; i:OMUECE Mb. OAKCE. cotton Loses , iTa a points. Large Estimates vt Receipts Caused v a Ucccsutua Afters Gala of 4 to . iuiuu Mad Reen ItecorOed. : r , v -JKew York. IHks. At. The Cotton mar ket, waa uuiet ana irregular, wun uutfi Iinces showing' silgnt mmmi u uc pared with Smuraay. Tb otxiuii "was steady Bt an . advance of 1 point; on April, but. generally lower, wnlen was better than due on the cables. On the close f( Saturday, Liverpool mould have reoorted an advance ot 1 to e do Hits, but At the hour of the local open ing thla morning, wu about unchanged to t pointa lower with private advices Indicative generally beartah sentlmenta and absence of support. Here the large export reporiea on saturaav ana con tlnued talk of. arm Interior spot bold era served to offset the bearish leader ship of the English market and there was oj)slaeraoi demana rrom snorts. Price's slowly worked upward, meeting with many partial reactions until at midday, there were about 4 to f points net higher. In the afternoon the large estimates tor td-morrow's receipts seemed to encourage buyers, there was a, renewal of pressure and with early buyers liquidating the market slipped off to a little under the opening figures. Prices were finality at about the low point of the session, but steady at a net loss of 1 to 8 points. Sales were estimated at 200.000 bales. Cotton spot closed dull; middling; up lands, 8; middling- gulf, 8.25. Futures opened steady: December, 3.60 bid; January, 7.60; February, 745; March. 7.18; April. 7.87; May, 7.88; June, 7.95r July, 8.00; August, 7.92. Futures Closed steady: December, 7.63; January, 7.60; February, 7.67; March, 7.77; April, 9.82; May, 7.87; June, 7.89; July, 8.01; August, 7.97. MILLER & CO.'S REPORT. Condition of the Cotton, Coffo, Stock and Grain Markets. By Private Wire to F. B. Alexander, Man ager. COTTON. New York. Dee. 11 Liverpool did not show such oagcrnssa to follow the strength exhibited here on Snturday. advancing first only 8 points, which were promptly lost. Buying orders from this side, how ever, (rave that market a new Impulse nnd closed It 3 to 4 points higher than Saturday. There was considerable impport here from an element hitherto bearish ajn 1 throughout the morning prices were quite steady. Telegrams were received report ing considerable spot demand and a gen oral absence ot pressure to sell. Outsido interest, howevel, was light and towards the end of the day prices gradually eased off and closed 2 to S points lower than Saturday. Liverpool seems to be the weak element Just now. Just as It was the strongest factor for many months past. This is easily understood, since Mane.ln;n ter is generally reported to have contract ed for at least 80 per cent, of its full year's needs at prices well above 9 cents. One festura. which Is not encouraging to the maintenance of higher prices, 1 the llh--r.il stocks everywhere. The market here 1 being held 'ip by a certain element whi'h lias been conspicuous on the betir side, nnd which still talks of 7 cents for January in he near futuro. Liverpool Is due to coma 1 to 2 points lower In the morning. COFFER. New Tork. Deo 12. European markets maintained the advance established thin morning. Here prices improved S to 10 points oarly, and continued steady throughout the day. Receipts from Brazil are at last beginning, to snow the falling off so long looked for, and as time goes on. this feature promises to become more pi eminent- . Strolls', parties, have been frco buyers without any attempt to force up prices. In fact It seems to us their rollcy to prevent a runaway market. Europe lias 1-eenme uneasy. Owing to the compara tively small proportion of the supply, both visible and Invisible, , held on the other Fide and the growing belief that only a mull portion of the Brasil crop remains yet to pa marketed, GRAIN. Chicago. Dee. 12. Wheat continues un settled with the ' trend downward. Big Northwestern receipts, mow in the wheat belt and lower entiles sturted It weak, with a sharp decline Buying on the government report and covering caused A partial re covery. The former is a bull estimate. The lowest venditions nre In the States of larg est production. Corn was quite firm, with an advancing tendency. General snows over the great er part of the belt and unsettled condi tions of t) forecast for to-morrow sug gested the possibility of lighter receipts. Demand Is good. Oats were Arm with a fairly active trade. The cssh market was steady. Provisions After , opening Arm on a strong hoir irarket, . all products ruled rather easy, especially pork. The market is 6 to 10 cents higher. Cash prices: No. 8 yellow corn. 42H to 43t; No. 3 White corn. 42 to 4214; No. S corn. 4214. Wheat: No. 8 red winter. 81.10 to 81.U. N ; . . . stock a - New Tork, Dec. 12. The campaign against the stock market was actively re sumed to-day and with the evening up of business stocks were hammered unmerci fully. The opening of Amalgamated Cop per was 8 points below Saturday's closing. The flood of liquidation was well taken for a time. The course of this stock was In fluential In effecting sentiment, but In ad dition to the low. opening In that Issue, sharp declines attended the Initial dealings In fit Phul. Reading, Consolidated Gas, Sugar. Colorado Fuel Si Iron, Tennessoe Cool & Iron. Smelters and others. A rally ctccurred. but it did not last long and under continued pressure stocks of the bent ohnr- - acter as well as the less esteemed Indus trials, suffered sharply. ; In the last hour . a further flood of selling orders caused a renewed weakness und the general list nn- .1 I., rl . , .... ..... w. - AHiniBnuuiwu plunged to the lowest points of the day. Nothing developed In either the railroad or financial situation to explain the so- i vcre losses Suffered by prices and the prac tically complete absence of rallying power. Money on calf -was lower than when the ' seml-panlo of last -Thursday occurred and 'nothing was heard of concerted or disturb Ing calling of loans. Even the copper met at the market when tend I tie- to wsne'i . In sympathy with the leadership of Amal gamated Copper wtocks, developed no tea tore that could legitamlse the extent jf the Mump of Copper en the curb, as well f as ,at the stock exchange. The market riosed 'weak ataboot the lowest points -i IWa.1 Mi iu . . - . . . - extent of the losses. Total sales of stocks .were 1,131,600 shares. ' MILLER CO. C. P, EUiS Co.g. Cotton Letter. V. .Special to The Observer. New Orleans, Dec. 12. Liverpool was d!s- tincily poor again to-day as was the case throughout last. week. A demand from -: tihorts prevented any decline here and after I opf nlng 8 to 4 points lower, prices were bid & up 8 4, points; but tnis recovery wa4ost 4 in the afternoon and finally prices are 2 to , .! t.ntntm InvrjM than . .Kama a Bai,m1 pot art ojnet, middling tf January 331, March 7.69. May 7.S. Either Liverpool , niust, advance, w we must decline, as the local market Is Uow full 80 points above a , tflimihia IJnninnl narl.v Till, ! 4f. of universal holding by the Interior, but jiFt wnunw jigni ana we oomparv this week with only 400,000 Into Bight last - year. Bo far as we can discover the de trend since bureau day hits become almost , wholly front shorts in both spots and f u f tn res and. the reduction- of Hits interest mit have been very great ! Its removal, . while furnishing temporary support, will ' eventuate In great weaknesi in tha event of any attempt at general Ts-seUlog Re . ; ports of beading and refusal of the interior td sell oonstitutad verv bullish irrummti last season saoause of soaroHy, but the ? jwaotioai certainty of a burdensome sur- C- T. ELU3 4 CO, TUB STOCK DEMAND PARALYZED A Strlldnc Fact the - Vuc I-ack ot Rfwlatina- Power ta U Market KspectaUon of ,n,'jPln J" jiunwra " Naw York. Dee. 12. The speculative demand for stocks seems to a - com pletely i ra-lyscd tortajr, c an confl dence entirely departed, from all lose who vera uch eager bdyem tip to a week ag : at prices faf above -4hoe nravaiunar'v ta-dav'' iTh'onlyr....buyera in avtdenea. were those who had Hret sold, mostly bear operatra. who went short of tha market, and then bought to cover at the invttlng- profits accrued on the subsequent decttnoa. Buying of thla character caused, occasional rever ts!, rallies front tha violent r declines, but' tha selling waa conatantly renew ed on the rallies, and tha. (all touched new low levels at each renewal. Prices hardly got as low to-day as the low prices touched on Thursday, but owlnr m h violent recoveries .on that day and the weak closing ot to-day at the lowest orices. the range or vanwa is substantially lower to-nltrht . thanlt waa . on- taut Thursday v flight. The most strlktna; fact in to-aay a marKoi waa the utter laok of resisting power in the market, Change In conditions of the properties affected or in Uie general conditiona of linanca, com merce and Industry were not suggsi ed by any of the headlong sellers. Monev on call loaned down to z per eent. In tha late market, and pressure for funds did not seem to be the mo tive for selling any stocks. The com parative Immunity of it high grade Investment bonds from weakness was an .evidence of thla, There can be no dispute that the enornwaa presugw ; quired, by the loudly proclaimed lead ership of last week's raid on the stock market gave a great power 01 unuiu rffitinn. m the renewal of the same methods to-day and caused widespread timidity, growing into terror amongst the trading; class of holders. There was an expectation again thut the Northern Securities decision was Im minent, and this . helped to de press stocks. The tona at the closing was as weak as at any time during the day. Bonds were wak in aympatny wun stocks. Total sales, par value, t,aiu, 000. Total sales of stocks to-oay, z.ues,- 800 shares. Including: Atchison, 15.700: Baltimore V Ohio, ,; vanaaian Pacific, 8,600; Chesapeake' & Ohio, 12,- 700; Great Western, ZS.tvu: si. raui. 47.900; Erie, 48,600, nrst prererrea ,wu; Illinois Central, 8,800; Louisville & Nashville, 18,400; Metropolitan Street Raliwav. 17.100: Missouri Pacific, 39.- 400; New York Central, 8.900; Norfolk & Western. 22.300; Pennsylvania, ioz- 162,- 000; Texas Pacific, 8,200: union racinc, 146,700: Copper, 225.100; Locomotive, 8.CC0: Smelting. 14,000; sugar, ztt.zw; Brooklyn Kapld Transit, gi.vw; Colo rado Fuel A Iron, 86,600; Unltoa states Steel, preferred, 226.000. WRECK FOltEMAN UVRT. Ttiomas U. Stewart Injured on tne Vt'estem Nortli carouna Koao ogro' Fatally Hurt by Train at Spencer. Special to The Observer. Spencer, Dec. 12. Mr. Tlios. H. Btew- art, one of the foremen on the South ern Railway wrecking crew which is operated from Spencer, waa severely In jured at Third creek bridge on the Western North Carolina Railroad Fri day night In consequence ot which he la now confined to his home here. It Is learned that the trucks under one of the cars in the wrecking train became derailed and In order to save himself Mr. Stewart jumped from the derrick on which ne was riding ana it is thought struck against the iron work of the bridge which the train was ap proaching at a 'speed of about 30 miles per hour. The worst injuries are about the head, face and arms, but these aie thought to be only temporary. Though one of the trucks was olt the track the train crossed the bridge without further derailment. William Brown, colored, of Salisbury, was run over and fatally Injured by No. 73. a south-bound freight, at this place yesterday afternoon just as the train was pulling out of the Southern yards. It Is believed the man attempted to secrete himself under one of the mov ing cars and fell under the wheels. In a half-dead condition his body was car ried to the Whltehead-Stokes Sanita rium in Salisbury where he died later In the night. Mr. J. Thurman Molt, one of the best known firemen of Spencer, was painful ly bruised and otherwise Injured Satur day night by having one of his arms caught In some of the machinery of an engine. Ha waa taken td his home, where medical attention was given and it is thought will soon recover; Unknown thieves entered the store of Mr. J. M. Surratt, of Spencer, at a late hour Saturday night and carried away about 830 In cash besides a num ber of other articles. There is no clue to the guilty persons, though the offi cers are on trail of a number of articles of jewelry which were taken. At a meeting of the board of alder men of Spencer held Saturday night. vjr. k. l. Bimpson was elected sanitary officer with the powers of a police offi cer. He will nave special charge of the sanitary work of the town having en tered upon, his duties to-day. A Prayer for Rains With Qualifica tions. Nashville Banner. 'The peopla of my State axe firm believ ers in the efficacy of prayer," says Repre sentative Gaines, of Tennessee. "I am re minded of a little thing Which haDoeaeJ during the days when the North and South were peppering away at each other. . . It was at a religious gathering In one of the rural districts during the warm days or summer, no nun had descended for many weeks, ; and everything was about Durnea up. At gooa preacher whose . heart and soul waa in tha cause of the South, made a prayer, closing with an appeal fur rain, saying; we need a refreshing shower. Lord. Send the blessed rain and revive drooping vegltutiun. We .don't want one of those light, drtsely-drassiy rams, but a regular ground-soaker and trash-lifter, but rot neavy onougn, good ird. to raise, tha Cumberland river so that the Yankee gun boats can come in and take Nashville.' " ' : , - Tb Dry Goods Market. New York. Dee. -UL-Th 'rv in drv goods has naturally been a dull mrut tiie buyer has operated very -conservatively. Yet there is a dependence on the pan of the seller who feels as though it would trofit him a little to make revision la order to force business. The jobber hes hod a fair amount ef mail orders. but store trade-, baa been' very ..alow.-Vi;., Vrrglnla Poor Soli for Bodalton. ; Norfolk Landmark. ' V Virgtnla'a showing, wllli ""regard f'-W the Sociallht vote i intensely gratifying. The official, figures1" for tlie whole Union are not t available, hut If la wot improbable that Virginia will have the honor of dis playing the smallest Debs vote m the gnl axy of States. We have tot yet aeen any report which surpasses Virginia's .mhihit of. less .than 60 Socialist ballots east on the 8th ef last month. I4VERBOOL COTTON MARKET. CUvsrpoot, Doc 12. 4 p. m.-Jpot ootton In moderate demaad: prkroe points tower; Amerlren middling fair 4.M; mbldlliis; 4.17; low middling 4.08; good ordinary 191: ordl- 'nary 8.78. The sales ct the day ware 1.000 iKra, of which 1.UU0 wore lor speculation Receipts none. Futurea onennd eulet and steady and closed very stidy" A-nerkaa middling, g. o. c,: December 4.11; December-January 4.H; anuury-Feurusry n; f-eorunry-March 4.30: March-April 4 24; April-May 4.W; May-June 4.28; June-July 4.81; July August 4 m: August -aeptemoer i.iv ; BALTIMORE PRODVCB MARKET. Baltlmcns Dec. i2.Flour-duU; winter patents S.0t to ts.80. Wheat-Easier; spot contract; spot No. 2 red Western and December 81M to tl.H"4; Southern by sample K to ll.U. Corn Lowor; spot December U to BOH; new Southern white 45 to 80. Oats-Firm; No. 2 wlilto 3H bid. THE) MONEY MARKET. New Tork. Dee. 12 Prime mercantile imrwr 4'. ivrllnc exrhanre Htronr Wltn actual business In bankers' bills at 8i.i4.7S to HM for lemnnd and 8484.10 to 84.S4.ai for 60-day bills: posted rates 84 84H to 8I.S4 r.nd S4.87H; commercltl bills 84.82; bar silver MexWan dollars 4K(4; money on onll steady, 2 to 8Vi: clcslng bid and of- nrva 2: loans easy ana ami uu nays, w days and 6 montrs p to 4 per cent. NAVAL 8TORK3. Savannnh, Doc 12. Spirits turpentine steady, 4X: receipts 620; sales 1U2. Hnstn l irm: receipts f,4K8; nales 1.44. A. 15. CI D. 12.62; U. 12.66 to 82.67H: F. :.S7ty: a. 2.2H: H. ts.m to $2.reH: i. J.T.3B; K . tl.WI; M. 64.30; M. W. U. 84.75: W. W. 16.16. Wllmingtor.. Iec. 12.-Spirits turpentine nothing doing: receipts 81 casks. Rosin-Firm. 2.46; receipts 124. Tar Firm. 1.80; receipts 104. Crude turpentine Firm, 2.30 and 3.W; re ceints 142. NEW YORK PRODt'CE MARKET. New York. Dec. 12. Flour quiet and lower to sell. Wheat Knot easv: No. 2 red tl.MVi. Wheat declined n cent this morning, rallied at noon, but yielded later, closing 1 to l v. net lower. May II.IIW: July 11.0214; De cember 11.13Vi. Corn Spot steady: No. 2. 62. Ortto;i market was exewdingly dull, closing t net lower. May 6); December 65. OntK8not dull; mixed 34ft to SSVt- RoBin Quiet. TuriHMtlii (JulPt, C0H to 61. Lard Steady. Sugar Ray firm: refined firm; No. 13. 4.66; No. 14. 4.60. Coffee Spot Rio firm: No 7 Invoice &; mild ateady; Cordova 10 to 13. The market for coffee futures oppnod ateady at unchanged prices to an ndvnnee of 6 points. The market closed unchansed on October and November nnd 5 to 10 points nigher on other position. Sales 76.COT lni. NEW ORLEANS COTTON MARKET. New Orteanx, Dec. 12. Futures opened steady at from S to 4 points down. Trading u'iih vorv Hirht nnd the' fluctuations nar- row. The covering by weak shorts was the only feature developed during the any. January opened 8 to 6 points down at 7.62, koUI up to 7.) and finally receded to 7.61 A large majority of the bear element placed llttlf! rredlt upon the reports that many planters in the tflt have agreed to hold tin ir or. pa. On the other hand bull leaders continue to argue that If planter only ndlioro to their promise nnd refute to allow their cotton to go forward that higher prices In the near future are a certainty. CHICAGO PRODUCE MARKKT. High. Low. Close. wheat hoc May July CORN- Dec May July OATS- Dec May July PORK Dec May Jan 107 106 MM4, 110H 10!Hk 1'tfH 88 98 Wk 47 46V4 47H 441 h 4 44V4 m 2Sti 284 28H SO 30 80t 30ft 304 3UV4 11.07 12.85 12.IB 12.65 12.60 12.32 12.32 6.77 7.10 7.06 7.03 . ... 6.87 6.82 6.R2 fi.75 C.67 6.07 6.50 U.42 0.42 LARD Dec May Jan Rl US- May Jan CHARIOTTB HIDE MARKET. Corrects Dolly by Yarbrough & Rellinger. Goat skins, green salted .. 15 Lamb skins, green saitea.. 26 60 Beeswax No. 1 26 Tsllow-No. 1 6H 13 11 6 80 70 42l.no Hides-dry flint Hides-dry salt Hides city green. 1 Hide green salted cured... Calf skins c!ty Sheep skins full wool . .. . LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKKT Liverpool. Dec. 12. Futn-es opened qulpt ind ntci.Jy: receipts none; sjiIih S.0W); pe culation l.Ooo; middling yesterday 4.1S; to day 4.17. Futures closed very steady; American 7.500; tone, spots steady. January and February 116 February and March i.zl March and April 4.24 Atrll and May 121 May and June 4.23 Juno and July. 4.21 July and August 4.24 August and septemher 4.S4 November and uccemocr 4.11 December and January 4.11 CHARLOTTE COTTON MARKET. These figures represent prices paid to wit "on: . uec. 11. Good middling- 7 Strict middling.. .'. 7 Middling 71 Tinges t to 7J Stains 6 to 7 NEW YORK BONDS. t;. 8. refunding 2s, registered F44 IT. S. refunding 2s, coupon ..101 IT. fl. 8a, registered i l'XV V. 8. 3. coupon 101 U. 8. new is, registered 13014 V. 8. new 4s, coupon 131 U. S. old 4a. registered v 1061 C B. old 4e. coupon l Atchison general 4s 10274 Atchison adjustment 4s 44 Atlantic Coast Line 4s H4 Baltimore & Ohio 4 108U Baltimore & Ohio 3H 6 Central of Georgia 6s llt)"v Central of Georgia 1st Inc '.. 81 Chesapeake & Ohio 4Hs 107T4 Chicago & Alton 3s.. S Chicago, B. & Qulncy new 4s 9814 Chicago, M. ft St. Paul gen. 4s Chicago & Northwestern con.ol 7s.. . .12ST Chicago, R. I. & Pacific R. R. 4a.... W, Chicago. R. I. & Pacific R. R. col. 5s.. :H C. C. V. & t, Louis gen. 48 i'! Chicusro Tannlnat 4 Consolidated Tobacco 4s Colorado & Southern 4s .. 89 Denver & Rio Grande 4s M Kris prior Hen 4s Erie General 4s Fort Worth A Denver City 1st 108 Hocking Volloy 4s .. .. , UU, Louisville & Nash. Unified 4s V9 . Manhattan oonsol gold 4s 1J4V Mexican Central 4s.. ... .. '6H Mexican Central 1st Inc Z4 Minn. & St. Louis. 4s 86 Missouri, Kansas Texas 4 lOIHi Missouri. Kansas sc Texas znas & National R. R. of Mexico consol 4s..,. 1 Norfolk A Western consol 4s. )dt Oregon Short Line 4s Partlc 103 Ptnn. eonv. 8He-. ..102 Reading General; 4s....... ... ,. ..12S at. . L. ft iron Mountain consol SS..116 St. Louis A nn Francisco fa. 4s 69 V Louts: wt'Ti western ists w beixhourd Air IJne 4s.. ... .. .. 84. Southern-PacWc 4s;.,. ........ 934 Southern Railway 6s.. .. .. .. .. ......ll") Texas & Pacific lata.... .. .. .. ....... 1I84 Kiieou, oi. 1,. ec western .. w TTbUm ,DuJS tj - , . tTnton Pacific eonv. 4s.....W ... ..107 t.- a. teei zoa ti .4. .f ,i- -.V w WSbash lets ,.......;. .... . .... -..1171 Wabash Dep. B..,..i. v .. ... ,, g WliMllnf Lk Eri ' 4)! .. t W COMPARATIVE PORT RUCElPTa 1S04, 1801. Galveston. . . ".. ., 16,802 14.468 16.461 4. 6,6t' 1.07S 1.44 3,614 New Orleans,., ., 1. , Mot II. t .. .. ... Savannah. .. .. . ..lt.e 3.8N5 . 3.S13 6J ITS 8.KW Ml 3 Charleston.. ; Wilmington., . .. , Norfolk, f ... .. .... Baltlrnora.. .. .. . Boston. ..... ... .. Snbln Pass., .. .. 60 !.aw Hae Ports .. .. Totnl.. .. .. .. .48.MH 63.016 ESTIMATES. ' CI-' . ML 1808. New Orleans.. n.tW2. 16. tan Houston.. ..... .. .. ..19.0Wl4mMM 24.170 fiulveston..-.. ........... ..22.W04i24.0O0 27.174 INTERIOH RECEIPTS. 1904. 1903, Memphis 11.048 .S78 Augusta.. .. 3.41 2.KI St. Louis.. .. 6,478 2.7SS Cincinnati.. .. ... .. l.W 4aS Houston.. .. .. ...io.ww CHARLOTTE PRODUCK MAHKaTT. Ceecte4 Dally ty J W. Klmmemaa a company. Cblckens-eprtng I 18 s Hens per head . .. u Eaas 23 Ducks ,. .... m Rye ., 100 Oata .. .. , M 88 Oats-feed 44 O 48 Cotton awed Corn .. .. ,. .. , 76 0 77 NEW YOOIIK COTTON. New York. Dec. 12.-Kuturi closed steady; middling 8; spots dull; miles 1.100 on contract. High, lo ''lone. 7.0H7.6I 7.07tf7.t 7.r."tf7.7h 7.KJ4l7.i4 7.874"r7.H8 7,SS7.I li.01 7.97i'7 t 7.535(7.65 January 7.6S7 6 February March ...7.87 7 77 April 7H7' 7.K7 May i.wi ..us Juno., .. 7.7 "6 f,ulv s.w i.w August December 7.5S 7. 62 POUT MOViSMKNT. Middling .. ... il-lli VH 74 7S 7 7! VOft . 8.25 dulvestor. aloady New Orleans, steady. Mobile, tlrm Savannah, ijulet Charleston, nulet .... Raliimoie, nominal .. Kcw York, dull Boston, dull Philadelphia, quiet ... CLOSING STOCK 1. 1ST. CloMlns Hid Atchison Atchison -fd KC". Baltimore A Ohio W Pnltlmore L- Ohio rfd I Canadian Tactile V Ontral of New Jersey lux Chr-snpenka X Ohio 1W Chicago Alton Chicago A Alton pfd W Chicago Great .Wostirn 21H Chicago & Northwestern l7Vf Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul.. ..IWiVi Chicago, Mllwanke & St. Taul pfd... 1:) Chlnaao Terminal & Transfer 12', Chicago. Terminal & Transfer pfd.... 22 C C C. ft St. Louis KTVi Colorado Southern 21 Vi Colorado Southern 1st pfd 67 Colorado Southern 2nd pfd.. SI rviaware ft Hudson im Delaware, Lackawanna H. Western 8lri Denver A Rio Grande 61 Denver & Rio Grande pfd MM- Erie I"'. Brie 1st pfd 7.1H Erie 2nd rfd 62 Hocklna Volloy 89 Hiking Valley pfd KM Illinois Cwntroi imn'i Iowa Central 29'4 Iowa Central pfd 56 Kansas Cltv Southern M Kansas City Southern pfd 50 LmilKvllle & NUfhvllle ITTVe MnnhHttan L l3 Mctrotiolitnn Pr-curltles WM Metnpolltnn St. Ry HU Mlnnoapoiis & t. i.oui ui Minn.. St. P. & Sault 8te. M 8W4 Minn.. St. P. A Sault Ste. M. pfd .. ..142 Missouri Pacific 106 Missouri. Kansas & Texas WH Missouri. Kinsn.M Texas pfd 61 14 National R. K. of Mexico pfd 39 New York Central ISi'i Norfolk & Western . Norfolk St Western pfd 92 Ontario A. Western lr'i Pennsylvania 1st Pittsburg. C. C. A St. Louis 75'4 Reading 7516. Reailinn; 1st pfd nr.aiJIiiR: 2nd pfd , Kl Rork lnhni Co. Rock Island Co. pfd KM St. Louis A Snn Francisco 2nd pfd.. .. 5 St. Louis Southwestern St. IjouJh Soiit'iwstern pfd 64 Southfrn Pnciflc it'i Southern Rallwnv V, flcuthcrn Railway pfd 3fi'4 exas A P.iclflc na!4 Toledo. St. L. A Western 344. Tote-lo, St. L A Western pfd MM Prion Pm-iflc ...lmv fnlon Paslllr pfd 9t, .Vnbnsh 20 Wahasli pfd ... U ... IHM .. 21 ... 44 ...TK ...206 ...115 ...225 ... m .. SIM ... wM .. MM .. 7 ... 57 .. rv4 .. 37 ... . ..101 .. 774 ...U1--4 ..10? .. 5XM .. 12 ...210 .. 20 .. 7R .. 37 ..11 3'";4. , .. 40 .. S5 .. n .. 98 .. 41 ..104 .. 36 .. 88 ..236 .. iS .. 65 .... .... KM .... is i ..100 .... 77 .. 30H . .. M .. 2B Wheeling A Lake Kn Wlrconeln Central Wlsconaln Onral nfd EXPRESS COMPANIES. Artam: Ami'ricuu rnlted States Wcdls-Fargo MI?CFLLANEOU8. Amalgamated Copper American Cur A Foundry Ameiicnn Car & Foundry pfd.. .. American Cotton Oil American Ice Amcririn Ice pfd American Linseed Oil Amcrk.cn Linseed Oil pfd American Locomotive Amerlean Loeomotive pfd American Smelting A Pefinlng American Hmeitlug A Refining pfd American Sugar Kenning Anaconda Mining Co Jvrook'vn Rnnid Transit Coloradr Fuel A Iron (Ynsolidaied Gas Corn Products Corn Products pfd Distillers' Securities General Electric International Paper Internal lonil Paper pfd International Pump International Pump pfd National Le.td North American Pacific Mall Pecple's Gao Pressed Steel Car Pressed fetee! Car pfd Pullman Palsce Car Republic Steel Republic Steel pfd 1 Rubber Goods Rubber Goods pfd... Tennessee Coal A Iron Ported Stat.-s Leather I'nlted States Leather pfd , United States Realty United States Rubber United States Rubber pfd I'nlted States Steel .. . United States Steel pfd.. .. .. . Wcstlnjrhousa Electric , .. 87',! '4 -.177 western Cnlon .... 32 HUGH MACRAE & CO. Bankers, MtooetlanetMJ SiMthWn ttwurtttM COTTCS IIILL STOCKS . . WILMINGTON, N. O. WMhlntion, XX C : sOI Color4a ,BaUdtzuc. itt . t iffTisrii f nnisniBv .Commission Uerchants. 'CONsiaiUCSNTS iBOtidTKD. v 12S a 121 Cbaatmit 8LJ rhUadalphla. cotton riiLL Iwa: :::: Stuart W. Cralieh, 'nuiiuennr iMSi Mivtee MAW SMIOn , outm tnyon t., Oharlottb n. o. I Revolving Flat Card, Railway Htutda, Drawlnf Pramaa, fplnnlaf Pramaa, TwUtcra and Spoalart Qutllera and Reals, Lxtoms, r,,.. COMBERS ETC., BTC B. CaJTHSX, SSL G. ui Ill 1 Cl Six:.- W IT IS THE STANDARD FUEL OF THE UNITED STATES NAVY The United States Geological Survey Pronounces It THE STAM0ARD STLV T CZ ' l. Owlns; to tha (act that we represent tfclrtr-ats (88) eollerisa, whoaa oatput dartn 1101 amounted 41 'our r -Hon (4,000,000) tons, exoltulve of coal aonvtrted Into coke, and will probably exceed (oar and one-lmlf-rr.U (t. 000 tons during 1804. we are prepared to estimate on aad ail promptly any U hnaf that anay b desired. CAGTNCft, CURRAN & DULLITT, ColO A&CtttS. C. C. B. POCAHONTAS SMOKELESS : OAU " 4 s , ' Arcade Building, i South lEth Btraat, Philadelphia. Ta. 1 Broadway, New Totki 118 BUta Street. Boston, Mass,) Citiasns Bank Uldg Norfolk. Va. Tarry Eljr., T.cdcV , Va.; Old Colony Pldg.. Chicago, III; Neave Bldg, anclnnatl, Ohio, 4 Menchurch Ave, London Sngland. Orders (or all rail shipments to the Carolina should be forwarded to our Roanoke Office. . . , . . , William B. Charles. Amsterdam, N. Y. Cotton Yarns for the New York State Knitting Trade. Mill Accounts ' nd Correapondsuce BoUctted. Our Coal DOESN'T COKE. But It does "OET" TOO ETHER" and 13UHNS LONG AST) HOT. There's no clinkers, slag or slate to cause dirt or dissatisfaction, but it burns to u CLEAN. PRETTY ASH. You know us well enough to know that WB WON'T KELL ANYTHING BUT GOOD COAL, nnd that's the kind we will send YOU, whether your order be for a bushol or a Car Load; we're prepared to handle either. Yarbrough & Bellinger WHOLESALE, ANTHRACITE. RETAIL. BITUMINOUS, CORK AND COALi. NO. 600 WEST THIRD STREET. THE WHOLE BLOCK. MILLER & COMPANY. Exchange Brokers. No. 100 Broadway New York Members New York Stock Exchange, New York Cotton Exchange, Nw York Produce Exchange, New York Coffee Exchange, New Orleans 'Cotton Ex change, New Orleans Board of Trade, Chicago Board of Trade. Transacts a general brokerage and commission business. Executes orders for the purchase or sals of stocks, cot ton, coffee, grain and provisions tor cash, or will carry the same on mar gins. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL EXCHANGES. Prompt atten tion to all orders. Branch office, No. I North College Street, Charlotte, N. C. F. B. ALEXANDER, Manager. L. A. Dodsworth. Dolph M. Young. L A. Dodsworth & Co., e ankers and rokor. Members New York Cotton Exchange and New Orleans Cotton Exchange. Private direct wires to New York, New Orleans and Chicago. Corres pondents; J. 8. Bacne eV Co., New York; Hayward Vlek Co Now Or leans; and Bartlatta, Fraaler and Carrlngton, Chicago. Out of town orders promptly exe cuted. Phone No. 181 Charlotte. N. C CONDENSKDSTATEMENT The First National Bank RICHMOND. VIRGINIA. November 1Q, 1804. RESOURCES. Losns and discounts Overdrafts U. 8- Bonds at par (Market value 8S42.S00.80) Premium on U. 8. bonds Other stocks and bonds Banking house Furniture and fixtures Other Richmond real estate. Virginia bonds Cash due from banks .84,080,448 24 420 15 . 812.500 00 0 00 81.804 G8 . 28,000 00 000 , 18.050 00 . 800,000 00 . I,MZ,&a 23 86,63.808 81 LIABILITIES, uapnai Surplus fund MA AAA AA ....... 4W.0M0 W Undivided nrofltsl..... ....... 132,9S 88 Unearned discounts 40.000 CO Accrued interest and taxes -' 80.888 XI Circulation ...... ........... 887,800 00 Deposits ...... ...... ...... .4,401,73 41 Bond account ., 448,600 00 We solicit the aocounts of banks, cor- Krattons firms and,' individuals, and' will pleased to - meet or correspond v With those who contemplate making changes or onenin new accounts. i.,l- '..:.-;; ,., r 1 . . . B-" . . J' 1 V.-'r" v: Ravins Praaiaa ' UxkPnam a. a cuimAjt. Castner, Curran & Solo Affonto for tho Colobratcd C. B. Pocalionias Goal THE DMT STBAM AND OOMCSTIC COAL tM'.lZT. The only Coal that has been officially indorsed by the Governr.:: vircai Dniain, vjcnnany, ausina ana.ine unnea ouics. ctSClh C. MORGAN, It. IE. A C. E, Lata S'ata Commissioner of Klnej i U. 8. Court Inspector of Mln for Stata ot ColorftAo. C. C. RKDDOES, C Cvll and Hydraullo Englnew. : ... KRNICST GAYIXJRD, BL VL, Metallurgical Chemist s ! FRANK P. CALLOW, C. C A BL It, Constructing Engineer. . MORGAN, BEDDOES Gu C Successors to Geyford & Callow. f; MINING AND CIVIL ENGINEERS, CbarlotM, N. G 1 If Mining, Engineering, Assaying and ff!8'n'y!li'' . Analyses. All Mining and Mtas Mill Machinery designed and oonitrnetefl. TEMPORARY OFF iCE: 88 W J. SPENCER TUKWEK C C0MMI88I0M IliaClUJ. r- ' h . CdReest New TorK, Vblladalpal. Ohlaago, etldulsv London, Xz&a? YARNS AND COTTON PIEOll . G00B3. CROMPTOINI - THAYER LOOM CC. WORCESTER, HA3. , MANtJFACTrjBJCRS OT " - t tr f ' FANCY COTTON AND GOTGHA1I LOOir. ALSO MAKER8 OF DOBBIES, EITHER SZNGXJB OB DOUBLS 11- TO BE APPLIED TO OTHER LOOMS. L , SOUTHERN RIP RESENT AnVWL ALEXANDER & GAR3ED, Charlotta, IT. C. HIGH-GRADE SPINDLV. ... LOOM,. BNQINE. AND. VALV. OILS SCOTJREB, BEL OIL GREASES, LUBRICATING GREASES, READY MIXED PAINTS, COLD WATER PAINTS. Agents WATTLES' DRE8SINH COMPOUNDS '.BJissOiiDDisnir Charlotte, N. C. AAA AAA AAAA A AAA A A a a a a. a a a A. A I W.B. Smiths. Co. J BROKERS BtstabUsaaa ISTS, New York Coosoitdated Ilssssss Stock Rsehsnfce. i Cblosgo Board oi ZTade. STOCKS. GRAIN.' PROVIS IONS, COTTON. Private WInsa We nave every facility for the Y Correspondenoa Solicited. Market Letter on Application Umpire Building, 1t Broad A way, New Tork. A. 0. Salkold & Sro. COMMISSION MERCHANT . M-TS Leosard Iti 'Nsw Ttra:;; COTTON YAIlKfi, FRKD'K VIETOR ft ACtiEUSj M R. Dickson. i- (; v. J. H. Bolt dicicgou & iiuLi; 1 CommlsalonMsrehants. r ' Cotton Goods. . , t - 105 Trankiln Street, " , ,'JtfEWTORK. ' " Cau offer m)lls all accommodations accorded b)r any flnrtiaM commercial 1 i i ,' . 1 l! r ' ; - ' ' Ouiliii, Ctvtl ngtnerUic Water To , examined and reported on. Kewer and Sewage AUposal plants dc: and eonetructed. est Fifth Street,' 'Phona 8T a. nr r Cominissjon IZzizt:-. Cotton ; Warps ani Yl No. 114 Chestntit Gtrc: Pluladdphis, Ta. a r, WUe, J, P. Eenlaaa, as.!. KiUbUshed ItS J. ; m-. raa x::: Members of the New York Col'.:-. Change, New 1 Orleans Coif-n changsw Liverpool , Cotton J . Association, New Orleans L. -. , Trad, ii !';'.. -- . . Cotton exchange Eunil:. '. 'WWVPRIXANa. Special attention given to exec of orders In contracts tor futuro i ery of cotton la all the marVeti. ( aspoadaiiM tollolted. . ' GATtn 'Coraraissicn IT:r.! ' tit and Si? Bros: r, Boston. COTTO U r m a At.T. SKEINS, VA..: ,;u.,ii COTTOIJ C ! I' Cc:. - , s Tl" It !( ysC'. :i Richard 8- .J-4 4 , t 94. A jyn m. mill Kit, jr..csiier :SW,'., IS Wl8c;tral

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