' r . jCxrr i jiljr Ii-- v ie . A f V JRSDAY, DKCKMBKR 8. 1886. -i -r: . -i PRICE FIVE CENTS.' -if ,03 '5i. I. A il!r r u A let cf 3 ard 43 L t'j DHESS c! ; ;:a out. A v- y y -J At price, We have marked : I , f- - r-: - J . We are goin to Bell them by January 1st. Low prices are an induce A c : C" -sas Goods received. 'Come' and see. 1 f 5 w :;4U Ci ULiLiArluUiU . i- 4C0 EAR IIUFFS just received I r',i n n, ui. J 5 BIG LOT . or- FOUB BUTTON, SCALLOPED YOP Wl J. a v- -fcssj bm? -AT THE Al::ijly::-::Lo7 -r .Price -Qf- a: f ALLfJ EV GOODS r r AND Dadrctlc'i Shades. Af 3gESETGLE.-l nit KNGWXXBS AND CON TRACTOBS. .! ir.'. ."1 Cf-: -7" -i I' f 1 Bst ITaterial and best workmanship. Grand X i 4 r i i i3G0,C00 '. -WORTH OT- ' WiLifH rlV and Jcwilri A Hi -a- H 4HL -ii.llwoao ftlUOtn V1 J I ; " " r,-. j -- v. - l v-. , " , ,1 r ..'-.- - r j j : . gUV SB AND iJtLTIB FLATXD' WABl, ' ; January 1st, 1887. j : J. TV BUTLER. v BUFORD HOUSE, s 1.KXZP8 TES BEST B A R peCLacies v. -..:.."' . -.- I . " , ; 'il ' - &c.f' ' &c. &c. &c. d j v . . - ; ' j - j? - ,r ' ( : t .-. r .. r jo; . : ALL; ilUST BE, SjpLD I , - 1 " f --. BT ' i ! c.t t3 1 . J - J . A , i c r prices cn .1 1 1 :o:- A very comptete stock of Over. Stic'o Ladles. Mlates and CbQcbens. Rubber Boots Mens. TBoys and Yootfii RUBBER BOO IS. Aik lor our celebrated Crack Proof Every JPalr Warrael. ATTENTION iBffyof BaffffiDff anduts! .. .. We will sell nm. fjellvered at bajsrs nearest rail road Deiot, .500 ROLLS Of 30 yards each, good second hand ; . BAGGiNG slee.fi? se d np anfl rolled, a? rae welitt TWO POtTM)8 FEB YAhD as go d ss new TtiA SI3 eents per ard. We wlU also sal. m 1000 Bute Fit et a -Tics, 1BV7TKBS PSPOTj:tol 80 ct& Per 8und!i9,' Or minted at 6 cents addl'lonal ; We will sell roa 1,000 BDNDLK-S WH LK TU-S at Bnjers Depot unpHtnted for SO nts. You will Save Money by Sending your , ' . Orders to us at unce. . Terms Casb. fiiortdeodltt Address. , - : MAR60LItBC0., ! F. O. Box 104, Charlotte, N, SCRlBSER'SMIGillNi jk Pablinlied. WoBtltly With Illustrations. FtEST NUMBER READY. DEC, 15th Hmmonts s MAftAmm win be in tbe widest sense a tnatsKre of eiertl literature,, and each eome of tbe most notable papers to appear dar tng the nm jer are a serious 01 uiu'uba.ibilkij Lbttibs ot Thaibt of very great autoblo- mnhlnl wMlna- t.tf lnltiT "R. R. : W&HhbUme'l hsswrvs; Minuter to Eranos at the eioseof tbe last eentury fglving deserlpUons of seoial life aod character ifHeettiM)iaeoiieetieofffOiiteB?Bar7 letters ae!lBirly?1r5ri(a4 Tngland.8- ' J oere is fctnh excellent acQon, inemaing se- 1 vii h nmia ifnuwic Mnrkw eTtenoina larougu sreral numbers by h. a Banner, J. a. 01 iMiie, and others: and short stories by B. L Stevenson, Iml rjiin-lar Hurrla. T A. JanTlftT. HlSS Jewett. Octave Tbanet. H. H. Bojmia. SUM Crosbf, and a host of other. i. : , ; ' ' : ' - kj Notable . pedal pP to be pubTtehed Ten earl J are u- nerai r. a waixer s on ouciaiisui, m. u lmm Him ward's nn HAMionian utiinaers: . mr. John C aopes' on the Portraits of Csesar; Captain Green'f en Coast Defneei eto etc ' SCRIBUBK'S MAQipmt will De paDUsnea ai ai.isi Blear, er 25 oanU a slngl eopy, 8uBrlpt3ons maTne senp vobdj new oesirr or iMnnim, 4 UnAlUiJlia bCKiBnici'O aus, r-uuwuicr.,. np18 743 and USt Broadway hew Sort V PIANO FORTES. Tens, TcccY, WorkcasMp SDnraliilitj : WILUAM KNABE A CO., Nos. 204 and 26 West Baltimore St , Baltimore, Md No. lli jrmn Avenue, new xura. COFFEE! COFFEE! i ' ' ' Choice Boasted JTava, Lasiayrn sad tilo Coilee ,.1 v B 3 S R S M.HOWELL'S. BAXXST, TBADK 8TB23T.- . : eiuv: Tnn zr.cz: DA7 .13. fc:. xus e: In-lrif lo tl; -1 rTfrnsr tee wiil Interrrre lu L, j 7yJfew Ii.iiits In tbe C??a, Lit. E' "..j.-nd risiiatch. 7:h Lit, ' Hp. B V7. n-n!y cJ.Iei to eee tie Govern :-r yr trr. iy. lie F-ii 'bs cams et the instance cf a C. verius, tut that ts diin't have nu : : to gay, Ilatold. tt.3 Governor tilt hehaitnaf aa written tz.t???t cf his cocr.::'.:;a with the case,, t" 5 M3 ExceHen-y La? never '.receiv;! t 3 r-r.- . .'r. Ilar'y f urtt rr e'." ' thi. i 5 L . 1 at it:'i l- I " W r 3 1 1 tL 3 I ". I T 3 C I f v.:, t 1 3 ( i r ' r f.rs n nc-i I"? 1 -; tte fA.-t v ir;. -j ... 3 Iaatri-fr ver t t.ccj: plce th3 C er r ' J: . "un you ta.a a fc. c fore me that ycu saw Thomas J. Clu- veriua, the prisoner, - at Mozart nail the night of" Lillian Madison's death?" ... 10 this Mr. Henly replied: : : vv nue 1 have a vague impression 01 navmg seea him there, I. csnncs take a eolemn oath that I eaw bim tnere." WHAT MB HKNLT 8AT0 TO TH3 EXTRACTS FROM THE ETKNOGBAPHIO ; REPORT. . The following are extracts from the omciai report and are ull that Beem to oear on the present poaition of Mr. Q S ate whether or not you was in K.comonn on the 13th of 'March; A Yft sir: I was - Q Did you see him on the' 13th of March in the city of Kichmond f ' A. Yes. sir. . ' Q Give tbe time and place as near as you can locate it t . A. ' I saw him about 1 o'clock over near the poetof- fice, and' spoke to ' him..-' I saw him several times that moraine.' is saw him on Main street.- " - i,.- . Q You Bay you remember the time about 1 o'clock t ..A. Yes, sir. Q Which side of Main street was he on f A. I met him very near the ' poatoface. u. Oq the north side t A. On the 1 north side. ' Q. Did ycu speak to him t A. Yes, sir. ; . , Q Did you shake hands with him f A. JNo. sir. . Q You know him well ? A. Yes. sir. A nave been in tbe habit of meking bim twice a month at King William ana Hmg ana vueen uourt-, houses. "';;; v.iy'v ; .:..: , - Q. Was any lady with him on that occasion t A No. sir: None at all. - Q Can you locate the other time that you saw him t A. Yes, sir: I think I Baw him between 11 and 12 o'ciockj very -near John Nolting'B L&laiaat d Nintb.j v . m ' Q What time did you say that wa ? A;- That' was between llj and 12 o'clock, Llhinlr; Then-I law him &oaia Usi wrefcn 1 aud S. and that- was tbe last time I did see bim. 1 8Dok to him, too, then. I saw him several times that morning, v I was busy on Main street all day. I can't remem ber the exact hours and places. I did BOO him,, bu t I do not remember thos two occasions. Q But you know that you saw him on other occasions? . A. Yes, sir; but I can't exactly .locate the places or times to fix them. ; TJ Don Mi. Meredith taking the wit ness for cross examination he caused Mr. Henlj to recall a conversation witness bad had - with Mr. . Frank Nowlan and Mr. Gus Hill, and Mr. Meredith asked: . U Didn't you tell them it was about 2 o'clock when you saw him t A No, sir, I don't remember saying ID86. , -.1 G Will you swear you did not sav it t A No sir; wouldn't swear' to it, but 4. qoult rememember exactly what I said, j ( remember having a converea ion with Mr. Qill and that ftentleman, byt hayq'i thought of it since. - - - .t : ' . V . Q Didn'l you tell them that you saw Mr. Cluveriqs about two o'clock pass by. tb'e post office, iand that you saw him afoerjrarda uo near Noling's hardware store! A. Yes, sir. ;. - : : Now you ieii the jury chat you saw. him near Noltiog's hardware store between 11 and 181 A. Yes, suv. . O could that be afterwards A 1 saw him there that morning. ; Rr Which is correct; I ask, you. didn't vou tell ihem'; that, you saw tne pose otnee, 4 , u. 1 Ana tncit you saw mm aicer wards up near Noltmg hardware store! A, No. sir : that was the last time I did see bim. I saw him first at tbe hardware store. "I didn't speak to him. And then I saw him between 1 and 2 o'clock near" the post-offlce and nnoke to him: and I think that is he same thins I told Mr. Hill and ' the other eentleman (Uy Mr- .Evans : 1 I A5ia the next time vou saw him was at or near the poat office? A.. The nw time I saw him wa near the post office. I passed him and spoke to him. -That was the last time . I .did see him, - " -; The scaffold, ! Hit v Sereeant i Smith yesterday called on Oovernor Lee to ask 11 he should proceed with his preparations for duverius'8 execution. The Gov ernor told him that he had not yet rlAcided what action he wouia take. and intimated that Mr. Smjtn should nroceed as 11 ha ex pec tea no xeo r m- . , utive lniervennon, y THE MOTHER Off. LILLIAN MAM SON k. f" . -': SPEAKS. The following was t reoeived by aovemor Lee vesteryay from Mrs, Madison, mother ol Lailian Maai- son: -., -l" ' ' "ManQuin Post-Office, Dec 4, 1885, TLftf Dear1 Governor: "jiease my uear vruveruor, itju iuo law take its course with that " wretch j rt " I.l i.1 ninvanus. who has caused a father. mother and eigne orotners ana sisters to see so mucn trouble. :i uniy, 11 poa sible, hasten all -such on as quick as possible for tbe,: sake ot otner poor mothers and innocent females. Please, for the sake of a motner whose heart and mind has been near- f StJSSS:& court stay aS it is, is the prayer or a mother ha has caused so - much trou ble. Much more, dear Governor, I would say, but will leave it to yoqr narental heart. Please, I pray grant me this one petition is the prayer 01 your numuie onu reeuuu- f ul fellow creature, i Lucinx T. Madison. c : "A" : It C ' t oa U 1 L 5:LD c' BTt f C (U. Jt- got P 1 fr; . .. . . jl i ' .y 1 : ccr.1.. t t::':r. tut 1 ... tie r;-.- fi:T r: -s ,'cf - . CJ, f vt X. , . A..utll - -r e or t-r fal.pP . A) a6d - . ' 03. 3 not . - esU!s itani Comnc: represt. .ive.of. i 13 attiu tircr c.-i saw Eoberj ii I read in .tia D;s - Cluverius's state .. ed ly &:i the t. . rortioa at. 1 L:re (7U jc 1 Lo-' t'y-t it! 5 1 toe r't'-p ( , " . - - - 3 c f thpm - '1 . t here tday. a or all we L. 3 j ve been here. Vve can't cavj l have been advertiaina: in the " I:;., a raond Collep-3 Messenger for a'le-3 while, and a nuciber of the Collie boys shave here. - They genera y come on Friday ; , more on that d y taan on any other, vuliam Jot son, one of the barbers, who i3 no 3 now, remembers bavins shaved CI' verius, but does not remember tie day. He does not know whether! was March tbe 13th or not, and cat t remember. '','" ' . " ; MB. O. W. k'GINNIS.". 'f1;. This gentleman is also referred, to in tbe statement, tie 13 a wat ) maker, on Ninth near the . corner f Main. He says that he fixed a w a for Cluverius s Thursday, and f jt Cluvernis passed his place of ness on Friday morning about 10 A o'clock. ' A gentleman called his t - I tention" to' Cluverius s passing,; r. marking that he supposed Cluver : us's watch was . running all Tight is he did not Btop.' . Mr. McGinnia- e. i yesterday;;!, was before the grc X jury,; ana was summonea. betore t e court at the tnal by the (Jomtnc av wealth, but never testiSfd. ".; ' Mr. J. C. Lipscomb said yesterdav : I saw Cluverius Friday morning 1 be passed McGinnis's sbdo. lu 1 McGmnis of it at the; time. ; I do l r remember the hour . 1 CLTJVKBTOS AND MOBQENSTEBN'S. 7 In Cluverius"'s ' statement he 'sc. 'r that he took breakfast at Mor; - stern's (about 10 o'clock) on the 1 i of March, and. that after the Di - a Museum entertainment was over te went back, to Morganstern s , (about 11 p. m ) and got fried oysters, &c ana naa a box or tried oysters ttxeu up for bis lunch next morning - j " A. Di8patcn reporter yesteraay ask ed '.Mr. Morgenstern, who keeps restaurant and bar near the corner cf Fourth and Broad streets, 'have you read yesterday's Dispatch?- : , w xes, be said you mean about whet Cluverius said; Well, Mr.' Beverlr Crump came to see me soon after tl arrest of tbe paisooer, and aeked r if I saw- Cluverius m my saloon Xi the 13th day of March. I told him I had no recollection of Beeing him on that day or night, ' and . that I knew him well, Mr. Crump 'told me that Cluverius said that a one-eyed color-, ed man waited on him. and brought fried' oysters..! from" the kitchen, to bim the night of the 13th of , March, Did you ask tbe waiter about it? I did. . He had no recollection of it. "The waiter's name was. Alfred Taylor I sent, him to" jail the next day to see if he could recognize j the prisoner, and w hen he came back he said to me that he did not know him: xou say teat you know utuveriusi Yes, I know bim well, for when he was at R chmond College he came tg my;- saloon ; frequently, . and I nave often played pool wth, klrn ;?.; i jjj via you '-ever see mm m your sa loop after he left college! i 1 can't sav: hemav nave been. .-. uo you Tememoer ever taking . , . . ? ameaj in your saloon after leaving college? : r ''7a :'-r:r.: j .- Icah't say rJLlS' Have you ever sent him anything to e4t since bis confinement in pris- 00? .. . Yes: I have sent hloi oysters .and meals v frequently, but they were a ways Ordered by Dr.- Calvin Johnson. When: was. tbe - last' ordered by Johnson for him . , , , Iii wan the day that - Judee AtkinS passed sentence upqn the prisoner. - ) refused to fll the order f,or (ear some- ina tpgui b ppeu, - p,jou. are positive tat you did not see him on .the day or night of the ltb 0$ March? : -. I am positive of it, and so toll his counsel. wai to and out during the day ' - ' "May your barkeepers not have seen him! '--. I asked them, but they were not acquainted with him : - Could he have been in here and eaten his breakfast m tbe morning and supper at night without youj barkeepers having known it i - . Yes. certainly" t because there are lotg of people passing in and out that we take no notice of . ' .-v ' ' MR. HAEBKSON" .' The prisoner saysr Coming back I met a colleee-mate. M. B. ..Harrison, attorney at law, about IoViIook; near the corner of Eleventh and Main treats i went toeefher into Schcea s, orner uaevenin anu iuaiu, uu a glass of mineral water and asmoke ntavea tnere near oan an uuut ur about talking over couege aays, cec . The Mr. Harrison referred to is an od Richmond boy who for some time nas oeen engazeu n iub -ruui eauom business in St. ' Paul: Minn. He atn tended Richmond college as stiled oy tJiuverms, anu uiquh u rww to the West has paid his native bity several visits. He was for a short while an attorney at law, and naa dis of3ceat Room 8. No. HQS east Mam street, according i to the City Direc tory of last year,;; ,: ; ,;; y. PR. CALVm JOHNSON'S STATEMENT, With reference to the statement made by Dr. P. Calvin Johnson and fublished in. the Dispatch of Sunday 'olice-Justice Richardson ; and Mr. C. V Meredith were beard to give their version yesterday,- Both gen- Mamcn st.ntMl that Oil SundaV (MaTCh SO, 1885), the day before the accused wu before ; tne pouce courw u wraivnrl an examination, tbev .went toother to oee Dr. Jobnson at nis offing on west M&m street. aney rang the bell at the nouss in ircat which Dr. Johnson's sign was tang- ins and were informed that j.:3t a day or two before he had movea bis ofioe on the ; 'opposite eft the street. They went acrc-31 tojthe houie designated and ti:ci fcvd the rsntlaraan in question.. . '.hen &;kei about the matter be replied, 3' res lated by Dr. Johnson in his state . w - ment, that he knew nothing about the case. They questioned Dr. John son very closely and urged the ne cessity of his; making a frank state ment, and showed him a photograph of the deceased. He said that be did not know her.1" He finally re marked that, tlie gentlemen , not seeming willing to accept -bis state ment, he would take tbem over and ask his . mother and sisters if they remembered seeing such a. person. The picture was shown them and the young lady -described, : but - all of them agreed that they had never seen her. y After talkmg ;for Bome time and being unable to gain any information,- Justice Pdchardson and Mr Meredith left. :: - From pther sources" it is learned that there are reliable men : who heard Dr. Johnson; in two or three weeks after the verdict of the jury, make use of the same' remarks em bodied in bis statement. Dr. John son is a sti anger to the prisoner, and never met with him until about three months' ago. , BI6GK8T TB1DE OF THE AGE. JayGwnld ;Gets Control f Com ellnc Telcrapb lilaes. Atlanta,' Ga.,' Dec 8.- The South ern Industrial Journal Dispatch has a special ' dispatch from staff cor respondent, at Fort Worth, Texas, which says: One of the largest and most important transactions ever re corded is now on f"ot. It is nothing less than a trade between Jay Gould and president Garrett, of the Balti more, and Ohio, whereby l the entire Baltimore" and Ohio telegraph syss tern is to be transferred to Jay Gould who now. practically owns tbe Wess tern Union. In return for the same president Garrett is to receive the Wabash system, - thus"; giving: the Baltimore a d - Ohio line to Kansas city from ' Baltimore. jThe magni tude of a deal of this kind can scarce ly be understood, but it is khown ' to ofScials of Gould's' system here, that the Baltimore and Ohio has long been seeking to extend ; their operation westof the Mississippi river. The information is believed to be thor-. oughjy." reliable, as it is . said ' to be substantiated ; by memoranda made by the late H.'M. Hoxie, prior to his death and found, among certain pa pers that had been laid away for fu ture reference. The secret leaked out - through a party who desired to arrange wittaTFprt Worth capitalists to operate in the Western Union and Baltimore and Ohio stocks as soon as there was any indication . that the bargain had been consummated.; .. ': GOTJLi DEHIES THE CHABQS. ; - " New Yobk, Dec. 8 -Jay Gould de nies that there is any truth whatever in the story of his alleged deal with Garrett, of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, as to an. exchange of tbe Wabasb Railroad system for the Bals timore & Ohio Telegraph system. Tlie Smallest newspaper la tbe World. ; PaniTiUGaxatte. 4 ,.-., ., If a prize was offered frr tbe small est paper in the world, the latest ad dition to the Parisian press would stand a good chance. It is called Le Quartier Latin, and its superficial area is less than a leaf of the Pall Mall ' Gazette. ; This insienificant paper, taking for its title the name of the great literary and artistic quar ter ot A'aria announces its collabora teurs as - all the Btudents. . Thoneri small, it is excessively bright and full of the firenuine esnrit of the Quartier. Its strong' feature is mots. Each mot is sgned by the author and preceded by a little pictorial canard. There are also echoes from, the Boub-Miche (Boulevard 8t Michel;) sketches of tpes of the district and letters di-. rected to the professors. ' The editor has already got into trouble with the staff. The coHaborateurs protest against having - their contributions compressed into a little space, or, wbat is worsen crusbed out together. They threaten to start opposition, but the conciliatory announces fortnight ly supplements of forty- pages, made up of ov rflow matter The Quartier Latin sells at one sou, for it employs tbe old, nomenclature for the cur rency. v ; . v ; . ' . The Fire riead Tesierday. CmcAQa Dec. 8 A special from RaSlo, N. Y. eaysi Kbler and tloi m woods ft vq. story candy laotory, the largest in the eity, took tire at -3u a. vSk and burned to the ground, together wish the adioing blnck; oc oupied by S"ifr & S anback, hard ware t ffrantt Campbell, hats : u.: w . Cbapei,: A small Presbyterian church adj jiniatr is ruined.- Broezole's botel across wens street caugni are. bus fir . a it fy . was put out after the. window.; frames were burned: Surroundine oroiiertv was damaged by water. : Losses will probably reach 1500,000, - ", '- Vartbqhake -lesterday. 4 OLTJMBIA, 8. O , Dec. 8. There' was another earthquake shock' here about 4:20 o'clock tbis morning,' very perceptible,- waking -up- Bouhd sleep ers, ana tne tremors appearea lo last ruiiy amiout, ' S?. Louis, Mo., Dec.' 8 A special from Missouri City, states that a dis tinct shock, of earthquake was ieit there at 8 $5 o'clock last night, a. lowTumbliBfi: noise was at first heard and a perceptible lar followed, shak iog buildings and rattling windows. Its duration was about three seconds. ,- -t. Tesael Wrecked. Washington, Deo. 8. The Signal corps at Washington Woods, ' JM.; C, rannrts under date of Dec. 7th. as foi- rowsf xne anuw a. vahjiuu, ui. Portsmouth. N. H , bound fromUos'. too to Baltimore, is ashore three miles north of the false Cane of Virginia. The crew of eight men were saved. A Veteran O.nedisn Deed. RALTrjiOBS!. December 7. John E. Owens the veteran comedian, died this morniD gat bis home in this city, aged about tJ years. ;-..;:-s a o.we T. Sercaaau Fa'" passed several sleepless n'lits, disturb ed by ie armies and erte. vt a snner'"? cniid, mil iwnwum convinced that Mrs. Vimsiow's RnothinirhmiD was lust the article needed, pro cured a supply for th. child. On reaching home and acquainting his wife with what he had done, sae refuse to have tt administered to the child, m ah m strontr'y In favor Of E,araBOpathy. That night the ehiid pa-sed in. suffering, and tne iwMntB withmit bimatv ' wpnri' Ii nm 6 the day liipii, t ef-i.iier found ti e oaby still worse; f ji st ts,iipiatlni aiouier Heeplew night, o, muui fmm fh room- to attend to i - K mies, and left tbe father with the f (. j i"r a .oee he administered a por t iif i..e - tyup to the bsiy, and said i . .t &! tanrfs alent well, and the i.ui. ' lorn pi. leer p 3 iq te morouig ongni ana nap -r 8 aei'-mwl wiin the sudd. e. fna anaough aturstouena- t t a ,.ii niHtt.itied pnon her. has ea- t.iiirt to u . t .n.ans siuiefin? crying bnUies i a 1 r I U) ";" A SiB?iS t lei iietrui) pe-r y-t 1 d to reneve tae t . and eett9iii tue preruioes of toe mother. fci, d by al liru. . Ji. it Oenta a 00.0, "Jt Sav:sJ My Life" is a vcommoa expression, often heard from i those Htlio have realized, by per- . sonal use, tlie curative powers of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I cannot say enough In praibe of Ajer's Clierry Pectoral, De lievirig as I do that, but for its use, I i should Ions': since have died from bing trouujes. E. Eragdon, Palestine, Tex. About six montlis ago I liad a severe . Hemorrhage of the Lungs, brought on by a distressing Cough; which deprived me of sleep and rest. .1 had used vari ous cough baluams. and expectorants, ' without obtaining relief. A friend' ad "visetLme to try - Ayer's Cherry Pectoral ' " I diil so, arid am happy lo say that it helped me jit once. By continued use ' this -medicine cured iny cough, and, I i am .satisfied saved my life. Mrsi E. ' i Qoburn, 18 Second st, Lowell, Mass; ; . I have used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral lor oyer a year, and sincerely believe I should have, been in my grave, had it ' not been for this medicine; It has cured me of, a dangerous affection of the lungs, ,for which I had almost despaired of ever finding a remedy. --MfMBlUa,-' ; Windsor, Province of Ontario. Z' ? ? Cold mv hina. T consnltftrt i pnysieians, and took the remedies they prescribed, but failed to obtain relief until I began using Ayer's Cherry Pec , toral.! Two bottles of this medicine completely restored my health. Lizzi M. Allen, West Lancaster; Ohio.-u : . ' 'Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral, ; med byJOr. J. C. Ayer ft Co., Lowell, Mass, Soli 3j au urugML. fnet (i; tlx bottles, Sat JrugguM. THE j GREAT'. REGULATOR. No medicine is nolversij used - as Slmmone L ver Beg u.ator. . It won its war into eT-trr home br pure, sterling mer it. It takes the place of a doo!r and costly press Iptlons It Is a family aedlclne con taining so dangerous qualities but mreir wgetable; - gentle m Its aetloQ and sen be safefj riven to any person no .It has so Eqoal as PrevesUve Medicine and will do good In any sickness. II acts gent'r on the Bowe s and Kidneys and corrects the action of the Liver, indorsed oj persons ot the highest character and eminence as The Kest Family ; Medicine. If a ch(ld has he eolle It is a sure and safe re meiy It will restore strmigth to f he overworked fat ber and relieve the wire ot low spirits, headache, dyspepsia, constipation and like Ills Hfi ulne has oar Z stamp in red on front of wrapper, pere pared only br J. H. Z1LIN & CO., FhUddelphla, Pa. i i nov21deod&wira i , PURE LARD. Wbat the tadlaer Grocen of . . ; AUtlUsaore Way Aboi " ' J-V BAirniORa, Md., April 26, 1888. . Messrs ft Cassard A son, - Gentlemen-As tbe question of using pure or im pure Lard Is now claiming the attention of our eltlzens.we will take pleasure In stating to you that we art full) convinced that tbe article you are furnishing at, is as pure as it can be made. We have used tt in our families and sold it to our trade foe the last twelve years, and in every in stance has given entire satisfaction. - v . t t i. f. Yours very traly, , ' l 1 V . a. iui nAitf a a &img,-' ' 5 . ;' . - . Hil.Tfm Un .Tuna th IBM - Messrs Cf. Cassard Son, Baltimore, Md. ; - . Dear Sirs We have sold roar fltxr - ftnnA . T .rH to tbe exclusion or all others, and have yet tbe first ItaekagereturneiLoraeomplaJnt of any kind In reference tO It. Wa tnkft mwt nlmmnt In rmim. mending it, believing ft to be a perfectly pure artl- ele,andgaet aat will give entire saHsfueUon. - fery Bespectfuliy, yours, ., HOPFKB di CATOB,' " . ' ; Baltimore, Md. : v ' - fiiT.Tninm. Kn.. Jnn 2Sr1. ISSfi.: ; Sear Sirs-1 have sold Star Brand ot Lard for a number of years, and have always found it uni form and superior in quality . I believe it to be per fectly free from the many adulterations now used mine manufacture oi tfils article, ard prefer sell ing it to any other brand now on the marketi " s very truly yours, i , 3- . , wj n. Band all For sale by leading grocers. : - - , 6. CASSABD A SON, . Baltimore, Md, OBBKBS OV THS OKUCBSATKS "STAB BBND" MILD r CURED BAMS AMD BRKABJPAST 8TBIFS. - J. W. MeCOMBS, Agent for Charlotte. - SCALY, IT0 8KII Aad All licby and Scalv Skin aodMoalp Disease Cured : -. Iy l uiicnra.:) r : , TSOKItSIS, eczema. Tetter, Btnewonn Lichen, A Prurit s i-caid Head. Milk Cnw. Daj.dniff. -'arberei Ba-ers'. Gro-N' nd: WasheDfomans' Pen, and evry gpeclvs of Itchin?, Burn! g. 8oaiy; Pimply Stttnoro of the Sk'n an i tknlp. wi h Loea o' Hni bi pwiuveiy eared t.y nlc ra. t ie great O it. ami Cu tourt bo s. an exquisite k:n Bt auti awextean ly. nm Cu'twra utto'T-w, the new ,'.1 . . J 1 1 U 1 . . ,. . ... . - . .. diwu rsrmor ia'eruauy, wuea pnyicuuis auu au uta.r refaedieM fali , POBIASI OEC 'HCILV SKI . .1. John J Cae, T. D. S . bavins, prmtl -ed ten '.lstry in thl' count y for tblrty-ive yers and being weil Ra 4 n to la usinds b reabouts, with a view to t. lp any who are affile ed as 1 have been ret the past twelve yea s tesunxi tn.it me uuwnra Keme d es eu'-ed me o P-iO'lasis, or Scajg -kin, in eight dys, after tbe doctors with, Ujjb f had eondulted gave me no help or npouraaeaiut t . - IsTREHSMG B UITI wa. ' ?our "uttcora fteroedies performed a wonderfnl cure last suinmer - n one ot wcr customer, nu old trntiemenof seventyyears of ;me,- ho futfen-d with a rwirrutly d!8tnsjiig eruptV'U Oft tne -h a ana face;, ani who had tri4 ait remedies w a doc iexarkar.a,ari, . . . , . - Ot STAFIrfc. OPSCAI.E8. .'.. i .- .. " . "! H E. n arpenter. Hende sort N V . enrd of PBorlasiB or Lepiwy, or twenty years standing-, by ciDTieura ttemeaiet. - rne mo t wo aerni cure on record. A dustpanrul of c'e fell from bim dally. Physicians ana his friends thought he mu-t die. ECZ i?M 1 tl ArICAt.I,T CURED Far the radical, eure of an obstinate ease of i Xcsema of long etandiug. I give entire credit to the uiucura uemeaies. v-. - ' v S. B. HICHABDSON, New Haven, Conn.- Sena for "How to Care 8kle Diseases.1 I -p tj TTTirvths eompiexion I -P V U , using me Cuticara ao and skin by aoap. ; - r IT FEFLS GOODS. i Thoxvwom nnt with Pains. Ac! Thoewom out with Cains. Aches and Weakness find relief m one min- te in tee Cotleura Anti-Fain blaster. druggists. 36 ecnts. D'nonm-nnEss or the Liquor Habit positively cured by administer Inr Dr. Haines' Golden Soecific. It can be given la a cop ot coffee or tea without the knowledge of the person talcing It, Is absolutely harmless, and will Artont a.nermAnentand flDeedy cure, wbetber toe fauent is a muuerate uxiuiLrr ur u muniuuv wnuft. t has been given in thousands of cases, and in every instance a peneci cure nas louowea. it Ffiil. The RVRtm once Imoresnated with tbe Spwutic, It becomn an impossibility for the liquor appetite to exist. For Circulars and testr QuulJUS wiunim liliuur.., Drciiriv lb3 ace BU, Ciacmaat; OCt32Vr6'U V n n n nn qi q u u erg ruEQVOUG DHwlLITATUD r.'.2tl. Tba are allowed afree trial efthtrt dav ot the nf 1 1., nv.1 Oxtlffhrntad Volbaio Beit Wlv 4 E tWi, Rn,MiHW lliniiUUW.. fo the ffTOeCt rei.nf and permiinentciire of bervowDebUU jf. lo4 of Uantv and hawtooti, and all kindred troomM. A8. lir many otner diseases. johimi t u to, Eean ii. Vigor and luanbood jniaraBW So r lelncurrea. muatratea phhmup i B9ja7deAd4pr$n, O JUDGING- FROM OUR REDUCTIONS . -' IN " - Or Ha -CD 5P EOnOM HAS! DROPPED COT OF PRICES. We don't .wait Until After Which will take place -OF- seasonable; - goods MAKE BUSINESS LIVELY. : We ; must unloadj tike advantage of . the - prices! ; ; ' REDUCTIONS REDUCTIONS REDUCTIONS REDUCTIONS REDUCTIONS; REDUCTIONS Substantially made. WORTH t5.00 6 00 &50 -8 00 9.00 REDUCTIONS REDUCTIONS REDUCTIONS . REDUCTIONS REDUCTIONS REDUCTIONS REDUCTIONS ,?Ji: -; " -;;-;. "".. T-i. "i-1 v At this uniform price we offer odds and ends ot " ALL w0L suns . . Which formerly sold at $10.00 to $15.00. ' - : . - DIAGONAL ALL WOOL SUITS . At 18.75. former Dries 12 00, $16.00 and $18.1 Bojj' Long TO TO TO 12 13.. U TXLBS $2.50 8 60; 4.00 ' REDUCTIONS REDUCTIONS: OVERCOATS. REDUCTIONS ; A big drive In Al: Wool Chlnchinas, sizes ineom-' plete, at $6.60, wefl worth $10.00. . . - REDUCTIONS REDUCTIONS OVERCOATS- All Wool Beavers, all sizes at $9.60, worth $13.50 : OVERCOATS. All Wool Beverstbles at $7.00, worth $10.00. REDUCTIONS AND YOU WILL Prices have reached bottom sure enough. r ; CHARLOTTE, N. C. MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED AND PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. I 1 DRUGGISTS, . CIIARL.OTTE, Say: "Gunm's Pioneer Blood Reneweb t gives our customers entire satisfactson. We always keep It in stock." . ' L ' : MIDnte!' PIOSiEEB" ''-'r. - Is the oldest ' and, best blood medicine : on the market. It's record for usefulness is as "old as het oldest," and it still goes oh do ing a great work: for the i afflicted. - ' . . - : - CALL Jordan cS Go's ZUruc ; Arid see the new Circulating Library of Guinn's Pioneer" select reading matter for thepeople, ; ; G. 0. Jordan Cs Recommend Guinn's of Blood Poison, Rheumatism, Skin Diseases, &c.,:&c.--: ' V" " "' -w f If IIEN THE DAMP; COLD DAYS j v . of early, winter brings touches of Rheumatism, take ' 'Guinn's Pioneer" and find quick and permanent relief. : mi P iow is maae by tne ifiacon idedicine v;o... 01 luacon, txa , jrnce i.aju per uotue; m-argw size 81.75. V rite for r treatise on Blood and Gkin Diseases. . ; , : . ; For ealo always :by . . IR. H: -Jordan & Co. r 1 Ciiaiilotte H. C; - - I n sr. Q Q I Stock Taking, about January 1, 1887 , IN CLOTHINQ . IN CLOTHING . IN CLOTHINQ IN CLOTHINQ IN CLOTHINQ IN CLOTHING IN CLOTHING m CLOTHING IN CLOTHING . IN CLOTHING IN CLOTHING IN CLOTHING ' IN CLOTHING ? , IN CLOTHING ! .; TN CLOTHING . IN CLOTHING -IN CLOTHING 'IN CLOTHING . IN CLOTHING GOODD ' No Shoddy Goods NOW" $3.75 " 4 50 ' " 5 00 " 00 . ta . . 700 $12.03 A ful1 line at $10.00.1 0J, worth $Si)0 per kUlt more - Pant Juits . WOBTH $4 50 FIND THAT AT , ItOPO ;;; ;;; ' ; , : :os- Co., Drnggiais, Pioneer" in all cases :o: Blood Renew If. . , febvta