- J. 4 y , 5 J n n ? - 1 1 4 i if VOLUME XXXIV. CHARLOTTE, N. 0,; WEDNESDAY; NOVEMBER 24,M86. PRICE FIVE CENTS. C0 ' H'rttrW- iff J 0 -x v ' ' J " v - - " 1 v 71 . r 1 1 V - PRICES FOR CONSinERATION & COMPARISON -to:- Brocaded Silk Visiles, 8rik lined, fur-trimmed eoonej tails, at $12.00. Brocaded SUk Velvet Visites At $11.00; QuUted Talmmings. silk, wamt VISITES, For Trimmed, Silk Lined at $ia&0. Astrakhan Visites, Far TrlmmM, Cooney Tails at 9.00. ? DIAGONAL VIMTES, " Astrakhan Trimmed, at $500. , - . Big LofDiipDal Newmarkets . At $S.MGood Quality. - nAlVpBOSlB STOCK ' Of J enter Cloth and Newmarkets, the most deatra ble goods otilic season at $8X0, $13 to. il&OO. Children's .; Garments In great varletr, at prices that cannot be bettered. Baodsorae Use of JACKETS In Seal Plush, Astrak han and Dtrigooal materials; prices va ln (ma 490 to $18 J&l. New tot Bono e Jackets at $2,00. Sxamineraj stock ana he result will be a pur- T.L.SEIGLE. LOOK AT THIS, To cloee out the following popular offer: Handsome Brocade VISITES, WRAPS VISITE3 WRAPS Finest Astrankhan . Elegant Best Boucle Newest Silk . Full Stock of Cheaper Wraps, at popular prices. 1. L. HEESLEffi &;C. 8UCCXSSOBS TO ALSXANDXB HABBtS. . ' n : A rl ,VV ing treatise GANGER) Vj$ yJr SSV. Blood and A - (tjr - (Vwvs' Bkin DlSeases is - V. V-CSVVV X mailed free to all; ECZEMA, (QSSSSyo Atlanta,Ga. Promptly and most C) effectively eradiNoS Jy ' fA1 ' remedy. ' . 0 Permanently Cared by " ,7 ESTASUSHED USED IN ALL X870 OVER EGBi3i50 PARIS OF THE. WORLD 5 AftBlAQEd 0, Catalognm and Prices on application.'- Sold by ailtbe best Camatre Builders and Dealers. . CINCINNATI, V. H. A. . " , Cable Address. COO-CC . ppRSALEORRpT- 1'A VOCB HOOlf' COTTAGK with basement room. Id a gooi nelhoorhood, on Ujers street, ?f"f bhtk'm room HOUSE with a lane lot. food stable and an excellent well of water, on yrjen Street near Lincoln Depot. A eood locality AddIt to 'Carta DB. P. tnnittnt DoaraiDS nouwi. WANTED AW ACmrt AS? BELUBLK PIB30H T-0 BfHISBKMl- " . .- A IIFE Mf.inaJICE CO T tbarai terms and arrangements. Address with references, - NATIONAL MUTUAL LIFE AS3f 1420 P St., Washington, D. O. . ;y - ' Oar store will be closed THANKSGIVING"": DAY; rsday, Rerember SStta and handsome NEW WRAPS, we worth $30, 25, . 25, 20, '18! 22 50 for $24.45 20 75 21 00 18 00 15 00 19 00' fo the VICTOR LAUBEli" "' Pr-mmnt la ty higW qualtty, the tiANAN SHOE hs beooms th recognized ttandod for fin wsar amonc ditenminatmg gntlmit - For sale by aprl A. X. BANf IN 8BQU . eioffcj, p. c, Printing Press Tor : Sale. T- RAW SV1B fllTil a aamnlate Adams Book 1 and Newspaper Press. Size at platen StxSO Inches. The maoblne is in good order, made o Him Jk fln.. standard work. - - LlstPrtse . -. ' . - $2,94000 Wlu be sold for - - ..ow on terms to suit porebasetv ..vj 'j. . - . - CHAS. B. JONKS. : Thai t 0. the FREE TICKET FIENDS. DOW TIIE JOKADLY 'DEAD HEAD" BETS lit HI8VOBE; ' AT THE THEATRES. - Th Indefatigable Cbaraetera wittt Whom the Ticket-Sellers mad Doorkeepers) Hsre to Straic iCleFllmsy Pretense of Tlseae Who Want Compllmentaries Freaks of Human nature as Ob erred in the Lobby. New York World. To get into a theatre without oav ing appears to be the ambition of one, half the civilized world. - Men who would scorn any petty meanness re garding their every day affairs seem to fancy that the theatres and its at taches are their legitimate orev. im !. at. . . a a " w case is ine Biave wno pays is a sentiment with which tbey are freelv in accord, and their methods of oper ation are in many cases amusing when not exasperating. The ticket gate at a theatre is a grand place to study human nature, and the quiet. perhaps saturnine, gentleman who stands beside the doorkeeper to see that he doesn't pocket any of - the tickets -and flashes - his diamonds upon the awenatruck multitude. could, if induced to speak, make the dry bones of the deadheads rattle with weird tales of their uncanny conduct. When "Lea Manteaux Noir" was being played at the Standard theatre, some years since, a "bowling swell" walked up to the door and accosted the burly business manager thus: uooa evening." : i "Good evening, sir." "I'd like to step in a moment " "Tickets at the box-office, sir." "Aw, yaas, of course, but I dont wish to buy a ticket. I I think I ought to have the entree heah." "And wnyr "Well-ah, you-ah know Miss Brook- set, of course!" . 7 "Miss Brookset, of our company t Of course." - T:. t "Well, I I think I ought to have the entree here because I often take Miss Brookset out to supper, dontcht yerknow." -. He bought Ins ticket - f - "Where are your tickets, gents !? asked the doorkeeper of a St. Louis theatre to a line of : men who con- fronted him in "Indian file." - i "It's all right." shouted a man at the end of the . line." "I've got the tickets. , There twelve of us with me. Count 'em as they go in." - "'La you go, gents," said the door keeper, and he tallied off eleven who immediately mixed 'with -the crowd within. -- The Ueberus turned to look for the holder of the tickets, but he had. disappeared, and eleven men saw the performance sate trom identitn- cation in the tremendous throng of people.: . . ' r -r. - - s xatae Jtta nas a pertect norror or deadheads, -perhaps because she is so very, much alive herself. Id a certain town in this State she was in troduced to a gentleman with whom she was. very; much charmed.. ' He was ecnolarly , handsome and well-to- do. V-i'-t v-l;.r; Wa;J;A;-y.)"-.;y 'He'll come to the theatre tonight," said -the acresa to her manager, '-nd I fancy, from what he said lie wants to buy a box," " v :-. "nope be does." Temarfced the sen- tenious - representative. .-. -There's plenty of 'em." - 'if'.j:tv That night. the manager went oes hind the scenes and informed the lit tle lady that hers was - the largest house of the season. "I don't see Mr. "," ebe sauL 'Oh,' yes, he's in front, ''was the re ply. - ; "4 aian't see mm in we poxes, re marked the dramatic cocktail. " Well, no," re joined , the manager, with a gi la oc -' intense enjoyment. " tie came in on a bill board pass." - ' "What?? "Bill board pass," When the gentleman called in the morning Lotta was not at home I While the "Black Uroolt" was piay ing at Indianapolis years ago.a young man walked up to the ticket gate and handed in ten admission tick ets. -: ... --v v s : "Will you please remember that I have given you these ten tickets," he said. "And when I bring nine feN lows you will pass them in and say nothing r i - i The doorkeeper glared at the tick ets. They were all right He looked at the manager. "Why, certainly, replied the functionary, "provided you'll tell me your little game later, for this puzzles me." . " Agreed, and the young man ais- appeared. i j . - ; r . , JTiiteen minutes later, ne resuroea with nine young fellows, who laughed incredulously as he stood at the gate and motioned them into the theatre. But their jaws dropped as they en tered the sacred portals unquestion ed. and they looked at their leader wiin auminug two. , jjaucr m w evening the manager prooea me i "whole affair. ' In a rash moment the youog man boasted that be could pass as many of his friends into the thea tre free as he saw fit Bets were made -that he couldn't, and to main tain his credit with his companions he had adopted the : ingenious course mentioned He should have become a ward politician. - " - - Joe Murphy, the Irish comedian, rushed into a shop in a Western town not long since to buy a collar. -. He was just on the train, grimy ana dusty, and couldn't get at his bag gage "How much?" he inquired, as he pocketed the collar. , "That's all right, Mr. Murphy," said the shopman cheerfully. "Just five me a couple of seats for to-night. hatHdo.", Murphy gasped. , "A couple of seats?" he replied. "Why, that means $2. How much is this collar?" . - - "Twenty cents." The harmonious blacksmith pulled out his purse. - - "They tsaii . me . toieraoiy wen to do," he said, as he planked down the. 20 cents, "but evea the Vanderbilts 1UU I wear w wunrm. w The small towns, however, develop a class of deadheads of which the cits ies know but little. - There is the man. who comes for the doctor. ' waits until the audience ia seated and then gallops wildly up to the gate and ao f.nata t.hrt dnnrkftfloer. who in these rT rT Tr sr t --..--n t-t- vgon't tnow, Vm-sure.n "He's wanted down ht right away.': Can't you see if he's in side?" ' - - ' "The manager, if not "ud to'' the little game, jsaysi ! , "1 wouldn't know hun. . . Uo in yourself and look for him." not for a doctor,' ; but a seat- from which the irate manager maYj'yanfcM him later by the hair of his ba .. . Then there i? the man who will spend a dollar in drinks to get a. 0 cent "pass," the' woman who hag one ticket for herself and five children the member of the orchestra -who wants to "pass" bis wife; the police (in small towns the whole force seem inclined to - crowd in and leave the town unguarded); the ciriua stable, men. who call themselves 'membere of the profession :" the , usher, trho wants to deadhead his girl ; the laad lord of trie hotel, with a "family" made up from among bis neighbors; the . man who has two , 'lithograph' tickets", and wants the best seats and oftentoo often this: ' v-i ' "Are you the manager?" f "Yes, sir." v - A card is thrust , into the m ignates hand It reads 'Gerald GleodSwer, correspondent of t he Political ft con -omy Qaxette. the Arizona-Free Trad Organ, the Homcopatic' Home Jour nal, and cable correspondent of the Dundee Dodo ' s , s "Well sir?" ' . - - . ' " "Ah 1 Tve heard , that' you have magnificent nerformance. - and thought I'd like to mention it irjtny numerous papers." - "No objection; toyou mentiociiog it at all." - w . "Ah! But I can't mention it-un less 1 see it." .- "Box office right over there. "c- "Ah I But 1 never pay. That card admits me everywhere. " ; ; - -"No it don't. ' Doesnt ' admit you herei n . - . , r t, "B-but" 'What earthly good is the Arizha Free Homctpafhie Political Dodo go ing to do this show? . You tellows make me tired " Then I can't go in?" ; r . -; - "Not unless we dally with yor wealthl" - Oh, very; well.- The show's? no good : I'm sure of that. - I'll give you ablast in my papers- -Helpl.PoV ce 1" and be gets out five inches in advance of the manager's boot, i -- You think the latter too severe? Well, perhaps he is, but he has been pestered by a dozen such press barns aoles I within ; an . hour. ; Reputable newspaper men or reputable theatri cal people . are seldom refused i ak mission at the door of a theatre. ', ' Then there is the man who is con nected with the "prof ession,", : V For instance "Good evening (cheerfully)." "Good evening (gruffly)." -"Fine evening,", ' . .-, -:: - , i.- ' I 'How's the bouse? Good crowd inside?". VFair." '."You ought to . stayed here t iwc nights." - - i "No, thank you." "Saturday . night's a bad here. Clerks can't tret off. night vugui to come Monday or Wednesday "Wasn't you here with Maj-r Jj'isice!"- "No, sir. Just use the caspadore winyouj" - j "Ehl Oh, yes." , : "Please let those ladies pass." r ' "8ay, d'je know who they bet No; and I don't care a Ln 5 7'Sauire Dewlop-iid yl' it cast a gloom over tha tewnt kept away a lot o' people, . "Uian't seem to iteep yoa a un, igoto au tne snows. ; ' "You arel"r:Si:f5;Q "Yes," indeedy. D'ye - know Ban Binkey, the pedestial clog dancer?'! "Never heard of him." - -" - "No? Well I'm his cousin J ? Cur tain up ?n f - ' 'Vest just if p. Wel 11, 1 guess IH just step in- - "Well, I guess you just won't'..- -And he doesn't. - K ; -i 'rf. '- a a," '"; " " ! - Bricks That Will Float. : San Francisco Call, ''Floating palaces" a often spok en of, , but mostly by a figure . of speeoh" to describe certain splendid; steamships. ! . But it seems that mod ern improvement has made it possi ble to build a brick house ton the sea (?). Floating bricks are now sue cessfully produced in France, . tbe material of which they are composed being a kind of earth found in Tusca ny, consisting of fifty-five parts of sandy earth,,., fifteen of magnesia, fourteen ot watery twelve ; alumina, three lime, one iron. It exhales a clay-like odor, and, when -sprinkled with water, throws out a light, whit ish smoke. It is infusible in the fire, and though it loses about' an eighth part of its weight, its bulk is scarce ly diminished. Bricks composed ? of this substance, either baked or im baked. float in the water .and a twen tieth part of clay may ; be added to their composition without " taking away their property of swimming. These bricks resist - water, unite per fectly with lime, are subject to ; no alteration from the beat or old, and the baked differ from the unbaked only in the sonorous T quality ; which they acquire from the fire. Their strength is a little inferior to that of common bricks, but muoh greater in proportion to their weight, V Thus a floating brick, measuring seven inch es in breadth, and one inch eighlj.li'nes in thickness, is stid to weigh idBjy fourteen and one-fourth; outJoes,. ana one-iourcn oivces,. s common French brick nfi weigh five pounds ami sear-' ounces.--... A';".-, i f whereas found .to ly seven Higher EdueaIan.K Pittsburg Cnronlcle-Telecraph. , "And the wind blew through bis whiskers," : quoted the high school girl's brother. - Mildred heard him and corrected the expression: a , "Do not use such slang,; . James, 4 there's a good boy; say: . 'The circumambient air ; vibrated through his barbigerous appendages, not 'the wind blew , through his whiskers.'" ' - i - ' - - tfuwB nwa Mercaasi. . ' Having passed several sleepless ntehts, disturb ed by the agonies and ertes 01 a aufleriag child, and becoming cnnneea that Mrs. WInsloWi floothiogsyfiipwaji Just the article needed, pro SSSda supply tor the child.- On reaehiag home and acquainting bis wife with what he had done, she refused to have tt administered to the child, as she was strongly in favor of Homwnathy. That night the child parked m g.aAdtBo Darentawlthoutsleep.; fteuHang loihtf ffia da. following, the &tha mm UieTBysUU worse: and while nwmplMttf' Another sleepless night the mofne8tepp$q trom tne room w atteno? te- aome aomestip auues, ana ien v. iohw with the caua. uurang ner &osnoa ae aumuusierea a por J , I Ul tion The mother was delighted with the sudden and wonderful ohaoge, and although at first offend ed at the deception practiced noon her, hat eon. tlnued to use the Syrup.and suit tiring crying babies and restleaa nights have disappeared, alngla trial of the 8yrup never ret tailed to rellevetke fflSWffl ices of the mother. uutua. HeatfaHmaUIoa of Pnre Cod Liver Oil, with nypephosphites. Is a most valuable remedy for Consumption. Scrof ula, Wasting Diseases, of children. Colds and ChronlcCoogh, and In all conditions where there is a loss ot been, a lacg ot nerve power a general TtTi . WASBinOTOS ITEMS The Blehmond ; mnd Danvflle MoTemenli-The Democratic ShakeMiB NededPersonaly Correspondence ot Tais ObssbtbrI - . WAsHUfoTOK, '"Nbv..r The sale of the 'controlling stock of . the Eich- mond and Danville road was not so much of a surprise here, although" but little had recently been said respect ing it .The present management, as readers of The Obsebvkb know, talk ed, when they talked at all, in a very guarded way. But there was lurks ing in the jmanner rather than the words of their speech on the subject a latent doubt of the ' ability bf the Logan-RocKafeller syndicate to make the rumored arrangement. Well, all doubt is dissipated; the arrangement nas been effected,' and the Only dues-, tion'j tion'now is, ,"What next?? Vi Great admiration is expressed for financiering which secured "t the rcajult. . All discussion of the matter. Bdfaras I aria aware, is based on inn lotmation derived from New York or amnmona,. ana . not much . comes from - the latter place. Hence, the" railway people being dumb, and the chief interest here centering in the future developments; I will only' say that it is not regarded aS certain that headquarters will be removed TTl mm a.1. nicomona. it is tnougnt . that l would involve considerable expense. and it is noticed that many of the new stockholders are men whose in terests lie in the North rather than in ftbe South. On (he other hand, the removhl has been the declared puis pose all along of Gen. Logan and his friends, including President Buford. Pace, the richest man in the city of Richmond, is one of the leading capi talists in the new regime. . There are several other Richmond people among the prominent' stockholders. It is said that the question will not be den cided: before the stockholders1 meet ing on the 8th of December. A Democrat who has just returned the city from Western North Caro lina says that .Democrats generally at; feeling better since the shake-up. He added: "The discipline was need ed:, it wifl do good. The people say thai there is no doubt that the State win go att right in 1888." .! . : The department of the Potomacan important division of the Grand Ar my of the Republic, toofe action on Veipa8on of Mr. B. D. Graham's xresination o; . toe secretaryship ot VvN!il flnnriM rVun a been officially informed by a V tan nTWntAl fnr t.h Tmnmn' xru d Army regrets that be rbe position in. which ha ly rmrtus,"ssompiow motive so tar as tne Ho the interests of tE e onion. ' Their letter J: is- unusually kihdi ally: very much gratined that e Federal soldiei g et)oul4 thus go out of their way to make a cordial recognis tiod of an ex-Confederate. Of a numr ber of Buch. testimonials of. regret and esteem which he has received,he prizes this the most, Miss Ruth Lanier.of Ozford.daugb- tr of Mark V Lanier, Esq,, has been passing tbe last ten days among relas tives in this city and Fauquier coun ty, Virginia. During the summer she attended a Massachusetts conserva tory of music - Col. A. B. Andrews and Col. E, H. Stitt were here yesterday. ..Mr! W. Y, Leak arrived in the city today. s - H.4 Death of a Venerable Lady, ' Mrs. Maria Elisabeth Brandt died in New Orleans. Tuesday last, in the 89th i year of her age. Her father. Col. Bartholomew Schaumburg, was an ofiicer m tbe evolutionary war. and Mrs. Brandt was born in Cincins nati, XX, on the 8th of April, 1798, her father beinu: at the time aide-de- camp 'to Brigadier-General James Wakinson,if of ;: the United States army, and then stationed at Cincin nati. In 1815 he was appointed as eistant paymaster in the army, from which he resigned in 1817. lie also served as aide-de-camp on the staff of Gov. Claiborne during the siege of New Orleans, by the British, and up to the day of her death Mrs. Brandt could' recollect scenes and incidents which occurred in tbeoity during the ereat battle, she married Mr. J ames Srandt. a New Orleans , merchant, who died many years aeo.! Her only sotii was killed in the ill-fated Lopez efBdiuon. - - , FlRhtlns; flee. The New York Society for the Sups nreflsion of vice has oust issued a synop8is'of the work for Oetober, and also tor me ien monens since Jan uary. During uctooer tw enty-tour arrests were maae, aoout zi, uuu pic tures and cards seized, five gambling houses were broken ud. and zza lot- tery tickets were seized. Twenty- one convictions were ootatnea, tne penalties amounting to f l.ool in ones Bull ' luuruecu liiuiiiuo m iiuwivu- ments.' Thirty vflve additional oases were broueht before the grand jury, where thev are nendins. Since Jan uary 130 arrests have been made and fifty-two convictions obtained. Fines amounting to $3,759 have been turned over into the public trea.8,ujyi I . Jf?: IiWiinVlIo Drops ' BS. BL kfoiLT Dear Sir? I have nitrered for ve fears wnu a asTcra wmu "r""" I saw your ad' and procured ; iitt ! Tirrla hannitts I had small faith In it. To mysurprise. 1 derived benefit from the first dose. ri Mh iaft ma. ai tbe soreness ot my Innca. by tbe use ot four small hotties only. My cough ZL. u tn nroduca hemorrbages. at the KmeT began to ne It. and the relief was so gieat that I enau ever rygg; 8IMg ' : ; tin. a Oranoe Btrett Atlanta, ea. .. onM bv all leading druggists. 25 cents. Pre pared by B.Moalej.M. P.. Atlanta, . ' r RTABTLIJfG BUT TRITE. - Wti.tj! Ponrr. Texas, December 1, 1885 After nllering for more than three years wren ua ease of the throat and lungs, I got so low last entirely unable to do anything, and my cough wan so bad I scarcely slept any at nigKt Mr droggtst, Mr. H F. Goodnight, eent me a trial Kd'reurf.d after ualag aU i was entirely cured. . . . V WW CURE FOR PILES. i Files are freqnentl preceded br a sense ot welgtfHn the back, loins and lower part of abdo men, causing tbe patient to suppose he has some i Buecuon oi we Kidneys or neig wring organs, tlmesi symptoms of Indigestion are present, flatu- jenej, nneaeiness pi the stomach, ete. A moisture like perspiration producing a very disagreeable i Itchlngs after getting warm, Is a common -attend- i ant. Blind. Bier ding and Itching Piles yield at I w tne appucanon oi in. nosanKO's rue tem edy, which aots dlrectu upon the parts affected, absorbing the Tumors, allaying the Intense Itch ing, sad effecting a permanent cure. Price 60 ranis. hAaaress The Doctor BoeansU) Medicine Co., riuuo.jks. exua djuk. wiiston. If Only' the. National -Disease bt Blany Others. ' I ' IT tt. J. I . . . , . . . . ib suu ua nysia is our uauuiuu maiaay. weu, arancreth's Plus wlU cere the national malady. ' It Is.satd that constipation is the eause of our 1 sedentary liFe. . Well, Brandreth'i PlUs oertetrJj t ore coosapation. ' It to (Generally conceded thatHimnmarism Xrcm acid stomach and sodden eha&gesof temper- I amre.- fjrandreth s Pills have ecrrected all of this and wlli-do it again, -i : , Chronfo diseases are enred by taking two to' four . OTBrandreth's Pals every night for a month. THE I GREAT ; REGULATOR: So medicine Is nnlversallT nsnd Simmons Liver alator. It won ti War lfttn' vafv hnma toy pare, sterling mer it. It takes the place of a doctor and costly press iptlons It is a family medicine con taining np dangerous qualltlet; tut mrely vegetables gentle In Its action i and can be safely given to any person no wuvboi nuju ago. . i It has n Fqaal as Preventlye Aledicine and win dq good in any sickness. It acts gently ! ? ,Se ?0,fe 8 Pnd Kldn8 and corrects the action I ' w iii?vr. luuursru uy persons oi the highest The Jest -Family Medicine. i a chuu uas ine cone a is a sure and safe re medy it will restore st-ength to the overworked uHiuu auu reueve ine wire oi low spirits, headache, dyspepsia, constipation and like Ills. Gerutne "o" " siauip m roa on iront or wrapper, pere- ' " iTLW 4 CO., Philadelphia, Pa. : nov21deodtwan , Ffoa 115 lbs. to 161 lbs. To tne f'ntlcnra Remedies I owe JUT JHealUa, My Happiness, I . and My EJfe . ; A day never passes that I do not think and speakM uwiiy oi me ivtiouba hkmxdiss. beven years ago, au vi a pozen ramps iormeu on my neca, nuiguiK iu sum izvura vumrj sione ui an orange. The laree ones worn frlsrhtfiil tn lank ax. mil min fnl to bear; people turned aside, when they saw me, in disgust, and lwasahamed to be on the street or in society. Physicians and' their treat- i mem, ana at meaicmesiaued to no any good. In Jnas COTlCtTRi . the Great flkln Cum. and On. a moment or aesDair I tried tne cdttchha kkkb. CUBA SOAP, alt einilldtta fikln RRaiitlfler urlArnsl. ly, and CUTK&raa Bjesoltkht, the new Blood Purl- I ner, miernai; we small lumps (as call them) gradually disappeared, and the large ones broke, i about two weeks, discharging large quantities f matter, leaving two alight searst n my neck to- day to tell the story of my suffering. My weight I then was one hundred fifteen sickly pounds; my weight now is one hundred tztyne solid, healthy vuuuub, ana mj neigni is omy nve reel nve menes. In my travels;! praised th CtrricuRA Bkuxdibs, North, Soot hi East and West. To Cuticuba Bbk XDnalowx kr hkalth. Jt HAPPnrBss. and my tm A prominent Kew York druggist asked me I the othsr dyr -'JDo yon still use the CcnccKA Rkm- : Mm; yoa look to be tn perfect health?" My e- ply was, 'I d& and shall known what sickness la since I eommeneed nslna iii aivi always. t have : never CpTicuiu HrMsruafl.'' Sometimes I am tengh at bv pral.ligtheo. to people not acquainted with their merit, but sooner or later they will come to weir senses and believe the same as those that we men, as qozens nave whom I have told. Hay ! thetlmeeome; when there win bealaigeCrmormA eopply House In every elty tn the world, lor the wuouioi nuioiuuiy, wnere tne ithocu bxmb maa shall be sold onw, so that there.wUl be rare ly a neea ai evgr entering a drug store U.- , .. U D1TQD 1VTM 't P. O. BoxlBM. New lork.Jf . V. .tTtcrTug.iraTvneB are a tVKltive ran Twjtrtth Ul of Skin and Blood DueAana. f mm FtninMw tn 'fc rfnla. Sold everywhere. . Price: Ctmecaa. 60 osuui; doip, ae eenis; hbsoi.vbnt, nun. frerar- ea uj . rurrsH imne ar cshqcax, oa, Bos ton. B ass. 6ed f "How to Core Skin Diseases." Plfl PLE8. Blackheads,, gkin Blemishes, and I uauj Bumors, use urncuu boaf. - aviuMx raws, btkaiks, bauk. Ache, Weakness and Worlness caused by Overwork, Dissipation, standing. Walking or the Sewing Machine, cured by the CimctmA A xtt-Paih Plastkiu Maw. elemnt. orurlnal and Infalliblfl. Sfteeat - . j ATTENTION V':: Boprs BagiDg and Ties! We will sell you, delivered at buyers nearest rall- . i -roaauepoi, - . . 5C)0 ROLLS . ! Ot 90 yaras each, good second; hand BAGGING Neatly sew-J op and rolled, avvage weight 1 POUNDS PEBTtabD as good, aa new. JOB TWO SIX eents per yank We will also sell you 1,000 fenndles Piec?d Ties, unpatnted, delivered at BUTEB3 depot for 80 cti Per Bundle, Or painted at 8 eents additional . We will sell yon 1,000 BUNDLES WH I4E TIES at Bayers Depot nnpalnted for SO cents. . You will Sdik Money by Sending your Vrqers to us at Unce. Terms Casi. Address, - : 1 MARGOLIUSaCO..' novBdeodlmj P. Q. Box 104. Charlotte, N. C. . QASSARD'S PURE LARD. What tne . Ijoadlns; Grocers of I naiunore nay asvii , . 1 Baltimobb. Ud.: Anril 2& 1886. Mftssrd O. Casssrd A Son. ," Gentlemen as tne Question 01 using nnre or im pure Lard Is now claiming the attention of our ! citizens, we will take pleasure -in stating to you 1 tnat we are turn eonvincea mat ine article you are furnishing ni, fs as purs as It can be made. We nave used It 14 our families and sold It to our own rnr tne test iweive years, ana in every m- Buuioe nan givofi enure aansraenon. . - xours very truly, I. iLBsasiiSoHS. Baltikork. Ud.. June 2Eth. lsafl. Messrs G. Cassard Son. Baltimore. Md. ' Dear Sirs We have sold your Star Brand Lard to the exclusion of all others, and; have yet the first pacKage reiurneaor a eompwuni or any ama in reference to It.; we take great pleasure In recom mending It. believing it to be a perfectly pure arti cle, and ripe, that wm give entire satisfaction. - v Hoppeb 4 Cator, , ,5. -:r Baltimore, Md. ; Balttmorb, Ud., Jane 23rd, 1886. ... .. . Dear Slrs-lnave sold Star Brand of Lard for a bnmbar of year, and have always found It uni form and superior in quality. I believe tt to be per- iecuy iree iron). one many aaui'eratiuua nvw usea 10 tre mamgmeture oitnis arnaia, ana preier sew ing n wany other nrana now on ine maraet. . 5 very ixuij jomti, , .. . - WM. D. Bahdall For sale by leading grocers. i 6. CASaABD 8CTN, I . , Baltimore. Md. ODSRRSOVTHK'CKUBRATXD "STAB BHtND" mLB : ' GUBXDBA1I8 AMD BBJaAKT AST STIUKi. J. I J. W. MoCOMBS. Agent for Charlotte. T7 ANTED Lady, active and Intelligent, to rep VV hkmiI in bar own locality, an Old Arm. B6f- untoiiw rnoniren. - permanent dosiiiou ana goua alary k. 4. jonnson. manngerao xnuvioj mm, Naw Vnrk. ".- i.-. ., i TUIiKEYS ! TURKEYS! ' On hand extra large, fine, fat XTTBVXT3. . ; - - BAXAN4S JUST IX ! S. Mr HOWELL'. ; "5 ; BAPtBT, TBADS STBKgT. i Mrs. Jloo Person's Ilfniedy, fa Mnthabaat Blood PorlAer on the market - WA, tuiwsma, wwueaaw " LEADING- Clotbiers aDd'lrbisherst WE LEAD in efery point of detail, that goea to make up a first 'WHi LEAD . in General Assortment. .WE iE AD in-Styles an general -get up7 LEAD A fact which is appreciated by all classes.! Step into our clothing boom and ask to see tne OljliOWIlir Mens Gray Mixed Sack Suit at $6.00, usual price $8 50. Mens All Wool Corkscrew Worsted Suits at $9.00, usual price $12.00. Mens Overcoats in Diagonals. Reversablea. Kersevn. Miltonn nuam'mfirs. from $4.00. $5.00. $7.00. $10.00. tl5 00. A. lot Of 50 Bovs Overcoats. asreS price $4 00. ; Ail Wool rants $2.50 worth $3.50 AT 25e. each, A large line of Scarfs 3c Sailor Knots Usual price 40c. to 75c. We have on hand a complete Specially. Low Prices. .These are only samples of what we you mans.qually. attractive offers. , C&AIlLO'tTS; K;-C MATTTi RDEES SOLICITED AND R. I. JORDAN OUUOGISTS, CIIARtOTTE, Say: Iuinn's Pioneer Blood Renewer gives our customersi entire satisfactson. We always keep it in stock." "(SmSi'S Is the oldest and best tne market. 1 1 s recorcl tor iiseiulne$i ia aa "old as the oldest," ing a great work for the afflicted. CALL Jordan & Go's Drug Store And see the new Circulating Library of uGuinn's Pioneer" select reading matter for t.hft people. 4 .V 8. 1. Jordan '& Recommend "Guinn's ot Blood Poison, Rheumatism, 'Skin Diseases, &c., &c. ff HEN THE DAMP COLD DAYS Vi V of early winter brings touches of Rheumatism, take "Guinn's Pioneer" and find quick and permanent relief. Gu 1111 s ' ioneer - Is made by the Macon Medicine Co., of Macon, Ga., Price size v s 1.7 o.i w rite and Skin Diseases. For sale always by R. H: Jordan & Go. Charlotte: N. C. ; c class Clothing Store. lit PRICES! DE1VES il 8 00 anrl 25 on four to ton : voara At i5! n(l nanul . :' ' to $5.00. AT 15e; and 25c. ...... '3 ' . A fine assortment of Ctents Colored Bor'd ' Linen Handkerchiefs. stock of these goods at . can and do. offer. We can; show PJJOMJTLY ATTENDED TO, & PIOMEEE" blood medicine on and it 'still eoes on do- AT Co., Drnggists, Pioneer" in all cases , :o: - Blood hm SL00 per bottle; L.arge ior xreause on riouu . i 1 CO., I -wf - twsnw' -A xne messenger sups in and loots aeouuy w ine arunu, . : .. : ; '8UJpJtrwi !