i i . ..H AL tn.vl-1'.'ir, latr'.iut Iterttaee. The ni't liit- (cstlngtmcleos In con- ? tuple, t the Qara nf na tion with the riming of the Daugh- Iketm, tr of the Corf-aiTHfy In thin city urt ma ami jzm 01 mm pur.m ur the prptx-ntatJon, next Wt.'diuiliiy ::3 rful spectacle baa nn in jiiffrt'iunuun, una i,-u ." -,kpoii piwvions n., ,'.,, (,,,, r uhti-h will r incomparable im , . , , : Y,, , 1 . h- be "nt to the North Carolina room Id 4 l or imposing htia ever 'lis country befr. One am-Wiit city of Jerus- mple of Fcdomon anl fltil jcVrwlnw with color, 1 m iflclal show, but a alirstion tf life in th 1MB KTIIW nr Uy aa well as lt sur 'ml the perfection of show will be at Char- -vn of Jiln He was born -uved here nearly all . ne last two or three been In" the Insurance ,vr -Mr. "Walter Brem, and Ale business man, , Mr. Fiix-was", known "to in Charlotte, and had manv , -that commanded liking, U , Ight and genial and .hail figure -in society here for a of yean. He had many friend devoted to hla friends. Thh waa mutual. ,H had a ran ny for misfortune, for unfrr people, that redeemed htm for funeral services will take place , f Poplar and Tit th streets' this (.,Leman, rector of Bt. Teter'a Ecii- l Church., The pall-bearers will ow. XhomBBlbn and Chase Ure fer, ' i Mil rp ftinvinvn. ing held lnt night the fit thla city devklcd to j.'.r rompatiy name to th i t nilU-nwn, The diange of imea elTwtive at oiw. gtnHl Hometa' Neat Ulflempn aanlaed her In 1856. ' Thy gallantly Ihtwigh the civil war, r reorgunlaed in 187$. They fUned their orgnnlifttlon until at e Spanish war, when the tntn 'waa mustered out, June ?4. 1KS, new Hometa Kwt Iwilenin er. 41 : men, who purpoae to italn the good repututln of their sun BM WJM LOpSBD I.f . r Jaa V1U tMta Geo.' fclag With a Kalf HOm la aattMaTroaata-Tha Oplalok I a MatkafU-taw, 'A white tnin- by the name of Jump tllllwM tried before Recorder Shannon, house yesterday , for cutting George King. King waa In Hill' room at th time. Th taatlmony given tended to show that Hill waa In the fault and he was tent to jail In default of a 1250 bond. . The moat Interesting part of thla trial when Mrs. Hill testified. Bhe stated among other things that she and her nuaband livat ,ott North Trym street betweeav the- aquare and tho cWy hall and thatl for several montha her bus twadjias locked ber In. He would go v vvpinrrw una oe gone iinjrwnerv ' from M minutes to a half-day and al- InflcaA thA Ann hafhlnil tilm mi leaving and took the' key .wltht him. MrstIlll la a very : quiet, (modest looking woman of, come 0 odd years, , Her mother, who came ipjirum Port Mill, 8, C Sunday night, found her daughter In the cell With her husband. He had asked that she be sent to him for company,- ' The mother-in-law did not t mince , words t giving In a short story to the recorder. Bhe said: "My daughter mar ried htm on the 17th day of butt January. ate seed enough of hlmtto kndw that be dont suit meMior her, either." Th court over. Hill went to jail, and 'the mother and. daughter to Fort Mill. -. H.ia la said in oourt that Hill served a on the cbaln-gang in Union coun- term v ty,Jot long ago, it,'oOBTA.' toso tya ...Tba J-itrg f. Ualaa'a Old aa ' Mi ftaaoeeiadOttlseaa, ' ' Mr, Oeonre A. Long,s8r died at hla , iiuuis nr&r uvvm u uttcl u uniii wuuii. Futiday night, at; the advanced Age of! jis years. He was one or me pesi Known cltiiena of Union county. It can be aald .of him that he did no man harm. Bv ervone waa hia friend. All ithroueh life , he waa JRnd, courteous and agreeabtt : to all wUK whom be came In contact - JUrJXotuuf bad always been rebut! and strong and was never sick until recent 5 years, and then Buffered only with the I disuses that eocompaay old . He waa a good man, highly esteemed and his demise will be mourned by every 'one who knew him. Mr. Long, was the grandfather at Messrs. H. Cy and Murray C. Long, nf this city. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Long wlU leave thla morning for Love's Level to .attend the funeral, which will occur io-aay. .... : i l91"gMfaa4JMUrarijrork. , The young men's meeting at the T. M. C. A. to-night w II begin at 8 o'clock In- f wdf i: 15 as lu'rrtofore., .- "The Y, MC'A. IJterary Soity will rmume its meetings to-night at 9 o'clock. , New officers will be elected ?nd other buelncss of Importance trans : , ;AqaUiaale4taa board.. Mr. J. L. Bcales, of Monroe, formerly a resident of knd well known railroad "an atUteavtlle,1iiUi'takerrrposl turn ander Capt; K, B: Finch 'lb the Imal freight Pfllce of the Seaboard Air . Line., Mr. cales' has a most agreeable . ierm.ijiaUty 'and ! is ' capably familiar with all the details of railway work. ' " r"".-' "7-; . ,,' Lm(CeUB.r i I ' i Receipt at the cotton platform yes terday were 188 balee, the price being -7.13. tftecejnts for be same date ltUt year 'Were' J0 Miles,' the price being 10.20. 'In September,; 1900, 3,m, bales received at'tfle local platform. t t riumber ta retelptu ere"l,5C0 " PWg Claia. - ,; 1 m: 'Lily "Naflh, who copducted a s "MMmtfijl dancing cIium , last jicaeon, v ill begin with another clans ov. No- 'nbor jBt. " Tbell bn 'the fourth r of tho Piedmont building will be i i as the -lancing mum. i . - i i-'' Weewn, Oholsonvllle, . Va., vritre: ."your On Allnuf mii; plves pei-fert satisfaction. ?t i f pf It Is the best remedy vi. '. ' throat and lung trou II. J " H 4 Co.. J ' i - i WOO!!' r I III HI llWI the museum at Ilk hmond, Va. r,-.,,,.,-,,,-,,-.,., , , The Meeting f roolry rasctors. I iiw rail i.'.;viip fc,.v I'liUltry AftKnciallon will t held lo-i morrow night at l:M oVlock. Tb m t Ing will take place In the mayor'a office in the city hall. Every one Interested fin poultry will be welcome, . v KAYS HE WAS TORTURED. 'I suffered syh pain from corns Ti could hardly walk." wrltos H. Itobln im, Hllltilx)rough, Ills., "but Bucklen'n Arnica Halve cvunpletely cured them." Arts like ptaglc on - sprains. ' tiruln?, ruts, sores, scalds, burns, Iwlls, ulcers. Peifect healer - of skin diseases , and plies. Cure guaranteed by liurwell 4 Dtmn Co. I'M'. ; For taOrlppe Bad laSeeaaa ase Cheaay's Kspfetoraai, 1 t y oooooooooooooooooooooooooo T. M,C A. Phy.lcst fTork. he gymnasium clisses of the Y. M. A. will open to-day, the first class Ing that of the boys, at J:30 ofchx'k his afternoon. The business mens lass 'begins tf-morrow at 8:15 p. m., ind the young men's clans Thursday night, I'hyslcal Director Ockert has been nuttlnir the anooratus in arm;! hnrw anil th : mAmhoni nr nhrtwlnirt much Interest In thin department. The tennla court is being used very freely and quoits have been Introduce J as an additional gam. BreUisrly artlcm, Th elders and deacons of the Sec ond Presbyterian church and repre sentatives from Graham Street Prcsby. tertan church met In the parlors of the Second church last night. It wa de rided that work shall commence on the new building for the Graham Street church at. the corner of Tenth nnd Pln streets and the Second church will back the Orsha m Street church for ull the money that may be- needed to com plfito the handsome building, ri R. X, Johssna Dead. The Atlanta Constitution yesterday contained the following: "Mrs. II. Z. Johnson, the wife of Kev. R. Z. John son, of Llncolnton, N. C died yester day afternoon at 2 o'clock at the resi dence of her daugbter, Mrs. A. M. Hoke, No, IS Baltimore place. At the time of her death Mrs. Johnson waa d'i years of age. Th body will be car ried to Lineolnton this morning, wher the Interment will take place." Hew Metros at the Prlrst Uo pltaL has bcefli appointed matron at the Pri vate Hospital to succeed Miss Stlnson, wno reeignea a rew aays ago, ir. Bell wUl arrive, here In a few days. Sho is excellently qualified for the duties of her position. Miaa usran vin remain in cuariotte and will Jdorlvat nursing, .In this she haa no auperlor. k . Th SyBod Meet Her. "The Presbyterian Synod of North Carolina will meet In Charlotte October 22nd and will remain in session for week. The meetings will be held In the Second Prerbytertan church. It Is expected that over 800 delegates will ba In attendance, Mothers everywhere praise One Min ute Cough Cure for the sufferings it ha relieved and the lives, -of their little ones It has saved. Strikes at the root of the trouble and draws out the In flammation. Tho children's favorite couch cure. R. H. Jordan. & Co. Your Pictures Framed aud Delivered . - . the day order is given. HOUSTON, DIXON 4 CO, ' fadlag Stationary sad Art glare. . 10 S, Trjoo 81,0pp. Qetittl. We Want Your Trade. TATE & BROWN FURNISHERS, HATTERS ; : AND MERCHANT TAILORS, Are now showing tho chic of Now York fashions. NECKWEAR in the newest fabrics and colorings. HALF-HOSE In extreme novelties, cotton, lisle and silk. SILK'AND OPERA HATS, ladles' sporting and tailored hats. The Keeser military stock and belts, State Agents for the ; ; : Celebrated Youman's Hats, : No. 6 South Tryon street. TATE fa BROWN, Tailors and Furnishors. "Wo MK Shirt.' Mot Selling' at Cost. -Aliof our goods re marked at a pro fit. WE AUG IIERE'J TO STAY, Not up one' season and down the next, and we only advertiso what we can do and what wo do Got your prices from tho supposed-to-bo cost sales and th n; get our prices, aud in many cases you will find thar our prices, with a profit addod, is not any more than the so-called cOft sales. A good bargain for jou is a gaia to us. ( We sell to s 11 again. YorKe Bros. (Q. Rogers. Solm Afeints for Knox Hats. YOUR MONEY IS X 'XI YOUR BEST FRIEND, DONT Let It slip through your fingers, lXn't be deceived by the oger- ings of others. Look ovedssur stock of clothing, hats and fur nishings and you save your friend. We have the inside track on prices and If our prices are duplicated elsewhere you should be suspicious of what you are offered.Our goods are as low as the lowest FOR THE QUALITY, but we do not sell them at SO CALLED COST. We are doing business for the profit that Is In It. Glaring advertisements are written to mislead you. DON'T BE. . 4 THE LONGDATE aOTHING CO.; V'1 in Specials for Tuesday and Wednesday. STILL THE NEW GOODS COME. Interesting es our sales have been for the tout few weks, we want to make this the most Interesting one yet, and, therefore, offer tjc following bargains that should appeal to thrifty buyers. , , Dr Goods. Three pieces new wool plaid dress goods, 36 Inches wide, very pretty, goods, regular Wo quality, but to create a sensation we run it spe cial at, a yard ,.............. " Ifh Two pieces plaid back suiting, 36 Inches wide, special at, a yard ...... Si.'e. 32-inch grey suiting, special at, a yard '. liiic. We are receiving new dresa goods every day, Just received a pretty line of broadcloths, suitings, etc. VV.ist Flanneli. A now lot dotted French flannels Just received, This Is the thing for -waists. Then goods are worth 60c. yard, but they will go at the special price of, a yard ,....45e. Eight pieces all wool flannel in pretty new stripes, Just opened up thl morning, This is 50c. flannel, but a this la a special rate H will go to-day at, a yard ' .... .,..21c. 27-lrxh white silk warp flannel, special, a yard ....,,....,. Kiit. 27-inch all wool flannel, special at, a yard..... ..... 5c. Flaonelette Remnants. Our buyer secured a big lot of these remnants, running from t to 10 yards in a piece, at a price that en us to put thcmm sale at about half the regular price. These, ooda are the 81-3 and -10c. . quality, but we will run them during this sab at, h yard ic. IS l2c Percale Remnants for 7 l-2c. This Is nice goods, fast colors and th real 12Jc. grade, but we will let If go at, yard , ..THe Mercerized Ginghams Just received a'vwy large shipment of mercerised ginghams In solid colors and pretty stripes for shirts, fast color. This is tho kind we have been selling at 20c. yard, but we will run this lot special at, a- yard ..... , .,10c. This is your opportunity to save some money, J.BJVEY&CO, 13 West Trade St. Successor to T. It. Alexander, Son fc Co, OOOCMCJOOOOOOOOOOOOCX NEW FA.LJL OODS Arc moving right "along. Everybody tells us our goods are pretty and that we are selling them cheap, Beautiful lot children's reefers ranging in, price from 98c, to $1,98, All wool Astrakan in all colors and sizes, something you pay $2,50 for elsewhere for $1,48, " All sizes, 8 The Bee Hi, The One Price Cash Store. Hood, tShelton WCo, JSkt We Will Open the Doors of the AND MELLOI ORES This Morning' Bright Early $175,000 worth of Merchandise to be slaughtered, 'including magnificent lines o Dry Goods, Notions, White Goods, Carpets Mattings, Rugs; Curtains, fine "Dress Goods and a stock of ClothingThe . largest and best selected evershown in the Carbllnas, This is an opportunity seldom offered to procure reputable goods &t underpriccs. .rmi .p- r7ji) t laaWm Hood, Sheltoh (gl Co. J . - . . ; Vc are Ghowinrf a -Ilanificcnt llcv? Line of Bed Room Suits, Including all that Is new and tie sir able - the latest styles out ... i A j . , II,,, ,. ,i thts season. Our stocll of Furni ' ture Is now, one of the most com plete over shown in North Carolina and prices guaranteed the lowes. if f r - ';W.;T.iMcCoy.'.': Ve Give Creen Trading Stamps. Founded 1842. mm rf if i (i -foinn uuji; VSing their own praise.!' RSany Command fancy prices far above their Intrinsic worth because . of useless accessories and ante-bellum methods of manufacture. Stieff Is made In Baltimore, In the most modernly equipped. factory 1 the. world every saving possible Is made, and you get the benefit , . The tone of the Stein is rich, mellovt and lasting. ) REV. O. It. BRACKETT, OF CHARLKSTON, 8. C, writes: "It ig superb. If possible its tone is sweeter now than when we purchased it eight yearfi ago." a . . i Write for booklet w . OHAS. -M. STIEFF. 'MM.Wft' nW'VoVK CHARtOTTE, tin O. C. H. WILNIOTH, Msnf gar. M. AND S. WARKROOM, OFFICE OF I Hill III IJ WE WE REACHED THE LONG LOOKED-FOR an, To all Our Stockholders, Greeting! The officers of, your Institution take pleasure In Informing you that not only has your institution In Its 18 years of existence been very fortunate In , Its loans never having lost a cent by bad loans and having paid oft Punct ual to a ' day 25 series amountln g to over $750,000 all at the nominal ex pense (Including taxes) of less than 2 i per cent, but ' at the tame time It has climbed to the ... , . , , Uppermost Round of Its Life's Ladder . by having reached the highest number of shares authorized by Its' bresent charter to wit: i 000 Shares Equal in Par Value to SIM000 ... and hence xou are called together' aa per notice below for the purpose of 1 authorising an amendment to your charter, so as to make the limit Jn fu ture to pe 2u,uuv snares insteaa oi ai present or omy iu,vw anares. The management expresses the ha pe that each and every shareholder f will take due notice and charge hi s or her memory with the date of meet ing and attend It In Person or by proxy, as you must bear In mind that un less at least 25 members attend there is no quorum and hence the amend.. - ment ?annot be carried out therefore come and be with its' and let us ex change views and Ideas. , j :l Respectfully' ",'' ,. ' S. WITTKOWSKY, IMOTECE. : I OFFICE OF MECHANICS PERrETUAL BUILD INO AND LOAN XSSOCIATION OF CHARLOTTE, N. C. Notice is hereby given that the board of directors of this association have by resolution declared it advisable that See. 1 of Art IV of Its constitution . or articles of association be changwd, altered and amended so aa to pro- 1 vide for an Increase of capital stock of the association by striking out the " words "ten thousand (10,000") in said section and inserting In lieu thereof the words "twenty thousand ,(20,000"; that aald board of directors and Ita ' president have called a special meeting of the stockholders of said associa tion to be held at the chamber of commerce, In the city of Charlotte, N. C, on Thursday, the 17th day of Octoer, 1901, at 8 o'clock, p. m.,'to take ac- . tlon on the said resolution, to consider and pass upon the question of chang ing, altering and amending paid articles of association aa above specified . and for the purpose of transacting such other business as may come before the meeting; further, that notice In writing of taild proposed change, altera tion and amendment and said called meeting haa been filed wtlth the secre tary and treasurer as required by Article VH1 of said constitution. ' This September. 1, 190L , j ' S. WITTKOIVSKY, President. JR. E. GOOHRflflE. Soc. anil Trcas. . , i v