CHARLOTTE DAILY OBSERVER. NOVEMBER 25, 1900. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm WaS'hlTlhlrthdey "iTii'.' QfrRtoMHI B. tosrejli, editor f -atlas INCH Qte wis atac la las The "A-SL w -. iku n ma la ut our yoMenaay. ob nw The Otanv eatenus Ha thanks to itba fara of Mis. Otdtor. TMjr wn a at utaenoue in m 7V4 cento a pouaa. ha aJaStai for the Second Iraatvtarlan church, aftsr the sermon to Usat church an a ladies' tall gM Worth Tryon The policemen earned tbetr salary last nlrht ITn ta X o'clock late mornlaa iter ted lasted 7 white men and ne groes, liquor was at the bottom of the trouble In each esse. A Bsc. recital wOl be jrtvun to the music students of the Presbyterian Collage, by the pupils M awunmci, ana cc processor saouoy, in me parlor, on Tuesday nftemoon, from. 4 to I o'clock. John Stevenson, ootorad, was ar- nlnwt at nolle heaSnuartera last it on the charge or oreaaing open li the Southern rreignt vara. He Is held in fto bond for trial to-mor row. -The lineotn Journal advance the ratter Interesting theory that the per- mh arVn mnnlnnri the nld OMU TravlS. near (Newton, about ten days ago, waa the muraerer iwjw two . jsrs uoiiey nna pw uHsntn, u county, last weak. -Old residents of Charlotte knew by the appearance of things yeaterday that Thanksgiving waa near at tend. The streets fairly swarmed with people and the majority of the crowd was bent on shopping. Merchants In all lines re port a brisk trade. -An oyetor supper to to te gtrak Wednesday evening at iteson church by the ladles of that congregation. An address will be delivered by Dr. nrktm at IU (Presbyterian end masse will te furnished by Sharon Otoe Club. A MHJIX PBOBABL CBACKED. . of fort Mill. Is the Loek-U oa Charge or aaaaoii. Mr. James Hogan, a cltlaen of Fort Mill, 8. C, waa lodged In the guaro war to Tryon far a few days" rest. Mr Bdmonda and his paper have done and are srtll doing a great work far the tenth. Discussing the outlook far tkie section of the country, yesterday, he said that the pwapeats feTtndwstrlal and bu expaaaloa SAT's cotton crop," gait Mr. Edmonds, will, toctodteg the seed, bring n nst an average or aooui .to to tSaVVtoaw of late year. , this the taoressed value added to ttet part awuoractureo m ins South, and the value of the oil, hull. etc.. and wa have at mat szas,- 000,000 more, or, any. giso.iros.ine, as the amjuat which Us cotton and t mtmA iaw and rnanufaetured. aut taia vaar be worth to the ftoata. Other sgpncanurai prouucia wrn. wheat, oats, soger, rice, tobacco will figure up at least f500,000,eoo, so ttet ITT, r ik. anil and tha manufactWM SI -T,.- .a aaad wa U1 eat tl.SA.0M.- aos r nroductlon of Dig Iron in the South daring the next 11 months will te about mm lo t.000,000 tons, and . .... uUniit nt roal naarHr 60 000 DOS tOIVL The total value of manufactured and Mining products will te at least $1, 6W, am mm nutaide of cotton and cotton oil ni.niifartufwa.ora total of agricultural MinnniafM ana mimna uuiuui. ui i ... at Tuo noo ooo. TMi Is the m nlftcent Droapect which the South has wm. fi and as the elec tion Insures that there will be no radi cal changes In our legislation affect ing business interests, the people of the teuth can plan for the broadest possi kia nni,m of their Industrial affairs. "Our country, by the force of Its su perior natural advantages over any other region of the world, and by our unique position as the most energetic, virile nation has taken a commanding position rs the world's affairs. The Spanish war was but an tncwent u bring to the world's attention what we had already accomplished In pushing our manufactured goods Into the orrii-a muM It broadened our own conception or what we were doing and startled the world because It demon strated that a new ipower had arisen tt0, -horwefrvrth must be reckoned with m ail of the world's financial and trade affaire. The South has a vital m i,M,t in thla hrnadeninar out Of our iww - w m ,niinirv'i hualnaaa life, for waving greater natural auvamagea man an Oliver secuon ll will oe tnir own iuu in in wtntei Men's High Grade R ESS 600 U VhAKhMlirtn awl aa a rule SUV laaiaar Hain years past, with but tow ex cent ion a it kas been the coldeet oay.oi tne season and regularly csM toe oaianco or irw If vou haven't cotton your winter wren it would ha whet to get one thill week aa aa to have it on Thursday. TV. trAXnmknm Kama arlll 1Vf YOU a slight Idea of our ability to supply your wrap wants: And .Suits Jackets tv. ...nat cut the heM MaSs and 1 wa attina in an the leading colors and fabric, every garment guaranteed to fit and the prices are nnalltv Mtnaldared. 14.10. IS. SO. MM, $7.60. M OO. SROO, U.W, Otl OO. H&.00 up to $18 00 Boa coats in tan and black, stylish cut. (12.50 and fit eu. Golf Capes . .. .. . V. 1 A new lot of those popular garments received FYidny, tft.OO. M.oo, f7.M and . M Misses' and children's Jackets and reefers, $UI to fU-to. H.A.Mn,Jr.Co, kn,. laat nlarht on the chaTSW Of hSV in assaulted Mr. James M. Cook, at th aKtnn Mill Hosan started out for home after dark, with a good stock of liquors In hie buggy, In addition to the fuel which he ted already absorbed. Driving by the Atherton Mill, te got into a controversy with Mr. Cook, and net upon him with a buggy whip, using the butt end of it on Mr. k tead. a. . -., nt hta blows. Mr. COOK'S scalp was severely lacerated and the teo doctor who were called bad to do a good deal of stitching and plastering. Hogan wouldn't tell much about it tost night, ana vook. couian i, uuv Mayor franklin may be able to get the straight or tne ouaincaa w-um abiflaVt saaaton of the court. The doctors, say ttet Cook 1. very badly hurt and ay iotalbly ae auffertng a fractured skull. Hogan etock of original packages is in charge of Night Turnkey Summ arrow. if we da. not expand with the expansion re ihs tar nrua miinrrv in uaiimiw t ur VI l law we aww w dominant financial and manufacturing power of the wona. ROBBED THE GRAVE. A startling Incident, of which Mr. John Oliver, of Phlladeiphiia, was the a,ihl la narrated hv him SS fOllOWSt r .n im a moat nreanrni cunuiuui . My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunk- M naln rnnllnuall V in Bill hiibuo r " ' - back and aides, no appetlte-graduaUy marin weaker dav by day. Three nk.r.uion. had vlvan ma ud. Fohtu nately, a friend advflsed trying 'Eiectrlo Bitters;' ana to my gxeai Boy un -nriaa. the first bottle made a decided inMMiii i Mntinued their use for three week, and am now a well man. I know they saved my Ufa, and robbed the grave of another vicrun. No one should tail to try mem. yu, en nia irimrnnteod. at Burwell ft Oonn coa,drug atora. Bell 'phone tt. Queen City 88. OPERA HOUSE, Wed. Hon. 28th. nnaivrtRR than BWiR! The new Jolly, tanstssttcal production of M. B LEAVITTS Oeorgeoue Spectacular Rxtravetansa i it nharantar sad quality positively oombtaed II VUfT nrmeni we sen. Wftoffarthase Ufa grade garfflaato al lower pries than Otlkettshrag bsoauta w propose to do the Suit tad Ovarooat bona eat of this oitT. Mta'g vary las Overooata in th well AND ,Chester field , style . beat of material; in the latoBt gray hades, par foot fitting, tailor-made gar ments, UWt bo ouer nouse will dupHoats for $25.00, i her for $20 THI CAROLINA CLOTHING 00. J. A SOLOHHOW8, Mgr. tgsnts for Dunlsp's Celebrat ed Bala fail orders solicited. Charges paid one way. 1 fflS FPw -WrealeaSal Bw V- I W JnywK al r rwa ple t&at wt coqm IJawa, A Ik lam swaa aa testiam saatsj v Or UU9 tVWPwl iP F DRY GOODS, I JbUl Inxtsil lagrsi il l flyiiivtiTil Hrlvw 0 print to the treat rath were t peat many people tint m tention uity aeterveo. ror mm SPECIAL SALB OF avetaf tsM hitna aHth the I etlrwead fn urait uoon thai thltmaTft. that fJ dispatch busJoeat more rapidly in the futi if at any time you noma ieu to ferww we tik you to pleate bear with nit will certainly re ten you aa qwcaiy u to mill you mow, nm come nm una that uHll fo like cheff before the pact to get any of them, you'll hive to fly. "So watch out" iM-tnch mixed Cheviot, worth toe., at Perola and erepons for dresses and skirts, worth . to It at Tto. M-lnch black broadcloth, worth B to W.M, at .to and Bo, Freach ttonnets. mtOOt at Cow Ten piece of tot at Little ever kail vaiaa. Wool worsted, worth 10c. , at Oolf cloth, suitable for sklrta, cape and Jackets, worth toe., at i Be mm i. i w.a. .nniiniia irimminn. sliver braids and buttons, ate, . v.r. mtt VI a mmmmA III III III 1 1 alllS SSSIM I 111 MIT mfSngf . ..i.inahia waavei. from toe greatest looms la the erorid. to many beautiful daajgeaga, ahadtnga, rare and exclusive combinations that description Is obviously Im possible. Cashmeres nd front Plaida, worth lie, saflBMiBal m mm : "9MHssflanSai . . . . ..a mmi i . el KM WmZik - ii GLOflKS, OtlPES, JtOKBTS. FURS, mm di nl li nooo tf " S be Mr) ir, ... ' ' -l,o ' . Olorioualy cheap, because they are glorlouary good. mtk sawn tkia that long lashes add beauty and softness to the ere. boa, or Jaoket will kwd color to th oompkalon. V rfpM new of youth and be a leader amongst stylish and wa4ra pat oa a pleca of fur ntck-flxlng from oar sale this Presented upon a ecale of grandeur and regal spienoor. 40 ftUCM-LlR-W lS-IOH-CUUi 8PE)01A.LTIE5-1S See the Magnificent scenery. See the Oeorgeoua Costume. See the Superb Ballets Fantasy. Admission oc., Wc-, W-f "Reserved seats on sale at Jordan g drug store Monday at 10 o'clock, For LaGriprJdln fliiATi7fl. iiRft CHENEY S JSyPEOlJOBANT. air both noted States. The former la shoes. Thelatter and boose. The i ta footwear to r lis boots and i noted for Its shoot t noted place for i at. whinh the student .iVan aovM-al weeks awo and which was postponed W" j the nines of M5os Hy-" be , i . m.,amAatr ovenrinar. Cards Will not be eent out a second time. All who .have received cards will receive a 5lvVw.oro6 at the band of tbo Th freshman class baa cuUnlM ,3aT v. ii mi liaa nfflnara. via: Presl- Ii2 nrTet ll Boyal: vice .. nHint maa! aanretarv. Mia LUl'le artffln; tresswrer, MUhi SJttwttsaler; committee Mlewes Blilabeth Johnson, Florence Meyer and InBL Ut hina . hav been selected as r... Animw The motto chosen to: In Time, On Time; fie lAlwaya Reedy. lufiunn s-itv wave an other of Ha delightful programmes last ..lust fnnrfltlnr of ten numbers. Class spirit and oollegu loyalr rjre the leading tendencies in college life the present session. A TIMELY HINT TO FURNITURE BUYERS. All eyes are now turned towards the new furniture store. Our success has been achieved by the liberal manner in which we deal with the public. All goods are bought in large quantities, for cash, which enables us to undersell a point worthy your notice. nillaWsriftil jfJT il nfli MODEL MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. The high-class kind at moderate prices. Hat distinctly "dlKerenf brains, fingers, taste, Judgment-ell four work In unison to prodac our millinery; simply trimmed, fully trimmed, untrhnmed. Whatever th want, depend upon our show Ing It, and It will be the beat of It kind, but piiMn$'t"'foiT w mtMn .of 0Ur Stock. And HALLOW FTJtIB Will be pleased thU week at BELIC tldaai A I .1" 1 T ii sanl Saw 'J aMVBSbanaaQ(aaaO vtr Wmmm mimau EBaTS3M WHOLESALE CHEAPEST II, 15 STORE ON EARTH ,21 Ee TRADE ST. m.. n.MhoM Haul savw that Mr. C. J. 8haw,f mat place, b roovml to Charlotte. The Blade says: "H left Wednesday In charge of Ms livery out fit, horses, phaetons and buggies, which he nassold In ChartottTW family toft Friday avonlng. Witt Monroe, the efficient colored semnt. want with them in the culinary and dining room work of the boarding house whkn they will keep near the corner of Tnyon and Tenth streets. They have an elegant house and we hope will do well in this lino ho, rimer had sixteen vsars experi ence In thO operation of th Cartkap Hotel. It was, like pufjlng up one of the old landmarks for into family to go . fPhav .hnil UvmI iMHW a nUmlrPT of years In a public place and made many friend, who regret to know of their departure, we wian mem uc-seas. HANDSOME CHIFFONIERS. A fine anowlng of plain and auar tered oak and handsome bird's eye maple B.B to W7.00 A Wind mil in a Show Window. Mr. Bryan Overcash, the decorative 0.11I11. has nrransvd amther iwh and novel display In the show window of Tapp, long ft co. Tne oacKgrouna is formed of fall foliage, and the centre piece is a atata mill, such as one ses In the Dlcturs-hooks of Holland. The structure to Bit entirely of linens, and the arm, built of doylies, are made to i k. ,.1v.komrk Thprp have hen many good displays In Tapp. Long ft Co. a winflow laieiy, owi now nav Biors attractive than the present one. BUI Board Picture. That Glitter. m.. RalH" 1a to ho here next Thursday night. ThJWn (boards of the city have been adorned with highly l!?Z-t .hnwlnr her headlnv a unpade throug the Dewey SUUU lit ilCW vi LJ '" 'm.-r w - I a PuUman ear in Chicago The colored people have studied tne pictures wun . .5Lt a.i t intanurt and are nroud ovt m inagniflcence of the apparel of the colored queen or song aim i i" homage paid her as evidenced by the show pictures SfsMltaggto Iqraadto as a Bridesmaid. Miss Maggie teOrand left Tarteraty nuhMi .h. win ct aa one of the brtoeaweids at tne marriage of Mas Bitwsra angler to Mr. w n. lor. THAT TWROBBING HKAJOACHB. Would qulokly leave you, if you used n. WKWa Ntaaa fMk SMlta fPSmmnl PM,,,a . WW mm 11 i of sufferers hare proved their match less merit for sick and nervous head aches. They make pure blood gad itrong nerve and build up yoar Health. Easy to take. Try them. Only Be. Money back if not cured, told by BnrWefl Dunn Co., dVcrggtot. WARDROBE BARGAINS. Handsomely finished oak wardrobe ir h nnrt - rhoiit mirrorea noons. at prices ranging from ....111 to $36 MORRIS CHAIRS. We are showing bargains in this line In leather xelour and panto sole, golden oak and mahogony frame. A choice variety of styles at money-saving prices. ENAMEL AND BRASS BEDS. A shewing guaranteed equal to the beat all the new styles out a tl&OO suit at gfiliS: a 127.60 suit at lltW, and many others. VALUES IN ROCKERS. A hraa line of rattan rockers " ...... 12.60 to 111.00 A haiwaln In nak rtrlrora rnhhler eat, worth $3.60, at 2,98 Superb line of Mahogany Kocawu. i if 1 " ."",','!'. "" BUT Habit Is Hard to Kill FACTS Stubborn Things. FOLDING BEDS, One of the best lines ever seen here. All of the new and popular style, at bargain prices, $17.50, $24.00, WM, H&. WfttYttSinnTOl Smm sLasMaaatsm B By . wff 'aari II LfKslUVvdaaBSBsVeT la- ' Baw WW P7 cfi' 7 jtTAssaseaHlBsiBs Hundred of well dressed men thai are In the hrblt of b"-jlngtbajr uU made to measure by their favorite tailor, are now buying, by equal sati- ?W strB n'd overy desirable fabric to here In tals ea- "n WEOUAKANTBIl If the suit you buy here la not perfectly satisfactory to return your money without questionwithout argument Sacks or frocks, single- or double-breasted, round or square cuts. AND TOILET TABLES. If you can be suited in a suit we can cult you. You cannot do bettor In t in quartered oaa maple, special at . 1 Skats bird' eye $12.50 and $17 BEDROOM SUITS. Our brag line full assortment of styles everything that's new and desir able excellent values, reduced in price as follows: A magnificent line of oak bed room suits, in fine quartered oak, beautifully finished and highly polished, at fit, $22.60, 35.00, $60.00 and $90.00. Fine Mahogony Suits $55 to $100 Bird's Bye Maple 48 to $65 CHINA CLOSETS. Handsome quartered oak. nicely rubbed and polished, good values, St $26 to $37.5 YORKE BROS & ROGERS SOLE AGENTS rOS KNOX HATS- OFFICE CHAIRS. h A handsome display of quartered 1 avhamiHfiiltv unbolatered in leather ...4.g to $15.00 Every piece of furniture in the house was carefully selected from the stocks of the largest manufacturers of furniture in the business, and our lines include every thing that's stylish and desirable. Every atticle is guaranteed exactly as represented. Wrp fcAOfW OPERA HOUSE BUILD' 6 . I . MCltoAsJ I s 209-211 S. Tryon St. Wm Sbvle 822. x.n IHt full WS lined nnrlr ante. band-seared, styH same a cut, width 1C. D. K., o to ii. jfnee h.w. I nntAlnBTie free. G1LREATH & CO., maaa . . amrnaan urioMciiff is. u. Mi in our nreas-making Department still keeps full for each week in advance. if i,n want anv work done nefore aa ' g vw phi ii li one ii in ahrmt maa vou had better as then the work will be suspended tor the holiday. Ask to see our Cnrtetmaa noveltle whe you come in. m :.aBHBBBBlBSBBBl b.i-..- I linen Laundered wmW s v.Wi 'All Unco foMherThanksgtv table comes Under wur class of; pieces for im " BJBSSSJ Tou can tgat - linen afjsajpjsj laundered for.Sto to set a prv : ty large Thailaaimbg table. But there hVtheooks to con sider as well asttawquantWBJ no one atteoaato Ap do betes work than wfeUmposaliffJ Include tlrWIsWoths. asp-, kins, tray cloths, towels, . handkerchiefs, pillow OLDB8T. iktomwn. Bwmm m ana soma Pesos oSavaSL SbbsbsI I Pbeguatiff. -j iRToF "9? No Motho Should bo Every Family thou1 Have Hn kCMBBBBBBBI I iwt ,a BBBBBBBBBJ m tm . STIFF ii NbbsLbbbbbb! i iiiiii mnuiiii ibbiisbbsbsi .will wwa.a -wm" - FOR 1ft FAU , , ; . t LibbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI i bbbbbI IIS. 1. 1 m a We have J patterns to and Percali som $1.00, $ NEW MILLINERY STORE. m N. Tryon at., Spring Building. MRS. M. I. HAYFISAD. HaCafflXiat5! ' Jl full of novd etc able