lm ma w. I HIMtML re m at M tetn wainr n MMion voornee e as MMm and makes i vMMB bstweea tBe dem ote as Th-flaia Hslytectmlc paw, Is whtch Uw tamer won by a if U to 1 It vu a hotly contest -Hp, shossatnf many boo stt- s and to plays, as was artt WRHi v a large crowd, Psrhssas Mm Satan the tad, there beta I tain the programme arses the game cells. raiMrtac la the story at ft pat la detail: fVat BsJp-VlBglBta woo toas and nw MAkJcoaL rovsyttaa kicked oft r Cfemses to BibI. wo rails lwu Um tail before he Is downs. Ufsnter attempts line bat fails to a, Htibbard goes around end for Bards way makes H yar.ls end; Hubbard tries end but no Carpenter backs line for two i 'Bards way makes one yard and; Hubbard tries Una back ft Cin; bail goes aver to cieme-m dsrwaa. Douthlt makes two yards the line; Hunter foes arounl one yard; Forsythe makes one Hat and ball osa orer , on acootmt of forward pea. makes four yards through In the eerlmme Hunter gets Captain Carpenter claimed Hun an kail after wt-tstie blew. Kef- ire kail to Virginia and Masted. After mu a took near ft Is VlrdBla'a down and three yards Carpenter makes 1 yard Use: Hubbard makes three through line; Hardaway tries but falls to advance; three yards tarous;n thrvusb Use f r makes three yards Csrpeater snakes two Use: Haroawey mages throuah line: Carpenter jink hat do advance. (Third With 4 yards to gain). Carpen- PMU rrom Place BJ OK !B iwen- yaro line, iforayrhe kirks off r damson to Carpenter, who as ses ball Btteen yards; MoCormi-k SB through line for two yards; Hard ray toes arfta end for two yards; Mara makes 114 yards through line: Rrtatway ghes through line for t rde; Carpenter goes through line for las yards; Huhhard foe around en.1 HRa yard i ; Hardaway goes through for 4 yards: Carpenter makes Mi yarde through Una ; Oanpen I r Ikes two yards through tine; Cox if through tine for two yards; Jewell e around end for tea yards; Carper. - througb lne for 1H yards; trial end but falls to gain: Stakes tour yards around end: goes around and for six yards; itsi goes through line for 2 ; HBrdaway tries for end but one-half yard; Hubbard inak ?s lata half yard around end. Ball goes afar to Clemson on downs. Beilois foes around end for eighteen yards; Xyneh goea around end for 3H yard: the makes threa I yards around end. Hunter goes around end for six teen yards, Forsythe makes twelve yards through line on a triple paw. Hunter, on a double pass, makes four yards around end; Douthlt makes two yards through Hhe. Walker goes around and for t yards; lornak goes around end for five yards. Douth't bucks line for one-half yard; Forsythe tarn yards through line, aem- ses gets nve yarns on on-siae piay. bucks line for three yaras and down. Lewis ucks goat, score, to S. r locks off for vwgims to who advances ball fifteen yards before being' downed: Lynah foes around end (or two yards; Douthlt iMsT Hue for tV, yards: Forsythe makes 6 yards around end; Hunter iNt n double pass goes through Tine, for six yards; Douthlt goes through line for 214 yards; Lynah goes around end Hf seventeen yards; Hunter makes one-half yard through hue; Hunter foes through the line for three yards; hit makes seven yards through Hue, Hunter roes through line t yards; "rLynan goes around end for one yard. Douthit makes two yards uhrough 11ns; ter tries line hut falls to advance WKm Forsythe goes through Hne for half yard; bail goes over to Vir es downs on her fourteen-yard Hardaway goes around ertrl for yards; Carpenter goea throusn for three yards; Hubbard goes KRh line for two yards; Hardaway PPll around end for 3 yards; Hard as ty stakes two yards through line. Hubbard goes around end for one ya-d, IggKxaes through Hne for three yards; pen ter goes through line for 1 yards; Httbbard goes around end for three yards; Carpenter goes through Hue for two yards; MoCottnick mak m he yard through line. Nine out With IfBBBBKM thirty-five yard line. Time of ftrt haif, 23 nttgntes. Score: Clemson tmSm Half-CaDtain Oarpent or :C for Virginia to Hunter on son's Sve-yard tine, who wjvahoes tarenty-flve yards. Bellows makes MUMs around end: Ctemaon's ort- BBres Virginia ten yards; Douth t two yarns through aine; Hunter around end for lour yards: For I ntakes two yards through lis', t makes three yards through Unsi ir srpes around end for seventeen C Bellows makes three yards id end; Forsyth 'goes through for 334 yards; 'Doutbit makes two i through Jlne; Lewis' loses twelve I on fumble; Buster makes ten around end. (Third down and ptf to gain.) WaJknr makes 2V I around eiJd; Forsythe gees ad end fornix yards but is called , on scoosBt of off -aide play and tola gets ten yards; Lmb - triei mt falls to advance ball. Here wU"i 1 wn and yards to gain, a double pass kicks hall to MS on Virginia's thirty-yard line about one yard within bound. By Ic-k play Lynah SOes over for a Htows; Lewis kicks for goal; who advances ball eight goea through yard itaaamr (has ton but I tkrough Bne; srd sround end. SWos.on don; ird nVound e4; goef fsmsgh line for she yard: uoss tan yarns to moueti; for Vfegttss. suss through tor ass half yard: Oarrn r ksa three yards tkrough Uns; Hub bard anaksa om-half yard srouna ass; Bsii goes ever to Clemson on down bb her farty4ve-Tard use. Osme called as hceosst st dsiksesa pure: Oeswan, U: Virginia, . Time. of half, n minutes. Teams sad eight brutes to slay before thse would be fJfOC -Ur. CUE1MOX. V. f. L Urs Ittght Ouard Jtofltt Walker. Cast. Wght 1ckle Cox Woodward ...hlght Ouard Abbott nsater Center saeeie Oeerge Left Ouard Oarptr Dscks-orth ..Left Tackle ..Jiccormic Make Left Bad Jewel! Lewis Quarter-bark ....DeCsmn Heater ...Right HaU-back Hardaway Forsythe ..Left atalf-bark .Atubbard Douthlt Fun Hack tarpester Hctomaa Coach ttoferee: Beard; Vo.whees. Umpire: Dodfworth T me-keepers: Klgga, Voor- Beam. TsxnnusJtLocB Oo. artMSEBS STtLL OVsIB. They Have Vstsaaf to gay totosasato Thai They WUI Bash Dews II Is stilliat. HewSvse, Thai They SHU Have a Sew gtoves to reesasrt. Jdr. T. A. JUythe'e lnten lew regard ing the action of the Kuulhern Cotton Spinners' Assortfatloa In its effort to nonce commissions, appearing to so Obseorer special from PWtadeiphla yes terday, Wse called to the attention of President i. H. M OA den and Secretary Oeo. IB. Hiss, of the association, last evening, and they were asked If they had anything to any on the subject and each replied that no statement what ever regarding the matter could now be given out It Is evident, however, that Mr Blythe's statement that the Southern manufacturers will likely abandon their efforts tit have their yarns bandied at loser is tee is at least premature, for those interested convey, by their cheer fttl spirits, the idea that they stilt have a few cards up their sleeves, and it would not be surprising if the Northern cirnimoaaton men do not. before long. find th.it they are not the Indispensable factors hinted at hy Mr. Blythe. It Is recalled that the Southern Cot ton 'Spinners' Association first consider ed the question ef establishing direct setting agencies, under Ml own control and was assured that should It need any outside help1 strong houses would finance It. Thts fact may account for aome of the apparent confidence on the part of the Southerners A number of Northern papers yester day endeavored to set statements from the spinners, but all efforts were met with the sjinounosmsM that there was nothing to make public. MSB. COIXBX'8 WILL. Administrator Rhjroe FlaSS II sad Fet It ea Beestd-Tbe Property Uoss to Catkearth'a Relatives. Mr. A. H. Bhyne, who has qualified as administrator of the estate of Mrs Violet J. Oottey ami Miss Jane Elisa beth Catheart. the two old ladles who were murdered and burned, yesterday found Mrs. Colley's will among- the litter of the ransacked residence. He brought the paper to the city and gave it to the clerk of the Superior Court. The will was mads hy iMm. Volley on April 19, I8i7, and was witnessed by Messrs. J. W. Reid, W. W. Berryhlll and I. N. Big ham. Mrs. Collay wine J her tarm of CO acres and all her money and possessions of every., kind to Miss Lutneart, her niece, who was 'burned "with her. Miss Cat heart owned 80 acres adjoining Mrs. Colley's rand. The estate goea to Miss Cfethcart'a. relatives. It is benesred Miss Cathcart has two aurv.vlng meters, one of whom Is su posed to be living In Gaston county. W Rhyne, the administrator, will endejavw u searcn out me relatives ami put them in possession of their Inheritance, A Trial la the Jail. Will Barrlnger, a negro who Is to. Jail without privilege of bond on charge of an attempted assault, is again in Jail under a bond of o0, on charge of larceny. Barrlnger stole a "poke" oon tahing about Sli from t he-wife of Josh Agp.aw. The fact of the larceny came OUT after his commitment on the charge of assault, and yesterday the witnesses In the larceny esse came to town. Inquires John A. Newell and C. L. Hunter, not being able to bring the ne gro from Jail for trial, went to the Jail and tried him. As a result they recom mitted the negro, who was already in Jail, to Jail under a bond of fM. (Bar rlnger, under the circumstances, made no effort to give bond. Henderson Located. The SalWbury Truth-Index says: 'W. M. Henderson, colored, one of the refu gees from Wilmington, who was accom pan led to the, depot hy a committee of catlsens during the revolution there in 188, is spending a few days in the city, visiting relatives. Henderson is now practicing law In Indianapolis, In diana, and eays he is doing well. Henderson is well kmdwn in Charlotte where at one time he reigned as a depu ty collector. Bird Thrown Away. weather of the past few days has sot only been very uncomfortable to the wearers of winter flannels, hut has been bad for the (game market. Three commission houses in the city were yes terday compelled to throw away large quantities of partridges that had hecn shipped to Charlotte on consignment Biros spoil very quickly in warm weather and the loss sustained yester day was quite a heavy one. Three Hoars at Catawba Blver Bridge The north-bound train on the Char lotte, Columbia Augusts, road did no arrive yesterday until after 32 o'clock The engine broke down at the Catahvha river bridge, and there the train stood xor nearly three hours until repairs were made so as to permit of the en gine coming along "on one side." as the engineers say when only one piston rod is In operation. Walker falls to advance I; Lynah tries .Hne but down and five yards to kicks ball to Carpenter yard line and he ad ty yards; Hardaway trds around end; Hub half yard sround end. as two yards through es two yards through ' woes through Hne for Amity and NeweU Chorchea to Have Pastor, (Dr. Bntfges, of the Presbyterian Col MRe liege, will preach at 11 o'clock this morning at ths Presbyterian church at Newel!. After the services, a delera tion from Amity church will meet with seieeauon from the Newell church to confer as to arrangements for the services of a Dasfor for thefJiS 'flBBBBBSS. S sround end m fhmueh line Very Small Men, And Very Thin Meo, In Fact All Men Who wish to wear fashionable, perfectly tailored, ready-to-wear-and fit-at-once Suits and Over coati, can be perfectly satisfied here with the famous 8tein-BIoch Wholesale-tailored Clothes. Suits and Overcoats, $10 to $40, A perfect lit wsrranted or your money returned. E W, MELLON & CO, MAIL ORDERS HAVE PROMPT ATTENTION. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ TURKEY DRESSING win soon ths order of .things in Thanksglvingdom. The strutting turkey will soon cease to strut he's going to be "dressed." With man It's different. When he's dressed in one of our Suits or Overcoats it's pleasure to "strut." We have the styles worth "gob bling" up at prices to be "thankful" for. A veritable "feast" of value. Let us fix you out with s suitable suit for Thanksgiving Day. It won't est you much. Even less than you think. Goods sent on approval, returnable at our expense. sisisvw wssp .. s.wac.r as ID II mm I Founded 1842. I lvli iTf i Lit I lUn JFWaBCaaaV juai a EBirtui&i gsv'Sam I aE iBaaaaaasaaaafis praise." We wast to remind you that the stock of watches have as hand Is the largest have ever carried and the sort meat hi complete. We can furnish yen! with ANTTHTN'G yon want Is eUbtr ladles' or gentlemen's stse. Ess the latest handsome designs. Prices enable. BBBB BBBBSBBBSSSfl gSBBS tfT. HOLIDAY GOODS are arriving dally and my stock la about complete. Diamonds, Watches Jewelry, Cut Class, Solid Silverware. Umbrellas and Fancy Goods Ths handsomest and most carefully selected goods ever shown In the city, Would be pleased to have you call and Inspect my stock for my prices are from 10 to 96 per cent, leas than they can be duplicated for in the city. JONH FARRIOR, Watchmaked and Jeweler. No. 4 Sooth Tryon Street LONGDATE CLOTHING CO, Oldest and most reliable clothing store in the city. Established In lf $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Have You Bought Your Jacket?? ftwawiaBBsgaii LEOI STERM LXUNDRT COMPANY Lace Curtains The name Implies a delicacy that requires careful handling. The praise given us by the la dles la the test how well our work Is done. The reason is the. attention given to the washing and having them evenly stretch ed. Our prices are 3Dc to 60c. a pair. LEOI SrEHI UQNORY fiQUFHY OTH PHON gg tag. IB W. TRADI. Agents wanted in all neigh boring towns. ERYSIPELAS. The Editor of The Stanley Enterprise says: Albemarhv N. C, May 18.18M. Dear Hrs. Pearson: I am a complete convert to the faith In your Remedy. I wrote you about my mother, ef her having been attacked at regular inter vals with erysipelas, she having an ul cer on her ankle, swollen leg, etc., and further, after taking two bottles of your Remedy, as prescribed, how she broke out with a terrible Itching- humor. Well, after resting on the strength of what she had taken for a few days, she commenced 'it again, and I am thank ful to say it has done for her what 17 yeaio' treatment from doctors aa$6. er remedies failed to accomplish. In leas than two months your Remedy baa driven the erysipelas from her system (she not having had a single attack less than two months your Remedy bas since commencing your Remedy), the swollen leg has been reduced to normal proportions, and that ulcer on her leg, which has been there in an Inflamed and running condition for 17 years, has entirely healed, and, praise God, your Kemedy has done for my mother what doctors could not do, and what we bad lost all hopes of ever being done for her. Despite her 65 years of age. She can walk two miles with more ease now than she could walk two blocks before. 1 feel like singing your prahsea for what your 'Remedy has done for my mother, and shall take pleasure in rec ommending it on all occasions, I am, sincerely, J. D. BIVJ5NS. MM H in sole. An impertinent question, you say, but we mean If you have walled Here's Your Luck Late Saturday evening we received surprise case of 40 brand new coats, Jackets and "auto-nacks. . Monday iWe place the entire small lot of 40 garments blue, tan and back on sale for fun at &! to $3.50 each lower than you can match the quality In Charlotte, The lightning prices will astonish you SS.00. M.00. 17.60 and SS.SO. A clean cut, a big saving, a small lot: now. Jo-day, this morning, She sale besins 32. 34. 36 measures. Hot or cold, rain or shine, the sale will be at ALEXANDER'S P. 8. Every garment the new style QUEEN CITY PMOME 83-B. Garibaldi & Bruns, In a short while we will display the magnificent showing of Holiday Goods now being purchased in New York by our Mr. Bruns. It will be t tie best selection of fine Jewelry Novelties, Etc., ever shown Charlotte. 1 Garibaldi & Bruns. Jewelry Headquarters. Aanlveiaary Dinner Friday was the eighth anniversary of the marriage of sir. and flfrs. W. O. Dowd. It was ceJetoated by a dining, at whioh were present Mr. and Mrs. C. . w. awn, 9sr. am ara. .Lawrence B. The heirs at law of E. T. Lents, de ceased, offer for sale about 4W acres of land on Dutch Buffalo Creek within one and one-half miles of Mount Pleasant. for ajstock farm; well-watered and has good buildings and barn; also onef tan-yard and a house and loti adjoining, and said E. D. Lent" late residence, both in the town of Mt. Pleasant There are three; churches and two good schools,one male and the other female. In said town. Any Person wishing to purchase will be shown the property by calling on JONAS COOK. Agent 1 w.jM!' '' MttnUmKlK.'V.""" Nov. 16, 1900. Bibles, Testaments, er and Hymnals, Full line large print Bibles and Testa ments. Some splendid val ues in Family Bibles. Coma ssd see the OLIVER and be convinced of Its superiority over all other Typewriters. F. N. ANDREWS, JO West Trade Street. "Sing their own A Germtn proverb maker once said: 'There is no why without a because." Stuff Pianos contain every improvement known in the art of piano building;. The finest material possible to secure is used in their manufacture, and every workman in our vast factory is an artist in hb particular line. That is WHY Stieff Pianos are unsurpassed in tone, quality, action and wearing power. BECAUSE our scale is-a masterpiece and the tone it produces a revelation in purity, with a wonderful reserve power, sympathetic, and an action the very acme of me chanical perfection, is WHY they are sought by cnltrvHed musicians and amateurs. These are the WHYS and BE- CA USES, not to mention the saving of the middleman's profits, that make the stieff Piano a king among competitors. CHAS. M. STIEFF, mmffKm: tilSl Charlotte, II. G. The HagoeMcCorklc Dry Goods Co,, Itnpof ters and Wholesalers, Greensboro, N. C, DRY GOODS, NOTIONS AND HATS. We solicit trade of merchants only, and sell nothing at retail. We cordially invite all merchants to call on us when in Greensboro, or to see our traveling salesman before plscing orders elsewhere. A Forerunner Of Christmas SV " rjej iTjftsbti Jufct Look at Thisj Doesn't It Look Inviting, Handsome Leather Hooker; the fa mous ''Karpen Komst ruction; warrant ed in every respect; only SB.OO. Here's Its Mate, X The Famous Karpen Kouch, X All leather. The construction of the BprlngB, (bound securely by wires fcoth ways, instead of cords), Insures life and wearing qualities. 'We stand behind all ffoods we sell. How's this for low? Only .). rn Maps S 0 r 0 CD C0 MAIL ORDERS (ARB A SPECIAL TY WOW US. WiE OUlAJUiNTiBB TO PliflA9B YOU For an Odd Piece This chair is as handsome as madean ornament to any roam. Real low at $12.00. If Something Cheaper is Wanted Here's a Oouch, same construction, in velous upholstering-, guaranteed in every respect. Only I17.M, Andrews Furniture & Music Co. "THE HOME FURNISHERS." CHARLOTTE, N. C. '"T 111 "777: Stone &Barringerf Rook. Stationery sod Art Store, GOAL Al Craig Uro Phone 170. WD DO A. G.Graig&Bro 7 - LIME CEMENT A. G, Craig & Bra ii tmrf awwn on job r. rev w. srtm nnr Mr Clement Dawd. igu use.; Mof-1

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