CHARLOTTE DAILY OBSERVER, SEPTELIBER 21, 100-1. FLAYS AST PLAXKlla. mis stEroRDicffi cocnt, mix me i KARirerr, i oranURtlon that has aJned and i t ;e confidence or ta public, i ' year by th evr-fallina; i fnc of lu traductions tn the tint : anovlnj plctuwa, will appear at th -it! amy ot Uuata thin afternoon n" i . t mnjr. ' - , k All the : Utt marrete and master liecea la animated photography wil i e presented with full pwhanloal f ! vt and Incidental tnuaic. "Fairy Und,' th rratat aittctacuiar production ol : Sr. Shtpard'a wonderful art. 1 a acenlc und electrtcal marvel. The life and death of too famous outlaw. Jack Shep ard. depicting a realistic stac-e-coach hold-BBy and haad to hand pttot scat, la a thriller from start to finlab. One of tha neat amuslnar featurea on the programme- Is a recently acquired far rial comedy; entitled ''Personal," lu iicrouilr depleting the efforts of a French-count to secure a rich Amerl can wife and tha unforseen uteotn of his - schemes. Reproductions of the famoua pantonine, "Puaa In Boots." from the Drury Lane Theatre, of Lon don, are specially bright and amusing to young and old. : In all sixty special featurea will be presented. Seats now on sale at Jor dan's. i' V, T "With the coming of "Candida" to the Academy of Music oft next Monday theatre-soera will be aelifed with a de air to read all that can be reached about the brilliant author, George Ber nard Shaw. Tha following excerpt from an article In "The Academy" (London), In the February number for 1901, will prove Intereatlng reading: "Mr. Shaw la a bom debater, whether in speech or In writing. Far too am , bitlous to leave nature alone, he hue assldloualy perfected a natural gift un til It baa become a formidable force In the country's Intellectual life. Th " matt who measures sworda with Mr fc'&aw la foredoomed to defeat. Kir (suae may be good, but he will be beaten, and probably rendered rldicu-' loUS. "On may, say of Air. Shaw, aa Ma tauley said of Burke, 'In a few scorch ing words. he withered up the arguments- of ,th unfortunate belnga who dared to oppose htm.' Only Mr L Khaw'S words don't scorch; they art cold as ateel and they tut. "The relation of thin brilliant ,'in.i wayward intllect to the general stolid public Is a curious one. The public re gard him as a sort of ts-t- fly. tfiai w-Ut not leave them alone. Buzz! Buss! That man Shaw again slinging va, piercing our ttiaaka, oversetting out Ideals, and making us highly umnm fortable. . In many quartera he if looked on as an enemy of the British rase, but the good stolid public do not know what la good for them." The theatrical manager of n derail : ago used to believe that when a play had been established In public favoi .' that any kind of a cast could be em , ployed-to exploit It before the public , and for that reason and no other, can a great many of them ascribe theli ultimate failure. Not so with VV. E. . Nankevllle. : .'mahftger of ' Human S !.... ...(.l-l. J .- ... .. T ' day, September 27th. ' v Mr. Nankevflle hat always mainlaln ' ai . i. n . ,l i. . i . , j the, public,- and If by .'any. possible chance he can better his.comnanies. he ; never fa Hi to do. so., It la to this pol icy" he attributes ,tl wonderful surf ;n w'wi-v lWsaMii iw is nun inc uic' atrs-gotng public. s THB 8HARO COTTON PF.8T. CsJU Moeaer Welte has Captared a - Ha ST Meaater Which Beta Cotton v by the Wholesale It In a Regular Raireal. There la trouble out in Sharon; a sivik miiu hubii.j. irvnK linn nuiTAiru , there and Is devouring KlngCotton. not by tha boll or the pod, but by the acre. Cot. Rosser Wolfe, a well-to-do farmer, has discovered, captured, killed and embalmed a monstrous green thing which measures six Inches from tail tip to nose-point and half its length .-: around the girt. The only acientlst who has expressed an opinion on the worm or whatever It be, calls It the Ab Uno Discs Omnes. Mr. Wolfe waa not In town yesterday and therefore The Observer could not communicate with him. but the follow ing facta may' be relied upon. This monster made Us appearance one day last , week on a stock of large green cotton In the garden patch, and In i single night ate seven rows of fine cot ton; he took stalks, bolls, lint, seed bottom crop,, to top crop and all, not leaving anything but the roots. He kent thia tin for seven nls-hta anrl -lnn ed up sn acre, and had time enough upon his hands then to go over Into the Darn lot and take a whack at bull-nettle, Jlmpson weed and Jerusalem Oak drawing the line on dog fennel. Mr. Wolfe has the remains of this beasts or animal, or flah. or Insect, or bird or what not on exhibit at the home of Mr. Ben Wolfe; they fill a medlum- alsed fruit Jar. It required considerable strategy to imprison the monster not that he was ! fleet footed, or powerful but because he pursued his mouth, and with a fire hose action', shot forth a poisonous green foamy liquid at his pursuers Col woiw set a rabbit gum at the crack - . 1 . ins wviiimiiif, n ea to enter the lot, and caught him. i na wnote country aide Is excited, and ready for any emergency. The poor farmer Is always in hard luck.r If It is not too wet. It la too dry. If U Is not the-boll weevil, it Is the Ab Uno Dlace Omnea, ' , RAILROAD FROMOTIOAS. Three Ooss Fellawa Get a Boost up tbe ladder R. W. Marrar Made Tralaasaatev at Blaekabarit Rosa Blaekwssd Takes Hla Plaee Here. There was a number of changes made among the yard forces of the Southern Hallway men in this city yes terday. ?R.,W.; Murray, who has been yard master for some time, w as pro moted t the position of train master of the Charleston division, with head quarters In Blacksburg.' S. c. He will take charge there to-day. Mr. Murray has been with the Southern many years nd is a very canableman. r. Jtoss tjiacawooa, who has been Ti';?ht .? yard master, wlll succeed Mr. I .urray. , IB addition to being a flrst t ! rsilroad man, Blackwood Is a r enulne good fellow. - He is popular with ths boys who know him. His friends win be glad to learn of hla pro 1'iotkm. "' . Mr. Joe Dradleyrho haa been a yard conductor, will tsks the place formerly 1 M by Blackwood. I Bradley Is. a de tfrvlng young man, Ha has worked v. -:i .. ami learned his , business. I hs Charlotte friends of Mr. Murray i ret to have to give htm up, hut are 3 to see him climb the ladder of '; lie "beat erer made," Blue Ribbon tern- i uiid vanilla extracts, t . Kegs Held ( Raaalag Bllad Ttsieti Croat .Mwsaiaa - m Ssaart Sears Ueta ; av Ptaeroaag ' Hrs Ordered .Frss -, the Hoosn Mlaar Cases, " ' The recorder hsd a small docket, but an interesting one. yeaterasy. -iim Howie, a Outnea-looktng negro was charged with running a blind tiger. Such temerity prookad admira tion and Tim was regarded with much attention. But the Necorder had to bind him over for trial at the next term of Superior Court, on four cases in the sum of $200 bond for csch Case, If Tim haa done s good business. It bus not been so productive enough for him to come up with the amount ofthe bond, so he went to Jail. W. U Merrltt. white, waa given 10 days In Jail. Me had been found lying drunk across the street car track Jual beyond the Southern freight depot. George Boyd, a dark faced white man of Intelligent appearance, was charged Kith being drunk and disorderly. The testimony was that he had exhibited a leslre to fight- The recorder said that he was an old offender and aentenced aim to Jail for 30 days. Just about this stage of (he proceed inga, Recorder 8huniionhouae noticed several boys mere children, they were Bitting In the windows of the room Make those young boys leave," he or- iered. "This Is no place for them. They lear language here that should not be leard by them." This is not the first time that the youngsters. Impelled by die or morbid curiosity, have hung j bout the court room; nor was it the first time the recorder has ordered them iwav. Grant Lowrance, n mulatto, was ar ralgned on the charge of being drunk. rant Is an Intelligent-looking man, and when he works at his trade as a brick mason, he makes S3 or $3.50 a day. He wld that he was not causing anyone tny trouble when he was arrested; that he was only asking a restaurant man to et him have a book he had left In the ulnee. 'What was the book?" asked the re cord r. "The L.lfe of George Washington," said the negro. A titter ran around the room. (Jrant seemed to bo not very much oncerned. He stood With a lolled eitf- irelte liel ween his (Inner, and appear I (o In: Willi under the Influence of II uor. 'You've been here a good many limes tlready," said (he court, "so I will flue ou $u and (he costs. Andrew Caldwell,. -an old negro, was harged with carrying a concealed weapon. Air. T. U Klrkputrkk. as at lorney for him, demurred on the plea r want of jurisdiction, saying that the illeged offense was out of the town limits, I he arrest having taken place at Palmer's place, near the park In Dil worth. The pistol hiul. been found lint in Andrew s person, but in a field near the house. The recorder overruled the lemurrer, saying that there was no evi ience to aliow whether the offense was beyond the city limits or not, and bound the defendant over to the ' Superior urt under a bond'' of Jrrfl. t llll. II KII KKII lit IIOIIKK. Little WIMIr kniinlra Snatalqnl n Coniounl Fracture of the Nkull, While IrlvlnK With llcr I'nrrnts. Willie Knowles, the- 7-year-old daueh- (er of Mr. and Mrs. Knowles, '-who live near . fcllsabeth" Mills. "Is Iving lira nre- arlous ' condition at St. IVter's Hos pital, and only moderate hope of her recovery is entertained. She Is suf- .erlng from a compound fracture of the skull, caused by the kkk of a horse yesterday afternoon while she was out driving with her father and mother. Mr. Knowles was drivina. with Un title girl on the seal beside him. when (he horse balked, ffirowlng the child forward to the dash-tMiard, tln-n kick- ed. and the hoof struck her In the f .in ula: forehead. She win resting as well as could be expected ut a late hour last night. erldent to Cnniirr liarlolle Hralilent. The Observer is lu receipt of a letter, dated the ISth Inst., from Mr. K. S. Williams, of Hammond, la., stating that .Mr. Mack Dav-ts. formerly of 'harlottc. who Is manager of the Albec -innlier Company, at Mt. Pralla. La., was accidentally seal. led last Kiidny but not seriously. Mr. Davis la coii Ined to his room, hut" will he out be fore long. Mr. Williams writes of the iiigh regard in which Mr. Davis Is hell n that section and savs that all enm niinlcatlons to Mr. Davis, aildress:d are the lumber crtiiip.inv will reach hlin. There a re some w In ia use inning nir iii-mrneni hi i in- liieens boro Keeley lnslilul.-. ibis fact has never been denied, but in no Inst. nee will such candidly state thai they fell because of the craving for fining drink. EQUIPMENT COUNTS In order to do perfect Laundry work equipment h essential, none in n Ours is second to the United States, bold statement, but This is a true. We watch the produc tion of the manufacturers and buy all of the latest machines in our line. This accounts for r , S f our pertect work, it you have not tried be convinced. U5, do so and The Charlotte Steam Laundry. Oldest Lirgest' and Best 219 S. Tryon St. 'phone 47 Attend IS NmIIss Called Hr For Vest TaMSar tat I.arre Nansbers.AU la the: Sssae An Observer man "called on Capt. f, Dllllng, who presided over tha mill meeting held here Monday, sua he was lesvlng town,' yesterday, for his boms at King's Mountain, and asked him what he thought the prospects were for i good attendance of representative mill men at the meeting called to con vene here next week, and he said: "I Relieve that we will have a good crowd. 'or we are all In the same boat. The Tillls are out of cotton and the prices of raw material and manufactured pro ducts are far apart. We are bound to lo something., or suffer. That meeting a for a general conference and discus sion with' the hope that profit may be derived by a better understanding imong ourselves." The cotton mill men are not desirous if making war on any. man or set of lien, hut are simply following the first aw of nature self-preservation. About 150 mills should be interested In the, neeting lo tie held Tuesday, ond about DO representatives should come here to take part In the proceedings. The hard yarn mills represent something like 1.- .VKi.tXMI or 2,000,000. The following is a copy of a letter received by a cotton mill of this vicini ty, a few days ago, from an Knstern ommisHion house, giving advice to the spinner: "Your favor of the loth, has licen received. We note thnt you are still shut down, and thnt you do not proiose to start up until the market reaches a price where yarn will be prof itable to ninke. This is a very wise con- luslon and if the other mills that are now closed will follow out the same policy It will soon bring the market around. We placed an order for 20.2 ply warps at 18 cents. This Is the top notch price." Kvery day cotton mill men come to charlotte from the nearby towns and each one tells the same story if he will alk nt all, and if he does not open his nouth his down-cast countenance tells he tale for him. The bright-faced fel- ows are the ones that have learned to lo special stunts of one sort or another. MIPOHTAM' MALE. ll4Liiey llrtbrrH I'urohaar Four liflh street tor Stori-s mi 'est i r,..-,oo. A real estate transaction of import une yesterday was Hie sale ol four tores on West Fifth street (o Messrs. T. 1'. and j. I.. Hackney, of the llrm f Hackney llrothers, rilumbera. Tlie Hale was made through the Southern teal Kstate, Ixan and Trust Company, i he consideration being lf,.r00. These I four stores are now occupied by Hack-I ey llrothers, the C. II. ItoliillKou Co.. I vzell-Myeis Co., and Mchaughlln &l . have a frontage of 7-' feet, and 1 oinpose a very valiuilile piece of prop-1 it y. The up-Htnirs rooms arc used as- tints. A few years ago the entire block m which this property Is sltusUed sold $20,01)0, showing the constantly In-I leasing value of Charlotte real estate. The property will remain lust an It Is I nd no chaliges will be made among he occupants. It Is (o be known in the ut lire as the Hackney Kullding. Hackney Hrolhers are also erecting a irge warehouse on the Southern Hall- i way, and Intend to have the largest lock and the most complete plumbing: tjulpment in the State. These gentle-! men started in, business: four years ago iki tins. recent purchase by them is an ndlentor of their prosperity. BUCK STOVES AND RANGES We carry a full line of the cel ebrated Duck Stoves and Ranges. To see them and use them is to acknowledge then superiority lu construction and convenience over other makes. Many years of experience enable the manufacturers lo put out a stove well-nigh perfect. Come and see ihein whether you buy ot not. Allen Hardware Co. WilOI.KKAI.K AND H PIT AIL, JO Last Trndo Street. Taey Will New Just Received To-Day All the latest fashions and best of workmanship, You be suited here, it makes no ference how critical your taste. No dealer in the State can touch us in great variety of styles, in cheapness of price, Also New Arrival in Carpets and Rugs Barker-Gardner Co. ice cream.. ,tf ' That ku W BMa'nlm la all ta OTOOarr ttoraa, a at fvepamUoa eM Jcll-O Icq Cream POWDER which la meeting wits grsat furor, M It enable toryona to inaiu lc crwia la UmO owa boe iriia wi lltUetroobl. Kvarrtblug in the peckagafor mak- lngtawqnsitsofdellcfoaslcaeraank If yourgrooBr etntaupply you sand Me. for two pkg. by aulL Vaa ll!(:kocuUtc,HtrawberrTaad(:iitaTorad. Addnm, Tto UetMMts Pats Pood Ce Eos m,L FH.tMv BUT IU KHEK. He lntllulP Habea forpna Pro- rredUii aad the Judge of tbe C'lr cult 4'uurt Releaaed II I m Some Facta About tbe I mite Mr. John Frank Butt, the young Charlotte man arrested In CJalnesville, Fla., on the 1.1th charged with embez zlement of 1305 from the Southern Bell Telephone Company, is out. The Judge f the Circuit Court of the Gainesville lisirlct released him as the result of i habeas corpus proceeding. This was inexpected here, for it had been said that kinsman of the young man would pay back the lost money. But Butt must have taken up the case at the .ither end of the line, and had himself freed. Bradley Williams, representing the American Surety Company, of New York, reported this case to Chief Irwin, Uecorder Hhannonhouse and Solicitor Webb. After the arrest of Butt, Wil liams was notified and asked whether his concern would defray the expenses for going after Hutt and bringing him back to North Carolina. There was some elelay, and the answer did not arrive here as early as It should have lone. A telegram from Solicitor Webb, lust night, ordered Chief Irwia to go for Butt with' the proper pa'pera. Abotit the time that message arrived one from the chief of police of Gainesville urougni the news or nutt s release. i Hutt must be caught again before. In- can be tried. Mr. (iruliam to no tit ( Olumbln. Mr. Kdward K. Graham, of the de ii.uinieiit of English at the State Uni versity, will have here, his former mine, to-night for New York city, where he will do post-graduate work it Columbia University. Mr. Graham: obtained leave of absence some weeks j ago. He will return to his duties at! the State 1'nlverslty next year. j Quality Is what makes price. If lti'l! N'KTT'fl VANILLA KXTItACT vv:is no better. than other extracts Us price would be (he name. One (rled. always used. M R S J o E P E R S o N $ R E M E D Y T A l( E i Stock of FURNITURE the can dif. The Highest Grade ' Man ufacture d To-Day je? 1 7' Knambwrt LONG-TA A THE You'll find this season that the Double-Breasted Sack Suit Is going to be unusually popular. Lots of men will wear them and look well In (hem; they are al ways in keeping' for almost any occasion. Plain or Fancy Cheviots are the best arid most favored fabrics. The Double Breasted Sack Suits Begin at $10.00 and up to K'O.00. We've put n lot of ginger in this, season's stock It shows it. THIS IS A SOItT OF : 4 4 . t A Buy and Rejoice CLOTHING HOUSE. Suppose You Test It. I Yorke Bros. &j Rogers. The Latest The lish 1 in Hi Si big Mellon stock is now brim full of bright, nvw sty apparel for Boys' Youth's and Men's fall service. Tail i s in. i he tef- l- Lard., fevW f P ! lf?f (jirment Represents Superior , . Magnificent Brand New Up -to-Date Fall Stock Mail Orders have Immediate Attention :: :: ED. W. MELLOW GOM . Oar new fall lines of Men's and Boy.s Apparel is the finest and best seltcted we have cvtr displayed at any season. There have been vast improvements recentjy in the tailoring of ready-to-wear apparel . and every advancement that has been niade is known in the garments for the new. season. Kvery little detail in tailoring has been perfectedfrom the cutting out of the garments to tbe working of the button holes and sewing on the buttons. It is all an exceptionally swell gatheriug of fashionable appatel for men who care to be well dressed AT A REASONABLE PRICE. Y CLOTHING GO, n I ll Hie ol ' 8 I0QQ ' ! 0 w .LIMY, 209-2U5.TryonSt. He Will Positively Save You Money i ust III The Swcllcst Line of Hand BAGS ever brought to the city, and oh, so cheap. Houston, Dixon & Co. Vail Crd rs Have Prompt Attonltoi Clothing ir Drppol J uuu I D For the early fall (raile we are offer ing many noteworthy values. We are starting the new season with much enthusiasm. We are not only branch ing rtut by adding the second llonr to our establishment, but we arc offering the strongest attraction obtainable to day. New goods are conspicuously dis played in HALL HACKS AND SKATS Hie very latest stylos $r...r.O to JW-OO. I HALL ClIAICS AND SETTERS TO MATCH HACKS. Don't buy anything in the Furniture Line till you have seen Your A Mention F- r just a moment to tell you we have one of tne best selected lines 'T Fine Cut Glass you can find in the city. Onl the finest quality and latesf.'pat-' terns at prices that will interest you. Mone ITT. Out The Greatest Varietv of Styles is here, emb'acingf all the Newest Effvcs in Cl.-ihes out this Season. Swel.est Ci eat ions in Men's Fall Suits and Overcoats ever produced Styles mm