I - -.... .... . - ,f - -. . v..; ,: - -.,,.. . v-.::: - v.-7-. . -Li' . . v- -. .i - I v . . ., ' ; - s I . - . - - , ,- j--"--.-.- , c-r' - - - - - - - i . i - - f "- " - XX'- "t -v - " ' - . . - . ji 3 '7.. I " -"X - - - k-X, -r-- . . - v . .-.- - X v r'f r r VOLUME XXXIV. ,:.pHA(VITElCTHDBSpAY SEPTEMBER 188S; PRICE FIVE CENTS; tl i ' 1 - ......... 1 ' 1 - - ' I , - i '.Jit -r -. ik w Vila. ... - i .: ...r V -'.."-.-' " 3- f: V ilii mmmk i'i 7U v- i- i - .I'll i r v i : v- -d-tii jueman rtrom juaoarrus nai It wUl paj jcu exambM By stock ol HXW 5;i:'Ni-i''-.:;,----8HiBTa tot tecetredtor thafall trade. v - 1 Mi VUnlaundrto t : m good joa pa; il.50 Pl;i Bosom Shifts ''Titor'lnaandrteil tioods. . LP IF- LOT 7 . v - I , I ;j ;.tfv ' liff eel4Jrat6d $1.0;)-Shirts with plain ,tr ot - ; : j Jrypj 76ents TTntaundHed. Tbese xtm V 7 : I few boxes ot Balbrtggaa Hose, left at ft .28 t '-'-...:..; .:;'.s:-:-'r-v. rr- . ' . Be daV'aU cents 4 An Silk, Taffete and lisle. Thread Gloves great rSuctions. Special offer of Lisle Thread Hose. .lili pyuSf ' -,,'yv i;' r - -? ;! STJCatSSOBS TO ALXXAHDZB BABBIB. v? .V- r?:' -4 ' THE SWIFT SPECIFY W.t Atlanta . ii hi iiiii i'1 11 1 RECEIVINC TUT- STOCE JO GOOD D 'vjfl'yns cirv in oub une. ' FOR SALE n i jj eaMii ". . ,r,. .. .. .-Z - . - -. -L--Z -L J "'50, Coining the Jr0 , v --nthers, '-I. iff! T-..-1""t.' 5 fi. ' We are )mt (b leoetpt of a fiae lot of TJMBSXL XiAS aa oOom.v srr J- . K ; . t- - t ;..' .. . ,i - K : WELDON, 26 to 28lnchA8.' J ! ; ALPACA. 28 to 32 inches. . COLUMBIA,' 20 to 30 inches. i - " GINGH A M, 26 to 30 inches. ' , - . ALSO A NICE LUE ' - 5 OF- Trim ks, s-; - Valises a -.- .. bp m. i . r- a i4-ANp ' 1 til I i S P E CI A L IVe, Are .Now ;lerlD2 Special inducements to our cuftomers and the trade la .tti i i-... "s - ' ' ; WATCHI3. CLOCKS, ' JIWILBtf UMONDS, - - BILYTt end SILViB-PLAIBb-WABl, : fcPSCTACLKa,. Ac, 4c ? J T. iiiii tjwt-rn"-" given to repalrlngWatchee, 'OR & BRO. '"t Charlotte, N. a m4iir -"st ICanuoia ami th Concord Post' office. - . . To tne Editor of Tbs Observer. : - C - v .Cohoed, N. Aur, 31, 8'6r ' The Chariotte Observer of the 29th, ins't., published", in " the " letter of its Washington correspondent 'H," a reference to ray card published in the Observe of Aug. 26th inst., :which fras entitled "he does not pander," applying lhv: language . to : Senator RansomraB having been us&l to him by a gentlemanfrom Cabarrus eoun ty. . iHV-' paragraph . reads :'. ''Since the publication of Mr. Swinks card I deem it best to say that I heard Sen ator Ransom, in 'private con versa taon, on iast Saturday state that he has never . uttered ' the expression about '.'Pandering- to the : people." The following is the- language I used in iny Card and is a brief statement of the conversation that f hen occurr ed between Senator Racs6mf and the gentleman from Cabarrbs. The gen- d to Uen- the rest of iongressiocal effort the will be satisfied representatives from" the State hadf in this matter? done their duty, j The; Senator irepMed That .wouia oe. panaenng to tn. people, which be would not do. ; ! V'lt was then supposed, and is-jow, by j the . gentleman -.to whom Gn. Kabsom was talking that he alludei Jkx thd pdt office Bt Concord, and to the people of -Ciibarrus county, not to thecrsf scIJ generally." .. - . '. r i .The a-V9 quoted paragraph con tains the language that nailed the at-' tention 'of your correspondent, and also of th editor of the Raleigh Ob- aervor, and called for the statement 'U." published of Senator Ransom s privato denial. -.; . . " Of Senator Ransom's 'private de-' nial I have nothing o say, I publish ed the lunguage as it 'was given me and my informant (the gentleman I from Cabarrus) says that is substanv tially correct. . The gentleman from Cabarrus wishesme to state that the conversation alluded to was lengthy. and very earnest. He was urging the Senator , with all his power to go with our State delegation and use his influence with the Department and r resident, to asect -the . removal ot the present incumbent of our post Office. - i The Senator declined - to go, and gave' as bis reason that it would do no good. His expressions was, it will be perfectly; futile to eo under such circumstances, a full conviction that she will not be removed. It was then that the appeal above alluded to wag maae .con Congressi him, to go with Cur State I ional delegation to the de- ( partment and use s and use his influence to at". 1 tain the ooiect petitioned ior, Dy tne Democrats of Cabarrus county, the removal of the present incumbent of tne (joncora dose omce. ana to wnicn be replied "That .would be patsder- U15, w ot wn.wjwiu no.dp n The language quoted above were the expressions used bgenatoT' Ransom, and "the circumstances are' tkjnsi wnich tile lahgukge ' implies. i wnich tile lahgukge ' implies. cfveripeieaa h made te statement as it nas published. , . very wuiv: - 8wpi. Te Tepnetfee CMapp,i(-. - The Hon. ' Robert I. Taylor, the JMemouraug uuuituw 4-ur guyomm; ui i jienneBHee, auurtwueti a uub uwnsiuK, I at Nashville Thursday evening. In I his speech: MrrTayior said . I 'Uv mv Pfnnhliftn : rmnnnent T - . w . J T vJl .u- , i i - I high-toned gentleman, for he is my brother. I have toldj hirn. to cojne I along an4 , 1 wuld; intuhiTO mtOLgqQd society I would say that I it tne people expeeu personal sduss of him from me they are badly tnia- 1 Dublican banner,; I leva a I only love a brother.. TbiS .hi: a "family ' family -'fight, but 'S people are the r is the attorney for the Hepublican nartv and 1 do not . Deiieve ne i can matte a case. ii tne isemocrauu par ty cannot stand on pringiple it pan not on tjreiudice. and if I cannot buo- ceed --n; Principle alone, le$me go down.'UJ w.. f It is proposea py me jewuciw5 u TAnneaflA to have thiee erand barbe- cues" during - the- month of. October one at Nashville, another at Enoz- yille and-, a third - at Jackson. ' It is also proposed to invite Zeb Vance, of iNortn uarouna, iouu v. . sumi, v Virginia; ' Fitzhugh Lee, of Virginia, and J General iGordon of Georgia, to Knoxville; General Charles Hooker, of Mississippi, W. F. Breeckinridger trantnAirv- and JohnT. Morgan.of? v..k.i1l on4 RATintP Aianauiti, iu --sv Vflfit of MiBSOUn. Jiraee aicwouttiu, of Indiana,andapr6niinent Arkansan to West Tennessee. - - v Atmarra(iie Besrulatlons. 1 WASdliraTOlff, AUKU86 30,--The com- of internal revenue has is- BUcu ' n5guuMuo . w . , - - t nlAomarcmrine '' law , 'AAABsit s of rroving t , Jir4rtxatl4 tr resemblance cf butte ,,- except as to the , mixture or xauowf noei and the commissioner- says that etablishments; bf the magnitude necessary to successfully conduct the manufacture ot oleomargarine may be easily discovered ana are UKeiy to be foui adjoining slaughter houses. Manufacturers , are requirea w give hnnrl not lees than 15.000. and to vn hooka showibcr the articles used . . . .... ' in maKing tne oleomargarine, wmjl w make monthly jeturns ot tne saiao. They must also; display their, names, uuoiueoa w Explicit directions . are given ior stamping the - oleomargarine. Im iH - to J-have - the mternal revenue stdmf) -attached iuntil withdrawn vision is 4made for. appeals in oases wVierA the nature Of - any SUbStance SUDP08ed tb be deleterious to . health ia nnnfterned. " IOnX)ctober 1st, when the law goes lWf0 garine ID the hands Of dealers must ki in vulAn rwrkHza of not more .Wtt, nonndandill not Proper rmarkeS is tb be seized. f J -,t.j, ;. - Wnt WiBdloVs BootblJMe-Svrup, XBev. 8ylvanMODbbu writes to the Boston Christian i mend anyxmaoi meiucuw to be good-partlcularly lor lnmnxs.- tun m - - - . . m Wmslow's SootBlng 8yrnp w W epeak from fetsjeepPtBixp ne which to r".con. ' f r tfiiecp v va it, irds ottcura.. snd tue i. . '0 cneruo -1 tMi'lvi."- Atid curingte e is toi'"'' lole. we a -t i ,1 1, cy would ( f t ecv ld tlUU eon any oomud. uita. 26 ill iOiPFERS TO TflT W hulesate s Retail i Trade FIVE TONS s rse s Stock .o'f 5 t'flf 1 Jiv f - - f . ...V Z- ONE CAR , LOAD A.LL AT CLOSE PfilGES. - 4 - ,1. HoABElN 13 icunonv ah LV UAIIJSOAD. ' . ' TRAJKS 6QI89 SOUTH. . - tab 4th, 1888. Ho. O, ieaw New York,- jj. - - PttiaflJi Baltimore, -' XTtff2S5h- -: 1 - ' 1 i i.xua mt n.uD mi' 6.03 d m I 9.60 a hla 9.00 b in 11.09 9 m B.40 p m 906 p m 6.16 f g P! urkvih, Ke8Vli; i IS . SB 1 4.44 a m 6 00a in 8U4 m t - DauvUle, V UlOp-m -reensboro, - ULOO p m . eoldsboro, - - Baleigh, ' ; apeAuL' A ; Hldaborn, - 11.50 a nmon p m 16.00 p mkolosm 6.07 d m LUpm 110.20 am P4.66pm m pic a-aup m i7.Up m 6.10 pm High Point, U S9pm (10.15 p'm " aaueoury. ' Arrive etatviiie. L20amil3.29p m 10.00 a ml 8. a pm 8.Q6 p ml 8.62 p $ z i?Zu:- TV aJ KH uut uiaUla Leave Concord L46a miU.69p m 8.00a ml l.oo p u n a.vs a m . p m 7.04 amf 4.49 pm L30pmll0.40pB A2hJgJ ArrtTeAtr' mvlUe, , TRAINS. GOING NORTH. 3 I 111 m I t 1 i 3VhlW,;vjsoa'" P,' LeBve stlanta. 1 1 Ji ' -1 i 00 p m B.40 a m JenviUe, r r , l85a m 330p Spajtanborg; r ' 1.84 am 3.43pm fjimriptte, v - 4.40 am 6.86 pm Concord, , (!v, t f 6,83a m v ''Salisbury, 5 r - ClQam 8.0lpm - High Polpt, '1 7.2oam 9.08pm " tjrgensWg, .; 163 a m 8.43 p m " raffiir''- ,! -iii-asaminaaoam --'BiUsoTiro, - at U.M am U66am 1 Dor ham. ; . 13.38 p bd 4.40 a m ' Chapei Hill, '' - ' H.OOp m , , Baleigh, "t . 1.86 p m T.flO a Jn 4 " ' ttoldsboro, : " J 4.40 p wjll 00 -m Danville - - 10Ja m U.30p m ' Drake's Branch, , i? 86 p m iPm KeysvUle. x " 12.61 p m 8.04 a m . i. : BurksvlUe ,t- J.80pm 8.67 am Richmond "' 8 80 p m 7.00 a m Lynebbunt. - ua. p m Zu , Charlottesville, 8J6 p m il.uoa iu jo a " Washington, ; : - H Wj-pm Baltimore, --' 'r.-i 11.26 p m r; PhOadelDhla, c ';; 8.00 a m NewTwk, - - 6 20am 8.80 a m lO.OTa m USfpm &2Q p m Dafly except Sunday. f . , 8LEKFIN8 CAB gSS.Y1 On tral" 63 ahd at, Pulunan Bua steeper oe- 1 Inun 1 AtiABla Hna new lorn.. yHiiiiimi omyas .l ci3Shiii n1 Warm Snrtnts.- i -x-,n. Ka and &h. Pniiman Buffet SleeDer be tween waaMngton JfSSPbSSS. M mond andreensbora Pullmanileeper between I Through tickets on sale at principal stations, to J .. tes and Information ippH to; w. I oopy. Agent, or . - ' aaimtm1 Manscrsr. - Asst. Hen. rase. 423- V c v' Omen ov SotajuirraMiuiTy -1 , : " ; wnJaHOTOK. N. o,Juiy 19. 1886. 1 , CHANGE 07 SCHEDULE.' Q N AND ArTES DATS THB FOLLOWING Schedule mil do operated enuiaitaiiroaa. PASS3QC6XB. KAIL AND KXPBSSS TRAINS,. , DA1XT EXCEPT SUNDAY. . Leave Wilmington at ' ' ft JA ' I . i bo.. imm HAieun at .. i. 1 11& B Arrive at Charlotte at...,M n L60i i .v; I 50. 1 aavr un&noue at.... ....... Arrive at Raleigh at.... .9.09 A. A. It Arrive at 'Wilmington at,,,,.. ...4j5 a. au v a ' , JJL11I, - f - l i mjcai. Fnavwenger wrcsea. tesv Charlotte at.... .J. 7.80a,. AnMChar lotte at ... - . t-ip.i I Leave wiuniagton , . .,; f.4d a. m. I Arrtveat WMwingtoii at.... 6.4or,. I tawI IrmiBbi between Charlotte-and Lanrliw I bnrg TrlweeUyjeavlng !CMlotte on Mondays t wi2SS2? Passenger trains stop at jegular station, only j andP(dils designated In the Company's Time I Table. ' - - - -v - , BHSLBT DIVISIOH, PASSBNGEB, HAIL. 3EX- , r r . pb33 and frsiht v (Dally exoept Sunday.) - I Tj-.-caiarlotteat.'...................... 6.40p.m. faSrr-y'JrlgSr I Arrive at Charlotte tlM,,;.:.X...aa. r. I , n t .n l make 'done connection' at Tra'ns Nos. 1 an- to. I Hamiet with R. L Trains to and from Raleigh. B ., VBiWBVTIfll M f HBI I lai 111 A I , Trains Nos, 8 and 4 make dose oonnecum M 1 i8ce TTla NoTi li E tewiHe, itattt on and I Also, for epartanburg, Greenville, Athens, IU tne I lanta and au pomts oouuiwetH,, L. 'd. JONI3." Superintendent.'' Faueneez Agent. P. W. CLASX,6sn , Sirs. Joe Persens Remedy .' cento I Is vtlll the best Blood Purifier on the market - riiOb'D AND - S10JEY. PTms bteod of bub nas moeh to do In shaping h& actions Owing hia p0griBxag throogli this troublesome world,- regardless of tlw SJpount of .present or expectant money In pocket r stored afinb&nk. Itlsaeo&raded faerrtnat wa, ap pr as our blood makes &s, and the purer the bn od. tbe happier, aetMer. "prettier a-d wl are; benee thaott ' repealed' liiterrogsiory, ttfiw u your blood?" .With pure stream's & I fe Kia fluid conning tbroogh our veins, benndlng ttnghcnr hearts jia plooghlng through our VWtical frame nxir morala become better, our eortltatlQ-stronger, our InteUectual faeulUea moeat6 and grander, and men women and ehUdren happier, heaitauer and mora lowiu. -The nnpececlented demand, .the unparalleled eupttve powRrs, and the unmistakable nroat fiom tamo of unimpeachable character and Integrity, PKJ-Jt with an unenlng-finger toB. B. B. Botanic Biuod Ba'm-as far the best, the cheaDest. t'ie Cskest and the grandest and most powerful blood remedy CTftr before known to mortal man la. the positiye cure of Seronfla. Rheumatism, Skla f if ,a? es, til taints of blood poison, Kidney oom- .lnts, old ulcers and sores, oancei-s,catarr&, &c. B . ts osbj about three years old r baby In jitSiaxA 1 powwbot no remedy In AnrHw wiike or evet has mai4e'- ocii a". wotttu! S wu.g tu Ka niaeteal powers m curing ana en,-i emmcuaxsg me aoovo eompiaiuiB,, anu gi tie sales Ja the taoe of frenzied oppoaldon aial - . ... . . ! be uo&eyed monopolists. A '- . . . : j jtettoMtrom aU, points where Introduced are peering In upon as, speaking in Its loudest praise. fitmeSij they receive more benefit from one. bot 0. B. a", than they have from twenty,' thirty fifcfUi? and even one hundred bottles of a boatid Wtl n or inert and non-medfoloal rocts and Vnc& iso common forest trees. JWe held the J ft inbiaek and white, and we also hold the . - r-- ' - Police nanMa Views." nr. M. M. Prince, Uvlng at 38 West Fair street, Afanta, . ea ' has been troubled for several nwoths with an ugly form of catarrh , attended, wh a copious and offensive discharge from both ?er system became so affected andedneed that wasoonflnodto bedat my hones for some and received the attention "of three pay al and used a dozen bottles of an. extensively blood remedy, all without the least ten-fit Ane finsUj commenced the use of B. B, B. with "lclded tir. prorement at once, slid when ten bot J3 bad been used, she was entirely (ured of an JQfsptonuof eatarrh.. h gave her an appettte, and Ineraaeed: her Baghth rapidly, and I eheerfully recommend Hds hulck and eheap tonic and Blood PurWer. " ' V ' j.BUOBi. , - Uanta, January 10, 18$ 4 , ' raUoemanl 1 Aj-BOOK OP W03tDEU, FBEE Xt who desire fall In fd cure of Blood Poisons, Hero tola and Scrotu- "u oweuu ga, uieera, bores, Knenmaosm, kid ney Complaints, cataim, etc, ean seeure by matt n A. a ODT-cf onr S3 nan TlluiSrafMl Rnnk nf Minders, Klled with the most wonderful and start. . - vuimfc WIU1 uw UHJ SlWB BALM CO.. , , . Atlanta, 6a. lONEY. iWANTED: DO YOU WANT Ight from 6 to 8 pounds. r iry.uno. ,5. we MVnodt thef wyi dellght you. 1 w-j. r.- Saceessors to Bamett ft Alexander. ?ree v delivery. Telephone 1 J gl'.'-'T.,' Wir;A j--.. : CCUTYmtEAStnEII. '1 .y annoortee myself a. candidate tor re- i 1 toSte oolue ot oounty Treasurer, subject I tbe solicitations of my friends' in different nnanfthe nnnnt. I resDeetfuilT announce it a candidate tor the-office ot Sherut ef I .lenburc County, sublect to the nomination by 1 ie Connqr Democratic Convention. " r 1 xn 1 iDTiorv I: foe sheriff: ; iKnttvr annannoe mvsalf a cancBdate , for the orXof8herlf(otltecklenbnrg county, subject to ! thl iction of the Democratic nominating eonven- I IIUUllUBHUK WW w 1. GairriTH.- UlSd t FOR SHERIFF. h niinHatinii nf man friends. I herebv an noance myself as candidate for the office of r7xit? tor if acUenbarc county, subject to the ae Uo5 of the Democratic Conyentlon r . r. FOR SHERIFF. 4 r w" a manv Tneds i nave con- to i s a f -didate frr Sheriff of Meckle- QtAOIt : TTCn OP DFEDS , A '"""f r "t a Candida ts far-tt Va,X twee, -e ot xrtet jpeeds of tk- I 'County, subject, bowever, to the Demo-1 . tinl;.annffriinwnt.uill. .... - . . . f g.js i. jiuMang Convention, I 1 1 1 - 4 w Taoe 21-23? Vnnsy Bt., IT. Y wt r"4 on all i "aperi lo Ibe B. r etMogne. Parties eontomplattog a en uisr. ia" or amall, are requested . r eao of cost, : , aur01-ljtww... 1 t 3 w4 t . . : THE r! -1 ''. - " - - WiL-h. triMi then mv the are- deUdons. J -4 ' .1 - ' I- Vl i Yf.waa . i i , . .tr, -XL' , .... " '. ' Ity -.- "J-rVi 1 5'' !,- j Hi ',--. tJt A. FINE 1 ' 'f ' - I f -:OJ- U4 FrlSi FOSTER V CHAPfilAN, One of the landmrrks of the Georgia " - a. Drug trade,, now "of Orlando, Florida, writes: '. . - ' , ' ' J I can hardU select a single case of the many to whom, I have Isold . GOINN'8 PIOKZKB BLOOD BXNEWER, but what have been satisfied; and I find It the beet remedy for all Skin Diseases I have ever sold, nd a Tine Vlorlda Tome. i "FOSTSB a CHAPMAN, " , 1 "Orlando, Fla."' - ( IlCertaia Cere for Catarrh ! A SUPERB ; Prddaeer aod Tonic I Cures all Blood aud Skin Diseases, ; Kheumatism, bcroiula, Old aores. 1 t 1 . : , , 1 v 1" , V, . t i I-' 1 . t XDXSEASCa BIAIL1 FOEXZ a Gino'r UQiciiE uonsi. 1 i - V- A ffI'da , - V Ui.A.V; SJVI U4 .. -'-;-v:.r?-v , J I ....' '" l.'T ' Flesh PIOSEER - BLOOD RiENEWEK : - 1 t " It OHM Medicine 1-1 ,.- t, ;1;x -T I . J v L illliflSiti To look after the ; wardrobe of their Chil- ;J dren, and if : there 1 is fresh supplrgg Hosiery wanted they will Biive m6uyJilml ouyiug some oi tnose; -AT- . At 1 cents per pair; ; . . Gray Bibbed Knockabout Hose, size 71, 8, ; - 8i, actual value 20c. a pair.r At 19 cents a pair. A Jot of 55 dozen Cotton Hose, iull regular madev black, cardinal, navy; and brown, sizes 5i, 6, 6 7, 7 8, 8i; THIER VALUE 25c. to 45c.' per pair TO GET A CHANCE Hosiery, is Dut rarely auctions wnmn t wa flrft CHARLOTTE, N. C. MAIL ORDEBS SOLICITED AND PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. n' jx- T' li; m i ,x.ii? 1 1 H :1 CJiivft-- J j I ' f a I 2IIII wf f P 2 "I ! &i - i':,2x sir C I 2 c O r av on a 8"ss 3x2.0 MS. . aw A d A wa t. s t o 5 u - sv . 1 Hn, JTo l4reHs) Bemmeely - j iteJ5B?s V t AooAUl O X - 1 FUfiE IiAIKOt ' ST ATX TJ BAITO" 1 13- v la for sale by the foQowlng -T , x- . - : - i LEADING -r GROCERS: C. Hmnau -J, L. Davis, P. B. DCBKAa, X-jf-'" H ClBWM, .r,W3 4 W.J. PETOAT, ' a M. HOWZLb -X-:?'- - T. M HMiLOBAca, 8ms ft looxa, . - lu A. nffiKMHXIWKM, JOHX CAUKB. I X.D. MoGimns, BATKB a uvDB. ' -- J. ft. Pbxslahb. :'":- Try It and yon win use no other.' Svery toorBed Tiaaelsnti. rnteed aosoiuway yure. kt ;..Jn.--4.,v;:ti t J 'X- . Baltimore, Md.fl ovm oBLBBBATn "nu mBuny'.niiB OUBKD HAMS ABB BSBAXXSlRSWn. HouoCG Rontcd, Ttnomt rented and rents eoDected. tn UM H idvertlaedtree of charge. , - X ' " ' X ; . B.X.COCZaAKI. 2 X" tf X Trees Street Froal Central Hotft a - EVEHY ? DAY 'r-. " SstSilrrotS' tnalandPrice$10peracre,4 nose aavcrcue 1 - .... .) ; At 23 cents a pair r - A lot of 40 doz. Ribbed Lisle thread and Cotton Hose, full regular made, sizes, H, 6, 6i, 7, 7i, 8, 8J. , r THEIR VALUE 35a to MoT per pair AT THESE LOTS onerea at tne ite- ?5 i -nnnnnff nnwo s xx. v - ';'...".".' ... ; if- 1 : SLT6 --xvxf FOR SALE. 1L0T 69 feet on "Trade street, running back 896 feet to Fourth street, eonta'ning two story brick dwelling, adjoining property otDr; O'Dono- gnoe, jrnoe vww. ' .. 1LOT corner College and Yffih rtreets, 18 fee front. 123 feet deep. PiK700,, ;.; r. 2 LOTS on OoHegs' street, (one eentemmg twe etoirhrlak store.) Lot 198 feet deep. Prloe $8,000. TT OTJSlt AND LOT next to Charlotte OTJSlt AND LOT next to Charlotte Hotel, -AA storytran-bolldlng, Prloel6.oea CP ACBXS LAND near Blddle Institute on the DO C C.B. &PnVt36i)0 per acre.! v: i X H0TJSB AND LOT. corner Third end College ::Z.t streets, two story frame dwelling, 13 rooms. , I Price $3,000. ..... ., - - -h . -.-;-, .,r(i . t.O. D. R. B., let 60x198 teetUooae contains . ?pt ACRES OT LAND (one-half heavily tlm , , DU I bered). In Gaston county on C. C Railroad ' I mues irom jit, nouy. rnce giu per acre. una .uocaary at re- aossa pnoeev , - i , -.r-.v, jt j'x"- X3 1'---':.: KECKIVKD. : v TlsceesMsimoUaHams.l2Ibsaverage. - R-TlBiaHama,Mnaveraga.- X. i m -f a Tterees Taylor Hams, 14 lb average. I .! 1 If- - " -' . 1 (1 f WW ) UW.UM , J - . .V'i: ', .' . .;- : - S.-- - k S' ! lCHARL!3TISVIt J. TOE BOW AND TOTJN0 MEN. Benifw catalogue X ' Kxv. BDOAB WOODS, Ph. D Associate. , ..: julyafideodlit - -" " - QI2nd?aS?italngU iBnnon. Pw 1 1 nri 1 III 111 I i Lr lil I v I W If V XXJc x iHx D1VUI11110 GININliNU;. SMLLKKa, CIDBH MILL3. C TSBo. AMI' "Ir"iT : "'" ' , - peonsytvanla - AgrionlturmWo T ; f. ';-" To Printerc. A rxiff secoodThind .Hooks' Paper CCest, EI bsotdcheap.-;vnX,XX. i';X;-? A;to.ChaaJB,'Jone:X T'i Ul: Cl- '-V Hn. Jee Pero8 IleiaeaT; X la stlQ the best Blood Purlflwon the market, X r " JNoTh. MOADSN, Wholesalel-rugsiBt, - i A- - V i:X. " ;.;x.x 4 ; ''C'' .ar X I J.

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