i - 77 ' r T-- ' ' t " T" r-w , J J- A IffMELOlCSi THURSDAY. SEPT. 2. 1886. - MR. CLEVELAND'S ANCESTRY 1 - - '. : r - ' " , ---- 1 ' -r - -3 t - i -.1 v' n- - - Ll - . 'V 1 -j.V j ii m i ii - - . ' , -v i. . ' . . ..- " - ; -. ... ,..v i -'" ' -TTi T"' ' ' ' - AT kr tlllllK H'k c Hll i h J h HI , I4 1lllllllln .' '. I 1 I I il II 3. - . MS I W I D I ' K Liy UUUHIiUL IIUh.IL II1UUU I u i & . - r i - v. . - - - - v44 L uti a a iJiV i- ttgivsr feoiii; '. I AN INVALUABLE TONIC ' - FOR FEMALES.- Secure ui Ertabliebei Recnlarlty . or tHs -MtMSTRUAL FUNCTION8, ; Believing-Pain and Dutrtti. s v , AS IXTALCABLE AID TO " NURSING MOTHERS, Im the Discharge of" -s, I MAXIMAL DUTUS WlTBOtTl rATlQBX. '---.V Basarea 8afety bvths , .' : CHANGE' OF LIFE,- Falntneas, Melancholy, Morning i Sickness.- tbt JTroublea of ' Pregnancy Alleviated and Cured. I IT ASSIMILATES WITH THE BLOOD; Xm DUtrilnited, through-every Veinf . i. Strengthen every Orjan. " ., a. w. J ...J r44- marltoe.1 laws. roUTFVS . PUKE MALT WHISKET I and MINT htn? of U,-t ii.nicttienii.) r.o iiucnioul eomulnaa- 4A ! ret'MB.!! cyrcisc ayeou.!. ., i-Cs.'.9i Civ-' " All lotfora nf tnnntr will TMp!ve CTOmvt Stteiitltin, free of charge, by our Medical De- . .. r Price eer Bottle. ' ' BOB BM.B BT DlUa"I3T9 AJiB DjUtWlS. ' JrR (midmAm without Uiefonowiugde-timat I Selling Ajents, ? f Baltimore, Mo. Crab Orchard -WATER." 8 -t 4 O-n S -4 4 THCJ.IVER. THE KIDNEV8. V THS STOMACH.' THE BOWELS. 4 o o X 3-0 J 2 en 3 wis. 3 o jri ea 3 o 5 o A POSITIVE CUBS FOB 3 DYSPEPSIA. 4 CONSTIPATlONt.. SICK HEADACHE4 lOenulue Ciab Okchabs Sai-ta -in seal-1 led pecksires st 1U and itacu. xio gen. uine saiu soia in dqik. Crab Orchard Walar Cnw-rfoprs. S. N. lONES, ManatretvIwsrUU. Kt. THE GREAT SOUTSERH REMEDY FCH ALL BOWEL TROUBLES tJND CHILDREII TEETH i' i-3 There' are Tery fe-w1 who dn not Xnovt-ot thff .it r i. " ntue bnsn srrowuiK aioDcrsiaet oar anoan- tiunM end hills : bat verr few realize iew reauze tne that the litue purpie oerry, wuicn bo many t u him eAtp-n in mosteverv abane.thera nany There ie a principle in it ttTiit a wonaenni eaecr on ike - bowels. Dr. Bifter- Huckleberry 4fjordiaI la the orb at soxtthicbnbexxdt tbat , k i n rvh nmnkprv T11 C't-Qmn Csf r nen it la considered inai at tnis season ot the year auddea and xlamgerooa attacks of cue ooi many ue bowels are so fucqrieot. and we hear of so deaths occurring before a twulcian-r s ran be called ia, it is important that everv ' household should provide v themselves with some speedy -relief dose ot which will releiyethepam and save much anxiety. Ur. Bit;?er?s Huckleberry Cordial is a simple remedy which any child i3 pleased to take. - 1 - . - - - 1'rice, to cents a bottW Mannfactiirea by' WALTER A JAYLGH Atlanta, GaS Taylor's C?ieroko Keiricdy of Sweet Gum and Mulleins will cure Cenghs, Croup and Consumption Price25 eta. and tl a bottle. . ' . - - I !ewBir4aaaaaL - - . Is. B. wiTON, Ageni; .mareh23deod3w6m - i ; .- V i , .. .. BBr"a. r ' '- To the VlCTOrtha'; 4J.U REVi" - ' . - Pre-eminent ih every higher out lt,i the i - HANAN SHOE has heeome lhe reeogeued atandaid lor fine wstf among discriminating gentlemen . For sale by - ' A. X BBO- - - aprlS - - Charlotte, N. C. VSPIxPSIA ' Issdani nos aa weU as dietrerahi plnt. II i tends, br fanpainns nntrrtion, and de- chB tone ax Lne aiMou. w - - Ti Ctiieklyand eomTleteiy Cnres Dyspepsia In all 1 s xorma, tieurtonrn, uKcninii, thuuii iuv 1-ood.ete. It 5nnchee ana pannee tne Diooa, the aDDetite. and aids the assimilation a at una of food. ' J.-v. J. T. KoesrrEB, the honored pastor of toe tint Belormed Church. Baltimore, Ud., sers: , Harms' nsed ijnxrn's Iron Uittera lor iwpepsut il IndiffMUm X tjlin ereat tlaanxe in recora. n4-ndinc it highly. AJao consider it a splendid tonie 4 mi: "1 umcorator, and Tery stremruienirjg." l iOB. joszph O. Suit. Jmige of Cireolt Conrt, Clmton Co., Ind ears: "1 bear moutcheerfn testis -r inr to tbe effleaoy of Brown's Iron uteia foc - 1 'spepaia, and as a torjio." - - . . . ' Cuiuiine haa abore Trade If ark and crossed red line a wrapper. Take no other. Made oaly by ' 4 EAK. UNDEVELOPED PARTS ue bodr enlarged and streriKtlmnea. Full purttca" . ..t iwwlBd frew KRfK MKO.f'O., BTTFFAIjO.N.I I 'Jzi 11 11 - ij r r Handsome Snguaa Port ew and aa Episcopal BishVp, : Dis 3reaft iraiidpaenl'vtv.'.i---.?'i The Buffalo (N. Y.I O ucier testers day printedjBti i'ltereating chapter on the ancti try of President Cieveiaud, written by an JtipaseGpal tiihopwno traces nis ancestry to the same source. The tishep-; refuses to give his tiams Ui the fcuslki. J Rs eavs : rrenuent UIavt4aDd comes o the old coloaial stock, and. inherits tnrouga usana forier an mieresung claim to regarded as connectiiiir the pise-i iepcy with t he historic- day a of the rounders- of Massachusettp. i u'io iaiy Vas horrl March 1, 1716, and waa the daughter of Anton Pro t-sr. pustor'ot Medford, Mass. Her mother was Susan, daughter of Ma' jor Stephen Bewail, of Salem, whope brother was the Judge Se wall in whose , court, I' regret to say, the Salem witches weree-tried and cruelly eoridamned. This worthy was gra'nd father of Susanna Porter. " and her paternal ' grandfather, - Samuel Por ters teems to haye been one .of the founders of Hoadlev. ' " : "rtusnnna Porter was a great b-au ty acd muiib celebrated .in nor day Her pernon waA small, but of pf rf tct symmetry. Her face was distinguish- ed as much fur its grest intelligehee' afiariiifiation aa i for . tine feat ures Ished -"fei eheiul her ; da u tiine noseZ orig'rt anu psaucnui ig,K eyes, smaj and lovely mouth haa,' each ? its ps- ievliraif claarm.v-: Sae was the belle of her time, and some of s the richest axidiaost-- reepectabl mn'15f :,thf neignoormg towos were suitors , ior her hand,; when she gave her heart to a gay young; collegian whom ; her Charms nad;attraee"d to her siae.aod who,.with a fitTe physique and hand soiae face, and-with a spirit as noble and a humoiT keen." had easily sup planrdlhis'older and moievealthy. riy&lij Illis name was Aaron Clove - tfha Af fcr ccmpietiBR the necessa ry studies preparatory; to entering tnemtjiiatry, b-f whs elected rpastor Ot the stirialf town of liuadatn, Uqnp , and thither he went with his btau. ful wjfe inil?3i)k" This - mus? have been -a eretit trial to the Iady.,fcr she waWtbti oarlir g t.f the family; as well aa.all hec-au-quaintenoMS., rtmd had been accu itpmad iul btic hie to easi aud-i-uxurv! J V" r-,-U ' t'Mr'ettrvOSaLd, whom she po im- Drovrdeo ly prt f erred, was a "scholar and a eeutiemaharid it is a- ray tery Mo w' he jaaii, so p.ioror; nis lather' waAsn'e ofthe: wealthiest freeholders in Medford, where he wuskno-wn-as C!ahtain" Cleveland. . .He" sold his Medford .property' and:' bought 600 acres for 3,000 in Ltonnecticut, . near East Iladdam, in 1739. He gave his other sons vamabie farms in this re gion, and we must conclude he count ed tne education en . Harvard . an equivalent gift to his son Aaron. At this time the preaching of Whitfield had powerfully interested Mr. Cleve land, who waa-a natural orator mm self and he Adopted a mere earnest manner in the pulpit. Dissatiefao uou lollowej aniong some of bis peer- rple, though the majority adhered to him with ardeut attachment. He wa accused of departinfr from Cal' vanistic orthodoxy, and so, in 1747 went back to the vicinity of Medford as pastor of Maiden. South precinct After a time, however, he left Mai den and removed to Halifax, Nova WIS!" xx. hia vip.wR-fop at Halifax " he pro. tessed the faith ot tne wnurcn. oi fcogland, and there being at that time n6bwhop in America, he. went to EhKland to tak orders. ' When Mr. Cleveland - arrived in Philalelphia he went-to the house of Dr.- ienjam in ' Fran klin, whose irjendBtp and . raspect -,he enjoyed. He. was appointed rector of -- New Castle, in Delaware, The people be camede pV attached to him, but he iwas forced go to Philadelphia for medical treatment, "and -...died':' there, under Drr Fbnklio'sfoof,. August 11, 1757, at theege of6 years. Hie widow, with h(r ; ten children, re ceived a moderae pension from the English Church, ftud returrjed to her jBishop doeii cot say.so, he means to jbe understood tftat the nresiaenxs igrauuJLawcr,niw o tuft vvw""" Jrorur." v A.. ir V ! An OWHalb, Bavannah Newa. r4ta44atVtfY4-k44Ktril rtfia nion ail work for Borne-time dredging at the' jwharf of the Propeller Towboat Com- J bany acrofcTtbeiiyer4aTind - Opposite prayton street, preparatory. to. driv ing piles and repairing the .wharf.' The sdrddpe rSaturday 'strucltt all an pieb'li,ecfcv?SUppo8ed to" be that of an old war ship. tCbere is every evi- !J .1 t . L - . , iieuue iiiiat me - vessel was Btrongiy ujtt "zZp IninBerilare of oak. - The ooa rugfip by) tne dredge is m floe state or DceBervation . hpinc na founa as woen nret put into tne ves ; seL The dredge Brought up numbers fjolilbaybnets and eurr locks, rust- a ana almost aestroyea bv aee. Th wrecKis puriea aeep in tne 'mud. From thappearance cf Jthe t etuff orojogp-t up woiu tne wreck it is eyis lent.that the vessel belonged'to "tite last century. It is said . that during the evoiu tionary war a 7-4-gun Britt i$h sbjp chased a Scaaiab- war-, elooo liuhiwu ucu uuit tuiu ifjav me crew scuttled f the sloop to prevent her capttrre. but at what' part of the riv-' rhn ?ran"s-4 cever. definitely settled. At the time, she was suppose eu w xiavovutJBiutJTitwie- money on boird, as was usual with Spanish war vesfecrte at that time. . About ? flftv yearsago a eompany was formed 'in Fbiladeiphia and Wew York; and parties came out here for the pur pOriejitfinding the wreck and" recov eripg the money supposed to have been" sunk with her but whether they ever succeeded in finding the wreck or money is not known. The wreck' is certainly that of an old war vessel.- Everything about her shows it. " The preservation of the wood - is wonderful. ' ' :-a7 --Z. 'v Debt Sfatement. - "Washington,' Sept. The . debt statement shows the decrease for August to be , $191,069,902;. cash in treasury 1474 ,X70,65I.M: goirt certi- cates outstanding, $77,698,347; silver, 4)89.02 1.760 ; ertincate , of ' deposit outstanding; $ll,I95.0O0;"1egal tend ers, outstanding, -1346 728.391; fracs tional currency not includintr amount lost or destroyed,: $695,370,252. - The ScnlliB Baee . Won by : an Australian . ' - LbNEON, Aug. 31. In the deciding heat, of; the iternational sculling sweepstakes bet een, William Beach, of Australia, andJdfcn Teem r,of the United Statss,-.Beacb won v , "I i'id bn 'rounled all winter ntn ecH and pain in tli- chest aii'i eoi no rener. irora re ucaies reeomiflsi'deo- bo; nrntfutet and Physirfans. At tbe same Jtrne I was adstrU lug Pr Bo-anko's Cou(?h and Lung Simp. I bad f.alo- falta but thousnt to r Ft as a a resortow i Deneve erea morttbHn tHey tell me Ot Its cartlve iruailtles. From The Mewii, E.usubetbtonn, Ky J Sold by ii. Ifr-h f rvnrr kind aired in 8 T HI flutes by Wool ford's saniUry Lotion. Use no other. This never falls. n (sold or ti, rt. wnswu ' u., uruggisu. t;hant.xiA "Absolutely Pure L "Thie powder never vs-riea."" A ixarvel o! piirltyv rtrijDth and wholesomenees Mow ec nomlepi thm the ordinary - kinds, and. cannot be sold ' n oomuetltlon with the- multitude ot low iet abort weignt,aluui or paoaph.aa pc-wdeis. Sola o IS nsans. Wholesale by - , v t vs.!,s - - . ..- SPRIHOS 4 WWSlt anaw&wly J "";. , cn.irvtu) N C, CATAWBA -ySiXtG?, Kart amulnn tT'll lttilr Allll't 3(1. Vf! A- VUiAliruM'. LhTvli ADWnaUW. .&- wifA.-ai)d, TaiUon Moderate. WortHj Dersonff of iimiled means aaistt' '-rtm. water ana atsuui unaurr passed. AppW at once 4UiK)giie-iJe?. Rupl11m " . . . - ' '? PRICE OF.", , Tin BIB Ms eost of mannfflCtnTlTig and. iadwr'lmnit nttipmw sf i ew Pilce Llat, tent free by WIUNH Affi Bl , YORM. P , MArHTNERy,,. -CHARIOT .'.W?, i : ' Shenaadoah Valley Acadtmy. ' U'lNUKI 8 TEH, TA.,' f - Prepares for trnKelty, College, .incy, Nary or Buslneaa. Bend for caia.ogue. c. c aiifMM. mi a., ' d Inir. or fa, t X. 1. July 18, 2md2tw . ' T- , - MACON SCiIOL 5 tt T .; npmi TT KI FTKEN TH 'PEfgT' N OH fonnaUoa and iUisuUrs aairess - BABWrER. I Principal. aoglOdtf Xand for Sate. FABM CONTAINING FlVTrllCNPBEP ACBJSS, one mile east ot the 0.. C. A -A, B B..nd two miles from Smith's T. O., Tort county, 8. C. Well Unproved all under plans: and rail fence, divided Into fields, well watered and amtnged lor stock raising. Lies -level and in flj.e condition for cultivation. Adupted to the growth or cotton, grain,' tobacco, elover and grasses. Payments eaa.- For further particulars aduress ' . J. B POAG, aogl9d? v ' " Hock B1U, a C. :-: BO. -AND- School Supplies LARGEST STOCK -IN the CITY -AT- ; BOOK ANC STATIOITEBT 0BE: Ho. $7 S.Tryon Street. Soeeial Prices ; Direct J to Teachers. ' Gold Reduction Works, fur Sale I WILT. 8?:rA, AT 'J?TJBITC AUCTION UPON the premises, on tbe 27t6 of September, 1886, that valuable property known as the ADAMS K8 POCTIUN WOKK3. situated on the C C. BallroadY onemlie iromCiiurloitei the same eons'stlne of 101 acres ot land, on which Is a Go'd Jflne, ttrge. eommxllotis bolldlng thereon tor the oper ation ot the works, ao engine of 200 horse power, newa'd new used, furnases and all the ma chinery, tools and appliances necessary Tbe entire property will be sold privately before said day of sale, if sufficient bid is mails, or leased. At tbe dny ot sale, tre rfgbt is reserved to s'll separately the engine, machinery, tool and all loose material. - w p rynum, euglwnV . -4 Attorney for Truateea. Home-Democrat copy tf : Safes for Sale. Two good second-hand sales will be sold ebeap OneMII.LEB'8. - One HEBBINtr'a Apply to chas. B. Jon.es, a sapFdAWtf - THIS W1CK ' 1 Ulrai. J! Person's Keme-ffy " b still the best Blood Prrlfier tn tbe market. ' iliit. U. UcADKM, rbolesale irur.lst. MaiTand Beast. ' . , Mustang" Liniment is older thaz v most men, and. 'used more "and more every yearj, , T.4? .:-ry" IS V ti Everybody.i8 awaretbaf trade-the . .er ougbt-to have been,"hence ery dealer tnan is ne ces&ary at jtr.is iittee of the season, so we are offering any garment in our Uousejfrom last-seas beiow W3t, and from this season at cost.. ' Some of thenTat less than th; cost of material tOup . SUMMER TIES are still complete and insist of the foIlowiBg; INDIA SKEK&U INDI A SKKHSUf K i RS, - f ; CRINKLED SKKtotiCK.KR5,-. -MOH AIR, PONOKE, ALPAC VH-f N U K'i C Lt )TH "CO aT8 & VI ' STSi tbinelttthe-wav"6fW,Lrm Weather "v --'i"1 And anything in- the-way bf, warm Weather Which "will be sold at. the abfive turned lulu t in w pvj n-iy mvq a li Li J r ti: ' wna we aavpru , eye iuug )jfee e-tabiiohed, to cv tor casa. . . ' - 141 t i Our stock is now. full and! complete." iii m m M . i aoT i m$: Mail'orderbpcomptlyAnf :reflh attended te. - ' ' ' ' "".! , -.f.-.'.,....r'ff' - : r-- rr r " r-. :'; BUOT3 AND SI0 that wf - have ever effered for the - ' 7 Spri nq ana, Summer lradei - Our orders were plal wi offer a very superior line pf the best LADIES' HUSSE3 Pk'B-:ta,-". Kiflfports aDdi-r-aws lies. 1 5 TilDMiMFi GLYCERINE" POLISn. FBElKDH BtiA We"wish especially p call -at 1 GENTS'! trxiJSfOM : Prices to Buit the' timea.' . ru are fore buying., -i1 t I 'Trade Street " I y Every? Morning at the ; YOfT T7II.I4 FUD FREII, . , , BREAD AND CAKES, Blirhr'N BREAD, MACARONI CAKE,' HUT KOLLa, ; ' ' E . IW UKKAU, 4 1U'1U11JUS UAtU, OKBRlfAD x NHJ?AKE.4-r-.C 7-Sv.i. ONGECAKK, MIKADO BREAD, ' rTWISP BREAD Yw . w- j. ar w- -a-i a TV UK A HAM CtUI.AF - IRISH. BREAfV - 4 . ,6U.eCS TO AW - 4. . i ' i. i ....... 1 V 4 . - . , - .f ' . . V .. .. . . i . , . t Too much stock causrs filnfusioa. and out of it we pvondse to hrinar order, by the reduction of f "3 V SEK WHAT - ' 4.44. .. . 4-...-. - ."' t2 00 2 75 8,p PANTS .NTS . NOWtJvtl 25 ' t . ' - tJ-K v, v.e- j. 2.25 "BfAJIf PITijl ff23 10T VTORTU D01JBI.E. ' - ' f AllwcUOray RannelSuit8, ' i now " ' - Fancy ;Chefck Suits,! square cut,T.cow- ; Black "Ilpnel Hair Lined Suit now $"750 (10 00 JUnpllBh befge... DUiy. wtue wior, -, now iil5 00 ,V I V Brbw'p (Cpi, Bquarecut. aU wool suitij, i nn f Odd and end siiitd, F'wks $4.00 silk mixed children's Bui fa 75 5.00 gray flannel, children eui s, s. 85 I - Chilrlmn'n RiiftaL nasi ted sireg IV J.'-.:- gold for $3.50. $4 atli f 5 now ; st; aw i i i ;i 50 dozen Children's Straw 1 .ta at 15 cents each, worth double the money i 2 dozen Men's Merino Vet. "tor at 75 eenLs,.former price. $1.50, "Dur entire stock of Straw, ?. .- at less than" manufacturer's -cost.'. Call : arly and secure some of the CI SEAT BARGAINShich we are ottering. ; ; J ' ' ; iOSNTSLAL mm C!01iNEJIClHAl;ttA7P N. O. - HORNE R8CHOOL O X Ii A Glassical,athemajtical and Scientifie Academy, with Militaiy Organ-, ization and Discipline. i.An ample corps of able instructors is provided, and the school thoroughly equipped fop efficient work Send for catalogue, - ! ' i . JulyZT ieodlm u CHARLOTTE THE PALISlSSaION BB'ilNS BBPTMBBt 1st, ; 18t, AK1 CLOdBd J ANDAUT I6U1, il8S7, 'O IN8TITUTS TOR VOUNGF LiWa'elN the South has advantages superior (to those N- offered here in everr derlarttuent. An rxderleitosd andhiehly accomplished corpsoft acuern L selected from some o. the best schools North and douth in which they were teachli g, has ,been--eMj aged for neztyear. , x.' - .;,;-.. E3f PE-B. FAf ABLE I V AD. - - . fASCKi - . , Toltion. alone, fa BngJlsa studhM, f Cof leg'Hte Department, v - . ; ,1 Tnlimn. emnn. In kitirn! tnrfles of Turlv ejjU) mediate and Preparatory Pepr-rtme' !a -PW lujgtmates. eitra. la i oil. giat l p t, ; : iDO'O AAiAaiteraisIUte-5,-l4 fftM Music anjei the professor. .. , ' So 00 -. ladyrTeher. . l , 'tfi.W For Eabd fndudlrg funitshpff rooms'.g- j -v vants' attehda' ee. lucht (gas), wit 1 1iA ; t " TIOM.ra.everythlnit In lull iollegwt' , Conie". lneiudlni ancient and. m;etf 4 i languages ettlisthentcs trea?h sesslit W 10 ru i Comspondenci FOllclted. For'c.it&'.ffi ' ""a rail Darucuiars, aani-s. . - l,j 'j; ' : ' . - AMI. r , ffJtt. Axr. ' lauglS - - - Charlu . . nagfc season has. not-been what has more stock on hand at this time K SPJECIAL 1 prk-es. Our reputat ion fer t doing me ftiid secure bargains j I - 1 surpassing any-previous stock at manufactnirers, 'which, enable- us to AND CHILDREN'S A! . !! A A D ' BAGS,:-. 'j - CZINQ, BLACKING BRUSHES, &C ention to our elegant line of . MADE SHOES. cordially invinted to call and.see us be4 i . - ' S. . - - - - . . LUNCH CAKE, BERLIN CAKE, . CUP CAKE, SCOTCH CAKE, - JUMBLE CAKE, - JELLY CAKE, - ROCK CAKE, -t .NINE CAKE, MAYER & ROSS. LO W PRICE3 5 wjll acccom pjish ifc; t FOLLOWS: " . ' - ' 1 M-B0 -PANTS NOW .-. U r- $325 8 80 , 4.00 -k no- . tt 1 tOO t '15.00 r 6.oo .-7.00 7.50 .. ljO.00 an4 Sacks, all wool, whibh, 7 1 8-00 Norfolk children's Buita.: $400, 7.60 wonoiK cmiaremr : BBita e.oo and BtyleB, -which we (tO ' tC at the uniform price, hats. 5 i D, If Vv Ce, a:c rj. m rui !radQcld' . A speclfle for all diseases pe enllar to woman, sneb ss Pain ful, nppressed, or Im-gular Mer8traaUon, Xeueorrliosa or WbJtes.eto,, - - - ' - Female ' It taken daring the CHANGS 0 UFK, rreat suffering a d danger will be avoidnt ' 2: "Qeplaltrr!y eend farsi? r cook 'Message to Women,-' mailed free. Bba1fibxd B8DXatob Oo.,AtlaTitt, Ga. ' Ifl.rst. Joe Peraoam'ai XIrmedy ' till the best Blood Portlier on the market v JMO.-H. IfcAPSN, Wholesale DrulBt. . . - -." . i- '..' at i i ar-w a i -Bciies atd ; ; f ani iits-Nci -BT- TYSON & JONES, Carthage, G.; . No shoddy work.' Every Buggy, Carriage or Phaeton that leaves our shop guaranteed. ome aPd we B tW" ' - ' ' the largert Carriage Hanx . 1 44 i .. . . ..4 .... 1 afactrerg In Kortb Cago- Una. it .01 Style and finish, we are un- w' .?.lv A T. Rnirhian ak -fJo- -VMil IW - x k -1 i m. n - I 4rKW l 1 . sa?G&n i r 4 lii-nwn. i i. Tills-. Ml.; cL.-.p fclnt;!!eal. 'ttejry. e-- I v ? . , .. ..ii V3k7u -.4- nvsiiu ; nruuirrs .. ,. vt VV. II. Williams, TYSON . J0NS,: Carthage N. G. MR; Who is at present ir Vw Northern -Markets purchasing -our FALL WINTER fcTU JK, and desiring ENTIRE SUMMER :.. AT T3 ST F X7 i j r a i j v v ; PARASOLS, SUN SHA.DES WE MEAN WHAT WE WEOLSSALI EKTAIL DXAIJE3 IS A foil line of CHSAP BBP6TBADS, uvVA1UWtlHlUl M1U KUOIUUTJ1 OUllflf Wi' nns oi u finds on hand. Ho. xxaao otrew, uaanMtB, Sfortn li IS - 1 ' - A-LL KINDS OF J t p, If V ..iy? A bed-room suit of 10 pieces, imitation walnut, $2200. J "' te L ' 'r "10 " maible top imitation walnut, $30.e.'. ' - . - - - - ' . . r A bed-room5 suit of 10 pieces, v -yalnu1t jnth r marble top, j?45;oa. ;.,.4- ""."-,. ' I Sleganl;. walnut and cherry sjiits from $75,00:toV$175,00 r -A' parler suit oi -7 pieces,' imitation of raw lkf$ 30.00. ; j .i-iwhj : jw - J i f a-yjr siil5V.'trimmed y ith fplush m$Z2r - - ;r - - -rV -v - j BarJor BUits of Ti pieces, domestic' or sUt ' plush. f0 00 to Lounges in great variety 1 . Sideboards" i 1 1 Baby Carriages in great variety irCm $6.00 to $35.00.. ' v PIANOS i ? OKT SlAKfiL 1 ' " . 1 O i . AND -i .-, ; I nZ W s j . .. !. ...j... . . r. ,'( t, j I . - ,l'.'i, ft iv ; No charge 'for packing or drayageei: fflo: ljjr WALKIB. B. K.BBTAM ii: i 1 - 4 Wholesale and Betafl Grooers. IfEW F1BM -, , HEW OOODs - 1 OK the flrst day of Jarmary.l886,the undersigned entered Into a eo-partaeraiilp for tbe purpose of oarryingona - . - . General firccerj Kcsiaess 4 -.. . .. -.4. . -.- ,. 'M- f 1 .... -: - - .. J.. . . T'-' . :' '. . . ' - - in. 4. . . . . r .- -4.' . ,- Atttie old stand of Springs A PurweO. sornet Tryon A Fourth streets, We are roallfled by long experience, to meet the demaads oi the trade, and give satisfaction to our customers. ' We wUl keep on hand at aU Uuies a fan stock of ' , s . , FAOIT SuTPLIES : WhUsti wm be delivered in any part of u otelurge.. - . ... , . ... .. - H I C tv v -V J x 4 ; '4 mi We wlU not be undersold tn the Charlotte market. There Is a food wagon yard In the rear ot our store tor the accommodation of our easte rners. iu--'. , - t' - . v ' jli : him&-: . o?nd make good urr otDife- WB CI Al" To be able to cifiiip'Sa ? cesefuily. In it: ftJUi' 1 It, lass taaufacttu-ers ; n KUtoaad We3tx . tU lia Sottf. C, Van ;jdr . Ah.lKv w a - t mk ivj, .4...... w ., riewt, C room tor it, we win sou our AND. i and FRENCH FANS at SAY. NICHOLS, v; 4, from;?5.t)ff to '30,(X), ;X '1 A.15.00 to , 125.00: u Y ONTHE testaJment' v Plan. LOW PRICES. Ain- Easy Terms B. E. 000HEABIT.-0HAS. E. J053 CHARLOTTE REAL ESTATE AGENCY. f R. E. QDCHBANE, Maka'geb, nrara ieiNcy will but and bill lands A of every description and in any part of North or South Carolina, and will jent -property In the eityof Charlotte, collect rents, attend to repairs and make prompt returns, and if desired will at tend to payment of taxes, effecting of Insurance, Me. - " " ' 1 -. - ' ' --- -:- ..: . ' AU property pot Into, our hands will be ;- . '' J. AdyerttneMi ffree of Cost For a stlpulaton prevloosly agreed upon. IOne dwtllng house on B street, 7 rooraj.closelj In each rootn, well of good water, lot ifeUlOO feet, - In good nelhtofhoQd. . pries, $3,000.. t ; : 2 One dwe Jng on 6th street, adjoining residence of S7 M. Howell. 4 rooms, well of water and stable, . lot SOililfe, convenient to bnainees. Price. S1.&50 Q One dwelling on Pbplat street, 10 obms, lot D99zl98 feet, bride kitchen, -outhouses, stable, well of good water, sold on terms to suit purchaser !f Price. ttOOO. ; ; .; . Qy Two tots, Nos. 2S(7 anf 808, square 4. front ing 99 feet on B street and running through toCstreet. On the premises Is a two-story tran.e dwelling, seven rooms and small storehouse.;; , i. Q Tan yard at ' LowesvUle, N C.,: 23 the! 0 T:; vats, 1 pool, 1 lime 1 shop house 18x22 bark house, bark mill house, stable, dwelling; 10 acre land oonnected with tan yard. Price $1,000, ot will lease for 5 or 10 Bears on reasonable terms. 1 n- Jne story frame dwelling and lot on stone aV; waUstreei;, Price $500. i i tuv sf jo! One lot and a half lot. untmrroved, ;n th W, corner of B and 11th streets. Price tBSCL.t f rt Lot with two-story house, six rooms and two uJ room kitchen, weJl and garden, being prop erty adjoining . J. 8. . PhUllps' rrtldence. Price i,m. - - -7 yn - - iPOR-SALR 56 Two desirable' building lots, BUxSOO feet, trontlmron 8onth Trvon street, adiolnlnai ELIaS. AND STOCK Give us a call, j ' r GOIEN -; Sfc a 5fef?S555Sr?aW- f ft Wast . TlU-jraBS-ti I al . -rl . V-CT '""" the propertv of J. H Carson. Shade trees on lots. WlU be to d separately or together. Price $700 each i ,'",,-.-:.' . , CHABLQ-PH EEAL K9TATB A6BNCT. "rF do kerebv cert ifv that ue eupev . viae thearrangeiHenti for all the Monthly -and Quarterly Drawings of . the Lout; iana State Lottery Company iandin par- y bo manage and control the , Dramng - themselves, and that the tame are cc ducted with : honeaty, fairness,, and in good faiih tOKar&aH" parties, and im , authorize the company to use this certT- ' cote, tin foe timui of our signatures ; atUKhediniia advertisements," r .if. . --- ComnillRr . ' TTe f?i undersigned Banks ; and Barter j will pry a!1 lYizfa drawn In The i Louisiana State jAAtencs which' may be presented at c-hr covn. !'i-.XoutMNa ' o;, lows! i Pi,: u- - .mer: Half a; Hmimi Dlstt liiited.- - tomsi&ri Stale Incorporated ih 186H tor 26 yean by tD Leg.s:&-. tare tor KaucatloriHl iind Cliarltable purpace.-itlr a capital of 9l,000!-to wUlcb a reserve fund yf over $650,000 hag since been added. . r -. by an overwneuning popmar vow lis intncuioj was made a part of the cresont State Constitution -adopted December 2d, A. P.. 1879. -: Its Grand Sl igle Number Drawing wilt take pa"e mommy, a ijfver eHJe or. postpones. Lew at tiie foiionwg iHHmbuisom . r; 190IH Orund Ufa n lit I j , ; .. ANPTHS.4 ; ... ,i v Eitrar rdlnay , QaterlJ JDraMr je In the Academy or Musie, Mew Orleans. Tuesday, ' . - September 14, 18!, unr'er the personal - i ; " - supervision and aoanagement of ' - Gen. O. Bbaukboarp, of La., "f; " GbnJubai. A, ABLTt of Virginia. A' capitait pel ie; V to,ooo. v Notica-Ticket8 are Ten .- hilars 1 -- Q&y- Halves, Fifth, $9. 1 Capital Prize of tiso.ono. U60.000 . -l tariand erizeoi , L trrand Prize of 2 Large Prizes of 4 Large Prizes of , 20)00,--;.. m.ooo. ; ou.uwr i,0W LOOB 20 J . ao Prizes oi ? ao.ooo .- ion "... . 4 -j. - yff.: 200 -v.1v. 1,000- ";;f t WW. 5fi rain 'T.'.w . : f m.Jl' ; 40,000 - APPROXIMATION PRIZES. . 100 Approximation Prizes of $300, - 100 ' ,4." 100, loo -'f ?;mj; l M .r w 2,279 Prizes, amonntlBg to -'."' $38,000 . 10,000 tsQrSoo; Application for Htes to clubs should be made only to the office of the company In New Orleans. - "" or further information write dearly, giving toll auunsss. rvauu nutea, jszpress aioneruraerey. or new turn aicaange m oramary Kixer, fflr t&f (. 4ur exppnse widrf asj ippHnr- , ' W VWr4UmiUTIO!tAl4BAlM.9.VV:''t i'- , NewOrleiiM.Ti V ' x aTBV m.' bbb m -sbu sbtw n. m w ar aw' - na gJf'V" a l w i ra-jg-st'alJ -fV TERN N..C. DliM esNBBAT, Pajssknskb Omoi, SAUaBtTBT, N.C.. June 19. 188S,' Comnenclng Sunday, the 20th mst.,' the follow ing Paenger schedule and train service, will be " frDeruttd ovectbU Blvlslnnr'- "t ' r i Ne 60.. LINB Ar; hr. P.'aL 1.2Q 2-44 86 4.34 6.0S S.44 669 7S7 Sallsbi 2.41 8Utes' 8.61 Slaoitnn. 4 Hlokory, ' T4J ... .4 i-i- t., 5 44 Horgantoz 6.(9 716) Marion, r Old fortr-1 Bound Knob. dm ?!k Mountain; . AtexttH.4iifc f -a 19 4W 10.' W44IIIIIW . V yrtST. f main lim Ar. Lv. J' P. A.JK. ai.25 P . it Salisbury,. 12.' .-4 ' - . - -.'.X..4- Btat-esvule. .rV '.S3 ': 1.SB Newrpu, 1 2.20 I 8.U6 I 2.40 4.08 4.S7 41U..U4J, TftA. I r'-. afortfanlan .-'Pi Vsflnn 4r- t A87 , 4 62: i 15.29 Oldlfort,- . W Ronnd Knnh. 4.52 6.29 Blacx Mountain, asbetUie, -' '- ; fi 161 6.21 7.21 T A iexauder'a, -'' " 7.68 j Marehf.ll, - ry. 7 J7.67' 8.52 d.u i warm springs, 9.15P.,M.4 taint BoelE. waif. i acBPBY prviaioN . i TraulNo.? Statiohs. .--"4t-H 'Mil I ) Ar. t Lv. A. M. 1010 1110 11.38 A.vJIe,.;;-iX Tnrnpue, Pigeon Biver, XL33 12.81 la.lU 1.85 2.86 2.46 A36 WaynesvUle;' 1.15 2.85 2 46 " 4 20 6.801 Brlra. Webster station. wuiiuer, Charltoa," 4,26 6.80 D USD ue' r t 1 eueal Stations. ,. pgilie and flullstniry, oarrytng I I afeen CUvinnatl, Louisville j ,tl t LiJatween Warm Springs end f oluooro. J- 7 rains No. 62 and 6 ran solid, betweu m'nitii Nil RnaTid R1 Mm i rown ana BaiWDury. carrying Leiuhton l Cars between Chattoriooga and Aaeville. ' t W ID-as. P. a. ft W. CBTKAB8 A. 6. P. A. ' Blchmond. Va. ; zH K. MOBU. Burvt: AsheviUe.ir. H.' ilJ.'3.r.44 l- 1 Is not complete uctn you haVflred.tha charm-; TOE ATlASTIC nOffElit i- .i "1 ft- nOBEHE&O cm, n. C4 Immediately on the Atlantic ooen and one of Ih most oeugnuui CtjaiJUtli BBdORTa Wm am erica: The table the besxand supplied with every deli eacy from the sea. . -- y. , - . SURF AND 8TILIWATER BATH- . j . INQ UNSURPASSED. - ' j - j.'' ". v - ; " -Trollln for -Blue flrh, and Spanish Mackeret-. the finest In Ihe world. - . . , A beautiful beach and elegant orchestra, and; even amusfment to be found at a seaside resort. - . - No seaside resort on tbe Atlantic eoast has mo'e ' v natural advantages than Morebend City, and the :':-t nM.m.nnKinuuit ftMlifUumlntjld 111 Alklr. It . was I : - , J A. . IP. If; i.-,; ; 1 . . . :. , . J T. i- il ' o lol.y a .'-,-7.v 1 r.- ' 'l- r- I- 840 840. ' , i - I 6J57I 6.67 r. 'I 14. .441 V.444 ' S... . ' -T .24 s : '1 ' EAST. r- i ' ' ' f -?; ' ; , . . f ; - ' 1 ,'9.16 9.1f,i .. I 4 F, (V4I 1 Jl t -v.1 - - - f - l a.m.11 7.00 i i: li . -A 1 :. : 'I.! 2 I AT. 1 t Lv ' --LJ r?:; .126 1.0B t . . U rZjl t e Ml PR0GRMI1 i HsKOOND tO NONBIN OTSTOjy; the 'seventh season eommenoes June 1st ;' . ' ' Tbe BpWaad Cottages have a eapaciy or . Q Jrortenns and new illustrated parrfphlot 'tddress :f- .. .'- COOKS 4 iXJSTKtt BBOTBKB8,-:-S, majauasunaweao: . j ' jriupnewra.: ' 'fflre. Joe PiBtaV: Cemdy Is still the test Blcd Pcrifler on thT--at ifl ii ;" r- - i. ; ' -. ' 4"!:y; . .- i.. - 5".; A V -