C2AT.L0m: D7JLtf LZCZZZZZZ 13, 1C0L ' , . ,,i:,an night at ,rJ Court peo- ' yi down, occupied - ; . a i.aj a ..capital time. e i . liter tt he front od of : ftni s.u enarmed circle i J.l aobnnpr4 compliments . ;.. mi.. I (he later train -'" '-(--''-- : ' V. f '.n.l.ra. of Stanly. who. s tor Is lnforinci. Is the leading ran vor thorev waa asked for, , ;tnatlon of thi aurprleinjr r lie- nil victory in sstaniv. :t iu no surprise 10 the nepubll si Mr, Bandar i. wns jvat r. ".:t of placing be for tne OPle t methods. Tha chart that the . U used money and liquor to not The Democrat who had the ma ry av u fab play, and the H rius stood on the aide of tit i and mw themselves pass, t . t ha .situation easily.",; - -. ":'oir elms you to let Oudger clean up eoY' waa ta question sddress- i to Juase Ewart. . i . Oh, weir-. laughed the Judge. tb :.- r fellow just cot the most rotes, i carried seven out of the thirteen unties, lost three others hr -narrow ire Una, ran nearly 409 votes ahead of miy two years ego, ana then sot "Thpy had you between ths devil n 1 the deep sea an the negro plank,' i,. -.n't thev. . " "Oh. no." tha Juds.e repll.xL "My ro- ition on th3 question of the reduc ucn of representation was this; If the s insure Introduced should be general : nl apply to all the States alike, 1 huuld vote for It; otherwise, against It was quits refreshing to meet with a 'mocrat in- the person or Mr. Solo f n Gallert. of - Rutherford ton, who '.v.. i on the hustings some five weeks in the recent; campaign. Tue lln vrnermost In Mr. Gallert' mind Is ti..t he is tired to death of abusive j oHttca vJHe does not think that either iaty can thrive pn abuse, and h t.o-jes that In the next campaign It will be entirely abandoned. . . e , "When the reporter approached that flffible gentleman, Col. a. r Cow.es, 1 1 tategvliu. clerk of the federal Court, and asked him for ft Blunt, a. now, replied the eoloneL heart' liy, "you and I went to Newton Father to hear tare Watson. We fovght with Grant, so to speak, and we won't tell on eacft other. Now, win we" Of course, we won't. Wearing a broad-brimmed soft hat a 'lark, striked calico shirt, a, grayish wjira tnmmea to a. medium length, ami sucn omer garments as to com 7lote the type of a mountaineer, sat M D. V. Rhodes, of White Oak. I'oik county. lie rays that be Is no Kir. that he knows of to Cecil Rhodes. H Is here for the Federal Court, but is a Democrat, Ona of tils countymcn ay ne in wonn STAOOO. "We're havlna a rood time us lhar. sail Mr. Rhodes. "Plenty or corn and fot'der, and" In a cautious whisper -a plenty or blockade, but don't tell It oh, yes; we're all llvln uj thar. "Are you Indicted for blockading?" ".No," protested Mr. Rhodes. "I was never arrested In my life, I tech little sometimes, but that's alL" "How in the world TJoes n happen that a Scotchman a Radical r was put to Mr. J. W, (McFarland, Repre- Beniauve-eieet or roiit county. wny, ins Bcotcn," said he, "are arrays conscientious people, and try to st-i on we ngnt s me," , "y.u will notice," remarked the hr.ndsome assistant, district, attorney, M: A. H. Price. Of Salisbury, "that tajic runs freely osj. all subjects here ex;ept tne jneaerai appointments and re-appointment The boys are all at sea on that subject and are preserv ing a porfound silence,' It Is thtn Ice they are walking on. Doirt ask them a n ythlnff about that.. Say .what you. please." was Judge Boyd's jocular answer, "but make It as light as you. can.; X think a good many things I don't say. and I think a srood in. jiy ihlnrs that wouldn't do to say for the good order and peace of the cotTOiunlty." -.. . The judge la a man of good phyel cal proportions, : elegantly dressed. fa.y and engaging' tit bis manner, and ne nas a nna presence. It Js not sur pr ning that he got his linger on th iu se 01 the admuils trot Ion. And now, to be dons of the Repub- iiL-.ins, as such, Mr, S. B. Blckford .-i a ha halls -from -.Hampton, Va, J ut I don't want you to get m mixed ni'h Eooker Washington," he hurried to add., yon will recall that Hampton is wnera isooicer was eaueateo. How Is Ute Hampton Institute . do- 'It has some 700 students," said Mr. in Kiora. -?. "ana teachers ari practl. cs iy att white,, and an Tankeea. The tool is quite a source of revenue to in, town, which has 7,000 people. The to rn and the Institute get on cwpltally What else . Is there at Hampton T" "The National Soldiers' Home, which accommodates at present 4,S03. 'A. R. veterans, and then,-we have the oldest t hurch in: America which is now In usa st John's Episcopal church built hay Is made of timothy and clover, wiieh nmut be sown." ' iiow ila you market your cattle V "We sell them at public .outcry. Lst year's herds brought an average of (UtM a Aead.";;';:!:' i Mr. B. tx - C. Oliver, of Ualtlmora, who has several times sung in Char- lotte churches, was at the Central last night, and wss full to the brim of good stories. - , . w t e ' 4t 1 "This is an actual iact." said ha, FayettevUio man sent' his wife to New Tark to do her shopping. pretty soon sha wrote him: l am tired to death of all this, and want to get home, in the morning X will go tfown and have my ktmona cut out- ' "Her husband wired her; 'Delay me operation. Leaving by next train.' ; , A. Lyncnourg iaay, eonunuea sar. Oliver,, 'told her broth-in-law to get ber some domes, vat went to a miiu- nery store and asked for them. What siaer, inquirea tne icnuue olerk...V- - -She's about your sise,' venturea the brotherln-Ia'. . lOh, that makes no difference,' said the clerk. 'What size do you wantT 'Blame It all.' cried the brother-in- law, breaking for the door. 'I'll let ber order her own dress goods.' " MR. WILBON'S OBITUARy. ' A Sunday Marrioira : " Friends were surprised yesterday to hear or the marriage tne day berore of Miss Lander Marks and Mr, J. How ard Jones, at the home of Mr. G. F. Puka. on East 1 Seventh streetj The roiini coudIs. decided on ma rr la re Sat urday night and were quietly married Sunday morning at w o'ciock,., ktv. u. , ueia, -oinviHiing. ' -.." - Mr. Jones la a native of Lexington, And holds a position with. W. T. Mc Coy ' A Co., on tiouth Tryon ' street. Miss Marks is a daughter of Mr. rite pbn Marks, of Steele Creek township, end has recently muds her home with Mr. and Mrs. ; Duke. The young couple are at home at No. 30 South College street- What Shall We Haye. for Dessert? 'TUs question arises la the family every dev. let u answer it to-day, 1 ry wmu- Interesting Matter of a Man Who Had Hosts of Close ti ends in Char lotte. Mr. John Rice Wllbon. who died at Richmond. Va a few days ago, had about as many friends In Charlotte as in his home, so that the following from a Richmond paper will be or in terest: Mr. John Rice Wllbon died at the Memorial Hospital, last night at 8:30 o'clock, after a two weeks' illness of typhoid fever and consequent compli cations. He was taken sick on Thanks giving Day, and his malady rapidly de veloped the most alarming symptoms. During nis sicitneas Air. wimon was Funeral of Mrs. Glover. The funeral of Mrs, Laura A. Glover was held yesterday morning at 11 o'clock at the home. No, 400 East Ninth tract. Tha services were conducted by Rev. Dr. J. R. Howarton, pastor of the First Presbyterian church. The interment was in Elmwood. The pall-bearers were: Messrs. George E. Wilson. P. M. Brown, it. v. warson t. a .... i m ilm.aln. ImltlhaM xiranam, tt. jociimw iu uv. r. Robertson. New Directors. At a meeting of the stockholders of the Chasmar-King Supply Company, the following named new directors were added: Messrs. Charles N. Evans, and W. F. Dowd, of Charlotte, and Mr, Sego Myers, of Savannah, Qa. GRAND PRIZESATT LOUIS. St. Louis. Nov. to. The highest honors have been awarded to The N. K. Falrbank Company, of Chicago, for all of Its products shown at the St Louis Exposition -via: The GRAND PRIZE for Gold Dust Washing Powder. Fairy Soap, Glyce rine Tar Soap, Scouring Soap, Santa Claus and Clairette Laundry Soaps, comprising the beautiful display In the Liberal Arts Building, of which the novel "Fairy 80a d Bubble Foun- most tenderly carea ior ny nis iamny i tam- WM a strklnlg feature. "But Charleston will rldo you with spurs about that." j 1 ".Ntever mlnd, Insisted Mr. Blckford. it s so." . - Mr. A. P. Wing Is a gray-haired old ; -tletnan gentleman is tha r riirht n n; j form Iowa... He Is a breeder of i.r irt norn cattle. -t was up to him when tha question v.. s raised, "why are you in the I ha ve come down here." he ah. '"-d frankiy. 'for no purpose In the v.M-id except to see the Soutlu Some : said one thing-and some an k r. and I decided I would nee for ' wif. 1 lie up at some hotel every 1 . ,111 sin iravw oniy- oy flay, so I n ! the country. I stayed thirty iv m quanta, -rnc Boutft. ' he de f 1, "has made a good impression : 1 . 1 he people , have 4oen pleas t wi. hout exception . t have never 1 hy wn treated In all my life, i t any country in that respect .a I ever saw. In all my goings, I r took another trip which did me : u Fhx1 as this." - i . 1 rter got him to talking about 'it horns. 7 st pood for both beef and ." 1 he. "Our lands sell from ' ' 1 r acre, either for farming i I urixines. Our pastures are v. hich I tndljrenous, and 4 Letter under browsing un ; aj wool no a sheep. Our and two trained nurses at-his home. No. U2tt South street, but late yes terday afternoon, as a last . resort, tt was deemed advisable to remove him to the hospital to undergo an opera tion. It was then too late, however, to save him. Mr. Wllbon was well known, both in the social and business world of Rich mond, and counted his friends by the score. There was about nis manners a peculiar magnetism and attractive ness which quickly won him, friends and afterwards held them. In every relation of life he was beloved, for cordiality was one of his prime char acteristics, and his pleasant social In stincts never abandoned him. In the home circle, too, Mr. Wllbon was all that a son and brother should be. He gave with a lavish hand, and what was better still, he was at all times sympathetic and enthusiastic In matters pertaining to his domestic life. Ha was thirty-one years old and a son of David T. Wllbon, of this city. Mr. Wllbon leaves four... brothers Field, David, Sidney and Alfred and one sister, Miss Gay Bernard 'Wllbon. His maternal grandparents -were the late John Catlett Field and Ellis Brown Field, of Gloucester county. Mr. Wllbon was for many years con nected with the firm of M. .Mllhiser A Company, and more recently with their successor, the M. Cohen Sons Com pany. Despite the fact that" his health had been frail for months, he was an active business man and by' his Indus try and seal was able to lend -the moat substantial assistance to those who needed his support. For eight years he was a member of the Richmond Light Infantry Blues, from which organisation he recently resigned. t , MARRIAGE LAST NIGHT. Also the GRAND PRIZE for Its "Cottolene" exhibit in the Palace of Agriculture. Including the famous "Boar's Head" brand of Lard Com pound. "Cottolene" was further con spicuously honored with a GRAND PRIZE for cakes, confectionery and other Choice vlandu prepared with It and served in the Model Kitchen. These awards, the highest In the power of the Jury of experts to bestow, add lustre to the already brilliant reputation of the Falrbank products and mark them as pre-eminent In their several classes. . 'VWVWVWVWfWfWT , WW V w Mrs. M, 8. Rloluwdson and Dr. B. 8. Utley Halted at the Bufortl Hotel In tlie Presence of a--Few- Friends, Rev. L. I. Nod Offidtlng. In the presence of a few friends, Mrs. Mary S. Richardson, of Clinton, and Dr. B. a Utley, of Holly Springs, Wake county, were married In the parlors of the Buford Hotel last evening at (:30 o'clock. The ceremony was - perform ed by Rev. L. D. Noel, pastor of Esst- slde Presbyterian church. The couple left on the Seaboard at 7:25 o'clock for Dr. Utley's home at Holly Springs. jars. Kicnarason has been spending several days In the city as the guest of her son, Mr. Don Amatl Richardson, coming here from Florida, where she naa Den pending some-. time. Dr. Otley arrived in the city Sunday night and registered at the Buford HoteL. In company with a prominent -local physl- ! cian ur. utley went to the office' of i the register of deeds yesterday morning snd procured license. This was the first 1 Intimation the majority of their friends I had, though a few were aware of the; approaching event from the first. Dr.! Utley is 61 years of age and one of th 1 best known physicians of Wake countv 1 as well as being a man of considerable i means. Mrs. Richardson made manvi friends during ber stay here, who wish I the newly married couple all happi ness. I Those who were present at the cere-i mony were: Dr. and Mrs. I. W. Falgon, , Mrs. Harvey Lambeth. Col. and Mrs.' . v. Kccies, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Brv- an and Miss Flora Bryan, Prof. R. L. Keesler. Mr. J. H. Cralghlll, Miss Clara Sims, and Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Jordan. and Mr. D. Amatl Richardson. At the entrance of the bridal counle. Prof. Keesler rendered Mendelsohn'. wedding march on the piano. The at tendants were Mr. Richardson and Dr. Falaon. 4 DIETS By 1. L AVERY Hand-painted, with Photo of the Author -an ideal Christ mas remembrance Unfrarr.ed $1.00. Framed $1.50, $2 and $3.00. Sll Ufliif EO a delicious awl bealtbful dessert. Prepared in two minutes, i No boiling ! ho baking add bolllne water and set to oooL , Flsvors Lemon. - Otsbm. Raspberry, Strawberry Chocolate and Cherry. Get a package at your grocers to-day. Ill eta. : .ww....,.-. - -r...-mm . mj I II FOif SALE MY NEW DISTILLERY This distillery was built and staged in operation , last February, surveyed capacity 38 bushels, 13 jhambered Cantinears still; will work 150 bush els per day; all new; now in operation daily inSalis k bury, N C I mean busi nes; will inelude teams and connections. Reason for offering to sell is my health. Bargain to purchaser. M. L. BEAN, SALISBURY, N. C. 9 W W W W W WWW WfWVfVfW WHAT SHALL I TAKE tThat's the question thousands of people who suffer untold misery daily are asking them selves. Perhaps they have never heard of MRS. JOE Person's Remedy Or perhaps they have; at any rate they have not used it, or they would not be asking the question they would have been cured. It Is a medicine that . cures. It has cured others and It will do the same for you. Don't delay, but send to your nearest druggist at once for a bottle of Mrs. Joo Person's REMEDY Has been known to hold people unpeople who wilt buy Christmas presents for a man at a oinan s store, -as Smoking Jackets, .Lounging Robes, ' Bath Robes Cra JSuspenders in indrvidiial box es, Handichiefs, Gloves se & ED. ME LLON Traveling Dress Suit Hat ; Boxes ;r and other useful things xnade , to suit a rnan taste are here. c YOU CAN SHOP HURE BYrMAIL. it v i & OUR v CO. AIM l- Atrnm. etwisTMns Handkerchiefs Our assortment of Handkerchiefs are now ready and the values we offer are bound to make this store, as heretofore Christmas headquarters for Fine Handkerchiefs. It is a well known fact that here you will find Char Jot tt's largest Handkerchief Department, wheie not only the largest and newest assort ment is shown but where day in and day out the lowest prices are quoted. Select them now while assortments are complete i THE TATE-BROWN GO. Headquarters for Useful Christmas Presents. Death of Little Ernest Porter Gil. chritit. Ernest Porter, tha two-ami.a.hair. year-old son of Mr and Mrs. P. S. i auehrlst. died at o'clock yesterday , morning at the home of his parents in Dilworth. Tha immediate cause of the ' little feilow'a death was Dneumonla. ! He had been aufferlna for a few dav ' with a bad cold. . Saturday it developed Into pneumonia, and despite every at tention, death came. The funeral services will h helit at the home this mornlne- st 11 o'clock hv George I Iayburn. The Interment will be In Elmwood. "vwnrwmvirvmvvfvivvi Parlor and Library Tables BEeEs33E3SS2 Professor Itocntcrni's Mnrlmt. ' Medical Record.! - One of the least solf-advcrtlsed of scien tific authorities Is Prof. Roentgen. He has never ? been Interviewed, has newer been i banqueted and Is even kiM a hiv refused Immense sums of money offered him by .American publishers for a book on what he himself modnatlv ntvisH new kind of ray." Like many other tnvits- iieaiors oi nis race, be carries his years ifc a man who has led a haalf hv miMnn Mr I than one who has ripen t the whole of his manhood Jn Investigating strange physical .' problems. - i , ; Vain ot On Vote. ' ' - Wlnuted Citlsea, ' Mr. Leonard. nntwimfMiiuiniM.il Tlrpresentntlve in Colebrook at the recent .. vuuii, vuieu ror ni uepubllcan oddo nt. Lester Hmlth.: ln w it Mr- ffonard had voted for himself, three ..u.uuiro, juBcm. nmun. Lawrence Dad :: ; cuhe Fort piles r : or rrotrud- -. .'! ' t will refund J Ui -iAlliNT fails to ' 1 , ssCJUonHrd, would have been tied. AIVIA ! E . ' " . ..mil mum i 'i i'l" E3B S GIFTS ' A parlor or library table would make 2 'Iw'X a mo8t "cceptsble gift frbm husband 3 " - 'T3sS'4 b bib uiMiuaying ins nana- the kind obtainable In Charlotte at the f rices. . .. . Golden oik centre table. 76s to t3O0; weathered oak, ImltatWn mahogany, i solid mahogany, bird's-eye maple and curly birch tables at very low prices. , Library Tables : Oolden oak, weathered oak and ma- 4 JK'gany library tables, J12.50 to $46.00. nee our special values In Colonial 4 h fctyie mahogany talles, $12.60 to Woo- J 116 60, 20 and CA.Oa . 3 Vots here tot the $1,000 library. V s J i W. T. McCOY, 201 N, Trybn St 1 Is to give man best Clothing money will buy. Our this season s magnificent mobilizatian of Men's Stylish Tailored Clothing has wedded many "men from the old custom oi paying the tailor two prices. Buying Ready-to-Wear Ap parel is no longer an experiment with the man who has worn Suits and Overcoats bought at this establishment. Every garment is' found as represented; the tailoring exceptionally well executed; the cut a perfect representation of the adopted fashions for winter 1904-05. You can't beat the prices, and we doubt if you can do as well considering quality. LongTate GOODS SENT ON APPROVAL &lothin Go. EXPRESS CHARGES PAID ONE WAY. 8 91 OUR SUPERB DISPLAY OF HQLI DAYrURNLTURE is now COMPLETE We eclipse any showing we have ever made before. You will 'find bargains here in endless variety. Your wants can be supplied in all kinds of Furniture and Carpets from the cheap est 16 the best. Do not put it off but - come and . look over our stock at once. We will deliver at ' your own time. Parken-Sardner, Go A gOUTHBR pACflFIO OBBBTINa Qh! how lovely It la to Tide .. In a palace car so dignified. JjOunglng around In luxurious gullding castles as you please, Unmolested; no fumes to choke, Jaln of cinders, or "grime ot smoke; JiTowadays people appreciate Qvcry comfort.' small and great , JJeasrin compels you to understand gOUTHERN pACJFIC la.best In tha To Louisiana. .Texas. Mexico' and California. ' Special - HAmeseekers' rates to Louisiana. Texs. Now. Mexico and Arlsona la December, r Informa tion cheerfully given. , . J. F. VAN RENSSELAER. , -' " ' ' 1 General. Agent, 11 Peachtree Street. Atlanta, Oa. The Southern Loan and Savings Bank is the placet to deposit your saiogs.1,, We pay 4 per cent compound inter ; V ; est on deposits and do rot rt-quire notice; iQXvnh' t dxawal. ' P. M, BROWN, President. W. S. ALEXANDER, Vice President, t T. V. HATWOOD. Cashier. HAIH BALSA BALSA WwitiliM Dm ,n . UUHAKI VVXUIW , ; 1 v. TICKETS. , , One of our nice CarV- f? propnato for, a ved ding or. Christmas present ; It will pay you to buy here.. - J .N. McCaasIahd&Cop ; " BOUTnTRTOM STRTtET i l r r t 1

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