YI!), r. a. niiwuii! ' . U A, MMKriJfra. " & C. lKWLN. a. B. ALKAMUJCa & Co.,W. J. Fkidat, . . . .TnHM r.AI.DKR. ;-. ' ! C. SCOTT, . . : .. . .i. ;- K. P. MOGIHIOS, ' ' - 1 S. M. HOWBIX, L. J.WAwaaftCa.i VBdlsbi Schboessr, ' Bvery package bears odr Bed Trade Mark, and it guaranteed absolutely pore. - -, - -. . .:, ' - , G. CA3SAED & SON, ' -- " - Baltimore, Md. ' The very flneet ' : CREAM CHEESE.: - Corned Caaaed Beef .very Io-v v SWEET BREAD. AND CAKES." .S. M: HOWELL'S. ISTML1SEED Vuy? 4.SEDINALL J.870. una ilhllidUr I lit. WORLD JOLD i r,iaimni( nil PiiMw on sDDlicatlon.' Soldhv 11 the best Oftrrifure Brjilders and Dealers, -. . , ! -Cable Address. CQO-CIN. . Pec22 tuesthstaat U " ? . - ,-. ' B tr mm H t i 1 1 IJ1 lUltfl SSHSSWAIBI 8PMSG8 U0TEL OPEN TO THE PUBLIC T TTH TTHW EOTETj AT WARM SmiNGS. N. O . will be open for tne reception oi guests oa eSn. lor ptUtlculars pstoter"11 h'ho,ftc, 3 eatress a f. I 'llriau, v- - N C -rf T' ' ' 11' -, a., j, s.c, They are At 81 20 ... At 1.90J 0UK HOSIERY COUNTER Is . filied with Wonderful Bargains. 19 CENTS'; 19 . "PAIB FOR REGULAR 45 . LADIES NEW LINE OF RUCHINGS.V v :. t- - . . q cents per y&rd ' - . AN" ASSORTMENT OF FIGURED PACIFIC LAWNS j ' -Atiocent8peryard, " " - FIFTEEN HUNDRED YARDS OF, 31 in. DOMESTIC SATINS i r - f , ' r - " ' . fc ' - , - ; SIX HUNDRED YARDS OF FRENCH SATTEENS, "Very 'cheapn At 98 cents per yard. ' ' ' ' v " . s SIXTY-FIVE GINGHAM DRESS PATTERNS, -''". Each of these contains 11 ydrds. ' n t OUR CLOTHING CLOTHING CLOTHING CLOTHING CLOTHING CLOTHING CLOTHING OFFERS ITS ENTIRE STOCK AT STRICTLY CLOTHING CLOTHING CLOTHING CLOTHING CLOTHING CLOTHING CLOTHING For the Next 30 Days,- - fJSl fill IThe "Best : Part The remainder of our Clothing Stock is in good condition, but sizes are . . , bro.ken,, therefore this inducement. , , ? TAKE ADVANTAGE QF IT. '5 - : CHARLOTTE, N. C. 1 J : ; MAIL ORDERS SOIIC3ITED AND PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. . J. n. OFFERS TO THR Wholesale Retail Trade FIVE TONS V ' TW ENT Y r BARBELS PURE LINSEED OIL, A Large Stock of . Colors, Jarnies, Ete; - ALSO- ONE . CAR -LOAD AXL AT CLOSE PEIOES. ? White Lead, rare m VBT 1 1 1 'i ' i i iii JJJUi 1 LUX I going well. At 3.20, MADE ti . ....... BALBRIGGAtf HOSE BLACK & COLORED LISLE i' WW1UI1 . DEP'TM'T DEP'TMT DEP'TM'T DEP'TM'T DEP'TM'T DEP'TM'T DEP'TM'T DEP'TO'T DEP'TM'T DEP'TM'T DEP'TM'T DEP'TM'T DEP'TM'T DEP'TM?T of i the Season ' FERRIS' ,1 PIG i SMOKED BEEF -AND- TONGUES -AEX THI BEST QUALITY. Get them at;. BARNETT & MB' Free ? deliyery. vTeleph'ona caU 81; : . . , : r , . LENBURG ICE CO., CHOAKLOTTE, It. C, . , CTTT TBAPX. " ... ... -. . j TJntfl further notleei on and after Jnesdar. June 1st. our city customers purchasing weekly tickets will be furnlshbd ice from, the company s delivery wagon in sucn quaniioes as oesirea, irom o poanas up, at the onlfrom rate price of 60 etnts per hun dred pounds. Those holding weekly tickets of a higher orice ean exchange them at their ODtl.n with our ticket agents at tne City Dm stores for me lower pncea ucaeis..- we are now manaracrur Ing and offering to the trade at low rates, a super ior quality of pure crystal ice made from Kecklen burg spring water thoroughly filtered. -. " ; ; . 8. W. BsATia, Snpt. .' " ": SHIPPING PRICES. - Car Load of 10 tons, - - ; - 5 W per to. From 6 to 10 tons, ; -": 4 - . . 6 00 per ton From. tot tonav-' - , - 7.00 r toi 600 to 1,000 pounds. ' . i - i I rl-'!r,-i 100 to 600pounas, - - -e-rl --We are now using the cetebrated t- u r-t, t trough which all ifie water Is passed bei - e fr--lng, and the trade may rely upon ail ine r t; - hired by ns being as pure as It Is pos usew n tt. Orders solicited and promptly fc.ied. Lt - t freight and express rates secured for esr , ymaj22dtf 'iXlmXLEXSCZ3 ICS COi ff AAA JIXAKTTOA6TV..Ail f illUUU once, PR. SCOTT'S EaLbOi 6w.4 fcj SnMkdw Saw York. Ill Ooly iwsuuMr . . : i pr4oed3m. - . ',-,-'. '. " PIE IMS, Boneless Bream Bacon ICE - A Safe and always stir. Eeff T iis(mon(Wv)and In'ea Ivsnps.H l 'tfvn--4 f cents) by msui. I... J IX.. i W tnrt.t.n-m, kj. ei;.;:;;-'o:' -'.y -, :