- k ..... .. . : . . . ir- n r.i : - 0KC VOLUME XXXIV. CHARLOTTE, N. C SATURDAY, JUNE 26,1886. PRICE FjVE CENTS, That Advertisement -WAS- ALL WROxa. OF- .8 CORSETS. & BUSTLES VESA ALlSSAMEMilit, A SALE For, this Wcfk Only. PGB1 & CO. First "Mioial Bant BnMim-, Charlotte, N. C y entire stock ot HOUSE FURNISHW6S At ablg discount. No housek-eper should fall to ' take advantage of the low prices. ; .r T4BLJ LlNiJiH, , DOIJ4ES, TKa CLOTHS, .,- TOWELS 8HS&TIH68. V NOTTINOHXU ASp TAPB3TBT CUBTAIK8. . CRETONNES, BVP3, ' ' ) BUGS,C1BFBTS, fXOOB ; - ..ftTABLBOILCLOTHS. 'r.,rH-.: ' Cowe asd Get tke Prieei. t.cseigle: South Trjon 8treet, - . I s dialers in - Ladies', Mlssesand Children's " . - UNI BUTTON, MESS & LICE SHilES, Uents" Fine Hud-Made and Machine Sewed BOOTS, BUTTON AND LACE BAL8, BOir AND OUTS XTKB BOOTS AND SHOES OF ALL. GRADES ; GENTS' FINE .. Silk, Soft and'Stiff Hats, TRUNKS, ' : . V VALISES and - - GRIPSACKS, .UMBRELLAS OF ALL KINDS, . SHOE BLACKING AND HRUSHE3. . Alma Polish for .Ladies' Fice Hioes. Stock always kept lull and up to the demand. OBBEBf Bf MAIL O? , SfcERBSSjiBOMPTLT . ATTENDED TO. Pf att Co, : WASHINGTON POINTS. LOSG RAKGE PRESIDENTIAL SPECULATIONS. DBIVE THE TRAITORS OUT. Randall's Tariff TactlcaP roba 1 bte Adjournment by July 13th - Personal Mention, &e. tfce. Correspondence of The Obskktjb. , Walhinoton, June 24.'It is yet a long while before the Democratic convention to nominate candidates for the Presidency and Vice Presi -dency will assemble. The friends of various gentlemen are, however, feeling the public pulse and several booms have been started. New York presents the present incumbent and her Governor, HilL Kentucky r is ready - to support Speaker Carlisle. These three are most talked of. The nomination will hardly goto a South era man, even so consisted a Union man as John G. Carlisle. It is prob able that the increasing popularity of the President will secure his res nomination. .The effeot of the Ken tucky movement for Carlisle, wheth er so intended or gjot, will - probably be to place that illustrious Southern man on the ticket in 1888 as Vice President. I have heard expressed 'much sur prise at Mr Randall's new programme on the tariff question. It is said that there is nothing for him to gain and almost certainly something for him A Scathing? Criticism of Ihe Vn " faithful Democracy. Chlcaeo Herald. . The national platform of the' Dem ocratic party m 1884t the year that this Congress was elected, contained. among many other things ' to ' the same effect, the following: "We denounce the Republican par ty for having failed to relieve the people from crushing war' taxes, which have paralyzed business, crip pled industry and deprived lafor of employment and of just reward. We therefore denounce the abuses of the existing tariff, and we demand that Federal taxation shall be exclu sively for public purposes, and shall not exceed the needs .of the govern ment economically administered. - The Congress elected on this " plat form has 333 members, : 183 being Democrats,: 140 , Republicans, and 2 Greenbackers, giving the Democrats a majority over all of 41. - Yesterday on the presentation of Mr.- Morris sen's bill reducing war taxation, ens Iarging the free list, correcting a few of the abuses of the tariff and provi- ding relief for several tariff proatras ted industries as well as for the en tire people whose earnings have long been taken from them by unwarrant ed and unequal taxation, this:; Con gress refused by a vote of 157 against 140 to consider the measure at all. It matters little how many Repub licans voted for consideration or how many against consideration. The bald fact is that a Democratic Con gress, in open and shameless viola tion of a pledge, in sneaking disre gard of the traditions of the party to which the majority of its members profess allegiance, and. in flagrant to lose. If he shall propose a bill next MoDday.or at any other time.ha J treachery of the people who'commis would have to rely tor support either I atoned it to perform a 'self imposed OF- ' - Cheapest of the season. Special bargains in yiQHAlR AND LINEN UlSTERS HANDSOME PARASOLS At a sacrifice; - Unusual inducements - in Ladies Extra. Fine Lace. L RBESlIiEEi & C, QTJCCESSOBS TO ALEXANDEB ft HARRIS. C " - " : -i J.. . : maradwedftsaUwSm NOW LONDON, CONN, " Mwitactfirerg of the "0?4 BeHaWe' 3rown Cotton Gins, yeeOcrs w4 Cos densera. "'" . - . - ' " ' AU the very latest ImproTetnemta i or proved roU box, patent wblpper, two - brash belts, extra strong brash, cast teeL bearings, new Improved Feeder, enlarged dust proof Condenser. , V Strong, simple ineonstruction, durable ns fast, runs light, cleans the seed pes- f.tw .nd nroduces first class samples. I DELIVERED FKKK OV FKEISHT amy ceenil yofat. Sead wf tii McDOWEUU Charlotte, W. C, AMt. upon the main body of the Demo corats, or the Republicans. A bill .which could commend the votes of Democrars and pass the House would probably be such a measure as would give satisfaction to the protection Democrats. A bill which would owe its passage to Republicons would only benefit the -Republican party. It would every where show more plain ly than anything has ever done the fact that Mr. Randall depends upon the other party entirely for success . Could he afford to confess this f -" Sonfe time ago I . wrote - that there had been reports here that Gen. Vance would be a candidate for the nomfnation to the Fiftieth Congrettj. Gentlemen here this, week from the Distfict discredit these rumors. One man said be thought there would be no opposition to Mr. Johnston's re.-nomination. The opinion Is more general than heretofore that Congress will adjourn by the 15th of July. It is hardly probable that the caucus tonight will be able to do more than the chair men of the - committees have been able to do in the " matter - of expedi -ting the business of the session. On ly two appropriation bils beside, the one under consideration remain to be passed in the House; '-'But there are knotty points to be settled be tween the houses on some Of the bills heretofore passed with' amendments in the Senate.. - - Besides graduating medals, the two Wilmington young ladies mentioned below received the following honbrs yesterday evening at the commence ment of Che Georgetown 4cademy of the Visitation : Miss May Wright, a gold medal for chatechism and Chris tian doctrine, and first preminm on painting in water colors, Latin, liter ature and rhetoric, history, geology, observance of the rules, and French conversation. Miss Stella . Devine, first premium for water dolor-,pajnt- ing Latin, renca. music, French conversation, observance of the rules, mathematics, housekeeping and chatechism. CaptJohn Fpeyine nd, l$rs. Devine cam,e on to, see their daugh ter graduated. They will return with her. Friday, Miss Wright will remain with friends in the ciy until Sunday. Messrs. Button and"J)outhitt, of Salem-Winston, and g H. Wiley, of Salisbury, are here-' Mr. Johnston was in bis seat today, but was not very well, and ' left ; be fore the close of the session. Dr. Dabney and Mr. S. W,. ..-.Wilson are in attendance here on the Na tional Shipping League. -, -.-.-.-- duty, has repudiated its promise and refused the relief which every mem ber of that body, Republican as well as Demoorat, knows would be bene ficial to the mass of American citU. sens..' By that record the Democrat ic party must stand, unless it takes early and prompt measures to purge itself of -the lscariots who thn&rt its righteous purposes. A party which is two thirds right and one third wrong is not to be trusted. To place it in power is to make sure that no reform can be carried out. The vicious third is the controlling element, ready at all times to strike hands, as in this case, with the friends of monopoly, the log-rolling agents of pampered class es and. the dangerous demagogues who delude and mislead the lgao ra.nt. - . - If the signs of the times are not wholly misjudged, the vote of yes terday on tariff reform and tax re duction will hi a landmark from which wilproceed a political read-' just men t in this country Buoh as the Republic has not seen since 1860. SPLINTERS. - CAPITAL .AMD LABOR. - "Pray, Gus!, dear, 'she euaxlng said, "The different: tell nie - 'Twtxt ca. lttU and labor, se :. That 1 may cleurlj see." . He drew ber on n, manly KQ CIEVEUSD MINERAL SPMSGS Are iow or en lor the reception of ylfrttof ' ' ," " V'"' " '' V:' ' " TtlESS' SPCIRGS, :; 1 miles IroB Shelr Are U mflM west of Cb&riott", by.NTcramlonlf lmae fwto "":"r'a aere a new depM nag wspa otvpjifc-SMW ftolihed Visilore to the Springs. D. 1 TOMPKINS S CO. .OORNEa COLLKaf AjprOTg 8T8., v - b! M. MlUer Son' Building.) - . - . IU M . ... o ... " - " .. 'f'- . : rf-i 'j ave received and have sock a full Bne pi : : PLWJIBEIJS sjjPPUES s wti OHO. ' W." MOORE, 1 In charge, of our PiTnwBfNtf D8EAR rMENT. and wiu can on any one wishing work done. . - Rentr ot lea secured for the season. . TV VULD f .AJifr HOT B4TU, A tood itrlag band ha been employed w tt TT table win be furnished with the, wrj best the market affords. - - .w. mr. Hacks will be at the Bprtngsrstatoa eo Abe x- Tim of every train. . x nutnet iniprmauou ""u, luneldtf PO8T0K,". rroprietor. A W4eond nantf" lW W Cu.ief..nl ipplytoChas,6.;o?w,et' r '''S VHouses Rented, - Houses rented aad tents collected, in the idvertised free of charge. r , , ? CHARLOTTE REAL ESTATE A&EHCTi : i R. E. CQCHRAHEMansjjgr, , "Now this capicai, inj oert" . The lover f one If sal.4. The maiden pouted as he spoke Add crossly cried, "I see. ' 'TIs capttnl until we're wed, -abc theo 'twill labor be.-' y It is easy enough to be agreeable in society. All you have to do is to listen while the other man talks. If the other man is a woman, you've got to listen anyway. They were sailing a tfce little boat togetner antf she said: "Are we running before the wind now, George!" ''Nor my darling," said he'our boat is hugging the shore." Ahl" sbe exolaimed, ''what a beau tiful example you have here." Miss Mary Sanders Johnson, of Washington, who is singing in Lon don, has adopted the stage . name of "Mile. Marie - pcca,1 apparently obliYjous of the patent fact that the operatio stage is already uncomtort ably crowded with members of ..the Decayjamily. . '. , w'TJm T'm nfrflir? ntm fiahlnc PTfilirs i'on thi'd enmmer will have to bepost- I 4 ber, ponea. ".wny so ' . -Accoraing w the newspapers the Canadians refuse to sell Americans, any "bait." "Sp urn but hold i I have it 1 Has, any one yet tried the drug store I' A little fellow, Jjving in town v be tween $ and 4 years of age, was asked what bis kitty aid m & Hgot oecween her and a dog. ."Well," said he, "he humoed un her hack as high as she oould she made her tail as big as she oould, and then she blew her nose inhi8face.v . Mexico Wnite Douse. Afecent letter from Mexico pped. , investigation eighteen pound l&aded bodied in the log. In A Relic of tbe Wp. - . A.n uelv war relic was unexpected' ly developed in a saw-mill of the Pa ducah Lumber Company, at Padu- cah, Ky., a few days ago.' lncuttin a hnere cvnress locr. which Mfas'cuile' froma rate oi umuer jusi uuunue ml theTennesseeiver, the saw grated on some substance which threatened to demolish it before the machienery could be sto f6und - an hnmhflhell em which tbe sharp teeth' of the saw had traced a cut a third of an inca deep. Nothing outside of the log indicated where the shell had entered, probably tWenty-QY mn 8- . H'i1 tnninin? ardooth and undisturbed. The lettering and figuring on the leaden" plug to . the shell, through which the fuse passed, are stll as" plain as ever, and show that the fue was clipped to burst the bumh t ,900 yardg. -It ia probable that th toric battlefield of Shiloh furnished the projectile, as the trees throughout the nttsDurg- juanaing sou guuou fields were .- badly cup ana proken, de scribes the Mexican White - House, tho Castle of Chepultepec. w The woodwork ana. upholstering of the east wing alone - cost $200,000. The palace is a marvel f coloring and skillful decoration, xne yesooing and painting was executed by Caaa rin, a 5 disciple of Missonier. The roe is1 a beautiful garden of flowers and fountains. The gates of oak and walnut giving access to the palace are curiously carvea ana ornanqencea in bronze. . Ths waodwork in the President room m bony and gold, and the ceiling is an exquisite freeoo. The bed is of ebonized cher ry, with gold and metal marqueterie. and domed with - a canopy. - The bathroom is a grottq, with a floor of marble mosa'oa and walls of French tiles. The floor o the cardroom is a oarauet ol rare woods, and the Walls ooraova leather, with gold and satin panels and red Genoa velvet borders. The parlor is like a, airy creation. The wopd work & In satin panels. maple borders and gold nowers, and the walls are covered with satin dim ask, .relieved by blue and gold Au bossan borders, : Qnly the first fioor is completed. ' ' , The If care Ittusie School Con certs, - -. To the Editor of Ths Observxb. - - The writer had the good fortune to be present at the concert given by tnis scnooi, June zz, ana tne roJiow ing night the operetta, "The Sleep' ing .Beauty." me programme was varied and ricb, and rendered in a style that evinced most careful train ing, -; under tbe direction of master musicians.- The - orchestral' playing places tnis scnooi in rank- aoove aav in the South, some of . it .done by children too small to reach the ped dles,, and in a style . worthy an artist. The- opening piece by Aetnes Neave and Sam Wiley on piano, Prof. Neave with trombone Mr. Edward Neave with cornet, and Miss Hattie Craws ford with chimes was grand Miss Annie Bingham and Bessie Brown played perfectly a lovely duet. - Miss Rachel Wallace's solo was rendered in a magnificent style. Miss Agnes Neave played accompaniment to her father's cornet so beautifull v that she brought down the house. There are many others deserving special men tion if space would permit. : , . ( xne. vocal music was mealy: en joyable. . . Four choruses were finely rendered by the vocal class. A quar; tette by Misses Pattie TutUe, Mamie Gaskill,. Nettie Marsh and Maggie McNeely. (none of them apparently over 13 years of age) was applauded lustily. The vocal solos were ad mirable. "Peacefully Slumber," &. cradle song, was sung by Miss Jose phine Baker in a touching style that roused the tenderest emotions. . Miss Baker has a good contralto voice, and knows how to manage it successfully. Miss Nannie Keen sang, "I Think Only of Tbee," by Abt. She has a fine soprano voice of extended com pass, volume and pathpSjTeacbing extremely high notes . with" perfect ease, and holding them without a quiver, winning for herself a storm of applause and admiration. It was a concert worthy anv audience, and Salisbury is to be "congratulated on having this eminent school in- their midst. The children's ooeretta. "The Secret," at the close of the concert, was without a flaw. -'.-" Wednesday night we followed the large crowd to the opera house to witness the operetta, "Sleeping Beauty," based upon the beautiful German legend so familiar to many of us. The cast was well chosen, and each character admirably sustained. Miss Mary Woolen was the efficient accompanist. To mention anyone alone would be an injustice to the whole. The curtain rose upon Miss Nonie Crawford, (a sprite), who told the story in a beautiful song. It was a beautiful picture. The Prince (Miss Josephine Baker) was Btately . and in her rich dress of velvet nJ. ermine, was a veritable Prince, and sustained her part in.a manner right worthy to bear the title throughout all time, "Live the Prince," while the . fair little Princess, Carrie Young, added beautyTind winning ways, to the al ready beautif uljscene. Her two com panions, Gertrude and Giselor, "(Mag gie McNeeley and Mamie Smith) rendered their parts in a life like manner, while Elfrida (Mamie Craw ford) gave much interest to the play, by the tender pathos and earnestness she threw in her pleadings. - The two oldish court ladies were highly amus ing, and right royally did they merit the applause given them. So well did they sustain their characters, we almost forgot they were young, beau tiful girls, instead of powder and paint bedizzened aget as represented. Spmdehne, the wjtch, by - Annie Gowan, was a difficult character but was printed in a splendid manner, and was a credit to Mir3 Gowan's dramatic power Last, but by no means leagt, were the two country girls, Barbara . and Margery, (Misses Nannie Keen and Bessie Alexander.) In the whole play there were no two prettier characters, none more fit tingly cnosen. .Barbara, brave, self reliant, was perfection to Margery, who aped her sister in everything in a "naive,1"1 piquant style that capti vated, all hearts. Miss Alexander's conception of the character was good, and her rendering of it charming. And what shall I say of Barbara? bonnie, brave Barbara. She seemed to lose herself in the character, and: ts no, exageration - to say it was a section, of real life, one surpa3s- Uountry girls may come. country girls may go, but she will live in our hearts oreyer.n Qod bless her. ' xne, closing scene was one - ot ex quisite beauty, the entire oast were onv grouped jn pretty picturesque attitudes, xne Handsome rince ana sweet Princess, surrounded by her two companions and dignified Court Ladies, graceful Elfrida with her lovely trains, and to one side, with drawn from the bright group, were Barbara and Macgery; looking on the happy scene with longing eyes, mak ing a bright spot , in the beautiful picture. ; Bright but timid, Margery still clinging to the brave, triumnh; ant, beautiful, Barbara. Over the whole scene was shed $ soft red light. that enhanced, tne. beauty of this etherea goene, and we, venture to say, no artist brush ever put upon canvas, a more charming bevy of girls than that stage held Wednesday night, r Beautifl, entrancing picture. Forgive me for trespassing so long op your v-aluable spaoe, but as one of the Court Ladies, in her inimitable sarcasm, -remarked: "That which praise deserves, will praise compel? - - - J Rx, , Salisbury, N. Q., June 24. - I ... TROYALrSCKlt 1 Mil Absolutely Pure. This oowder never mulm. . A mmi nf nnriti. Btreneth and WhnlnMimnnMU Mim annnntnliwl than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in corapeuuoa wiia tne multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Soul only n sans.- wnoiesaie by . - I ' SPRINGS A BTJRWELL, lanaOcUfcwlr f Charlotte, N. C. f '-- j To the VICTOR the1 - LAUREL Fre-emtnit In every higher quality, the HANAN SHOE has became the recognized standard for fine wear among discriminating gentlemen. For sale bj j , A. z. RANKIN A BRO : k ; . - ; Charlotte, N. C. CASSARD'S riJHELARn, "STAR BftAND" Is for sale bj the following v LEADING GROCERS : ' ' Hilkkk. v Havkb ft Tnmn. . .- . J. L. Davis, .? - r. R. Durham. .. . L. A. MlSENHETMEB, H C. iRWLN, R. B. ALKXANBKR k Co..W. J. VrI1AT. JOBH CAUJBK. , C SOCWT. K. O. McHtInnis', B. M. UowKli. L J. Walk kr t Co.. Lnuft Sotrukdkr. WlTHEKS it RUSSKLL j- Everv Dackase txtars oar Rd Tnuin Mark, una it guaranteed absolutely pure, f J- G.CAS3ARD & SON, ' ; . V- i! - Balumore. Md. . WARS! SPRISKS HOTEL OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. : -"ia. . f . . i --.-,.'-'. THE 1JEW HOTEL IT WARM- SPRINGS. N. O . will be open for the reception of guests on June SOtn. oi! parUealars as tolerms, baUis, 4o , address i . B P. OHATF1KLO, . !! Warm Springs, N C. Also of Highland Park Hotel, Aiken, 8. C, one!7d3 i; i SOME PARASOLS LI1T! LOT. I At 1 20 OUR They are going well. At 1.90 v. " At -3.20 . HOSIERY COUNTER Is filled with Wonderful Bargains. 19 19 45 CENTS. A PAIR FOR REGULAR MADE BALBRt"GGAN - HOSE v .. . SOLID COLORED 44 " LADIES BLACK & COLORED LISLE " NEW LINE OF RUCH1NCS. ' ' - " " At 8 cents per yard, " - AN ASSORTMENT OF FIGURED PACIFIC LAWNS , , - - - ' " At 10 cents per yard, - -FIFTEEN HUNDRED YARDS OF 31 in. DOMESTIC SATINS At 28 cents per yard. - l . SIX HUNDRED YARDS OF FRENCH S ATTEENS, .' 'very cheap" At 98 cents per yard. ' SIXTY-FIVE GINGHAM DRESS PATTERNS, Each of these contains 11 yards. - WITSTKOWSKY' :ft MIMIC!. OtTR CLOTHE DEPARTMEKT CLOTHING CLOTHING CLOTHING CLOTHING CLOTHING CLOTHING CLOTHING CLOTHING CLOTHING CLOTHING CLOTHING CLOTHING CLOTHING CLOTHING OFFERS ITS ENTIRE . STOCK AT STRICTLY nnn PR DEP'TM'T DEPTM'T DEP'TM'T DEP'TM'T DBP'TMT" DEP'TM'T DEP'TM'T DEP'TM'T DEP'TM'T DEPTM'T DEP'TM'T DEP'TM'T DEP'TM'T DEP'TM'T nROLL!VA CEIVTRAl. BAIL y WAT. Offict of SuFSRErrsMDSjrr, :- -. WuciMaTOH, N. 0., Jan. 6, 1886. 1 CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. ON AND AFTER SEPT 37, 1886, THE FOLLOW lnjc Schedule will be operated en this Rail- rofd i; .- I . PASSBNeSR, !UAIL AND EXPRESS TRAINS, , ' ' DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Leave Wilmington at.. 1 no, im iave Kftieign at i Arrive at Charlotte at.. ... No. I ........... f.wr-. m. 7SBF.lt. 7.80A. m 0.15 P. For Hie Next 30 Diys, The Best Part of the Season HAS PASSED, The remainder of our Clothing Stock is in good condition, but sizes are - ' -: broken therefore this inducement. . - ' . ; : TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT. CHARLOTTE, N. C. . MALL ORDERS SOLICITED AND PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Arrive at RaleJah at....'.... 9.00 a. h. Amve at wumingwn n at.......8.26 A.M. LOCAL FREIGHT Passenger Car Attaotted.. Lea.ve Charlotte at.. Arrive Laurlnburg at . iieavei Laminbom at .. Arrive uionuiui tu .... .. Leave WUmlngton at-, ...... .l Arrive ariaunanvaw w ...... . Leave Laortnbm at.. i.. BaoA.iL Arrive at Wllmtngtoa at. ..... i. 6.40 p.m. Loeal Srelehl Between Charlotte and Laurln burg Tri wee tlj leaving Charlotte en Mondays, weanesaaya ana xjiaasa. Lave liaunnnarc on lneadays, Thujje oays and Saturdajs. . PafteMr trains stop at regular stations only and, Points designated. In the Coipanj'8 Time SHSLBY WYEIQ1I, PASSSNS5R, MAIL. EX- ; PRESS AND FREIGHT. (Dally exospt Sunday Leave Charlotte at .......... 4-......... 8.16 a. m. Arrive at Shelby aL 12.15 p. u. Leave Shelby at. ........... . 1.40 p. h- Anrte at Charlotte at i 5.40 p. Trains Nos. 1 and 9 make eloee connection at 3800101 with R. k a. Trains to and from Raleigh. - TBiougn Bieepmg uars between wiumngton ana Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte. Take Train .No. 1 for Statesvllle. stations on Western N. C. iR. R., Ashevllle and points West. Also, for Spartanburg, Greenville, Athens, At lanta and all points Southwest. - s. H L. C. JONES. - I' Superintendent, . ; V, W. CLARE, Gen . Passenger Agent. . Cached. If - TT -7.40A,ii. ll -.II 6.45 P. M. I I I I 6.15 a.m. I I ' . n ' 4.40F.aI ll 6.46 A.M. Iff. Ill BAZAAR Tra. mt Front Central Bote), jusr ; RECEIVING THB BEST -STOCK OF GOODS IN VTHE'CTTY OUR LINE. . A. R. & W, B.NISBET, l w. i doslrable 'bulldlnf lot," frontlnf SSfeet OO 'n trade iwi rmnmgjfiraga - w irrLiv-t- f.,.MnthecroDervjr CioL H. C. the Dr. J. Fourth strwt, o tne proiervj i ilLT. ffPon"""". known as T Tt cILjjoxi i-lkstate agency. Steaui tliie to Afrje. laree niebes of sbells and solid shot, The United States and Congo Na irroiDe and canister-, being to this day tjonal gteam Immigration tjorapany nintftd out to the Tisitors. imbedded. and some cases hardly visible, in the huge old tree which dot tne Bangui nary fields, - - -. Forty fears' Experience of n 014 Rine. . Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrnp. for children teeiblnc Is the prescription of one of the best fe n. ia nhtaiRiKnB and nurns In tne United States. tut hxa tien used tor f ortv rears with never fall- log success dt mllllens of mothers for heir chil dren. It relieves tbe child from pain, cures dysen tery and dlarrboea, griping in tbe bonels and wind oolle. Br swing health to the eblld It rests tbe mother.' We would say to every mother who has . child snflerhu from any of the forego! aa com plaints: Do not let your prejudices, nor the pre-- ludices oi otners, stand Deiween jour suaenng eblld and the relief that will be sure yea, abso lutely sure to follow the use of this medicine. Bold by dru crista throughout the world. Price 25 ceuts a boUui. ' The was made cornorate in waanmecon. yesterday oertinoaie filed in the deeds ofQoe. - The object of the company is ilto run a line of steamers from the port of Baltimore, Md., to tho Congo country in Airrca ior tne purpose or rtAit - rt uAAmmaiiAau capital proposed is $3,000,000. Will Beport Afralnst ; Matthews. ; "WASHiNaTONt June 25. The Sonata committee on the District of Columbia has voted to report adversely upon the nomination of, C. F. Matthew?, colored, of Albany, N. "5?., to be Re corder of Deeds for tb$ District of Columbia., r $fuator Payne Wot to be Investl v Washington." June 25. The Senate committee on privileges and elections neia a enori meeting tnis moruiua, and voted to report adveiaely to any : investigation of the charges of bribery m connection with tne election oi Senator Payne. A majority: of tbe committee think there is not suf ficient evidence tohow . that money was used m the election, and are very confident that the result was not in any way affected by improper means. There will be a minority rev oort in 1 nvor ot the investigation. It is said that only Senators Hoajr and Frye will sign the minority re port, and. t bat Senators xeUer.Kivarts, Logan, Saulsbury, Yanoe, Pugh and Eustis will sigyA the majority- re port, r Scott's Emulsion of Pare Cod Idver OtLj with TJypophesphliesv In Palmorary Affeetlons and Scrofulous Diseases. i Dr. Ira u. Lang, New Yorksays; "I have pre-. scribed Scott's Smalsk and used It It my family and am greatly pleased with. it. Have found It very serviceable in, Sorofnlous diseases and Pulmoj: nary afleotlona." ; , Hrit Joe Person's Bemedy bUU the best Blood Purifie? on the market. r - 4&j, X. aiuAViux, niiviesiue vrum(BH Glove i Fitting Patens, -ALL THS- . . i OFFERS TO THE Wholesale Retail Trade FIVE TONS TW HINT Y r BARRELS PURE LINSEED OIL, LATEST STYLES A Large Stock of -FOR Colors, Varnishes, Etc. FERRIS' FIG HAMS, B whs Breakfast SMOKED BEEF. -AND T ONGUE -ARB THE BEST QUALITY. Get them at BARNE1T t ALEXANDER. Free delivery. Telephone call 81. . - . MECKLENBDRG ICE CO; Spring' and - SHcamer 'ALSO AT ONE CAR LOAD HI & 10. Kerosene 1, : Call and get one and Qoeens lot June. ' of oar latest eatalocuea , 51 A GNOLIA HAM8 -- CCaNE BKKJ, OX T0NSUE3, . -RDTTEtt AMD MILK OX ICE. : S HOWELL." ALL AT CLOSE PRIGES. J. H. MoADEN, CniBLOTTE, C, CHI TBADX. Until farther nottcn.nn and nftnr Jimulnv Jnna - 1st, our city customers purchasing weekly tickets wuiue-nirnisneaice irom use company s delivery wagon In such quantities as desired, from 6 pounds ' up, m uw uiuuvin isui pnoe oi ou gn per nun dred pounds. Those holding weekly tickets of 8 higher price can exchange tnem et their option with our ticket agents at tne City Drag Stores for the lower priced tickets. Weare now manor actur-' . Ing and offering to the trade at low rates, a super ior viuuiij vi pure crrauu ice maae irom necKien burg spring water thoroughly Altered. S. W. DAVIS, Sunt. , : . j smppwQ pmcEa. - Car Load of 10 tons,- - - .- - $8 GO per toa . From 6 to 10 tons, ; - 6.00 per ton From 1 to 6 tons, - ... . v - " - 7.00 per ton : 500 to 1,000 pounds. - - - eOcpsrlOOlhs 100 to 600 pounds, - - - - eOcperlOOlbs ' We are now using the celebrated Hyatt .Filter, ' through which all the ater Is passed before freez ing, and the trade mar rely upon all lee manufae- tared by as being as pare as it Is possible to make it. Orders solicited and promptly filled. Lowest freight and express rates secured for eur easto mere. - . . - may22dtt - -I -. UBCELENBUBO ICK CO. r Blrs. Joe Person Xtemcdy - Is still tbe best Blood Partner on the market. .... . JNO. H. MCADES, Wholesale Orngglst U I V W V once, IK. SCOTT'S ELKCTKiU UOUJJbL ' ta BrtMdwar, Sow York. Sb OtOj OenoiiM. k prloedSm . ll S I, ' ' 1 i , f ,1! I ! ( I a1, j -T- ' . -- - ., i . -i. - . ,