VOLUME xxxrv. CHARLOTTES N. C.. FRIDAY, JUNE 25, 1886. PRICE FIVE CENTS. That Advertisement -WAS ALL WRONG. Bf AVE'; MM OF- CO RSETS & BUSTLES SAVES & ALEX lUOTn BVILDIlVflL For this Wvk Only.1 PEGRIM 1 GO. First. Natal MJiffii, South Tryon Street, - Charlotte, N. a My entire slock of BOUSE FUEMSHmeS At ft big dtsounr. No housekreper should tall to - take advantage of tbe low prices.. -- TABLE LIN1NS, . DOILIES, TEA CLOTHS, TOWELS. SHEETINGS, v -" NOTTTMJHAM AND k T4PB3TBTCUBTAIN8, CBBTONNES. BPA, - - "- BTJ&3,CABPETS,FLOOB TABLE OILCLOTHS. Come and te the Prices. T. t Seigle. D KALE S3 IN Ladies', Misses'and Children's fine BUTTON, (M6RESS 4 UCE SHOES, t - ' - - . . - - (tents' Floe Hand-Hade and Machine Sewed BOOTS, BUTTON AND LACEBALS, boys' auto Tfoirras FINE BOOTS AND SHOES OF ALL GRADES GENTS' FINE 'BiIkrSoftjffld Stiff Hats, TRUNKS, VALISES and GRIPSACKS, UMBRELLAS OF ALL KINDS, ', SHOE BLACKENS AND HBUSnES. rlima Polish for Ladies' Fine Shoes.- Stock always kept lull and up to the demand. OBDEBS BT MAIL OB EXPRESS ATTENDED TO. PBOMPTLY I'iraiii f Co. and Houohings Cheapest of the season." Special bargains, in , MOHAIR AND LINEN ULSTERS ; ; A few - 3 IIANDSQittE PARASOLS At a sacrifice. Unusual inducements in , Ladies Extra Fine .Lace. KEESLEB & W. SUCCESSOBS TO ALEXANDER a HARRIS. The 3Brown Cotton Gin Co., NEW LONDON, CONN Manufacturers of the "OtC. Reliable" , Brown Cotton Gins, Feeders and Con densers. -.'. .; , All the very latest improvements : Im proved roll box, patent whipper, two brash belts, extra strong brush, cast steel bearings, new Improved Feeder, enlarged dust proof Condenser. ; ' 3 BllAlIlK AU1F1C iginsfast, runs light, cleans the seed per fectly and produces first class samples. 51 KEUYEKED FKEE OV HtHCHT at any accessible point. Send lor iuj deacrlptloaaai price Uat . . - IIRKTl A HcDOWELU Clmrlotte, Mi, i, I '- . tjay3wd4satAw5nr WASHINGTON BUDGET. TIIE : FIGHT -TO UED. BE CONTIH- The 9Iode Proposed to Meet Pen sion Appropriations not Relish ed. by the Kepublleans Other ' . .Matters of Interest Correspondence of Ths Obssbveb. ' WASHIN9T0N, June 25d, 1886. -. The great figiit which opened yes terday is likely to go on for several days. The leaders of the Democrats have -arrived at - an understanding since the - incident yesterday, that the measure shall be pressed through without further interference except such as proceeds from the Republi. cans. : - ' The Democrats think Bragg was in judicious," v.-although ; most of them enjoyed the sharp and just ar raignment of Randall by him. . The pension and ' tariff questions are re garded by the Democratic leaders as quite distinct, and they do not intend to permit naughty Tom from Maine to throw them out of column again if they can help it. . The issue has been made deliberately and there is no intention to recede. . The only check possible on the heavy expen ditures for pensions is in such a pro position as the one . introduced yes terday. The Democrats cannot re fuse to appropriate money, for . des serving pensioners. They. may,how- ever, prescribe the mode or levy, ing taxes with which to discharge the obligation. - By the mode' proposed a just one in itself it -is -estimated that a sufficient fund for the increase ed expenditure" ill be raised. The income tax is seen to be a regulator of remarkable accuracy. . The Re publicans, professing to have all the loyalty in the country and to be the only friends of the soldiers, are dis p. -sad to kick, not -only because they are protectionists and object to any scheme by. which a principle is intro ducedjin legiaUtion dangerous to their theory but for the reason that they wish to . be thought opposed to all limitations on just and lawful pen sions, ' Mr. Randall's bilj will probably be introduced next Monday. It will be giveu to the associated press this af ternoon or tonight. It is a bill to lower the duties on some articles -and raise it on certain others. The allege ed reductions on the whole list is nine millions. The measure also abolishes the internal revenue taxes on fruit brandies and tobacco. . The tax on whiskey is left as at. present. Mr. Randa4r4)OSttwr-4s criticised ' by some of his friends today. . One of them said to m; - " ';'"Ido not agree with my friend, Randall. His course in offering a -bill after he voted last week that the subject should not be considered is inconsistent.? ; . - 2 The low tariff men are jubilant. -They say that the Randall men are in a hole and are wiggling to get out. Undoubtedly Morrison has lost noth ing since the vote by. which he was denied even a hearing upon his prop osition. ' It is with ill grace that Ran i dall can ask the House to consider his plan of reform after he has denied that there was any need for tariff reform. , " Morrison's . friends will probly vots. to" consider, and when the subject comes up amend the proposition -to suit themselves, or at least to put it in better shape than would suit Randall. In the discussion on Beck's bill against retainers, Edmunds alluded by way of illustrating, te necessary principle of selfishness in legislation to Vance's yote on rice three years ago while the tariff bill was under consideration. , "When be got ths ops portunity later in he day, Yance res lied not odly to this point,but to the I arguments of Edmunds. Yance' bei gan by refer enpa to - reform, and as usual quoted fron. scripture. Passing on to a discussion of the question the Senator, said : that: .B"e' wai not sur prised at the immediate vote en the question and the large majority by -which the bill' passed, but " he . was surprised at the motion for consider ation and at the opposition manifest ed today to a measure ; which he (Vance) thought should, have .been made a law ; twenty-five years ago. He said there - was a great difference bet ween coming here ntj ' represent- inr rfm lAmod'ttianfo anrl irii4-finnp IT CLEVELAND MINERAL SPRINGS Are now otenlor the cepton of visitors. THESE SPaiSGS Are 54 miles west of CharIott, 3 miles from Shel by n! CT and only 1 mile -lrom (rollna Centre! Railway where anew depot .has been erected and beautUuliy flulsned tor the benefit ol ... . . to the Springs. Plenty of tee secured.f or the swjaoo, COLD Alf O HOT B.T IIS. A good string band has been employed lor the bTtai.le wnibe' fmmlshed with the very best HawiltMtheSprtDgs-atloi on the ar- Koi further lnformattoa pogTO, Juneldtf V Proprietor. D. A TOMPKINS & CO., CORNS 3 COLLEGE AND F0CBTH STS., ; - - fE, 31. Miller & Son's Building ) . IJave receljeij ang nay in tocH a full line I H P 1,1)51 SEllS SUPPLIED lim GKO. W. OOB. i In charge or mrt PLUMBINO DEPABTMENT, and wiU eali on any one wishing work dope, . . -r : r Houses Rented, Honses rented and rents collected. In JSe . - 4lverusea cree oi eoarpj, ' - - ' CHARLOTT28BAL E3TATI AftZNCY, c r B. B. COCH8ANS. Manager, ; ; w ' TrrH ?rtt front onta) Hotel. JUSr RECEIVINC THE BEST STOCK OP GOODS IN V'THE CITY IN OUR UNEL; a! E.& W. B. NISBET, To Printero ; : . Agood secondhand Plough Paper Cutter, will twsoid cheap. ' -. Apply to Chas, B. Jones, at ep9dwtf ing one's constituents and putthig in one's pockets te money .of a corpora tion which would havg business be fore tbe legielatiye body of wbch the person was a member. . He contend ed against the Senator that this lat ter was indelicate, and the other J, he proper.duty of a Representative Eds muuds made an ingenious and soph istial speech. YanQe'i Y?as straight--forward, but none the (leea effective." In my opinion it was the best of his efforts here, although he spoke . only twenty minutes. Present in te gaK lery were three. Jforth apolitia e3i-' tors. . , - - ' .Three f the North Carolina .edi tors remained Messrs. Law, Wall and Bundy" ' ' - ; The boys had a capital time, so they all said. , It was an ' unusually . well behaved .body of men, mostly young. This, is everybody's testi mony. - " ' f 1 ' - - - Ool. Tom Mclhenny,, of Wilming ton, has v been here several dayg;r Another visitor is Col. Paul 8. Means. Mr. Johnston is still confined to his room by illness. , H. - - Buy Cheap Bine Flannel Suits and Eighty Cents Shirts by all Means. : ,t: :i 'W. L.C lnPuck. " . ' - . ; When summer comes purchase an eight dollar suit of blue flannel. . This is economy. . In a month's time if they begin to reach upward at; the ends, sew lead at the bottom of the legs ; or if this will -not answer- the purpose, 'sprinkle ssgarih the shoes to call them down.". This is rough on "high water pants-". If they be come yellow on the knees, ink them carefully ; or boil them in black paint. If they stretch at the waist band, lap them over in plaits. Then go around, the block, and people will imagine you to be one of Barnum's latest additions to the museum. Save money and purchase $$ suits. A real $8 suit can be purchased -of all the leading clothiersv Never pay as high as $30 for a suit of clothes.. Eight from thirty leaves twenty twoi" Twenty two dollars are saved by this deal. Economy is wealth. , . . Again let us look in the tangle of domestic ? economy. 7 A - man will sometimes walk to save car fare, and tben purchase a quarter of a dollars worth of cigarts. : He will also com plain bitterly of the dull times;" but watch him enjoy the ballet in the or chestra seat, j v People - must enjoy themselves in one way if they have to economize in another. . Again, will an eighty-cent - shirt Stand rubbing on a wash-board? It1 might. But generally they are han dled with care. ' ''Deal gently : with the prize package shirt,?' is a rule sometimes laid down by laundry men Steam and coax it to become clean" be adds to the laundress, but do not wrestle with it." A laundress will not wrestle with a cheap shirt. ' Again, if a spring : bonnet costs twenty-seven dollars and a half, what will a derby hat come to? i One ninety. Because this same gentle man who pays for the aforesaid spring bonnet desires to economize on bats. - Domestic economy is an intri cate science. And here again Is a beautiful scene of economy. Closing up the house during the summer months to allow the family to en joy themselves in the country. Are you not paying rent? Yes, unless, you own tin houst. But houaesowners are not included in this argument. I refer to the gentle man who - pays rent. . Who gets the benefit of this vacant house during the summer months? The servant girl, the policeman and the croton bugs. What are the family doing in the country ? Enjoying themselves and getting tanned. They are get ting healthy.; Good. But in the meantime you are paying rent. This is one of the dubcate questions in economy. ; . . Again, a young man writes to ask me if he can get married oq $10 a. week. Yes, he can, if the girl's father is a millionaire. But, unless the girl's father is a millionaire, I would advise him to keep single. Can a man keep house on $10 a week! He can abou three days, " Ihe Killed Her Tradueer. - Dknton, Tex, June 22. Mrs. G: G. Ljles, wife of a saloon keeper here, a handsome blonde but twenty two years of age, created a sensation by shooting ex-deputy Sheriff W. B. Roberts, killing him instantly. About 3 o'clock this afternoon, Mrs. Lyles deliberately walked up to Ball & Poe's livery stable on the public square, where Roberts was chatting with' the town idlers gathered there, and put two balls in his neck and one in his head. Two more shots ' were fired, but withoqt effect. They were not needed, as Roberts was already dying. Mps. Lyles, having got her 1 a it 1 man, eoony lurueu away auu wauuu Off. !v 3 ;. :'r- Her demeanor was that of a person who had decided to do a thing, and having done it was satisfied, but her bloody work was not a mad freak, nor the result of sudden anger. She had prepared a statement in writing to the effect, thajt Roberta had lied in oaating of too much intimacy with her, and armed with this and a fresh loaded pistol she sought Roberts -the first opportunity she had.. She gave him warning by twice" requesting him to sign the. instrument .in wri ting. She was palm, and firm and remarked that he had better do what was eafe for him and Sign the paper. He refused with the result stated. - - The fact that Roberts hag a young wife and two children and that Mrs. Lj'les has two children throws ; more startling interest around the shoot ine. Mrs. Lyles refuses to talk ex- rapt to say tfcat the tradueer of her good name had 'timely warning to make reparation; 'A Business Woman. ..; - ", A few years ago Mrs. Rasbel Fran cisr of Atlanta, Ga. y concluded that she could make money by going into the dairy business, and managing to get a fe dollars together she bought a cow and began business. . It was on a smalt scale, but she proepeied, and after a. time she had bought a dozen or more cows ' The wor; v?a.s done by her : she ws up early and late, and After milking the cows she would iprepare the milk for market and deliver it to her customers. In two years after Mrs. Francis engaged in tbe dairy business she was known by nearly every citizen. She was strictly business, and went wherever her business called her, no matter where that was. Mrs., Francis in vested her money as fat as she made itj, and fcer -. investments always proyedf good one.Mrs." Francis died few day 8 ago leaving an estate val ued at $40,000, including a -dairy farm of 75 aeres, well improved, an stocked near Atla.ntn5 , M In Approved Style. ; PhUadslphla Bol.eUD. William Stuart, a watchman at the Shackamaxon Bank prior to the failure, gave damaging testimony Monaay at tne neanng Deiore tiiam iner xiarry. tie naa oeen canea on behalf of the defense to testify that he had never, seen Tellar Milligan taxe money irom the bank's drawer. To this he bore witness, but he told considerably more. : -r? He stated that on the night preceding the failure of the oank the . directors met in the bank building. -- Stuart was there,' too, and was ordered by one of the directors to go to his own garden be-, hind the bank. - : Here he received from the directors two bags, appar ently containing coya, ; which were nanded him through a back window. That same night, when it was dark enough Xo.conceal their movements, a party of directors called upon him and took away the money; y Stuart meant to unburden himself of a load. and he continued: saw Ross Mill iard;; then a clerk in the bank, sever- al times take money irom the teller's drawer and hastily put it in bis pock et. I told this to Huggard four times, and to Milligan three times When 1 told Muligan about it he said he would watch, and -added TlJ catch him.' . ' But - Millard went on pocketing-' the cash without hin drance, i .After 'the bank had closed its doors Millard , and -Milligan were at the bank-alone several nights as late as 11 o'clock. Once I was pres ent and: Millard asked me - to pry open with a chisel : the door of the check drawer. I did so and, they took out the Conklin checks, which Milligan tore into small pieces, re marking that 'I'll be hanged if these checks will get me into trouble.' I gathered up. the pices next morning, aud, contrary to my usual custom, I burnt them, for Milligan said I might burn them if I liked. ' The "paper gathered from the floor." he explain ed in answer to a question - by "Mr. White, "was usually sold, but this was burned." 1 Hilling Dogs by Electricity. Xlectrtc World. j - - ' j - ' ; ' The Kimberly, South African. Bo rough Council, on the recommenda tion of its electrician, Mr. K. L. Cou- sens, recently resolvea that in future all dogs that were captured without license ticket, and no owner appear ing to eiaim them, should be des patched by means of electricity, as the method of poisoning used:- previ ously was by no means effective, " the brutes frequently lingering from half an hour to two hours before death ended their misery. The dogs are put into boxes, which can be opened at each end, at the bottom of which are nxed on insulators two copper plates, separated from ' one another by about three inches, so that the fore feet of tbe dog may rest on one plate and the hind feet on the other. To the copper plates are fastened two wires which lead'to two switches banging on the wall. One of the Brush machines, which lights twenty-three of the lamps during the evening, is connected with - the switches. The copper plates in the box are moistened with Bait and water, in order to secure better con tact between the paws of the dog and tbe plates; the dog is put into the box, tbe ends being closed, then when the fore paws are on the one plate and the hind ones on the other, the switches are closed, and the machine is short 'circuited. The moment . the short cireuit is taken off the current goes through the body of the animal, and it is instantaneously killed. The only time taken up is in the act of putting the dogs into the ' boxes and taking them out again. On one 00. casion tweuty three dogs -were killed in less than the same Dumber of minutes. - Capt. Ardrey for Sheriff. To the Idltor of Tjse Observer: - , f As the time is approaching when candidates for the various county ofs rices must be selected by the people. we wish to present the name of one of Mecklenburg county V most esti mable citizens for the office of Sheriff. The gentleman to whom we tefer is Capt, W, E. Ardrey. Capt. Ardrey is too well known to the people 01 this county to reqiiire any words of com- mendation from us.-:-. tie has served Tifif well and faithfully in the past, and nig record as a true and tried Demo crat is spotless and without reproach. He is a hightohed and honorable gen tleman, a man .- of fine ability and sound judgment, a patriotic citizen. cultivated in mind and courteous in manner, and no better man could be selected. His ripe judgment and large experience of public affairs pe culiarly fit him for this, the first ofs fice in the county. JbTNEVILLK. Pineville, June 23d, 1886. Iynched for,' Killing; an Officer. - Detroit, Minn., June 24. William Kelaker alias ' Reddy. who killed officer Coxveyi yesterday while re sisting arrest, was. taken: from jail asc nignt oy a large crowa . 01 dis guised men, escorted to a neighbor ing grove, hung to the limb of a tree and his body riddled with bullets. Sheriff Pinneyi attempted to defend ois prisoner, dus was overpowerea. Kelaker was 'a gambler, and was known in Minneoplis, where he lived for some time, as a hard character. . lyortj Tears' lperieaee or a Old sarse. Mrs., WInalow's Soothbur SyruD." for children teething, is the prescription of one of the best fe male pnysicians nna nurses in ine unuea slaws, and has baen used tor forty years witb never fall- tnc soooess by millions of mothers for their ebtl dnm. It relieves the ehlld from pain, cores dysen tery and diarrhoaa, griping In toe bowels and wind eolle. By kIvuik bealth to the ehlld It rests tbe' mother. We would say toevery mother wno has a ehlld goffering from any of the foregoing com plaints: Do not let your prejudice, nor the pre judices of others, stand between your suffering child and the relief that will be sure yes, Abso lutely sure to follow the use of this medicine. Sold by druggists throughout the world. Price 25 otnts f bottle. ; . - assjBv nr'sftBjbajsjhft ss sflsS anuffsnna snssnl aWflnnn. on Absolutely Pure. This powder toever varies. A marvel of purity, strength and wholesomeness More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold . in competition with the multitude of low teat, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only neans. wnoiesate Dy - 5 SFBTNG3 ft BDBWKLL, - Jan20dftwly 4 Charlotte, N. C SPECIAL JN OTICE. rr A desirable building lot, fronting 99 feet , DO on Trade street, and running tarougn to vrfh otKwit. nntwmn the OTOoerty of CoL H. C Jones an t Dr. O'Donoghue, known as the Dr 3, M. Miller place. Price 13,600. - u. ' , . r-3t.T tram a m i n Wf v ': BOVCtf . Positive' Cure for Piles. ' To the people of this county we would say we have been given tbe agency of Dr. Marehlsl's Italian Pile Ointment emphatically guaranteed to core or money refunded internal, external, blind, bleed ing or Itching plies. " Price 60c a box. No ears, no pay,: - .- . ...,...--;-- For sale by 1. B.JWriston, drnggist, Charlotte H.C. - 4ulfl7eoOiy. T Saasbury lierald: Whenever a stranger passes Icard Siatkn . he is aflfcnniahed at the Quantity of shin gles piled up alopg the railroad. Thousand nay mUlions of them are ?nstructea into regular DreasworitB. he agent there V informed ' us that Mr. Horace Connelly: shipped .one week this month 20 carloads of ftO, 000 shingles eachy jnaking a ? total of l,O0P,OJJQ for tnat weeK- every thing along the Western road looks well and in ship- shape. ; More freight passes: over this road at present than at any previous time. - At eyery de pot one sees Car '' being loaded 1 and unloaded, and where daily freighl trains consisted of a few cars not many .years jago, a aozen - uauv freight trains how transport asmuca freight as ne engine can pun. Hon. d! D. Haynie of Salem, Ills, says be uses Dr. Bosanko's Cough aud Lung Syrup In his fami ly with the most satisfactory result , In all eaes of Coughs, Colds srn Croup, and recommends it in . particular ror me ihpq ones, otuuyis uuiuo BtL E.Wrlston's, The Bexinniac; of a If ew Southern ; .-' -'Industry. : , The Age of Steel, St. Louis, of the ! 12th inst., say 8: . "An America o jute and fibre company has been organiz ed in Iew York city, and has rented some 30,000 acres in Madison county, Alabama, for the purpose of raising ramie and jute. The superintendent has already sowed four i pounds of ramie seed, and has now on hand more than 1,000.000 live ramie plants. On the 20th of June he will begin to transplant 20,000 ramie roots a day, and will continue the operation till November. Several pounds of jute I seed will also be planted, it is tne intention of the company ta establish a ramie factory in the neighborhood. These facts are greatly encouraging.. At last an experiment is to be tried on a scale large enouge definitely, to settle the Question whether lute and ramie can oe profitably grewh in the United States. If these new indus tries are 8uccessfulr they will annual ly increase the textile resources and productive values of , the South - by scores of millions." - v, . ;.. . ; - v J 7Vj-- A Tobacco Decision. " New Orleans Times Democrat. " - " Within the past few days a suit of much importap.ee was decided before the Hon. 'judge (ardeet of the United States Circuit Court, wherein the court refused to grant the injunction against Wackerbarth & J oseph, j of JNew urieans, as aemanaea oy a cos baoco manufacturing .firm in Balti more, Md.; The object of the intends ed injunction was to restrain W'aok erbarth & Joseph from, any further manufacture of sale, by : them, or by any of their customers, of the "Union NayyR brand of smoking and chew ing tobacco, which Wackerbarth $s Joseph have been manufacturing,' The judge begins his decision by says ine: " "There is no one characteristic or" wor ootamon to the packages of tobacco of complainants and defend ants that either one 'can have he ex elusive right' to;" and, after his res view of the entire case, be concludes by say ing "t am compelled to re fuse the injunction prayed for.", ; 1 D ARASOLS LEFT Y liT III JLOT 1 At SI 20 They; are going LOT 11 . welL HiOlP M At 1.90 . At $3.20: OUR H0SIEHY; GODpERi Is filled with Wonderful Bargains. l! 19 19 45 CENTS A PAIR FOR REGULAR MADE BALBRIGGAN HOSE SOLID COLORED " LADIES BLACK & COLORED LISLE u NEW LINE OF RUCHING8. At 8 cents per yard, AN ASSORTMENT Off FIGURED PACIFIC LAWNS - - At 10 cents per yard. " FIFTEEN HUNDRED YARDS OF 81 in. DOMESTIC SATINS - S';.'"-' 3;'.'-;';?:.';:-''JV'-&;i'--;"''' - ,At2S cents per yard. - ' SIX HUNDRED YARDS OF FRENCH SATTEENS, "very cheap" i : At 98 cents per yard. - SIXTY-FIVE : GINGHAM DRESS PATTERNS, Each of these contains 11 yards. . OUR lLOTHI DEPARTMEWT CLOTHING CLOTHING CLQTHING CLOTHING CLOTHING CLOTHING! CLOTHING CLOTHING CLOTHING CLOTHING CLOTHING CLOTHING CLOTHING CLOTHING OFFERS ITS ENTIRE STOCK AT STRICTLY m DEP'TM'T DEP'TM'T DEP'TM'T DEP'TM'T DEP'TM'T DEP'TM'T DEP'TM'T DEP'TM'T DEP'TM'T DEPTM'T DEP'TM'T DEPrTM'T DEP'TM'T 1 DEP'TM'T I f I j I s'l For the Next 30 Dayv, The Jest Parti of the Season M The remainder of our Clothing Stock is in good condition, but sizes are DroKen, tnereiore tms mducement. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF ' IT. WIT mOWSKY 6 CHARLOTTE, N. C. MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED AND PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. j. e. McAden FERRIS' PIG HAMS, ;To the VICTOR the LAUREll" r , Pre-eminent iin every higher quality, the . HANAN SHOE has become the recognized standaid isff fine wear vnong discriminating gentlemen. . ! For sale by A. K. BiNKIN ft BRO f ... .. Charlotte, N. C. ; CASSARD'S PI BE LARD, "STAR Is RAND . ' Is f or sale by tne following ! , LEADING GROCERS: " C, Hilkbii, ' f - Hatks Todd, .. . . -3. lt. Davis, f. B. Duhsam , L, A. MlSSNHBJMER, - H. C. iBWUT, B. B. ALKXAMUKB & CO..W. J. FHIDAT, , JOHH CALUBR. C. 8O0TT, K.iD. McGinkb, 8. M. Howell. L.J.WalkkbJ: Co., vCulb& Scebokdkh, , WITHEKS dS KD8SKLL . " ti Bvery package bears oar Bed Trade Mark, and ft guaranteed absolutely pure. , fc 5 : 4 CAS3ABD & 80N. :f;'j;:-.;, .;,.y .f'jjA .- Baltimore, Mfl,' OFFERS TO THE Wholesale Retail We FIVE TONS - M Boneless Breakfast Bacon, l SMOKED BEEF -AND- T ON G U E S Pure White Leal -ABITHB PP. lW!ffl:IITBl jy BNT Yf BARRELS ( BEST QUALITY. Independent Bishopric Iq' he Ea-taUlshet- . Baixjnq, June 84. After a five years dead lock 'between Prussia and England over their respective .rights to the appointment of the Protestant bishop of Jerusalem, Prussia has de cided to dissolve th compact ef 1841, under whh the, two countries agreed to .alternate - appointment, and . to found an independent Prussian bish opric at the Holy City. ;It is thought that Dr. Reitter, German missionary, will hft thfl first annointee under -tne I tm Charlotte at nawnrilw ' .. ' ' . , ; i - 'I Arrtw at Shelby at ' j h,: ' 8cott' Emallon if Pre Cod -a LlTer Oil, wltli HypopnospMI tea. In Fnlmocary Aflectloos and Scrotulcws Diseases. : Dr. Ira M. AtAsa, New lork, aaysi "I nave pre. scribed Soott's Smalslon and used it It my family and am greatly pleased with It. Haw found l yery serviceable in Scrofulous diseases and Pulmo nary affections,11 !' ". OPENjTO THE PUBLIC. - NHB NEW HOTEL AT WASH SPBIN&S, N. -1 n . will be onen for the reeeotlon of sueats on June 80th. For particulars as to terms, bath, dee, address i BP. CHaTFIELD, j. f " Warm Springs, N C -i 7 Also of Highland Park Hotel, Aiken, 8. C, i Junel7d3w nAROUIVl CENTRAL RAII i' . ... Oincx of SupauiHTWDnrr, I WHJtmeTQK, N. C Jan. a, 1886. J CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. ; OR AND AFTKB SEPT 27, 1886, THS FOLLOW ing schedule will be operated ea this BaH- iwd . -, ' PASSENSKBMaIL and express TRAINS. ' DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Leave WllmlDKton at. ........ ....7.00p.m. No, 1, (Leave Baleigh at TSo p. a. Arrive aiunariutus at,............. r.au a. Leave Charlotte at. ............ ..8.16 p.m. No. 3. Arrive at Raleigh at,. ...... .....9.00 A. h. . . j Arrive ai wummsHW i...... ....D-a) a.m. LOCAL FBEJ6HT Passenger Car Attached. Leave Charlotte at.... .... .... ........... 7.40 a, a. Arrlm TjuiTinhOrff &t ..... ...... D.16F.M. Leave Lauiinburg at.... ................. 6.15 a. a.. Arrive Charlotte at . ... .... .... 4.40 P. Leave WllmlDKton at,... ...,,........ 6.46 A.M. Arrive at Laoriuburg at-. 6. 00 p. x. Leave Lairlnburg &t.. ....... -- 6 90 a. m. Arrive at Wilmington at. ... ..... .... .... . 6.40 p. m. Local Erelahi between" Charlotte '.and" Laurtn- i bnra Tn weekly leaving Charlotte n flloaaayg, Wedaesdays and Fridays. Leave lAurtnburg on 1 nesdays, Thundays and Saturdays. Passena: and Point Table. SHELBY MVISKW, PASSENGEB, MAIL.' XX- ! . ; - PBGSS AND FBEI&HT. 4 . 3 : v . (Dally except Sunday.) - . :r ..................... 8.15A.M. Leave Shelby at 1.40 P. M Arrive at Charlotte at..... ............... 6.40 p. m Trains Nob. 1 and 9 make close connection at' Hamlet with B. A A. Trains to and from Baleigh. Through Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and nhitriotte and Balelzh and Charlotte. Tak Train No. 1 for-Statesvllle, stations o& "Western n. u. it. it, Asnevuie ana pouis west. Also, for- Spartanburg, fireenvllle, -Athens, At lanta and all points soutnwesi. Get them atj PURE UNSEED OH, A Large Stock of Colors, Varaishes, Etc. ONE CAR LOAD BARNETI k ALEXANDER. Free delivery. Telephone call 81. - " r MECKLENBURG n trains stop at insula rtatloua mly Jn.ilnnnt'Ail m ttiAk fntaTMinVS TttTlA Kerosene uil, r. W. CLABK,Gea L. C. JONES. - ' - Superintendent. -Passenger Agent, , ALL AT CLOSE PEIGES. JH.MoADEN CHAItLOTTE, Jf. C, - :. ,y-.):,!..j '- CITY TBADK. TJntH further noMM.nn and nftar Jnmufnv. .Tnna 1st. our city customers purchasing weekly tickets wiu ue iHriiuuira toe lrum vae company s delivery wagon In such quantities as desired, from 6 pounds up, at the unlfrom rate price of 60 etnts per hun ureu iuuub. - x uuw iiuioing weeaiy iicaecs oi a higher price ean exchange them at their option with our ticket agenU at the City Drug Stows for the lower priced tickets. We are now manufactur ing and offering to tbe trade at low rates, a suher- Kr quality oi pure crystal ice made from Mecklen burg spring water thoroughly filtered. . . w. DAVIS, Bupt. SHIPPING PRICES." Car Load of 10 tons, rom o w m ions, From 1 to 6 tons, -600 to IM0 pounds. 100 to 600 pounds, $6 60 per torn i ... 6.00 per ten - 7.00 per ton ...60etrlt01ki COe per ISO lbs We are now using -thB ee'ebnitml nvatt. vnr. : through which all ihe water Is passed before frees- ' lug.anauuuaaemayreiynponaiiioe manuta turedby us being as pure as it Is possible to make It- Orders solicited and BremDtfr ft Hod. . tm freight and express rates secured far ear aos ta mers. - . . ,. ... mayzadtf : ; - r ; : MECKLENBTJEQ ICS COi - Blra. Joe Person's Qemedy la stfll the beet Blood Punfler on the market . JNO..H. MgADEN, Wholesale Druggist O I U U U jnoe DR. SCOTT'S KJJXJTRW SU Broadwy.liew York. Xhe Only 7" prioedSm