CHAIILOTTI DAILr OB3PBVEIV OCTOBER 1, 1C01. CHAELIE LYLE 13 SESTEXCED. BE GITS It MONTHS OX THS HOADS. i.t, CnuUw G.u 81s Moatht la Jail a4 AppMU-Bad WWU U rtned f ai4 th. Costs-Aa ExplamtUaa a U Whilst BUt of Hind. Charlie Lyle,' charged with larceny, was convicted In the Superior Court yesterday morning and sentenced to 12 month on the county road. He will not take an appeal, but wilt serve the sentence. This is, practically, the end o( a very sensational episode. It will be remembered that the verdict , of the coroner's jury charged Lyle with the - murder of Newton Lanier, who 'was found -dead near this city last August. An analysis of the contents of Lanier's stomach by a chemist disclosed the . presence of a large quantity of mor phine; supporting the theory that La nier had committed suicide or, at any rate, had taken the poison voluntarily. The grand Jury failed to find a bill for 1 murder against Lyle, but .acted upon testimony , that showed that Lyle had tricked or swindled the dead man out of 20. , J. S. Crenshaw, the farmer who shot and killed Reddle McDanlel, colored, In his watermelon patch, was yesterday sentenced to a term of six months im prisonment in the county Jail. Through his counsel, Mr. K. T, Cansler, the de fendant appealed, , i Alfred, or Bud, White, colored, was, tried In the Superior Court yesterday for carrying concealed weapons and for resisting arrest. He Is the negro that Policemen Pitts and Bummerrow tried to arrest on the night of the 81st of August and who evaded arrest by as saulting the officers with one of their own clubs. He knocked both of them unconscious, but. was gamely pursued by Pitts, who recovered In time to make a lively pursuit and put a bullet In the leg of White who eventually escaped. In this case the Jury returned a ver dict of guilty, but recommenileirIn view of the good character proven by S'hlte, that he be shown merry. Judge oke thereupon ordered the defendant to be fined a dollar in each of the two cases and to be taxed with the costs of . the action. The amount was paid and White was liberated. In order that the outside world may not wrongfully construe the action in this case, a word of explanation is vol unteered. The light penalty imposed upon White means no reflection upon Pitts and Summerrow, who were doing their duty. The practical dismissal ol the case was based upon the character of the negro. Here's the Idea: White was a country negro, of a family that belonged to Capt. 8. B. Alexander's folks and were reputable. He came to town on a dark night with a pistol In his picket or in his hand. He had no business with the pistol; but he was like . the farmer from Podunk who wan scared of city ways, and he was merely preparing for the hoodoos, the witches and the rob bers. All tooi'suddenly the two policemen loomed Up out of the darkness. They were-In, the right, but White had no time to make an analysis. He did not remember that "law is a rule of ac tion" or any other handy maxim, but he was certain that he had a new pair of shoes and that he was a stranger in a strange land. He had about the same Intelligence that governs some thing that has been jumped out of a brush-heap. His mind and arms began to move in circles, and, apparently, he was not altogether re sponsible for what he did. It Is repeated that the officers were not censured by the finding of the court. "ALVIN JOHLIN." A Wall-Kaowa Bnral Vomcdy at th. Opi Haass To-atorrow Might Specialties. The attraction at the opera house to morrow night will be the celebrated rural comedy, "Alvin Joslln." "Alvin Joslln," an old Vermont farmer, re ceives a letter informing him that his half-brother has died In England, leav ing him his entire fortune, provided he never marries and in case he Is married the money goes to Alvln's nephew, u young New York broker, provided he is not married. Unfortunatedy for him (Alvin) he is married, but In order to retain the fortune, he gives his shrewish better half the slip and goes to New York to visit his nephew to whom he represents that he is a single man. While in the city he meets with strange adventures and gats Into all sorts of troubles and his efforts to extricate himself furnish end lens amusement. Alvin's wife traces him to New York and her appearance on the "scene adds to the complications. Although the comedy element is ex ceedingly strong, there are several dramatic situations and thrilling cli maxes. Several well known points of Interest In New York are faithfully represented bw special scenery. Among the principal scenes carried are the Grand Central depot, Plt'r 2 East River, with a view of the Brooklyn bridge by moonlight, a thieves' den Baxter street, and a typlscal Uowery Concert Hall. During the play several novel specialties will be Introduced. A Jtobbar Conf mm. Policeman Pitts returned from Co lumbia, S. C, yesterday morning with McOee, tho white man, who whr one of the party of three that robbed the storo of the Charlotte Hardware Company last Thursday night. UcGee admits his guilt and says that there were two other men with him who entered the store, stole the articles and handed them to hlnvon the outside. Several of the stolen revolvers were found in his possession, tie has made disclos ures to th police that will likely lead to the arrest of the other thieves. Index to This llortili (' A strong chain of bargains link the hearts of the women to the stores of Hoik Pro. ' , Garibaldi & Bruns announce a change In their business by which Mr. Harry Dixon again becomes associated with the Ann. Allan's headache remedy cure. Sold by Woodall & Sheppard, Bargains in canned goods at Bridgers & Co.'. It1 M. Brannon sells tooth brushes that will not shed their bristles. All the good things of the season to eat at th Gem Restsujnsirt. ; flreat bargain In piano.' Wheeler Wall Paper Company. ' H. M. Brannon keeps every known skk-room tomfort. Tha Merchants Farmers' National Bank offers strength, liberality and ac commodation to customers, f : The Charlotte Steam Laundry washes clothes so that they will stay white. .Mrs, Joe Person's Remedy cures diar rhoea. ;V v,-,t v., ; H. A, London. Jr., & Co. 1 prepared to make dress skirts on short notice : The Model Steam Laundry make a specialty of family washing. lvey .offers a great number of special bargains in dry goods. The new fall goods of the Bee Hive are moving along at the- lowest prices. The Southern- States Trust company has some desirable business property for Tent. . - i Bargains In parlor furniture ate of fered by' the K. M. Andrews Furniture and Muslo Company. j The lots opposite the graded school will be sold at auction on November 5th and 6th. Houston, Dixon & Co. frame and de liver pictures the- same day they get them. IHils wanted for the erection of the public library. Wheeler, McMichael & CO. Grass seed of all kind at Jordan's. Water rents are due. Charlotte Water Works. The big sale of the stock of the Char- lot t Carpet Manufacturing Company W-Uiaoon- De lnauguarieu oy ine wepnn nwnt Store of the Tspp-Long Company. Genuine bargains will be the rule. lip SICIHTS. Th New Pa.tor for Steal Creek. It was with great reluctance that the Abingdon, Va., Presbytery dissolved last week the pastoral relation between Rev. P. H. Gwlnn and his congrega tion at Glade Springs. Some time ago Mr. Gwlnn signified his willingness to accept the call to the Steele NCieek Presbyterian church In this city, and it only remained for the Abingdon Presbytery to take action. At their meeting Wednesday last seven commis sioners from the Glade Springs church appeared and asked that Mr. Gwlnn be retained at Glade Springs, but the elo quence of Rev. Dr. John W. Stagg. of Charlotte, who had been selected ta prosecute the call for the Steele Creek church, prevailed and the pastoral re lations were dicsolved. Mr. Gwlnn and his family will reach Mecklenburg about the middle of this month. Mr. Gwinn has a reputatlon-for ability and charming personal qualities, and the Steele Creek church is, as always, b safe bands. For Croup atft Cbenry's Kipector. ant. Hetcheled Flax i t i The latest thing lnfaihionable stationery. New est sizes, t i t t Stone & Barringer Rook, Stationary and Art 8 tor. 22 8. Trjos Street. ' Walt for me at Stone (EL Barringer' reading room.1 " I 1 m ii 'in i in i I !. il TliTiiTfffMWBBiJI1 I li in Hi 1 We are prepared to make, on short notice, dress akirU of any description at a very small cost. Thete skirts will be mado. by an experienced skirt maker, strict ly to measure. We guarantee to fit ind give you entire satisfac tion. For these skirts we have a complete liue of all kinds of skirting in black and Oxford gray. . . Specials of walking skirts: Oxford gray, plaid back, 50 inches wide. 75c Oxford gray plaid bck, 56 inceswide.. V $1.00 Black and Oxford Chalbhin goods, 54 inches. $1.00 PREMIUMS GIVEN. H, A London Jt& Co, Bell 'Phone 54. Clothes Kept White. i The way we wash nmi dry clothes keeps them white. They don't get yellow, grimy and bluo for we wash them clean every time. Costs you but 24c. for th washing and ironing of 24 pieces the best washing and ironing you ever had done. Our method of handling this part of your washing Is cheaper and more convenient for mot people than hiring a woman to do it. In this class we include sheets, pillow slips, ;hund kerchlefs, towels, napkins, tray coths. 'Phone or postal brings our wagon. MaKe a Specialty of amily With. We have new, up - to-' date machinery and we guarantee the least possible taer. : : : Promptness is a feature of our business that has made numbers of friends for us v: : :, : : II hi Laundry S9fM9imtMWMMMfMI For Nine Juong f Years I Suffered. South Hoston. Va., Sept. 3, 1901. For nine long years 1 suffered from chronic dlaorrhea, which weakened me down greatly. M weight went from Ifi2 pounds to 87 pounds. 1 got so I could not do any work, but could sit up a little. Kor twelve months I lived on sweet milk and bread. If I ate anything ele it would start the bowel trouble, from four to ten times a day. My doctor said I would never get well, I might get better, but that trouble would always be my weak point when 1 would take cold. Seeing Mrs. Joe Person's advertise ments on the South Boston bridge, I wrote to Mrs. Person and stated my cane. She said shi did not think there was any doubt of her Remedy curing m Bo I commenced it, and soon I could eat anything I wanted ex cept buttermilk. I took 22 bot tles, which made a perfect cure of me, and I gradually regained guy weight untll-1 again weighed 16X pounds. It was seven years ago since I was cured, and am now perfectly well. I had a baby that was born with a bowel trouble, which nothing could reach. He was born In May nd in July he had a bad boil which he suffered from for nix months, I didn't know Mrs. Person's Remedy could be uned on so young a baby, so I wrote to Mrs. Person and she advised Its use. He fore lie had taken a bot tli the bowel, trouble was cured and also the boll, which (he doc tor said threatened to be a sc rloiis trouble, as It was so ob Htinule and lasted bo long. MRS. W. N. WARREN. UStroi Oh am. a. That Links the Hearts of Women Firmer Now In the starting of these Special Sales wc go tc outset, viz Naming under prices for new goods thatl You can casilv Drove this assertion bv an investigation t quality. Every day brings something new from the mak. ) full of individuality and style as can be produced, v at iw - .V - . . . L I 1 V.. ..... . cr "J e -it i&l L. J. Dress Goods Rsvtrjf r C9 SOljtman Tf go. I 'itlOM MERCMAMtt. . All wool, 52 inch Homespun Cff worth 75i our price VC 44 inch Granite, all wool, OA worth 65 1 our price O t Black Pebble Cheviot, $1.00 Q qualityj at 07C 50 inch Plaid Backs, worthy t $1.25i at DC t at! 30 inch rainy d a y Skirting A 50c Hindi at .. Outing, per yard, at Light Outings, In stripes and Polka dots 12 l-2c quality. 1 f per yard V. Now, don't break the link, but keap in touch with the crowds flocking to B EL K B R O 0 94 A'' 0 r - 0 Wholesale and Retail. Cheapest Store on Earth, Both Phones 256. 11-15-19-21 . Trade St Joseph Garibaldi, Wm, L Bruns, Harry Dixon, ANNOUNCEMENT, i admirably DavtdMW OoUags TfastMS to MU The trustees of pavldson College will , mtet In the parlor of the First Presby-1 tei lnn church this morntng at W . o'clock. Dr. V. J. McKay, president I of the board.' arrived here last nlrhtj and Is the guest of Mr. George R Vll-, son, who Is also a trustee. Other trus-' tees are Mr. Oeorge"W. Watts, of Dur ham; Rev. Dr. Jethro Rumple, of Ralls- ' bury: Mf. A. U. Ranks and Mr. A. H. ! White, of Rock Hill, S. C, and Messrs. 1 P. M. Urown and R. A. Dunn, of this city I Miss Baakla OsU th Scholarthlps. Miss Eloiae Rankin, daughter of Mr. ' W. W. Rankin, has been selected aa the daughter of a Confederate veteran who shall get the scholarship at the Tresbyierlan ' College. Sha entered there yesterday mornlntr. Miss , Julia "Alcsander was tha chairman of the committee that named Miss Rankin. 1 1 ail 11 :i i; 1 1 1 in EKKiinmiEiini We are Closing' Out Our Entire Clothing' Stock, Consisting of Men's and Boy's - HaffateBIMOomlag. .-' Buffalo Bill's wild West show , will exhibit at Charlotte Monday, October 28th. i . ; , ,. . ' to you suffer from piles? If so do not turn to surgery for relief.;. De Witt's Witch Haset 8av will set more quickly,' surely and aaiely, aavlnj you the expcnue and danger of an operation. tCIL Jordan & Co. ; 1 - CLOTHING! for the purpose of quitting busi ness, as heretofore stated. Our manager is going into other p , business, and a quick disposl gv tlon will be made of our stock. P Profits have no consideration. VsGhQ CAROLINA n CLOTHING CO. Uj . , J. A. SOLOMONS, Manager. ve We wish to announce to the public that we have associated with us in business, Mr, Harry Dixon, who was until recrt salesman in our establishment, Mr, Dixon can now be found in his old place, and solicits the patronage of his former oistomdro and friends, and hopes by his courtly treatment to add greatly to our business, 2 2 2 With the recent changes in our business we are situated to meet the wants of the people, and to supply them with the best goods obtainable in our line at reasonable prices, OUR STOCK OF FINE TEWELRY, WATCHES, X f . . , X X CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, NOVELTIES, ETC, is now large and the most complete we have ever carriedr coh sisting of the very best goods, X X .2 We start the new season under more favorable circumstah ces than ever, having not only added Mr, Dixon to our fiffii tut we have opened an additional workroom on the second flcwr6f our building, where all kind of repair work will be done 00iX With the holiday trade almost in sight we 1ake;ady this occasion to state we will soon show the most-magctne of Holiday Goods that it has ever been our pleasure to d)l ii Charlotte. GARIBALDI & BRUNS; ; N0TTS0ur Mr, Bruns will make a special trip to IYtk?innic7 c to purchaserour holiday stock, and he would be glad to .take special or ders for cny il: ' wanted thai is not now in our stock, -2C :'-'2C Z"

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