fV iXew fttjertiscmcuts. DRUGGISTS., bum;s JEW crop TURNIP SEED. ' BED TOP, -LT D0fCH, WOlPEN BALL. ' .... - amb.b globe. . , : . v ,' WHITE L'kR, -: ; . i . Wrll'E NOBFULX, J..-"---- RKD TOP GLOnE, PVEFUNE4N WHITE GLOBE,, t BUT BAG I., .. - 8EVKN TOP, - , ' v BOITTHKUN PalZE, YELLOW ABERDEEN, ALL FRESH AND AT - LOWEST PRICES, M I WILSON1 CO, June90 . - V.... STiJCXOLOEH'i tV! d N G . ArmmoTKNM; and OhioB. A. Comtpakt.-V - Urr-C OF OKCRKTART SAiHILTRElBUBItR, 1 i . , CHAKUnra, N. a, Jane 2th, 1836, ) The Annual Meeting of the Stockholflers of the Atlantic, Tenueisde a.d Ohio Bailroad Company in Mor;h troiina will be held In the City of Char 1 t e N. C., 0if Thurednf , Jul?. 1st. 16i at 12 o'clOi-k, M. Stockholders wtll be passed free of chnrj?- over the ruai br presenting their eertlflcate or am en w me coatrucior - . janeXMA v J. J. GOaMLET, Secretary. DIVID END NOTICE; Ths Fibst National Bani or Charlottjb, ) CHARLcrrn, N. C June3utn. 1888. J By order of the Board of Directors, a dividend of nve acinars per snar wiihoe paid to stoeKfioiders or oraer, on ana.auer tne uc o or proximo. -juntSOJlt :- - - M. P. fBGccAH Ca.hler. Ex'ur.nofl - to " Tharsdjiy, Ja!j;Bth. j An ezeurston will be ran to Winston by James Fox & Co. Fare for the-' ... - : c . Round Trip Only $2 The ex -urston will le ve Charlotte at 830 o'elock a. m on the 8th. -i Mumc, good order baseball and refresomei. Gum one, come all. - s . '-- JuneSOdtf .-,--J- JAMKS F JX CO. THR 8TOtKtOLDEB OF THB CABOLINA Fair Association, Including those who breame members oo the 23th. will meet at the Conrt House at 4 o'clock, p. m., on Wednesday the - SOih. It s I lmportantsnai ail oe present. . M. AULTON President. J. J. GOBidR, Secretary. Y (J U " UJN Jd U X 4 . NO BETTEB - X. f READ1 MIXED PALM -IB AN D ANY? SHADE ' ; AND ' ANY : QO&IITITY, T- ?-Toehad at PAINT AND OIL HOUSE. - - , : D. AOTOMFKINS & CO.; Machinery and PI'anMfig. " a -.h Manufacturers of. PORTABLE GRIST HILLS. . ' ' " Agents for ' ' - .....imiirf CI NOTICE- Charlottb. N. CM Jan 15, 1886. Having sold to Mr. P.C Wilson a one-half inter ' est in my bu4nes, we wi'l continue the-. Drug Basinets at the old stand, under tbe firm name ot L. B, Wrist on A Co..., . , .JuoeaTdlw. . L. B..WRI3TON. . FOK SALE. -Ou perty of i. H Emory. J P. Irwin and others I r irnlrnnmvAd Vit swaou, aajoinwg u trw- i. x. irwin ana ouieni. Shade trees on the lot. uouim oa iTaue street Charlouo: Real Etate -Aft-encr martBdtl U X. OOCEBANX. Manager f ?CT cn awwy "1th Amateur Photo outfit, Winston MB&Plptt's , tedayoifS. Eupin Copywg -ual St., M mr2Ddlerni. . ''v'f XlmC vice I'- ' Isstaith"' JUNE -3). 1886, THE OT-CL Y" Arrival and Departure of Train. Correct for the correat month. .. Bkjhhoitd ihb Danviixs AIB-Lnnt. - No. rjrvArrlves at Charlotte from Richmond at 2 .40 a. n. Leaves tor Atlanta . i No .61 Arrives at Charlotte from AtlanU at 4:40 No" 52 Arrives at Charlotte from Richmond St 12.35 p. m. Leaves lor Auauwai i P-. ,, No. 63 Arrives at Charlotte from Atlanta ateao p. m. Leaves for BAchmend at 6:40 p. m. - Loci .Freight and Passenger Train leaves tor AUant i at 630 a. m.; arrives from Atlanta at 8:30 p.m. CuiBLoT,C0I.ntBlAAirD kXHSOBlk,. ; Arrives from Columbia at 616 p. m,; , w Leaves foi Colombia at 1 p. m. - ' C, C. A. A., T. O. DITBIOH, - , -Arrives from States vWe at 11:80 a. m. , : Leaves for Statesvllle at 6:40 p. m. . . .. CABOIiIHA CKMTRALk Arrive from Wilmington at 7.30 a.: m.; Leave for Wilmington at 8.16 p. m. i ' Arrive from Laorlnburg at 4.40 p.: m.; Leave for Lauriaburg at 7.88 a.m. Leave tor 8helbv at 8.16 a. m. ; arrive from Shelby at 6.40 p. m. Haul ' General DeUverr opens at 8 AO a. m.; closes at IM) p. m. ' -' -i . Honor Order Department opens at 9.00 a. m.; cioses at ik p. m. -- Wektlier Indications). - For Maryland : Fair weather, sta tionary temperature, variable winds. -! For irginia : Local rains follow ed by fair weather, variable winds, stationary temperature. s For North Carolina, South Caro lina aod Georgian Loc&l raics. tr lo wed ' by fair weather,1-variable winds, slifihtly warmer. For Eastern - i lonaa : w armer. fair weather, winds generally; souths erly. For Western Jj'loriaa, AiaDama and MississiDDi: Fair weather fol lowed by local rains; variable winds, slightly cooler - or Lenneesee:. Local rams fol lowed bv fair - weather, slightly cool er, variable winds, generally norms erly. , - - 1 . - - " - - Index to New Advertmements. - Hargraves & Alexander Tust recehed. -! T. L. feel le Shoo mosquito. W. It. Wilson 4 Co. turnip seed. . . J J. Gormley Stockholders notice. .-' r . P. Pegram. Dividend notl.e. : : James Foi Co. f icurlon to Winston. , a. B. Hilton Stockholder's meeting. r Settlements for debts due TbbUbsxrvkb or myself by Col C. W. Ah-xander, or Mr. u. A. Deal, will be recognized at this office. - - f 5 -J' ' ' - : Editor and Proprietor. - i-r If Oroipatinjr Cenrentlons. Ealeieh, August 25 State nomina ting convention. , . . , ; Wadeaboro, July 21-i-Siith Con gressional District convention (Jreensboro, July ; JJ1 iltn Uon gre8sional Pistrict convention. iiincom, July 2S Eleventh Judi cial District convention. - Qoldeboro, June $ Sixth JuU4a1 Xistnct convention. - - - . - : Charlotte," Saturday July' 10 Con vention to appoint dtlegates to the waaeerjoro, jjincoin ana . xtaieign conventions. Mecklenburg, prima ries to be held on July 3rd. - as . . . c LOCAL KIPPLES.' , Major Chas. M Stedman, Lieu tenant-Governor of the State, was m the city vqaterday. Judge R. P. Dick is advertised to deliver a prohibition? lecture , in this city; on the evening of July 2nd. ' '. -i-Capf James H'Trimblea 'well known local conductor on the" Caros lina Central road, has resigned, and is succeeded by Capt. D. K. F. Ever - . TV.;. ;a f Vi laaf Aav nllnwnrl hv law for the makinS of tax returns, quirements will have, double tax . to pay. ' ; . The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio Bailroad Company, will be held in this city at 12 o'clock, noon, on July 1st. ; I jnj - Maj. ; Stedman, of ? WilmingtO! CoL J.'R Ezell, of Columbia, Jas. H. Holt, of Graham, and Capt. V. E. McBee. of Asheville, were amoni? the A meeting of the stockholders of. the Carolina Fair Association, : in eluding those who became members on the 29th inst., will be held at 4 i. m. this afternoon, at the 'court house, , . -Bailroad men who left Richmond at one o'clock yesterday, morning re port that it rained hard all the way ti Charlotte-r- - The rainfall here be fore daylight yesterday was heavy. and all the, creeks . were impassable at daywlight. " . A eameTof 'f baseball was . played yesterday ' ' at the ' graded schoot grounds! between-the Charlotte and the Wearn nines, ia which the score resulted: Charlotte 12, : Wearn A game will. b 'played at the Bame place this afternoon between the Ken drick and the Swiftfoot nines. : Ifm.: Rogers Springs, colcred, was yesteraay :. ioronoo , arraigueu before Enquire l(Ic$inch on charge of the larceny of; Mr. N. - P. Tredeoick's horse. ' rje made a confession of the theft an4 implicated another colored man.- The : magistrate sent bim to jail, in default of $500 bond, to await trial by Judge Meares at the August term of the Criminal court; ; Report An Surveys andlUatlmates for Sewerajre.:-:: f.-.- Messrs. D A. Tompkins & Oa,' to whom ,wn referred thematter or surveying and . making estimates on a system of" sewerage for the city yesterday turned over their report to -the Mayor. A. complete survey.- of the four wards of the city was made, and the estimated cost , for sewerage- to meet the present demacd of the city is $5,500. This sum will secure sewerage facilities for the four wards of the city .and the system -will be or a character that & ill ans wer all purr noses for nine or ten years to come. This is the estimate for the system of sewerage designed "to meet the pres ent needs of, the city.;: Messrs.-Tomp kins & Co. submitU4 a supplemintal report estimating that for an outlay of $12,000 a practically complete sys. tern of sewerage, barring Dric eui. verts. caD be secured for tha entire city.' The report will be "acted upon at the next meeting of the board ziz. cr:.T:3 tiTr- iixs. , C""8 SWEDNESDA;- At dusk yesterday afternoon the m!oZ,r J!!! Hou8tonTh0" Electric Light Company was started, tbrpughout the city. . Independence square was thronged with people to see the light, and all appeared to be perfectly satisfied. The most bril liantly illuminated place in the city was wittkowsky cBaruch's,: where five lights were burning witli daz zling brilliancy as an Observer res porter dropped in. ; Every gas jet was turned out, and the store was as bright almost as daylight Mr. Baruch was charmed with the effect. "It is the steadiest and 'most perfect electric: light that I. have ever seen. It is1 far superior-to the lights in Washington, and steadier than the New York lights", he remarked with satisfaction to the reporter. The cotton platform, , under - the electric light, is one of the prettiest sights in the city. ' The entire plat form is so perfectly lighted that the names and figures on the cotton bales can be plainly seen, - and the cotton" can be handled as well as by day light. ' The excellence of the light as an illumination for -the streets is manis tested by the line from Independence square , to the Trade - street , depot. There are only two lights between the square and the depot, yet they serve to make the' street brilliant. These lights were put up merely as exhibition lights, to display the ad vantages of the electric on the streets. The train yards at the Trade street depot are lighted by two lamps, which make things brilliant. . All the patrons of the electric light are pleased with the result, and Char lotte is happy in the possession of what is doubtless the best electric light plant in the South. . , Yesterday's Session " of Presbr- tery. The Presbytery of ; Mecklenburg met ' at the Second - Presbyterian church yesterday, and - was opened with prayer by; Rev. A.; M. Watson,' the last Moderator present. The pas toral relations now existing between the Rev. A. it. Watson and Ramah church were dissolved, -thus leaving Huntersville and Ramah churches without a regular pastor after the 1st of July. The . folbwiag nwolutioa was re ferred to the Horae IfasioM ca mittee, with instructions to report on the same at the fall meeting of Pres bytery: ' "That it be made one of the perma nent duties of - the Home Missions committee to look after all pecuniary claims which may be found to exist between our churches and ministers. especially " arrears existing - at the time of tbe dissolution of tne pastoral relations, and to take such steps- as may ; be necessary to .secure speedy settlement of the same," . . Lottprs of dismission were granted to the Rev. W. A. Dabney, now sup plying Castanea Grove church, ? to Lexington Presbytery, !va Quite an amount of routine bust- ness. was transaccea, alter wmcn Presbytery adjourned to meet again next September. A Revenue) Battle In York County t: Information i was received Jn the city yesterday of a sanginary battle which occurred between revenue officers and moonshiners, in York county, S-. C , a few days ago, and in which two of the moonshiners were badly wound ed.i .It appears that the officers had for some time . endeavor ed to capture a oertam set of '.viola tors, but in vain.- On the day of the fight, tbe officers heard that the men they wanted were to go to a certain point to attend a magistrate's trial, and forthwith they : formed a plan lo trap them. The officers went' out a short distance on the road they knew the moonshiners would travel and on reaching a convenient point they se creted themselves by the road side. They waited in concealment until the men, four in number, came riding up, and. then the officers rushed out and confronting them in. the road, ordered them to surrender.- In re sponse, the moonshiners drew their ever ready weapons and opened fire upon the revenuers. The officers re turned the fire and brought do wn two of the moonshiners afy the first volley, .Three of the 'men. were cap tured, but the fourth escaped. -The party who escape i was named Thorn burg, and " his capture - was . desired more particularly than that of any of the others." - Que of the men was very seriously Mnjured, but at lost accounts he . was improving.' None of the revenuers were hurt,- - Balled la the Sum of 82,000. . '. . The preliminary - hearing of the Mr. Larey gjriegs of Ibis city, shanrttd with the killing; of John Bell, at Lancaster, S. O., on Monday last, waa yesterday heard at Chester. ' The defendant was repre sented by OoL H. O. Jones, of this city, and the evidence given at the trial clearly established the fact that the . shooting was done in self-de fenee. . The Judge granted hail, - fix ing the amount ,at $3,000, and the bond: was at once, given. The facts as given at the ' hearing .yesterday were substantially the same as re ported in Tuesday ' morning's : Ob server. Fed den's FaUrew:jftic:? r In Tsa OBSEayis yesterday 'it was announeed ' that Mr.' J. H. Fedden, the baker and confectioner had gone but of business, and since then it has been learned that he stood not upon the order of his going. 1 He left here several days ago for New York.City and all of his'store fixtures and stock of goods have been levied upon and attached for debt. His liabilities are said I to be in the neighborhood o; $1,000, ' distributed around pretty freely in this city. , ; r , Rupture, Cri-t'!, or "erEla, Permanent!; cur: i 0 t) 1:7. 1.8 wo-ot cose t'oarastecl. F-ir"'-te:4 r.fTsr-'.. 13 cents lastn--s. 'r:::j'il' ;s5"7 I" ... ." Prof, T. .X .mtohn ' nf " nu lotteeradedschool,wiSopentheState formal Bchool at Boon Wtl This -nor mal will continue in session for five weeks, and ProL: Mitchell will be as sisted by a faculty of "able and ex perienced teachers. The circular an nounces that "all wishing to attend the , normal, will please notify the secretary of their intention previous to the opening. He will cheerfully make any. arrangement he - can for board, and answer any inquiry about matters Jnot contained in this circu lar. Whenever it is practicable. teachers should bring with them one 1 text-book in each of the common branches for reference. - Those un accustomed to the mountains might also be reminded that thicker clothe ing than : would be required in other parts of ; tbe r State is .:. necessary here." - - .. Boone is the highest village east of the Rocky .mountains,: being 3 250 feet above the level of the sea; and is surrounded on all 1 sides by lofty, f majeftic peaks. . It offers superior attractions to those seeking rest and enjoyment. The air is delightfully cool and invigorating, living expenses very moderate, and the means for .pleasure drives and excursions ample and cheap. Howard's Knob is only one-half ' mile distant, while 5 Elk Knob and the towering old Grand father and Grand mother Peaks are quite near. - - Trial Postponed. Mr. J. W. Miller and Mrs. Alice Coxe, who left for San Antonia, Tex as, two weeks ago, to attend the trial of Mr. Lewis Williams, are expected to reach home today, as the trial has been postponed to October, and Mr. Williams has : been admitted to bail. The charge against Mr. Williams is murder. - Last May he'shot and kill ed a farm laborer named Brown, tbe cause being an insult offered to Wil liams' wife by Brown. It seems that Williams lives on a- farm in 'the su burbs of San Antonio and Brown boarded at his house. . One morning while' Williams was absent - in the city, Brown grossly . insulted ; Mrs. Williamsv and on Mr. Williams' re turn he was, informed of what had occurred, .He met Brown, shortly afterwards, a difficulty arose between then, sad Williams drew his yiatoU art killat Brown. The aewosei m -a ' on of the late H. B. Williams, and : his relatives and . friends . here are deeply gratified over .the kindly in terest manifestedn his behalf by his neighbors in San' Antonio. 4 His em ployer and all his friends are stand ing by him with great faithfulness, and express the opinion that he will be acquitted. , ''-"' '-' About the Maturity of If otes on Sunday., - " As the 4th of July this year comes on Sunday; the recent change of law in regard to legal holidays may be a cause of confusion in banking' mat ters. Under act approved February 20, 1880, where a legal holiday cams on Sunday the Monday next was ob served, and all notes due on said Sun day or Monday were treated aa due and payable on Tuesday following. But under the act approved March 6, 18S6, while same holds good as to obs serving Monday, yet notes due on said Sunday or: Monday are due and payable on Saturday preceding. - The act of March 6, 1886, applies to notes dated only since that .date,: while, notes dated prior to that date are due under former act as of ; Tuesday fol lowing Monday holiday. - The Mikado Fair. The Mikado fair, at the Buford House last night, was by far the most enjoyable affair that has been; given in Charlotte -this Bummer, The young ladies had made an extra ex ertion to make the affair - a success, and' to them our people are indebted for an evening of rare pleasure. The costumes of the- fair managers of the different departments-were , elegant and appropriate and were greatly ad-1 mired. The evening was inclement, yet there was a large, crowd present I and all present, had a happy time. It was an entertainment of the charac ter that bear repetition, and we are glad to be able to state that it will be repeated tonight. : A Nad Dor Killed. Something, of an excitement was created in the Smithville section of the city yesterday, over a mad dog battle. Some of the residents along Poplar street noticed a stray - dog running'alosg and snapping at every thing in its way, and in less; than five miautesr a dozen 71 pistols X were popping away at tne dog. Toe ans imial took ref iige under a house and was shot at - repeatedly, t whan he finally rushed out and was then club bed to death: It is said that the ' dog 1 .bit a little girl, but this report could not be verified. - It,. would be a good plan for the police to kill every stray dog they see. O facers of the T. M. . A At a meeting Of the Young Men's Christian Association beld last night, officers were elected for the- ensuing term as follows: 1 President Geo. B. Hannah.; ' Vice Presidents -A. ;G. - Breaizer, C. W. Eddins, John Farrior, Jas.' P. Johnston and A.' S. Cald well. : ?; Beoording "'' Secretary- John, H. Hood. -; Financial Secretary W, A. Trus- Correspon'dins Secretary Robert L. Cochrane. - ? ' 2 .: Treasurer W. B Nisbet. . Scott's Em vision of Pure Cod liver Oil, with rlypophosphltes. In Lung Trdubles and Cholera Infantum. - t Dr. W. I .Baix, Hartf crd, Indi, sayti "I find Scott's Tmuleion- an excellent remedy to- rang; troubles, and especially In Strumous children and a most YUALie remedy In ohron'c stages ot Chol era Intsatmn Jf-'v.-'tj v;.- ;v..l.rs.'"'r6e rerson'f Htmedyj . . - ; : ' i ii j The JDtejUt Time" Yi . . -The Richmond & Danville railroad has scored the brst run yet on record for this road, one that challenges any road m the South. The run was made by train No. 53.engineer Morse, " from Charlotte to Danville, the act ual time being at the rate of 50 miles per hour. .-The distance is 145 miles. t and it was made in three hours and forty minutes. Stops were made as follows; Concord' 2 minutes, Salis bury 3 minutes, Yadkin Biver bridge 4 minutes,Lexington 1 minute, Thom asville 1 minute. High Point 2 minutes,- Greensboro " 8 - minutes and Reidsville 1 minute.,' This train left Charlotte one hour and ten minutes late, and arrived, at t Danville only 9 r minutes late.',. . This is the champion run and it is a fine one. - NOW BA FAITH V I had been troubled all winter with eoldand pain in the chest and got no relief from remedies recommended bo Druggists and Physicians. - At the same time I. was advertising lit Bosanko's Cough and Lung Syrup. -I had little faith out thougnt to try it as a last resort, now I believe even more than they tell me of its curative qualities. From The News, Elizabelhtown, Ky Sold by L. ILWriston. - - : tilen and Women Who are constantly nervous are, in nineteen cses out ot twenty, dyspeptic The twentieth case will be found, upon Investigation, to be that of a per son wno is troubled with symrtoms of indigestion. Thinness, unnatural anxiety, peevishness, buzzing In the ears, a disposition to start on the sudden closing of a door, tremuIousneRs at the hands more, particularly ot the right show that the neTves . are- weak and unsteady. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters strengthens and quiets tne nerves. This effect is a speedy consequence of its invigo rating and regulating action upon tne organs ot digestion and assimilation.' It enriches tbe blood, conquers a chronic tendency to biliousness, re lit ve sick and nervous headach- s, and regulates the bowels without griping them. ' A more trust worthy defense atralnst fever and aeue does not exist, and h subdues a tendency to rbeumarlsm, Kidney and Diauoer derangement xaxen mfion retiring, it Induces sound repose.- -.-... . Solid Steel Silver ' Plated Kaives At $15 per set -:- : SILVER METAL FORKS At $J 00 per set. TEA SPOONS ' At $125 per set LARGE STOCK Of Rogers Bros knives, spoons and forks at txrttom prices. - HALES .& BttYNl JEVELKflS. West Trade Street . . - . Charlotte, Jf. C. NOTICE. ' - BlCKHOVD AH DANVXLLK HirLBOAD, - - SOOTH CABOLIKA UIVIMOW TBASFBiCK'b Ofkick. coluxbia, B.C., June 26,tl6 ; The Coopons of Bonds of Charlotte, Columbia tmA kwutSL RAllrond flnmnanv. uli i-h hu,intfi due July 1st. 1886. will be paid at First National 3 - wanKor ew York wty ann at l entrai national Sank of this city. -JOHN C. B. SMITH, jvmOMiK ; j . .. ... xreasurer. SHEPHERD DOGS.; t (8COTCII. COOL1E8.) A KICK " LOT Off -HAND BKAD1. "fc-v ' r tor delivery July 1st. Choice males ' xo.uo. Aaaress JAME3 k, WILLIS ALVXANDEB,' june27d3t Alexandriana, N. C. J. n. EEHDRICE, , CLUB ttOUSE. ... i i :. KEEPS THE B EST BAR ' , ' AND- ; . BILLIARD HALL - fin the city. ' lebi6itt - - . C A R LOAD OF- fijst-e: 4 1A1.' . LO? TO ASBITX- Monday "or.v Tuesday;.' Lookout for Them. BARNETT & ALEXANDER: Pre? delivery. . " Telephone call 81, Wipes Satan (the tret abeUtioniet on record) ftwa government, society and rentrlon. Th- world needs one political onranlzuion and bnechurch to- flanstne eid- liar and muraerw. .hook -sent'? or mall, Immediately on receiot ot orders. ' $2 per coot. Po tal ordr best . Write aistlncily to E R. Mcuau, jfUD'rau iast ina street, nes xora. EiJVuuyilLFalLS "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH." i-T The Original and Only Gennls. -: Sail u ln ReliiMe. Rr of wevtkle lBiutWek IcdivtieaMklc to LADIES. Ask yonr lrarnt 1h Mkicliester's n$uh" ud Uk. u other, r iucmm . - (ttwnn,) to ua for iirticulan in Uttmr hj ntmrn atui. NsmZPAF?!9, tl.leketcrClj-iipal o Eaa fcy lV.- everywhere." Art r "Cblohei. lr l.i., ... ' Fcnuy rural 1 UU. Taie aootaei. WE OFFER mm S CPT! CAPITAL PEIZE, $75)00. JEJ Tickets Only Shares in Pro portion ' r Louisiana State Letterv C3. "We do hereby tertify that toe super vise the arrangements for ail the Monthly and f Quarterly Drawings of ' the Louis iana Mate Lottery Company and in per ton manage and control the Drawings themselves, and that the same are con ducted with honesty, fairness, and in good faith toward all parties, and ice authorize the company to use this eertifl eate vith foe simUies of our signatures attached, inits advertisements.' - 4 . Com mlssionero. We thi . undersigned Banks and Bankers will pay all Prizes drawn in. The- Louisiana State - Lotteries which may be presented at our coun ters, , - . . ' "J - ' jr. w. ogiesiiy, ' ; . Pres. Lonlsana ationa.1 ft ante. t JT. W. KILIIRGTII. Pre s State National Bank.; ) ' ' . A. BALDWIxl. . ' Pre Kew Orleans Nat'J Banb. Incorporated in 1868 for 25 years bythe Legisla ture for Educational and Charitable purposeswith a capital of $l,000,0(X-to which a reserve fund of over $660,000 has since been added. . . . .. By an overwhelming popular vote Its franchise was made a part of the present State Constitution adopted December 3d, A. O.. 1H79. . . The only Lottery ever voted on and endorsed by the people of any State. - ; . It never scales or postpones. Its Grand Single .Number Drawings will take place monthly, and "the Extraordinary Drawings regularly every . three months instead of Seml Ajuuall; as heretorore beginning March, 1886. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FOR. TTJNB. Seventh Grand Drawing, Class tt, uthe Academy of Music, Kew Orleans, Tuesday, duly 18, 1886-19tth Monthly Drawing. - , - v . C APIT AL PRIZE 7S.OO.t 100XJ0 Tickets at Five Dollars Each. Fractions In - - ;. . Fifths In proportion.---- , - - , , liit of Prises. ' - 1 CAPITAL PBIZB. $75,000 25,000 .. 10,000 .. 12.000 . 1 -. do do lr do . - do ,n a prizes of $6,ooa i 10!; do 1,000. .... . 20 ! " do . ; t 600....i....... 100 do , 200. ; 800 do 100... v. 600! do 5a.....v 1000; do' as. f : : ; " AFPBOXTJfATIOtf FBIZJS. .- ' D ApproximaUon Prizes of $750..... ; do . . 1 t do . . 600..,...,,.. , do ' do 250 .. 10)00 .. 10,000 .. 10,000 20,000 v, 80,000 .. 25,000 .. : 2&,uuo 6,750 4,MJU 260 1867 Prizes, amounting to .............. .r. $255,500 Application for rates to clubs should be made only to the office of the company in New Orleans. - - ror further Information write clearly, giving fuD address. Postal Notes.-Exeress Money Orders. o New Tork Iichange In ordlaary letter. Curreacy bv axsress (at oar exDettse) addressed , - M, A. OAS? 3 a ' ITAke P. O. Honey Oraen parable and address Regisureo Ltters t - - 4 New Orleans.. 1 SOUTHERN D i ,". This new variety of Turnip Is raoldly growing to popular favor wherever it has bern tried, and Is destined to supercede all other varieties In South ern culture. Certainly, no variety yet Introduced has proverr so well adapted.to our climate or pro duced larger crops. 1 he testimony lo its favor as given by some of the best rarmers is ef the strong est character; leaving no room to doubt tbe points of excellence claimed for It. In fact, it Is affirmed that it is a better turnip even than it has been rep resented. N. C Farmer. . AFTER ' IB0R0OGH TRIAL fc?OR SEtERAL TG1BB, The following points of exeelleaee are claimed for it, VII: - - . ilt has no equal for root or salad. anrAa a-v rmmA haor txnl janlH . . ' " i.v ' OIUUUO AU VyLUV UliUV UUV WlUl It is superior to the Northern tonip. .- . Tker do not pith or become spongy as other tur ning. . - -. . It produces sa'ad two weeks earlier than any outer turnip. .-- insect ao not injure mis as tney ao otner vsne tte8j - - It produces more salad than any other turnip. It Droduces a lxrger root than any other turnip. It is the best turnip for winter use In the market Kor general -farm market, purposes It has no equal in the South. .- - ah oi wmcn is luuy connrmea oy tne testimony of many of eur best farmers. - " - . - In addition to the abovere have In stock a full supply ot all other varieties of turnip seed. '. Bi fl. JORDAN & CO., BUGSISTS, SPRINGS' CO EKE B. Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy : Is still tbe best Blood Purifier on the market . ; JNO.H.UiADEM, wholesale Drugglta. B. . COCHRANE. 0HA8. B. JONES CHARLOTTE B, E; COCHRANE, ilAiAGKR. nrais agency will but and sell lands ' J. 'of every description and in any part of North or South Carolina,- and will rent property in tne eltvof Charlotte, collect rents, attend to repairs ana maae prompt returns, ana a uesirea wiu at tend to payment of taxes, enacting of Insurance, Ail property put mio our nanas wui do . ; Adyertisod Freo Coot for eQpnlAlioa prevtessiy tgMot apsa, : -f owaamhorjseonBtret,7T05ns.el 1 in tmch room, well of good water, lot StaJXJO feet, - in gooa nermoornooa, - rnoe, 4,uw. -. 2 'One dwe Jng on 5th street, adjoining resldenoe ot S. M. Howell, 1 rooms, well of water and stable, jot auxiaa, convenient to ousiness. . tnoe; si,tu . One dwelling on south Tryon street, adjoining OrBldence of Dr. Bratton, 8 rooms, closets and ... pantry, well ot water, well located lor a boarding house. Price. $8,0UO. . . 5 One dwelling on corner - of tlraham and 10th streets. 6 rooms, kitchen, well of water, lot Ut feet on- Graham street, 162 feet on 10th street, very aesiraoie property, O One dwening on PoDlar street. 10 rooms, krt 099x198 feet, brick kitchen; outhouses, stable, wall - oi gooa water, soia on terms-to suit puronaser inoe,-4,iju. ... 32 Two lots. Nos. 997 and 80S. souare 4A. frrmt Ing 99 feet on B sti-eet and running through to 0 street On the premises Is a two-story frame dwelling, seven rooms ana small storenouse, O A Tan yard at Lowesvffle, H" C.,;3a ther Ox vats, 1 pool, S lime 1 shop house 18x23 bark house, bark mill bouse, stable, dwelling: 10 acres land connected with tan . yard. Price i 1,000, or will lease for 5 or 10 oears on reasonable terms. , - -OQ Lot fronting on Morehead St., 99x386 feet,! trutt trees. Price $850. ... - - - .... A 1 Jtveroom dwelling with Kitchen arid stable, smau two-room nouse, weu, lot well set wltQ t: i. lot ayxtyaon west iiaae street, oeautuu grove and well or good water. Pru 'i,sM. i n One story frame dweillng.aad lot "on Stone- t wall street -ceseiJU.J1;i --s. ;.;? 43 One lot arid a half lot, unimproved, - on the ooruer qe a ana lua streets, raeesiiou. Tlfty seres at land In and adlolnlnr Hunt erevlUe, N. C. On the Dlaoe there is a mm, tortable tour-room dwelling house, good barn, crib. kitchen and well., very desirable property. Price 136.00 per acre. --? -v,:. -.. ; Lot with two-storr house, sir room s and two Uii room sitcnen, weii ana garaen, Deing prop erty adjoining 4. a. rnuups- residence. 12,650. 'A i-v.K--::r;u,:: WANTED. ; rpBS Charlotte Real Estate Ageney could rent - A. halt a dozen cheap houses ut now. . Heal es tate ownare taJse notice . - - . nze REAL ESTATE AGENCY lit . m Bomu White Shirts. : Doable back and , front; at the sum , of 50: cents each. - , We are selling an elegant Seersucker Coat and Vest at $1.50. We are selling an S7.00. . " We are selling the in the city. , Extra Pants for Boy s m age from 5 to 13 years. ; : Boys Shirt Waists cale and Seersuckers. Leading Clothiers and Tailors. Mail orders promptly and carefully attended to rH3Kotl; siimafl . SDdSo j - .1. . - " r. .. ... -., Our stock is now full and complete, BOOTS AND SHOES that we have Spring and Summer trade. Our .orders were placed with the best offer a very superior line of - LADIES' MISSES' Fine -. Shoes, Siippers' Newports , and Paris :- Ties. , ALSO A.'LAQB STOCK OF - . ' TfiONHS, TALISES AND DAPiD BAGS, GLYCERINE POLraH,fFRENCH BLACKING, BLACKING BRUSHES, &c We" wish especially to call attention to our elegant line of - - - - . . OEWTS' CUSTOM MADE SHOES, Prices to suit the times. You are foxabuyinf. - IDS- EMmt '.SfOCtl . , READY MADE CLOTil. - This sale will commence to-day, exceptions, will be offered, secure to intending purchasers, BARGAINS un paralelled in the annals of the ' - v , - .1 Ml The best and choicest stock of Clothing, Gents Furnishing1 Goods, Hat? &c., will be offered. Our stock comprises. HENS' ALL WOOL B0BKD AND SQUARE. CUT - -SACIl ;-, ' In CaMimore, Cheviot and Diagonula, Elens!' Ciit - In Checks and Plaids. Diagonals,' in CHILDREN'S STJITS, worroiKs,, uoraed, Fiaitea, and Flaia uciBu;.ej. Biiws ixuixi to 10 a. ex.yo Men's Seersucker Coats and Vests at $150" .Boys' m " , ; , 35c Mens,.Olfiice M ; 355 60 doz Mens mackinaw straw : hats at 50c 50 doz Boys and Childrehs u, : Vf; " 25c 10 doz Mens Merino Ventilators " " 1.00 lO.doz Manilla.Hats, very line " L00 JFuMj IPei? '(Dor Reductioii in prices will be found to wnue in every casertne reaucpion has HAND -A -VISIT To ll jI) 2,7 if genuine and no disappointment need be feared, will be fulfilled. ".- v.;- ... v. - , WEII ! , ' . elegant ; wool Suit at r; ; ..; : best $5.00 Boy's Suit ; , : v ... ; -t ; m r . in White Goods, Jrer- Call and see us. v . , ' , . .- 'i. . .., j-. rj, - . -, .. , -.-' surpassing any previous stock of ever offered for the manufacturers, which enable ' us to , " - AND CHILDREN'S cordially invinted to call and see ua ben GRAY & CO; -:o:- -:o: and the prices which all eooda.rwithriiifc - v x TRAD SUITS, " :- - " .- ' - f;-"-;'-: , which will be Bold from ' 15.00 un. a - way Suits. Black, Brown and Fancy Colors, which Sacks, in Cassimeres, Tweedg and ana up. ; , - have been made fin many instances,' been sufficient to m Every promlcs mm REPA lsliment. EOBT. E. COCniXS, . i I. majllClt

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