T) ATj " VBTTKB. TraiS AND BRGTOITOS i more. is in the cltynd will take orders for tun- lng ana regulating ruw, ; June29dlt ' - NOTICE- V f RlCHifOBD k9 DAXTIlit X BMLBOAD, ) SOOTH l ASOLINA 1MVI-IOH - n,HrmmsOFFlOK COLtntBlA,a.C.rune26,'86 ) ' The Coupons of Bonds of Charlotte, Columbia and i Augusta Railroad Company, which become SS2ju" lV 1HH6.WU1 be paid at Mrst National Rank of New Tom City and at entral national 8HEPHERO DOGS. (SCOTCH COOI.IE8.) MCK LOT OS HAND READY A Mr delivery July 1st Choice melee 2222a. SU AdiM Eg 4 WILL1B 4LTXANMB; .. JuueWd3t Alexandrtana,N.C. I. A TOMPKINS ICO, c M cliiiry and PI mbirg. 1 Manuf acturers ol . , PORTABLE OR :2V MILLS Agents for-' . ",. NOTICE. 2v ' Chablpttr. N, C. Jun IB, 1886. Havln? sold to Mr. P. C Wfiaon a one-half Inter est In my bu-lnes-, we wll continue the Drug Business at the old stand, under the firm name of L. K. wns on sco. - June27dlw - - ': ' r L. R. WRI3T0N. ffblid Steel .... . 1 JT , '. r ;r . Si Y T nueu nimes At $1.25 per set. SILVER METAL FORKS At $200 per set TEA SPOONS At SI 25 per set. LARGS STOCK Of Rogers Bros knives, spoons and forks at bottom prloes. . . - HALES & BOYKE, - , JEYELERS. West Trade Street Charlotte, N. C YOD CAJN BUY -NO BETTER READ! MIXED PAINT . THAW- Dlman & Philpott's -1 mil SHADE and "4 : ANY m iTo'be had at 'I; (D?K Wfieeler' ll PT'AND qiL BQTJSB. GFeensb5io.Femaie: College, GfEKI0UORO, If fTH KAT.f. HTtSSTON OW 188B WILL 1 on the 25th of August, with Increased adv u- or the Institution Is bksed 90 iJ U. lUtf nMAinr. Bhfl.l Unfl Anb Hni I lltlT" i KSu7 m ti!nSZBm W&s to .wi trade. Strict attention wild te pnysicai tieveiup; ment, health- and comfort ipecliil advantages offered In Muie. - Att, Modem Language, and fox partiulaJ-s nyy for catalogue QN - luneSodtf " ' President STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. - Nobth Carolina railroad Coot ami, '1 ' DICRKTAHT AND TRSASUB KK B UFTlUJi, BSCRKTABT ABU IKSUUIIUI o CoKFAirz Shops, N. C, June 15th, 1886. The Tblrtr-Seventh Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Company will be held in yreusooro en xuursaay.juiy oui.aooo. . . . W!t'WmmY,&5Jr2 a hnniMllHta members 4f Ketr-fftmilies-wile and chttoren living ttHder their teeiffamilles-wlfe and pWidren Uving nadef their ; p)t-l WPte.thentttreiped ; Junel7d4 trMretarj. t Mnlmnrnvnd lot 99x150. adlOlntnC the BTO- OO perty pf J". H Emory- J- P- irwm and others, ironung on ireae street ottitue ifc yu u . ' Cbarlotte ReaJ Estate Agemcj, ' ' maraSdtf ' B. XOOCHBAKX. Manager w ' , WANTED, - . . A IE OFFER QO&NTITY mer20dlew3m TUE 3DAY, JUNE 29. .1 886. Arrival and Departure of Trains. J"-, Correct for the current month. BlCHHONT) AND DAHTILLX AlR-LlXK. No. SO Arrives at Charlotte from Richmond at I a .40 a. m. iATMtfor Atlanta at zsu a. m. No .51 Arrives at unarione ironi- Atlanta ki.u a. m. tjtime tar Kianmona ai xu a. m. No. 62 Arrives at unarione rrom nicnmona ai 12.85 p. m. Leaves lor Atlanta ai l p. m. No. a Arrives at unariotie iruui Atuuiut iuduo n: m. Tmvm for Hlchmona at o.W v. m. LOC I' Jt reiKtll ana rasseiurer xraiu iouvcb ivr Atlant t atB0.m.: arrives from Atlanta at 8 SO ' CaTtunTB,Cat,miBiA amb Auotjsta. j Arrives from Columbia at ZM p. m. - i . leaves (oi Columbia at 1 p. m. - 4 C, C. ft A. A., T. O. DmsiOH. -Arrives from Statesvule at 11:80 a. m. Leaves for Statesvule at 60 p.m. I -; :- .- CABOUHA CXNTBAL. Arrive from Wilmington at 7 JO a. m.; Leave for Wilmington at 8.15 d. m. . Arrive from Laurlnburg at 4.40 p. m.; Leave for Laurinburg at 7.8S a. m. Leave for Shelby at 8.15 a. m. ; arrive from Shelby eeneral Deltvarr anens at 840 a. m-: closes at 7:00p.m. money uraer iwDaranent opens at v.uu a. m.; cioeesatM;p. m. : . , , Weatber Indications. - For - Maryland : ' Warmer, fair weather northeasterly winds. For Virginia: Local rains, followed by fair' weather, slightly warmer, northeasterly winds, becoming vart. ble... - ; For North Carolina. ; South Caro lina, Georgia and East Fiorina: Local rains, followed by fair weather. sliehtlv warmer, variable - winds generally southerlf. For West Florida. - Aiaoama ana Mississippi : Local rains followed by fair weather, slightly warmer, vari. able winds.-.- . For Tennessee: . Local rains fol lowed by fair weather, slightly warmer, variable wirds, generally easterly. ; : - Index to New Advertisements. Hargraves & Alexander. To-day. John C. B. Smltn. Notice. Paul Vetter. Piano toning. Settlements for debts due Ths ubskrvxb or myself by Col C. W. Alt-xander, or Mr. HJ A. Deal, will oe reoognizea at wis cmoe. - i : Editor and Proprietor. Nominating Conventions. Baleigh, August 25 State nomina ting convention. Wadesboro. July 21 sixth Con gressional Distrist convention. lireen8Doro, : July jsi uutn tjon greseional District convention. - Lincoln, July zo JJiieventn J uai- cial District convention. Gold8boro, June 30 Sixth Judicial District convention. Charlotte. Saturday July 10 Con vention to appoint delegates to the Wadesboro, Lincoln and Raleigh conventions. Mecklenburg prima ries to be held on July3rd. LOCAL BIPrLES. Collector C. Dowd was in the city yesterday. . -Mr. J. : H. Feddcn, b tker and confectioner has gone out of busi ness. At last Charlotte's dream of the electric light has been fulfilled. Now for the new depot. . J-A"meetiDg of Mecklenburg tres. by tiry- will be held in the , Second Presbyterian church in this city, this morning.. vv;-':: - yj 'i " vi'; --'U " -The first cotton bloom of the season was sent us yesterday (J une 28th) by Henry Grass, of Paw Creek township. Pineville i left tuU year Mr. Willis Dowd, formerly of this city, but for several years past an active-member of the New York City barr arrived in Charlotte yesterday. on a brief visit to his relatives . and old friends. ' The ladies of tte Aid Society of the Try on Street Methodist church, wall give a Mikado party at the uford House tonight,-and the event promises to" be a very pleasant one. An invitation is extended to all to at tend. ' V -' ! . Messrs. J John ,W. Wadaworth, and Josiah Asbury arrived home from Winsttt yesterday, where they attended the dedicatory exercises of th Methodist church at that place on Sunday last. The city and county, are being posted for the excursion of the Hor nets Nest Riflemen to the sea-shore on the 13th of July next. The indi-t cations are that a large crowd will accompany the military." as the rates are considered remarkably cheap. This vicinity' .was visited by a vry heavy rainfall yesterday after, noon,- the i water overflowing the street and in some localities flooding cellars.- North of the city the ap naarancA of the clouds indicated a tremendous rain in that direction Information comes from Winston of the failure in that . place last Sat- urday, of ?hol Stockton tho well m OQ of ,he wq went to hear knon : merqhanU a s that place. Woods preach his first ser Their liabilities ; are between ( $0,000 bef ore i new Columbia oon- anu ou,wy, u r, .---. their assets will very nearly cover he liabilities. , , ; We regret to anoQunce the death iu this city, qn sjunoay last oi viviau Agnes, the young child : of Mr. a.. Cyrus aud Mrs. liitta J. fiong.r ine age of the little one was 6 months - . 1 1 C i-l rt TTOI ani - guuipra - uuauiuuij was the cause of its death. .The in terment took plape , yeteday morn xng, at imwooj. Messrs. H. L. Badhara and Her- riot Clarkson," and Miss Maggie Clarkson, of thi city, attended the annual ball of the South Carolina College, at Columbia, last week.- It was a very-brilliant affair, and the News & Courier says: -. The music for the Oxicasiori was provided by, the t ThAlmn band of Charlotte. W. U. I Q.'aar mnoin wp.H never heard I cisknkAF musiewaa never beard at any; bail. -Prof. W. H.- Neave, the . it ell kno wnr musician ol Salisbury .leaves this week , for i Boston. Mass., to at tend the convention of the Music ""National . A6sociation, . of WWVw- -,-- ..... - . -which he is' one of the viceipretidents. This wifl be the tenth annual -meet: no- nf this bodv. and: the ' sessions will be held in Tremont Temple. Prof. Neaye will very ably represent nnr rata in Wis uuttuov uj union - - J T BE FATAL PISTOIV ' ' ..v m ijibcbs. u terA ; Charlotte 'Young . Kills his Assailant"" An Unfortu nate Affair. , Mr. Leroy Springs, of this city, but who lately engaged in -, business in Lancaster. SC, yesterday shot and killed John Bell on the streets of Xancaster. ' The shooting was done in self defense and from the evidence so far received, it appears to have been a cage of justifiable homicide The affair occurred at noon yesterdays and information' was . at once tele graphed to MrEB Springs, in this city, and Mr Springs, securing the servicesf Col. H C Jones, attorney; left with that gentleman on the one o'clock train for Lancaster, r - v Mr. Walter S Taylor, who is in Mr Leroy Springs employ, arrived in the city last evening from Lancaster and from him we gather the subjoined details of the tragedy. It seems that On last Sunday af ternoon, Mr Springs went riding into the country, and. on hi3 return to town, late in the even ing, he was accosted by Bell, who charged him . " with having said something derogatory to Bell's char actt r.' Mr Springs denied the allega tion but Bell was not satisfied and some hot words passed between the two. Yesterday morning Mr Springs was accosted by Bell ; and the difflV culty was renewed, Bell making an attack up on Mr Springs, and after striking whim two blows, made a movement to draw his pistol. As Bell put his hand back to his pistol pocket Mr Springs drew his own weapon, a Smith & Wesson, and fired before Bell could produce his weapon. . - - The bullet from Mr. Springs' pistol struck his assailant in the wrist; and passing through the wrist, entered Bell's body, at the right side, produc ing a wound which resulted in death" in. four or five minutes. . The bullet pasaed through Bell's hand at the moment Bell was reaching for his weapon. ' Mr, Springs at once surrendered himself to the officers of the law and was placed unde guard ' " ' Today h will be taken to Chester, where a preliminary hearing will be held, and his counsel will.: move for his release on bail. . ' 'J Mr. Springs is a son of the late Col onel IB. Ipriogs, of Charlotte, and h enjoys a great: popularity among the people of this section, as well as among the people ;of. Lancaster and vicinity. ? He left ;Charlotte about two years ago to engage in business in Lancaster, l&nd had succeeded in building up a fine trade at that place." He is possessed of a quier, urbane disposition, and those who know him are confident that he fired the fatal shot'only as the last resort to save his own life. '.. Ir. Bell is well ".known in Char lotte, where he lived for sometime. While here he was clerk: at the old Charlotte Hotel bar. He was a car -penter by profession and was" pursu ing that trade in Lancaster Both par ties;to the affair are young men.not over twenty-five of twenty-six years of age. Qur; information is to the effect that public sentiment in Lan caster is deoidedlj in favor of Mr. Springs. , . Stole Their Casbee. Early yesterday morning' a fleet- footed young "darkey, with three wooden shod Chinamen close at his heels, went scudding down' Church street, straining every muscle in his body m an attempt to distance the Celestials. Sam Kee, of the pursuing squad, was in the lead, and as he bowled along he yelled "Catchee I" Sam ".was arrayed in a blue frock and a baggy, loose-fitting linen jacket, and his pigtail stood out behind ' like a billiard cue. The raoe was an ani- ma.ted one, but the darkey had out run bis pursuers, and would have escaped had he not been halted by Mr. Walter Mullen. He gaye his name as aam Kicnarason, and was s brought up tow by the police to answer to the charge of C having robbed the Chinamen of $15 in cash. Richardson had entered Kee's laun dry and stolen the money from the till. The Celestials caught sight of him as he was making off, and forth with they bolted out after him, leav ing the laundry to take care of itself. Only $4.40 of the money was re covered. Richardson went to prison in default of ban for his appearance for trial before Judge Meares. . Hr.lTeeds in Columbia. Thera were several Charlotte peo' grggatio weiearn that great satis- facti0Q WRg expressed at the sermon, J MrW0ods wap ggaorted $o the church I a earrtaee'and- there was a large congregation present to hesr him. I The germon whigh he delivered, while i something in the nature pi a salu i fj address, was fol of scriptural truths, ana was aitogetner a very for cible, impressive and powerful effort, one of be bpgt which our informant had ever heard. Mr. Woqds deliYer. The Columbia people appear .o be charmed at the start with their new preacher. Fell from a Three .Story Window. .' List Saturday night in Greensboro, an individual whose name we could not learn, dropped from a third story window of the AlcAdoo house to tbe pavement. ; He struck a 'wooden grating over a cellar, and crashed partly through this, his head being caught and firmly helfl u the shat tered grata. ' The only injuries the man received- outside, of : a few bruises, were three broken fingers. tv Hcott's Emulsion Pure Cod Xiyer OU, wltn HTpophospultee - In Long Troubles and Cheltra Intantom. DrW. X.SAB80M, Hartford, Ind., fays) "I ftn i Seott's Smulslon an pxcellent remedy In rang troubles, and. especially In Strumous children and a most valuable remedy tn chronic stages of Chol- er,' Infantum," - ' " I Goort for tbe Bornets. l Tfae inepection of the Hornets Nest v xiinemen came off in this nan leraay under the supervision of In-rtu- t spector General : Camftrnn ftnrt t.ho spector General Cameron, and the result was a feather in the cap of the tiornets. General Cameron stated that it was the second : best inspect won ne has yet held, the Tarboro wiupauj ueing cne tDesc. -That com pany showed an attendance of 99 per cent while the Hornets -showed 98 perjeent. Two of the Hornets mem- Oars were sick pesterday, and but tor this streak of bad luck, the Hor nets would have beaten 1 the Tarboro company. In the inspection yesters day, the Hornets lost one point from the fact that one of the members had lost a button from his uniform. This little incident shows -how thor ough and searching is the inspection, .11 -. - , - an or our citizens nave good r cause to feel proud of the ; excellent stand ing of the Hornets Nest Riflemen, for the organization is a credit to Charlotte.- It is fortunate for the compas ny that it is under the management of so enthusiasiic an officer as Captain T. R. Robertson.- His own individs ual efforts have-done a great deal to wards bringing the company up' to its present standard, and no other captain, ever took a greater interest m the welfare of the company than he does.' r . ' " At the close of the' inspection Corv poral J. M. Davis was ordered to the front and; centre," and received from Colonel J . Y. Bryce, a hand some silver badge for superority in markman8hip. Colonel Bryce ad dressed the company in a few-words appropriate to the occasion. The Electric Light Turned On. , At three o'clock yesterday after noon, steam was turned on . at "the electric light engine house in . this city," and the interior of the room was lighted up simultaneously as if, by ar dash of sunlight. The lamps for dis tribution throughout the: city 'were being tested, . and ' before nightfall hundreds of our citizens had viewed the spectacle and expressed their de light at the beauty and brilliancy of the dazzling, flashing' carbons. . The lamps, sixty in number, and each one 2,000 candle power, - Were suspended in two rows along the interior Of the room and connected with the dyna mo, and Charlotte never before knew a houMfo brilliantly illuminated as was the engine room when "the elec tric current was turned on these lamps. Mr. burbank8, the expert superintended the . operations, and shortly after the test was commenced he expressed to an Observer report er his entire satisfaction with the condition of affairs. There was riot the slightest trouble experienced, the beautiful Ball engine moving off at the start smoothly and . noiselessly, and driving the dynamo pulley at the rate of 850 revolutions per . minute. The lights were kept burning until after 10 o'clock last night. . Unless prevented by rain, ) the workmen will today place the ;lamps at the various stations in the city. and tonight the rays of the electric light will dispel the darkness in por tions of Charlotte. A Prohibition Paper As an indication: that the prohibi tionists in this city " intend to prose cute the -warfare on the saloons, it is statedi and we have it upon good authority, that at an early day a weekly paper.devoted to the cause of prohibition, will be started in .Char lotte. It is to be the enterprise of a joint stock company, and it is sur mised that Dr. W. M. Robe'y -will have a hand in its editorial manage ment, bt upon this point we are not advised. . WOW OA FAITH j, . 1 had been trouDled all winter with cold and pain in the chest and got no relief from remedies recommended bo Druggists and Physicians. At the same time 1 was advertulng Dr. Bosanko's Cough and Lang Syrup. -1 had little faith, bat thougat to try it as a last resort, now l believe even more than they tell me of its curative qualities. From The News, Euahethtown, J.J gold ay L, B.Wriston. DR. OCNiTS UTGR PIIX.9. Removes Constipation, nreventa malaria, 'cures Dyspepsia, and gives new life to the sj stem. Only one fox a dose. free samples at L. B, Wrlston's. HiKKGTS BY - TBLBGUAPD Prodnce. -' RiT.Tivnai. Flonr stead? and aulet ' Howard street and western Snperfine $2.6oa$2.90: Extra t3.C0a)S3.65: Family ja v-aJi.ou; vuy uii u ffine. 12 60fflt.00: Extra $8,250400: - hlo brands $4,500 $4.62 Wheat-Southern nominal; Western irregular ana uuu; ouuuiom rw aatuoui nmrwr8RR8: No2 Western winter red. spot HiVatOSi. corn Southern easier and aalet; ve tem-easi- er and dull; aouthern white 46ai8; yellow 4647. - . - - - - - . Chioaoo Ftour TJ unchanged. : Wheat-ailet anaaasy; june rimzvtws; iuy 6wir k u ft-lli74Ui ' Com dulF'ahd easr: cash W( b- June muLajtnu9i juaowawao: Auausk ooct I - Qiits-WeHker; eash 26VaS2fi: July 7Mr, ra.t Mess forK-active ana unseuiea cash Vi wavijxr, uuiy u,JU)i.oo; ingim $9.66a$9 6m Lard-active at .iAi niner; ?juh kfiiniAftABJJO: Jutv 15.26rH6.SmA: Aarad $8.$C.4W. oooni xio ioeeaBiiys faga $5.5a. Boxed meats-Hgteady; 4ri satte shoiiK ders - $5.20$5.2BS' snow car itwfc)tti6. Whjsejttiatlj' "New "JoBiJioar-Sdutherh '.steady. Wheat fa: Au- lAo lower and ttalh No 2 red July 83di ust83Qi847-l ' Corn laiVa higher: Noaju'v 33w. Hops aulet CoflefeBpot; fair Mio firm II. WIMIUI1U. vaw u Dunuv UlLllUI . niener; a 4 JUir an at Molases seed oil P26i orude 30; refined rosin unlet Turpen tine-dun at 82IA. Hides-steady, .wool quiet and very firm : domestic fleece 27336, Pouk-air-. ly act ve and firm; mess' SlQ.lO0tslO.2i for old; ilu.7s3$ll.o tor psw; miuaies aui; ong c ear Laro-taSe higher; western spot $6 503 Ur6A Wheat 4d' - , - , Naval Store ott .wrvurnif Tnmantlne firm at 29t4. ' Bosln firm; strained 76; good strained 80. - lar firm st $1.25; crude turpenune arm; uoru iu; jfouu uiv 18atai1h Turpentine firm at 29; sales 160. Bosln firm at 9e3$1.12Vfe; salf s . m - CRARLK9TOII -Turpeotine nxm i a. ausui quiet at 85 for good strained.- . - Financial, . , " NSW TfpBX-. y"-.: Kxchanxe 1 4J8. Money .131 Snb-treasnry balances gold $129,162,000; currency $17.0OT,(WU; Govemmento duU; tour per cent&ljRife; threes IVti State bonds-quiet . --- ' - AiaDama view a, w -"?.. (ut B, we.... n i at, ' ........... .....m... . ...a ............'.. 1 A2 . ........ .m1u20 .. Georgia 7'k mortgage North Carolina 6's... fiortn uarouna s, ..- .-..,., South Carolina Brown ConaCH,, 1.W 60 44 88 1.411,4 18214 2814 $ 8H& -121 62 Tennessee o ,,,.,,. virginu's..."".........v.:.......... Virginia C H18016...J .... .4.. .... Chesapeake and Ohio Chicago and Northwestern Chicago and Northwestern, preferred....... Delaware and Lackawanna...... Krie.... .... Bast Tennessee.........................- Lake Shore..... n Louisville and NashvlUe. .... Memphis and Charleston. ....... .... .... .... Mobile and Ohio......... .... ........ .... Nashville and Chattanooga..... .... .... ..... K$W Qr.ea.n8 Paclne, 1st If AW Vntrfr PimtMl Norfolk and Western preferred. .. Northern Pacific common-... Northern Pacific preferred.....-.' Paclne MaU................".. 28 o9 eaaing....1.i...... i....... Richmond and Alleghany.... .25 S niuumuna ana uanviiie. 144 Richmond and West Potat TermmaLI Bock Island. ... uii .;...; .;.. ....;..'., 1.25 tst JrlUi... i. . ... .... ........ 92U bt iaul preferred... ..i. ..4... .-. . L2ii a uao a auiiiV3 ........ ......... .... .... .. . f lu4 Onion Pacific.. ? 66l fc.CT,. .Dior, viiia tu .... . .... .... .... ........ m Missouri Pacinc..... ..... . .... -: .. . B1.07 western union... .;..-.' 6376 Conoa. Walvsstok Quiet; eelpui gross 69; exports coastwise 967: nent - . . miaaiinfftsr net re sales 868; stock 10,081; trreai xiruam - : eonu- Norfolk Steady: middling S 1-16: net receipts 831; gross 831; sales 59; stock 9,655. exports wasiwise u; conunenx ; ureal Britain . BALTiMORB Nom'i; middling 9 Vi; netrecpts 89; gross 925:' tales ; stock 12,9 4; spinners iou; expo rL8 coastwise ; ttreat Britain : con- wnem . ... ' Boston Quiet; middling 93fe; net recelcts 287 gross L121; spinners; stock 6,310; exports eoasU wise ; io reai Britain - . Wtucingtoii Firm ; middling 834; net re ceipts; gro s ; sales -. ; stock 800; exports Philadelphia Quiet; low middling 9; net ieceiP'8 ; gross ; sales ; stock 15,U; ex- SAVAHNAB Oniet: middling KUi - nat. nuwintV 772: cross 772: sales 365: stock 7.901 : axdoi-h coastwise 665 " Mbw Orlxass Steadv:. mlddllnir H7t- nut, receipts 2J5; gros 862; sales 600; stock 42,899; exports coastwise ill; to Great Britain : Jfranoe ; continent - : coastwise . Mobil Steady; middling VSk: - net receipts 18; gross 228: salmi KM): ntwlt 7 HS1- mnrt coastwise 3(X), Great Britain . . Memphis Steady: middling fat- rtywlnta fiv- shipments 397; sales 6X0; stock 21335; exdorts coastwise. , AUSPBTA Quiet; middling 8; receipt 2; sales stock 233. , . . CHARLKSION Firm: middling 9- nt. rwwlnta 888; gross 387; sales ; stock 5,260; exports continent coastwise 2,511: fcrreal Britain ,t Franca . Mxw YOBK Oulet: sales 679:' nn!ftnl 9 at- Orleans 9 9-16: consolidated ne reeHi..t n a a: exports to Jreat BrIKtn 8,)3; to Pranoe continent 1,9S5; stock 896,364. . . ..- .Futures. . NlCW YORK Net S2: mm nraintu 1,5:6; futures closed steady; sales E9,800 bales. May I ... - June.. .. t ............. "Jnly.. ............... 9 8238 9 9221.33 9.403.41 .28.29 9.14QI15 9.ioa.ii 9 139.14 9 19 20 9.1J9S.30 9.3HS.40 6 49.ji.60 socrost.. September. October.. .. te - November, December January... February.. March.... April..... Ilverpool Cotton market. . LIVXRrooL. Jnne 2. flvm. with fair demand. Uplands 6id; Orleans 5 3-16d; sales 10.000; spec- niauon ana export 1,000: receiptsiu,3uu; Amer ican. Futures firm at an odvance. June and July, 6 7-4d. July and August, 5 7 64S5 8-64d. (sellers.) August and September, 6 7-6435 8-64d, (sellers ) September 5 8 64d. Tenders 2004. new poeket. t 2 p. a. Sales American 8 ,300. June, 6 8-64d, (buyers.) June and July, 5 8-64d. (stllers.) July and August 6 8-6 d (sellers.) - JLugoot and September, 6 8-64d, (buyers.) September and October, 6 54 (values ) October and November, 5 1 64d, (sellers.) - . r November and December 5d, (buyers.) . December and January 5d. xboyers ) September, 6 9 64d, (values.) Futures desed steady. ' r. a. ! ef day .Amertsea.. Juae. Jaa and Jul, and Jnlv and imrt. S-M (buyers.) August ana September, e 8-64d, (Duyers.) -September and October, 5 5-64d (buyers.) October and November, 4 l-64d, (value.) November and December, 4d, (buyers.) December and January 4d, buyers.) September 6 9 64l (sellers.) Futures closed firm. LIVERPOOL PRODUCE. Wheat dull, with na demand: annnlv In mirahc of demand. - Corn qulec, with poor demand. : Bsef extra India mess. 64d. Turpentine spirits 26330d. City CottOR Market Omci ot thm Ovsnrm, I -Charlottk, N. C8., June 2, 1886. I The city cotton market resterday etod steady at the following Quotations: StrlctMlddling..;. ; 9.00 ' Good middling... V 8. anaaiinfc........... ..... Tinges..... T&8.0J Stains........... 733.00 ;. Beoeipts yesterday. J. ......... .. 2 CIXT PRODUCE 9IARKX Beportedby T. B, Uasill. JCNE 24, 1386. Com per bushel ; 6163 meat perDusnei.... wwn Wheat per bushel...... 9031.00 Peanuts per busheL. 1.1031.15 Flour Family ...2.8032.35 JfXtra.. Z.Zb3Z.8U Super. ....2.2032.25 Peas -Clay, per bushel... - 8539S Mixed... 803-6 Oats shelled,.. 45350 Dried Fruit Apples, per lb.. 834 veacnee, oeeiea. two " unpeelbd 834 Blackberries - 63T Potatoes Sweet - 65360 - Irish.............. 1.2531.50 Cabbage, per pound,... 232U Onions, per bushel - 753H0 Beeswax, per pound.. 20322 Tallow, per pouna.... emevk Butter, per pound........ 12320 Eggs, per dozen......... 12312M Ducks Turkeys, per pound.............. GOO&Q. tiei asaf . Beef, per pound. net..... 26330 9310 85340 839 - 738 82 - 18 45350 Mutton, per pound, net, pork, perrxmna. net..... "Wot, wvhed " nw-iial.... ...... Featherx. Dew ......... Bags, per pound . .... YALUiBLt M Mate FOR SALE. LOT 99 feet on Trade street, running back 896 feet to Fourth street, containing two story brick dwelling, adjoining property of Dr. O'Dono- gnue. rioe$3,wu. - v . 1 LOT corner College and Fifth streets. 46 feet front 123 feet deep. Price $700. . 2 LOTS on College street, (one eontal&lng two ftory brick store.) & la8 feet deep. Price $3,000. ; XTOTJST! AND. LOT next to Charlotte Hotel, 2 XX story fjaine building. Price $a,oea. (r ACBIS LANnnear Blddle Institute en the DO call),:. Price $26.0p per ere, H0TJ8T! ANQ L0R eerner Third and College' streets, tw aton frame dwelling, 12 rooms. PrieeiROua HOUSB AND LOT on 81xtt street, near B,. ) D, B. B , lot 50x198 fee(. Housq oantatns 4 rooms. Price $2,508, G(nt ACRES Of LAND (one half heavily Iha- Mv.f Dere(, m easton county on, u C. Railroad a mitee iroin nt. uouy. ri ice siw per acre . QQO ACRES OF LAND, In the. Hopewell section, OOjO one-half In timber laud and about 50 acres In bottom land, : Prlye $10 per acre. BIDDING,' FTJRNITVBS, MATTSXSSES, Linen, Mosoulto Nets anij Croekery at re duced prices. , - - -r. J UfeT RECEIVED. - Tierces Magnolia Hams, 12 lbs average. , g Tierces Magnolia Hams, 14 lbs average, - Tierces Taylor Hams, 14,16 average, t -10 000 Clgaf8 I15-60 a 92B' Ir thousand. BMCIMEI). J. LI. KE11DRICE, CLUB. HOUSE KEEPS THK-rr-'- BEST BAR BILLIARD-HALL " pa the city. . - , TeWfidtf Hrs.;Joe Person's Remedy la still the best Blood Purifier in the market " -r . JOHN MsADN. Wholesale Dpugglst. -.OaPITAL PEIZE, $75,000.1 Tickets Only $5., Shares iu Pro portion. Louisiana State Lotterv Cj. , "We do hereby certify that toe super vise the arrangements for all the Monthly and Quarterly Drawinaa of, the Louis iana State Lottery Company andin per son manage and control the Dramngt inemselves, and that the same are con ducted urith honesty, fairness, andin good faith toward all parties, and toe auinonze trie company to use thta certifi cate, u ith fac simUies of our aignaturet attached, in its advertisements. " ,. -i i Commissioner. We the undersigned Banks and Bankers will pay all Prizes drawn in The. Louisiana State Lotteries which may be presented at our coun. ters. " ;":.'' W. OGLGSBT, : Pres. louIsana National Hank. '' ;bJ; W. K1LHRETII, -PrfS State National Rank. A.BALIWL " . Pres New Orleans Nat'l Bank. .. Incorporated in 1868 for 26 Sears bv the LeetHla. ture for Educational and Charitable purposeswith a capital of $1,000,000 to which a reserve fond of over $550,000 has since been added. By an overwneumne dotiu ar vote its TranRhise was made a part of the. present State Constitution aiopia uecemoer za, A. ).. ivty. -. . ; , The only Lottery ever voted on and endorsed by the people of any state. - " " . It never scales or postpones. -. Its Grand Single Number Drawings will take place monthly, and the Extraordinary Drawings regularly every three months instead of Semi annually asTberetorore beginning March, 1886. ,- A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FOB TUNE. Seventh Grand Drawing. Class , to the Academy of Muslc, New Orleans, Tuesday, July 13, 1886-194thMontlilv Drawing. - ClPlTAL PRIZE 97S.OOO. 100,000 Tickets at Five Dollars Each. Fractions in ii Fifths In proportion. list of Prizes; 1 CAPITAL PBIZK.. 1 . . do . do .. 1 . dOi : 'do .. .. $75,000 .. 25,000 .. 10,000 .. 12.000 .. 10,000 .. 10,000 .. 10,000 .. 20,000 .. 80.000 .. 25,000 .. 25,000 2PBIZESof $6,000.. S do 2.00a... 10 20 100 800 600 do V do 1,000... i 500.... 200....: do do do do 100. - sa . 25. 1000 ; '-.'IT J! APPROHMATIOli FBIZXS. . 9 Approximation Prlzes-l of $750.... 9 dd . do V 600.... 9 do do V 260.... 6,750 4,500 2,250 1967 Prizes,' amounting to. ...v. ...... .$266,500 Application for rates to clubs should be made nnlv to the office of the company In New Orleans. ror rurtner lntormation write clearly.- giving ruD address. Postal Notes, Express Money Orders, oi New York Exchange In ordinary letter. Currency by Jncpress (at ear expea.se addressed . i! . M. A. DAUPHIN, ' h- OrUui. OrM.A.AJPHIN, , . j wasnington, d. u. ' ,. Make P. O. Monev Orders navable and addrniu Registered Letters to NitW UBjLJfiAa JSATIUISAI. BANK, I i Hem Orleans. Le SOUTHERN D m T This new variety of Turnip Is rapidly growing In popular favor wherever it has been tried, and is oestmea to supercede an otner varieties in South ern cultures i Certainly ne variety yet Introduced has proven so welt adapted to our climate or Dro- duced larger crops. 1 he testimony In Its favor as given by some ot the best termers rf the strong est character; leaving no room to doubt the points of excellence claimed for it. in fact, it is affirmed that it is a better turnip even than it has been rep- reeemeo. x . vi. r ariner. 1FTER; THOKODGB TRIAL H.:-rz'--'r ". FOB SEfERAL TEARS, The following points of exceUecee are claimed for It, viz: -;- W - -: . -,. - . . it nas no equal ior root or Soiad. . It stands extreme heat and cold. It Is superior to the Northern turnip, i.- - - Ttey do not Pith or become snonev as ether tnr- DlPS. ' - h - . t . It produces salad two . weeks earlier than any other turnip. ... - Insect-t do not Injure this as they do other varie ties. ! It produces more salad than any other turnip. It produces a larger root than any other turnip . It Is the best turnip for winter use In the market For general farm market ournosea It has no equal in the South. All of which H fully confirmed by the testimony of many of our best farmers, , - In addition to the above we have in stock a full supply of alt other varieties of turnip seed. - B. -Hi JORDAN kt CO., . BTiGGISTS, SPRINGS' CORNER.' : -.. Mrs.! Joe Person's Remedy .-. Is still the best Blood Purifier ort the market - J.w.n. juiAuiiJN, w noicsaie uruggits. K. . OQ0HEASE.-OHA8. E. J0HE8 '., CHARLOTTE REAll ESTATE AGENCY. R. E. COCHRANE Manager. " . ' Y'HIS AQENCT WILL BUT AND SELL LANDS JL of every description and in anr Dart of North orSotrth Carolina, and will rent propertrln the elty of Charlotte, collect rents, attend to repairs and make prompt returns, and If desired will at tend to payment of taxes, effecting of Insurance, etc. : . . All property put Into our hands win be ' Advovtlsod Free or Cost - - r - - - For a stipulation previously agreed upon.-?- IOne dwelling house on B street, 7 rooms, closets In each room, well oi good water, lot 99x100 feet, in good neighborhood. Price, S2.0U0. . , 2' One d wft Jng on 6th street, adjoining residence of a M. iUowell, 4 rooms, well of water and stable, lot 60xm convenient to business, r Price, $1,650 3 One dwelling on South Tryon street, adjoining residence of Dr. Bratton, 8 rooms, closets and pantry, well oi water, wen locatea tor a boarding house. Price. 3,000, 5 One dwelling on corner of Graham and 10th streets, 6 rooms, kitchen, well of water, lot lk feet on Graham street, 162 feet on 10th street, very desirable property. . Price. S1&5Q, , q One dwelling on Poplar street, 10 rooms, lot 099x198 feet, brick kitchen, outhouses, stable, well of good water,, sold en terms to suit purchaser i Price, 4,0Ca. - ..... . ? On Two lots, NOs. 297 and 808, square 48, front m lug 99 feet on B street and running through to C street On the premises Is a two-story fran.e dwelling, even rooms and small storehouse. . o i .Tan yard at Lowesviiie. N C.,: 22 thei Ot vaS, lpool, 2 lime 1 shop house 18x23 bark hrttiBA horlr mill hmiac atdKIa Wn,Alllnn. in A.. land connected with tan yard. Price 41,000, or will lease: for 6 or 10 uears on reasonable terms. Chit I st fiwitntin rm UnMhoarf " HWOGC OU small two-room house, well, lei well set with. lruitirwn, i-ru socio. A '-Pive-room dweUlng with kitchen and stable, k.m. wt nunim rrcwi naoe sireetr oeauura grove and ef good water. Price $2,m JO One story frame dweUlng and lot on 8taue- x.td mail street, rnce smjl to One lot and a naif lot, unimproved, on the nj corner oi a ana um streets, mae soau. - K J Fifty acres of land In and adjoining Hunt irx ersvlUe. N. C. On the Dlace there is a com fortable tour-room dwelling bouse,-good bam, erib, kitchen and well. , Very desirable property. . Price fs.uu per acre. - K -j Lot with two-story house, six rooms and two tW room kitchen, well and garden, being prop erty adjoining . a. rnmips' resiaenosw. $3,650. 1 - - - WANTED. :V rnBE Charlotte Beal . Estate Agency could rent A half a dozen cheap houses jurt now. Heal o&- taie owners iaaenw.ee. . . -. : , . . EOBT. Z.OOCBBANS, . , Uanager. ma&ldlt DID SPEGI . m SO Dozen Wbite hir.. - Double back and front 'at the sumvof 50 cents each. - . We are selling an elegant Seersucker Coat and Vest at $1.50. We are selling an elegant wool Suit at $7t00. We are selling the best $5.00 Boy's Suit ' in the city. - Extra Pants for Boyii in age from 5 to 13 years. ; j Boys Shirt V aists in White Goods, Per cale and Seersuckers. Call and see nV. M wm g mmi mkm. - ' '- :'- .-I ,' . Leading Clothiers and Tailprs. Mail orders promptly and carefully attended to Our stock is now full and complete, surpassing any previous stock of " BOOTS AND SHOE3 that we have ever offered for the r Spring and Summer Trade. Our orders were placed with the best manufacturers, which enable us to offer a very superior line of ' LADIES' MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S Fine " Shoes, Slippers' Newports and Pam Ties. -ALSO A LARGE STOCK OF TRUNKS, VALISES GLYCERINE POLISIXJFRENCH BLACKING-, BLACKING BRUSHES, &c Wejwish especially to eall attention to our elegant line of GENTS'. CUSTOM JTIADE SHOJES. Prices to suit the timea. You ar ftrirrJiaTW fore buying. -X):- IDE ERnriKfl ST0CE1 -OF- READY MADE This sale will commence to-dav. exceptions, will be offered, secure to intending purchasers, BARGAINS un paralelled in the annals of the - ' - - -'.-.. .' .'- -' ; wvmm muv vuvwaw Duutfix ijiuuuiiJi' . tTKiiiiH ii 1 1 r 1 1 1 u (1 1 rt cf i-tnnna s-i nm . &a, will be offered. Our stock comprises - , HESiS' ALL WOOL ROUND AND SQUARE CUT : . SACK In Cassimere, Cheviot and Diagonals, ErlGns' Cut - In Checks and Plaids. Diagonals, in CHILDREN'S STJITS, Norfolks, Corded, Plaited, and, Plain. Seersuckers sizes from 4 to 13 at $175 Men's Seersucker Coats arid Vests at $1.50 tfrr TV, Ton C! ; TWonlrinnTrr nwn'm lni, A ' t?l L 50 doz Boys and Childrens " . " 25c 10 doz Mens Merino 10 doz : Manilla IPMdyIPenCDeiffitl Reduction in prices will be found to nuiio iu ow jr uaoe, uuw rsuucuun nas HANDSOMELY REPAY -A VISIT TO- Our This is genuine and no disappointment need be feared. Every promise will be fulfilled. x -. - . t ' j - - - - W. A1ST &CO UGADEIG CLOTmCSS. ; . CENTRAL HOTEL CORNER CHARLOTTE. N. X II! AND HAND BAGS, . " w , GEAY&CO. , CLOTHE. and the nricfis whinVi nil mvuio wifhr.,,1-. TRAD I I x SUITS, , which will be sold f mm tx on nn 5 a - wair Suits, ; Black, Brown and Fancy Colors, which Sacks, in Cassimeres. Tweedg and and 4ip. . i" -: s v Ventilators u 1.00; Hats, very fine " 1.00 V have been made, in many instances. oeen sumcienc v . shment iStcil) 1

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