-3 bay . -awMawataaWi iitsbit --- ,,.., ....t. stTlmy'S:; school, ; RAE,EIII If. C TB ADVEVT TERM, TRB NINTH 8EMI annual wsslon. begins Thursday, 8eptemoer 9th, 1H86. For eclogue address ihe Hector, juneJSdan BET. BENNETT 8MSDK8, A.M. BICYCLE FOR SA.LEH ONE COLUMBIA MO cycle for s il cheap. COLUMBIA M03TANO, 48 INCH RI- r s ile cheap. : In tei-fect order, it i t oo i-mari fo' present owner, Is toe only reason for gelling voriuruitr particulars apply to or ad dress . y - -J.inev6d2t . Care Observer. Charlotte, N. C. OFKN ACCOUNTS Aeatnst in . must be presented At once, and here- after none maae extfeynu per. on. o- on written omer . - j. am nm hbm. ju e26dtwlt : .. . .. TfO ; SALE. LuT 99 feet on Trade street, tunning back KySft-e t Kourtn streer, eonta ning two story brick tiwl lnfr, af'J doing property of Dt u lJOtlo- 1 0 r corner College xnd Fifth streets, 46 feet' front. 123 feet deep, filoe $100. : . ' 1 ats nn Col esre street, tone containing two b toiy brick store.rJLot 193 feet deep. jraoe $i.ou. HfUISTl AStD LOT next to Charlotte Hotels 2 story traine buUJlng. PrleetSOOO. 4. n -ACBES LxNOnear BIddle Institute on the U-' v it n. rrco .uo per aero. 4 ., -. Tinn. AN D LOT corner - Third and Collet 1 1 grrwts, two storr frame wei, socmbs. KHJ?S At J LOT on Sixth streeV near H. ft II 0 B It . tot 5x198 (ejt House; contains jooms: wice ja.owi.- DO I bered). in fiaaton ooanti on C. C. Railroad g miles from m. uoiiy. r.ioe siu per aore. ACRES or LAND In the Hopewell sectltJSi one-half In Umber land and about 60 acrta ja bottom land. 1rlna 111 nw ftAm . - J i- BKDDINU, FUUMI LIUS, -HAT rBEoSEo. LlneD, MosQilto Nets and Crockery at re duced price. JUT REOKIVED.- 5 T)eroe Magnolia Hams, u lbs averate. g Tierces Magnolia Hams, M lbi averagK jjj TleroesTaytif Hams, 14 lb average. - I cigars fio.w to fzo.ou per inousana NO HISTORY ys NO itenlst o& record) from I one charch to n ink the eld itar and murderer. Book sent XV mall, Immediately on teelpt of orders, japf copy. Po Ul ordei best. Write dlBtlnetly.to K B. UcCalL Pub'r., 10 East 14th Street. New York ' D) NO MORE WH1TEWASBIN& ' . NOt WHEN ; P L A S 1 I J 1L A I IN J -l Can be bad so chsap. Send for pamphlet and color eard, and learn tts mertta. MAXWELL, HAZLEMT ft CO., 109 MeKlderry'a Wharf. Baltimore, HdM and eo6 Washington Are., Philadelphia, Pa. - - U : y '' - it? si i B2aana iQreariBi. new iwin VT SEND FOB GlKUUiiAJt.. PRICE OF i MPROTED THR.BI VUD ' DEBILITATED seeking Hoanb E ft tana Jgnergl avoid Tifnai. Ht Hadlelnecrete, md send for "IW Bev rtew," or -Healtn &na ttrengra negauiea, m arse illustrated Journal ubilshed enttrclr JOT chrtlr beoent su oo hpaltb;, b-i It treau zit-ne. Dh: a eomi iete ncycioiiw in ni information for ita of lnfonnauon ipr .I infTArins hnmanitr'affufr-' f suffering homannafflic EuM fMith lone standlOK. w una eiuouic, uervous, AUttU8oeg auu v"-"-; UNti ANfi VVDPUL AGED MEN. nd th- era who suffer from nervous and physical debljltr Everfiftlngsucb. saflerers wish to kno.18.1"1'' given in Its pages. " In need oi meawaia wr counsel, read tt before 'doctoring" or tofsetlpg Ki medicines or appltanoes of any deecrlpUon, and you wlU save time, money and disappointment, ll using medicine or medical treatment of any kind, read U and learrt the better way. ; THE REVIEW exposes the frauds practised by quacks and medical impostersjjho Prot-U) "practice medlrtncVand points otrt toe onlTf . staple and effective fpad a BelUi, TlgpMAd iSof&Jiv wmcareogua.. fieitsn thlrtT'da and other fallaelee wev nousajids-orddl lar. saved nervous Mt Jnbe,, the advice given. THE. REVIEW is Bojwin 1U EiDthyear of prmiicatlo Complete speeUnen cpple.maljedlree. ffigft&W' im Bro?warTlew Fork. ' IPTApplf now preserve our aagieas. OVER LO W P R I C S, H M afauk Is now brim full p4pato6e & si?Wf every description, and lamp cheaper than ever before, m algo offer bargains ta mum U Estate If, fthil 1. IIECCIIMI. O IHt-QI IHI I . v and iPTnriirTUl i nriiii I ii iDCPAnicn I IH-UHIIIi-WH j DINNER SETS. , WATER SKrgr ?tewspaDeropn, returned : yester DINNER SElS..yll;; i;jtiaianrL.iv to, . : chamber surra, .V " ,ire- 5- CHAMBER SETS, ' TEi 8ET3, TEA- PETS; tea SEr3,:o l Fruit Jars, Jelly Tumblera. Wy f1?' Betrlwrators. ee Chests. Watortttolere, Csgw, and other SEASONABLE OOD8. uCaU and be eonvmced that you can save money. - . - n-f-and TVIsV Tim I , corp.. at -e " i t patu. Boo P SAtuBDAt, juke; iflTl Arrival and Departure of Trains. - Correct for the eurrent month. - - - ' Richmond .Airp Dauytlls aik-Lute. to- Arrives at fcaarlotte from- Richmond at ?? Leave8 tor Atlanta at 20 a. m. No .a Arrives at Charlotte from Atlanta at 4:40 c Leave? for Richmond at 440 a. m. , Np. 63 Arrives at Charlotte from Richmond at 13.36 p.m. leaves for Atlanta at 1 p. m. No. 68 -Arrives at Charlotte from Atlanta at6J5 P.m. Leaves for Richmond at 60 p. m. -IjIV - KrOfrrHt an.. T3 ...... iwJTs- i ' - , AtlAni (it 5:80 a. m.; arrives Xrom Atlanta at 8:30 . 'i U iW.ofrK, Colombia akd AEttUOTA. 5 'Arrives (torn Colombia at easv. nCi ; " : Leaves '01 Columbia at 1 p. m. v ' i - i . C, a ft A. -A., T. ft O. DinsiOH. - ' V Arrives from States vllle at 11 .30 a. m. Leaves for Statesvllle at 6.-40 p. m. ' '-'; Cabouha Ckhtbal. ; :"- ---.- . ?Lor Shelby at 8.1& a. flu; arrive frtm Shelby , at 6 40 p.m. .. ... . . leU' Haws.-- Bennta) very opens at 8:00 a. oloses at VSWD. m. If. n. .SS0 uepamneot opens at 9.00 a. m.; - - Weather lndlcatlona. r 5. "y fOr Mind e Virginia fair wnatliAi- Iftjtibrl temperattir&fl Variable winaa generally Southerly. . 3 , North I'rolina. South Carolina, Greorgia, East Florida, West Flori da, Alabama. Mississippi; generally J f-SJBfc"? teroperaV Mire, wiuug geniraiiy jgouineriy.- In4ft o Nw AdTemsntnenta. rt BekBenntSmedea-TSc, MaryHi 8chpq, t " ? Fwoie for site" if dress 7 - .r""'- B. Ba rlngei-K)pin accounts.. - ' - - rr , C. Ecclea 3 Co. -Hams and7cigar. " i 8Ueinentis for dehts due Tx obssbtxb v Mjqeii ny W04 . w. Alexander, or Air. U. a. ne8J,,wUUieeognls4 at this ofnoe. ;- , Editor and Proprietor. Y t nininatin, vi.Teo.ttQUS. f. ; Ralejgli, August 25State nbinina- tin-cdtrVentiOD.lH:'i p?'& ifit Wadesboro, July 21 Sixth Qorw greeslonai'District convention. ' ? Greensboro, .July 81 Fifth Con re8sjonati8triet convention. : i-sys . t4ricijrlrV;:;j;uly 38-Eleventh Judi cialsirSeonntion: " Ooldbljorp, June SO Sixth Judicial District 6ivhtftm;l ;5 : - - Vv - Charlotte Saturday July . 10 Con . vention to appoint delegates to the ,WadeBpo?Oi-Z laneol n: ;and . Raleigh cooyentionaj. zt Mecklenburg prima nes to be held on July 3rd. ' v.r-Qa:st.sCha8. Priee was registered at (he Geral.y esterday. ixlf-, ' Prof. It J.'MitchelX who superin tended1 the recent session of. the Ala- banm -Nbrtoal School; at Florence, arrived home ( yesterday- . Seyeyal of our eitisens will leave' ;tonigr&4WiBSton. to , attend the jdedicajion of the Methodist church at thai tfece tomorrow." Smithvilie to make ifrangements for the -.encampment fefel the HornetsV Nest Riflemen, which , begins, on July 13. - tfM rmtxftn -Yestrday : was grwsf saiihj; on the farms, and there were but few visitors ifiu thecity.trhe farmers nowadayerjakia;. advntoge. ot etfery hour of sunshine..- ii-The game of baseball fcweertth Giraffes and the Jumbos, that was tor have been inlaved "- vesterday. was postpone J, the weather proving ,too " hot for the-f at men? 'iyxS ?J i-Mrs. Wilson,' mother of Mrs. J. HrHales, of this city, died at her-' home tor Tbemaon,1', Qa.," eit 7 Veloc lasfrhursijay morning. - Mrs. flails wal M iP-J.P0!' jlrl W C. ttackney, editor of the Purhanf Recorder,: is in the city. ;pn Ins.: return from -the-press trip to TajBhitolTl Qackney is accbm panied by is wite, anc ttey are tne guest oXKrim I ' ; '; t The geraaan laftt night was one cf the itfcSC ehiot able ever 'given" in ol 'i the get, M.u "o v it tirviiailollv- Jnrora ;ij - v , i-vf. . urns', x - - . :i. ana on ladies. Grerieraf SftT&ow in session ai .R)e,;Y--rtF- Peschau. of WilmihgtbD', was elected Dresident. Capt ? W; A. Barrier, ot the laoon Higl"SchooV this city, was yesdecfed:tJBasurern-. : : . , . J n fhe'night tf thk?5rd a h.orse was stolen from M.:N P. Tredenick. Qn the morning of the 24th the ( (act was "adyertised ; in "Te . Obseryer," an'4 Jdcription o the s'tQen horse wa given. - On . the 35th" the - thief was caught in Lancaster, S. C. l"he moral is obvious. t '-ledxdareita.tes v iUe, -qs the AtOwJens andphid.; raiK rovLJ&to j&taJbaelotte; .safely Jes- terdav. but in running through the depot yard the , engine Jef t the track and gave things - a snating up. a. switch caused the troubl. No dam- Aed he'wnship; convention :to tiominateidelegatM -to; ite&SWffW N6nvn , 'will be Wji fjous ipomng aces . m -Mecklenmirg one . week irom convention to nominate dclegtei to. qtvvew wyui rtuv: i xr lordnJuiyloii-",tf'. - ' ( wer-MOQ otet flrf mpa. xnat ;.naii S7? J '. Ti Wonrtv&ir theBxcursioniswj ssmKriHen the Passport, but ome :wMercaDturea.ana -nei: iroT fiienily weceded by a-ae.nse Biekrth-the back. lHAad lower part-or aooo. Snesmptoms ot indigestion are present, ftitu ten.'ufflnSr thettomaehi ete. - Amotetar ike persplBitttm, wwucu-g "fr ttchln.lw"" SncVtEeaa SdTwhtol acTOectly upon the puts tfbeMb V li-m UlnmnN B.1 10111(7 MB IHLBI1BO 1WU' fnfand VfltlnTa PrmanTnt cure. Price 60 XtsTAMrWhe J boeanko Medlc.neCO.. t i'JUa. U!- ooiu tif Mi. " rirWiT e Person's Heraedy ,9 t Tlrtr1 Pl' -rlnttiemp'ket.- - o . Iter. Alason lreswley We are glad to see that this prom ; ising young divine, who is so well known in this section of the State, ia making his mark in Philadelphia, to which place he was recently called as pastor of the North . United Presby terian church. On Sunday last he preached from the subject, "The Na tion's Safeguard," and took his text from Joshua 1st, vin. The Philadel phia BuLetin gives a long report of the seruion, from w"hich we take this extract, for the benefit of - Mr. Press' ley's friends here: ."The Bible," said the reverend speaker, "is the palla dium of our . success. . The word of God used to be bound with chains,- out a glorious era aawnea wnea we could7 read the Bible- with none ? to molest ua. Social, political and moral freedom then sprang to light. In this book , we ' have : a Christian Catho. licism, of which Jesus Christ is the centre. The Bible is It he only book that tells us caste is not religion ; it gave new force to the struggle against tyranny,":, and wherever its light is not disseminated, there is darkness and gloom. The Word of "God has been, is and must be the law of the land. In a country like our own it is the duty of those who come' to bur shores to 'submit quetly ' to the government.-; regulating" national' and State affairs. If foreign-born citi aens,.are permitted to offer serious objections to the laws' for ' the7 pre servation 'oj!, ;our sacred institutions a foul blot;,will be placed on the escutcheon of our liberty, and im pede, arrest and destroy our Christian cfvijitionTf Thiscou to a great; extent ungodly and wick ed, is looked ou by: thenations of Europe as one of moral grandeur and unparalleled prowess s Today in our Christian land ! are tolerated those who breathe threatenings of murder and fire. ' The foreign flood, brings with it the teachers of the pestilent heresy of , Coaamunism. Nihilism boldlj proceeds upon the assumption that the laws and property are not sacred. The Word of God is the only absolute safeguard of private rights and public privileges. It is the only remedy for the multiplied social evils which now threaten us. . Thegovern- mept is just age tne church ; it is nothing niore than a mere piece of machinery. The only . hope of our country- is in the religion of the Bible.v. Our government will be in vincible so long as it continues to be Christian." Jf ew and Finer Equipments. ' The Richmond & Danville road has just received a number of new and elegant passenger' coaches, the finest yet seen on this road. The first-class carg are fitted up in the finest style and each one has a toilet room for the benefit of all passengers holding first-class tickets, the toilet apart- 'ment being fitted up in style similar to that of the Pullman sleepers. The R;chmood .& DaoyiUe has always baen eqoipped with " handsome pas senger ooaones, but tnese new ones Deat anything south of Philadelphia. In addition to" these" "new cars, the Richmond & Danville company has just had turned out from the Bald win T Locomotive Works, i sixteen large, powerful and swift passenger engines. - All the old engines of this company have been sent to the round house and, retired from, service - ast it were. . .The equiprnent of this road challenges that of any road- in the South. .,vThe" old engines, art for sale. Wilmington Star and Review copy.) 4 flnyerous Place to Loaf. rThe engine and dynamo: rooms of the . Electric Light : Company were yettorday. crowded with; people curi ous to know all .'about everything, and but for a fortunate eircumstance some i of -them' : would undoubtedly have been killed. This fortunate cu cumstance was that though the en gine was running no oonnectioriwas made with the dynamo. Scarcely five -persons out of ten, were aware of this, fact, yet they went about the room inspecting everything the dy namo n partijularv lt miglft inters est these person to "know that when the dynamo is running, aftd' they want tQ get shattered as u by a stroke of lightning, a.U they've got to do is to go around to the electric light house and touch a wire, a piece o brags op anything ejse that holds electricityllt is a' da.gerouisl place to loaf, and idle fellqwa had better be cautious. - ; Uad to Hall 'Up His Doors. Instead of locking the" front door hVfaloonVrT Ctouegetf e$t st Thursday night, Mr. J. W. McWhrr ter found it necessary' to nail up the doof . ' The explanation of this unus sual way of closing up was found in the. fact that somebody ha stolen ML McWhirtes ct, fend nls; store key's were m ihe pockeisi6i tie coat. e coat had been left : banging o the screen just to ide the saloo, oori and wme gne'ftad auetlr Ufted the eotftrid, walked ofjjrJ(th itr.j Y8t.ri day the coat was . found . in ; a s yard near be Trade street' depot, and in the I pocices were; the key sp Th.po lice had pressed the thief the ,rev 0U5 night bv)t logt- hipfi n thirvieinu ty wbpre the ooai was found. . '.T, The Csst of the Chanse ( Ganer. It hasjat fast been figured, out Hhat Uh'n cost of the change of gauge oi-nk u-a- i 1 " xTrwiVJ; Ws i. - i v f i iarntfr would build and equrcoply fif tyfour mQes of new rQad.f at averAage oosV of $23JtW0 pwvnule, and yet " many times this sum has be,an squandered jniidingallel roads, whiohj the oountry aid not need, "ana wnose eoagtruotion rojul ted in permanent loss to existing roads. The establish ment of a practically uniform gauge throughout": the- country;-'will v. be worth many milHons, particularly to. the South, and will he paid for. in a cqmparauveiy snors wine. . V '.La ' J -l- Passenffer Igents lit Convention. tA largenu ruber of . railroad men. - representing the passenger agents of the S uth, me.t at AsheviHe this week to arrange : rates for summer travel, and to consider other railroad mat 'ters. . . yesterday they were given an excursion to Round Knob by Capt JUcBee, of the Western North Caro lina, road, and after a f sw hours stay at that famous : point, they returned to Asheville. :i The only part of the proceedings yet given to the public is the following resolution, which was unanimously passed : " - " ; '' A--? Resolved, That the rate of one cent per mile for the distance, traveled, arbitrages added to be named, for members and . their families' coming to and returning from said encamps ment. usmtr circuitous routes if n re ferred, going one way and returning another. The committee also authorized one cent per mile on excursions to old battlefield points. - s Jr. Bidez's) Snceessor. : .. . Dr. A. Bidez, who has accepted a position elsewhere, will be succeeded' as director of the music department at the Charlotte Female Institute, by Prof. Albert Rowse, of vNew York. Prof. Rowse 'has had' twenty-five years of most successful experience in teaching, in Florence, (Italy) where' he also pursued his studies in music, in Boston and , LbwenTMass.,. and in Brooklyn , and New York City; The testimonials received -from the prin cipals of. well known institutions North warrant TthV principal of this Institute in assuring the patrons that no institute in the South will sustain higher , standard : .of excellence, thoroughness and good taste than will be sustained,Jere. - ' They DoaH I.lke theXook of Ik Travelers on the Atlantic, Tennes see & Ohio railroad report- that the crossing at Kerr's Creek, where ' the recent washout occurred, is a : bad looking place, as it still remains as it was hastily and, temporarily fixed up l just after the freshet, crossties be ing the principal material used in the construction of the bridge. The rails road men probably kno w whether or1 riot the place is safe, r buti passengers predict that there will be more ' trou$- ble at Kerr's branch one of these days if that crossing remains as it is. Men and Women Who are constantly .nervous are, In nineteen esses out oi twenty, dyspeptic, xne twentieth case will be found, npon investigation, to be that of a per son who Is troubled with symptoms of indigestion. Thinness, unnatural anxiety, peevishness, buzzing In the ears, a disposition to start on the sodden closing ot a door, tremulouBness of the hands more particularly ot the right show tbat the nerves are weak and unsteady. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters strengthens and quiets the nerves. This effect is a speedy eonseauenoe of its Invigo rating and regulating action upon the organs- of digestion and assimilation. It enriches the blood. conquers a enronie tendency to Diiiousness, re lieves sic and nervous headar-h s, and - regulates .the bowels without griping them. A more trust worthy defense against fever and ague does not exist, and H subdues a tendency to rheumatism, kidney and blander derangement. - .Taken before retiring, it Induces sound repose. ' , DIED. Bennie. Infant son of J. "a and Alice R. Hall. died yesterday aft. moon at five o'clock. JTuneral this evening at five o'clock from the residence of John L. Rimer, amitu street, between Eighth and Nintn. . jmenos ana acquaintances invited to at tend. ARKET8 BY THLE6KAPB JUNE 26,1886. Prodnee, ' fliLTiMOKK. Klour stoatJy and aulet: Si-uthern and western 3uperfioe i t SOffJi-W; Eitra3.t(k Kamtir $afoss w;- imj. anus sujernne 2 6031)1.00; Extra $3.253 $4 00: Rio brand 14.50 ffiM.fia. Whea aoutnern steady; Western lower and dull; feoutnern reaSS r86. amber 8890 No. 3 Western winter red spot 80SWKV1. Corn South ern -bUhar and firm; We tern higher but dull; couTiern wnite laasou; yeuowoaau. . Chicago Klour TJunohanied. Wheat oDened dull and loxer. tutoiosod firm and higher; June T2fin3U: July 721373: August 74375. Corn- dull and unchanged. O its dull; cash 2654: July 2Q49'lriA; August k6&46i Mess Pork advanced to )trs 1, reoeaea vianu, wia enwou steuur; wma 9 40at9.45; July $.22Via$9 521. - Lard-ftrmer; eash SSJtSeo.. Ju y $6.25d$fi SHVar August 87Wii7i42lA. Suort rib sides steady: cash i'itsa $0.31 Va ' ooxea meaut muocntieiy acuve; -urj salted shoulders $B.Jttja.ai; snort eiear gb.iott taa :. Whiskey steady at U-14. - Sugars un New Tobx. FiOut Southern steady."1 Wheat steady; Hoi red July 83484l; August 88 11-16 ffiiHto Corn spot dull and lower. No 3 July 451S4-r.-r August 45S4iii, Oatp-ai higher and verv aulet: No. 2 June nominal 3av. Hods aulet. Coffee spot fair Rio steady at 9S&, Sugar firm and aulet: roanea steady, -aoiasea nrm at Btk test 18. Rice ste dr. Cotton seed oil 95326; crude S3; renneclrostn st- ady. Turpentlnt arm at ai. Miaes steaay. wooi-urm. . rora firm mesa ftlOtt) for new: middles firm; iom pinnr tojt. : Liara nrn i nizuer: western nssm mo. CP $6.60; juiy SO it, jrieignia uuu. wuuuuuinUt Wheat td. v ..-i-1. ; 5- 7 . IVaval Stores J WruraeTOH Turpentine firm at 29. ' - Rosin firm: strained 75: good strained 80. lar firm at 11.26; eraae turpentine nrm; sura iu; euuw iup tl.W; virgin $1.80. -Satakhah Turpentine firm at 29; sales 300 It ruin Arm at 9Orr.tI.10: mles 90S. ' " CHABLxaroN -Turpentine firm at 29. Rosin vaiet at 86 for good strained. Flaancial. NEW TORE. Exchange 4.88. Money WaiA Sub-treasury baianoM- sold si29.04a.000: currency it,iua,uuo Hove.nments ouu ana lower; - ivur m ucuwj 121-, threes 2i&; State bonds-o.utet. mH.nvea. ................ ....-1.U8 9eorgIa6'6...... - ....... ...n.was treorgia marww Nnvt.h n&mllnjt fi'H- . . .11 Jii North Carolina 4"s. .... ?6i4 Onnth narnllnn Rmwn ConHOlS... . . 1.U9 Tennessee 6's.. ........ .... ......... .... Vlralnia 6's. ................ x-M Vlwlnla HuihaIh 7v.. - So Chesapeake and bhlo.;.............: . 9ty .......wllji. Uhlcagoana nonnwesiern. ........... nhicaso and Northwestern, preferred neiaware and Lackawanna tT. Erie........ KAt Tennesifie.. ....... .... ... . . Lake abar. 84V LoulvUle and Nashville.. ....... .... ... , i Mamnbl anddiarlMton .. . - 8 HobUe and Ohio.,.;..... .... v IBM Nashville and Chattanooga.. tHU New Orleans enl uo, im..... 1 Norfoikatxowesi Northern Pacific - - 2714 69 : 64$ Hoxinein raowv erewrea,,,,, . If t si H t tr" Tjt i in ivi Mi wi Ridssftona and Alleghany 1.'A". .................... ttienmono ana uanvuie... Euehmond and West Point Terminal. ...... . Rock Island.... um. StPaui...................,,,,,,.,,:,,,,... St. Paul prefetied.,,tt,,tl(l ,,,,,,.,,,,.... 137; 293A New Jersey Centra.,,,.,. .......... ta MiNjMHin fHiiinn. - .... waaMm union ou Bid. - tLast bid. sobered. tAsked. Sx, Ptv. GU.ysioii Steady; middling 8Sft! net rm. oslou Itt: gross 10; sales 70; stock 10,940; exports oo&ttstoe ; Great Britain : eonu nent -r - '-WaV1s-inat MflAtntH 171: fiTOsa 121: B&168 82Sr; exp'ts to continent, ; cnaawtae, lr304", France ; bre WIWA Nobiolk Steady : middling 9 1-16; net receipts 887: gross 287; sales 9,616: stock l,rX)7; exports coastwise ; continent - ; wreat tiriiam . Weekly net rec'-ts 1,008; gross sales 168, exports coastwise 1,411 wreat ftntam :;, A BALTUfOB Nom'U middling 9 S-18; net recpts snoTsrross 8Q0r .ales --: stock 11.633: spinners j exports eoastwlse : Great Britain - con. tlnent -, - - '. - .-. , waafri not raMlnta S37i BTOaa 763) sales expors eoastwlse 1,169; to Great Britain 227; oontinent 300; oentlnent 101. - Bosrw-Qulet: middling 914: net recelrts 160; gross 1,148; sptnnen : -stock 6310; exports coast. im- : to Mi-eat Britain i - Weekly net receipts ie,006; gross 14 ff9; sale; ; UyVlU VW11T10Q I urn. - Wu.ifrKwmw Firm: m1r)dl.hc net re- eelpts iMto s i sales E;' stock 800; exports, eoastwlse . r-. -.t8 I. Tviil : ": -A-: M- Veekly net yeeelpU 13; gross 18; exports to Great Britain ; oonunent , coastwise iu, - , PHHADSLrau Quiet: low m'ddling p5fe; net reoelp's 796: gross 801; sales ; stock 15,&4; ex ports to Grrat Ernen - ; ' - " 4. MMMW AUll a mmm a a . ; V4 tern prefecrao, ........ .. oommfti..... Weekly net receipts 1401; gross 1,289; sales - -; exports coastwise - ; - to lireat Britain ; France ; continent . : r SATAXNAH Oulet: mMdllnif 8 11-1 fi: net mwlntR 81: gro-s 81: sales 25; stocs 7.770; exports coastwise . Weeklf-net - recelnts 1.104: cross" 1.107: sales 325; exports to Great Britain, -?-; coastwise continent : JTance Nvw OKLKAHg Steady; , middling 87b: net rece'pU 98: sros4.652: sales 800: itrak 49.216: eipo ts coastwise to Great Britain -; France : eononent ooatwise . Weekly net recta 8.935: gross 4 791: sales 6.300: exports coastwise 6,969; Great Britain 11,600;- con tinent 2,188; France 8,839. " Mobiu nominal: mldfTHnv f&U- nt iwralnt gross 9; sales : stock 7.9)9; exports coastwise' Great Britain" .-'v.-...-. . - Weekly-Net receipts 185: gross 187i sales S.350: exports coastwise 2,288; continent ; Great Bri tain . Hkkfhib Stead: mlddllna 8: reoetots S6: shipment 150; sales 660; stock 2,727; exdoru coastwise. Weekly recelnts 595: shlnmentt 3.213: sales 8.6 0; spinners ia5; stock .: ; ex. coastwise .- AuocsrA Quiet: middling 85fe: reot lot 11: sales stock 25a.- - . - - Weekly stock 10.497: recAintji 71.870: shlnments 638; sales .- ,, . . . - CHARlsrmif Firm: mMdflnir 9: nit TAnnlnta 44; - gross . 44; sales 60; - stock 7.3'9; export continent ; ooastwlse s Great Britain ; Franc -r. Weekly net receipts' 2 585: cross 2.585: sales 210; exports to Great Britain France ; continent 2.100; splnnew--, coastwise 3,181 if. NW York Firm : sales ' C09:: nDlandi 914 Orleans 97 16: consolidated net reoetota 1.5)8: exports - to 4rent Bntnn 210; to France 60. eontlnebt 100; stock 383,766. i si-i's. ' Woolrlir. Vat wnalnta .- fcl .. nMoa D C7 T. aalas 6 7b7; exports to continent 7,96a; eoastwlse- : Great Britain 10.255; stock 256,678. ; ,0 1 . EKCETPTSAT AJX POUTS. " -1-;4:: 'i Nsw-Tobk The following are the total net re ceipts of cotton at all points since Sept. 1st. 1885. Galveston, - -. . w. - - - 694,868 New Oceans, ;: - - . . - - J, 71,88 MobfleJ - -------- . - 2i5,895 Savannah, - - -s,4-j?.;i4 ri " -j-;;, 792.51J Charleston, .. . Wilmington. ' i - , 490 71)8 - 100.876 557,664 80,99 64.104 163,369 i 87,561 '46.387 228.212 .:, 16,252 12,231 19,177. "' . 781 Norfolk, 5. - . Baltimore, " -: -.. -New. York,. Boston, - - '-' Newport News, ' - Phuadetphia, - West Point, - -Brunswick, -Port Royal, V-fe . Pensaeola. ; --s " Indlanola r ; Total, . ' t-x' 'i 5,267,493 COKFABATJVX OOTrOM STATEMSNT. . Net receipts at all TJ. S. ports during week . 22,058 Same time last year. . i-."-' - WB3 Total receipts to this date.&.; ...V..-i..i.. 5,267,493 Same time last yoar ... i .... .. 4,686.012 .Exports tor theweek.;t..i.jw.i. ......... . 4B,7to Same week last year. 1 . . . -.-i. 82395 Total exports to this date.....v ...-...:.. 4.041.T21 To same date last years.,.. , . 3,740 624 Stock at all United States ports........... 383,766 Same time last year. ........ .... . . 320,921 Stock at all Interior townsri.. .... 45,167 Same time last year..... 20,804 Stock at Liverpool ..... . . . . , ; ..; . 671)00 Same time last joai...:4.i.j. : 9164XW Stock of American afloat for Great Brlt'n. 102,(o Same time lastyear.. 2,6000 Fntares. ;. Nkw Yorx Net : aroes recelDts 1.246: futures closed quiet and steady; sales 54,400 bales. June........... 9.209.21 9 2031.21 9.8ia 22 9.19 .20 9.O7a.08 9.03.04 905;06 9 139 14 9.22r2.23 9.329.33 AQfTUSC. . X " "' M-m mm - mm n wm- September. M .. ...... .. . ... . October. November, December .. January. February, April..... .....ii t.421.43 IJverpool Cones MarVei. i.torfoot.. Jnne 25. Firm, with fair demand. Uplands 6i,8d; Orleans 5 S-16d; sales 111,000; specu lation and export l.uou; receipts r.,ou: Ameri can 14,600. Futures stefidy. . . June 5 5 64i. - -June and July, 5 5-fS4d. July and August, 66 64d, (sellers.1 - . .. August and September, 5 6-64d, (seUers ) September and October. 7 35,0 (sellereis.) Ocober and November 5d. November and December, 4 6-64d. - - , December and January 4 6-64d. September 5 8-6495 7-64d. Tenders, 200; new 100, old, docket. . Sales for the week 55.000; American 42,000; spec ulation G. 0: export 2.500: actual export H.2t0i Import 64,000; American 59.000; stock 671,010; American eus.uuu; anoat U9,uw; American xwajui - 8 P. n. Sales lmerlcan 8,400. . . - - , - luue, o nw, iBeuern.j June-and July, 6 6-64d. (sellers,) - July and August 5 &6id (sellers. Augut and September, 6 7-64d, (sellers.) September and October, 6 6-64 (buyer . v October and November, &d, (sellers.) ; -, November and Decemberi4 63 64d, (sellers.) December and January 4 6-64L (sellers.) September, 6 7 64d, (buyers.) Futures quiet and steady. . 4 p. m. Sales of day , American. June, June and July, and July and August. 5 6-61 (buyers.) ' -' - " , August ana aepremoer. t) o-ma. tDuyers. . -September and October, 5 8-64d (sellers.) . October and November, 4 63-6id. (buyrrs.) . November and December, 4 6244d. (buyers.) . Iiecember and January 4 62-64d, .buyers.) , September 5 7 -64d (sellers.) ' Futures dosed dull. . - i- LIVERPOOL PBODCCS. Wheatr dull." with a poor demand: supply large; red western spring 695 and 697. Corn ess, with demund poor. Lard prime western 32d39. . - , City Cotton Market Omci cfw thx Obswrvwb, I CHABurm, N. C June 25, 1886. I The city cotton market yesterday eluded steady at the following quotations: . Strict middling 90 - Good middling S Middling -, ' Tinges.......i..v.........-..- ' 7ff8.0J-? Btams. ...... i..... ...... ttpo.w. Rfrselpts yesterday , 22 " CTTf PRODUCE MARKETS Reported by T. B, Uashj. . JCNB 24. 1866. - Corn per bushel.-.-. B1963 60961 9091.00 neai per pusnei . , wneat oer ousnei. Peanuts per bushel. 1.1091.15 2.3092.35 3.2592.30 3.209225 - 86990 : 809t6 Flour Famu , SXolft !- . Suner. , Peas -Clay, per bushel... ...... 31ixed..-. ...... .... Oat shelled....... - 46950 Dried Fruit Apples, perm.. - : aa ' - , eachet, oeeled.. ........... ,.- 496 v unpeeled 894 ' - Blackberries..... ' 697 Potatoes-Sweet....... 66960 v . Irish 1.259160 Cabbage, per pound..... Onions, per bushel ......... Beeswax, per pound Tallow, per pound.;... ...... Butter, per pound.. ; Egs, per dozen..... Chickens ...i . 76980 S0922 696V 12920 12912U) 25927 26930 9910 Ducks ;.. Turkeys, per pound. 35940 Beef, per pound, net..., Mutton, per pound, net Pork, per pound, net... 7TX)1, wvhe-1 ..... ........... YtbV ' 82 - nawa.nea. 18 SOSO ' Feathers, new . 45950 Vim naw rtV rt 1 GBEHliROnO, N ci THE X-ALL SESSION OF 1886 WILL.. BEGIN on the 25th of August, with increased advnn-. s. Nu.iiber of pupils enrolled the past jear. 20. The prosperity ot the Institution Is based en merit. Faculty accomplished and efliclent 1 hpr- ougn instruction in au tne aeparimeos ot i-arn-fng usually taught la Female Colleges of high grade: Strict attention pajd to physical develop m'ent, health, and oomfort - Special advantages Offered In Mimic, Art, Modern Languages, aod ElodutiQn. Charges very moderate. . fxu partloulara apply for catalogue to ' une25dtf , President. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. i.' ' NOJW OiBflilHA RAILROAD CCWFAKT, ; SlCRBTABT AMD TREASUBKB'S OFFICE, ' COXPAKT Shofs, N. C., June 3j5.th, 1886, The Thirty-Seventh Annual Meeting of- tbe ockholders of this Company will be ned In rpftrishnm on Thursday. Julv 8th. Wba Stockholders desiring to at' end can get .tickets for themselves and the immediate members of their families wife and children living under their root by applying to tne unaersignea. -- Junel7d4w . : , , Seoretary. FOR SALE. neot Price $300 Charlott Real Estate Ageacy nar25dtt - -- B, S. C0CHS4NS. Masager PENNYROYAL PILLS CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH," The Orlginul and Only GeatUa. nlt "(.tampfllto 19 tor partioulM. m Uttar or. retunLMall. SI4 by BnrtM ercry wami. mtk Sir "Cklchca. tar' EaclUk" Peaarray al Pllla. Tk t bu. r , Gremteo We RICIinrOXD A1KD D AH wUUB . . RAILKOAII. SOUTH CAROLINA DIVISION.? Jaanary 24 th. . fob the information of the public. - 1 7 southward 48, J18 Blall and Hall and stations. : Way Kr t Passenger Express. ( Express. Cch At c d P. M. Charlotte. F't den, Lv. 5.00 - Trade et DLv.100 live Hue Sluing Pineville -5. -FortMU Catawba T. 0. ; Rock H!U ; i ? ,: Warren's s Smith's Lewis - s Chester ? Cornwall's - . Blackstock's- -Woodward's i.-.. White Oak : Adger's - j ; Wlnii8boro-1 - 1.15 127 1.44 5.20 . 5.45 ' 6.20 L52I 2.b2 2.15 2.22 2.30 2.45 3te aU 3.18 3.80 - 6,40 I ISM 7 46 8.00 816 - 9.36 1012 10.30 10,50 11.17 . 11.35 11.65 12.13 1225 12 40 I 1,05 ! &S7 3.48 Ar. Lv.. - Frt Depot HOCKlOn ? Simpson's ; Bidgeway Blythewood Sharpe's , EUUan's ; Columbia 1 3J56! 43I 4.161 4.S2 " 1.45 2.30 i 2.45 1.41 4.49 A. tr. 6.15 Lv. 6.161 Ar. 3i M. , Lv. 6.25 P. W, C. & A. Junc'n 3A- 6.30 BAr.620 SL 6.67 UJLV.BMI Lexington 6.K) 6.40 6 631 6.66 7.021 .7.20 7.27 .7.21 sarrs Xelsler's - 7.32 7.46 7 48 7.68 809 . 8.16 ' 87 --8.47 ' 8.68 -9.16 GUbertHoUow Summit ; Leesvllle -Batesburg ' Ridge Springs Ward's T. Ot ... Johnston's -. s- Trenton -if. : Miles' Hill -J r Vaucluse t Granttevllle ' Aiken Junction -Langley i' Bath Dead Fall ' 7.61 8.02 8.18 - 8.80 8.421 ' 6 62! 9.29 - 9,40 - - 9.67 869 9 021 9 59 10 05 r-10.09 9 0SJ 9.12 Augusta , Ar. 9. 881 Ar. 1061 P. M A. M. NORTHWARD;' i : i fS3. f47. . t!7. ' " ' STATTnNs Kail and Hall and Way Fr't . . ' - tt Passenger ' . 'lExpress. Express. CthAt'cd V i , i A. M. i P.H": T Augusta Lv. 9.05 6.55 DeadFaU . Bath ,; 9 32 6.2! 1-angley . i ' - 96 .V5 - - ; Aiken Junction i ., 9.42 :" 6 31 GranitevUle i 9.60 SAr. 6.33 - ' SLv. 63 - . Vauclase - 9.47 7 00 MUes'MUl f ' 10.10 7.11 Trenton s h : ; - 10.26 7 25 ' . Jouoston's 10 43 " '7.43 Ward's T. 0 : : . -. 10.64 ' ' 8.04 - Bidge Spring-: 11.04 :. 8.15 Batesburg 11.26 8.37 Leesvllle , . ' 1182 8.43 Summit ' 11.46 8.68 ' GUbertHoUow U62 ' 9 03 . - - Keisler's . 11.55 " 9.06 Bar's 12.12- 9 22 Lexington 12.23 9.33 W.C.&A.JuncH dArl2.52-Ar. 10.06 " - ' - . . ; dLv 1.12 Lv. 10.20 -r, c Columbia 5 - Ar. 1.22 Ar. 10 25 A.M.-' Si Lv. 1.82 .M. Lv. -r 6.45 Killlan's f 1.68 . 6.25 Sharp's , A05 6.87 Blythewood : ' 2.18 6.52 Bidgeway --2 34 " 755 Simpson's , 2.47 8.08 Bockton 2.64 a20 Wlnnsboro 3.02 .-: ' - 8 53 - ' - Fr't Depot . : - Ar 8.23 Adger's ... . 3.15 ' Lv 9.14 White Oak - -8,22 ' '-. 9.25 Woodwards 344 - ' 90 Blackstock's - - 8.61 : ' - 10 10 Cornwall's . 369 ' 1050 Chester 118 Ar ' 11 20 r ' Lv 12 05 Lewis' 4.84 U36 Smith's i. ; 4.42 120 Warren's r . 4.49 . - - -1.05 "ock HU1 f - . 6.03 - -130 f! -wba I. O. 5.14 : , 2 25 Fort "1 ii 6.22 : 2.40 ilaevn .' f 6 42 - - 8.16 IW 1S1 1 Siding 6 66 3.48 Char jo, Trade St. 6.16 , Fj'tDep. ' Ar 4 10 ' j. - P.M. P.H- - A. X. & O. DIVISIONS STATIONS. t62 SOUTHWARD. Mall and Express. A. M. Statesvllle Truutman's : Shepherd's - -MooresvlUe Mount Hourne -Davidson College Caldwell's Huntersvflle - . dtonewall - -Section House Charlotte ". Lv 8 30 8.52 " 8.15 9 30 9 48 10.00 10 20 10 SO ' 10 56 U.12 I Ar 1150 A. H. T53 STATIONS. NORTHWARD. Mall and Express. P.M. Charlotte1 x section House : Stonewall Huntersvllle -Caldwell's ' Davidsonkllefe. Mount Mourne MoresviHe Shepard's - J : Lv 6 5 : 7.09 76 : " 7.45 . 7.54 810 ; 8.25 8 40 8 68 " . 9 22 lToutman's Statesvllle Ar 950 i P.M. Local Freight No. 17, with passenger coach at- tacnea, runs on sionaays. wtonesoais ana xn- nays. -..,,.. .... . Juncai Freight no. 18, with passenger coach at tached, runs on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur- aays. - - . i . P t Klag Stations: Trains stop only when notice or signal is given tuaiiy.: iiiaiiy except uunoay. d ureaKiast. i Dinner. a supper. - Nos 52 And 53 en A.T.&0. Division, dally, ex cept, ounaay. ' i j : - ilTuesdays. Thursdays, and Saturdays. " . ft Mondays. Wednesdays and Friday s .- Where no time is given trains do not stop. Time, ?5 Meridian or Eastern. - : 6. R.TALCOTT. . i D. CARD WELL. " Super! dtendenf . . , Asslt Gen. Pass. Agent. 1 Alwitya Safe and always surer Ladles Relief rniBtntonriuviaDQ Laoies" Jivspepsia fills (price p cxiuqt uy ujuu.. mwu iauw uu uonnaxon. ms, mayl9deod&wly I SOUTHERN . i D m -'4 . Tbls aew variety of Turnip is ranklTy growing In popular favor wherever it baa been tried, and Is destined to supercede all other varieties in South ern eultare. . Certainly, no variety vet introduced has proven se well adapted to our climate or pro-1 uuueu utrger crops. - i ne testimony id us ravor as i given by some of the best farmers la of the strong est cbartieter; leaving no room to doubt tbe points 1 of excellence claimed for It. - in fact, it is affirmed that it is a better turnip even than It has been rep- reeeuiieu. n. ii. ajgmr-v . . - -j AFTER THOROUGH - TRIAL tt -FOB 1 ' 8EVEBAL f EABS, The following points of excller.ee are claimed for it nas no eouai xor root or saiaa. v- - It stands extreme heat and cold. It Is Siiuerior to the Northern turnln. Ttey do not pith or become spongy as other tur- BlPS. i . ; . - - ' .. It produces salad two weeks earlier than any other turnip. i lnaeet do not injure this as they do other varie ties. - y -- i . - - it produces more salad than any other turnip. ' It produces a larger root than any-other turnip, It is the best turnip for winter nae In the market For general farm market purposes It has no conal in the South. - f - .. .- - All of which is fully eondrmed by the testimony of many of our beat farmers. - In addition to the above we have tn stock, a full suppJy of mV other varjeltes of tuynip seed. R. B. JORDAN & CO., RUGGBTS, SPRINGS' CORNER. T WANTED, k ffiTe coin money wftti our Amateur Photo aatat. am MUhli I tj collecting family juoures 10 enurge. i- at Uv ofier. HmDira Conyinc Co,, S1 Canal Su. l mwaodlewSpi, - i - J. II. KEilDRICK, CLUB (HOUSE , 4--; Vi--. -KEEPS. THE-. BEST BAR in BILLIARD HALL teijliitf CtatliecttT. SO ozeti mite SLiirts. Double back arid 50 cents each. We are selling an elegant Seersucker Coat and Vest at 81 50. We are selling an elegant wool Suit at S7.00. We are selling the in the city.' Extras Pants for Boy 13 vears. , ar - .v. ... :. Bos Shirt Waists cale and Seersuckers. Leading Clothiers and Tailors. HBcnntt sanneffl SDDeo . i - Our stock is now full and complete, BOOTS AND. SaOE3 that we have ever offered for the - s ', - Spring and Summer Trade. Our orders were placed with the best offer a very superior line of . LADIES' MISSES' ;-. - ".. . ...... .. Fine : Shoes. Slippers' Newports and Paris Ties. AL80 A LARGE STOCK OF 1 ' ; , TRUNKS, VALISES AND- HAND BAGS, GLYCERINE POLISH,'FRENCH BLACKING, BLACKING BRUSHES, &C . . Wejwish especially to call attention to our elegant line of ,! - : GENTS' CUSTOM . MADE SHOES. Prices to suit the times; You are fore buying. .Trade Street i ffllSf oiDE mnm stocis -OF- READY MADE CLOTHlM 4 :o: ,; This sale will commence to-dav. exceptions. . will be offered, secure to paraieuea m ue annais oi tne The best and choicest stock of Clothing, Gents Furnishing Goods, Hats , will be offered. .Our stock comprises --', &c. MW ALL WOOL ROUND AND SQUARE CUT SACK In Cassimere, Cheviot and Diagonals, In Checks and Plaids, Diagonals, in we win sen irom f .ou up. CHILDREN'S SXJIT3 Norfolks, Corded, Plaited," and Plain Seersuckers suses from 4 to 13 at $1.75 Men's Seersucker Coats and Yests at $1.50 Boys' : " ,i 35c Mens'. Office " 50 doz Mens mackinaw straw hats at 50c 50 doz Boys and Childrens " " 25c 10 doz Mens Merino 10 doz " Manilla . - IPu(ay . iPo3L?. (DcBuntl Reduction in prices will be found to while in every case, the reduction HANDSOMELY REPAY -A Our This is genuine and no disappointment need be feared. Every promise willbe fulfilled. . r , - ; , . CENTRAL HOTEL CORNER, CTTAKTXCTI N. 0. i front at the sum, of , i i r ; best $5.00 Boy's Suit' ; - in age from 5 to . i. .-.,':.:' 1 in White Goods, Per Call and see us. Mail orders promptly and carefully attended to surpassing any previous stock of manufacturers, which enable us to' . . AND CHILDREN - .. ... . .-i- -' v. ' -i . , .-- cordially invinted to call and see us be GRAY & CO. and the nrices which all irnrwfa wit.hniih intendingvpurchasers, BARGAINS un- .: .. . ..: -: TRAD 11, SLITS, . - ; which will be sold from $5.00 up. ll(.SS-WfMana GnSsaa., Black, Brown and Fancy Colors, which - . .. Sacks, in Cassimeres, Tweeds and and up.- : : ' -1 r- u r 35c Ventilators 1.00 : Hats, very fine " 1.00 . .... ..- . T . ........ . l .-- 1 have been made in many ' instances. nas been sufficient to , : ' . :. .,-; ;.;, $ VISIT TO- t . I .ii 1 :1 1! 4 1 v. i I t I 'ST I majiaaecxiiwly

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