-eyjiWiaiHiini iy MffrTllrg o-TMr' .. - : I "';...':,....,. - . . I": '.V '. -Jaiw"' el XHM Fpr many: enfeebiTna- complaints to whicV -children are subjected,' Duffy'. Pure Mai Wnisfcev, need -medtetaally,, ia the band- Parent i nurses, (alto, en aoooDBt of its abselate purity and efficacy, to effecting a owe. -. Balttaere. Via JSt sl.ce the relTad o try see '"v r J . wwTVFi beaV" Mr. A, J. MeRKI'LiIi, wnf PVSTJ Poeoai vAiiri I her, for delicate ei :UK1. JTe Blinil" earth and 'as heart nrfllVHt MWW -- We4ej. rAHLALI rVefeatee) : n VnUi Sal --JTr .treat. Be,lflere,.tn., wm FY'S MALT VT of tt they i m w7 ohlldrea Ibave everteeiv lastl eee wherein the meet reneialae . wHi obtiia wu the case . aYMh iWr Vfch ""U 5 on. month the chl w entftcir . uiiiM w : . . i i x tMl S 1 i hunPMi i what. I eatriy " mrrl O. SAKT. 16 Wllmee Atimi" Ght ... ... hi writMn: "In oaee aar oar mri- FY'S PURE M-ALT. WHGlsr Y oh haa.- Told nr hrslcUn, an be tails. be ueedfttvm his PNWitioe. : I wM reeoommen'd iV Fer sale TUalara. by Drngglt,i Grocer - THE DUrnr MALT, WHISKY CO., . -yri:-;;ii-i ife'BaiMaiora; MeV Prloe, One Dollar per Bottle. HER BEST FRIKIH ) DR. J. BRADFIELO'S . f EM ALE REGliLlTO R Thl tameus remedy most happily meets the de mands of ti flgo tor woman's peMar and multt - torm affllewtOHi. It to a remedy for WOMAN ONLY, and tor one SPfCIAL CLASS of her diseases.- It is a specific for certain diseased renditions ot tne womb, and proposes to so control the Menttrnal Fanetlen as to regulate all the derangements and : rNgularltles of woman's . . ' - - JIOIfTHlT aiCKIE. Its proprietors claim for tt no other medleal prop art. and tn rinnht. tlM fact that this medicine dees txikielr possess such controlling and rpgutatuui peMer U simply te dlsarrtH Jag yoifjfM meacex day ha PraDFIELD'B EaiALJi RgQULATOB " T atHntlT ft vmmtahlA MiTnnnimd. and Is the nroU$ of medical science and practical experience direct ed towards the benefit ol - ' SIIFFER1WO WQMAJI!. Tt latha atiuliAd nnwinrlntlfln of a leaned hT- slcian whose siudy was WOMAN, and whose fame ' Iw.tma enviable and boundless because of his won derful cnocess in tne treatment and cure of female complaints.- THE RKUDLaTOK is the grandest OMAN'S QSslTpRTENDT " Because It eontro's a class of funstlons the various - HuMnnumunta ni wh1fh pnnflM mnnA 111 nnajth than air other causes combined, andtbns rescues ber from a long train of afflictions which sorelr emblt- - Vr her life and prematurely end her existence. Ob ! : ' what a multitude of living witness mh tesufy to Itsoharmlng effecrsi Woman! take to your eonfl- '. dencetnls , , PBECIOUS BOON OF HKALTH! , . . It will rellere vou of nearly all the complaints peculiar to your sex.- Rely upon it as your safe guard for neaitn, nappiness and long me. Sold by all druefists. . Send tor our treatise on the Health and Happlness-of Woman, mailed freey ' wmcn gves au parucuiars. . , . f THBRADFKJIteeDLATeB0O.,,i - ? - - Box 28. Atlanta, Ga. EES C. HUNSLEIV WHOLESALE LASER BEER DiEALEH AJTK - BOTTLER, CHARLOTTE N. C ; Represents two of the largest LAQEB BEEB Breweries iHthe United States. The Mersrner A Eagel Brewing Co, of PblladelpUa, and the F. Ac SI. ScSiaffer Hrewbtg C.v o ' . Hew York. - , TQB L AJJOEST LAGER BEEB BOT , .TUNQ t43TABLISHMENT , IS THE CITY. CJ" Orders Solicited. All order promptly -filled and delivered freex of eharge to any pri of the oity( j - deaSOdlf , ' , ' i. 6BAKD SALS 07 f Md .JEWELRY, KLtamond Silver and CZver-MmZfl I i C3 Poes eft down from ThaaksglvlnK Day March 4th looi. - , ThoSewantlng any ot the abeve goods will please ec.a and bear my prtcs,--Uiey are the lowest and tue goods are (he best. . , - ? T. T . BTTTT ,EU. IIAHYL.Mn - --.--.. Cartets ae to be anpolmd frum V-wrsl Cn BTjfw'Oiml Linnets ot tae oiiile ot North Crollna uu vti ,ug upiHiiin nienis are reoutated to e joint .iwnxs enter tue iMemi tr r hnT.,., . M f.i. ...wTit or C.iei lit, represenung thirty t .,,nn.l two Territories. bealon begins w Is d sr. s '.'J be Si ,' i ci p w A Chance For A 1888, OFFICE OF, CAHDlf Al THE Ilea PeitIo i tne tnnrc. t hoe hen written that there were cardinals of the Church of .Run in thpirhth centurf. wit m ibuw uj U - " T . , the thurch-rits cmei ,ruier-iiu.o vrhih the fope w eiaowa. mcj w now. -' it was r ui A . t"v-' manentSoaof the e.hurch.fii the mieiuw Bcmui j .... i, . There has been mucn tyewuwuyu on the meaning oi .in wrurvm ';t - In T,tiu it meana a ,hinge' vttdiw i . . ': .4 . h k.. mmA irwlinfl to tne ODiniyu kuv ira Am ivatinn in dllA: tO CCltT. OT Car, ItU lVJl 1 . ".v- - ---- .... j from the Celtic, meaning a town,and fiM.n a.1. a, head deacon- e . .ma town wch-deacon: " :" . ". The Cardmais naa meir . prvu n t.h TuarionarY deacons" Creoni cfea- oonij of loaly, whd, in the centime o Chnsli-iuxty naa - coarg ; wi n poof of Bome--of ftll towr - and cities. u ' .: Sextue Vr ,(1585) fixed the number at gdYenty-'ttie nrmber of the disci pies -namely, six Cardinal Bishops, whpHe aioces are ine m. iuuuiu soes of the Eternal . City, via : Oetia, Velletri, Porta Santa,Raflna, Albano, Paliatrlna f Sat-ina : - fitly r learned Driest, who take their litl from eer- tairx churches of Rome tjalled; - titular churched" ortr vrmcn tney nave ju riadictioh-- and " fourteen;- Cardinal Deacons, , vr ho are x placed over the churches called deacotiries. ' . Thig completes the Sacred CoUge'bf Car" (iinalK. ' " " ' North of the Rhone the titia of Cat. dinal was applied to evefy -ecciesias-tioAl f unctionarv (clericm cardinalis) nf thfi nrincibalchurche8 and also was used to designate the highest dig nity in Rome next to the Pope, but even then it was given to favorites in certain churches to the titular functionaries. Paul IV restricted the um of the title: Sext.us V fixed the number. r ' rr- . c The three orders of Cardinals : ar distinct orders of the Catholio hier- archv.iexceotine the suburban dio-: cese referred to. All th Cardinals are Onlv Cardinal Priests and Deas' cons, it would b almost impossiDie for any one to b a Uardinal Bishop. who did not Termanentiy .resiae ac Rome For instanse Archbishop Gibbons will become a "Cardinal Priest of the Holy Roman -Apostolic Catholic Church," and Archbishop of Baltimore, as the late Cardinal Mo Closkey was of New York The official drees of a Cardinal, that is to say,' when he attands St. Peters, when the Pope says mass, or - visits the church from which he takes his title, ia canoek, scarlet; roohet, laoej f.feSSfSj V, fcsrretta e antSi, rle, ; . Tha caasoek U ths sai As worn by any priest, excepting tha color. I.The lo?ket is much the same. The cxpp magna or great cloaks is only worn on state occasions and the' principal festivals. It has ajong train of from six to twelve feet. -TWhen extended it is held by young men or boys, who jare called canaatoni tram bearers. When the ceremony is over the train bearer twirls the train " round and round into a coil, and it -is hooked under the left arm of the Cardinal In processions in St, Peter's, Roma, a Cardinal is accompanied also by his .Esquire; in civrf drew, with a cloak and sword.- - " The eappa magna is made' of fine wool for winter and silk for summer. It is not worn with the juanteletta or mozzetta. -The latter is the, robe of authority or jurisdiction! The form er it worn at any; time, outside of the n ii v 1 . mi toruiuaiB jurtBuiutiuu v xut'te ih an other kind of mozzetta or caoe, made of ermine, which' rg worn. & Rome by allprelatea during the winter." " ; - The nobility of England on solernn occasions,, when they don their coro" nets, wear a cap of ermine, similar in shape to the mozeetta of tbe slto man prelate: . vti - " ' The zuchetto ia a fekuil can aad Obers tha tonsure circles The Pope's is waite, tne cardinal 'a red, tne bish op's purple and ; tbe: priest's black lnay are not used in this country, because the ? tonsure is not observed here. 2 v , The presentaJtion to a '-Oarlinb.1 of tne insignia of sto ofhoe can -njjver take place in. a i Protestant or non Catholic country.- By the official insi&rnia is meant the hat and tha riner er ppnire sat in goia . - v nen a person - wnose name-- is prominent in the consistory is notjin Rome, a member of the Pope's bod v guard is despatched to notify him by letter, which isalways in Latio. and by the presentation of a skull can or ziuuueiiiio. w oen Hving at a great distance from Rome the eruard ia ac Li. TtTt. . companied by a Monsignore connect- ea witn tne propaganda College, who is uuarjgtjtt w present- tne ; Derretta. n.is-iBeiouon, is carsrmiv mariAi When notified to prepare for his mis sion ana receive his instructions from the Cardinal Prefect ; of: th Propaganda, he makes prenaratinra ta be' received i by -tte Pope ? This takes place at any time that may suit al n inm vti - .. .. - mw jronwn:. tsoon as tne interview is over: the Monsienore and th snldiAr- oearar of toe zuchetto set put imme Qiaceiy not a minute, not a second must they tarry af tetthey leav the Tha former is an Ableiate-'aivftrv high honor; the latter A Pone's moa- eager. lioth ar tbe received with respect acid hospitably f entertained wuoicver uwj may stay, ana noon, undnr the penalty of severe censure, is to ninaer or delay them on- thfir vnmMT ovwrwxe Ufa rrr carafwlly afi of aai their mi- nap instancy reported to- the Propa ganda aad .the Cardlrial Seortitary of CARE FOB TBEB ABLEKJATH. i nat there mav tm nn imiaiaVa bestowed" upon the f Ablftrnte th -.-. u . wuUi.aUM7ULlUU . JAI 1H4 1 letter.from the Poou to tha iect charges the latter to be careful 01 him in the following words: '.'We also greatly, desire that you' would res ceive with - all manner of kind iipm tasi woom we have sent tn vnu hntH for th sake of ; the roiaainri 'nnnn which he is sent and for ow a.Vm - -The person in the absence of, the x-ope to piace the beretta upon the head of -the- Cardmal-elect umat ho appoiatea lor the purpose by the Pope, ' He is called the AnoRtrtlm l. gate ""lhe.one selected to confer the oerrecta on Archbishop Gibbons is i ne venrraoie Archbishop of St. Louis ireier jtiicnara. Ji.er.rick, who waa born in the pirieh of St. Nicholas llyra, Dublin, August 17, 106. He was made a bishep in 1841 and bs come Archbishop of St. Louis in 1847 . Besides the Ablegate and Apostolic Legate, there are two others, namely legate de latere and a latere. The firiit is one seat from the Pope upon a special mission into the Pdpl tr ntery cr ta a Kit- or Emporr The secovi is the hir-est- of. all, nr. i i3 . rardyconferred, because he cri-a "" c:f, if tha Pore.'M WEDNESDAY. JUNE SO. are relica cf the past. : . 1 ; Th orlicers unoounteaiy: nwu rank in. the middle ages, but our gee of railroads, - telegraphs and .-te.f g phones is a mortal enemy to the gee-., gaws of rank unless ear-qed and madr resplendent by genius,, great labor, moral industry. Shakespeare was not unacquainted with the Roman legates, who haye no ordinary place in Eaglish history; He says: Look where the holy legate eoiaes apace, , .,. ... SOf ire us arrant from Ue iaad of Heaven., , -J There is however, a matter of fact side to the affair which makea it vary rratifvine to the Italian. The Car dinal recipient, keaides entertaining; kAa a Tresent of at least tr oiio to th Monsieiiore,. and Tabouk ft'"much more to the Noble Guard ThiA is exclusive of all their expenses while in this country, which are borne Kt th nn.rtiina.1. ' s - herrftta to the i mt AJarqinai jain CJLoekev eleven years ago, took away in guts over $a,yw. - - .1, , Whom the ExecuQv of the ooun try i? a Cathofic, ir is Customary to send "the raa na to ,mui 10 uo, yiv mntnA tr .tha new Cardinal. The sap phir ring set in gold, must oe piacea on the Cardinars : fioger by tha Pope in Derson Tnere are three AjonsisLorieo neuoo- S&ry to mase .ajaruuii. m first the beretta is given f at the second the hat ; at the third the tiues and rinur. .- .- Cardinals' hats were ttrst given oy IanooentlV. in the -thirteenth cen- tury as a sign - that- the Cardinals "nntrht to be ever reaay, w jubu ineir oio'jo 111 umeu ut um. iohui ' 11. J .. J.( fnitk and "for ilia T;berty of the Christian a t;aramai must i.u-ve a cuai uir nrms ana KeeD a ccrriaee. , .n.o ia ... . ' . TT"- I.- nvr to be seen on" foot at Rome or in his diocese if a bishop or Archbish on outside of It vly Rome, lie eener & v i either ne or toe otner. , v;ar r. .- . .- - - . - dinal deacons are invariably confined to Rome. His rank entitles hint to precedence over,: all the nobility at Rome, m Caihohc countries -next to royalty itself. Cardinals tak rank accordine to the respective orders of tifihops, priests and deacons to which they belong, and in sucn oraer to the date of their creation, except the Cardinal Secretary - of Sut, who, as a matter f;eourtesy. is allowed the first rank amoog the members of.. bis nnrtioular Order. ' The committees (congregations) of the Senate of the church are called: Vcclesiastical Council. Bishops and Regular Clergy, Index, Sacred Rites. The Cardinals , are divided among them, the senior one becomine presi dent At facto, but the rope is always president when he chooses to preside at a eengregation,-. which he .rareiy does . nowadays. ; These , congrega tions (committees) arrange every thing, from the Sacrament of Bap- tMom to bm Vtafr?fVf ua-oufhout the e t-e tm. is a laxs tiry aeMem indolged as, becaase they are alow but very sure ia their delio eraUons and bav the work Of their predecessors befera them th de cisions of the Pontiffs for a thousand years within reach and are, invari ably, just - and independent in their action. - . r Odd Ileitis f rain Everywhere 'President Cleveland once did local writing for the Buffalo Courier. 0 -. : Every fourth Republican voter in Dauphin county, Pennsylvania; is a negro- One. hundred and fifty of the 365 colleges of the. United States publish newspapers - LeGrand Larew, the owner of a cattle ranch in Kansas, has a raoua- tache hve teet long. , Storm Bull is th cyclone title of one of tbe professors in the Wiscon sin State University, - 7... A man in New York - committed suicide by pushing a handkerchief down his throat with a long ruler. A man has been arrested in Ral eigh, N. C, charged with striking another with a mud turtle.- The point has been raised that a mud turtle is not a deaddy weapon. -J' -: r The averase yearly . ernensM of this year's graduating, class at Yale Collejre wera $9(50. The largest sum spent by. any: man in a year was $2,750, and the smallest $150. " - - - A little York, Pa., girl, wbil lippi irjg her: childish - prayer -at ber mothers knee before.retiring, stopped m the Riidst of ; ber devotions and said ; "O Lord, please wait a minute until I scratch my toe." ; In this country, three newspapers are devoted to the silk worm, six to the honey bee, thirty-two to poultry; gastronomy" i represented by three papers, canay rnaKinz oy three. Al , most every trade and profession-has us special organ. - j - Th following announcement ' aD- ?ears in a French paper "A- young ady, who has bad charge of one of tne principal oars in Antwerp, would accept a situation at a railway eta tion. She speaks German, and can make sixty sandwiches with half a pound of butter," - , ; Spurgeen said in one of his recent sermons; "If God told m to ro out to the cemetery and wave mv Docket handkerchief over the graves of: the dead . and niake Jhem live I would do it, and they would live, for God would eive me the nower if hn cava me the oommanel. Probably the loneest coffins naed are thee in whioh dignitaries of the re $0ae feet t 1a3u Sfueit sveofaii was uea at the burial of . Cardinal AioUlcskey. The extra lensrth is quired for the crown, which is gen erally buried with the eieoeased. ,: The popular SUnarfititinn nnnnjhirw ing tne UDiuciciness of- frpillinsr salt ProBaoiy, originated in Leonada da 1 . . ... - . : - O viocis Picture of fThe Last Supper," where Judas is-represented as over turning the Salt. Some people always mruw h pincn or tne spilled salt over their right shoulder, hoping thereby to prevent misfortuse. - ;. The Bsllread IlUi Quiet.' - Chicago, June 23. The Lake Shore Railroad Company began operations at eight o'clock this morning. "At that pour two hundred aad, fifty po lice and . Pinberton - men, the latter armed as on yesterday with Winches ter rifles; taking possession of Forty third Street switching varda fl q o'clock two longHreight trains had besn made up and started south, cars ryin armed guards, but met with no molestation. At 10 o'elock a Pinker ton squad aorompanied the switch engine to the Union stock yards to Kit a train of live stock. CsKytttsra; tl'ivM sKdi:et v e ev ?i - riKi",r''je rr. o' -i, a x - 1 - .'.?, t ei 1 6 i . . if'. ai ! -iii: t if ?s Ufa eon Xe'egralj, - Alalwiwa has just made G. day.. ton $ha presidutjOf her "umvemty.. Gen. Clayton ia a Georgian,- and ouit; disappointment at- his defeat , tor Governor is more than neaiea uy tne knowledge that he goes to a - higher and more honorable - service, for hich he is eminently ' qualmed. This incident recalls . our first meet-. irg witb-him. i Early i the: war he was fMmmandarK ac x ort carrancas, Plorida.- - . Iu h'S'Oommand were three distirf iruiahed - Alabamians, Jehn CoQiiranv K ciiui'OCEaua iepreseniDeuawr Pugk f We ; bad aen them ; marcel from HOntjomery as private soldiers in the . first company called to -arms' and - oraerea n tne rwnsaooia yard. - . " - JEiappeniBg lp tne nwgnournooy, we applied to Gon. Clayton, for perruiSv sion o- see these - patriotic privates. It was kindly grantedy and pointing to the rear of hia: heaoquarters to a thicket of cnapparal, lie said 'You'll find - theia over there, making &as- kr,ft w - J " . ' . ' Pursuing our way alone, we (nought of Pugh, - Cochran and Bullock rnakicg baskets whila off duty to pell to visitors in order, to obtain tobacco, whiskey and other-comforts not lib rally provided by the regimental commissary.; r - . We had inwardly determined , to buy the whole , lot on hand from our friends ' - YvBen we reacnea an open ins in the juciele. a few yards away Bullock-was hopping t down, long branches'Of etout twigs..- Pugb was straighteniag thm out aad binding them a ootn enas,; wnue Voenran was - weaving them into a kind of basket to be filled with sand to be used by the engineer" corps. These men were performing the- hard and humble work t f privates, "but hadvjio baskets for fnale - ; Subsequent " mvestigatien disco v red that they did not need monoy or creature comforts. -- Amonr the spoils of . the navy ard were eight bun" dred barrels of whiskey, pjurcliaaed fop tbe nkTy during tbe ilexic&n war. and in those days -the corrimiseariat was equally well supplied with eats bles. An afternoon was spent with cigars and the Brilliant conversation of these men. . Cochran was too eia for . military l'fe. - Bullock" died ; in command of his regiment, before the shock di battle earns. ' Jugh is in the front rank in the isenate, and wen. Clayton turns to the ' peacefal and quiet calling of a teacher. .The writer recalls : rewer pieasnter reminis cences than .that .May ' afternoon aaione the" basket makers ef the Southern Confederacy. . OarEntsrprlis. BKehsns. - North Carolina has forty three railroads in operation; has - more tbaa twesty-eix kyaidreej saU&st ' HMf ft'Vte 'SJMBWlSP'LawiESstSjjeT 3ft has ooejiofifired and fifty-tJi ews papers; bas over seventeen hundred cities, .towns and villages; and has over nine .hundred miles of inland steamboat navigation: . reftf ve Care fer Meav? h Te the people ef this county we woaid say we have been given tbe agency ef or Mrehli' Italian Pile Ointment enipkauea.ly guaranteed to ear or money refunded internal, external, blind, bleed ing or itching plies, fnce GOe, boi. No cure, no pay. . For sale by L. B. Wrlrfon, druKriyt. 0i!8rtotte K.C - . , SiilrHeodf" ImIIhc num4 otnaata. ww W9 MSer fraat . iBSraatlas nmltw f thl x. mharnli ir BROW"5. M . . C3T Tunic " TM medidn enWiwe I100 with panvMitbto tnmoa, and innloaSj it Diimni paeons t v imeii na u woo lemxi oK'uaurjr Utm. It la. Otp Appetite, Strenanhene tte Slneei sod .wruw-ta Jaot, thoroukl IivlvontH. CMean tha compiaiton, and malkaiuw skin smooth. ' . " It does not blacken ihe teeth, uoh hmdMha, a prodnc oonctipatian a other Iron mwUci' r, Mam. Puaurrs Baibd, 74 Fanrall Av Mgwee ko lm undrx da of Do. g(h. ltM: ; " I htm oaed Brown's Iron BlMm, and it tuubeea tw ttiaa a, doctor ta me, hTin earad ma ot the VlaJmem ladisahare in life. Also ennd maot LIt av Oomplainl. and now mj aoniplasioa n clear ansa . Sod.. ' alas aaen biifloiJ o my iiildrM. Me.L(XriA e Bbodo. Ba JxKAport S.T - aaya: " I bare- aufferad natold b rj bom Female . vumpiainia, ana oouia aoutii nuii arom ! wicep urowna iron joiwate,". -' - - i Oennine hasabora Tmda Mark andaaneaadred IteOS an wrapper. ka na aiher. 1 Aiwie onlj br special;. Special lndueementf .to nor customers end the trade In " ; WATCHES. CLOCKS, JtWStBY, WAMOSDS, SILVER and SIlYRB-PLATBD WABS, - - - SPECTACLES, &cM,4c ' - Special attentJoft-gtven to repairing Watches, Jeelry. $c. , , - V W:: Hx FARRTOR & BRO. i " v.; 'j" h f tpp. Central Hotel, Charlotte, N. 0, CITY TAXKETURaNS - - TAKU WOTItB."1 - NOTKB IS BTOE8Y ftlYEN TO .11,' PEH sens ald'ng in the City ot Chariot w, er who on or have control of taxable prejerty in the City on the first ef June, Kt, or who are liable to poll tax, to return to me. on or before the iast day Ot June, a list ef their taxable property (and polls) tn Mid City, en said 1st of June, 188S .Pursuant f l"l . mm ii IA IfTtA arf I a a. m a btfyfaatt item r a, m. f) 4 ajsv - FOlRENT. TTOtr BOOMT COTTARS on mh street, be X1 yond the Air Line depot., ekxxi water, garden and ne shade - Prloe (10 per month. . 1 'HttE S BOOM CTTGBon Sixth street, be- ten Poplar and Pine. ' Cenveaient to bul ness. Price UH 50 per month.- ------- - npflBEE bOOM (XJTTA6K on Sixth sweet. b- X: tween B nt Myers - Good water and fine bade. Prk-e $8,50. .-:.--'..-.., j-. CIX ROOM DWELLING on cerner Sxth street O and R D. B B. Good watrf, floe neighbor hood and convenient to buslnes. . Price $15 per mouth ' T . .. - CHABLOTTE REAL R3TAXB A8EJTOY. unel7 - '.-. . , .'..., ... .... FOR SALE. 56 Two desirable building lots, BOxX) feet, front Inz on bout h Tr?on tnw.. iui4niniTii v 111 i m vaiuu. buh(i ireg on lots, will be so'd separately or together. Prlae $7J0 each.. . . .' - . CKARLOTTB BKAL K3TATB AGENCY. L. 1.. ALL jiluile t.i I tjs I -I . I, J OF- MB. Paid Is BOOK . AND 8TATrONMiY ST0BB No.l7S. Tryon Street. s, . ' JUST KECEIVEDy Aohoiee ldtot shiedded, grated and diced.;. pine apple, " ' ,-.'; ': '7-- - SWISSX)NDENSED MILK. ' - . POTTED HAM. . i OX -TONGUE. , .TURKEY, CHICKEN . ANL . liEEJJ'. . VVilsoa's f Crystal Wafers. Graham Bread, nihiifchL wiiiimij lining - m m i4 tt0mjm erx. Fresh every aay ICE CREAM dt SHERBMT "v - Furnished on short not ee. . ' - v C. Fa HARRISONa ' "- - " - . - - Successor to Mayer & Boss.' YOIIR js not complete until you Km added thai ebarm - r, ; lngrpor - , - . THE ATLANTIC OOT El; .... .. f . r . ... ... . ..... ' RORE1IE1D CITY, It.sC j Immediately on the Atlantic ocetn and one of the mosfrdellghUnlbClIHCS HESOKT3 i - IN AMERICA - f The table the best, and supplied with every deit eacy from Aesea. , ; . . ' 1 surf ms still-Water bath- V ING UNSURPASSED. -,Tfolllattor Bice flth and Spanish Mackerel-, the finest in the world; - - . . r A beautiful beach and elegant orchestra, and every amusraeat m be found at a seaside resort. Ho seaside resort on the Atlantic coast hat mo e natural advantages than Morehe id city, and the new management are deteermlnted make IS - .- V SECOND TO VOXB DT THH. SOUTH. : .: i ' -.:. " - '-. -1 . : V '. i i The seventh season commence Jime 1st" J - The Hotel and Cottages have a oapaeity fr 750 gnests. - - - . ; ..'.- .... . For terms and new Illustrated pamphlet address COOKB & FOSTEi BROTH BBS, anaySOdsunfkwedf 4; v Proprietors. ftICH.'Too Ann AnrTii4ja joaii road, . , - Condensed Schedule. ; TRAINS QQim. SOUTH, i ASS 33 i t' '"' 1 Mayad.isst "' No. 60, j Wo. , ' ' - ' ! J ' Dally. -Dally Leave New York, j. iaoo n't 34ep m . Hhiladelphla, ; '; 7.aoam 6 03am i Baltimore. ;r;"';i. 9. Ma m 9.00 p -a J Wasninerteft- .s Al.lSa m 11.08 p a " " " Charlotiesvlllei . 8.60 n m 8.00a m i Lynchburg. .. , , ft 15 p m 6.16 a a 4 " tbn'oj- - 825pm 2 00 am : Burkville .-; ; ; S 3 p m 165 a a ; 8vlii ;.-: 6.06 p m lism ; : ? .-, rak' Bransh - (pa 45dm Dantaie, . ': 9.25 p m IIHin " eold'sbore, . n.M am ek a, . 6 00 p m p-M MU, ' el5 V -, "s , - - f ' ' Vr . ijt.HTa . " K -k Point,'- 11 65 p a 10.13 a a 'T. I'iusonry, - t 1.10a m 11 M sa il , Cfnd. . 1.67 a m U.60 a m " Charlotte,- . 8.00 am 1.00 pm " Spartanburg, , 5.58 am 8.84 p m " Greenvilla , - , ' 7.14a m 4.49 p m ArrlveAtlanta, . - 1.40 p ni10.40 p a TRAINS GOING NORTH. ii i .i . May 2d, 1886 ' No. 61, Se.CS. - -.':-.; ' '. - " Dally, j Dally. -: , Leave Atiunu, ..: . 6 45pm 840am Arrive Greenville. 11 Hip m 2) p m .1 JwfaolfaV 12 45 am 8.43 pa " Charlotte, S'- 4.05 a m 6.25 u " f illsbwry. - SUtm 8.01 p n " HjjhPpint, ' -7 Ot am 9.M p a ' Greensboro, X8i a m 9.43 p a " feHiwrn il.4iia niil.i7am iiaii rt-o, ' nf4ami: 7 " Durbam, . . U.'M p m . ' ..- Chjipfti H'JU " 1 oo p m - ' Raifch, . - J.bipa " - GoiaH.K)ro, , - 4.40 p m ! DanvlUe 9 i a m :1.2! p m 5raKe,? " 12 id p m Z 42 m . ' : Keyavllle. . 12.88 p ni s Ham I Burkiville -. l.'.opm 8.67 a a I .'" Eieumend 7 r. wi 1 m a m I ' , Lynchburg, ' . - w.tj'p .uj . ,u Chariot evil's, 8 .lip in 4. am " jHnnlrn, - h p ml 9 a ii " P""imm, . ii' pmnaw tn..,t-.,.M., a ' a rrijli - - p i.j loi , , ti ; a T a .. : p v .jjv re ti - : t... f t ' ' . . : . t t" -iJ-J"" ; , . V' ' 1 . 1 1 " - .. Atlanta, Ga., iu y 23, 1885. Whenever I know ef anything that might be of service to my feUow-men, I, desire to impart such Information; hente Iglve the following facts to the pnblle: " s - Jfrs. m! Ml Prince, jiving at 8 West Fair St. Atlanta, 6a., has been troubled for several months with and ugly form e' catarrh, attended with a copi ous and offensive discharge from both nostrils. Her 1 ystem became so affected and reduced that she was confined to bed at my house for some time, and received the attention of three physicians; and used a dozen bottles of an extensively adver tised blood remedy, all without the' least benefit. : 1 She finally eoinmeneed the use of B a B. with a decided improvement at once, and -when ten bot tles had been nsed, she was entirely cured ef -all symptoms ot catarrh. : 1 - It gave her an appetite, and Increased her strength rapidly, and I cheerfully recommend ft as a (nick and cheap tonic and Blood Purifier, o- " . - . - Police man. Was , it vancer ,I have been taking B. B. , b. for six rf seven weeks tor something like cancer on my jaeck, and I would not take oss THocaAjn noLLiES. for tbe .benefit 'received. . -. - " - ' , : I aad previously tried various so-called blood remedies, but B. B. B. 1 the best, the quickest and the cheapest blood purifier I ever used. -. I refer te any merchant of Griffin. Ga. - f' ", ' J. H. BARNE3, GriBn, Ka. BOTH HANDS UP. 1: A rVewnsmltfe.: Suddenly Raise . His llande hr -ibe First . Time Is'Two Tears. - Oarmsyosdeawje Atlanta Journal. 1 Kb wsas, Ga., Jane 18. Mr. Jacob . 8 ponder as eta! mtyt seapeeted eedaea ot this place expert e series !mm seaw, . B.iaaM t-ai a'sfls. years age Mr, Sfooeier had 'a eevere, attack e fiheamatlnB, his arms became useless,' and, to fast, he could not raise his hands to his head until the other day, when he ealled on the druggist aad obtained a preparation that acted like magic on him, tor after taking the first half bottle' Be eoold 'move his arms about, and when he had taken six Ibottlea he was sound and well. Ber. W. W. Wads worth and our people generally who are familiar with tbe case almost swear by the wonderful remedy now. Mr. Sponder said the medicine was .called B. B. - . r t - BLOOD POISON. lar. A. p. W. or Hampton. Ga hasirecently emerged from one of the most remarkable eases of Blood Poison oa -record. Hie body and limbs had no lets than tour hundred email ulcers his hones tormented him with pain bis appetite failed his kidneys presented frightful symptoms and all dooteri and 100 bottles of the most popn 4ar Blood Poison remedy . failed tq give him. any fellet. He aeeured 8, B. P, the concentrated quick cure, aad five bottles healed the Bloers, re lieved all pain, cured hia kidneys, restored his appetite, and made him a healthy and happy man. - ; fir. Besworth Intervlewrii -r From the Southern Clipper. :; 4Yee,'sald Mr. James L. Bos worth, an old At- lantaa,"tt was twelve yeara ago when 1 contracted a terrible ease of blood poisoning. My affliction was truly horrible. I had no appetite, did not sleep well at night, my digestion was Impaired, my throat wascanterized Ave times, and In fact I was a total wreck. bad beeo under the treatm ent of several of the leading physicians of "Atlanta; tried nearly every blood remedwadvertlaedi went to Hot Springs receiving ne benefit whatever." - . -:. ' ' ,' . f. , "And you remained In ' this condition twelve years?" InUrrupped the Clipper man, - J " r yes ' sir, endmere than that,? Three years ago I was laid up with rheumatism. Uy knees were drawn up r8 such a position that I eoold not . leave jnf bed fer month. My life became a lingering torture. A truly wounderful Mood remedy . was recommended, known as B, B B. Jl need tt, and sir, 6.bettle8 cured me and I realty bellev it to be the grandest and quickest- blood remedy ever knewn. i- HCBOFIXA. - - . - : - ; ' I Are say mambers ef yeuy family thus' afflicted t Have the, scrofulous swelling f the glands T Havi'thejr any- eerefuloas sere or ulceri? II so and it ihould te neglected, the peculiar taint,' er poison, may depesit ttsaU la tbe substance ef tha tegj, BMpaiai f laaosBaea.- X vS te the mmtt (aer, awl if tta aSUaed gas tksVe waaiy wkhw) dstan Bat that which makes absolute eaies ia the shortest space, ef time. The oneerlng finger ot public opinion points to B.B. B. aathe most wonderful remedy for scrofula ever knows. - Ask your neighbors, ask your druggist, ask or right te those who give their certificates, and be convinced that B. B.B Is the quickest and most perfect Blood Purifier ever before kaown. ' rrxxcuTiATisji. Although a pracittKmef nearly twenty years, my mother Influenced me te prosure B. B. B. for her, . She had been confined to her bed several months with Rheumatism which had stubbornly teslated all the usual remedies. , : Within twenty few hours after commencing B. B B. I observed marked relleC,:, She has -ogt commenced - her third botfe and is nearly as active as ever, and has been to the front yard with "rake tn hand," clean ing up. . Eer Improvement Is truly wonderful and Immensely gratifying. .- , ' roelt ef bonders. : - -3 Elood E ."-n-Co., Atlanta, Ca. "i sec-ecf r ' "t a-d -i"" - . :tt "i ' - Fy a .: ; o- tf -V " ' Cat: . f ,1 - A mmim goods - 1 -' T j- v f " 1 n,ni .. v v "V f . On? ntal Lsces; Gactcrg Wpcgg and InsrWiDgs LATVrNS AND WHITE GOODS Of ; all kinds for ' sale eapfor cash at mm BURGES'8 WHOLESALE AND BIT AIL DXALXB IH ALL KINDS OF - t BEDDING, &C. ; i'AJSHL a or cheap bbdsteads. t r iiwie oireei, vnariette. North Carolina. - t t Bodies and ' - arriages - mum EuGDURAG HH TYSON & JONES, Carthage, N. C. No shoddy, work.'," Every Buggy, We are at borne, and we can always WE ARE The largest Carriage Man ufacturers in North Caro lina.! - For Durability, Style and finish, we are on-surpassed. - l r Ai I VV Fr m.li ly A- C. natcbf mom & Ce Clarloct, T. Uf aae3ldey " -'Iroeya. Aoha-yllte, Xt, C, YV. Saiftfcdeaf, 9alfsbaryt If. i, Bertie Brother - A WMjht, Shrlby. tt. 'C - , . f . TF II. Williams, W ewtos, C. TYSON & JONES, Carthage N. C, I- z Keeps, the largest and a4- - in : the; AJbed-room suit of 10 pieces, imitation walnut, $22.00, VCs: ( - - t Irt - it n..1.l. a . t 'j...! 1..A ' .. . ' -i-v - . - aui uie iiu ijuiutuuu wamuu $30.00. -...'.., A bed-room suit of 10 pieces, walnut I with marble top, $45,00.- r i - " - i ' - - Elearant walnut and cbefrr suits from $75.00 to $175.00. A. parlor suit ot 7 pieces, a i. " raw siIk, trimmed ith piusn $40.00.. ; ' ' ' .f ; -y r Parlor suits of 7 pieces, domestic or silk nlush. $40.00 td ey Awv-a w w e- j : . -j - j , . Lounges in great variety - Sideboards - t Babv Carriages in great.yariety from $600 ,to $35.00... Mot-M Co COFFIN S AND ITo ch-rjo fcr i S 7 - h cn - --v a pQ : KJ ' f v i '- . : A i -.- ' : : O N ICHOL 8 , - - - . aiN - aw - " - . " , 4f 'J V ) -s : I'M h V, - ; ' I " -- viv- E Norlh tola lato -BY- Carriage or Phaeton that leaves our shop - I ( fce found to make good our pi ornlse WE CLAIV To be able to eompete sue- V '- .:' ..-.!; ' '; v - naasfallT. la aiinM n . . . w- .. '' .--,-' f quality, with tne ' best manufacturers , 1 aJ t h e Nerth aad West. , , f r - -j - most com of - .stated imitation of raw silk, $30.00. .. r - , . .. -a - . from $5.00 to $30.00.' ' - 15.00 to 125.00.'" Poles apd .OilrPaintiif, METALLIC, CASES. ' w o 3 w!5? 2 " S3 to O c!:in j or drajagei 1 ..; v.i (L:- INDUSTRY. t t - 11'- - .. -i

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