OHAltLOTTE DAILY OBSMtVEK, SEPTEMBEH10, 10O1, IN TURN HEATS GRANT. VIEW AXD START HOME TO-DAY ierdaye MeaaoaveHaaT 1 nmm i Mix by Far the Maat Kxcltlas 4 fBtaalfc k ruipttca -Hell Kiwatn av ltrllllaat Xlkt arch Tk.riealljr Ul- thea Grant Befctad Halt Baa-- l.la inu Approval la lieav ml OrtreMillla B Ial4 After riAlkK HOT CHANGED. BASEBALL VEdTKBDAr. Utile Ptmi.rn.-r Brill Sara Platfara, Waal New Orleaas, Sept. t sat Oat ay nr. namas Kiaeiiraw ihocjc piuyv a It Was wniM" a-aresrapa i kh-uu mala a i i.Vrmm a Smw lk rM Craataa I Utile Rock . Olntul. , . New Orleans .. 1 - f 1 .- ; I Witt I tArlllia . rfca 1 Special TO Tne voaerver . IWhllredg and Aabevine. Menu itu. j. j. win, Who was chairman of the platform com-1 Memphis, 8tt. . -Southern: The visitors Sis 1 Who waff chairman oi tne piatturui cum-i Mempms, ej,i. i. woumern: J ue visitors 'I mittee of the UW Republican State con- played un up-hill game, but by taklnir ad- . w-Mtare .'w a a a warn w av aj m wmmm . e Cm u.e Hlew T-ajr. ;,rw T"" ' J!"". ... " " Memphis'- Mill Start Hokaa. ItinltiK. .. 0 1 0 0 O 0 3 7 S 6 .630804 1 3 010 11 II tVtrns' Headquarters' OalneavUle, Va.. . atsie pn wiujbhmvti nufii: awi, uparas ami uuriourt; :it. .The econd manoeuvre problr m plank of the Republican platform nudlSwaiin ami Oroffltm. umpire, Mullaiie, . r.ea at o'clock to-day with General .; been changed by Chairman Rollins, ln ... , i t H. ciitnnuindlnc the Browa army, de rttly' to the (mention Prof. Brttt aula;! Nashville. .wpt. .-Southern; Rank er- n, lishlng General Grant, commanding the h4 , . woed 0t truth In 1L 1 " anvie w n w woy tine umr. aaai nt Hull Run, Thia result I n8oe it aay ror Aimnia OF THE In tha aecond I Mechanics Perpetual Building & Loan As sociation Gommenced Saturday. Sept 3d SSSSiS. sx ars s sssrs srwhtsr -"' uis i the 44h time we hc idvis public out e , were opening a New Series and each timerias the public 4ipre4iberaU)Mhaivbefare ity until to-day we have in force 14,000 Shares of the: par value of : : : : : : : veriaa na : ftahtit toiav waa far the aetit out by JMr. Kolllna contauia UieiAit.n , 1 1 1 8 0 1 0 2 0i 10 moat apactactibMr and excltlna of the identJcaf temperam plank adopted byj Michvllla .. . ,. .... !! - 1 aign. The Bret day r the eecona proo--lne uiniiHlfe and rotlHed by the con-l '' " -". i m had developed Jtotnln but a rear vwi(.n of eourae different amend I Acroisinl. HXrttea oa tha, part of wl,anrmlamrmlr "corn: i 0 ft 8 C 1 on the len Wlna Or to lh aJlD Ok ineiumi ewiiK? H:ttr kiwuvi "6mi nimmnn. nti-nrosHiiu viiiii, uwr Blue line. . lhave gotten hold of one of these and mU Clarke. . tmjdrea, Andrewa and Hardy. JUurina;: the' nlffht th alluatlon wa leent It out; or aucl on amendment thawed. tJenerai Ormnt' mln position i ,ht nave been founj jn connection Washington, Sep. -Amf rlcan: Wneen tmalned the name, behind or to the K;,,.'h lh ,,i,.f, irm hut thia la lh elt us "'"""t invlm lljle t-lay. tare of Bull Run. He withdraw hia llrat brigade "",n:. Dul Ule x 1 R II K under General Wlot, who had fought the! draft a adopted. Washington .. .. ..OOOOOOOOft-0 6 0 ifur guard action of the day before. Oen-i The following paragraph printed In ttoaton 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 7 15 era! Bell executed a tnagnlftoent march j The New York Tribune of yeislerdny Butterlea: Patten and Klttredge; Dlneen with the foreea which ihe day before morning, September 8, under the head nd Karreli. l.'mplr. Connolly, were on the left wing of hia enemy. Hej,.. ,,,, in v(,iB11 nn1 inciiienta." threw them during the amall houra of the . raL,t m,lph m,Priment anuina a I'hUndclphla. Sept. .-Ameriean: Henloy night to the right, or uranra poeuion. j - -, , ' " l uul Wndde I were in k Uhen daylight earn they were pot aeroaaj number of the leading Republicans i of ,,)iy ,, Nw y.k ootll, Hull Klin at BUdlcy. or to tne exireme; Afioeviiie; . i north of the maneouvre. acene. The Urown j Henderaowvilie r forcea charged ap to the hrwge. wuicn lnt, Democratic edltora at" the Waldorf waa "tlvHy blown up, .bu. ! Aatorla laat night, will offer ex-Judge charge likewise did not meet the approval i J arker 5,ooo a ei of the uniolrea. but the third waa aiwrn-ifor the Hustler nanied by tnont decisive result. It did nnt take the umpires long to rule out the entire Wlue force at thia point, and the Ilrown army cruased the run at will. In tlte meantime, the force which had crowied to the north at Sodley had lieen coming lowa towarda the pike. They struck araiit's line to the rear, and the maneou- r ended when this -force appeared in a flanking movement on a Blue line, which was facinir a Brown tine that had cross ed at the atone bridge. la summing up the situation to-night. Colonel Wagner, the chief umpire, gave the precis movement of each brigade during the night, after which he com- - mentvd nrr the muneouvre as follows: "The Blue cavalry accomplished nothing during the day. General Bell having taken he precaution to cjtanga his buse. Antony tha. Blue reglmenti that lost must heav- ily In constructive killed or captun-d were the Kirst Houth Carolina and the Alabama and Florida- regiments, all In the Blue army. The withdrawal of General Grant to a defenaive position west of Bull Run waa effected very skillfully, the handling of the rear guard being perfect. What the result would hava been In actual war fare, it la impossible to aay. The Blue right waa badly shattered, but Price's b'lgade waa atlil Intact and Immediately Available for support. Re-enforcements couia nave oeon drawn from the brigade - 1 vi r rust. In rellnqulahlng command of the nut rwa, uenerai uornin Issued a general oraer to-night, expressing his at pivciation and approval of the work done by each commander and the force under him. The militia will be paid, to-morrow. J"' h review, which Is to' be held at Wellington at I o'clock. After the review .0up of, the Eastern militia will lie en trained nd started for home. The South ern Railway will run im many special ""J"?.,".?. w0""' between Washington and WelHngton, so that the great crowds iy be handled quickly. V UBSSKMBR CITT ITKM8. T' OI " gchoolA Prorraeted Meeting ln iroreaa-. ' Persaaala. - Correspondence of The Observer. Bessemer City, Sept. .-Mr, S. J. Durham la in Atlanta attending the Cotton Spinners' Aaaeclatlon. Mrs. B F. Won. of Raleigh, who has been vialtlng her son. Mr. S. J. Diirhum ir for her home laat nla-ht. v School opened Monday with 104 on the V, - c r" Jradlev 18 assisted by .- oiutMnj, rntmx ntncKara Is board , ing with Mrs. c. K. Whitney. atra. Lt. a. uarnaon la visiting her . wiw, Mr. u. is. Coltrane, ln Concord. A protracted meettnK Is In progress at the Baptist church. Mr. Putnam the minister, ia being assisted by Kev. Mr. Tredway, of Shelby. -Mra. H. N - Garrison spent laat week In King's Ja'wtitRin. The Masonic Lodge had a public In- niatiiatiiin or omina !- . , A number of ladles were present. Mrs C, E. Whitney entertained the auili ence with n. line selection. One of the nicest features waa the presenting to ! .Mr. B. J.' Durham a handsome gold medal far faithfulness and good work Ha an officer. Mr. Chan. Cooke. Jr., of Wilmington, Kpent Friday In town, shaking hands With old friends. Mr. Lacy and family left for thlr new home In Ashevllle last Friday. The people regret to see ihem leave. Miss Helen Buck rtur to Winston-Salem Tucaday.V.She will attend Salem Female A Johnson and- bride, of Llncolnton, spent day or two In town laat week. Rev. rfonnaon preached Fundny at the EdIb PI church. Mr. McFarland returned "xiurnay rrom a two weeks' trip to St ana Springfield. III. Mr. and Jsra. j. n. Wllklns went to Rutherford iw urn weKto-te-prnent nt the marriage or Mr. Wllklns sister. Mrs litems win spend some time vlalllng to write exclusively after November 8. Mr. iShipmun Is chulrman of the Dem ocratic congressional executive commit tee fur thia district and his paper ia known as The French Broad. Hustler,' which makea It appearance once u week. The Republicans take The Trlb- good condition lo- 1,1 tlil lilt ttm't ItfA- llipman, OI ine ny. Score: RHK Hustler one of I New York 20000000 0- 2 S r rhlliulclphlit 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 x 3 K s Bait erica: Piiwell nml Kleinow; Henley Hid Kchrt-ck. Umpire, Sheridan. Second game. Score: RHK New York .. .. .'. . .0 0 0 0 1 O 0 0 0 1 7 S Philadelphia 01120000 x 6 7 1 Bntteiiex: Orifllth rind McOuIre; Wad ilell and Schreck. t.'mplre, Slicrldnn. New York, Sept. 0. National: Th louiiie-heiitler betwwn New York and l'liilailclphla to-day resulted In a vloto-y une a Hem to mean mat ar. snipman for t,o locals and' a scoreless flve-lnnlnk has practically admitted Judge Par- tie. The second game was culled on - ker's defeat. One Republican said to-1 "ount of darkness. Score: RHK day that when Congressman Gudger I Philadelphia 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-412 3 "lumnwl" JiiHitp Kwart ill the Inint Ni w Vo,k 2 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 X- 0 8 3 ."".-.....,... , Ihitterles: Frnm r and Kouth: Mcfllnnltv campaign over u-aiiuiuaie j. tiurna an HowrmBn. empires, Moran and Ken- UCTl. mi a l It'll Llll v upi. uiniui nan in- 'HHIV. ready defeated hllli for 5overnor of I Second game. Score: HUE North Cuwllna by from 50,000 to 75,000 Philadelphia n o n o o i r. I majority, the Republican candidate fori New York o 0 0 0 0- 0 1 01 Conereas will have Mr. ShlDinan'H Batteries: Corrldnn and Berne: Robhlns I tin l-lmri-mii n I'mr. koo HI . . i u 4.nn uiuii, i iiiuii rn, inui an .trtii $1,400,0.00 The subscription of the September Series brings the "prospective Borrower" to be fully Drepared to com mence his building with the earliest advent of spring-. So hurry up, not only yourself subscribe tor stock but induce your friends to become firstly -a "Money Saver'' and secondly a "Home Owner." R. H COCHRANE, Sec'y and Treas. WITTK0WSKY President statement as an off-Bet. 'Cenncdy. There is a BEST in everything American Life Insurance is thewM$f' in tne worm. MOOHKSYIIXK MATTKHS. The Friday Afternoon Book Club Mreta Death of n Child Persian I I Meatloa. Special to The Observer. Mooresvllle. Sept. 9. The Friday Af- Detrolt, Sept. !.-AmTioan: The locals ind St. luils divliled to-day's doulile lie.nler. Scor?: K H K l'!rnlt 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 x 3 '! I) It IxiuIh .. .' 0 0 (11 00 0 0 0 1 4 1 Batteries: Donovan and Drill; Howell .wnl Kahue. Umpire, Buvlllc. Second game. Score: R H K ternoon Book Club met this afternoon Bt'.' i',B ' ; - 'Vftnnr: 5 n. . . on ' ..I i. ... I . V- k i ...nn r.. I .... 1... I I . . . " ' " " . i v u naileries: jaeger and Bevllle; Clade and ruiiri tiiiu ivinc criipieiuii, ub 1111; i oumucii. umpire, Ifevilie. home of Rev. W. W. Pharr. After the usual discussion of the popular authors, t levelnnd, Sept. 9. American: Chicago the compuny engaged In a guessing con- unfllln" again split even to-d iy teat In which Miss Hess Rankin wan . ... ... Licvpuma 102 10001 x 4 H ...v. ' 1, "!' nica go 00 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 4 1 little booklet by Harrison, "Use and Butteries: Donahue nnd Buelow; Patter Misuse of Books.1 lrt a plnder contest, n and Sullivan, empire, O'Loughlin. Miss Minnie Temphhon succeeded In Second game. Score: ItilK putting the greatest :humber on a hat S,!01Y.l,lnl 0 1000100 1- 3 8 2 i ... .). i .i..n.. iv-imuKU (J u (I 0 0 1 0 2 9 R in e p U L 2 e lllllllflll I Is the best in America to its policy-holders. Desirable territory for competent pro- ducers. Address - - H. BUSMAN, Genl. Manager, Charlotte, N. C Batteries: Rhoades iiu oiiiiivun. i mpire. u l-oughlln. Pittsburg, Sent. N.lllnnnl- t,.fnr. Veil Imlck's two-bagger in tlio eiKhth won the icnme. score: d h t,- g 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 x- 3 9 ', pin, nnd was awarded) a beautifully de signed sofa pillow top; Mrs. J. H. Reld and guest, Miss EmiiM Brown, of Sails bury, were present, and rendered sev eral vocal selections, while Miss Templeton, an accomplished panist.l 5?., V fircnmnuiitari them tVio nlonn Th. I LV.lnuul afternoon waa full of nleaanra n all ".r.i - '.' 0 0 1 0 0 0 0- 1 7 C cnt j . ;;; f;;Tv , ."'ier vznp'l.aml ps BriKg3n.i , - w. . j ... . . . . . i hijui dimmer. our town, ana a prosperous merchant nere. oui now oi Lia Vinson, was a visit-1 wioniaomery. Ment g R,i,,ti,n . ti.. i or this morning looking after his reulnlM again shut out Blrminghmn to-dav estate holdings here. ' V u RHK Mr E M Kennerlv of this nlnre S m Bhum 0 o 0 0 o 0 0 0 0-o .1 :i mi. c. m. rweiiiiciij, or mis place, i Montgomery .. . I) in o ii n n n in i i- ,i who was nom nn toil hv the If Bt,i,hll..,i, I t... " OUOOOOJ 3 f! 0 k. i IT , ' ' , 7' cagnn ana Matthews; l.ee jti MLit .v, , ,,t,,i nciguci Ml uiisi -,. v liirH. place, has flatly refused to consider the WII.KY MOIMi:T MVVljlLKll. Shaft Kreeted at Wlnnlon.s.i.m ..- tiraded School I'niillnSuperlntrii. Joyaer Naken the P Address. Incipnl nomination in any wuy, and has pub lished a card stating that he is a Demo crat and that he would support none but Democrats. ' The 2-year- old child of Mr. and Mrs. Charley W. White, died yesterday af ternoon and was buried to-day. The Special to The Observer little one hud been sick for" some time Wlnston-Salfin. Sent n Ti,n mn.n... during the summer. . ment erected on the West wtnun,. Mlases Urace Rankin, Linda Houston Graded School lot bv nf t ha una mauue L,euiz leij. yesterday for the msion uraded Schools In honor of ricHuyierian ioiiege at cnariotte. Miss I me uue ur. I'aivin H. W ev ih flrot (Jertrude Melchor will go down to the State Superintendent o.' Public Instruc- same institution next Tuesday. lion, waa unveiled I o'clock thi? Mlsa Mary McXeely, who graduated I afternoon with appropriate cxeixlses at the Presbyterian (Villege last spring. nas secured a position in the graded school nt Wllkesboro, and left to-ilay lor that place. Miss Isabella Brown, of Salisbury, Is the guest of Miss Jtpss lUnkln. Miss Miula Clement, of MocksvilU Is visiting Mra. L. D. Parker. un tisTiti:i:i ,s in aim; hkvu.w. OPESIXO or OXFOBD 8EMIXARY. impartaat Edacatioaal Kreat ' !. T,r"or Ayeoek Preseat at the baereiaea. Correapondendi of The nbaorvor Oxford, BeDti 1. Vnnr enrrunAnil.nt attended the opening of Oxford Female neiiiinary mis afternoon at 8:30 o'clock. i he spacious new chapel hall In wjitch the exercises were held was packed. I, f "ulatMtT wno attended were un able Jto secure seats. The exercises "cr ppenea with prayer by Rev. J. A. . -ir-mey, or Oxford. President Hob fcuoa inen tleUvered a short lntroduc- Ili.'.,., ' ' ""ewing; the work of jcuuiiuing ana thanklns; the citizens of J.vJ J 7" olne" the valuable aid The president next introduced Dr. . MCive' of Greensboro, who deUvered a short address. This ad- wHr"le..aaeeP tmpreaaion. many Bh7" r!1' " e best . vii cuut-anon mey , ever HI?Urv.A.yCOck Wtt efwards In troduced, but made no attempt to eJ dMefc. "e Po"e only few Z - l, v . ,n" '' ncat on at peeing this Piendid school rebuilt, end trtid, in behalf of the State, congratu hi Hons and good wishes. thlhd00r" of lhe n"lutlon were nvHedT? ftPen th Pl were ..,,i" T- nanasome new l-uildings. I uiidings IWS wno examined . the expressed lh.mUi... ... i sed with them. ... They are com Jious. comfortable, convenient and u and most admirably adapted to vo.k for which tliey'were con- Xew York dispatch says- there b i v n,i,.1 to believe that Judge Parker l .o to New York for temporary res'- WMn after Ida formal letter of ao ,e-W H BUtlUV (,UU1JC Generally Favorable IlevelopineiitM Oorlair the Week Stubborn strenirth of Prices the Most Notable Feature. ixew tors. sept. . s.-Bradstreefs to morrow will say: "Trade, crop anil milun trial developments have lieen g.-nerallv ravor.ihle tliis wek. Distrlliution on fall mil winter trade account has rnlarired m niimt markets, the corn crop has inig'ress- i nnoiner ween toward final maturity, which, however, this year is later than usual, and several industries hitherto greuuy aeprcssed or opcruting on short umc nave lesumeit running full. a targe number of people were in ot- tendiince. The nddress of the occasion wus delivered by State Suiieriiilen,l,..,i of Public Instruction. .1. Y. Joyncr. who innue a magiuncent speech. He review ed tne history of the public school ays- fin nr ivunn t.aroiina and paid n splendid tribute to Dr. Wiley for his work toward buildlntr up the public scnooia or isorth Carollnn. At the con- lUiHioii or Mr. Joyner'a addresm there were short talks by Dr. 11. A. Brown. Bishop Rondthaler nnd others. The exercises were concluded with a brief aaaress by Superintendent Snipes. To-Day is the Right Time to Take Stock in 40th Series Mutual Building & Loan. WM.T. W00DLEY, M. D. Graaeola-lat mm Darsaatalaartst. Office and residence 21B West Ninth Ave., Charlotte, N. C. Otlice hours 8 to 12 a. nt.. 1 to i D. m. Practice limited to dlKeases of women and skin diseases, especially electrolyses r organio tissues, such as moles, warts, wlarged veins, superfluous hair and other blemishes, without pain or scar. Having had maty years' txperlence in the above named fecial branches, and henceforth devoting1 toy entire time to them, confl dently hope for general patronage. JORDAN'S MOSQUITO .' i DROPS , Will keep mosquitoes from biting you. It will drive them out of your room, enabling you to a good night's sleep. Use Jordan's Mosquito Drops And you will soon forget there was ever such pests. Manu factured, recommended and for sale at REPORT OF THE CONDITION of the FIRST NATIONAL BAKK at ciiARiixyrrE, in the -otate OF NORTH CAROLINA. AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS. September 6, 1904. RKSODKCKS. Loans and Discounts f 1,0:4,700.81 xveroriiHS secured sua unsecured I'. H. bonds to secure circulation. . Premiums on 11.8. bonds Stocks, securities, etc Bunking house, furniture, and fixtures Other real extate owned Due from National Banks (not reserve agents) Iue from Mate bunks and bunkers . . . Due from approved re serve HgenlH C'liecliH and other cash items Notes of other National Banks Fractional paper curren cy, nickels ud cents. . LAWFUL MONEY KK8KSVK IN BANK, VIZ : Specie I 51,000.00 Legal tender notes 30,000.00 Redemption fund with i . h. inmsurer (ft per eenu circulation) 1",000.00 :hiii.ihiu.ou 14iSI.!l5 i,20.i )!jx-,.:tr 4I2.20 i 4. a to. so I'i.KVI.IU 4!',075.I3 3.5J7.71 5.4S0.00 1M.M 71 ,000.00 V'0403.i;j Total tl.WI.7U0.LK LIABILIT1KS. Capital stock paid in f Hoo.ooo.oo surplus mno Undivided protlts. leas exnenses and - .-. - uixes id pr aid OPEN ALL KIGUT. This is the poor man's friend as well n Tim in. I the Hcli m.art'u nlinlna f- ... i - ?hSirHV sltuaUo" ' "lightly less strained If evt.ry town in North Cnrollnu Imd an thun it was. und the hwr utrike i At.ii,iti.,n ,.,.., ... ended. In Iron and steel, past and pro- as the MCTCAL Is to our rople. North speulve price reductions have encouraged Carolina would soon contain the happiest ZT.J;t V . ' ,,IUH ;""'" overtaken awi most prosperous people on the face of production, and stocks of crude material the globe. Wake up and if you dor" are smaller. With the IveKinnirnr of the know how imo.l ti.iA,, n.V. V. , ZrP,M?VXet!X- lMch "-eonably heavy to me five or six minutes, and I'll open for this period have come 1 m tmnl i. vnur -n,... . , lections and better mil way"elrnings 7e- r.gh here uY ChaVtot that Tren iuiub. aukujbc reuus no nt to a n nr sieen nc nwfiv th ..ia... - t - , . - - i . . '. vuuuriiuiiiY ior ia. iiniraiQ Hi Kl UBS rOCnTf lifop n I rTIIlKlnB nnrt oaHn ai L Th'lK. . . Mutual. Make the star ' tVdav You' ve C"arlOtte, The stubborn strenirth nt ., I r..r.,a,i.,,.j ... ... V" p u..,, , "v i"i-i ..."I..,,. mini you ve very little tiititt - - ,i..J.mo8t S0' e In the en- count for active life-step out of the wav a!f mtuaiiuii, ordUHircci VPriPrp. i imluv I Kir xtiiniroiMi n ni . . n . l"how2 a 7 "U percentageo? p . aVsrVo. T a.. .. nLLOLtK, dec. &. ireas. 77,7S.:i7 bIKUHIO.OO Surplus fund 100,000.00 ni National Bank notes outstandliiir. . Due to other National Banks I 40,(34.42 Due to .State banks and bankers S1H.0I Dividends unpaid 05.00 Individual deposits sub ject to check S03,lfti.7O Demand certiilontes of deposit J 0,001.40 Time eertilloates of de posit 30j,0(W.3 Cashier's checks out standing 3,13j0li Bills payable, including cei Un eaten of lepit for money borrowed Several Allraclivc Dilworlli Homos "; Eight rooms, two-story, Parr Avsnue, chotc looatlon, corner lot, TS by On the BoulevardEight rooms, two-storr, slate roof, shady side of t atreet, prioa IS.2G0. " ., Seven-room, two-story, Cleveland Avenue, dealrabls location, bait ., , or car line, price iz.eoQ. Beautiful Boulevard home, alght rooms, 14,250, Terma and other Information at office. aiillfitli No. 4 South Tryon Street; P. U. BROWN, Prealdent ,W, & ALBXANDBR, VI Qr U.CA.HaOi, aecretaryr-3 Report of thoCondltloi of The Commercial National Bank At Charlotte, In the State of North Carolina, at the close of business, Sept. C, 1904. " RESOORCES. Loans and Discounts .' ., . Overdrafts, -secured and unsecured, U. S. Bonds to secured circulation, , U. S. Bonds to Becure U. S. Deposits Banking house, furniture and fixtures Other real estate owned SU15.790,7 12. 4i 200,000.00 70,000.00 3,200.00 Gr,7.0U Due from National Banks (not reserve agents) 76,530. D7 12,765.68 61.&45.07 .. .. 7,373.44 11,828.00 ., 640.00 Due from State Hanks and Bankurs Due frctn approved reserve agents Checks and otfier cash Items .. .. . .. Notes of other National Banks Fractional paper currency, nickels, and cents. ', Lawful Money Reserve ln Banks, viz; Specie .. . $62,483.15 Keciempiion runa witn u. s. Treasurer (5 per cent. Of circulation) 62,483.15 10. 000. 00 To,al $1,623,326. 2 LIABILITIES. V. capital stock paid in v. i.. .. , $ 200,000.00 Surplus fund ...-.. 175,000.00 Undivided profits, less expense and taxes paid 164.J50.49 National Bunk notes outstanding 200.000. OA Due to other Nationul Banks 20.412.26 tjue to Mine uanKs and Hankers Dividends unpaid -. ' Individual deposits subject to check $372i368.8g Demand certificates of deposit : sif'sM iii CuRliler's checks outstanding 828.50 united states deposits 61,495.40 Deposits of U. S. disbursing officers .. 910141) Notes and bills rediscounted 2,378.53 36.00 786,149.01 76,000.00 TotaI $1,623.326. 29 State of North Carolina, County of Mecklenburg ss.: j. j. .. tsreniswr. caanier or the above-named bank, lo solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. A. O. BRENIZER. Cashier. Correct Attest: Subscribed and sworn to before me I w V. TTnrr this 8th day of September, 1904. I h, c ECCLES C. N. G. BUTT. 1 R. L. GIBBONS Notary Public. Directors. FRANK P. MILDURM, ARCHITECT COLUMBIA. S. C. 44w444444444444 Hook & Sawyer, f RCHITECTS Chadotte and Durham, N. C. 444444444444444444444444 LEONARD L. HUNTER, ARCHITECT CHARLOTTE, N. CAROLINA. .. 1 1 1 . 1 ; lt ' I FOR SALE , T 3r.-ACRE FARM, one. nine X from Dilworth and car line; good frontage on macadam road; C-rooin Jiouse, stock and farming implements. " : T E. L. PHOPST, 1 J CHARLOTTE, N.'C. j 4)4)4444444044 Capital, $200,000.00 Assets, $1,300,000.00. The Merchants and Farmers National Bank, of Charlotte, Respectfully Solicits the Business of Banks, Manufacturers, Merchants and Individuals. C N. EVANS, Cashier. 777.uM.01 80. ft 0.00 Total.. .tl444,7UOJs O. A. Robblns. Charles K. Brvant. 0. A. ROBBIES & CO. Architects N. c. increase on September 1 over A tit ,,4 1 with provisions and nmrerle. rn,u.' hides, leather, oils unit ing most strength. The reneral. l,vol .f prices at present marks an Increase of 7 7 per cent, over June, 1901. a deci -ase of 38 per cent, from February. 1900, but a gain Of 37 Ier cent, over th In. . of July. 1890. " t ina '' "i me i nuea tstates T 25 a Tryon St J. R- PHARR. Pres. CHASE BRENIZER, Atty. ! V WHEELER & RUNG?, ARCHITECTS, CHARLOTTE. N. C. t Bnd Floor,- 4Ca Building. State of North Carolina, county of Meek lenburg, ss: I, H. M. Victor, cashier of the above- named bunk, do solemnly swear that 'the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. II. M. VICTOR, Cashier, Correct-Attejit: ' J. C. BURROUGHS, P. M. BROWN. FRANK OILREATH, IM rectors. Subscribed and sworn to before me th 8th day of September, 1904. A. T. SUMMEY. Notary Public. fer the week ending September 1$ number T 144, against 165 in the like week In In 1903. T FALL RIVER CLOTH MARKET. Baalaeaa Noticeably Qalet Ko Proa. pees - 01 ueneral Heanupttoa Be. for October 1st. " rail Hi ver." Mass Sent 9 ai t- the print cloth market for the week Willi reach - a total of about . 7E.non niaa I Compared with -the activity which pre vailed In the cloth: market about a week ago, business for the past six days has continued ouiet. and a roiii off in the demand for all classes of gooda Is noticeable. The prices are un changed -on a three-cent basis for regu- iin many 01 tne mills have been getting- their manhinaev dltlon to run, there Is no prospect of - Bcucrm resumption Of Work at Was. I en t, and it Is the feeling here that a "' ot oe made before October 1. tire, delicious, economical.' Blue Ribbon 4 leuoa and vanilla extracts F.D.A. V WANT A LOT?" HOWS - I0TH AVCIMUE? The widest-Tina best In town: There's the lot, deep and, wide t final a eAnm Aaa ' . v awggt VULUtjgfJ OH It. 118 ty8h and good. Better ask In formation tcf-day, F. D Alexander I 1UCAI, ESTATE DEAfJCRS. 20S South Tryon Street. Bell 'Phone, 430. R E, COCHRAWE j 4444444444444 mvmV Insurance AltD Real Estate Or. Cm L. Alexander, DENTIST. Carson Building1, Southeast Corner of - .Fourth and Tryon Streeta. GEO. L WILSON, Vice-President W. C. WILKINSON. Ass't Cashier. Charlotte JSTational Bank I United States Depositary Results after six and a half year in business: ASSETS .. 1,1.12,000.00 DEPOSITS .. .. .. 752,OO0.0 We are fully alive to- the fact that the secret of our conspicuous suc- cess Is due to the courteous and liberal treatment accorded our friends nnd depositors, and on this basis solicit your business. B. 0. HEATH, President. W. H. TWJTTY, Cashier. THE ADVANCE OF THE SEASON R. E. COCHRANE ATTRACTIVE Five-Room Cottage, cor- i ncr lnt 4Sxi W. SnlnHtH neighborhood,. X Price $2,000. Good home or investment I THOS. T.ALLISON X Real Estate Manager, SOUTHERN STATES TRUST CO. t Makes business more active and merchants may r find use forradditidnal ' Banking Connect ionsJ 1' We btfer evervt facility and solicit consultation or correspondence bn the subject i ; ; V. r-, Mka vavu,wv s1 nw I HV'bUI"lb iJ-'&r . W luff Wt atepnen, pro, - t. rratmiin, -pto, w, , Wood, Treoo nrou m One or twice before about that prise tot which we are offering opposite D.'- ' : ' B. Heath's residence at the terminal of the Piedmont car line. i .i:i.:..,.':")';.;; 4i ia ni 1 aw in aiae,, aiiu a corner tot. . . rr..r v- v-".. It Is surrounded by some of the finest new suburban homes tn the viclnltr U - '' ';"Of Charlotte.' . :r-W:? iu''-'i'" lt Is shaded by a grove;of beautiful trees.:iS".f:, ty:;'- tM-iWM:.&-'i-:' It Is but lgh minutes run by electric car line from the Central Hotel, . It la located on one of the best macadamized roads in Mecklenburg coun-, - J ty und has pnivlleges of city water and sewer connections. ', a ' ' Do you want it? , If so act quick. '. ;. F. C. ABBOTT & COPPAWV EvERYTHINQ IN REAL ESTATE, Mt$ V.' 'I