I I MM. I OVS fc w I t II. tut t. i:smnwn luii.iiMi iioum u a is ak ir . Yotl Dow : fcy t-l liirila Maiorltj- toy HUNT Mr. V. A. -.-rtrd t le l'rrll' f .curt 111 aiitnat' Hank . nutaiiea of a (eatral Mar -, v. Ij, tianle a .lm t .i-llet Ctinattatailoai of , tioHl'rraoaala. The Observer. , ' Sept. In yesterday . edition of The Fayettevllle was published petition from of Cross Creek, Seventy h.iiH and lirsy'a Creek town- .i."g the Democratic county commute to order ballot v instead ot the precinct on Pfiierlenee teaches that petl- - : . ...t I . . . ...... 1 outit to mtie, lormany; wiu; ImikIiichm Mii lu it AppHcallun 1 tt la 'I minif the . la parity of (be ior t narier i.rnttpii itriioiiix .i uaf rut arm oraerrtoa ot i.er lrn rrrNonalH aaa Newa otf, 4 rateaary ('hare MUd t'tals" Has ?retiu to The Obsnrver., , ' Vw . , - IeKlne-ton. , SottL 8Arin!un1kn u.111 rtrwrl.ll Id Thr ilhaiHa V ' he .made -soon-, to charter 1he lrouuols Urecnsboroj Sent. .ft.-Thas'-; ftnmenajr Club, of Lexington. A number o bus- a mount of heavy building being done Iness mn of the town have hod tn con-'.here,,- Is taxing the local contractor! it.'.ipiatioft the terms t ion of a club fori oeyond , their canac4tr. and there la some Uy, arfl In the last few dy. distinct weed of mur contracting firm ineir plans nave assumed tienute ana more wotkmen here. Building l. shape. The following- officers havh ready under Way are not sufficiently bern elected? G, W. Monteastle. p re - .equipped with Workmen now to make Went;- li. L. Burkhead. vie president; tJ. r . tJankinB, - secretary, and H. H. Flnrh. treasurer, - The- organisation will have for its' purpon to unify the business Interest of the tow'i In a so, rial a ay, and 'to promote Industrial development,' Work 4eBn to-day on' the club rooms which, will be jdtuateJ the progress. . demanded in.- contracts. yesterday the manner of an -Atlanta firm which recently purchaaed property nere, wa looklitc for a contractor xoi the building; of , Jurxe eetablinhaini for. the lnstullatlon of their plant for the manufacture of lllumlnu.lntf gn to be eupylled to the raitmuda. but to r.n i-ounty executive cvuiuiim, i nbr of Which may be reason v ..i1ioed to represent the vtewa fiiKibt-rland Democfata, at Its. last i ii voted down a preposition for , .iit primary ty e, little over two t majority..' ... rday Mr.' V- A. sifanttory ;. was t.,r preeldent of the Tayetteville . -hid Hank, to succeed Mr. W. M. ? aa, recently resigned, with Messrs. :. j I. .Williamson and John E. Elliott i and second vice presidents; C. JT. ,; pr, cashier; IU JT. Harrison, teller, t J. V.' McQougrafl waa elected a dl iur. and a quarterly dividend of, 1 1-1 r oent. -was declared, t The election ; Mr. Van story to this position la very ; ,. ufylnr 3to the community. He Is In e prime- o matihood.1 of the Htm of viU A i Vanstory on : Qllleipie street, i rt o cotto'a" operators and dealer in , . stock. -carriage wagons, etc., and is mrarded as a level-headea, con t vativfe tout Droaresalve business man - i BitfulticnHt to note Just here that i wo banks or this city five aouna i fvitlence In themselves, of the iwity of the wagensarriers of the .(..innyv The-eboir! ravettevllle Mtumal Bank has grown steadily alnce r stablinhment. unden the able man uiwit of Itt president, Mr. W. M. ..rt-sM. and the excellent buaineaa 'thodav and through the aggressive ;y and admirable banking policy r tiie popular"1 easnier, Mr. 4. . ...iier, while the savings bonk In oon : t,on. Is very flourishing. The Bank t Knyettevllle, one of the strongest ,1 oiifest In the State of which Dr. (I. W. Uliy I president: Messrs J. It. WiUiama. Vice president; Jf. C. Haigh, . !,ir; a. O. Myrover, teller, and E. J. Lilly and JH, J. Marsh, bookkeepers as a savings ban witn a large runa. hiie its eanltal ad Individual depoa- iis are also , large, i All thle shows that t he buuiness men and laborers or tne on-munltyv and th farmers of the sur ri;iiling cocntrvare making and aav iiu? money. If Mr. P.t AT. Tompkins who, by the w ay, never talks without saying "some t iang"-had been down here taking ? ots, toe; could not have told more forcibly Just what a central market vould do for Charlotte, in the remarks if made the other day on the subject. The correspondent has been wondering iV.r years why Charlotte did not have a i antral .market Fayetteville has had .e for long over W years situated in i !i inlddte. of town, in the centre of a broad paved plaaa, with four wide, beautiful streets radiating north, south. . t and west," The handsome market i tiilding has ajready been described In The Observer. For many years It was a strictly fresh meat market, but for a quarter of a century.it; has greatly en larged It facilities for catering to the nwds of vthe public. Especially does it furnlsh-as Mf. Tompkins pointed out that a central market for Charlotte would do- means for the sale of f arra crs' fruit and vegetables. In season, i.ne can -buy on the market plasa of .Fayettevllle, beef, mutton, pork, veni son, wild turkeys, geese, ducks, quail, all kinds of domestic poultry, ham, whole or sliced, foreign fruit, all kinds of domestic fruits and vegetables, and i W D iaaVI i VI . W I, tt? f B14M la the postofnee bulldlnsr end will be Ufiy said he had 'found It Impossible to handsomely; furnished with oil the e. J get a contractor to event entertain (a proposition for work to begin soqner than January f next. He wishes to go atly-tO-bulldJiigJiXia.l;fU gai ihg he- would : have to make his con tract out of the city and bring outside workmen entlrel". There Was a large gathering lal H .fin without thought, and aa the companitnents vl an up-.to-date f club i ay of getting rid of them. Butj including a reading rotin, library . und j i nbuDle mat a canincpiinpir mwiii -w-iiniwiiiriiu-T- fr- 1 i jtrocured in the above town-' Islington graded schools opened up 4 niuth more numerously signed,, this eek with 2 CO children In attend ance. rror. s. y.. urown, tne princi pal. Is pleased r. lth the prospei t. liefore United States Commissioner! night at the site of the new Centen J. T. Hedrlck. IufI night. Charles Wll son, white, of Yadkin Oollfge, . was bound over to tho Federal Court for having in hia jionsunsloir a barrel ot btackude whiskey. 8om time ago the tairel was found in hia a tore. Wilson skipped, and was not taken until yes teiday when he waa brought here by Deputy Marshal Fries, of Greensboro Complaints were filed yesterday In the suits of Misa Lillian McCrury nn) H. A. McCrary, administrator, against the North Carolina, ilailromi Company Misa McCrary uskj for SlO.000 dumage suntalnod at the 'Crossing at Liu woo.! fythe fast mail, No. soais month ago, The administrator of Mra. Mc dory, who n klllwl at the same dim and Place, demands $30,MO. M'mhis - Watson,, lluxton and Watson and Emery- E. Ha per are the attorney a for Hie plaintiffs. The auitsr will be wutche-i with Interest, It U underelood thai the railroad Intends, contesting ever point. Mrs. Q. W. Montaastle, Mrs. K. L. Burkhead, and Mr. W. E. Holt. Jr. wcrompnul' by hie Mater. Mis Maud Holt, of Charlotte, are attending the fair at St. Loula this week.-Mis Maj Thompson went to Ashevllle yesterday on a visit to friends. Mr. O. F. II in kle left to-duy for a trip to. St. Ixuls and Mr. J. V. Moflit will o to-morrow. Dr. R. L. Payne. Jr., of Norfolk Va., 1 the guest of Mr. O. F.-Ilanklnx. at the Hott'l March. Capt. and Mr. C V. rtobhins left yesterday fur Ridge way, Va., for u week's outing. .Mine Anna Coffin, of Greenbro, Is visit ing Mlaa Veigh IlutchlHon. Messrs. Robert Ruark. O. F. Haiikiim and T. R F. Dorsett attended the senatorial con vention at Albemarle yesterday, when Opt. 8. E. Williams, of this place, vat nominated for the State Senate frow the twenty-fourth district. Mrs. Wil liam Probst and Mrs. John W. Probst km" chililren. x" Concord, are' vlstitins the families of Capt. C. W. Trice am: Mrs. II. T. Probst. Mra. Anna F. Wei born Is visiting friends In Long Branch N. J. CLAYTOM SCHOOLS Ol'EX. Two Vten Teshri Emiilnynl hy the Board of Kdueatlon 1'eraonaU aad wi Notra. Special to The Observer. ' Clayton, Sept. . The public school. opened' here last week with about W In attendance and promises or the most successful year we have ever had. Thert were fears that It would not be so two weeks ago. Prof.. R. F. Williams ha been principal of the sehools for twe years and he and the board 'had soin trouble the week before the tichoos was to begir. and he rei&lgned, but they employe! Prof. D. L. Kills and Prof. J. It. Williams.' two veteran teachrH. and started the school on '"time with Miasee Mottle Gulley and Lou lie Shore In the primary and Intermediate de partments, and Miss Ialer as music teacher. It will be remembered that Prof. R. F. Williams is the man who had the tilt with Mr. Scarborough at tne A. and IS. Bummer School a short ary church on Arlington street to wit ness the exercises of laying the con tier stone of the new building. Under the direction of the pastor, itev. Iru Krwln. assisted by Presiding Elder Sroggs and nearly every pastor b th city, the exercises were interesting ana irnuresslve. centenary cnurcn was or aanlised in 1880 with 14 members. The roll of membership, which waa depos iit oiona- with other interesting mat ter in the cavity last nlsht, contained the numea of 350 active members. Itev. Oeonre F. Smith, now presiding eidei of the Warrenton district, was the first pastor. When completed, the cnurcn will have cost $26,000, will be one o( Die handsomest In the city, una win l.JiMJ neonle. Beside this new buildlntr. Centenary congregation line built h aplendld 10-room parsonage, u nrlck chinch on another street and ti good chapel Just outeide tho city lim it, Owing to prospective delay In com pletion of the building now beinsr con structed by the City National Bank, tho Merchants and Manufacturers' A Hoclnllon which has hai V ,temKrary htfadquurtera. first at lhe CI Oxford Ho tel, next at the McAdno Hotel, will move rrom the McAdoo October 1st to a suite of rooms In the new Unbow building. Pressure for room at the Mc Adoo cauacd thla third change bIimi taet February, and the dub will have to go on wheels It seems, unless the completion ot their permanent quarter! In the bank buildtnz I" hurried up. 'I hey have the whole of the second nto iy of that splendid building, pre empted, at a -yearly rental of 1,200. Mr. W. D. Harris, a practical pluin- ivn.. nf rhnriotte. has formed a co-part 1f.rhln with C. W. Battle, of thla city and will move hla family here next week. IIHOTII UH TO OI'l'OSB HIIOTH K II . - i :.lirnr to Huenk In the Tenth District for the Republicans -Ashevllle Real Estate ueai, nt Th Observer. Ashevllle, Sept. 8.Ono of the largast and most Important sales of unimproved real estate that has neen in veurs was closed yesterday wnei ui. r. - r-..ui.i, ni of the Paris aletu . Int. Comnany. f St. Umls, l.ecame ti e ......... ,. jf. n.-ri'M uf land in the nortii- L-antern part ot the city ami adjoining the properties or tne aiikiiuik " fh.. Irilewilrl Floral Company anil ,., Air linVpi and with a total frontaffe ..n ihn Charlotte street car line of li.600 feet. The price paid by Dr. Grove for t I i. ,.-rm win ... S YEARS OLtV r-fe (SMOOTH AW0MELLOW ) FULL QUARTS $a --r w - mm- nix S y ETAf?S COPPER DISTILLED 4 FULL QUARTS ' tXPSJKCS CHARC53 AI0 if US, !, A trial will convince you t'oat tnem Rotxlrf are lh vrnr tjyr for Medicinal nnd otiier purptMc-j. Stjnd ua your orders ana if not periecriy satusiiiCTory return our expenne ami tnoiiy will be refunded at "' once. Shipments made la plain caaea. ... ' remit by- Poe W-r- E v pref Kanay- Oftkr, WRITE rOR FBIQZ UST Or OTHCR UCIUORg mm mm cawaaai Ids' property Is not made public, but that t Involves mnnv thousands of dollars Ik .,...i...,,...,i v Dm fiirt that nnnierty in this neellon of the city and almost al polnhiK Dr. (Jiove's recent pureha.se lias aolil for M and $1,000 per acre. That North t:arolina is enrwtble of iin ,in. lnir ii host a Inn ir asxlcultural an.l Ktock-raislng lines will be thorouffhly de ToiiHtrated at St. lmls the latter part of this month when George W. Vernier oilt will have a Ulltmore farm exhibit at the World's Fair. Mr. Vanderbllt pro m.bm to enil to St. I-ouls the llnest pro ducts of the famous Riltmore farms. The xtilblt will include tine Imported Jersey cattle worth thousands of dollars, Berk- time ago in regard to the prejudice ,of "hire pigs worth f'"'" M to ii wo m-n even candlea. cakes, nuts. etc. Themu-jthe Confederate soldier. The school, i'"".'? nairlV The 'exhfbiu'.nw ,!rln aiithnrltlea verv Indlekmslv nro- hra Went im k. thJ - ,0 11 . r- . 1 hl".ex.nlUU1J'n : .. "i ... wt it (n oliartre ot tteuoen uemry A numtHie .t our people have attend ed the AVorld's Fair, among them Mr and Mrs. Ashley Home, Miss Swannnoa It is illustrative of the high esteem i Home and Messrs. Harris llarnes. J ! hi which iThe Charlotte Observer is T. Ta'don end A. S. White. They re-, !v',' held, that; Mr. L K. Rose, secretary of li-ort thnt it Is somewhat greater thun stat0 falra 8lllth of" tlu, Mason nn.l Di the chamber of commerce, selected It our State Fair at Raleigh has ever i;ne and never falls to capture a mtij keen. Miss Blanche Barnes will leave In a :ipal authorities very judiciously pro l ibit the sale of fresh fiBh, oysters, c lams and shrimp In the market proper, i on fining them to the sides of the ill a re. i. at on of the periodicals for which he was authorised by the chamber to sub scribe, as among the widely circulated t apers which would best subserve the aterlal -n44 industrial Interests of t his city' and ; section. Yesterday Mr. W. D. Gaster. of this sty, a leading Odd Fellow of the State, : uended; a gathering of members ot i he order at Sanford, and late In the af ternoon started home in the caboose of a freight tram. "A sudden stoppage of the train. threw him from his seat, -uiotlier passenger falling on him, and :.! r. Gaster sustained a fracture of the rra. with painful sprain of the wrist -iixi thumb. Mr. F Tt.' Rose, secretary of the . amber of commerce, shows that over i ,,'M bales of cotton are consumed by t he factories of Fayetteville and trib utary section annually, which approxl rrates $750,600 for raw material alone. This is distributed among the following mills; i Lekeview. Holt-willlamson, 1 ! ilt Morgan TolarrHolt, . Hart, Cum- J !ilund,,llope Mills Xos. J, I, S and 4, without counting the two Ashley, Ball- E y Silk Mills and the big Coleman fac tory, the erection of which Is soon to i f gin. f; Nor does It include the found ries, iron and wood works, copper shell v- orks, merchant flour and corn mills. H-. Moat -of these factories will call r nil the v4.000-horse power to be ) -rought here . by the Cape Fear Electric Power Company about November 1st r. John iL.London, of the Victoria ton Company, estimates that the t of operating a factory by electricity - Uss by, more than BS cents than by urn, in the following figures:, Bteam. r month, ; $S6L0O: per year, $11,540; tridty, per month, $4LO0; per year, ill one of Mr. Vanderbilt's munugt-rs and prejuimtlons fur the exhibit are now belnf? made. 1 lie exhibit Hill be sent on tn St. Intls short ly after the return to Hlltmore of Mr. ) and Mrs. Vnmlerbllt. the middle uf Ibis month. Kvery year Mr. anilerbllt lias a it more farm exhibit at a number of xon or- U- of first arises, Hon. H. A. Gudg-er, United States consul few days for the Southern Conserva-1 to Panama, who U here spending a two- tnrv of l nsla at niirhaiw- SVia t. montns vacation an i n no win leno. ms celved a teacher diploma last session. She wants now to take the B. M. de cree. Dr. Herman Home who has i "fforts to 'l1--! Vr; u'lMran fu wn In this i State and eoantrj . sn!l to-d ty that aft -r tu consuit.itinii v:th Judge Hw.'irt, who oi lupins .M'- " i lue erol --r. t'onuress- been visiting his, parents. Mr. and Mr man J. M- (Ju.lsvr. Jr.. for ('..nitres., thnt Hardy Horne, has returned to Dart-1 be would .-a e.,ii in -. eoiivi'.-Mxioiiil , I la mouth College, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. Hi Ulct. Mi. Gudgt-r will spial: at I lender . Flnlater. of Burlington, have re- i f,-"v;'; n ."';'cber ?-th. after which turned from their bridal trip, and spent: l", "u-k-"..""'. V-r. S'W iTd nu fc , V ,. , f fr!rt. h.!i All. GuiU'im lust nnVri'd nis last Sunday here with the brides pa-. , i:,.r,lli,nl-:1 g,.)t. ,,m1mit- tents. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Barnes.- tee . va? with the uiiiei-riidhig th.it Mrs. Av'alker, of Atlanta, is visiting her In- was i.i lie exeuse-1 from any eiaipaitrn sister, Mrs. Ashley Horne. Mls Cleve, woik in this district ov.lag to the eamll Barnes returned from Raleigh Tuesday.' -1: v f"r Viirrs of hin lieniocratk where she had been visltlng.-Mlsscs ,"("lll,.r, decision. Mr. Halor has t..ii --ii . t.. pniMAn reconsidered nn.l lie will r e.ik In thW Julia errell and Llle Klllngton . of i ,r M n ,ur:s the a- Italeigh, are visiting Mrs. E. L. Hin- caching rarni.aian. nn XJuasra W A n.rrui I Vf Tor. ley,' Ivan Whitley,' W. H.' McCullers.1 . ... Qumt poole and e. l. o.Neii spent: rake iioir Preparations. Tuesday at Sealy's pond, fishing. They! brought back no fish, but they talked; Vo Hft,r x Oood Trustee's Sale of Land. By virtue of the power contained In two mortgage deeds, executed by Wil liam 10. Farrtor and M. C. Farrior, re spectively, to E. C. Register, and dated the 7th duy of February, 1899, and duly recorded In the Register's office of the ounty of Mecklenburg, In Book 132, age U4-S3S; and, by virtue of the ower contained In a deed of trust executed by Wnlter H. Farrior and M. C. Farrior to K. T. Cansler, urid dated the 17th day of February, 103, and uiy recorded In the Register's office f said comity. In Book 164, page 287. and of a deed of trust executed by the suiu Mary c. Farrior and E. N. Far- ur nnil wife, to the said Cansler, and duted 14tb day of January, iWl, whieh iiIko duly recorded in the reirlster's ifllce for said county, in Book 153, page and or a deed of trust, executed I he said M. C. Farrior. William E. urrior, Wnlter H. Farrior and E. N. ''arrior and wife, to the said Cansler. In ted the 10th day of December, 1901, na duly recorded in said Register s (flee, In Book 1CI, page 124, the under- gned mortgagee and trustee, for de fault made in the payment of the prtn- Ipal and Interest, secured by the said Mortgage and deeds of trust, will sell. for cash, to the highest bidder at pub lic auction, ut the county court house, the city of Charlotte, at 12 o'clock. in., on MONDAY, THE 19TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER. J904. all the right, title md interesjtn the said Mary C. Far rior. Walter H. Farrior. William E. Farrior and Ernest N. Farrior in, ind to, all that lot of land desclbed in, and conveyed by, the mortgage and deeds of trust hereinbefore referred to, particularly bounded and described as follows: Being located in Ward $ of the city of Charlotte, and fronting about 22 feet on the west side of South Tryon street, and running back with that width, to the old Nesbltt line, adjoin ing the lota (formerly) of H. H. Orr on the one side and Dr. O. D. King oh the other, and being the same lot which was conveyed to W. H. Farrior, de ceased, by deed of the Southern Ex press Company, dated the 16th day of October, 1885, and duly recorded In the register s office for Mecklenburg court ly, in Book 46, page Z48, refer ence to which la hereby made, the said lot being known as No. 8 Granlt Row, being the same upon which Is located that brick storehouse now occupied by Tate & Brown. The sale of William E. Farrtor's ln- tereat In the nbove property under the mortgage to E. C. Register will be made before the sale of the Interests of M. C. Farrior In said property, and, if the interest of the said William E. Farrior brings an amount sufficient to pay the balance due upon the said mortgage to the said Register, then M. C. Farrlor's interest, conveyed by said mortgage, will not be sold by the said Register, but will be sold by said Cansler by virtue of the above men tioned deeds of trust. E. C. REGISTER. MonKagee, E. T. CAN'SLEIt. Trunle. Anpust 19. IMOt. jaa Li, J -erSTlll i iiBi.rii - wva ::'L,TI1EvD.:.A,;ror2PiirJSC0.: Pattern Shop, "Machine. Shop , andz'Foundry, Charlotte', N. C. CARBUNCLE CURED Three years ago my system was in s.k )i a condition that I had a succes sion of boils In all. sixteen. Thoy were mostly between my shoulders and on the neck, though I had one bad one near my right eye. As fast us one would get well another would come Hial they troubled me and caused me to SUFFER nil the summer. Finally they developed Into a large carbuncle on my right shoulder, as large around as ihe top of a teacup. My whole firm was affected and caused me great suf- icnng. i nnu to carry my arm on a pillow. It was September when 'the carbuncle came and for bIx weeks it had to be dressed three times a day. Knowing the trouble came from blood I bought a box of MRS. JOE PER SON'S REMEDY and took half dozen bottles before I stopped, and it cured me. By the time I took the six bot tles, my carbuncle was well and I have never had a touch of the trouble since. MRS. E. Z. TAYLOR. Hookerton, N. C, now of High roint. in. Aug. 16, 1904. ' 37 : ' -:-4t( It ' " ir. r . ' t - - I ' v. - -Make , 'im" to nim flifnu him iid ntiiiivKsi Presbyterian College For Women Charlotte North , Carolina f v: - .1 Mi i A high-grade College for Women, Equipped with every modern Improve tnent. Fine building, rooms limited to two, perfect sewerage, electric hgbta, fir eaeapes. Stnndard high. Won thorough. Opens September 8th. HhiV. j. K. jtKIUtiBJiS, u. D.. Prel1e.t Homer Military Sch oo f, Oxford, : : t ' : : N. C. Two Bishops, a Presiding Elder, a Superior Com I Judge and a reat New Yi-rk Lawyer from one cljs The best Educational advantages in Ihe South offered. Ihe filty-Fourih Year begins Sept. 7, 1904. : : Write for Catalogue to" J - Cm Horner. $300,001 FOR A NAME. I Elizabeth College and Conservatory of Music! T nil a ni Mwrn v jra lei PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM CImuimm sml tMjftut-nit tha- Imlr. rromuict lnxuriia rrowth. Merer rail to HNtora Oray Balr to lu Vo3untl Color. Uwai :r liMM J but lal fishy. DEATH OF MISS MAY HOK. to Fall Out ' Many hair preparations nre "fake" j because they are merely scalp Irritant., j They often Cause a dryness, making the hair brittle, and, finally, lifeless. t Dandruff is the cause. of all trouble 1 with hair. It Is a germ disease. The ; germ makes cuticle scales ns It digs to the root of the hnlr, where It de- Daaahter nt Rev. W. S. Hone Pauses Away tn Texaa Death of a Child Hob. D. H. Buna Critically III. Correspondence of The Observer. Rocky Mount, Sept. 9. The sad In telligence has Just been received here, k troys the hair's vitality, causing it to of the death of Miss May Rone, which fall out. To cure dandruff, the germ occurred this afternoon at 2 o'clock at' must be killed. "Destroy the cause. El Paso, Texas, where she went some! you remove the effect." Newbro's Her time ago In search of health. Misa Rone; Pide Is the only hair preparation that was a beloved daughter of Rev. W. S kllls ,ne dandruff germ, thereby, leav Rqne, pastor of the Methodist church i ,'leJ,illr to gvow 'uarlantly. Sold heie, and her many friends in Rocky b,y leaa'" druggists, fiend Wc In Mount and other town will learn with. tam?? ,foV. sn.mr,'e to, T,h,e Jle'P,cld deep regret of her untimely taking;" j1 Mich. R. H. Jordan & away. At this writing it has not been: 4 B ascertained as to where her remains! - ! e meeting at Raeford of the Wo n's Missionary Union, of Fayette- 1'resbvterv. araa-lntaraatina nA JT?t TZTt Dhre.: SOUTHERN STATES TRUST CO, ' - vaiwvw wunicu KIIU : U1H t . . . . I. . : , . . . - i 4. .njr eviiar u . i.. jb. ri- it iiwi,' i it DTtJivfao fi, TrrTT'a r UCJ VI I lllO UlDUIVl UltU VlilU HVt'N II. . DIj01J JltOO, CA A It il will be taken for burial, but It is sup-' CONDENSED STATEMENT t)F THE lxmed that they wUI be taken to Char-1 CONDITION OF THE i d for missionary work.' Rev. Ii. aJ i .aurin lectured erf Palestine, having ut ly - returned,from visit to the v I-a nd. ': "5:tejK:;:5; 'V-fv-O : s i J. D. Dickson,, of Raeford. has to. take tip hl fall work in the iy of Bingham School, where he i.a charge of the athletics. . J. W. Ingold, general manager of i ns Livery and Sales Stables, on n street, has returned, from r ings. Ark.; r his a Theumatlsm ! i neiitted by the treatment. J. CL Shaw and Jf. W. Bolton L.imberton this afternoon to be t at the preliminary trial-of C !ey, the freight conductor i with larceny.'. -. - ,. . ,.. Rocky Mount lost his little 4-year-old daughter Monday. The little girl died from an .attack of meningitis, q Hw.: Dkf H.. Bunn, who Is sick at Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Is still in ? a critical condition. However his physicians entertain some hope of his recover:', --. : -a- . ;, ., . BUCKLEM'S ARXICA BALVE. ' V Has world-wide fame for marvelous cures. ;It surpasasea any other salve, lotion, i ointment or balm for cuts, corns, barns, bollw, sores, felons, ulcers, chapped hands, akin erouptlons. In fallible for pllea. Cure guaranteed. Only 25c at Burwell & Dunn Company, druggists. ' , ; BER 6. 1904. (OPEN FOR BUSINESS " JULY- 15, 1901. ' ASSETS, Loans and Investments.,,,,. $675,9(11 61 Overdrafts, ' secu red 1,927 71 Casbon-bands and due from ! banks ...... .......... 71,608 3 Banking house, furniture and fixtures ...... 6,000 00 J?.eal estate 4,525 00 ' . Total i LIABILITIES. Capital f Undivided profits, net..,.. joeposits , , ,;. .. BUIs payable ,. .$75Sf,022 35 .$200,000 00 . 17,47 41 . 610,542 94 . 30,000 00 i Total ,.$758,022 35 CHASE CITY, VA. Hates yiU.OO Per Week and Up. This handsome hotel, with all mooern Improvements and a IIikj 8an ntorlum In connection, and the finest Mydriatic Hath system south of New Vork city, with sallied attendants Ii. charge for both ladles and gentlemen, is now open for th reception of guests. Amusements are plentiful, such as iianc-ing nlK-htly, bowling alleys, croquette grounds, tennis courts pool ind billiard rooms. Cuisine the best The water is known far and wide In diseases of the blood, stomach, nerves, skin, kidneys and liver troubles. Is highly recommended for rheumatism. For plans. of the hotel and booklets address W. C. HUNDLEY. Lessee and Manager. Pratt & Lambert, varnish makers. or tsunaio, n. y., have recently per fected tne nnest COMBINATION FLOOR AND HOUSEHOLD VARNISH STAIN ever placed on the market It is made in a number of beautiful shades, Is very durable and is intended for both new and old work. For floors. Interior woodwork, furniture and miscellaneous household articles, It Is unequaled. It will make those old dingy and scratch-ed-up pieces of furniture that have been put away In (he attic look like new article luxt ,from the fnctory. We want a name for this prepara tion that will be distinctive and nt the same time Illustrate Its superb quali ties. All are invited to enter this con test. Housekeepers, especially, who! are Interested in the neat and tidy appearance of their homes are earnest ly requested to submit suggestions. For the amc selected we wii pay $200 ingold. For the seconri best rame selected, $75 in gold. For the third best name se lected, $25 in gold. Contest closes November 1. 1904. Ad dress all suggestions and communica tions to THE EZELL-MYERS CO. CHARLOTTE, N. C CHARLOTTE, N. C. A HIGH GRADE COLLEGE FOR YOUNG LADIES Modern In all respects; $250,000 eollege plant; fireproof buildings; Ideal suburban location: park of 20 acres offers all the allurements of a free, open-air life in this delightful climate; free from noise, dust and smoke; overlooking beautiful Charlotte and surrounding country. Physical culture and outdoor gatr.s. Car line connection". University specialists and experienced teachers at tne beads of all departments. Limited to 100 Boarding Students. ESTABLISHED HEPUT a ttov FOR THOROUGH WORK AND GOOD H liALTh. For handsomely Illustrated catalogue and full Information, address CHAR B. KINO. President. Spri!;::Rf,:; "ARRIS lithfa springs f Eagles. Bnltimoie. mm OTHg Jf juthern Railway will i iPK& n Jyf fU IP M iltluiore and ivm, n af Sitm Em at rate of one fare, plus $l..r, for the j round trip. Tickets on sale Sept. 10th. ! 11th and 12th. with final limit Sept. J9th, and can he extended until Sept. 25th, If tickets are deiiosited with Joint AKnt. mid fee of $1.00 paid at lime of deposit. Round trip from Charlotte will be $14.20. Slop-over at Washing ton permitted. For further informa tion call on any agent or write: It. L. VEKNOX. T. P. A. Charlotte, N. C. W. II. TAYI.'.R. O. I. A.. ':. -hlngloii. I). C. SECOIMD-HHND ngine oiler B We have Just received a second-hand 20 IL P. Portable Boiler, on skids, and Engine, which we offer for sale. It It the best looking and best preserved second-hand outfit we have seen,' hav ing been In the hands of a careful, painstaking man who used It for" gin ning about three months In the year. It is now being overhauled and test ed In our shops, and win be sold at bargain. ' ,'. ,v, .: LIODELL COMPANY, CHARLOTTE, K C. Engines, Boilers Improved dinning Machinery, Saw Mills, to. ' DRESSED AD UNDRESSED Lumber of any kind for any purpose easily had here. Surfaced one side or four, tonirued. grooved, "plain as a pikestaff" any way that's an honest way you like Jt. Prompt delivery, cor rect pricing and fair dealing help to sell our admittedly first-class Lumber. J ii. IVearn & Co. CHOICE CUT : FLOWERS X We have Choice Cut Flowers :for all occasions. t This coming season - we - will ' operate -the largest cut-flower' plant south T of Washington. We grow our S own flowers and can furnish you American Beauties and other Roses; also. Carnations and other flowers In season.'' Our prices are right; our flowers T superb, - ' Correspondence solicited. Outlasts Outruns Outsells Outrank All Others 1000 ustr in Noith Carolina prefer it lo any ether. J. E. Crayton, 'aeral A cant. Trast Batldlagr. Will Close SEPTEMBER, 10 th. After a Most Success f ul Benson. C. L HOOPER, - - Lessee. J. T. MATTHEWS, - Mgr . Mount Pleasant Collegiate Insli.ule Mt Pleasant, N. C. High grade school for boys md young men. Prepares for the junior class in bes'. col 'eges. Unsirpavsed aJvanta tjes. Rites mod aate. N j extra fees. Next session begins Sep tember 20 1904. . writer Chavlatte, ' C. . Wt O. MePHEB, Proprietor. Tostofflca Box. 117.' ' Bell 'Phoney M0 a& ISSU k aAAlAAAAAAAAAAAAAaAaaaaAl fff?f!ffffffffffffff?ff?ff I sine hot mimm Cold Weather is Coming. Get D1LW0RTH FLORAL GARDENS J I Rcadv. hackny BROS., FIT- PLUMBINO, HEATINO, OAS T1NCJ AND SUPPLIES. - BeU 'Phone 81?., - Na AVest 5th St , CHARLOTTE. MARYLAND COLLEGE OF MUSIC S23 McMechen St., Itnlttmore, Md. ALFOMS W. SCHENUIT, Director. REOPENS SEPTEMBER 12TH. The leading College of Music, Elocu tion and Dramatic Art. Teachers' Training and Elementary Department. European and American Artist Teach ers. Unsurpassed advantages. Four free and six partial scholarships open. Write forNcatalogue. fnsfltuta for Yotmjr Women (8. Conserva tory of Music Hm Best. Pit a for Your Daughter College . fVwiMa. PEACEV8 RALXIQH I rut N.C. BlBWtddlf CHICHESTER'S PILLS KEIi M4 UM muaMt kau.. i' """. Tk aa atkiv KcAna S.kaHathM.wi latlutlml id .w '" "J""1 aal ramp ar Vmr- - m if'iM, n rctara JM.IL Sj k, m lal. u RmiiM ib. mm tra malMlt- 9 Saaaraj f M1LJV, jjW