CIIAnL0!fT2 DAILY: 023EBVE1V IfOVCIBER, A 1C0L LAST SrEECII. LMI'AIGN AT MOXItOK. J. Cose, of YVadfwboro, Norn fia senate, Abo Speaks lias. J. Harris Willi . : vt WlMwcription of tlw - sml Um Crowd Acconnt ucors Speech and lu Ite rjr the "epl- No Rwl i i I'nion, but fsual Vote 1 by Chairman Jtedulne. ! to The Observer. ' -' Nov. 4A11 day long- the wppt over Monroe.' There wu 'tow amont the rods. On the h court house the rain beat . Through the window you i swaying elms, cuffed by s the - i. Politicians say that if bet ! .'r does not soon replace . thin .,.1 gloom it Mill coat' the Demo c ihi iy 10,000 vote In North Caro : !;,e M. H. Justice Is holding- court f. Considering--5"the -Inclement her one may Judge that the crowd i us speaking- would have been ma e if a great many of the Union coun- iopie had not been compelled under poena; to attend It There were .11 i5 to SO negroes who surely would t have eat it out except under oom ' i-.m of process. ' t ut Ihia doea not mean that Senator unions blows the nigger bugle. He ys lcea about the race Isuue than v other campaigner In the State, speech la designed to lndoctriante ' e people in the permanent creed of democracy. and In that spirit t he row da which he haa been addressing i.iive seemed to receive It. Besides tha colored persons there were only good, honest white men t resent, ;, except ' One old woman with t calico aunbonnet. , She eat patiently, -r chin In her hand, the index nnge f which pressed into her cheek in good . J chimney corner style. She was plly bored, though. During the last ' .'-t hour she covered her face with i.-xinnna. and I caught myself sua - "I'ting that she was taking a nap, .if men were indoctrinated, but she s.k her boring stralgt. : i r. Frank Armfleld Introduced the - -'uutorial candidate, Fred J. Coxe. of . . tiroe. in glowing terms, caning mm t Democrat and a gentleman oi learn : sr and ability, and saying mat, as . .-'.inclusion to hie retnaks, he would In is --lute Mr, Simmons. The 24th district will be represented i t the Senate by two of the best dress i men who will adorn that body, sara, S. E. Williams and Fred ( oxe. The; former was described In the report from Lexington. Too seldom -e a finer specimen of manhood than ;r. Coxe. He Is built like an athlete rtiiid shouldered and Arm legged. H '-iirs his clothes with a manner. Ill -t is rosy with health. His blonde r is parted In the middle. His lin i is spotless.- His voice Is full and ep. He stands gracefully, and hit "tures are free' and essv. lie spoke about, half an hour to-day, -sinning by the relation of his ex jrtences ; In his recent campaign in Mvidsion and Stanly counties, where here are ' actually some white Republ icans. "When I was a boy." said he, "being brought tip as I was, I never could understand how a Southern hite man could be a Republican and I don t understand it now." lie discussed the tariff and the Cor' Hyou scandal, and then come down to !rth Carolina - proper. He saw Mr. Charles JL Harris the other day and .-ilk grave exception to his personal ! -pearance. He does not count Mr, arris among the great orators. He Z only that portion of his arm which comprised - between his elbow and i is hand. He -denominates him "that c nplc-headed, ' sap-headed little old iiarles J. Harris." It was not' with a velvet touch that he handled Mr, i-oownelt, either. He punished the President severely. In the Roosevelt connection he told she story i of how the dog ran at the an who .was raking hay and who "'fibbed" his pitchfork into the dog. lien the dog's owner rushed up and .'rf-manded, -'"Why didn't you go at an with, the other end," the hayseed retorted, wsiv wny didn't he come i plication 'that when the Republl -PS reproach us for running Roose- i a inrousiK so u Bpeas, we nasn itk, "Well, what made him come at a as he tar In introducing 8enator Simmons he on applause by saying that he Is me oesi man rvortn Carolina has put rth since the days of Vance." Four ears from . now he will be the best .kii in the United States for our na- nal chairmanship. Mr. Coxe declared The Senator spoke an hour and forty- ve miutes. mere was not so much i plause as is usually given him: noth ? like which, he received last night at Kingnam. ifui tne attenuon was m1 and the speech seemed to make a -iuuiid impression. There was con itii hie. display of enthusiasm when aid: VFeliow cittsens, if the trusts J monopolies which are behind ,evelt don't literally flood the close te wun money and debauch the mge there, a despoiled and out -cd people will, put In tbe White ie. as tney voted to do In 1876. a stdent who will turn the rascals out i clean . the Angean stables if it cs a thousand Hercules to do It i iney win not oe. as thev were i I.sTS, defrauded out of the fruits of fir victory," , , 1 The applause was strong In acknow-:-ment of the message of good will ,t to North Carolina by Judae Par r, to the effect that If he were elect . the South would find Itself once re In full fellowship with the other lions and would receive her due ire of attention and recognition as I art or me nation. They laughed 1 applauded, also, when he described proKperity argument, as "the old, 1 story sf a He well 'told and stuck ." He woke them Into demonstra rt again when he said: "We have fit such ' sums as we have found i ssary to build school-houses, es- h rural libraries, extend the : -.oi term and carry the school -house tue door t every child in the State. i we are going to continue to spend nil these purposes more than they . iinlil North Carolina. In the dls- f t,t these great duties of society i iviliwitlon, shall stand abreast of . inoKt progressive and enlightened of the sisterhood." rnce to the amendment and the s law were received, . and was ; ' ( tiecy,' based on recent tenden !.Mt are easily seen, of Judge election. For the first time in ! cars the Democratic Is the ag- and the Republican the party. We have got them on i. lie says, and have put them y must make explanations, - aid wfm that he thinks hon- soberly that Parker will win. ,e an especial appeal to Un y to throw off its apathy and h full register of Us views on at the polls. ' - -aid to be tbe most apathetic year in the State. The wrm exhortation will sure roiiKe It. Chairman Redwlne ileged apathy is not real I n county will show about vote. , , !t of the weeping, heavens, 'U, and the apsthy, Sena s' last speech of this cam ' on of his best and will tear as much fruit as any h C. M. , fiLESX AT ! TnOMASYIUE itAi.N too wrciirort tub hallt A fjarge Awllcnco Jlesirs tho IVmo rratic Candklste la Ijambeth Hall T1m TlMMuavllle IVopte Enthnsiasth; Over Mr. Glenn H was David Mm County's avorlt Men and . Women Take Part la Demonstration An lBterestlnc . (owtl General How. Special to Tbe Observer. Thomasville. Nov. 4 l . : . wi have been a Democratic red letter7 dav ...... . i .- nere out tne incesa.n oowiipour 01 ram. iiwut 11 - uaiiip, uti tint. iiiewij,-. jy he W less. itie. speaaerB were nearu oy sou 01 more people who orowded into Lambelh' Hall. A big' parade and a grit open,' 4ir demonstration htd been planned, out all out-door exercises , bud to be Captain R. B. Glenn came here (his!.., .noiwng from Concord, where he spokej, tast night, and was driven to the home of Mr. John W. Lambeth, the chairman jf the Democratic executive committee tt Thomasville township, where he was itned and entertained untii 10 o'clock. hen the speaking began. It was a great disappointment for the people of Thomasville not to be able to receive Mr. uienn as they wished to do, for this is a Glenn stronghold. 1'he Democratic candidate for Governor .s loved by many of the cltlxens of this prosperous little town. The delegation that went from here to the State con vention were outspoker for him. tio money or time naa ueen spareu to make roost elaborate preparations! tor the rally here, but the elements .outd not be defied. i When the train that brought Mr. I Jlenn arrived Mr. a E. Williams, Dav- I dson county's candidate for the Sen-! vde, was addressing a good audience in Lambeth Hall. Soon, however, the. meeting adjourned till after, .dinner. As the weather did not Improve, all hopes of holding a big open-nlr meeting were given up and Unnbcth Hall put 11 ship shape for the reception of the jonored guest. Men and women went 1.0 work and decorated the stage and the walls with American colors. Red, jthlte and blue flags floated every A' here. ily 12:30 the Democrats began to as- lemble. The Lexington Silver Cornet Jand occupied the rear of the rostrum md played patriotic pieces. School joys were running riot up and down he stairs, having a good time. It was x holiday for the youngsters and tney roucked like so many frlUcy iambs. But as all the room available was le- .nunded for voters, the lads were held 11 check. The ones who got In the hall a ere well behaved. A few minutes before the appointed hour. Captain Glenn, accompanied by Mr. Lambeth, came In the buck door md started down the middle aisle. The oand was playing, but when the -rowd -ecognixed Mr. Glenn u spontaneous ihout drowned the muic. The champion of the North Carolina Democracy did not look very- bright a ae mounted the stage. Ha. seemed Ired. The strenuous campaign is teiv Ing on him. He works so hard when making a speech that the wonder Is hat he holds up. He spoke to two irowds yesterday, one ut Salisbury and .he other at Concord. Thomasville people go the full length when they start. I have attended a iiumber of political meetings this yeanrHK FINEST LINE OF PRESERVES jut this was the first to be Opened with! ;rayer. Promptly at 1 o'clock Mr. Lambeth rose and asked the audience to stand while Rev. C. P. Campbell, pastor ofi the Methodist church here, invoked a divine blessing. i AA r Co mnKall mi I A n it sati rnaaf .rri vr . iiid thanked God for an age of temper - tnce In North Carolina. i Rev. W. P. Fife Introduced the speaker. He said: ! I have nrejirhed the eusnel all over . ihi. ,iini fmm Uuin. in Moii xfo. too, but this' is the first time In my life' that I ever stood up to Introduce a. political candidate. i But It gives me great pleasure to ore sent to you this areat Christian Da-' trlot, R. B. Glenn." By this time Lambeth Hall -was jam-: med full. To the right of the stage two' loren well dressed women occupied: seats. Every nook and corner hud Its; man or boy. Many laboring nen were' there. The entrance at the back of thej hall was packed. Mr. Glenn's voice; was a little husky when he commenced to-day, but as he proceeded it Improved. No one bad to leave because, he could not hear. Mr. Glenn made about the same speech that he has making .at other places, but each day he says It better. He Is a great actor and every time he repeats his speech he ads force to it. His gestures are appropriate and give strength and life to his words. The longer he talks the more Interested; does his hearers become. The cheering and applause improves as the speech progresses. To-day the boys warmed up In good fashion. Some of them yell ed. "Hurrah for Bob." The enthusiasm and Interest Increased to the end of the speech. The peaceful assembly by o'clock had almost been converted into a wild mob. Several over-sea lous but thoughtless fellows would shout out of time and bothered the speaker. This kept up until Mr. Glenn had to threaten to stop If It. was discontinued. The youngsters, who had kept compara tively quiet all along, began to take part In the outbursts. They would stick their Angers in their mouths and htstle like small steam ngines. Mr. Glenn's defense of the Watts bill is masterly and convincing. He speaks tor the protection Of the country home. mere is something unique in his talk on popular education. His appeal Is for practical education, and is bold enough to say that our people are ashamed of honest work. Many speakers know that what Mr., Glenn says is true, but ao not dare say it. The boys and girls oi .orth Carolina can solve the servant problem If they will 1 he right sort of education will teach our boys and girls to convert our raw material Into fine finished goods. The Democratic spell binder Is preaching ime good doctrines. He says that the oman who scrubs the floor and scrubs! it clean, and the girl who washes the1 dishes and washes them well, and the' boy who cleans the stable and does it1 thoroughly, and the boy who blacks the; boots and makes them shine Is as much entitled to credit and respect as the' man wno works in the bank or the wo man who works In a store, or anywhere else. There is much false pride in North! varuimans ana mc ooueges ao not train out.. The old-time nose is too etaoin to turn up. The people have, given Mnr Olefin the A RUNAWAY BICYCLE. Terminated with an uilv rut nn th leg f J. a Orner. Franklin Grove, III.. It . developed a stubborn nlratr. unyielding to doctors and remedies for four years. Then Bucklen's Arni ca Salve cured. It'a Just as good for Burns, Scalds, Skin , Eruptions and Piles. S5c at Burweii v-. rnr.n'. Drugglsta . . . glad hand wherever he has been. Most of the Democrats agree with him In the main in ba ideas of 4 educattou and popular governrociiL ,- Men who : were against him before the nominating con' ventioa re t fori him : now.: -He has rolled together v thr Democratic ; hosts. His election is sure and he will go into office with the best wishes of the Dem ocratic voters of the entire State. The rally here was all that .could hav been hoped for with such fearful weather. The audience was In full eym- Ksih with th anonkap anil 'thnt en, i . p - couraaed a great effort. 1 r. Mr. Glenn went to uign t-oint to where. h- -poKe. Monday and ftillfipwiliftn Foi Forsyth, his eountv ,t t , M k Twain and tlie Clrl Who Dltltf , . 'jLaugli" " , ,,,. .Twain An esoressed ths fol ,n 8entlm.nw t0 a y0ung wonmn who had not smiled at. a thing he. had said during an Impromptu reception In his honor at Bryn, Mawr College, o which his daughter had. Invited him, All the young ladles but one were In a state of great glee during the humor ist's address all but one had laaghed heartily at every witty remara ubi Train finished, he turned to the young woman who had not laughed, .nj ..1,1 in an undertone: "You are tt nnlv sensible one here. I have not .m a ainaria amuslna thing. If It were not for the consplcuousness .Of it, would like to press your hand." .uv ivkatmru. North Otroiina: ltaln Saturduy; ,,. hiKh northwest winds; Sunday biir. special NujiCd) .vu bhmt-tttnre-room. 213 R. Trade, u- .tnro.rixim. 2 S. Church; -rojni house, 13 B. Hill; 6-room house, U S. D; 7-room house, llltt 8. C: 5-room house. 21'it N McDowell; 5-room house, B. Finn. extended. Other S- to 6-room noow. J ARTHUR HENDERSON & BKO. IT DID NOT TAKE THE PUBLIC IXNG ... tnA mil tlmt nur nocond-han1 plailot. were Bargains at the prices we unked foi-J them Only one leu. 11111 m ful niohogany case and the tone is ccllent. WHEELER WALL PAPER CO., Y. M. C. A. Building. ATMORE'S PLITM PUDDING. ONE- AND two-pound cans; Aimore s ih ii" mince tm-Ht, In 1-pound cnrlonH; At n.oro's mlnoe meat. In bulk or In Ove IM.und palls. When you buy the best yuu ore always pleased. ..., 8ARRATT A BLAKELY. N. Tryon and S. Church Hts, FRESH SHIPMENT OF KOr.bKD UA18 the wc grscl at paesnge. 11 m a iohk lime since vou nought nice fresh tl Hakes at thin price. Pettijohn's breakfast food. 124c: Farinose, hlRh-gradc fialt cake. 15c: hams. 12c; picnic hams. joc; two-pound cheese, 25c; breakfast ba con, lOC. BKILHJKKB -J. 203 W. Trade St. IN KIDNEY TROLBL.KH HKTl'fcUt Ht. suits are obtained from medicinal wmorf In cr.lil than In hot weather. Mlda. Wa ter Is making cures where other best known remedies failed. Come in cno talk your case over with us. J. W. SAMPLE, Mxr., M'H S. Tryon. 'Phone (B3. ever brouxht to this city in two- and five- pound Jars. A full stock of the iinesi Jellies in all the fruits: Orange ana quince marmalade, white cherries In honey, orange preserves, sickle pears in ginger, assorted Jams In cans. If yon want fine preserves In any variety call US. MIL.L.KK-VAN IU, i - wn s mi-.auai .h nr.Ms.ui fr Prin , WOODALL & SHEPPARD'B. 1)1 f. WORTH SYRI'P OF WHITE PINh ui.d Tar cures an cougns ana coius tWi,DILWORTll DRUO STORE, p!il -it n a i,vil THE FAVORITE PLACE TO DINE Thr Oem has a bill of fare consisting of everything from hash to turkey, from pumpkin pie to the richest and .rarest pound cake, and then, after you dine call at the front counter vwl wind ut your pleasant visit here. Uy tnnuking a delightful cigar. largest rtock in Char lotte. OEM RESTAURANT. E. F. Creswell. Mr. THE CROWELL SANITARIUM. For t!ie treatment of WHISKEY. MORPHINE and other Drug Addictions. Bpeclal apartments and nurses for lady patients. S. M. Crowell, M. D.. Medical Director, No. 8 West Third street, Charlotte, N. C. JOS. H. CRAIGHIU.. MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR. PIANO, ORGAN, HARMONY. Studio Y. M. C. A. Building. Charlotte. N. C. WE HAVE A FULL 8TOCK OF CAHtLL Grates, which is the best grate sold. 'Ve also handle tiles and mantels, both hard wiod and native pine. Lumtwr, shingles, laths and ail kinds of house finish. CAROLINA MFG. CO., Jiis. A. Fore. Mgr. WE EXCHANGE THE 820.00 DISC OR CO- lumbla Graphophones for the 85.00 arrapn opliones and allow 5.00 for your second hanu graphophone. This is not a new offer for we have, made this exchange for years. We also offer to exchange graphophones for second-hand bicycles. QUEEN CITY CYCLE CO. HOUSE TO LET, HOMES TO SEI.I. lots to give away, but no time to idle. If you mean business, you'll get more for your money at my shop than In any other joint. Place your stuff here on trial. E. L KEESLER, 23 8. Tryon street. DO YOU NEED ANYTHING TO MAN1 cure your flneer nails With? If so, give us a can. wo can supply your wants Mayer's, Druggist, Sixth and Tryon M H M H H s I DEFECTIVE) PLT;MFJNO CAN BF Hverteo if you place your orders with tne A. R. Wlllmar n Plumh'.ng Co. W employ only expert workmen, and every job, no matter how small or large, is given i no closest attention. Only lh highest grade work executed. Prompt ness is a feature that ties popularised nui business. A. R. Willmauo Plumbins DON'T LEND MONET AT 6 PER CENT. when you can Invest it and make to to per cent uan ana let us explain We certainly have an interesting propo sltton. Tou will do well to Investigate aU o"Vrtte. C M. Robinson Co.. No. 8 West Fifth street M M a: Corn tiloal Is th Host M 5: M e - Or. C, L. Atcxan0Gr, M DENTIST. Carson Building, Southeast Corner of Fourth apd Tryon Street. ' - mm Charlotte Realty for Sale and Rent, as Follows: For Rent Two very desirable stores an that 'great bnatnaaa street ot East Trade, Koa, 101 and 108. now occupied by G. W, Norman and W. H. Hoover, respectively. Possession January 1st, 110s. -fe ' i desirable piaoe for office or shop, West $th afreet; CO feet from North Tryon atreet, : . j- v.v- , .- vc Also ; .'-: . . t basements oa West Trade street, suitable for shops. ; - Also - : 4-room dwelling, (upstairs); modem improvements. South Poplar, M feet from West Trade street. FOR SALE I S-room cottaaes. Nos. 809 and 311 South McDowell street; lot each 4t 1-s by 198 feet; splendid gardens, a well of one 6-room cottage, loot East Trade street. ... Also One 4-room cottage, corner 9th and Myers street. Also, 1 who!e square (containing 4 seres): st foot .of East Trade street having 28 desirable building lots and accommodations) Cecil street and the Inear the new city"; park. This must soon become a very valuable property, p Also 3 elegant lots, each of 46 feet 8 Inches front, and 150 feet deep, and opposite Graded School and on corner rear and side; 40 feet from the celebra S- WITTKO WSKY. l White Pine And -Tar Is a Splendid Remedy for Coughs. Colds. Hoarseness, Etc. : : : : Use Jordan's hite Pine and Tar. and you'll rest and sleep well. It Is a carefully pre pared rejnedy especially for our trade. .St ' PRICE 3$ CENTS. Mail Orders Have Prompt Attention, ee we WHEELER r RUNQt, J ARCHITECTS, CHARLOTTE, N. C Second Floor, 4C Bulldlni SBOAMA BCU3TSS PILLOW COVERS! Japanese Pillow Covers, Syrian Table Covers and Shawls. THE ART SHOP, w.. i. Van Ntss &. co. . , 19 North Tryon Si Z4Z4X4Z4X4ZXZ4Z4Z4ZZZ FARM FOR SALE 52 acres near Shopton, J well woodetl, with good h cabin and bam. Apply m to ; Osmond L Barringer g if wu m hi ,b m MOD OF good water on lot fronting on Elisabeth avenue. (Street ear continuation of East Trade street.and or uaK street; with 10 loot alleyway ted Dowd Flats. Liable to Leak The "Family Stocking" Is liable to leak. Put your surplus dollars In our savings bank, where they will earn you other dollars. f I M. 3ItOfN, Pres. W. 8. ALEXANDER, V. Pres. F. J. HAYWOOD. JR.. Cashier. A Fine Record The mutual Building and Loan has a record of 23 years without the loss of a dollar. Hundreds of homes have been erected and many of our most successful business men have gotten their, start' In life through this same channel of saving and profit gather ing. The opportunity of doing the same thing: is now tendered any and ail comers, and he who fails to take advantage of this offer to better him self is blind to his best interest. You can come In to-morrow and take as much or as little stock as you wish. This is the road to prosperity and hap piness. I. KEESLER. Sec. & Treas. J. R. PHARR. President. CHAS. BRENIZER, Attorney. T. Da A. For Rent Splendid modern 9-room house On Boulevard in perfect condi- lon with stable on lot, 35 mo. 6-room cottage near South graded School, $12.50. Brick 8-room house W. Fifth Jtreet, 130. Jd and 3rd floors 207 S. Tryon -treet, 27 by about 85 feet deep. : : i f. D. Alexander! CHARLOTTE'S BEST CONDUCTED HOTEL. Central and Annex Special attention given to Table Service, making it un equalled in the South. This is a feature of the Central that is claiming the atten tion of, the traveling public. Clean, Comfortable beds, Attentive Servants. C. E. Hooper, Manager. 1 -Room -House Slate roof, all molern conven etices, large lot, and only a few blocks from the square. Is In food condition, convenient and attractive. PRICE VERY LOW FOR CASH. THOS. T.ALLISON I j Weal Istate Manager Itcal Estate Manager I SOUTHLRN STATES TRU$T CO, uittfll ling l ii E. Most Affractiuo?Hoitre SbDtion ft .at Elizabeth Heights. Every lot in touch mik, -water, . sewerage and electric lights. Lots Jiave frontage of 66 to 80 feet, with good depth and alleys in the rear, No factory dust and smoke to c ontend with. In close .touch to car line. ' On investigation we thin k you will find this the most desirable suburban residene e section rfround the city. bee piot oi jots, prices ana No. 4 South si nrn mam ininm , innn . nnn imnt Your Be.o t Interests will be promoted if you will investigate our facilities and methods with thc view ' of opening a bank account with us. s V"1 ' Manufacturers, Merchants, Capitalists. Money Savers, Ladies, are all invited to call on us and see us and we an ? satis fied you will not regret giving us your business. Strength, Resources, Liberal Dealing. Courtesy, Confidential Relations. The Commercial National Bank. OF CHAKLOTTf. !M. C, LEONARD L. HUNTER, ARCHITECT Offlec In 4-Cs Building. CHARLOTTE, N. CAROLINA. AAAAAAAAAAaAAA AAAAAAAAAAA aV WW WW WW WWW Ww W f f ?T WWWW WW WW WW t E. L. Propst & Company f 11. It. contractors, excavating, atreet, county, R. R. grading. Ktone and" Concrete work so licited. CHARLOTTE, N. C. FRANK P. MILD URN, ARCHITECT COLUMBIA, S. C. IIVVIl VUUUVIJfVI) A RCHITECTS Chailotte anil Durham, Hi. Organized 1871. Geo. L Wilson, President, C N. Evans, Cashier, Jno. B. Ross, Vice President W. C Wilkinson, Assistant Cashier The Merchants and Farmers National Bank, 35ast Trade Street. CAPITAL. $200,000 00 ASSETS, $1,300,000 00 DIRECTORS: Geo. E. Wilson. ... trmieta,, J.H. Wearn Jno. B. Ross. Jdd Armistead Burwell. w n MKt Conservatively and safely conducted within the limits of legitimate banking. Thirty-three years of successful dealing. Safe Deposit Boxes for rent. Nightwatchman Employed. Charlotte National Bank I United Gtatcs Depositary Aeiulta after six an a half rears In business: ASSETS DEPOSITS We are fully alive to tha fact that the secret of our conspicuous auc css is due to the courteous snd liberal treatment accorded our friends and depositors, and on this basis solicit your business. 8. 0. HEATH, President. Banliin We tkre prepared to meet txrxy requirement) within ne limttn ot metHod. Southern Sta tes CAPITAL $200,000. TRUST BUILDING Ooo. Stephens, Prea. ' T S.FranwIln, V-Prea. W. Wood. Traaa FOR. .WAREHOUSE OR Within two or three blocks of Trade Charlotte, for. with the cheap electric strong demand. - We have one, three blocks from the Soaboard-JHTelght Depot, four from Southern, and within one block of the StreeCCar Line, for quick sale at f 2,600 easy terms. A larger lot times the price. If Interested consult. p AftDATT mPIDPHf Everything In i crms at our umce. If: 'vv v - -7V "- v Tryon Street FRANK QILRKATH. PRESIDEN H. M. VICTOR. CASHIER, FIRST NATIONAL BANK, CHARLOTTE N. C. Organized 1865 " ' is - - mm We are fully equipped to handle the accounts of individ uals. Arms and corporations, and offer every accommodation and courtesy consistent with sound banking. We respectfully Invite a per sonal Interview or correspond ence with those who contemplate opening new accounts. H. M. VICTOR, CASHIER. Sl.1B2.OfMt.ttO T5S,OO0.O0 4 W. H. TWITTY, Ceshlcr. safe business , V Trust Company MANUFACTURING Street will soon be hard to find in power now available, they are In - close by recently sold for nearly three r Ttoal Estate. v; X ': : : 't; "L-i'J.:. 1

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