a fir- W. V , i V" 1 -..IV -crrs,w -at1 Duffy's Pu.g 08Llt VVWsey , , axndl - Duffy's Formula. 1 JJyuentery, Diarrhoea, Crar. Saitoit. Ma- -.I have se4 'rnt Duffy's Pur t witii the moat beaenoial effaota- Gantli - l trouble iu Chrunio liiarrhoBa. . WALTivK HUBBARD, 'C -v BM'WitLCBSTRirr, Chester, P - MkMa.-1 Bava been suffer iug fur tat Mum with Mtwrh ef the stomach (remit of : typhoid fever), Tunninf into dysentery ' aloeration ef Uie lower bowel. The beat brands " of whiskey never nut 4 ray palate until I tested -" jour Duffy's Pare lialt Whiskey, which haa fjivan entirely auiaf a nry results. ' .HAS. A. WEIDNER. BBTAn7williaroa Ofrtmtr, OhlB. . OanttaniM. 1 was troubled with cramps of fee stunuoh for a Ions time, until I found out feur Daily's Pure Malt Whiskey and Duffy' 'ermula. I have used them and find that fcaa raninsde net return, . . . - MARTIN 8CHOTT. . , i Mi. Brm avb.. Pbick's Riix) . . -. . Cinof anat-i. Ohio. I 1 Geattemen. I hare been sick all sue winter j with catarrh of the stomach and dysentery, and I had your Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey the best ,"- remedy 1 ever tued. Please send juurDuffy'a WuUU.tak.w. MRS, MEABA . WrSBTOff. North OaroUna. : ' Gentlemen. For twe years I suffered with Wh&t the doctors called Chronic Diarrhoea, and . eras unable to set rol.ot I was freatljr reduced ' when I oemmenced the use of your Duffy's. t , v Pure -Malt Whiskey, amee whioh I hare ex-, j perieaeed creat rehttf. Vnd hare gained Bears) . .. ... t DOCs OOATE8, - - lot IfORKTS STaKs-I-Philadelphia, Fa. 't '; f Have used the Duffy's Formula along with .' ImSy'a Pure Malt Whiskey, giving it to my ; younsest child of seven years,, quit a flelioata i little thins;. She had been ailing a long tuna . s ; --with marasmus. I am glad W say that toara it : a decided improvement. . JOHN BUHGAIf. ' I UK DUJTT MALT "WHISKEY CO.. BiiiiMoam, Mdv DmV. Formula is a' sT)fef- amiss AU H Waie IUr fur itmit WhUk. eom- ktnsa' wriiitM4t'm&ii rsiii issstsut.-sit itoui iam frm, sntaaui eici sr rt5M . ' um&ktt tineiwUi tUdrmmf mtUtritU, ' er AersSjr t wstsat ami ttrengtk art trwsmsd. it it max yaiateais ana, tfictuicut bf are ij ar a Hon esar mada. . f n as aod oii ssrsvftats at M'if PXR BOTTLM. ; OLD GATAR6H CURE. kKW,009 Bingls Baxaa sold T Sl.B (AVlZ in person, who a travelled all aver tha SAULSP United States. -.Oft m Hnirauu er I irguui er Sy arsu.MV Slav 0L COMPANI e.- OLDsaOL COMPANT ; aJUTlalSKS. HO, vvat CT1 - f7"i ur.y THE GREAT SOUTHERN REMEDY FOR ALL DOWEL TROUBLES AND CHILDREN TEETHING. " There are very few who do not know of this : linte bosh growing alongside ot our moun tains and, hills: but very few realize the fact, that the little purple berry, which so mSny of as hare eaten in most every ehane, there is a principle in it having a wonderful effect oa the bowels. Dr. Bicrcer's Hnckleberry Cordial is the great boctherkkemedt thai restores the little one teething, and curs Diarrhoea, Dysentery and Cramp Colic. When it is considered that at this season of the year sudden and dangerous attacks of iiie bowels are so frequent, and we hear of so many deaths occurring before a physician can be (Sailed in, It is important that ever y beasebold should provide themselves with some speedy relief, a doseof which will . ruleive the pain and save much anxiety. Br, BIffg-er's Hnckleberry Cordial is a simple remedy which any child ia pleased to take..." . - Price, SO cents a bottle. Manufactured by WALTER A.TAYL0R, Atlanta.Ga. Taylor's Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and mullein will euro Coughs, Croup and Consumption. - Price, Si cts. and $1 a bottle. , ;. , , A :, Reliable Remedy N ATU R E 8For Sick stomach, v CURE FOR TorDid Liver. - CONSTIPATION. Bilious Headache, Coetiveneaf), Tarrant's Effervescent Pelixer Aprrlrnt; - It is certain in Us effect. 1r la arantlA In Ita aMlAn Tt f 1 1 I f ID e,ll..W U 111! UV.IVIIl . . w Vie nalfitahlo tAthAtoifrA 1r I JJean be relied nron to cure, . y 77- and it cures hy assisting, i 'xssas' J not by outraging,- nature , i Do not take violent purga- : . . ; tlvea yourselves, or allow ' - ( 1 your chlloren to lake then, prepara- ... .. mym : . Hon, which has been lor i more than forty years a nVCDCDCII publlo favorite. Sold by UlOrCrtflA idrugglsta everywhere. eptSd2m n n n n cilitatd r.:;::. -Tao ara allowed a frtf trial of fTi My da of t1 a of Dr. Iiye's Celebrated Voltaic Beit wlva EnjjaUla Suspensory Appliances, for the peedy' . . t&u4 and permanent cure of Nervous XxbiHtv, loss af Titaittp and it an hood, and all kindred troubles, ' Aiao for many other diseases. Complete restora tion to Health, Vigor and Manhood guaranteed. No risk la Incurred. Illnstrated pamphlat In ssn IsoT muKloae mailed free, hv addressing VOLTAIC CO VUxAtSi, Wnlw ovpB(Jeoiw7m nn0THERS ,M .FRIEND , MAKES ' ';. ' Child - Birth Easy, The time has eome when the terrible , agony of thH critical period In wo i .- man's life can be avoided. ' A distln- . , - ; - guished physician, who spent 44 years -. ' - iu this branch of practice, left to child - bearlDg women this legacy. 1KB Moth- - -.': ant's Fbtbnd, and to-day thete are thousands of women who, having used v this remedy before confinement, rise , ' up and call bis name blessed, we can - rxove all we claim by living wltnessea, , and anyone Interested can call or ' have their husbands do so, and sea the .. oritf nai letters, which we cannot publish- - . All Druggists sell it.?' For particulars address : - Bbauixbld BKQDLAToa Co., Atlanta, 6a. A I ady ln.Xexas Writes. "Urease Is T long standing; has baffled many Urxtctana; have tried every remedy I could bear of, but Bradnell's Female Begulator is all that re lieved me." Write the Bradfield Begulator Co., Atlanta, fja. ana Whiskey Hab its cured at home with', out pain. Book of pur-Ucnla-sent FRIIE. eoHi WhUehaU street. WlMeodAwljr IGGEnS efj n n n n n OH 1S86. EX-PBESIDENT ABTCHJIt.: " ; --Hv Some . Iatterestliiic Remlntcos f. Baltimore Sun . ! r WASHnnGTOW.-Nov. 20. -The " ne wa of the death of ex-President Arthur waa received here with sincere; re gret. Gen. Arthur, although- (or a long time one of the leaders in the politics of New York State, and for a short timev ,brought intos national prominence by the heated Sonoes'in' the Benate over the attempt, finally successful, by the Hayes-administra tion to displace him from the office of collector of customs at New York, was scarcely known in Washington until he became the Chief Executive of the nation by the death of Presi dent Garfield. At the time when Mrv Hayes, at the instigation of his Sec retary of the Treasury, John Sher man, undertook to remove Mr .axtnur, tne nent in the Senate was very bitter. .Mr Contling, . as ' the particular iriena ot collector Arthur, wnom rreeaaentAirant naa, aDDOint ed at his instance, led the fight in his behalf, and it was one iot, if not' the most memorable that was ever urged in thw Senate over ah ;office. fTbe de bate m the executive sessidn of the Senate was lengthy, animated, full of personalities, and if it had been condBcteuwith'cpen . doors., wctuld have attracted oversowing calleries through the entire period : that it las l. The administration, as -wf'4 nat ural, had the support of the ma jority of its own party, but .Senator lute and daring in expedient, drew to bis support a very respectable nnmn ber ol the democratic . Senators, Through their assistance he was able to keep 2tr. Arthur in oirSce, but as oon as the Senate adjourned. Mr, Uaye, under the tenure-or office act. suspended Mr Arthur and put in the appointee ot tsecretary snerman When the Republican convention of 1880 met at Obicaeo, Mr. Arthur and Senator Conkling'were on hand as members of the New s York delega tion. . The entire delegation came with instructions to Vote for Gen, Grant. Tne events vrmcn (cave- bo much interest to the proceedings of that, convention ae still fresh in the public mind The steady fealty of the friends of Grant, the defection in the New York delegation, the bnl liant oratory, the scheming, the machinations, the ' treachery, the bribery, the tacit agreement between the managers for Grant and Blaine that the battle should be fought out between them, the faithful adherence for this understanding- by the Grant element, the violation of it by the Blaine element, the intense excite ment, the mob-like : incidents, and the final nomination of Garfield, are all still well remembered. Tnen tne realization during" the recess of the convention that all hopes of success were futile unless the Grant element was to some extent placated, and the consequent nomination or Gen. Ar tbur for the second place on the ticket, are -well known. Those who were present during these scenes can never forget them, and in their mem ories the proud and haughty attitude of Mr. Conkling and his entire indiN terence to the subsequent proceed mga are still fresh. Then, after the convention adjourned and the mem' bers went home, it can be recalled that no voice came from the friends of Grant, no word of cheer until after the , Maine election in" September, which went against tne Republicans At the earnest personal appeal of Garfield, just prior to the Indiana election, the friends of Grant threw themselves into the breach. Mr. Ar thur, with their approval, went to work in the management or the New York campaign, money was raised in abundance. Senator Conkling took the stump in Indiana, and at the Oc tober election . in that State the tide was turned and the election of Gar neia ana Arthur assured. ' roe in auguration came, Mr. Arthur as sumed the presiding chair in the Sen ate, and bis casting vote,' with the adherence of Gen. Mahone to the Re publicans, gave that party the ma jority. The struggle, which, lasted for nearly three months over; the of fices in the Senate.the for once manly and courageous stand of the Demo cratic Senators, and the necessity to preserve the Republican majority for any emergency, 1 w hich compelled Vide President -Arthur tt) sit in his chair night and day, made him a cen tral figure in the nation, Next came the sudden resignation of Senators Conkling and PUtt because Garfield, through the Blame influence, put in as collector at iNew lort tne, man who had violated and trampled, under foot his obligations as a Grant dele gate, the sudden adjournment of the Senate, the shooting of Garfield, his lingering ' illness and death, and the accession of Arthur to the Presi dency. Guiteau's remark, as he fired the bullet at Garfield, that he' was "a talwart, and this made Arthur President." lost us significance in the conduct of Arthur" after he, as senator Edmunds expressed it, drew the prne of the Presidency through the lottery of : assassina tion' whatever hopes the stalwarts may have had; if they had any, were to a great degree unrealized. ' Ar thur never seemed - to forget the circumstances through which be became the toaster of the White House, and always seemed to be fear ful that he might exposef ; himself to criticism because of his former aEli at:ne. - He put -inter hia cabinet a" prunoufiSoT Blaine -.-man; .and much moreoiten tnan.otnerwige ne lauea to give heed to the wishes and recom mendations of the friends of Grant! This enstranged him and them, and Mr. Conkling, to whom he owed bo much, was particularly estranged as what he considered his want of nerve, And bis forgetf ulness of the associa tions of the past..' During the last two years of his occupancy -of, the, White House scarcely one prominent friend of Grant ever crossed his threshold. The New York politicians who had been the personal 'friends and ' associates -of Arthur also fell awav from him because they could not go to the White House and do as they had done in tne private nouse in New York and in the custom house when be was collector- But they did not properly consider the trying cir cumstances in which he was placed. He was i not a ' happy - man in the White House: far from it. He knew that the eyes of the whole country were upon him, ana that there were many things bo could not do that an other President anight do without Droducing comment. That he wished to make a creditable administration. and one that would be acceptable to the whole people, there is the fullest evidence. His appointments were sueh as to deserve as little criticism,' as could attach $o those of any of his predecessors, although they did not always please the political managers. J 11 I . J J A. - 1 , ana tne poucy auu conuuub ui u ad ministration, created no scandals. Personally he was held in the highest respect and esteem here, and since be went from here to private life, good wishes followed- and have attended him.- It was known that he left here an ill man; physically and mentally, and the news of .his death would not have been a surprise for months past, SUNDAY, NOV., 21, President Arthur was one Of the most distingue looking men of ' hie time, gia chest and shoulders were mass ive, but his height was- such that he wafl epienuiuiy proportionea - rais manners were pleasing ana genue, and ex Senator Thurman once re marked of him that "there was never a more perfect gentleman in - the White House." - - . A MIGHTY POOS VOTE. Oaily Man to tne Square Mile Apaears at the SoHtb Carolina rollrtDewiocraUe with one Ae cord, it- Charleston News and Courier. The vote of the State has not yet been officially announced - by the board of State- canvassers, but ' from complete official. , returns- -received from each county the result of the election for State officers scan be ac curately compied: . Governor John Peter Richardson, 33,114; B. R Tillman, 40. .Lieutenant Governor W. I MauldiA, 33,150 i-Spcretary; of State W Z. Lfitnert f rAttorney General-rJoseph'-' H. Earle, 3-, 763: C. Richardson Miles, 1 Comptroller General William E, Stoney. 32.782. , . . State Treasrirer Isaac's. Hemberg, -. Superintendent of Education JaS. HrRice, 3l 770i A. Coward. 1. ' i : Adjutant and Inspector General- Mi L. Bonham Jr., . 32,758 (, H. IV . AD-ayDumDer-or counties the : vote for Governor Bicbardson was greater than for Lieutenant-Governor Maud" lin. The greatest excess he received was in -Greenville county where he ran 8 votes ahead of Greenville's fa-. vorite son. . Btit in Laurens county the Lieutenant Governor received eleven more -votes than. . Gover nor Richardson, and in Marion 56 votes," making the Lieutehapi Gov ernor jeaa tne tick;et it was in Marion countv that riant R. R. Tillman recived forty votes Jor the Oovernorsbip. v The' majority of tbe regular candidateerCftins., how-! ever.evfr tne comfortable figure of 83, 074, ?, The three scattering .votes for vv-v& vunue-erio Cals KXkOil all .IveW berry. coNsTrrrjTioiiAL axesvwbsto. Both ? the , constitutional amend ments are earned. The vote was as fnllnara . Bond Amendment Yes,l7,463; no, r Census Aendment Yes, 16,799 no, 3,004. Italian Wlteneraf t. Saturday Berlew. " . " .. . From such persons you may . hear that, if any one takes tb eggs out of a ravep's nest, boils them so as to render them incapable of incubation and rerjlacoa thnm tha nai,fc - - . -V w , PMlwu, . UUU will fly to a brook and fetch thence a white stone of the size and shape of the eggs, and, after the brood is fledged and has flown, it is left be-- hind in the nest. Jt has. however. -..-C S A. -ar . - ouuwea a great cnange. it is now ocuu-.rauBparent, ana in every re spect except its weight and hardness is exactly like an egg. If it be placs ed near any poisoned food the yolk uegros to move violently, and thup warns the fortunate nossessor of his danger. . The;, lapwing is even more given to sorcery. It always deposits a stone of the sige of a pea in its nest. What use it is to tbe bird or its fam, uy no one seems to know, if any one finds it and places it-uader the ptUow oi a sleeping person, ne will - answer every question that does not exceed the limits of human knowledge with perfect truth in the language in which it is asked. The marvelous stories, told of serpents are inpumer- eraoie. mere is one about a yard in 1 .a . ata. tengtn, ana as toicK an the upper part of a strong man's arm, which haunts dry wooded places. It is so venomous, especially in May, that not ony will the i first person it bites Z. ; a.1 a. . i - a . iu iiaup moniB aie nimseir, Dut any one who stand beside or comes to help him will share the same fate If he falls beneath a tree, that too. or. if it be very large, at least one half- of it, will be killed. Again, serpents 01 au Kinos are; very xond or muk. In "the old days, before the railway m : 11 1 i - - . . . was built, a coachman, who used to drive between doggie and. laolee. once fell asleep outside a little inn while his horses were baiting. His mouth was open, and a snake crept down his throat. After this he felt unwell, though he did not know whv. and none of the doctors could , tell what was the matter with him. . At last be consulted the professors of the university ot Naples. They hung bim up bv bis feet and nlaced a howl 11 1 . 1- , . . M. ' 01 uiujt ueneatn nis neaa. i ne snake, attracted by the smell, crept out to driDk, but stilt kept a great part of its body in tbe mouth and throat of the coachman, A vouns doctor sprang forward,, pulled it out and threw it away, when it was killed. It was about two and a half feet in length After this the patient was as well as ever. f A Vessel and Crew Lost In Lake Superior, Chicago. Nov. 20. The Inter- Ocean's Washburn, Wis., special confirms the loss of the Lucerne with all on boaid -The special says, news is just received here that the steamer Lucerne which left here last Monday evening ..w;th.-,j. cargo . ,of4.Qre,;,for Cleveland, has gone to the bottom of Lake Superior with all on board. She was not kwwnrto have beeq Been af ter- sue itsit.. uwb uniu weanesoav wnen uapi. urea .euy.oi (he steam er carge, saw her turn about and head for this port for shelter. She not arriving her yesterday morning. VUpV. UUCai.U ' VUO AJOlgO ' X0101fi,U. who bought the Lucerne telegraphed to ttavneld for a tug to go in search of her. ; The steamer Barker imme diately started out. She had only gone, a few mues wnen spars were seen just above tne water aoout a mile south and about ten miles from this itv. - Three men were found lashed in the rugging.- They; were immediately cut loose and brought to this citv last night. Unto- is recog nized as being the second mate. The vessel is lying in forty feet of water; The Lucerne lett this port with a crew of nine men alt 6f whom are Supposed to be lost. - The tog Brown, of Bayfield, searched, abaut the wreck all day for. more bodies bat found none. The bodies were cover ed with from one to six inches of ice. and the Lucerne is supposed to have gone4 to tne oouom .some time Wednesday night. The wind blew a terrible gale that njght, with a blind ing enow storm from the northeast. ' -? .j " - p Ienton Hof Drops ; Db, tt VlozuiTi-IXwr Slu 1 hare sulTered lot Ave years witn a severe eough and long trouble I saw your advertisement oi Lemon Hot Crops, and nrocured a small 25 cent bottle: having tried every cough sjrup and lozenge that I could hear ot with not little benefit; 1 had small faith In IU To my surprise i derlfed benefit bom the first dose. My eongh left me, also the soreness ot my lungs, hy the use of four small bottles only. My cough was so severe as to produce hemorrhages, at the time l began to ose It, and the relief was so great that I sfcaeiw feel grateful tojm. ' Kor 4 Orange sfrett Atlanta, Ga. : Sold M all leading drugglsta, 85 aeota.v I're oarei by JL Mooter, M. a. Atlanta, Cft-. r. . ... Mj-swaoe i-eriea'g uemeay Ugtrn the best Blood Partner on tne market. IV. fa, awavaui TT 11"" aaadanaenma as well as distreaamf complaint. H neffleotea.it tends, by fanpainnc cutritton, and -da. anna tne tone 01 ua aniiaui, w prepare aaa waa . CEST TC":C Oniekly and emnletels l.farea DysDenHiR-fa all riBarn, ucicsing, 'X'aaiinar t ne Lima- DaatoT i f tiia-t . ma ttaionnea unnrcn. naitimore, an, sr v. Having used Brown's Iron Bitters forD inata and Ixtdisestion I take great pleasure in oasa saendina It highly. AlaoconaideVitaapleaduaWiav anqmi ' HOB. Jant) wavrV homi- oaiPK O. Sure, Judge of OlraoJt 1a Tn1 aava T hear mnat iJia-, I, .minfani fbi . Tnd . aava ' ia tea emoaoy ox town's Iron Bitaif for j rjai rrTrnili aaaaw aso a svuiv, at :luv -Qannina baa above Trade Hark and eroesMt&as on wrapper. Take na other. HadeoniibF nitoWM crtHMTiTAL ce-i aAXTiMof ; ita tiiUiniiyij. AN ENORMOUS STOCK - V OF CHOICE GOODS ,v -- V BRIGHT. f AND .NEW In - 4 i r V . ' f OtJR DISPLAY '. ": f6F FALl5bVERCOATSlS,) " ' RE ALLY pisRFECT '" f K ; BlETrrERL'LARGER' AJiSl ,!f MORE STYLISH THAlf YOXT WILL fiSgELSE WHERE' " 'CHARLOTTE. fas,-: Boys Jonth"aiiMliiI- i - " rlnnn'a flnr.!r.i '' OF EVERY GRADE, , , , - - -1 QUALITY AND TEXTURE . -- - J - - IN ALL NEW AND POPULAR -4:- n " -i .- DESIGN3. VERY LATEST FALL AND WINTER. STYLES. Famishing Goods ".'Dtpir't. IS ALSO STOCKED r - . . i " - . . i . : ' WITH CHOICE ASSORTMENTS OF RTCH AND HANDSOME t FANCY AND PLAIN- '41 " i - . UNDERWEAR. Hi PLAITED v BOSOM- SHISTS. , " LATEST- STYLES IN SCARFS AND TIES. djoii ME -IN- AND TAKE" A LpOK TO-DAY. W. ' KAUFMAN & CO., . 'leading Clothiers. eor.lCentral .Hotel l- i . ; ' v Orders from abroad promptly attended to, 1 pre tor Kama IMOlina. n -m - "n.-aai ' L COMMENCES ' j ''" A KK KK - 1 l . FALL TRADE. ' - 1 -"-. tr - -. r - - - i, n mi Efcry f I HAIR DALSAM S tbe popular favorite for drearies; I tha hair, Bestorhig color when ji pray, and preventing Daadraff. 4 It cleanses tha scalp, stops tha hair falling', aad is sure So please. hi its-.., ..-. - V1 8e;aml81.WatDrnggiMi . - HINDERCORNO. The safest, surest and bestenre for Ooms, Bniuons., Kopsallpaihi Ensures oomfort to the feet. Never rails lueure, 14 eenuat IrugBi.-t. . Biaoox at Oo-V. K '.J J l .. . . -. - ... '- T ' ' ! '': 4 - Jl ft J-S;-A 2S-, Ja.fH-, sorts1 of 'ailSijOf- n hi -n ' !r &.a.t ' ' nceq - ar icoolifcg ; n. aiu)gI-iniine'nL .' I SOUTH CAROLINA DIVISION. ' ; October lOtta, 188. FOB TEUC IHPOBMATION 0? TUB PUBLIC, SOUTHWAED. f2. t48, , STATIONS. aiau and Mall and Way t i Blpre88.lKxDre88.ICch At e a P.M. A. if. Charlotte. Ft den, Lv. 4.45 .... Trade at DLv.LOO rve ue tildln-r Flneville FortMU . , las ijj? 6.07 5.30 6.05 6,25 6.45 7.80 , 7.43 ,7 67 9.15 . 9.48 . 10.15 10,25 11.00 ; 11.25 11.45 12,10 , 12.23 12 37 1,00 1.45 2.30 2.43 1.44 1 5U Catawba T O;.,- Bock urn. l.i.2 2.16 a.22 warren' mlth' : Lewis' Chester Corntyairs 2.30! 2.45 3.03 . 8.12 8.18 3 80 3.37 il BlaeKstock's rr uwrnny a White Oak Adger's , .Wlnnsboro 8. 48 " - i'ftPepot nuBauui . . -1 .. i. Slmnann'a . I -1- 36 4ua! Bldgewa; ; Blrthewood f- t 1 4.10 4. eharpe's , i KlUlan'S Columbia ' i. 9 - - - I 4.41 4.49 5.12 A. M. Lv. 6.15 B&r.eoi BLv.6.60 AT. . 8 26 5.2. M. W.C.4A. JuBC'n 6.2 6.53 e.is) 6.28 Lexington I Ban's Keisler's ' -1 Lewledala Sununit - t LeesvlUe t - , Batesburg , 1 ' BldgeXprlnrs -Ward's T. 0. : , Johnston's Trenton t . Miles' Hill : Vaucluse araaltevtii- Aiken junction ' Langlejr .. - Buih f 7.17 7.26 7 88 7.41 7.46 8.04 6 4a! 6.46 6.60, : 7.07 , 7.13 7.35 7.45! ' 7.56 6U3 0M 8.84 8.11 830 8.40 -8.60 - 9.06 SU7 . 927 9. 9 38 8 421 '8.451 8.501 a.64, .43 9.47 iwaarau KObTHWABU. t53. -47. tl7.' - STATIONS. Mail and Express, Mall and Way Fr't Passenger Express. JC'chAt'cd P.M Augusta '- "; Dead Fall . -Bath A8fenejunctlon : eranltevlile , Vaaclase ' MUes' Hill . , Trenton Jounston's Ward's T. O. BaaK! LeeevUIe Summit . 1 ' Lewiedale Keisler's Bar's taxlngton - W. C.3; A. Jqnoa Co?urn,la. knilan'e Sharp's Blrthewood Lv. LT. 6.00 9.47 9.51 9 67 10.U 6J7 6.81 6 87 Sir. 6.89 aLv. em 1U.08 10.20 10.34 7.06 7.18 7SSi 10 61 7.60 8.1ffl bJJO 8.42 8.48 11.321 U88 H.62 11 67 12.00 9.03; 9.08! 9.11 9-27 12.21i 12.30 9.36 dATli.561 10.06 ULT I A. M. AX. 1. Lv. 1. L?. . 7.00 -2.05 aja 2.84 2.471 2.54 740 .- 7 62 8.P7 8 60 nugaway . Elmpson's Boeaton -WUuutboro 9,23 9.36 8.02 3.15 8Ji2 " ITrt Depot 9 50 10.82 1045 augers White Oak Woodward s Blacks tock's Cornwall's Chester ' 6 44 8.51 11.27 11.45 ttlQ 12 40 126 2.00 2.50 J I AT LV Lewis' Smith's 44 ' 4.42 4.49 ! Warren's Bock Hill Catawba T. O.l : xortMlU PltevUle Siva T lllSldtna- 8.02 8.25 4.00 4,15 - 4.50 6.18 5J 6.14 5.22 642 5 661 - 6.161 CharloUe. Trade St. - Fr't Dep. Ar P. 6.40 M. A. T. & O. lltlSlO-ft T t62. 8TATIONS. 80TJTHWABD. Mall and Hipress. M. 8tatesy01e Trcntmaq'a I Sbepnerd7! ' MooxesvUle Mount Mourn !- Davidson College Caldwell's - . HuntersvUle UmewalP Section Boom Charlotte i Lv 880 8.52 9.15 .9 80 . . 9 48 10.00 - 10 20 1080 10 66 11.12 AT 11.30 A.M. STATIONS. NOBTHWABD. Mall and Kx press. P.M. Charlotte section House i . 8tortewaU -. " Huntersyllle -Caldwell's - " Davidson College : Mount Mourne ' Moresville : : t Shepherd's f Troutman's - k StatesvUle - i Lv 6.50 7.09 76 7.45 7.54 8.10 " 8.25 840 -8 58 922 Ar 950 P. M. Local Freight Na. 17. with rjajumnimr erumh at. lached, runs dailly. I il n An I rMi-kt Km ,Q ri.v . (-vwiA iBieuf v. to, vribu yaoBCilxor ououu air tached. runs daily. , . -- fKlag Stations: Trains stop only when notice or signal is given i fDally. ID&lly except Sonday. b Breakfast. D Dinner. 8 Sapper, Nos 52 and 53 on a- T. 4 O. Division, daily, ax 1 cept Sunday. u rueexiays, -rnitrsaays, ana Saturdays. $ Mondays, Wednesdaf s and Fridays. - Where no time Is given trains do not stop. -Time, 75 Meridian or Eastern. -Bt B.TALCOTT, ... ' "D. CABDWBLL. Snperiatendent. - Ass't Gen. Pass. Agent. "TMJ LfeE BOOK. 99. MEMOIRS OF ROBERT E. LEE, j BySnzBal, A. L. LONG. : ' : It. full history of his' military service and eam Dalens. written by ven. Lone, from data eolhwted while a member ot the personal staff ot 8en. Lee. and from letters and material contributed by the Lee family, commended by the Governors of Virginia and North Carolina and anrtroved br the Southern delegation in Congress. His private, domestic ard personal history, from Information heretofore unpublished, furnished by irsonat inenas, companions in arms, ' ana lead e men of the South, collated and edited with the assistance of Sen; Marcus J. Wright ' ." ; -- ' The whole formining a comprehensive and ac curate and standard memoir of the illustrious toldler. comDiete in one volume, about 760 nw. fniiv illustra'ed with oortratta. muDS, etc. . Hold bv mh- subscrlption only. For descriptive circulars ad dress J. M. srODPART ft CO., Co , Publishers, itsar Htreet, Washington. D.C. "Canvassers wanted to sell this honk, and fortius. kail's Atla Of the World: forth T,lf and Snwhua of John B ttough, and for all of J. M. Stoddart A Co's publioatlons. For terms npply to ' ' '-aana. U' W - en'l Agent, . ' OOv6dAw2t Charlotte. N. C." CAPciNE)I :: .nHanT ' t Highest Awards ot Medals In Europe and Aiterica The neatest, qMckeet, safest and most powertni remedy known it Bheumatism, Pleurisy, Neural Hia. aiumuagu, xwuaauiro, weaKueas, colas in tus onesi ana au acnes, ana . paina, indorsed by 5,000 Physicians i and Druggists of tbe highest repute. - Benson's blasters promptly relieve and cure where, other plasters and greasi salves, liniments and lotions, are absolutely use: ltsg. Beware Of Imitations under similar nnnndii ins names, mich as "Capsicum " "Capucin," "Cap Biciue.-: astun sre uueviy woruuess ana intended to deceive, asxtob Bbnsom'b amd takb mo ami ma. Alt druggists. - .i -t ,i.. SABUUT 4 JOfiNSON, Proprietors, New Tors:. DEAFNESS nmr and . aniwioaafiil ViUKX, at your own home, by one who was deaf twenty-eight years. . Treated by most of the noted specialists of the day with no benefit. Cored him self la three months, and since then hundreds of others by tbe same process. .. Full particulars sent on application s T. S. Pa6K, No. fl Vest Slat St, New York, City; i oct24d W4w. ' . -. t 1 i NOTICE. ! i LL ACCOUNTS DTJK MB MUST BE PAID Bf t December 16th. After that date I will be com pelted to toroe collections If you owe me pieasd call ands-tttle. M;old business must be closed. I ; BOvTdAwlKt . 0 , i, B..WBISTON. Academy SALEM,' . ; . f -rieHTV-THtBD ANNTJlL SESSION BEGINS Sit September 2nd, 1886. For catalogue apply to &CT.. BDWABD RONDTHALBB, D. D., .f Bar. J0HH H. CLZWSLL. , JnlTl8d8m . .,PHndpal. AT. ID Lit. 10.1a FMl CP ---I' ": 1 ' '" - '-- "7 EnCUGE HE Boggiei f and CwiafesNortii - BY - TYSON & JONES, UTo shoddy work, 1 f 'f ' i - 1-; 13 We are at nome, and we can always - WE ARE i The largest Carriage Man ufacturers in North Caro lina. '-'' . !' - For Dnrabllliy. i ' . Style and llnlsb, we are un surpassed, . -- , I :o: m. XS.: For by JL. (Tatciison Co., Cbarlotte, Tan Glider & . Brown. Aataeiriae, M. C, W. Sntltndeaf, 8illti1ai-y, If. -' :.-V;Belc nrother fc j tVrlglit- - Knelby. If, & - , i I - W. II. Waiianua, If eirtoB, ft. C - - TYSON & JONES, Carthage N. C. 1 ,: : ,'Mf ww itir Jerseys ! Jerseys! !' Jerseys! ! ! IIS' A large and handsome line in pcjo jubv 1'oueivuu uuu wiu ue soia IBURGESS i - " - - - - . . - WHOLBSALX AND BKTATL DXALAB IX ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE BEDDING," &C. A. fnlT Una' of ' rwifiP Rrr-W9sra- LOUNGKS.Parlor and Chamber fiuita. CoPi una oi ail ainos on hand. No. 5 West Trade Street, Charlette. North Carolina. ELI A CHARLOTTE, N. O, ; . - - -V K M .to, " S5 " t 13 " P5 A . - pv -M I A 'creat Varintv of Rfidrnnrri snifji . AXft . '"J 7 "NO CHARGE FOR DRAYAGE. " WmTBSRRiCES. Ia J. WALKXB. & r. bbyan L: J. t CO.; Wholesale and Betafl Grocers. ifaBW Fiftiit ; -. TfEw iaooifM t ; li ON the first day of January ,1883,the undersigned entered into a eoartnership for the pnrpeee of carrying on a s . -..- . - '..';- ' '- ' , "-'" General Grocery Basiiiess . - j ' - -.",. - ! i-, , . ;'. - - .; ',: -!. At "the old stand of Springs PurwelL corner Tryon Fourth streets. We are .inaUfled by long experience, to meet the demands of the trade, and give satisfaction to our ciaromer;-r v J We. will keep on hand st all timet a fun stoek of FAOHY SOPPIJES Which will be delivered in any part ofttt - e of charge. - - .- - , ' ' -" ,'- -.. . - - . 1 v1 v: ETRESffivpEiui. ; t We win not be undersold la t' Cfcariotta inarket I' - H There ts a good wwori rdtn the rear of our store tor (no aneommodat w our L. J. TAL3ER C: C3. WALKER IflDUSLlY, - Carolina Male, Carthage, N. C. Every Buggy, Carriage or Phaeton that leaves our shot is guaranteed. JX 'm S-L be found to make good our promise WE CLAItl To be able to compete sue .cessfuUy, in price and quality, with ' tha best aanufaetUTers In v the -i North and West. Plain, Braided. Bouclo and Fancy Jer cneap. S & OOHKN NICHOLS rf . o a W CD CD er K SB pr a o P -t CO fl? 'Hi CD 10 Q H CD trnm ton na t.n i nn nn . t,-t- --ewwawv v fiwu,VVi ...MlVi BU1W Ea M ANDRE WSa-h City Lots For Sale THE MOST ELIGIBLE BLOCK OF ; . . LOTS EVER OFFERED IN . "THE CITY! f Q ACBBS 09 THE WHITS GRADED SCHOOL lO Grounds have been laid off In streets, and dl- vraeaupinTow lots oy tne city autnoraies and are now offered for sale- - - Anyone wishing to buy a lot for a dwelling con venient to the trradfd School and business would do well to eali at once and examine the map of the grounds and get prices - I - B- E. COCHRANE, Manager " julyzi - Charlotte Seal Estate Agency. SPECIAL We Special Inducements trade In to our customers and he WATCHES. CLOCKS, JEWE1BT, DIAMONDS, SILVEB and 8I1.VEB-PLATED WABE, . ! ' - SPECTACLES, Ae., o Special attention given to repairing Watches, Jewelry. Ae. . W. H. FARRIOR A; BRO. Opp. Central Hotel, Charlotte, N. C. i - FOR SALE. - C ( ! Two desh-aWe building- tots, 50x300 feet, OO fronting on South Tryon street, adjoining the property of J. H Carson. Shade trees oa lots. Will be sold separately or together. Price $700 CHAKLOrTB REAL -ESTATE AGENCY. . Safes for Sale.- Two crood second hand safes wfn be sold cheat One MTLLEB'S. One HEBBTNCr'S. Apply to Chas. B. Jones, a n tepWvrtt this rmcx It"-. " Mr I: -: jS2Ymffr-!1 st.VL! i ire Now Olrioff J. II. Men OFFERS TO THE : rVholesale i Retail Trade , FIVE TONS IWENTY BARRELS , " .i A Large Stock of hi Mm Ytirnishes, Etc. ONE CAR LOAD aiLL AT CLOSE PRIQES. J.H.McADEN i IrvArrlsT. RJ. 000HEABE. 0HA8. E.'JOHES i CHARLOTTE REAL ESTATE AGENCY. . R. E. COCHRANE, Managbb. THIS AGENCY WILL BUY AND SILL LANDS of every description and In any part of Norttt or South Carolina, and will rent property in the city of Charlotte, collect rents, attend to repairs and make prompt returns, and if desired wQl at tend to payment of taxes, effecting of insurance. All property put Into our hands will be V AdTerttstjd Free of Cost Kor a stipulation previously agreed upon. - 1 One dwelling house on B street, 7 rooms, closet to each room, well of good water, lot 99x100 feet, in good nei-borhood. Price, $ooo. QOne dwelling on Poplar street, 10 rooms- lot 099x198 feet, brick kitchen, outhouses, stable, will of 8od water, sold on terms to suit purchaser Price, $4,000. . Of) Twolots, Nos. 297 and 808, square 46, front JaSi tog 99 feet on B street and running through to C street. On the premises is a two-story fran-e dwelling, seven rooms and small storehouse. 9 j Tan yard at LowesvUle. N C.,: 23 ther vats, 1 pool, 2 lime 1 shop house 1X22 bark house, bark mill house, stable, dwelling; io acres Jandeonnected with tan yard. PrtwTsl.eoo, er will lease for 5 or 10 aears on reasonable terms. - 10 Jne 8toI' tnune dwelling and lot on 8 tones 4eS wall street Price $5ooT . JO One lot and a half lot, unimproved, on the x- corner of B and llth streets. Prise $650. i D.1 r. TOMPKINS . v r : ' XNGINXXBS AND CONTBACTOB& " PlGDbic:& Steam Fit .'A" SPECHLALiTT. j Beet Material and best workmanship. LADIES wanted tagetnp Tea Clnba far awr rnr Teas and coffees. Abort of uwfol artieles -selectfrom as premlnm. Send for Illustrated Price and Premium Llit Special Of err Te a vary tenth person thtt answer, this advertisement, we will send free one pound of choies Tea -' address - . NAT'L TEA AND COFjTlUK CO., atosTrw MAM ' 0ct24datw8ia i tpedal Diabetie Food, repauine Flofara. ffBf Debility ,and Children's 17 free from Starch. ians and clergymen -who '' EndiorCircular Watertown, K. X. SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE Published monthly S With Illustrations; FIRST NUMBER READY DEC. 15th. 8r,vmma ViAimm k. -V.... . .... i UlutenNFlourfcidg are mvaiuaDie wasKt IyBpepelsviSiaei naoa. ovrafiunais. SixlbTreethysj sense a magaz re of general literature and each . T number will be fully Illustrated - ' v ' - r-ome of tbe most notable papers to'appear dor- ' Ing tbe ftrt year are a serious of Chpubushxd --.iXTi :.-irs -jr uo- uBujvw ,Mi.,-iuimi x ri. wasnourrre'a - -Reminiscences of th$ Seige and Commane of Paris" w- w- ' . . v. nvinrsfw MvrTla. Mint-ter to France at tbe close of the last centurr ' : igWng descriptions of soeial life- and- haracters ' . at ee time) ; a collect ion ti eortemaorary lettera ' describing Early New York and New- England So- -clety.. , ' - ; . There is much excellent fiction. Incfudlrc a' ."' ' rial h a.vnM ttryU,rln. -IT, . . ---- - . "" mY oaKniuuig lurrucu several rumbers ty ri. C. Bunner, J. 8. of DaTa. " and others; and short stories by . L? Stevenafln ' ' . st . 1;1 wri ansa iew en. Mh. - -"""" - wori ana a J-ifSW BIM!? W ?ry earl) vv OAn,r7i VIA 4Wiail8lB! IXe. TTIl. John fiJpeson "the pTrTfaTu f CjtalS Green'r on Coast Defence, ere, etc -V"1"" SCKiBWa-B's MAGsznrB will be published at ti 00 a year, or SS cento a single copy. ibacrlnrnai maybe sent to any rew cerr booker t2 -CHABXE3 8CIBNEB'S80N8,Wers? A '-J . .-if -