- - v V ; - - - ""V, ' v ' " - ' j - ' ' ' . ' . ' ' ' Vs ' ' - , r- , - - . .- . .. ' . . -. . .... ., , - - P .. r.' It ( V AY, NOVEMBER 2, 1886. VOLUME XXXIV. PRICE FIVE CENTS. - - - 11- j 'f .- .- -::4 . 1 - v 1 I - .. .. 13 Is s s 7t . v v I '; ..vunjii.' I I8'8 8 . . ... : - . i BIG- SAtB -OF- -t3 Undershirts iand Drawers, 1 1 ; sit wtetj. Beautiful Hae ot SbOTt Dolmans d iitrakbans, Plain istrakhans, Brocaded - r ' -s, F?aveM,piagonal &c. - Ask ,At5X. ASoodBargHln. - WALKING JATXSTS In great wtety prices t KXW M1BKET3 In all the new, ana desirable matenalafrom$403to$40JM. t MIS3K3 and CHTLDBEN 8 CLOAKS to saltan. ' x magnificent line of Underwear. . . t. l: seigle. B EST -STOCK OF- i and Wool Underwear In Onarlotte. , NO CHARGE FOR SHOWING OUR GOODS SUCCESSORS TO AJLXXANDKB ft BABBT& sssssssss For Fifty Years His JSlooi PdsoaSlaai'I&seases. For 50 Years, Interesting Treatise oa Blood ana BKin uiscasw mailed free to all who apply. " It should be . carefully read by everybody. Address -THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. I G Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci CI Q S JUST RECEIVING . . I THE BEST STOCK OF GOODS IN THE CITY IN OUR LINE. - A. R. & W 'B. NESBIT, FOR SALE. r unlmprorea lot swxiou, aajoimng me prw OD DertT ot J. H Bmorj. 1. P. irwla and others, fronting on Trade street Shade tree on the lot. true sow, Cbarlotto Real Estate Acency, mafteatf v;r a. S. COCHBAUB, Manager. tSTASUSHED USED IN ALL PARIS OF THE: WORLD , .nrt thmi on aoDlicatlon. Soldby Jlliie lst Carrince Buliers ajid Dealers. v Cable Address. COO-CC vim t u' fFt: for To-Day worth 5 ob 3 00 2 25 200 per pair it . It , tl ( I t ti t t at ti25 2 60s -l e5 - AT - , r ( 1''"-' ? 1W J kvi YE. HAVE largest ii Lv.t L.il li: op We hT ever shown. We have t H0E3 for e .--y-bodj, rar!cg from the largest to the sir . ' t la and rroia tv finest to t 3 eoa'3 R ELi hb L. vj w o t-o - j - ' - Andaalowprtoearaa to eonstetent wlib the best prodneUon. . : . , . ."4- BK SURE Atl ' - STOCK. SEK OUK Pew & s s a great Remedy lor . . It never Fails! S s s To the VICTOR LAUREk." Pr-ninnt In vary highr quality, 1h HAN AN SHOE hu become the racognued ittndaid ioi fine wear among discriminating gentlemen, , 2 Jot sale br : aprlS , A. S. BANKIN BBO., , Charlotte. N. C FARM FOR SLE, A FAHM OT ABOUT TO ACBUS t OV ' TUB Charlotte and Davidson Collesre oabUc road. 31) miles from ton To S room booses, two eood wells ot water. 20 acres of woodland and 6 or 7 Acre of bottom lands In sight ot saw mill and Co. Q 1 the gin. ueasonaDie tune, ate. Appu to or address jdb. i. a. rawiN, oct21w3t ; ' . Alexandrlana,N. C. toe EtEcion ur The constitutional voters, Nor Carolina are called on to t 'lecf pe. bers ofCongresa, Buprf"ic; judges, membera of the Staf- Lp lature and; county ofiScial right and proper, that th' voters should-understand tion laws, which" are, particu severe,- where cases of bribery a. carried out. - - ' -' - :. The ballot box is intended to be a reflex, or a true return of Jtbe Benti ment of tLc ; T;ho vote. Any f terr.t t- c" . V a result by in idati:" cry i" r 3 C . . t' 7 7' i 3 fra f j.oyrr-ot, ronage from cr ci thre9,t;a,cpprer3c Tithdra... , ?rwise injure, szt, to itimi r of this ftfttfl cqie any quaiaa vv iuse of the vote such voter mav or may not have dart m any eI?ct:on,shall oakgui.&y ot a nusaemeanor. ; ; ' .- i.'- BETBKBT ATKLEOTlOirS."-" - -ijAny'person who shall, "at any time uoiurt or aiier an election; either ais rectly, give, or promise to give, any r ney,. property, or. reward to any .ctor," or to anytoounty or district a order-to be elected, or to ; procur$ -ny other . person - to be retected a member of the General Assembly, or to any oiSce under- the laws of.. tk:i Ftate, shall forfeit and pay four huni dred dollars to any -person'who wil, sue for the same, and; gh&U be guilty cf -a misdemeanor; and any- person . ho shall receive or ' agree to receive -?y -"rh bribe shall also be guilty of a wLo eh: ll t;tcr we b.zj ticaey or ciher thing cf vslua upc i any elec .oa held ia this C.aia shall, be guilty cf .a misdemeanor.- :; 1 Tte.hwa of Congress, oa. ihiz e. ob ject are equally sevrre, the penalties beips -punishable in - the FedferI courts, asi are as follows? . . : ; . T. j redersr Law. - - Eevifei Ctatutes, Bection-5 "3i Pro- T 3es tr.:t;, "every person, viho- by l ...j ut ! iwful means, hinders, delays, i eventa,- er " obstructs, -or combines and confederates with others to hin- der, delay, prevent or obstruct any c .tizen from jdoing'any act required to be done ty qualify him, to vote, or from voting at aDy election in any Btare,4erriiy4istxuQyjcity, parish, township, school district, mu nicipality, or other territorial sub division, shall be fined not less than five hundred dollars, or be impriss oned not. jess than one month,, nor more than one year, or be punished by both such fine and' imprisoa ment. - . Sepnoir 5507. Every person who prevent, hinders, controls or intimi dates another ; from exercising, or in exercising the right of suffrage, to whom that right is guaranteed by the fifteenth amendment to the Consti tution of the United States, by means of bribing - or ; threa s . of depriving such persons of employment or occu pation, or : of ejecting such . person from a rented house, lands or other property, or by threats of refusing to renew leases or contracts for labor, or by threats of violence to - himself or family, shall be punished aa pro vided in the preceding section. Section 5508. If two or more per sons conspire to in jure,oppress,tbreat en, or intimidate any citizen , in the free .exercise or enjoyment of any right or ; privileges secured to him by the constitution or laws of the United States, or because of bis hav ing so exercised the same; . , - They shall be fined not more than five thousand dollars and imprisoned not more: than - ten years; and shall, ; moreover, there after be ineligible to any office or place of honor, profit, or trust creat-' ed by the constitution or laws of the United States." This is the law. It only . remains for it to be said that twenty persons have been selected to watch the polls, and see that there is no violations, of these laws. -.. : It might as well be understood be fore hand that every violator of the election laws will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, in both the; State and, Federal courts. Y-yc .''.y.'-..-, A If onaadio Tree- 7-" T-'!ierrSdn.- ' , . ; :'v :-.V vJapt' Forbes, of the bark iAlbe- maxe, irom ruo Janeiro, uruugun home a puzzler for the student ot hydrography. ' On October 9tb,' in atituae l4 4o. nonn longisuae oa west, he passed a s mammotn tree which bore evidence of having re cently been torn, from the trunk by m M TT f - A. 1 J some powerrui lorce. w na guzaieu Capt. Forbes was tne race inai ine nearest land to the west was Martin innfl. S2S miles distant, and. Bravo, Cape de Verde Islands, 1,802 miles to tha ajiBf.wftrd. The no8ition of the traa fmm the mouth or the Amazon Wna Qfin miles north- bv west nail west. A study of the currents' and counter-currents gives no answer as tsi hnw thfl tree eot where it was naaaoA The break was of very re un .lab) anrl if it had drifted from any of the nearest points oi ; uju j ' . , . j nnniri have taran sucna iodk poi iuu that it would have been covered with Kavnarfofl Not one was seen on it, Capt. Forbes wants some one to seme the question. . - : . Seme Good Advice - New York Sun. ' Tramp Please give me ten cents, ; : Gentleman Why, I gave you ten mntfl not an hour aeo. . Tramp HI bet you five dollars you didn't. -s . - : - Gentleman I - havn't that much monov with me. ; Tramc (with some disgust) Well, don't make statements unless you've got money to back em up. . " . STARTLING BITT TRUE. Wills Point, Texas, December 1, 1885 After suffering tor more than three years with dis ease ot the throat and lungs, I got so low last bp tug I was entirely unable to do anything, and in? vih was ao bad I soarcelr slent any at nleht. My druggist, Mr. H. F. Goodnight, ent me a trial bottle Of DR. BOflaHKO'S IXUGH AftD LDau SxliUIr I found relief, and alter using six si.uu Doiues, was entirely cared. . ; J. M. Wxldsm, Sold by 1 B. Wrlston. itn avii, ; etyia . t : , . - i-J irtto. By L::. Kj11, - Ho to! Ay-fen:; '.I toy r; et one cf thaV""" 1 j ID t ... i 4,t U L .V ill 13 C Itfci r cr a r; 'I be . inal t-". isterel I you ir . r new one. -'1 bany Joum will nc . Coonesville, , t passed a t r-v .perse v . -Ly in a isiness f oru.-"-seforbii iwhetl. push or c by-carria"9'alon i -. and any pc-son wL the helghbc.- od' f whether earny. or c deemed euiitv of a. r be liable to arrest ex Acorrespof ,-Qt"T . ':m . 'vr; 1 aodrCfeiw 'T v .re covt oa' which -' .'Tver9'. ,f Amr ' ti- -- :- ' were cat,-. 1 oor c:t 3 r" cf t'. ? ' CO. troz 3.cf six t. ani a uep la cf about t eozta:" i iar rooms. liila Loweit girl, WLj , carefully tr::ir1 by '..er r : being drel-d for church Ihe-gay gown had been rut 1 he evident '"satisfaction - ' ebe said, do Goi ? " c" "Does he see me now! " "Whv.vfs v replied.thejaetonished matron, "Well he sees a pretty , neat looking girl, doesn't he, mamma. Lowell Cou rier, -. - " ' ? Plat ne sad tke Presftfeaey. - c In an interview at the Continental Hotel. - Philadelphia., Wednesday. Senator John Sherman was asked as to the - Presidential contest in 1888. and whether he thought Mr. Blaine would be the; .Republican candidate. Mr. Sherman replied :um- - 5 "I have not bad any conversation with Mr. Blaine upon the subject, ' It would be a delicate question to toueh upon. If Mr. Blame wants toe nom-, mation I think he can get It. It is for him to decide the matter. ' No candidate should be named without special reference is had to New York. The duty of . the next national con vention, 1 take it, is to name a candi date who will be acceptable to New York. It is for Mr. Blaine to decide whether he can be successful in that State. If he should be twice beaten it would be disastrous to him,-' for that would end him politically . How ever, it is two years off time enough lor the molding ot sentiment. i havn't heard that Mr. ; Blaine wants; the nomination," ' . , The California Style. r San I'ranelsco Chnlole. . . Sweet seventeen t And the peach. bloom glows on both their cheeks, and, their eyes dance with excitement,and their two heads are close toeether. They are two young ladies who have a ve a real and practical - existence. One is talking earnestly, and the other is listening with all her ears. ? "Yes indeed, and be went on and on, and then L stopped him ; -Jycu mustn't talk like that to me,' I said. I can't help it ' he said; 'I can't help itj I-just speak out the emotions of my heart."' -: .. -. - . v-. "And what did you: say?" breaks t listener. ' . ; r ; --..,:.;';. her:. .'let ta 'Lee i..,.,t. Una i it On the listener's shoulder. 'I -inat. did that 'There i' I said, 'Alexander, consider yourself drowned.' ?' Tho Centennial Celebration. Gov. Fitzhueb Lee has sent a letter to the Governors of;the thirteenongi- nal colonial States, in which ne says: ' - t "It becomes my duty to transmit to vou a codV ot the resolutions of the . Governors of the thirteen States.- I have the honor to request vou to appoint a delegate to repre' sent vour State in the permanent or ganization. - The meetme : wusxase Klace in, parlor u oi tno tjoncinenuai otel in Philadelphia on Dec 2. next. 1886. High Point Enterprise: Mr. -mo rv A. Bencini had the misfort, 3 to have his tobacco packing houjd de? stroyed by fire Tuesday nigh t.v A j It was located about one mile, from town,', and contained " the toba from 75.000 hills, or about 10.00 nounds. all of which was burned.?' It was insured for $500. : Origin of the- fire unknown. All that has been learned concerning the buildin g of the Winston & Fayetteville railroad is that if the Bichmond & Danville company cannot i buy or lease the Cape Fear & ;Yadkin; Valley road they will certainly and speedily build the W. & F. road. We ; have been informed that they cannot; possibly get possession OL; the C. F. &-Y. V., hence we may expect work to be re sumed on the road here almost any time. Best assured the road will 1 3 built some day anyway.. - Itch of every kind cured in SO Minutes by Wo ford's Sanitary Lotion. Use no other. This re tails. Sold by L, a. Wriston 4. Co., Dru. Charlotte NjC. Bessemer Steel. jldsmith B. West writes to the -ntgomery,'-: Ala.. Advertiser con rnmg the production of Bessemer i at tue boufI.v in which he says ' for the better part of a year i uas oeen a. uveiy controversy -a Southern and Northern au- -:es as to the ability of the Ala- , mineral district to produce -..an table steeL - Unbelief on this t has been the regular thing uuu eapciaiiy bo at cue Ji&st. ast remember, however, that a not lees incredulity con. ; our ability to make cheap n l&aa than. fntA - r . u v jr ears ago, -"ch investigation and demon , iuo irua men or Jfennsvl .na ottier. iron regions have radually driven to concede uama mignt, perhaps, make - - r'-O-ritha or the ,VvvJ Luis universal r 1 3TC insist -.ft'tlt e i 3-recaer steel. No well regu -- t--- boon able-to , 1 - - - - rtioa ": : -;A in p boe--horus for any :i : :a a cugd JtJessemer steel . i ? cow being constructed, and -.wtedly Bessemer pig irod will roaucea at tne town of rsessemer. nailes Bouth of Birmingham, with. i tee next ten montns. Xhere is no 3ed to deny that the majority of Ala bama are too high in phosphorus r the iiessemer process, but there re some inthe gtate .which fill the !1 adequately,7 and - Bessemer ores ve to be found in the neighboring r ia rr- I -l-arwm a tj on ATtAnl lilrnln t j astonish Pittsburg one of these C. iys. It is in Georeia, near Carters - lSle.ithat vthe deposits have been . . ound that' are to- form the basis cf cu pioneer Bteei aeveiopment. The East and West . Alabama rail road is built from Cartersverville to fuo Broken arrow, Ala, whence Mr. L F.-DeBardelebeh prominent in c9veloping these mimes proposes an . tension to his Henry Ellen Mines, hnd thence to Birmingham and Bes 4 1 mer. This will make in round num U " ra a haul of 150 miles from Carters Mile, to Bessemer.;. The ore territory i a question is nearly 20,000 acres ia xtent, and includes one of the most 'liable manganese properties in the i-iied States. ,The : quality of this ter mineral need not be questioned ten it is understood that it has been ;-ped from Cartersville to the : Ed 1 . : r? pson steel works, of Pi i tsburgj . . , for some time and is being used : rence to any other.. As to the ?r iron, ore, leading ;Pennsyl experts, not knowing where it . am, have declared samples of 1 1 . l:rsville deposit to, be better i y thing they knew of in : the - i jperior region. ' As Mr.De 1 "x e nd his associates will an t. 1 transportation facilities; 1 1 c r?s will only represent . nere now tne produc " . J J . a . here now the Drodue- . : x iron justifies tha es- ants to manufacturaaa. 7 i.t 3 in finished iron the ifcocuce (ti a reuaoie supply or- cas- emer pig1' at such prices as I have amed would compel the foundation f hundreds of enterprises usmethat ;vv material.1: It, in fact, goes with- ut argument tnat the commanding vantage of steel pig metal at a cost Apt oyer that of ordinary ordinary lumjry iron. - ; iring the Tomb a Good Start. fcoatonTraveUer. - - i Not a sreat while , r&q a certain family here was blessed with a son mid heir. . Now, this family moves in the very highest "circles, of society, and the members are - prominent in the . most aristocratic Episcopal church at the capital. Great prepar ations yrere made for the christening or tne new comer. A spe iai tont was finported from Italy and placed in the house, and to. make the ceremony all the more impressive and satisfactory; the croud narents had the little fel- Hw sprinkled? with, water from the rven Jordan. ' whifcb was expressly imported for the purpose. The son $ught to gr w up and be a great and good man alter all this fuss over him. ,t - . . if -"' J I What Connecticut Thinks of lit - ..; link . . ew Haven News. "lane ner au around " savs a writ- ter, '.she is the best nroduct of her eex.,,!;j Yes., but did that writer ever think of the expense of takine her all aroundf "r . V"" - ioltTrlbunev T''t i;", -" ' - l it is quite a common thing for the roung btdies of Boston, ..New York ind Pciladelnhia to have nhotoM made ol their arms or hands for their era.-;.,'-; vr Better Sell It to ihePapen. Dr; Marples of Ward'aJsland savs hat young skeletons are extremely Lard to obtain. We know of an did le in an tip town closet that be can have for the asking. i A. CARD. - To all who are suSerlag from the errors and In- CD -ret'ona of youth nervous weakness, early de cay, Ioks of mauhood, Aa., I will send a recipe thst ,1) core you, FEES OS" CHABQB. This great r6ir,e Jy was discovered by a missionary In South America. - Send a sell-addressed envelope to the B4& Joseph T Ins as. station D. New York City. i Sir. Joe Pernea's Remedy 1 still the best Stood Pnnner on the market. ' . . JNO. H. MCADRN. Wholesale TrmmaU '. : Sctvrenffersi f Importance. "f Neit to the bowels or rather tn conjunction With them, the kidneys aDd blander are the most important scavengers ot the system They purtiy the olo 1 and cam off its refuse. Dieventlnn rheu- matirti; droDay. Brlzht's disease and alabetes by their active cleansing work. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters; when the kldneis evince a tenr ency to re lax r.he aettvitr of their lmDorfmt lunctlcrr. - re news It, and thus averts renal maladies, the most difficult tot'peith. ana waicn Mtpennauce i inshtfai loss d bodily Ussne. stamina and flesh -When the renal organs exhibit the slightest symp- Atna nr iniu.ioQ. wow suuuiu at vuuo receive iuk leedtol stimulus rr"m mis SHiesi, sureai auu pieaa. nteatof diuretics. ChlUs and fever, dyspepsia. constipation, liver complaint and debility are also .'emediea Dy ih. -. . ij -i i L Uewn tswb Bercaaot. ' avlna passed several sleepless nights, disturb i a the atconies and cries of a suilerintc child. I a becoming convinced that Mrs. Winslow's Eixithine Syrup was lust the article needed, pro red a supply ior tne cnua. un reaching home nd acauainnns his wile with what he had done. he r :used to nave n aamimsterea to tne cnua skewas stronaiy in iavor oi tiomosoDainy. hat niKht toe cnua par sea in sunennz. ana tne rnts without sleeo. Be'irrnlne home the day nilowlne. the lather round the Dabvsnil worse; nd whiie eontemplaQn another sleepless night, dim mother steppearrom tne room u anena to ' - domestic duties, and left the father with the c a. During her absence he administered a por l- f tne Soothing Syrup to the baby, and said r i That nleht all hands slert well, and the , - aow awoke In the morning bright and hap i mother was delighted with the sudden ti i aderful change, and although at first offend e i t ie deception practiced upon her, has ooo- t i to use tue Syrup.and suQertng earing babies ... i-.-.ess nights ha.ve disappeared. single i ot i e f -tup never yet failed to relieve the i f u -rcome the prejudices of the mother. then " Scott Em!sloa ef Pare Cod Uver OU, with Ifypophostpbltes. Is a most valuable remedy for Consumption, 8crof, nla. Wasting Diseases, of children, Colds and Chronic Cough, and In all conditions where there is a loss of flash, a lack of nerve powers general debility of the system. . -' -LEMOS ELIXIR. . : ; . . . From at Prominent Iady. I have not been . able in two years lo walk or Btauu wituuui suner n great pa n. since talcing Dt. Mozley'8 Lem n Elixir I can walk haif a nlle without suffering the least lnconveniene. - Mrs. B. d. joiuwrworin, urunn, Ha. Lemosi Hot Dropsy 1 sd for several days a severe ulcerated sore throat, causing much . pain and uneasiness, as tuore was diu'iueraoie nemorrnage when cough Ing. I bought one bettle of Dr. Mrolav'a inmm Hot Dro s. it gave me almost lmmedlatn nltnf have used it omv r.wAnt..fmiv hnm m. ,, throat talrjy auijosi entirely weu. 11 is car ou TniuTinm auu aueeuj remedy. V. THOMPSON, 1W8 KorythSt -:.-,v:,-Jtro. Jpo Peiwms Remedy ""7 Is un the best Blood Purifier on 1 he market. " ' 3 H' McADEN wboieaale Druggist , - r cure ou piLjBs. Pns are fouently preceded bv a sense nt f - -Unt et - i,l ,,ng and lower part o abdo- i u. vauv , v.ie pA.ini w swroose ne nas some bucction Of tne kidneys or nlffhorlnr nn.na if times, symptoms of indigestion are present, flat lenoy. nneasiness of the atnnuuth. nts -1 like perspiration, producing a very disagreeable ItChlnsS after eettlnv aum li n Mimmnn ant. Blind, Blading and Itching Plies yield at once to the application ot Dr. Bosanko's Pile Rem edy, which acts directly opon tne parts affected, absorbing the Tumors, allaying the intense Itch ing, and effecting' a nerrruinnnt mm Trin ui cents. Address The Doctor Boron ten KerHnin a Pkrna.0. Sold by L. a. Wilston. ram. Joe PersoB's Remedy Is still the best Blood Purifier on the market. - - -ifuj n. sirs jikm. wnnieiwle Iknursist. MOTHER'S FRIEND- vi-.-.'. - - -r:. -:--: : Not only shortens the time of Iarior and lessens the pain, but It greatly diminishes the danger to life of both - ; mother and child, and leaves the mother in a condition more favorable to speedy recovery, and less liable to - Flooding, Convulsions and other alarm ing symptoms. Its efflctcy tn this re- . spect entitles It to be called Thbs Moth b's Kklend, and to rank as one of the -lite-saving ramedles of the nineteenth century. : . , , .. t -. Send for oar book, "To Mothers," mailed free. , Bradfteld Rxguiatob Co., Atlanta, Ga. CASSARD'g PURE LARD. What the aUotadlnar Grocer of j Baliiaere fay A bo ait It fentiemen astheqnastionof oil?irtureorrm- ciuzeu3,"we niu ,iu& measure in sriting to y-u thtttiWe are fullt ennvtnmrt that th urtM Sfitl furnishing m, is as purb as it can be made. We haveutd1t in our families and sold It to our trade for the tart tweive Tears, and In avmtv in. stance has given entire satisfaction, r I - Hours very truly, --- - .. X. M. Bessb ft Sons. i. . ' i BAirntoBB, Md., Jnne 26th, 1888. Messrs G. Cassard A Son, Baltimore, Md. - Dear Sirs We have sold vour Star Rnmrl T ,rd to the exclusion of aU others, ai d have yet the first package returned, or a complaint of any kind in lelerence to it. - We txke great pleasure in recom mending It. believing it to be a perfectly pure arti cle and one that will give entire satisfaction. very aespectruiiy. yours. Hopper Cator, Baltimore, Md. - .; . Balttmorb. Hd., June 23rd, 1886. Dear Sirs-l have sold Star Brand of Lard for a number of years, and have always found it uni form ana superior in Quality, l believe it to be per fectly free from ths many adul'eratioris row used In the manufacture of this article, at d prefer sell ing It to any other brand -now on the market vi very truly years, . i . WM D. BANDALLi . For sale by leading grocers. c: B. CAS3AET) A SON, Baltimore. Md. . CDBBRS of THB GBLBBRATBO "STAB BBANP" mLD I f: CDBBD HAMS AMD BRBAXff AST STBXFS. 1. W; McCOMBS. Igent for Char otte. - Watch and Clock Maker -AND DEiLIB IN- Watches, Clocks and Jewelry BEL-YES. AND 6ILYZB PLATED WABI, Speptetdes? V, And and a line quality ot VIOLIN and" GUITAR STRINGS. Prices on all goods and work reduced from this date..; . " ' " 1 , Watch glasses, the best onlj 10 cents. ; - Watches cleaned ana waranted for $1.00 . - AAd all other work in. proportion. ; When times ar hard I have prices to suit them. . t jWQAT'S THB HODS when you're wealthy, j" s . . . r .T. T BTTTLER. i JUST RECEIVED, NEW CHOP NOBTHT5B BEANS, &OSHKN BUT I. TKB, NEW BUCKWHEAT FLOCB and nObtheen onions AT S. M. HOWELL'S. -i -. BAKBBT, TBADS STRUCT. . 1 !" ? I i Marivfa Lady is beautiful, all but her skin ; and nobody has ever told &er. how easy it Js to put 'ae&u.ty s0 Beauty cn the skin is Magnolia Ml ; I MIL FRIENDS MM Judging from the efforts our Fair will be visited by thousands tta waao iv o epwitu laiereBb And inspect-the extraordinary offerings our "buyers have sent us -for this occasionr-- As is usually the case a great :maay - buy - presents for their wives, 'husbands and sweethearts. .The v will find that they -can bert da so at our. j -' .- t LV. Mammoth REVERT' DEPARTMENT.1 f mninn'oA a'ttAwaa ' m .t.nt;-. Which Will all be marked OUt in Dlain ties will be found so low; as to at SILKS and VBLLETS, - ' DRESS GOODS and TRIMMINGS, HOSIERY & HANDKERCHIEFS, TABLE DAMASK and TOWELS, CLOAKS and JERSEYS, . CARPETS and CURTAINS, MEN'S CLOTHING, . MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, MEN'S HATS and NECKWEAR. -:0l- TO THOSE Who have been in the habit of patronising us through the medium of our A.,now in pur City, we would say call and permit us to become personally acquainted with you. , ' ' - -"" ..5 r-"'-i-.s-:'i -t. .' l .-- -r- '--'-'f-r' t- ' .-V " : si' .- -" WE BID ALL VISITORS : , CHARLOTTE, N. C. MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED AND PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. t I I. RDM DRUGGISTS, CHARLOTTE, J. C., Say: "Guinn's Pioneer Blood Renewer gives our customers entire satisfaction. We always keep it in stock." JPIOHiEEB". V Is the oldest and best blood medicine on th e market It's record for; usefulness is as "old as the oldest," and itstill goes on do ing a great work for the afflicted. - ; -. y ' CALL AT iJordan cQ Go's IDrurx . St oz?o And - see the new Circulating Xibrary of Gumn's Pioneer select reading matter Tor CI.. n. Jordan & Recommend "Guinn's ol Blood Poison, Rheumatism, Skin-Diseases, &c., &c. . " rffRBN THE DAMP COLD DAYS VV of early "winter brings touches of Rheumatism, take "Guinn's Pioneer" and find quick and permanent relief. - ; Gbidqs Pioneer Blood Renewer Is made by the Macon Medicine Co., of Macon, GaM Price SLOO per bottle; Large: size 81.7 5. . W rite for treatise on Blood and Skin ,-Diseases; t- For sale always by . , J R. H. Jordan & Oq. Charlotte N. C. and PATRONS. worthy citizens have made, this week's of people from all parts of the country. K) till tO vl81t - - - - --- ' - - Establishment. flernrmi. Thanrirvwf thooa flTuwiol. once attract the visitor. A CALL WILL BE MADE MOST PLEASANT A PURCHASE -WILL BE MOST ''PROFITABLE. DSPMBEJSnSE1. ' 7 5 (Do,, a ' Pioneer" in all casca :t: :v-. "s - - i f y i ) - t

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