: Four per cent. tondi( 1922) compare' with the returni j on the five ' per- cenfS twenty-year goli 1 bonds ' issued oy The Mutual Life Insurance Company.' of New York, it 5 shown in a ledger, statement which can be obtained by addressing the Company that -" Has earned more for policy-holders Has paid more to policy-holders " ' , v. I , Holds more in trust for policyholders Tkm any other company in the world XShm ftiff IBff f A 1 w wrr MU I UAL INSURANCE COMPANY nrtl! nti MSertr rt.rttrrnm I M AV.it'. MTORtCR, ' item, Miiywlpta SB; mim isfJ sutpmenis 171, 1 ' Rosln-Flrmi reortpts .Wt sales 1.M7; shipments tm A. sVC. D. .; or WE W YORK RICHARD A. McCURDY. Frwalslemt HARRIS R WILLCOX. Manager, Charlotte, ..ft. C. WmM COMMERCE AND FINANCE. COTTON DOWN 12 TO 14 POINTS. Shortly After the Opening January 8uM Up to 10.03 and the General List Blamed Gains of 4 to 5 Points. bat the Baying Cloned Out at Tttis lievet ana a Declining Tendency get In. New York. Nov. 4. The cotton mar ket opened steady at a decline of four points to an advance of one point, the declines being due to lower cables than expected and liquidation, while, as the call progressed And Immediately aftei Its completion. It became evident that there were some pretty good buying orders. This demand rallied the mar ket shortly after the .opening, and Jan uary sold up to 10.03, or 3 points above the best price of the- previous day, while the general list showed-net gains of from 4 to 5 points. , - But the buying closed out at this level, the list turned easier and during the balance of the session showed a tlecllning tendency, wjth trading, which at first ftad been active, com paratively quiet' The close was steady, though prices were at practically the lowest -of the session or, a net decline of 12 to 14 points. Sales were estimated at 200,000 bales. The large Into sight figures for the week seemed to operate against the market somewhat, while the forecast calling for olearer 'weather over the bolt In place of recent rains also had a tendency to curtail speculation. Most of thd selling during the earl y-session was thought flo come from Wall street sources. f loiter In' the- session, New Orleans appeared to be selling here. MILLER, & CO.'S REPORTS. Condition of tlie Cotton, Coffee, Stock and drain Markets. Si' Prlvutu Wire to F. B. Alcxunder, Man- STOCKS. New York. Nov. 4. The feature was Hit strength and Interest shown In the atoclu of the iron and steel companies and ol the manufacturers of railroad equipment or of collateral Industries. The account? f rem the iron, sfgel and- equipment manu facturers continued extremely favorabh and the buying of United States Steel ntocks was confident while not manlpula tlvely aggressive. Most attention was paid - to the common Issue which advanced i pei cent, under unusually large transactions. The preferred rose a point. There wer sharp advances In Tennessee Coal & Iron, Sloes-Sheffield and Republic Steel, accom panied by rumors of a Southern iron com pany merger. Colorado Fuel & Iron held well notwithstanding an unfavorable an nual report, which, however,-was accepteo Kent-rally as reflective of conditions that lire past. Decided gains were scored bj the street railway list, American Locomo tive and Pressed Car. The Copper and Wtetlngh'juse stocks rose over a point and sugar was stronger on a further rise in price of the refined sugar. The feature ol the railway list was the tendency toward Improvement In the Gould Southwestern shares. Other Arm features included Penn sylvania, Louisville & Nashville Brie, Bal timore & Ohio, Rock Island and New York Central. There was a trading disposition t j ven up accounts for fear of a disap pointment In election .results as contrasted with the betting pointers, hut the market clcsed fairly firm. Tennessee Coal Iron made new high records on buying by Inter ests that put the stock to 135, several years ago; a dividend is said to be In sight. Wt believe the stock will sell higher. Sales of stocks to-day. were 1,171,200 shares. COFFEE. New York. Nov. 4.-rAfter a long period of quiescence during which, speculation was crushed out of the market by the weight of the enormous Ylflb'e supply, the pved common. The local market rpen- asi h wnviui i curt; sun iv S TV i. M ivai uuuoi to Europe are about 500,000 bags less, both we think, are strong features for the mar let. There will be less mild coffee produc hI this year and next than there has been for the past few years, and we calculate .he total world's production ror iw wiu tmount to 13.7SO.000 bags, against a total world's production of 16,500,000 bags last year. COTTON. New York. Nov. 4. Liverpool cables mis nam na suld that buying demanu wnt not lufflclentty strong to maintain the advoncu ut tne reaction mere was not muicrmi, is thut market closed about points Hign er than lost nliiliL On this side, however. leclded weakness developed. The longs ho bouarht yesterday became alarmed at he large figures of receipts, unmindful of he fact that tne swelling was aue 10 lea ranees of about 16.000 bales from Fen acola. and Brunswick, points which, hi common with other small outports count heir receints only when vessels have Un shed loading and clear cargoes for export, n this way. tbo same cotton appears as eceipts and exports on the same day. The otut in-sight for the week" did not show he falling off expected; In fact, the total was about 90.000, against U4,UU0 last year, ind this increase added to the weakness hlcli carried prices down 17 points from ho lilffh level estamisnea just aner me ptnlng. On the decline there were evt lences of buying by big shorts. Wno ina:- e taking advantage of the opportunity to over at favorable prices, me reaction to- luy is a warning to the future markets ot to run away at this season or tne year, ut to keep hand In hand with spots. The -.not markets we feel sure will advance to averybody's satisfaction, but they t-arely ake sudden nignt sucn as lutures are rone to do. The set-back of to-day may rove In the end the best thing for the narket. as It strongly' discourages over widlng on the long side. Conseryatlvu tuying Is advisable to lay the (ouqMatlon -f u safe long Interest before the upward novement In price sets In. Liverpool Ik lue to come 3 to 4 points lower. In the morning. GRAIN. Chicago. Nov. 4. Wheat Is a purely local mrket. largely within the control of the professional traders. Ab such it reflects he dally changes In the complexion of he news. Tt-day there was much of a parish character. Cables were lower. Ar entlnc prospects were reported splendid, he cnsli lemand was unimportant. A tit le lain In the Ohio Valley Checked damn ice eforts. The Ohio State report makes no omplaint on the score of Hessian fly. The Northwestern Miller figures 52 per cent, of he cron In the three States will grade No. . and No. 2 Northern, while inspection tor h past two months only shows 3S per -nt. Estimated receipts for to-morrow are S6. cars. Corn WRS--r the only market sliowmg (rength and it finally yielded to the wheat nfluencc. Buying and covering was en ouraged by a number of rather bullish "evelopments. Cables were strong on the harp falling off In Argentine clearances, the shipping demand was well held nnJ ountry acceptances of new corn were ninll. The Ohio report states the crop ts usklng out poorly, being wet and mouldy, fstlmates for to-morrow are 87 cars. Oats experienced another day-" of ex reir.e dullness. There was trade and no 'eature. The cash market was steady. Es Irtinted receipts -for to-morrow are 122 nrs. Provisions The support of packing tnter sta was withdrawn this morning and the nnrket ruled easier, with the tone on he whole dull. The hog market was Heady. Estimated receipts for to-morrow re 12,000. Cash prices No. S yellow corn. 68 to 5814; No. 3 white corn, lit to 6644; No. 3 corn. 6&tt: Vo. 3 red winter wheat. 3L14; No. 4 red winter wheat. 31.08 to 31.10; No. I hard wheat, $1.16. MILLER & CO. tttcrea in Kpw York Ore Curree ponding Period Last Tear Reaches New Yark. Nov .-T,a rnllowlh talil compiled by Bradstreet'a shows the tank clearings at a number of ths principal cities for the week ended November 3, with the persentage of .inersase.and de crease as compared Willi the coCrespoiljlIng Week buit year. Sixty-three other IUcs are Included In the totals i New York. M.06.l.l(loreMBRe 81.0: Chi cago. 3tK4.Mo,8!, Increase 1.6; PhlittdrtpMa. H2S4KB.1U, IncreAse 14.4 it.T tuls, fM&m JK Increase 37.3; Plttaburr. 1 16,117.300. In crease JH.4; en Franeisco, m.W.JS;- creass Baltimore, , s3z,t7B,ju7, increase 17.7; utncinnati, Kl,7f7,3tiO, decrease .; Kmmu fllv. xaL&LaiK. arfiMMM 1 1- V.n, Orleans. 31s.te2.l43, decrease 3.3: lioulsvllle. lll.5o4.81i, increase 13.8: Memnhls. li.&f7.LMI. Increase t.; Richmond, 34,844,238, Increase .'i.b; uashlngton, 14,396,132. inerease .l; Snvannah. W.x7.1(i2. tnorease .l; Fort Worth, 34.9&4,0t, Increase l.l: Atlanta. 33.. r88.H, Increass 8.4; Nashville, 3S.To5.ino, in creese 8.3, Norfolk, 32.811.010. Increase 8.0: Augusta. 33.0,378. Increase 18.9: Binning ham, 81,ma&4, Increase .S; Knoxvllle, 31, 312.313. Increase 17.1; Little Rock. 31.1C4.4M. decrease 5.8; Macon, 3748,108, decrease 2331 Wichita. 91.OiA.823, Increase 38.7: Chattanoo ga. 3960.H6. Increase 20.6; Jacksonville, Flu. 3771.K0S. Increase 10.4: Houston, 3l7.30,i5O. decrease 7.4; Galveston, 312,535, 01)0, decreust 2.8; Charlevton, $1.G21,;K,. decrease lt.8. To tals, I'nlted States, 32,854, ?4,70, Inqrease 60.2. outside New York. HHa.ffS.WO, Incresse 1C.4. Total. Canada. 361,207,843. Increase 1.2. The Dry Ooods Market. New York. Nov. The dry good n ur kct Is ciuM with little evldunco of an excltemrrit jii thu port of buyers who however, In ccrtnln instances arc Willi. i to operate h little further ahead man tuts been the cine for soma llffle. The il. rrrtninty of the cotton situation Is re- 'straining n good many from opcrntltiK u leciy ut, might us desired, COTTON-OrENlNU ANlJ 0LO81MO. New York, Nov. -I'otlon; flpol I'lOKi'd ! H. 33.82; I. Wl K. lirt; M. I4.2&; N. 34.i W. O. I4.TS! W, W. ,86.00. j Wilmington, Nov. 4--Splrits turpentine1 nothing doing; receipts w. Riwm-Firm, tW bid; reeelpU J78. Tt,r-nrm, i.Wi receipts 12. trudo turoentlne Firm, 8.30. 3.80 and 3.80; receipts tt " - NEW ORLEANS COTTON MARKET a. "decline o4 from I to 4 pointa.. During the sessHm there was active snuing -wy nm imitunt vhfl bousht yesterday In anticipation of a further advance to-dy on the bullishness or me .tiibus huithu re port. This gave) the market an easier tone and Indued tlte bears to do some short wiling. The movement was heavy, the Into-slght being 38. 804 In excess of the same week hist year' In the trading December opened 8 polnts'tower t sold up to 9.82 and finally down to .87. MILL MACHINERY. Stuart-W; CratiIER, BNQ1NE&9 AND C0NTSACTC3. CHICAGO PROVtSlON MARKET WHEAT fS'emler' '. May .. .. July .. .. CORN, Wiiy , J Qctvelnber J. Ji'ly ...i. -OATf- ' Heccmber May July PORK May Jnnunry .. . LM-cemlter ., I.ARl M,v . .. .iniiunrv .. Dei-emucr .. High. Low. t'loso. ..ii."4 mm ins v.. IH-4 1IH ill' 8714 87 W AM PISMgt OUTM TIIYOM T.. ONARLOTTB N. O .. 4M .. 48 .. 4 .. C7 .. SUi .. 31! 4frS 4KV 45 2S .11 .11 ..12 .12.07 12.47 12.45 I 72i J.lo 7.1 ;.c5 4ftH 48U H ::i j u.Mi la.fc 11.1)2 Mi 7.on 8.07 sftYwIvlot Flat CftrttA, Railway Hea4a . Drawtag Prainaa, 5plDBlag PraoMn , Twiitera and Bpoditn QuIUtra and RmIs. " UHuna, : ' COMBQH5 - JUTSv uO Mwa MfT. - .fi j " I ! am at-" ) : ATUkMTsx .Cdte. 8171' lsJ f t ' ' ' tt'V I- ' 1 S ' 'Vl'ri,:. . . V : jsMsHittSrsaalBtt CpSaaSssX3Jf - ' j - -'siii Si a 1 " a ,t . . I,, m " '" "''V apfatara 5lubberi, Rovlaf PraaiM latarasaiUrtaa, hum rraaiM i Behind. 8. CA8TNXB, 3K CHAttt.OTTB PROOUCB MA ft KET. Klmmcrmon & (iuU i; middling uplunds 10.13; middling gdli y"",,,t' ,al,y0oiJ,u,;,,1y Kutuivs opened steady: November .9i.; ' J'hKlu - pi ' r 3 December 85; Junuary .7; February muo Hens-per lieud bid: March lu.rs: Anril 10 14 bid: Mbv io.im June oncreo lu.ii; July 10.21. r'utuits closed steady: November t.8; December 9.7U; January 8.86; Feb, uary D.irO; March 9.96; Anril 10.00; May 10.04; Jun 10.03; July 10.07. THE MONEY MARKET. New Yoik. Nov. 4. Money on chII Steady. 2 to 26 per cent.; closing bid und otter! 8. Time louns steady, DO und 80 d-iys,.'V4 p c:cr:l.; xlx niontlis uty; prime nieitunlllo pa per 4 to 4V4: sterling exchange firm with actual business in bankers' bills at 34.IW 46 to 34.8G.OO for demand and at 34.83.70 to 34.li3.75 for Wj-dny bills; posted ratus HM to and JI.H7 to M.SiVjl commercial bill U.KiK In U.h-M: bar silver in: Mexican dollars 4tilA. BALTIMORE PRODUCE MARKET. Hultlmorc. Nov. 4. Flour utiehangea. Wheat Eusler; spot contract and No vember 31.13 to ll.U'A; Southern by sumpi 90 to $1.10. Corn Steuuy: Hpot now u3 to u3v4; Jeui 61 V4 to 01: new Southern white 47 to b3. Oats-Firm; No. 2 while 84 to 84. LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET. ir, n ;:2 n 3s 18 Ducks .. .. St Rve 100 Ccrn 76 t 78 OtttS MUM Oats food .. -17 it 50 Cotton seed 23M. " NEW YORK COTTON. New York. Nov. 4.M'otluii futures eluH ed steady: High. Low. Close. January 10.03 8.85 8.WJ February March 10. : April Mav 10.21 June 10.08 July 10.2-1 Nov-i.-inber 9.70 iM'cetnlMr 9M Mhldllng. 10.1G; Hpuls itilrl. H. B. CURRAN. W. 0 BtriXJTT. Castner, Curran & Bullitt, 8olo Affonto for tho Colobroiod 1.1 I I 7 k, C.C. B. Pocahontas Goa i - : ' 4 THE BEST tTIAM AND DOMKtTIC COAL IWIMiT POCAHONTAS The only Coal that has been officially indorsed by the Governme U : of Great Britain, Germany, Austria and the United S'ltes , ! . v. o.m. 10.01 10.04 10.05 M.W 10.04 lo. ir, lo.ii- 9.84 V.G) 9.77 U.77 CHARLOTTE HIDE MARKET. Corrected Dally by Tarorough 4b Bel linger. Hides-dry flint 11 Hides-dry salt 10 I tides-city green 7 Hides green salted Hi liver ikjui, ro. i , u. iri.v,uiiuii . oinji . ratr emand; prices Z points higher; Amer-jf,-;?'""""" ,i 2 lean mlddlin fair Kood middllnu S.l! rrf-V. V,1 '. -i S 80 M J. 8. Baclic A Co.'s Cotton Letter. CBy Dlreet Private Wire to L . Dods worth A Co., Brokers. 'Phone 291.) New York. Nov. 4. Liverpool proved slightly disappointing, but was about C points uigner at tne . uour ot tne local ipenlng. There was more' rain In the cen 'rsl and esstesn belts, but not heavy pre- lpltatlon and the forecasc called for lm- gone a radical change. And sensational price developments would not be surpris ing. Month after month bellMers In a falling off In the viable supply were suc cessively disappointed, bat as last the time lias come when 'the decrease promisss not nn I V tn Ha A rfifllflv Hut A MtrllrlnBr nnp One of the more active bear houses, realising; me change, reviews the situation tnus: The published estimate of Rio and Santos receipts for November, together 1,800,000 lmgs, is the first good evidence of dimin ishing crop movement, and taken In con nection with the small increase In the world's visible November 1st factually chly 84,334 bags), points distinctly to a reduc tion of supplies from tbis time forward. The near future will show how to regard the estimate circulated of the current crops In Brasil. Keen attention will also be given to the arrival of mild coffees. Only a few of the outside crops contribute ruppiies during November to January. IJke Java. Havtl. Porto Rico and prob ably Venesucln, Java crops are known to bo poor this season. The world's viable of about I4.360.92it bags is certainly to be re garded with respect, but a good percentage of It Is coffee of high grades held against banking operations on s tho various ex changes. It remains to-be seen what the - Iwlnnce of the Brasil crops will contribute In the way of commercial grades.' In Eu rope thd! trade has held back tn a very de ' trrmlned manner, end the seaport stocks there show nearly 1.000,000 bags less, than last reported. July 1st. ; ' , Vt: A leading spot coffee house presents the situation forcibly thus: Consumption; al though somewhat backward, has taken' its usual quantity of about 3.8BO.O0O bags ofj ! Jiraxu. correc. me difference ot 3.360 JJTO burs, no sfall Item, has been sufded to -tne visible supply, f There are i to come for-) worn to mo ana Santos during the next eh'ht months about 3.000.000 bags, and pos sibly 300.000 begs the latter a maximum figure), against ia prospective consumption 7&O.K4) begs. It mast, therefore, appear clear that the time, foe a fmhxtnntui tin-. Mftmg of values is near at hand, If It has ; not aireaop arrived. Kuropean port stocks of Brasil coffee at the present writing are about 1350,000 bags smaller than they were at the same time last, year, and the floats DOESN'T RESPECT , OLD AGE. It'a shameful when youth falls to how proper respect for old age. but , just tne contrary in the case of Dr. King's New lit Pills. .They out off : maladies no matter how severe and Irrespective of old - age. Dyspepsia, Jaundice, : lever.5. , Constipation mil yield to this perfect "PllL i J5tC" at ByrwtU 4 Dijnn'g, .Drugglstav ed steady at a decline of 4 nolittn to nn advance or I point, immediately following the cull it worked up to. adbout 10.03 for January. At this level, demand fell of ind there wns a renewal of Wall street bear pressure; which, with liquidation of smaller longs, caused prices to fall off about 4 to 8 points. The market In the earlv afternoon was Irregular and oulet. swatting 'some Indication ot the Interior spot, situation. : It Is evident that not enough speeuiation nas so tar been at tracted to cause futures to lead spots end whenever the market sells up to about the level with which Southern holder have previously sold spot cotton freely, the ten dency ts to react. Just as when quotations drop down to below the point at whoh 4he South stops selling ana ne mm begins n buv, the tendency Is to cover and go long for a turn. - It seems.-therefore, that while this spe cie of deadlock continues scalping opera tions, based on the Idea nf fluctuations be tween 9.oo and lo.za ror January would be a conservative policy. Eventually it Is our opinion Hint the crop estimate Is smtiiv in dlnary 6.18; ordinary 6.02. The sales of tho ifmUnm No. 'l Uiljr nn? o.ww uuirs, ui t. , , . v. , wu " . v speculation and export and Included 0.700 American. Receipts 18,200, all American. Futures opened firm and closed 'quiet; American middling, g. o. c. : Novembcr-De CHARLOTTE fcoTTON MARKET. These figures represent prices paid wugoris. Nov. 4. Oodd middling O'S. IT It THE STANDARD FUEL OF THE UNITED STATES NAVY The United States Geological Survey Pronounces it THE STANDARD STEAM COAL Owing to the faot that we represent thirty-six (38) collsrles, whose output during ltOt amounted to lour inlW lion (4,000,000) tons, exclusive of coal converted Into coke, and will probably exceed four, and one-half-mllt a (4,H4 000 tons during 1904, ws are prepared to estimate on and All promptly any tonnags that1 may be desired. CAGTNEI, CURRAN & BULLITT, Goto Agonts. ; t C. C. B. POCAHONTAS SMOKELESS COAL, Await llulhtlnv 1 Mnnth 1Kth Rtrsat Thllni1ln1ila. Pa. 1 Broadway, New York; 1M State Street. Boston. Mass.- Cltlsens' Bank Bldg., Norfolk. Va.; Tarry Bldf.. Roanoka, vs.; oia uoiony mag.. Chicago, III.; Noavs Bldg., Cincinnati. Ohio, Msnchurcn Ave., uraaom wngiana. Orders for all rail shipments to the Carolina should be forwarded to our Roanoke Office. ' iHtrk-t middling cember G.S1: December-January 6.3: Jan uary-Februnry 6.33; February-March 6.33; Middling March-April S.SO; Apiil-Muy 6.37; May-June ... 6.38; June-July G.; J.uly-August 8.38. E6TIMATEH. NEW YORK PRODUCE MARKS I . N, w Orleans New York. Nov. 4. Flour market dull Houston and featureless. lOulvcston , .. Wheat Spot easy : No. 2 red H.4. A . . - denial to-day of the Argentine damage' BJQCKg. Hiunts tttun ticiivc di.iiia i n iiw, ..-.. tehlnton "l(H. . 1903. ..ri.coo la.ot.s ..14.500 1U.346 ,511.000 25.231 William B. Charles. Amsterdam, N. Y. Cotton Yarns for tho New York State Knitting Trade. Mill Aocounts ' nd Correspondence Solicited. 86W 101 MH (6 vju 14 4! m 80 m Cht Mil St r 1TIV4 lower prices in race or ennunueu duo noolo... news from the Southwest. The close was Hslto ft Ohio to lc net lower. May 31.12; July U.021: no efd December 31-17. t'sn Pse Corn-Spot uteady. Option market was oen oIN. J.... steadier at first on bullish Argentine sta- ;hes a Ohio tlstlcs. but finally weakened with wheat Chi St Alton, and closed "4c net lower to c net higher.! do afd.. May 61; December 6B. , I'v" g we' Oats spot marKet quiet; mixea sv to v:-" 36. Options nominal. Lard Dull; Western steamed 7,63; No vember closed 7.56 nominal; refined easy; continent 7.00. Pork Quiet. Rosin Firm. Turpentine Steady. Sugar Raw firm; talr refining Z to Z; centrifugal 90 test 4; refined firm; confec tioners' A. 6.16: mould A. 6.G3: cut-loaf 0.00; crushed fi.00; powdered 6.40; granulated 5.3V; cubes S.S5. CoTee Spot Rio steady; No. T Invoice 8?; mild quiet. The market for coffee futures opened steady at unchanged prices to an advanuu of 10. points und was finally steady at a net advance of 6 to 10 points. Bales 64,000 ba ITS- DAILY COTTON MARKET. MlddUn Galveston, quiet Baltimore, nominal .7"i Boston, quiet W.l Philadelphia, quiet 10.40 Savannah, dull 8'V New Orleans, easy H . ...1.11.. SS-lH M mnhls. steady Wk Mat 4 R oi lies 89 Augusta, firm ....tH Mew Y C la? Cincinnati, firm "4lMW. 7iH Louisville, quiet op1 ... w do pfd ill (Jlit Tera. Traa 'lo do pf. t 0 ti 8k tt h ... 84 t.nl Ho -1 do pfd 1st.... 51 K dopfdSnd ... am Pel AH 1H44t INilsLW.. . 315 lSS v do pfd Erie ao" do pfdist 1 do pfd 2nd ... iv H Hook Valley... xo do pfd K714 III Ceo 1-' lows Cea -i7J4j do pfd 4SH Kan City So ... do p(d. M L H 183 MSB L I6IM Metro bruur.... t MStRy 12IK HtBtL H fH P 8 8 M W do pfd H7 M1sm Pao IUH M K ft T.. iHI dOpfd .- 6"Vi doptd 4sM Union Pae. do pfd . . , Wsbaib .... do p(d Wheeling. . Wis Oenitsl do pfd ... 109 Vt SIM 4;t K(H 46H Xxrssss CosrAMia St. Ixiuis, steady Houston, steady New York, quiet .J 11-14 Ot W. ... Feaa 10.U fUCSH L. NEW YORK BONDS. LT. a refunding 2s, registered 104H V. S. refunding 2s. coupon 104H IT. 8. 3s, registered 104V4 IT. 8. 3s. coupon 14 V. 8. new 4s. registered 130 V. 8. new 4s, coupon 1304 17. 8. old 4s. registered 10614; (;. 8. old 4s. coupon W- AU.hisou gutierul 4s 102 Atchison adjustment 4s 83 Atlantic Coast Line 4s W Baltimore & Ohio 3s 9 Ontral of Georgia 6s ' 112 Central of Georgia 1st Inc 97A Chesapeake & Ohio 4s KW Chbigo & Alton 3'jS 0A ChltuRO. B. & Oulncy new 4b Chicago, M. & St. Paul gen. 4s Ut- Ctiicairo & Northwestern consol 7s.... Iz" ferJS J&WchteagVB. h h-J 255 reason we would , orefer waiunsr for break) tn order to purchase, rather than short sales, ws think it is bull sen son, op. moderate supplies, and a big demand. v- '..;. J.f v BACHB a CO. CL P. Etlla Co.8 Cotton Letter. , "Special to The Observer. New orieans, Nov, , uverpoors ruuure to view the census figures In the same trail f sb nature: as did the American mar ket's, proved a source of great disappolnb tn"nt to yesterday's buyers. , whose re selling to-day Imparted a condition of weakness throughout the session, and the orenofideranee of sentiment ,- to-night la again bearish. The liberal figure nf the In-sight movement also disturbed tne tonn- dence of those who bad been preaching en eourasrlng comparison with the heavr to tals of last year, while the return ot fair1 weatner momentarily stops an reference to possible loss of eotton remaining In the delds. The volume of oetside sseeubtlve tcmand Is decidedly small and the support at this time must emanate almost exclu sively from the. actual trade-1 demand, which at satisfactory prices develops nde iuate proportions to arrest any tendency to scute weakness, but promptly disap pears predictated upon the expectation of a . moderately, supply, aad would quickly disappear eltould subsequent. developments points to a yield materially in excess ofj ngures approximating iuao,ow pales, until the announcement of the government's es timate. ' December 3rd,- we . rather. xpct scalntng markets, with the ranee of fluc tuations resting between and 10 cents. - C P. ELUS 4k CO. C. C. C. & St. Louis gen. 4s 102 Chicago Terminal 4s 82"(J Consolidated Tobacco 4s 1 Colorado & Southern 4s 88 Dcr.ver & Rla Grande ts ,...it Eric prior lien 4s.. 101 fcrle General 4s ..... . 88 Ftwt Worth & Denver City 1st.. ..I104i Mocking Valley 4s 108 Louisville & Nash. Unified 4s 148 Manhattan consol gold 4s ..lOW, Mexican Central 4s 72 Mexican Central 1st Inc 21 Minn, & St. Louis 4s ; 87 Missouri, Kansas Texas 4s ..102 Missouri. Kansas Texas 2nds 8fi National II. of Mexico consol 4s.... New York Central gen. 3s 100 New Jersey Central gen. lie 135 Northern Pacific 4s.. 108 Northern Pacific 3s 74 Norfolk tt Western consol 4s mi Oregon Short Line 4S a Portio 104 Penn. conv. 3a ....101 Reading General 4s.... lOH St. Louis A Iron Mountain consol 8s.. 116 St. Louis A San Francisco fg. 4s 87 St Louis. Southwestern lsts 97 Sea board Air Line 4s .. . tO southern faeiflc, s... Southern " Railway 6s .Texas a Pacific lsts Toledo. St. L a Western 4s Union Pacific 4s.... Union. Pacific conv. ts... ..... , U. 8. Steel 2nd 6s ...i Wsbash lsts.. , Wabash Deb. B. ... . .. ... Wheeling- A Lake Brie 4s.. ... .. Wisconsin , Central 4.... ...... ..IIS'A ...tavt. .. 8fr ...108 .0171 ... 51 ... H ... 12 Raad. dopV 1st.... do pfd Ind.... Rook Is sod.. . imirfd. . StLtPt pfd l,8w do Old. fio Pso "o By do at d Texas sad Pse. Mil Wast.. 4H 70 t;j 84 7MJ4 Mti 12 62H 2 40H 01 U4 KlH MK uo Adsmg.,...;.... Anieriosn United Ktatss.. Wells Ksrgo.... MlSOCLLSSSO Amsl Copper... Am Car Foss do pfd Am Cotton O.I do pfd 0614 Am lue ... do pfd Am Lin need Oil do pfd Am Uo do pfd Am Km It a Bfg do pfd Am Sugar Kef Anaoooca M Co Brook BspTrsa Col Puel it Iron Con so 11 da t Ou Cora ProdnotJ do pfd Distill Aeoerd OeasVsl Klee... Interest Psper 1st pfd dernat Pasip Pso pfd Not Lead No American... Pfcotftt Mail... Peoples Gas.... Presd Steel Car do pfd 240 2-8 lit 17 S 73 "7 84 8SK n H4 2SH vli 73 1 ill 14i H 104 07 H 48M 214 18 76H M 171 in 77 as 7M 24 Ji 1 j4 19 l44 ill 7H Pslliasn Pslsos an Bep dteel ao pia Bobber Goods, do pfd Teas Coal Ir V 8 Leather... do pfd 0 8 Resit . . do pfd 0 8 Rabber .. 6 pfd PotTteel do pfd. West Blse Waster L ulon 14 17 UV, Kl 1U2H ia OIM S! 27 1 KIM M W 170 4) VI WM. D'OLIEE & CO. OorrtmlaMlen MaroHsinta, COTTON YARNS. Third and Chestnut Sts., Mariner and Merchant Building, PHILADELPHIA, PA. MILLER & COMPANY. Exchange Brokers. No. 100 Broadway New York Members New York Stock Exchange, New York Cotton Exchange, New York Produce Exchange, New York Coffee Exchange, New Orleans Cotton Ex change, New Orleans Board of Trade, Chicago Board of Trade. Transacts a general brokerage and commission business. Executes orders for the purchase or sale of stocks, cot ton, coffee, grain and provisions for cash, or will carry the same on mar gins, DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL EXCHANGES. Prompt atten tion to all orders. Branch office, No. ( North College Street, Charlotte, N. C. F. B. ALEKANDER, Manager. iTut nn oi8n tirin oiiddiv rn ! flllC UIIHOhlrtll IVIII0 OUIILI bU JOBBERS - it e HUGH M'RAE ft CO. Bankers, COTTON YARNS. Mioellantoua Southern eourltlaa COTTON MILL STOCKS WILMINQTON, N. C. Washington, D. C, 408 Colorado Building. JIM! E Commission Merchants. COTTON TARN8 CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. 122 and 124 Chestnut St. Philadelphia, 120 Summer SL, Boston. Manufacturers and Jobbers Frequently find It neeeesary to have BANKING FACILITIES ' In addition to those offered by local banks. li-IH-B 0f Richmond, Ya. .WITH One MllUon Dollars CaplUl and Surploa. 5 Four Million Dollars Deposits. Big MlUloD Cellars Total Resources, Offers Jdst the Additional Facilities Required, n John B. Purcell, 'President John M, Miller, r., Vice President Cbas. R. Burnett,' Assistant Cashier. J. C Jopua. Asalftant CtubJer. GAOH, DOORG, DL1NDG. Window Glass. D. F. WITHER-S, 202 tioutb College Street, Charlotte, North Carolina. L. A. Dodsworth. Dolph M. Toung. L. A. Dodsworth & Co., Spankers and . LmJrokors. MemberB New York Cotton Exchange and New Orleans Cotton Exchange. Private direct wires to New York, New Orleans and Chicago. Corres pondents: J. S. Bache & Co., New York; Hayward Vlck a Co., New Or leans; and Bartlette, Frazler aad Cturlngton. Chicago. Out of town orders promptly exe cuted. 'Phone No. 201 Charlotte, N. C. M. B. Dickson. J. H. Hul DIOKSON & HULL Oommlaalon Morohanta. . Cotton Goods. 10S Franklin Street New. York.. -Can offer, mills all accommooVMTl I accorded by any first-ciasa houaa. .. , . 4 laaltary Plassblag Ooeds, Wreasjht isl Cast Irea Pip. Bellr i ; i X Radlacws, Valves, (. All sapplies far (ease, Water aa sJsta.- CHARLOTTE, N. C. . . . . . SAVANNAH, Ga. J. SPEWCER TURWER Cp: COMMISSION MERCHANTS. . j; t ' Offless: New York, rhUadslpbia, Chicago. 0t Loula, London. BnglaaA' ' YARNS AND COTTON PIECE GOODS. CROMPTON - THAYER L-OOIVI CO, WORCESTER, MASS. MANUFACTURERS OF 1 FANCY COTTON AND GINGHAM LOOMS. ALSO MAKERS OF DOBBIE8, EITHER NGLffl OB DOCBIJD IPTlWX TO BE APPLIED TO OTHER LOO MR m SOUTHERN REPnESENTATTVEa , u ALEXANDER & PARSED, Charlotte, N. 0 HIOH-ORADB 8PINDLB. . . . LOOM,. ENGINE. AND. VALVE. OILS SCOUIIEE, BEL OIL Sc. GREASKS, LUBRICATING GREASES, READY MIXED PAINTS, COLD WATER PAINTS. Agents WATTLES' DRESSINB COMPOUNDS J. Charlotte, N. C. I YV. B. Smith & Co. BROKERS tabltshed 18TS. I New Yurk CoPsolldalcd Memreus V stock KxrhanKe. i Chicago Board of Trade. STOCKS, GRAIN, PROVIS IONS, COTTON. Private Wires. We have every facility for the prompt er"t'n of orders. Correspondence Solicited. Market Letter on Application. Empire Building, 71 Broad- way, New Tork. Richard A. Blyttio, iant Commission Mercl Cotton Warps and Yams No. 114 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. . - H. D. Salkeld & Bro. M-72 Leonard St, New Tork. COTTON YARNS. WITH FRKD'K VIETOR & ACHEL.lt. t i - ef.-.-v . ii'vw: "r Ed Eisenhauor&Co. Cotton Futures Members New Orleans Cotton Ex change. New Orleans Board of Trade and Associate Members Liverpool Cot ton Association. -f,"- ' Special Attention Glveri .. Spinners Orders ' Write for our Cotton Letters. Cot respondence solicited. . 431 Gravler Btraet . . , . New Orleans, C. P. Ellis. 3. P. Haolots, f?. . XWi C P. Ellis & O?. Established 1810. conoi coMMissioi wmi Members of the Nsw Tork Cotton Its chance. New Orleans Cotton ;Bt- change, Liverpool Cotton Brokerg , Association, New Orleans Board 0 . Trade. . ", ' ' - . ' Cotton Kxchange Building, .'4 NBW ORLEANS. - , -Special attention given to executlajt of orders In contracts for future dellT., ery of cotton In all the markets. : Cor espondence solicited. urn en flULOU (I blllllllVUlll M V V 1, Us -';'' ; Bnoeassars lo ' '' . B0CKINGBAM,, PAULSON ' CO, ) , Commission Msrchanta, . ' coTTora YAnrje Third and Chestnut Btl PhUadelpal. II Leonard Btroat. New , Tork, , " til Monro Street: Chicago. . Gottpn : ScQd 013 ' - Ast Cisi lt!2w!riCrf, v ' ?. Not In Any Combination or , - -., 1.4 -,.- i Trust ' n Complete plants from II ti I tons capacity. Special sma.l t plants, Jr ginneries. Coiri'. . 1 cotton 4 toning systems. -. . , t?''4 i?T'r --