CHARLOTTE DAILY : . XD3RVEIl, OCTOBEIt 17, 1C0L 53 ..osini daughters. i TAT IS A . DISGRACE. . rxpffl Careful IMct and -jcii3al tho Mean W hereby Women Remain slender ' r !auiy-cavlng Method , of V .,! Shin. ' ' i ri..nt m many Moat women In V ti a woman recently returned i tlie Orfwit. - "Triers are a ti-w tl , n in th land of th AlikaclO. out :r not allowed to show lliemselvwi ' t in thl land f th Orient is eon- id tradftnark of gluttony, A wotn . v.. ia too plump te trwited In ons of ,f la amont the tnwUhfer 'clan1", I iHiKuhcd and ridiculed both to tier s and behind b-r . Kven ntr own t i,,'Y are ashamed of he'. If she la i "i.jr the lowr or-"poorer working . a. 'ftt, siw 1 nr-slected, and. tf too fat to !lr Mha la aJlnwnl to starve. "J ,i nit the cities at which yoa atop In a ,nmr.ey through Japan, you two the slen sr. nrrttv. weli-shaned JUttl - woman. j rouJ of her figure, and prouder U1I of Use ract that cfte ioo young in apiio of her yiNira. , JSo matter how old obo -y Us, b still retains ber youthful "it whs the Empress of Japan, herself it Oiiirity llitie crnature. who boosted that tii ii th aiika-Hts dowuMn there was not a womuii weighing .nor than vn pound. 'And.' added she. 'there are not a doaon U.t weish anything like as muck a "i'he Japaneot girt la taught that fat ia a dixnics, and so, as she grows up, ah is euntinuallv m tho lookout for super tiuoua aiiipolso tissue. As soon as It bruins to appear she takes it off. And her methods are both original and ef "Most woman begin to ft fat at SO, and the Japanese matron of SO, who ia as old as the American girl of , first notices her waist,, which ia a little too large for ir ean. it aoea not omo as protuiy uixlrr the sash as OROO it did.. "Then what doe aho dot Whir, she exercises; and hr physloal culture move ments ar well wortn copying. "Clad at beat in a very loose kimono, she takes tho phyaloal culture movs-ntt-nts. - She bends backwanlwi and it ' Is tier aim to tro back- so far that She can touch her hands to tbo floor. She trlvs tli fx everv. day, and pretty soon she Is rewarded by success. . V- - "Tho Japanese gtrl will tell- you that rlivj-lcnl culture requires study and thai you can sueceed If you ry and try again. You cannot ' expect perfection the firm tiiTMs. - oh inut be patient and willing to try until you succeed. The Japanese woman takes a aeries of exercises fr her dainty little shoulder. As moon oer throat sets too nudity she moves her arnu. bDldinaj toeni higher, than her head, ;. "She does nut-take the very simple ex erclKes of tho Western gymnasiums, but tle oxerfidca In a much more strenuous Hxy. Sse throws herself to one aide and then to tho othr, until aha rest first on . the right hand and, then on tho left liit ml. "She takes exercises so violent that they would tire out the Weotern woman. Mut this little girl of tho Bast ts determined to be thin, no matter what the struggle mtiy be. "When tho -; American woman or the KngliHli woman, begins to get stout, site ut unce take moaauras to accommodate iii'twlf to her new lines, and gets new nd larger lilothlmr, and It does not occur to her to take measures to reduce her weight. "And her family assist liar In bar ac tunmliitlon of adipose Uwue. She craves cundy, and candy la brought to her. She lores Ice cream, and ic orenm is bought tor her. She dotes on all kinds of starchy foods and they are placed at her plate. "The Japanese woman, besides taking Ktrenous exercises, devotes herself to a regular diet. She eats boiled ttsh without pi-name of any kind, and she measures out i iter soup in a tiny bowl, which holds no , more, than a teacup. When she does not nit roup or fish, ahe takes some rice, "Vor - her first meal, her second, her third aud fourth, - the Japaneso woman tit inks tea.' Hut her cups are small, and he taken only one cup at a time. Her lice, on the -other hand. Ih measured out in u generous dish n front of her, Mho menaures out her food in rinnll qimnlltie. end when she has oaten It, she stops. Mie does not-ask for another helping. Hie Japanese woman's hour of self ' ilenlitl cornea at ineol time, for xhe ex I'fclws, and anroise makes tier hungry, i. ut she spreads her little tray with just t-nough. and 1m content. "C'pon thli little truy lliure k a saucer ut picked up tlHh. and there Is a little ' t up of tea nnd a bowl ot soup. But this in all. 1 - , "h eat It.- and whn It Is eaten she Mops,' She never thinks -of replenishing. 'This Is a very important lesson for tho : tlout woman to learn. Do not ask for nu re. Oliver Twist may have done so. hut It is a safe rule for the woman Who ia trying to tako off -ber, flesh, ''The Japanese woman does not walk a great dee. I, but she takes care of herself, vvhen she sleeps, ens rests upon a hard little bed. and ahe cover herself up light ly, end her head rests upon a cushion that Is none too soft. "The - Japanese woman never awakens with wrinkles in her face. She does not burrow late - her pillow, and the conne : Quence Is that her fax has no creases In t,. It Is as smooth and clear and tremi ' in wnen -stM' was a child. "Buniti the face In tli pilow mokes iities In the cheeks and In the forehead, 't he woman who wakens with a scowl be tween her eyes' has buried ber face In the pillow. Of that vott may be sure. "Tho Japanese woman never gets up In the morning tired. 'That tired feeling v hicb conn- from sleeping in a closed nim and from lytnr in beds of feathers and hair hi unknown to the woman of the Orient, who sleeps upon a bed which Is welt ventilated and hard. "A hot i room puts flesh on one's bones. - Sleep in a warm room, nnd you will lay on fat very quickly. Warm baths, n warm sleeping room and warm food and drinks taken in quantity will surely put flewn upon any person who ts not predis iwmed to be skinny, s "So, tbe Japanese woman,, when .she t'mris the ts no longer comely, Immediate ly doe four things, and doe them stren uously. H "Si.e takes the most vigorous exercise: nr.d hikes it continually. Bhe ha been known to strain her muscles in the deter mined effort to get off her fat. "Then she diets, and she does this with a i iitor that- would scare tbe woman of InKurlous tastes. - She will go months it liout sweats, weeks without anything except the strictest necesitarien, tnd d-iys tuid days with - m supply so scanty that htic never feels comfort bl 2. Of coarse, Hh comes out of tho -ordeal reeling bet U'r. but for a while H very fr from l.eing fun. ' "Then the Japanese woman regulates ili- temperature of her sleplntr room. If Kixtit. she sleep with littlo ewer her. fn-t ho rises hi the night to take her calls t, .'nk-a. Toward morning she throws tier-n-if on hr coach and sleeps dKuin. ' ! . -re is a story told of a youiiH Jup- nobleman wlio was eommnndjil to his mother to tho court of the f.a a. The young noble hesitated. " 'Are j'ou OBliamed of your mother's -MtT' aked the Empress, sharply. 1 nen nnd thera she letrtured the young upon the evils of pride and the hor i t will befall a man who ia ashim ' his parents. 1 tho yoone man hesitated. Then n the trouble?' asked the Empress. h blushing face and with tears In the youns; man stammered forth a mother ws not presentable. 'Che 00 f:it,' said ho. l.'nipniHs blushed with shame. Has iten too intlchr osked she, sternly. 1 in-n the young man was forced to t that his mother's habits of bluttony 1 '-r crmtinued lazinews and total ab- from exercise of any kind had 1 the tiMsues to aoctimulate, . t ii more,' said the Empress, 'but r r .ft her that she must learn the ft-, f -denial.' ifn of t he story Is that the 1 . i . !, energised, and was i rtvil f,tvor. to the .1 J r j 11 ail ell her kin. AxyiYrataABT of nosriTAr J Tvin-Cltv Celebrate ' It - Sixteenth year With Appropriate ExMretseej , October - Trvin f , Coart War from Xew Plant. , Pjwlal to The Obwrver. . - Vinston-lm., Oct. l..-Tho sixteenth Anniversary of the Twin-City Hotpllal wast roiebratoil this aftenioon tit 3 o'c-ck. Tho service was beid In -the nun parlor, umv tin mid Turner was In charge. Ad- ri reuse were mado by bishop llorldthaler, Kev. Itr, rf. K Chrietxbcrt, Vtev. lr. H LA. Browm Rv. ur. u. 'iy tMsr ana rl, Jk. . ia,HKllh.L'llr. sis, lifl .stDf hfltlh VM1!f IWrilR v Vt ii is . v T'-i ciKiirs wt-ro present," ana several seieoi musicsl .tumbera were rcmloroit Tbe en- mmt reocptlnex will be held Tuesday of tcrnooit Ihe, Hours ut S nbd W o'clock,- ni, Idle,of the 'luMpitttl ho- filion -will t-rvi rrrresnmotna, ami a large iittendajnoe Is expected. - Mrs. J. Alfwl llim'll Ub-d a: Kuffln Pi-ldav nlahl. k UecjAd was th wife ol bev. 1. A. utuTGtX. lormr pastor of Hrond Street Bnptikt ch:irh, this cly rt. A. liMtw.k went i Ruffio to-night to conduct tbe funeral t-morrw. The rkcOiber term f Korsvth flurerlm Court, of one rftok.jrlnm-a l:st "veiilng at n o'clock. Solicitor Oravs only lost two verdicts dhiring the ternt, and tho 'road force of Ui county has tieon rnateruiiiy IU.M9IMI i Tim four nevroeiL Joe Murtin. Jim. John nnd jHenry Uaiituitr who n eanlnred- bv Sheriff .AlsOBtilch f'rldiiy nmrntng were' " tried ' and convicted of breaking? in a store and the poatofflce at iH-niils, Aiarttn was given t years on tho road. Henry Ilalrswn a year, and Jim nnd John month oacn.. . Lewis kod- inson was tried in two cases or bwuiII with criminal Intent, lie was liven S vriirs on tho county roads for the first Affense, and Judgment wan suspended in the second. Robert croweil was convicted of attemoted criminal assault nnd was uentencs to tno roao tor yearn, The olty bogait yosteruny afternoon rinnptnir water into the new standpip from Winston' new plant. Jut east of town.- Captain; Henry a few days ago sent a sample of water from the new rend to the State chemist for analysis. A. reoort was received, in which it in tr.te.i that tho wa.ter.-ta good and without pollution. EXPECTS MVCH OF AMPLIFIElt. Field ExpecU Invention to Affoct All Moctric siessagr. Great Harrington Special to Philadel phia Record. Great Barringrton, Mass., Oct, 15. Greater stride toward absolute per fection in the transmission of electrical messages may be possible in the next year than have been made in trie past 30 year, by mean of the Invention Just announced . by Stephen pudley Field, nephew of the Atlantic cable projector, at his Stockbrldge laboratory. Mr. Field declare that by the use of hi new amplifier, the speed of ocean cabling may be doubled. Ita radius of action made, unllmlied, and that wire less telegraphy at once brought to commercial practicability. "I can hardly pnopnesy tnat my am plifier will revolutionise electrical mes sage transmission," said Mr. Field to day, "but it will moke It almost a easy to send a message from London to Shanghai, more than 10,000 miles, as to send It from jgtockbrldge to Great Barrios-ton.' less than ten miles. The amplifier records variations in current only and with it the cable may be used even If the electrical strength should vary from its unit to Its hundredth part. The amplifier works the same wlth; one one-hundred-thousandth of an am pere as with, a one-thousandth am pere current. With a bit of perfecting, I do not doubt I could combine it to Include telephone systems aa well. I believe it perfectly possible that by the use of an Improved amplifier one would be able to talk over the telephone round the wordld. J! It be possible to send photographs by telegraphy from Philadelphia to New York the Amplifier will permit it from" New -York around the world. The same with seeing by telephone. If that is ever possible for a short distance the amplifier will make tt perfect throughout Hie earth. "Tne next time searcn is made ror the North Pole a wireless telegraphy outfit should be taken along attuned to one at the supply point Then. by means of an amplifier, even If the explorers should get so far away that their electrical waves will not spread Intelligently to the base, the amplifier will pick out and write down all their messages." RIVAL ' FOUND TO NIAGARA. World's Greatest Waterfall Discov ered in South America. St. Louis Special to Philadelphia Rec ord. St. Louis, Oct. 15. A greater cataract than either the Niagara or Zambesi .falls have been discovered In South America, toracio Anasagasti, com missioner of Mine' from the Republic of Argentina to the World's Fair, fully confirm the statement that the Iguasu is the greatest waterfall In the world, He avs: " I have recently been In a position to corroborate with my own eyes the marvelous character of the fall of Igu asu. The Ifuasa falls are !n th Iguasu river, the boundary between Bract! and Argentina. The falls are 60 feet higher than the Niagara, nearly three time greater In width and Its volume ot wa ter ts CO per cent, larger. The Iguasu river is twice as big as the Niagara river and hurries to the sea with In credible swiftness and tumbling 28,000,- 000 cubic feet of water per minute over a precipice 110 feet high. The falls are 13,123 feet wide, 210 feet high. STOPPED EXPRESS FOB ELOPERS Railroad Man Helped to Smooth Course of True Love. Richmond special to Philadelphia Rec ' ord. Richmond. Va., Oct 15. By stopping one of the fastest trains on bis road at a little wa, station, Superintendent HIx, 01 tne aeaooara Air Line, aaaea J. n. Gholson, a merchant of Marengo, Va., to escape with pretty Janie Farrow be fore her angry guardian could Intercept them. For some reason, the girl's guardian, who Is also her uncle, did not look with favor on the suit of Mr. Gholson. Gholson, however, formed a plan and succeeded In communicating with the girl. Mr. HIx agreed to have the fast train stopped for them near the girl's home.' She gave her guardian the slip and before he knew what was hap pening .the two were beyond his reach. They were married at Warrenton, N. C WEATHER. For Monday and Tuesday: North Caro linaFair Monday, warmer in the inte rior: Tuesday , fair, followed by rain In the afternoon or night; increasing north east winds, j . , : V. 8. Department, of Agriculture, - ' Weather Bureau. Charlotte. N. C, Oct. lfi. 1904. Iocal report for tho 21 hours ending l 8 p. m. to-day: rtlghest tentpeiature,. ,. ..... 6S lowest temperature .. --4. .. ,, 44 Average temperature ..' , ... , 66 Deficiency for the day . .Jf ,. 4 Accumulated excess for the month,.,. IS Accumulated deficiency for the year. .3.15 Rainfall (inches) .. ... ... Deficiency for tho day .. ..... ":t2 Accumulated deficiency tor the monthSl.W Accumulated deficiency for the .year. .7.97 Prevailing wind direction , ,. ,.,.N, K. Jadg Near Illness) Grass AdJotwit , , meat of Dork Cow it. -Correspondence of The Observer. 1 Morganton, Oct. 15. Burke Superior Court, which has been in session tier all week, and which was io have con tinued next week, was adjourned to-day on account of the illness ot Judgo Wal ter H . Neat, the presiding judge. Judge Neat has malarial fever of a mild form and it Is hoped that a few weeks', test win entirely restore him to health. ' , Much, itnportan business has been transacted during the term, which was for the trialof elH causes only, and JuSffe Neal has made a fine impression on our, people. . - ,Rev, ,W. W. Edge, pastor of the Pres byteriant church in Morganton. har had a call to a church in Texas, which it ia learned , he Is considering. He I very popular in Morganton and it is hoped that he will not accept.the Texas call. . -'ft M'if v 4.4 NEW CROP PICKLES WILL OPBW A Mg lot of Helns's Pickles , Monday. Everything that you want In Pickles, large sour pl.kles; small, sweet gurkltm, that w will sell by the quart wo; mixed nfcklea n bulk. A full line ol bottle rnckl, chow-ohows, ketchups, mustard, dressing, horse redlsh, celery sauce, eto. W have them. SARRATT & BLAKELY. WHY NOT BUT THW BEST BRKAD in the city, breaa oaaea oy ppw w have years of experiabw, people who have one of the best equipped bakartes In this country. If you will Just try one loaf of Peter Kern's bread, you will readily understand that he Is, fixed for the business. We get It three times u week Tuesdays, Thursdays nnd Sat urdays. M1LLEB-VAN NES8 CO. PURITAN LAYING POOU 18 JUST WHAT XUUK HENS NKED. WB BRLL IT IN ANY QUANTITY. DILWORTH DR0O STORK. Phone 647. B. 8. DAVIS. iTaROB NORTHERN IRISH POTATOKS, 16C. Dusnei. inese cook w iu -much better than mountain potatoes, Home ask mere money for. Cabbage 1115 per hundred; Apples, 60e. and 76c bushel; onions, 90c bushel. We Can imvn -ou money on anything In the produce , r.. aI 1 ..mi that ttrA u rat t ft i leaders of olw prices? You know1 It Hlienny. nniuubna vv. . Trade street. POR RENT-7-ROOM HOUSE, 1116 S. Caldwell St.; ft-room nouse, two in. top lar St.; 7-room house, 600 B. Ninth St.: 6-room house, 408 W. Twelfth St. ; 6-room bouse. 400 W. Eleventh St. Othei houses In all parts of olty. Bee our list J. ARTHUR HENDERSON & BRO. VVHEN YOUR DIGESTION BKEMS BE- yond repair, MI DA WATEtt ro-adjuais the defects, und sets the machinery in healthful and enjoyable operation. Sold by leading druggists. J. W. Sample. Mgr., 'phone 833. WB HAVE TWO FIRST-CLASS UP- right, pianos, In mahogany cases, tnat have had some use, which we will sell at a great reduction. Wheeler Wall Paper Co.. Y. M. C. A. Building. FOR SALE A CHARMING. COTTAGE. J:250; desirable suburban, 7 rooms, 10O; think of such and cease your grumbling. Houses, stores; tenements to let, but yru must come a running; haven't time to wait and fool with people that have no minds of their own. E. L. KEE3LER. 25 S. Tryon St. THE SPLENDID WINTER BILL OP faro Is in vogue at the Gem, Everything that you usually get at the first-class restaurants In the large cities. Rice birds, squabs, young chicken and oy ters are plentiful. Meals at all hour. Gem Restaurant. E. F. Chwwell, Mgr. . PUFF OF JOY IS KVERY PUFF OK a cigar from our cigar case. We have the brands which smokers like, and we keep them rightJust moist enough to insure an easy-drawing, taste-pleuBlng. soul-satisfying smoke. WOODALL & 8HEPPARD. DO YOU NEED ANYTHING TO MANI- cure your nnger nans witnr 11 so, give us a call. We can supply your wants. Mayer's, Druggist, Sixth and Tryon streets. 'Phone 252. BOX BALL-THE NHW GAME WIN- nlng popularity . dally. . Much interest manifested In the context for box of Ftne Ciirnrs for higlnst score made this week. , John Hirst, Prop-., 24 West Fifth street. .(-.- DEFECTIVE PLUM KINO CAN, BE Hverira 11 you place your or u era , wicn tne K. R. Wlllmnrn Plumbing. Co, We employ. only expert Workmen, a nil every Job. no matter how small or large, Is given the closest attention,' Only Iht highest grade- work executed. Prompt ness is'a feature that baa popularised our business A. R, Willmann Plumbing Co. SEW D1S0 ORAPHOPHONE RECORDS exchanged for second-hand. 60 pents and old 10-ineh record gets you' hew. record. Just received 1,000 Columbia Cylinder Records, 2So each. We sell all sixes of Graphe-phones. cash and install ment Queen City Cycle Co. DON'T LEND MONEY' AT SVPER CENT. wnen .you can' invest at and make as to 4i per cent. Call' and let us explain. We certainly have an Interesting propo sition. You will do well to Investigate. Call or write. C. H. Robinson & Co., No. 8 West Fifth street. LA MIZELLE A, NEW CIGAR ON THE market, that will soon become the fa vorite of smokers. It is the most de lightful smoke evir offered at 6 cents. All flrst-cliiss dealers sell Lu Mlxella. Try one to-day. MASTIC PAINT!" The kind that lusts. Sold and guaran teed by j the Carolina Mfg. Co. JAS. A FORE, Mgr. VVHEN YOU WANT TO GO TO PICNICS or fishing parties, call on us for trans portation. J. C. COCHRAN ft. BRO. Telejihohe 62. , , THE CROWELL SANITARIUM. For t!ie treatment of WHISKEY. MORPHINE) and other Drug Addictions. Special apartments and nurse for dy patients. S. M. Croweil. M. '!., Medical Director, No. g West Third street, Charlotte, N. C ' , JOS. H, CRAIOHILU MUSICAL INSTKUCTOR: " PIANO. . ORGAN, HARMONY." Studio Y. M. C. A. Building. Charlotte, N. C. . - Corn Meal Is tho Dost Dr. C, L. Alexander, Carson Building,' ftntttheast rrirnr'of Fourth and, Tryon Streets. Special notice I IIS OFFICE J The time fixed by ou chock 01 ine without paying a premium thereon, will soon expire, hence prospective BORUOWBRS or INVESTORS are advised to subscribe for the Stock at once. R. Es Cochrane, Scc'y and Treas. Otlll III p ) Charlotte. N, C. An "Old Line" Company with'up-to date Policies. We Solicit a Share of your Patronage. :: :t :: T. S. Franklin, Pres. Chase Brenizer, Secy. A. E. McCausland, Treas. J. N. McCausland, V. Pres Special Agents wanted. Address. Hm - - General Mgr. When You M re S ck The doctor will-diagnose V'Hij; case and pre.seiibe the: medicine you ought to take, but hs vi$it to vo j and his pre cription is woithless unless the druggist carries out hi instruction'. 0.r r-har-macpts are perfectly re liaDre with lonif expe rience and handle all pre scriptions with the utmost carr. Deliveries to our residence are promptly made. Phone No. 7 for. messenger to bring our prescription to OPEN ALL NIGHT. FOR SALE. Six-Room Cottage, North C. St. NlneiRoom House In DHworth Eight-Room House E. Fifth St Two five-room cottages, North C. Street. Ftve'-Ro&m Cottage North B. street. Five-Room Cottage North Poplar, House and lot and 20 acres of land In Huntersvilie. WALKER & CLANTON. Y. M. C. A. Bldg. Real Estate Agts. Liable to Leak The "Family Stocking" is liable to leak. Put your surplus dollars in our savings bank, where they will earn you other dollars. S0UTHER1 L01K S S1TIRGS BINK P. M. 3ROVN. Pres. W. 6. ALEXANDER, V, Pres. F. J- HAYWOOD. JR., Cashier. F.D.A'e ForSale In Dilworth. fv." t , A beautiful, new painted, slate roof modern home of nine rooms on 75 foot corner lot . 1 Tlfls place Is offered on terms so 'easy that the facts will gjern to you) a dream. -1 ' If not sold quickly wilt rent " F. 0 JlBxandefi RKALL KSTATIiJ DEALERS. - 202South Tryon Street , . Bell .'Phone 420. OF THE & fowl .by-laws 'for the subscription of i WittkowsRy, President STILL COMING IN. Tne business men and wage-earners of all classes are taking stock right along in the last series. ttll have wlthi- arawai stock to offer to those with a little money, and its the very best thing going. Jw, we're going to keep this last series open a little longer, so you still have a chance to come In on the ground floor. You'll wake up some of these days and realize that you've been sleeping away the best opportun Itles of your young life. Hundreds of people away from Char lotte write us continually and actually crave these opportunities, which are thrust upon you. They carry stock with u but can't borrow. e. L. KEESLER, Sec & Treas IS 8. Tryon St I IH HI We are cutting dally large quantities of white and pink roses, long stems; white, red and pink Caranatlons, vio lets and light pink. Chrysanthemums, We ship to all points reached by ex press in 24 hours and pack to arrive In fresh condition. Write us for prices on your .Wedding Rowers. We make swell Bride's Bo- quets. Order Funeral designs ,'by .telegraph or telephone all Shapes and- sizes. Fresh Flowers and prompt ship ments. J.Van Lindley Nursery Co POMONA, N. C Rend Telegrams to Greensboro. HOTICES On Saturday October 16th, 1904. In the City pt Burlington, North Caro lina, at 10 a. m., I will sell at public auction, a very valuable Io Plant If ! you are looking for a bargain and one of , the . best openings In North Caro tl.M . K.1 1 1 n .. ,a IhwmHmI. . ... ,"-Ofc.B JOHN M. COOK. i .Receiver. Very Desirable VACANT LOTS I have Just been placed on, the market for sale through this, agency. Located within five blocks of the square in one ot the most rapidly, improving sec tions of the city, and improvements- soon to be made wllf make these lots very valuable and desirable property. , TIIOS. I ALLISON Real Estate Manager SOUTHERN STATES TRUST CO. W ' ' w 0 iiiiiigni STORE PROPERTY FOR EtE WT . Thrpfl Store "Rooms on T3ast Third - street. . near . . RI-.ii'hm T)prwif OQrOri f full length. Plate glass fronts. , . - - Large manufacturing room on same street; second; floor j best lighted room In "the city l2-fob story. Elevator and basement alonjr with sjaneif Hesired ; Store Boom, Ko.,, 43 SontV College, street,- 28x120 : , feet, witn basement. ; itauroaa tracKs.urjear.' i"os- sesession January st . . , - Pniilhfirir Donl : tclnln ' Innn finr! -? Triisrl :-' Viimhvir 0UH1II nblli. L01U1U, LUUII L!IU 11U01 UUilipUli.!. i. No 4 South Tryon Street ' - --yi j:',,, We Are on the War Path and want, not your scalp, but )y,oitr business Wo arc as well equipped in resources, in facilities, .for ; handling business, in experience and In a desire Ut . ficrre acceptably as " " - ; ' ; 4 " ANY BANK IN THE 5TATE XJall on us or correspond with us as to our methods, our terms, our ability to supply t your needs, and see if we cannot make it to your advantage to open a Bank Account with us. ; . The Commercial National Bank ' J LEONARD L. rilJKTER, CHITEGT ' Oftlec In 4-C's Bufldtng. . CHARLOTTE, N. CAROLINA. FOR SAKE 35-ACRE FARM, one mile from Dilworth and car line; good frontage on macadam road; 5-room house, stock and farming implements. K. L. PROPST, CHARLOTTE, N. C. FRANK P. MtLDURM, ARCHITECT COLUMBIA, S. C, VAAAAJfc.AA A A A A A A A A SSS Sh SSS SsV sfc A A SSS SSS sfc i: Nook & Sawyer, I! ARCHITECTS! I: Charlotte and Durham: N C. J - Organized Geo. L Wilson, President, ' C N. Evans, Cashier, Jno. B. Ross, Vice President .. , W. C. WilKinson, Assistant Cashier The Merchants and Farmers National Bank, 35 East Trade Street. CAPITAL, $200,000 00 ASSETS, $1,300,000 00 DIRECTORS: Geo. E. Wilson. ... .mfc,Ml r,,!! J H. Wearn ' Jno. B. Ross. JueArmistead Barwell. H. Belk. Conservatively and safely conducted with'n the Units of legitimate banking Thirty-three years of successful dealing. Safe Deposit Boxes for rent ' Nightwatchman Employed. 1 I Char lotte Nat United States Depositary Results after gut an a half years la business: ASSETS .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..Sl.182.000.00 DEPOSITS We are fully alive to the fact that the secret of our conspicuous uc eess its due to the courteous and liberal treatment accorded our friends and depositors, and on this basts solicit your business. B. 0. HEATH, President, W. H. TWITTY, Ccshler. Near Charlotte IO Acres 2 O Acres 22 12 Acres THOG. 7V ALLISON Real Estate Manager.' ' Southern Q ta tgg CAPITAL S20O.00O. ' TRUST BUILDING. Qe 8teohns. Pres. T Franklin, V-Fre). W. ,Woori. Treas s i-'ervonr. frercrrca orocu Ot Certain Cotton Mills a Hign-urade investment - wJiyr i.r rupunw nnr nnn. nu it nr inn iil Lim In re ritHentiI hv aiirth nref erred Stock. 2nd. Because It 4s provided in the stock debtedness shall be placed on the company s plant without retiring the pre ferred stock, ' " " i 3rd. Because said Btock certificate provides that no dividends shall be paid ,' on the common stock and no surplus accumulated until the seven, per cent. Is paid on said preferred stock. ' i t . , , - : ' 4th. Because if said preferred stock is not paid oft with seven per cent, dlvt- ' ' dends in full at the end of ten years, it must be replaced by t per cent, gold ; f rmnriii mviirril hv tho nronertv of the nomuanv the conmanv beirle nrlv-.' Ileged to retire said stock after Ave We can supply limited amounts of these high-grade stocks in some of th most modern mills in this mstlsk 1 . . , ,t E. G. ; Abbott " . , , Trnst sfuiiding. prt "nritTi R-tnnt . .' ' FRANK OILREATH. PRCSIDINT f H, M VICTOR, CASHIfR, 4 FIRST : NATIONAL BANK, C1IAR10TTE N;C. Organized 1865 II IS SIJ40.448 We are fully equipped ' to handle the accounts of individ uals, firms and corporations, and offer every accommodation and courtesy consistent with' sound banking. We respectfully invite per sonal ' Interview or correspond ence with those who contemplate opening new accounts. H. M. VICTOR, - CASHIER. . XV. ' - ','' , " ' ionalBanki ,. .. .. 708,000.00 2 miles out, macadam .frontage,' creek and springs, 3 acres timber; . Ij miles out, macadam road, 1 acre timber, affording fine residence site; 19 acres under cultivation. , H miles out. 7fi6 feet .macadam road. 600 feet creek frontage, five acres ot timber; line .for dairy farm. These are three bargains. Terms to " v - , ' 1 f 1 suit purchaser. - -..-' Trust Company Hriuai itajul. til liir .fliiiii uij.i wtiui imifliiL r certificate issued that no bonded In veara. , , H 8L Company uts ft X '7. ; i

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