Part Two. ( Pc-rca our . Pases 9 to 16. Mf i VA ' 4 U( ;TAEP!5 COLUMBIA STORE 'S COLUMBIA TAPP'S COLUMBIA fe. of Fa I v' r V " ' - V " , oooocwooockxoooooooooooooo ff ' A. Grand Fall Millinery Opening . Beginning Wednesday, Sept 23. : MlM Katherin , H' Strohuber and Madam Stedman, noted ar tists, are at the head of our Mitlinery Department and Will . be pleased to aee you In person or have your orders. Order what you think you would like, If not pleased return to us. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Carolinas Swellest Showing Beau tifully Tailored Garments We carry the larerest line of Swell Tourist's Coats to be found in any store in the Caro linas. Tailor Made Suits in all the niont wanted and stylish cloths in all the new colors tand black Evening: and Opera Cloaks in many swell styles both black and white 425 to $75.00 Feau de Sot Silk Coats only ( the finest of materials and lin ings used Exclusive and swell est styles both 27 in. and length-prices, $10 to S4S.OO We . have the strongest line of Ladies' Jackets all colors new est styles, 5 to... 950.00 unuaren s and Misses Cloaks and iieefers, $8.50 to. ...f20.0O Among our exclusive styles of . HlKh-Cla8 Walking Suits:' we vhow Ladies' Tourist Walking Suits, mader of all wool cheviot 'serge, in blue, brown,-and black. Skirt unllned, gores ; ' with foot pleats. The Jacket ' made loose : fitting, lined with . 'handsome satin Romaln, strap- ' 'ped In back, trimmed with "steel -buttons Price....- 910.00 Other beautiful " Suits we show . 'in the popular fancy mixed fab 'rlcs of all wool material, made in the most' popular shades of brown,' nary, grey, and black. "The Jaqket ' is lined with satin : 1 Romaln, and is made with half :. fitting. back,' loose front, stitched - : collar and cuffs. In- plain shade Jf'1 of broadcloth. Skirt unllned,' 7 - gores with foot pleats, and 'trimmed with stitched tabs. . Price.............. 12.50 Tailored Suits,"1 excellent qual ity of broadcloths in blue, black . and brown. Skirt -unllned, 7 (gores with toot pleats. Jacket made .loose fitting,, with turn over;, cuffs,, with straps in back. Price.' fl&.QO Handsome Mixed . Suits, in . popular shades of brown, blue, , grey, and black. Skirt unllned, with .7 gores, full back with foot pleats. Jacket lined with hand some quality of satin, and is made loose fitting, wide .pleats in back, with strap, patch pock ets, pleated sleeves, collar and cuffs trimmed with inlaid White t broadcloth embroidered with silk gimp, belted in back price 915.00 Handsome Suit, Tourist style, . . long coat, strap collar, and cuffs, piped with satin, loose fit ting," strapped in back. Jacket half -lined with satin Romaln. Skirt unllned, 7 gores with foot pleats, t. In black and navy. Price........ 915.00 t. a Stylish Fancy Mixed Suits, . cheviot. Norfolk style- Jacket, turn-over collar and cuffs, strapped front. and back, tailor stitched,- belted in back, satin lined, with flaps with gimp trim- :' ' mings, the skirt unllned, seven v - gores, foot pleats. Colors; grey ' .. ., and brown. Price 915.00 Stylish ., Wool Covert Suits, color: tan, loose fitting, 3 box pleats in back, plain stitched front, stitched collar and cuffs, . . and pockets piped with silk, i,:, satin lined. Skirt unllned. 11 : ' gores, 1 tucks on each seam. V Price.... 915.00 , . ' Attractive Wool Covert Walking v. t Suits, Jacket fitted back, satin .' lined, tailor stitched collar in y laid" , with brown - velvet, -.turn-:-... , " over, stitched 1 cuffs.' Skirt un- lined, Jl gores stitched on eat-lt . tseam. Price 915.00 Ladies' Tourist Walking Sutts all wool cheviot. Jacket lined with . satin Romaln, , patch pockets, . ' fancy strap, stitched collar and cuffs, strapped back, and stitch 'i -t ed strap trimming down front . Skirt full buck, six gores, un y; " lined, foot pleats. Very stylish , suit, popular shades of blue, brown, and black. Price..... $20.00 . Ladles' Walking Sutts of fancy . , .mixed maitlsh cloth. Norfolk' style Jacket . Tailor - stitched ' collar and cuffs trimmed with ' taffeta silk, belted in back, silk t - ,-i-:r. .braid trimming,, double-breast- . : i v",'ed, 'satin' lined. ; - Skirt 7 goro, .. - .t Itched seams,' unllned. trim-i- JT1 Pined tabs, col- ors. grey and green. Pi ice.. 920.00 . IiMdles' Sutts made ' of all wool . , t Roy Mixture (grey only) Jucket, green satin lined, velvet cuffs " ' ' and ' 'collars, loose ' back, , stitched straps. Skirt' unllned, - ..fuli back, eight gores, pleated " " . T Ladies' Walking Suits of fancy , mixture Jacket, half satin lined, ; . PREPAY FREIGHT, ? MAIL OR EXPRESS WITHIN A RADIUS OF 600 MILES EmBriiHg'-,Me::M Fashions Season: after. Season since we have been in Columbia we have demonstrated our ability to bring to this establishment for owNorth and Soufh Carolina trade the handsomest goods produced by the foremost manufacturers of the world. For Fall and Winter, 1904, vwe are proud to say we have accomplished more than ever in our endeavor to bring together enormous and unexcelled varities and qualities unapproached by any other merchant in two States. We do not say unapproached by competition for such is not recognized by us, for the fact there are no stocks the equal of what is here in point of completeness or in goodness of goods. Our efforts in revolutionizing the Department Store business in the Carolinas have not been void of results. Our past record in this regard speaks forcibly for itself, and now that we have added so much to the upbuilding of this class of business is reaping for us an abundant harvest in that we are controlling a trade of the highest class, a trade which reaches out through all sections of North and South Carolina. mail order patronage account of the pleasant relations between Mr. Tapp and the enormous Tape's connections in the business world is most favorable. He has extant in New York who are continually looking after his interests, offering and sending him as they do the latest and best of everything that eminates from the fashion cenfers of the globe. In Mr. Tapps greatest accomplishments this season has not only been in the direction of bringing to his store in Columbia the finest selections .of Dress Goods, Tailored Suits and general lines for the service of womankind, but he has again secured the services of Miss Katherine Strohuber and Madam Stedman, two of the most expert designers of fashionable headwear for ladies that ever came South, ladies with original ideas and creative minds, artists whose life's work has been spent in perfecting the millinery profession. AH of Charlotte and most of North Carolina will remember Miss Strohuber and Madaih Stedman as having produced, while in the service of Mr. Tapp in Charlotte, the greatest masterpieces in the Millin er s art that has ever been shown South, the highest type of fashionable Hats. It will be the pleasure ot these ladies to again meet the requirements of their old: friends and patrons. If it is not convenient for you to visit Columbia this Fall, make,knpwii The Bi Opening, Beginning on Wednesday September 28, Will be a masterly occasion. The swellest displays of fashionable Hats for Fall and Winter service will be shown that were ever exhibited in North or South Carolina. At this time all of our Fall stocks will be complete and it will be show worth coming hundreds of miles to see. Tailored Garments Continued colars and cuffs trimmed with silk gimp and satin piped, patch pockets, strapped, trim med front and back, belted in back. Skirt unllned, 7 gores strapped trimmed below waist line, colors grey and brown Price 925.00 Ladies' Pitted Back Jacket Suits made of handsome black broad cloth. Jacket satin lined, strap ped, trimmed back and front, piped with satin, full sleeves, turn-over cuffs and collar, piped and trimmed with ' black but tons. Skirt unllned, 7 gores, seam stitched, foot- pleats in front. Prlce 925.00 Ladies Walking -Suits of chev iot, loose fitting, Romain lined, box coat applied box pleats, turn-back cuffs, full sleeves. Skirt unllned, wide stitched box pleats, 7 gores, color blackand navy. Price.... i 925.00 Ladies' Suits in brown Cenetlan, double-breusted, vest of broad cloth, color, burnt onion, satin lined, gimp trimmed, turn-buck cuffs, full sleeves. Skirt unllned, 8 gores, pleated. Price 9UO.OO Double-breasted Box Coat, strap across back, man tailored col lar, black trimming, full sleeves, turn-back cuffs, unllned. Skirt unllned, pleated.- gores, pleat- . ed on each seam, plain tailored finish, color, grey. Price..... 930.0O Ladles' Walking- Suits, invisible plaid, green, and -two shade of tan . trimming, box coat, satin lined, loose fitting, strap across back. Skirt unllned, .9 gores, pleat on each seam, plain ' fin ish. Price. . ... ... . . . ....... .930.00 Ladles' Walking ' tiult. colors black and brown, material, fan cy mixed boutlla Suiting. Jack et satin lined, velvet trimmings and buttons naif fitting back. Skirt unllned, 7 gores, inverted und side box pleats. Price.. 930.O0 Walking, Suits of mixed novelty goods, box coat unllned.. trim- ; ming of velvet "a-nd buttons, full , sleeves, Skirt unllned, 9 gores, tucked on each ,; gore. colors, brown and black, Price. . ,.932.50 Ladies' Walking Suits, black, all wool eheviot, coat taffeta lined. , ' v tight fitting, applique trimming . of blue and black, full sleeves, . . ; double it cuffs.. Skirt 1 unllned, . -W three piece graduated tucks v- ' from yoke, double tucks front and " back. Price. .. ... .- . .935.00 Walking - Suits of Herrinbone . . mixed suntng. O'oai loose aouoie breasted, satin lined, box pleat 1 and strap on back, trimming of v" 1 4E,e W.brW' To-Day A great many people come to Columbia merely to supply their needs at this store and our has grown to be a huger your.wantsin writing, Tailored Garments Continued burnt onion and buttons, Skirt unllned, 7 gores, pleated. Price 935.00 Ladles' Walking Suit, fancy bou cle cloth in dark green, Norfpld Jacket, taffeta lined, trimming of green and black braid and buttons, full sleeves. Skirt un lined. eleven gores, box pledted, a very handsome suit. Price. 935.00 Walking Suits of brown Herrin bone Suiting, box coat, unllned, straps in back, trimming In silk braid, and gun metal but tons. Skirt 9 gores, with pleats on each gore, a beautiful suit. Price 93T.50 Ladies' very stylish black all wool cheviot. Coat tight fitting, satin lined, trimmed In bani of em broidered broadcloth of tan, vest embroidered, coat sleeves. Skirt 9 gores, side pleats. Price , 940.00 Ladies' Walking Suits of dark blue cheviutt, box coat satin lined, trimmings of red and .. blue braid, very full sleeves skirt box pleated, very full. A very exclusive, stylish suits. Price 90.00 Walking Suits of brown Shepperd plaid, of manlsh goods, box Coat, tucked back, with strap trimming of brown braid, lining two-tone taffeta Skirt 9 gores, pleat on each gore. Great value for 90.00 Walking Suits dark brown Bou cle cloth. Coat rich taffeta silk lining, two-tone, half fitting buck, coat sleeves with cape extending full length of sleeve, brown velvet collar and cuffs, trimmed with silk buttons. Skirt nine gores, with side pleat on each gore. Exceedingly styl- iHh. Price.. 940.00 (Coat Suits continued on I 'age 10). Ladies' Black Pou de Soie Silk Coats Loose fitting1 short Coats, beautiful-quality silk, full sleeves, strap across back, trimmed In silk braid, satin lined, .special value. Price 912.50 Handsome Pou de Sol Coats me dium length, satin ' lined , sheared yoke, lace collar, silk braid trimmed, a beautiful Coat. Price... , 95H) Pan de Soie silk, lined with black satin, full sleeves, trimming of . black applique and black and' white silk braid, collar stole ef- v feet. Very stylish. Prloe.i.. 9 15.O0 Hack Pou de Soie Russiiut -Coat, lined with black satin, full ; sleeves, black silk braid trim- . ' ming, silk cord around waist, cape with stole. Price. A. . ..920.00 Bisplaypf business m itself. Charlotte alone sends numerous orders to us on . A., positive-i guarantee OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Free Trip to Columbia. Every person within a radius of 110 miles of Columbia visiting us and buying merchandise to the amount of 125.00 and over we will pay railroad fare one way. If your purchases amount to (50.00 or over we will pay your railroad fare both ways and allow you $2.50 for hotel bill. We have the swellest and most up-to-date stock of fine merchandise in the South. We want yo- o visit Columbia, Tapp's store Is the attraction. It is here that the best of every thing in merchandise is abund antit is here that the ruling fads and fashions are always first displayed. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Our assortment of rugs Is the largest to be found in the Carolinas. We han dle all the. leading brands, styles and sizes, extra Axtnlnster, Velvets, Brus sels, Smyrnas and Ingrains. Our as sortment or pfiUerns and colors can't be excelled. Write for our special prices and descriptions. Beautiful lace and portiere curtains, the very newest effect and styles that could be had in the Eastern markets, we have them. Get our prices before you -buy. We are In a position to fill large con tracts -as well as smull ones In all kinds of carpets, linoleums, .nutting, window shades, etc. Give us a .chance to figure on your work and quote you prices. It you are thinking about getting a car pet for your 'church, offices or your home, write us before you buy and get our prices. It will mean money saved to you. . Carpet, Rug and Matting Dep't. We have a fine line of extra heavy colored China matting. This grade Is the best quality and is a good value and worth 860 yard, our special price, yard,. ........ 25p All-wool Ingrain carpets, the best quality made, manufactured by the Blgelow Carpet .Company, beautiful colors and r fine pat terns, suitable for hall, bed room, .sitting . . rooms,' dining rooms, etc.; every yard guaran- teed,. to give satisfaction; spe- ; rial price, yard, hiade and laid.. 75c trade he Commanded while in Charlotte. Mr. scores of friends and the largest merchants is given to .please, or Linen Specials Wo will sell, as long as I lie lot lusts, fine 36-Inch wide Linen Lawn, worth 50c (we have sold It for J!tc), at, yard 25 24-Inch vAdo white linen for shirt waist suits and waist, guaran teed pure linen; you pay othetH 39c for the same; special, yard.. 25c 90-inch wide white linen, full bleached, so popular for suits and waists. You can't buy the BHme nt 1.2!; special, yard...9'0O TOWELS. We will put on sale Monday 100 dozen union linen towels; Huck, 17x34 Inches; can't be bought on earth to-day at our price, the dozen 91.00 TABBLE LINEN. All pure linen table Damask, 72 Inches wide, bleachs In two wiiHhliiKH; extra weight; worth regular Tic, sale price, the yard. 50c Klne 72-Inch wide pure 'linen tablo Damask. You can't buy It at 60c; Tapp's price, yard.,. UOtf F1N1J BLEACHED TABLE LINEN. A beautiful stock of fine, well-selected stock of bleached table Ituinaxk and napkins. You can't duplicate the price and quality in the country. Price, yard, for Damask. 00c, 75c, 85c, $1.00, $1.25, $l.r,() mid .' 92.50 Nnpi:liis. the dozen, 85c, $1.00. $1.50, $2.00. $2.25. $2.98, $3.50, $4.50, $5.00 und 9I.OO Cravenetted Cloths Bain -proof cravanetted covert cloth, in the best and most wunt ed colors, very handsome for coat suits and skirts as well as coats, 50 inches wide; price, yard 91.50 Fine rain-proof covert cloth, 56 Inches wide, in brown, tan and black; worth $1.25, Tapp's price, ' the yard ,. 91.00 Bain-proof covert cloth, 45 Inches wide, in blue and black, makes -a swell coat suit and especially pretty for coats; worth $1.00, Tapp's price, yard .. ..' 75c The largest showing of flue creum and white wool goods In the Car olinas, all the weaves voiles,, . ' veiling, mohairs, albatross' hen riettas, broadcloths plain and vi , fancy weaves; , price, -yard, 60c,-" ; 75c, 85c, $1.00, $1,25 and.. ...... 91 .50 OF COLUMBIA ON Fadsrainicl Produce no charge "will be ma4e. If Its Silk and Its Stylish, Tapp Has It BLACK TAFFETA SILK. Fine, extra heavy, high-lustre, 20- 1nch wide black taffeta silk; worth 75c, will be sold during this sale at, yard- 4 Of Kxlra heavy, 24-Inch wide, black taffeta silk, good weaves; worth $1.00 yiird, at.. W)V 2(-Inch wide black -taffeta silk, wear guaranteed, real value 75c. Tapp's price, yard .. ; SOc M-lnch wide, all taffeta silk, guar anteed water, perspiration and spot proof, the handsomest; worth $2.00 yard. Tapp's price, the yard 91.50 30-inch wide, black . taffeta silk, absolutely guaranteed to wear, guarantee woven In selvedge of every yard. You can't buy the same on earth at $1.85, Tapp's special sale price, yard 9100 We will sell this week 36-lnch wide black pcau de sol silk, worth $1.25, at, yard 91.00 DurlntJ this sale we will sell ex tra heavy black peau de sole silk, 36-Inch wide, that you can't buy elaewliere at $1.50, for, the yard .. ..J 91.25 Fine 36-lnch wide black peau de sole silk, double-lace or revers al i-, ail pure silk; worth $2.00, will be sold at, yard ... . 91.50 Fine 20-Inch wide black India silk, worth 39c, will be sold this week if the lot lasts that long, at, yard ..... 25c FANCY SILKS FOR SHIRT WAIST 8 SUITS AND WAISTS t. We are showing the. largest and handsomest line of fine novelty silk to be found South, In the new plain weaves; two-toned j ? effects, llecks of all kinds, styl ish new plaids, small checks In all colors, etc.; price, yard, 50ct 69c, 75c, 98c and ., .. ....... .91- 5 La Vida Corsets We are sole agents In Columbia for the celebrated whale-boned corsets, "La Vida." We have in our corset de partment a competent fitter who Is capable to select for you the corset best adapted for your special require ments. La Vida corsets are whalebone, hand-made, perfect fitting garments. New models are strictly - up-to-date, with the incline curve at the waist line, long lilp. A gairtient full of chic and grace. Prices range. from : $.00 to $8.60, ' Special orders taken In fancy goods. -.', ' ALL PURCHASES s oooooooooocoooc: . When Yea See It in 1 . ,". Al It's So. When you buy from us m i ' not pleased with your vw return ths goods, ws ci" refund money on any pun i. you want It We sell only t class reputable mercha n a prices,, quality considered, I or lower than any house la i Booth. , oooooooooooooococcc: . Finest Dress Goods Clt: . BROADCLOTH. Ths finest and most f -'.' ' weaves are among the new aum In this department, : . 52-lnch wide English V broadcloth, the prettiest and strongest black ; ths nap is perfect. We guaran tee the wear, quality and price. You positively- can't buy u same at 60c yard over our prl -: special at, yard .. ., .. ', We will offer in this sale a com plete line of black broadcloth, the finest English manufacture; absolutely the highest class, per fect in nap, weave and color. Tou can't match a piece of this at thts sale price, - yard, $i.t $4.00, $3.60 $100 and i, A Great Purchase of fins t, , cloth We have received the largest sin gle shipment of broadcloth ever brought South to a retail mer chant. We have, never been able to sell this before for less thun i $1.35, and most merchants hv $1,50 for the same. We have th: t In every color and black. Hu Is the richest, prettiest ph.i . smoothest cloth on the Amerlcnn market, does not wear rough, re tains the color longer and whi better than any other, By tid ing, this direct and In stf h lar. quantities we put the price Ui; seuson at, the yard -f I Fine silk warp Melrose. 48 Incln-i wide, color guaranteed. 'Tli u the best mourning fabric on th market; worth $2.00 yard. ' price, the yard Novelty Black Go: We place ore sale for this we. k several thousand yards of fine black goods In the highest nov elties.) All the Burrette effects In Etamines, Aeolines, Voiles, and such weaves, the bent blacks. These are worth up to $1.50 yard, sale price, yard...... T 44-tnch wide black and all colors in wool spunged and shrunk cheviot We guarantee the color the strongest, the quality un- , matchabte: : worth v4 68c yard, Tapp's price, yard i. .......... 5. We put on sale 60 suit and skirt patterns ot the finest Imported French tweeds, all the new de signs, small plaids In blues, greens, browns, etc.. worth $2.00 and $2.25 yard, Tapp's price, the yard .... . Wash Goods , Monday morning we will put on sale and sell until sold, , fine Imperial Long Cloth, 13 good bolts, worth $1.25 the bolt, cpe clal for this sale the bolt.. .-... T-o Fine English . Long Cloth. 12 yard bolts, worth $1.76, will b sold whlls It lasts at . bolt... ..91. V - We have a tremendous line of fine Mercerised Madras In the newest designs 1 and r patterns, all the new weaves and weights .these are especially pretty and stylish for waist; ' wast wear nicely, Special price the yard 12tt. IS, 20. 25. $6. and...........": Monday morning we will put on sale 60 pieces of Cotton Covert Cloth; makes a good., hard weur "skirt; extra weight, all colors; cheap at 20o yard, Special the yard t? We have a beautiful line of fine Outing and Teaseldown. in beautiful, well selected colors, special values at yard 10 .and .. ,. .. ii-- Blg lot .of fins Percales in pretty rich ' colors,, ; absolutely fast good weight, all deslngs, worth . 10c " the . yard, 1, special price ' the yard., .... U , 1 t'V;' Laces r ' When. Tapp says laces the ladies : know he has all of the latest pat terns and the best quality. u are now showing a full and larn . assortment of the much worn Oriental laces In white, cream, ecru and black, bands to mat' h. at the special prices, yard. 2 to s . . ' Gloves Just received our new full lmu . kid gloves. In all the new slu'i every pair guaranteed, at 01. s , pair, $1.00 . e nd Prices 'continued, on n'-xt OF S5.C0 A:.') fl Ifsipp . n f - - - (5 3W.