CHARLOTTE DAILY OLZZZVZll, DZQZZZZZZ 13, 1VZL - . f t fu m a. .,l'IClUUv5trUCr 3. l CALDWELL .KAUalicr Kit ID AT. DECEMBER - -1 i crane op Tim confession What are the Charchei coming to? ;efor. the Presbytery ot Nassau coun y. at Jamaica,, U L. S, V.. Monday, av. Dr. Samuel T, Carter. It oldest kember, appeared in defence or, a lei- . k.. ..,.. m Sontem-1 r wmto w ,.,arB1, , to Washington he Mr. Pioutyi'nd decided that it could be built at a jm. nvwm - -v--. scholastlo theology J wrong u. w . ,! renounced certain '.ne-Mtablished teaching of, Presby-: eriantem. Including the fall of man. In is defence. Monday, he declared that the great objection to the Confession not thlg statement In It or tnat, out t IS tho vholo tone and style or tneing unaer me e..e oi r Jonfession. To put the matter in a, i tt la ihm Ooi of the Westmln-, Her Confession mat is wrong. ,"""" ' So you htive it-two companies here wajh; ' lnient ,10W but !t ls -ertaln that it is at ljme pr(,Bpecting for electric : "Tfier is W wb Ctod as the God of the I tremendous. The American people will railways. However Mr. Wheeler's oom Vestmiaster Confession. There Is no such tolerate Just so much of Injustice and ! pany was on the ground first and have U th. wm of -Slyloo....nd to Mn-.der the ln,Qu.UUy . 1 ni'ta fcere 1H0 such eternity as the eternity of (rclfM nit,.Hi the n.iKrant dlarlm- a LlIlai time. Mr. Wheeler's com t the. Confession. It Is all rashly e.;g- inal(ons against noma communities in I pany appears to be in business. This (era ted. and bitterly untrue. If no "0ifavor 0 othergi tH P0ugh to make Jas,t tee is ready to say It, I say it. The hard, ; . .,, vh isis, swrero vva m m.v,um", bs lav, left out, is not our God." Dr. Carter closed by saying: ; t. r .1,1, "Do not condemn me; lo not cast tnc. ' tat of your ministry; welcome me again-! b my place In tho Presbytery with the ! isaunfut understanding that there shall M greater theological freedom In Ihe Presbyterian Church than ha been nl- bwed heretofore.' , ' :;,j;no gurprw nm llml fihSTL'T7y aner1"1" T ;wtjr.:, but that the freDtety. auer nsll a com.rete example of gross dls-j tearing his address, adopted a resolu- j crlmlnution though the thousand-mil.: Hon laying Dr. Carter's letter on the .)r,1po8Ul0I1 , of t,oure6 Ilut involved AM, tioholdlnff him. and requesting i UT wWier KUiuuiue iwnwt vu tonneetton with the Presbyterian com-;,ng througn charlotte, pay less freight: toonlon." jthan would be charged on It If It were, v .... Bnrf rinliiim' . ., . Thert be strange sayings and doings ( coniligw.d tt) a (lrrn heTe? No nVng these s time In ecclesiastical clr-'l'B- man can say that It 1 fair. I there la a loosening of ties, a breaking Ksray . trom the landmarks which the fathers set, and . the Church and the arid cannot be the better therefor. A CARD FROM DR. BOYD. Everything come back on The Ob server. In Its Issue of November 26th 1 eoBled from The Central Presb.vte- rlan, of Richmond, a paragraph which and ,hplr creatures in Con- that paper had copied from The Chi- ress "oul1 rt0 we" t0 submtt to u" e" agO Record, purporting to be remarks jlargement of the power of the tnter made by Rev. Dr. John H. Boyd, for- J commerce rommlsslon-vWneh of Charlotte, now of Kvanston. Ilow practically no poer at all- ULi before the Presbytery of Chicago : r nfftin Northern Prenhvterlans i coming Into the' Southern field j and organising Northern Presbyterian Churchesi The Central Presbyterian submitted comments upon these alleged remark and we copied these, also, and commented ourselves. In similar vein. We are publishing this morning with ' great pleasure, and invite attention to an amiable card from Dr. Boyd. What perplexes us, however, is why Dr. Boyd Should not have communicated with The Chicago Record and The Central Presbyterian in preference to, or at least along with The Observer. It was ' the third of the offenders, if there was vffenoe. Regarded in one light this lpgllng out of this paper Is a compll- meat, but it may be that the doubtful rilaMnctinn wan conferred iinon If he- flwuncuon was conrerrea upon it De cause tt was regarded as a sinner above all the Galileans. Some months ago Th. Washington Post printed an aOut!ootUnTdhe 7a?hvme abOUt The Outlook. The ISashMlle American copied It from The Post and The Observer copied It from The Amer- lean. The Outlook flew on The Obser ver. This is another case of similar character. However, we repeat expres sion of the pleasure we have In hear ing from Dr. Boyd. Charlotte Is to have a new hotel. So - much was decided at a meeting of - business men yesterday afternoon; and .''It will bo one worthy of the city ami ' wilt win Instant mic es If tho re- . success. If the re- (building of one of those already here the material Improvement of the Other, result, o much tne better-there f ar room and business for all. There 5 4. ,...,. i,, - ,,,, .,. I no guessing how great a hotel town Charlotte would become if the Induce- ment. to people to come here ere i present. But meantime we congratu- vs.te tk.,ni. - ..i. "V. .. . ' ,the meeting yesterday. This one hotel - at. least is assured, for the men who affixed their name, to subscriptions to stock In It are solvent and are not la'.e alkers. .JThe story that the President is op- ; yposed to the bills which have been In- troduced In Congress to reduce South- 'errn representation Is repeated with per- -ialstence. It Is not to be believed that even ,!f . he were passive any one of tnese Dills would pass. If he were out- atMkentv and etlvlv in fr r,f ,,. , - r. - ..f . v. ' the Piatt bill, the matter would take on A different complexion, for he is now undoubtedly mora influential in Con gress than ever before. But while his favorable Influence might force such a measure through, It is even more cer tain that big opposition would block it. i The Washington Post of Wednesday, had the funniest cartoon of the winter, fit is labeled "Strenuous Life In the Street f Washington." and represents a stout lady clinging to a lamp post, while men and women are sprawled upon the pavement and others are de scribing 411 sort of circles In 'the air in wild efforts to keep on their feet a small boy .meantime sitting astride a barber-pole exclaiming, . Xook at de ikates!" It I better than, a play. To-morrow Is tho day for the cotton r Hirers throughout "the State to meet t their respective county seats to dls r lis the cotton, situation. Assuming ' nt they know their business a well . i ) en of othe vocations Xnow theirs, M'server, while profoundly Inter '. ' i Oiclr welfare, which isthe wel- does not , presume to ob- . ' . loo upon them. ' , , mr. roocn w exactly; iugiit. A disp-tcli bom Chicago to Th New York Sun represents Hon. V, A ruiy, of Vermont, member of. hV Inter state oommerc commission, a Baying in that city: There will be cither government owner ship or government regulation of tho ril- -...a WMr,i. It m he deoeiMts mainly an the managers of the railroad. U they do not want government ownership, they will reuse their opposition to the Prwsl- Idmt's j-lnii fur pir-vc-ntlng the enforcement; lot mto width are umeasonable." . , . t I.-, The Sun treats thf. utterance In its usual stUirlcal vein, s'lng. among other thlnaa. that "doubtless on his, " ... , ... ... - Congress." But just the same the gen, tleman In question spoke only (Joel's; irutn. A grcaif. uamum ernment ownership and operation of: railroads can scarcely be Imagined, and ' vr tt u nnaslblw for the Deonle. smart-1 - ' - ' . - - - . . . wrong to be driven to even this ex- treme measuie. There l no baulu for strength of Xhim entt cry out tneir iuuig.mi.oii. grievance against the railroads Is not j but after a write up or so, soon van on acount of exorbitant freight rates; ) Ished as if by the stroke of a magic uttim .nmniaint i hparrl on this score: word and it looks now to a man up - . ... but that some points enjoy ro preat advantages aver others. Heasonable, s aver ouiors. neasiinumti (ehippers ask ho more than that rates , ' be made uniform Against a system of rate-making which permits one plute to ship goods a thousand miles further) 'than another at the same or a less' here-why .should shipment f""" : I New Orleans to Lynchburg, Va., pass-; The railroads would . beat heed that "" Vl "I Ing upon this subject and betfin to do the clean thlriK, ollierwlse the time will come when thpv will either nasa Into the hands of the government or be forced to submit to the making of rates ! for them by the government. Mcan- as uicu Hi Lilt? ui'uimi-i a-iiu iid,Liunat Ph'tform and by, the President in his ; recent message. We allow Co!. J. Wiley Shook's com munication, which appeared In Wednes day's paper, to pass unchallenged. He always writes so entertainingly that we don't want to say anything that might discourage him. All is not lost! In the municipal election held Tuesday, the Democrats carried Boston and in harmony there with the Morally Stunted cleaned up the Pure In Heart. NO CHILDREN. NO CHRISTMAS. It Is the Very Young That Make the ! Modern Holiday. ! Metropolitan. . u ,s one Qf th Rtronp. polnU of (,hd ren BS Christmas makers and as rec- oncilers of grown-up folks to holidays tta they are different -ery year. V " gun n,n to new tunes and t.rlnglnK free htoptcs to the "excluder. And when they finally grow up and settle oown, ana me as u concerns tnem be- gins to be something like a fixed con- dltlon. behold at the extreme left of the ,,, lti , 1 canvas a curly-head. ,n penny whistle, wnamy coining pasi uam, a new generation all novelty, all surprises, expectations, new problems, new de- lights. So we shall keen rhihtnvn this ve t ,m , , ,, ,1 , , V , , eai the same as usual, and next year ugain. because then- are children to make it for ami to make It for ua. And 11 ,ne Quality ot the Christmas 18 de-1 i'"Z( M snow are nuill up with high banks. termJned 1)y ,hp ,v (h(, j,,,. accurately shaped to allow the tohogganer ren j iook fnr no fl,lng off , .nPrr, co n round them at the greatest speed. mcnt or m Ro0d will I don't hehe.e a!"". there ever were likelier or bettr dls- wtn known names, such as the Battledore P081'1' and behaved children than the and Shuttlecock. Scvla and Churybdls and American children of this generation. Hutpull Coiner. The whole track Is Tuke t(lf.m bv and ,.lrs0i .,rp ,hcv ot ,..uctlc,.lly of ice. and after passing the very pleasant'' re thev not pretty ll,,lsl1 11 h'1 for a short distance a steep u Hl-mannered ;m,m'1c, n, -he ,lefc Is IZukV&umSXV' of ,h0,r Parents. lloes it not really T)u, toboggans used arc of the "ekele- "url'if' u to see them outgrow loir pattern, with steel runners, the lo- faults as they come to fuller knowl- edge? Don't you think thev are vr rv sensible for their years, and aren't vou c - on,,antly sur,,, Ised at siuHen uciicc 01 men- miianess ana arret! on- n r 1,11,1 hi,.,, , ..,u, tiiu iir,, ar: t rather mure familiar with their par- Iprtd than wp ivrn ..I'll rM.-i, u,,t r cannot see that they are really hick- ing In the essentials of respect If comradeship between parent and child bf!ns !,,'er1:ht'in " l'sf;'1.," '''' .fear; It need not. and it does not. cast out manners. If there is a iiefpct in nianneis n i ui.e to somi' th'lu the r; ur1tM-,.i:co of Man-laid b u rinra Kant .oont ..V, 11 A 1 To ( lire Pessimism. i Physical Culture. ruing tnese words an vour or tack them Into your brain I am going to 'become an optimist. fernm nnw rn T inn trnin t n r Vi,,,.A , . nu,,,n ..imnfoi. my entire lire and rny entire stvle of jiar irom Deing aecaaent, is in run climax, thinking. . And y-t, in sober ncletitifle medicine, the I will endeavor hereafter to be gen- - !?ruf decadent The discovery and use erous In mv view tnll..r,i n,,. of a''"v piinclples instead of the plants 5"aH ,nl .vlow t.owur1 ?t,h.erf' ! that contain them, and the employment of broad-minded, large-spirited and kind. , hypodermic injection, though greatly fa thlnklng well of everybody, mean of i diluting the abuse of drugs have led ta nobody, nnd overlooking the tittle la better recognition of their legitimate faults, believing that there are other ! "fes and that, is chiefly a recognition of dualities In the rftan that overwhelm i ulS!r "jn'tatlons. the defldencv 1 rhe cli,ys 'of ,he shot-gun prescription. 'TWe i In , ,,, u i containing A dozen different things, of mere is so much bad In the best i whii, , .i,.. ,u. of us and so much good In the worst j ui , us mat it oenooves eacn one of j us to be charitable to the rest of us." I shall see the bright side of every thing. I shall talk like a.n optimist, laugh like an optimist and move about like an optimist, conscious, of the fact that I shall radiate sunshine and make everyone around me happy. , " ' Their 'Stand-By. ' Chicago New., . ,' , . "The -tramp is ever ..before aa." said th sociological Btudent, "Who. Is 're sponsible for this?" , ' ' . . c , "The comlo artist," chuckled th buffon boarder. TROLLKY LIXKTon HIGH POIXT A New Yorker' Said to be Projecting , tlie fCmci-prlse Aa Accident Avert edPersonal. Ts " 'v . Special to The Observer. High Point, DocI 15. Another project is on foot for a street railway for High Point. This tlnia the gentleman Inter e.ied is Mr. Donald Fiugerald. of New York, who Is now at the 11 wood Hotel accompanied by his attorney, Mr. Caudle, of Waaesboro. The proposed name of the new concern is the High Point, Centra! Piedmont and Wades- Doro fciectric Kaiiway. air. .rusger.iu Jia WKtfii over iuc hub mu ?ahkow hlmatU a wel, plea(led wlln the out. iu0k. Hit examination was to asier- tain how much bonding per mile, etc., (figure which would be a pa ng invest- mem. The road wouhi toe oonoea iorc , to th, maxket may. therefore, ii.600.OTO. When asked as to where , u,,,. , ,h, w ,.vral hun- ami how the company would secure Mr. Fitzgerald said that he - M .,, .v..,, nn-.thlv fronl th ' Yadkin River Power Com pany. Mr. R. A. Wheeler, of this city, who is lntercKted in the High Point Inter urban Ino received a telegram from ni8 comDany to-day suylng that their representatives would arrive here to ) morrow hi the Interest of this railway. makes the fourth or fifth concern that na been here and expressed a deter- mln,.,,nn , tHWf, th, t1ro1fif-t In hand. hat Bometolng Bhouid be do ,ng What w What would have been a horrible ac- cldent was narrowly averted at the llioad crossing; near Eagle Furniture Wpro on th'e track golnJ , opp0gite directions, and seeing the train ap- iociihijj euucuvuicu iu gei i'mn -eam'pe of 7 ot seelng each other, and met In the blinding smoke, knocking each other llown- They were fully aware that the l f o I n tirnu c1nun rt a nrl m o nuirarl to Ket off the track, but not before the wheels rnanaaed to run over the caD of one of the men. It was a halr- bre,jdt.h,, e?cafe- . , . Mr. W. J. Armfleld In company with Di j A TurMr le(t t0.da f0'r Bal. tlmore. where Mr. Armfleld will con- suit Osier, the celebrated physician, who Is about to take his denarture I frnm thto mimlrv Mr Armflol.l i,f. tVH from a stomach trouble and has once before consulted this physician. ' ne oraer or select jvnignts gave a reception last night to its members In Its lodae room. Masonic hall. Dr. John Thomas, vice-commander for State of Nurth Carolina, wm present and ad dressed the legion. Mr. McKay, one of the national officers, who Is now In Salisbury, was also expected, but could not come. A good crowd was present at the reception. Cigars were passed and withal a very pleasant evening was spent. Miss Blanche Bradshaw, who attend- ed the exposition In September, and from there went to Decatur, Alabama, and Memphis, Tenn., to visit friends. returned home to-day. Mrs. J. J. Far, rlss went to Greensboro yesterday to spend a day or bo with friends. Mr. W. J. Parker Is In Baltimore and New York on business and will be absent until the holidays. The Ladles' Home Journal bazaar under the manaRement of the ladies of the Baptist church Is attracting good crowds and a flattering patronage. TOBOGGANING IN THE ALPS. Slide Upon Which Record of Almost a Mile a Minute Has Been Made. Electrical Review. St. Morits Is one. of the highest villages in the Hngadine. bavins an altitude of i about 6,000 feet, and it is a great centre of winter HOortH. It Ih pnn.ypMiientlv much I frequented by Km 1 1 ah and other natlon- lahties. who enjoy the spurts of skating, olirlng tobOKglinlllg rklinB and band which can hero be obtained under the best conditions. Good tobogganing may XTM, 'uonfy0 nOT U. with lis wonderful curves and banks. The name Civsta Is derived from n small vil- lage of that name near the finish of the "" ,Th'' "?,mT '! a 'ule ?v,ar three-quarters ,a .V "' .i""1?1"' .wlt'a difference of " "1U,M1' "'.nil in: nun i in iiiw iiuiKil, Ul u ml f(.Pt; ,,. BrudiPnt vurtes llt dif. fru-nt jiulnta, being most steep at the church leap. A-s on,v one toboggan can occupy the tiack nt a time, the races are all decided ,,y tlK' "mu ,llken to complete the course, The record time from the start to the su Mt at present 1,1 rt-10 seconds, this en- tailing a xneed of xlxtv miles n hnnr more on the fastest parts. The curves of m.gganer lying in a prone, position and ' ''''riiig with his feet bv means of spikes I to the toes of his hoots. The I XLrl lTZ i", )t ! t.-. i k.JT...-, " . ', .'." "" 01 . aiaren. ana niigiu tie called tlie iterbv of toboi?- ! waning. compt-tltor.s coming from Davos I i r fl nthrr r,lnpna l tulr, ,i..r. in .1.1. I '' ! i THE HUMILIATION OF THE DRUG. ! ' , , ' Causes of Disease, World's Work ....... , " 'J - U .tOCTI. ,1 to-day. The Invaluable method of hvno- I uermic injection, greatly racllltatlng the usu of drugs by the medical man. has per I formed like service usually. In this case in grave die-service for the public, so that i homes for the treatment of drug-habits bodnne spnr's ur a,lfi flourish everywhere. Mor e 1 Jusl,phla. cocnlne, trional. paraldehyde, and iiiauj more, eiaim wnai appears to be a In ull th... .a1..,o.. t.n . i I j""" .... --t , i.i m, lllTTII, HIT! Ul IIK, HI , mark, were' numbered when scientific i study was directed to the normal action ' each constituent of every drug. And witn tne direction of individual study to Individual drugs came the discovery that drugs, except In a very few and unmistak able Instances, are and can be no more than mere auxiliaries, usually of not more than doubtful utility In the treatment ot disease. When you have mentioned qui-, nine In malaria, mercury In another dis ease, iron, in anemia and .sodium salicylate In rheumatic fever, you have practically exhausted the list of drugs which have a speulllc action in disease. One bottle of Burnett's Vanilla Extract Is better than threo of tho doubtful kind. Though eostlng a few cents mors per1 bot tle. Its purity and great strength nak It the moat economical brand. The Supply of Ivory. Knowledae and Scientific JMewa, Durlnsr a recont visit to the London docks. Her - Majesty, the Queen, was Informed that the stock -u ivory men ahown represented, on an average, the annual slaughter or soma xo.ow Am can elephants. This statement has been contradicted In two letters in tne aauy ! 10 Feichureh avenue: iuto That at papers. In one or these, Messrs. Haie, Isast (5 per cent, of the supply Is "dead ivory," mainly ootainea irom noaraea stores of African chiefs, who are shrewd enough to put their commodi ties on the market only in driblets.. The most interesting part of the letter Is, however, the statement that the great bulk of this hoarded Ivory is obtained from "elephant cematrlea"-spota met with here and there in the jungle , wh riDBaau-have resorted for een , . Mu(. , tn, vory that dred years 0ld. The marvel Is why It is not devoured In the jungles by nor cuplnes, as certainly happen with tusks. of the Indian eiepnants wnicn are ten in the Jungle. IF I COULD GLIMPSE HIM. John Charles MoNslll in Tho Century. When In tho Scorpion circles low Tlie sun, with fainter, dreamier light. And at a far-off hint ot snow The giddy swallows take to flight. And droning Insects sadly know That cooler fals the autumn night; When airs breathe drowsily and sweet, Charming the woods to colors gay; And distant pastures send the bleat Of full-grown lambs at dawn of dayt Old Hermes' wings grow on my feet. And good-by o, home! I'm called away I There, on tho hills, should I behold, Sitting upon an old gray stone That humps its back up through the mold, And piping In a monotone. Pan, us he sat In days of old, My Joy would bid surprise begone. Dear Pan! 'Tls he that calls me out He, lying in some haiel copse, Where laslly he turns about And muiK'hus each nut as It drops. Well pleased to see me swamped In doubt At sound of his much-changing stoi4. If I glimpse him by a vine Where purple fox-grape hang their store, I'd tell him, In his leafy shrine. How poets say he lives no more. He'd laugh, and pluck a muscadine, And fall to piping as of yore. FOR SALE Ten-room Furnished House, wild cellar, situated on car lino. Boulevard and Llndhurst avenue, Dllworth. Comfortably piannea, nanasomeiy finished. Water, gas and eleotrlo light, heated by hot water. Out-house for servant. A corner lot, 100 feet front by 110 foot deep. Most desirable property for family wanting a homo. Furniture not Included If desired. For terms, apply to MECKLKNBURO IRON WORKS. Wall Papers and Decorative Work Artistic Frescoing, All kinds of Painting and Finishing. "Period" decoration a specialty. Wall Paper from 6 cents to 150.00 per roll. Estimates and designs furnished out-of-town customers on application. Japanese, French, English and Do mestlo Papers. CHARLOTTE FURNISHING A DECO RATING AGENCY. DON'T LOSE SIGHT OF THE FACT That we are the oldest Plumbing firm in the city and that our work and goods are up-to-date, and that we em- ploy only experienced workmen. Call around and let ua show yon our goods and get our price. A. R. Willmann PI'g CO. W. D. WITHERBBE, M. D. CHARLOTTE, N. O. PRACTICE LIMITED TO TREAT MENT OF Cancer and Skin Diseases OFFICB TITH DR. REGISTER. Belmont Hotel Several Elegantly Furnished Rooms to rent with or without Baths. Ap ply to MrSeHe CeEccleSe "SOUTHERN STATES" PORTLAND CEMENT o. WITHERS, State Agents. Charlotte, North' Carolina. ooooooooooocoooooooooooooo WHY so much coughing? It is because every body is not taking GRfY'a Compound Syrup of White Pine, Wild Cherry Glycerine and Tar. Those -who take it do not cough. Price 10 and 25c ; Prepared by the GRAY DRUG CO: 'mono u ' V i jJMjjfcfcre bjejna dssjpfc jfc jttjt)W x j PEOPLE'S COUO Tho Observe will Messenger, wltboat place ot moUseta or twtt advertisement - for 'Pbon A. JX T. No. cat or Observer, No. 7 A. Att ad' vortlsement Inserted - u Uus una M rat of tea oenta oer Ua of aU words. Me ad. take for Um than SO oont. Caan In adranoa. STRAYED Large Jersey calf. Reward for information at voserver onice, or au East Ssvcntb St. - WANTED Pbsitlon by experienced sten ographer. "A." care Observer. THE FINEST CIGARS for tho holiday trad. Gem Restaurant A STENOGRAPHER WANTED for about two hours eacn day. r. u, sn in, Charlotte. WANTED Lady or gentleman ot fair ed ucation to travel for a itrra of $260,000 casual. Salary 11.072 per year and ex penses, paid weekly. Address M. Perclval, Charlotte,, n. j. FOR RENT Furnished first floor flat. Re ception hall, five rooms and bath. Pos session at once. Apply Mr. Jas. A. Dor- rites, Dllworth. W. b. KERR, manager Wadosboro Livs Stock company, win De at wads worth s Stables on Thursday, the 16th. with a magnificent lot of KentucKy horses. FOR SALE Horse and buggy. See Mr, Ross. Cochrane' tables. BOOK-KEEPER. Expert Typewriter and correspondent wants position Jan. 1st. Look Box 470, Henderson, N. C THE3 OBSERVER Is offering a year's sub' scrlotlon for ths best written carriers' address to be used Christmas day as a greeting from the carrier boys of th paper. Contestants must send In copy not later than the 20th Instant. There are no restrictions as to number of verses. WB DELIVER your Christmas packages. Chares reasonaoie. a. v. x. Telephone 45. FOR SALBSeveral tins lot on North Pine street, and en W. Twelfth street Hugh w. Harris. IF YOU are in Dllworth, Piedmont Park or anywhere and want a messenger th American District Is prepared to serve you. Telephone 46. THE AMERICAN DISTRICT Messengers are at your service. Kates reasonable. Phone 15. N. M. LAWRENCE, Special Accountant. Office 'phone, 23s; resldenee 'phone, Kt, WANTED A few boarders. Apply at 228 North Tryon. A PORTION of a warahous for rent cheap. Apply Observer oinoe. FOR RENT Fred Oliver residence, 408 8. Tnron street: furnished, furnace neat, all modern conveniences. Apply to J. R. Hol land. WANTED For U. S. Army, able-bodied, unmarried men. between ages of II and 31, citlsens of United States, of good char acter ana temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For Infor mation apply to Recruiting Officer, U West Trsd St.. Charlotte, N.C.; Southern Loan and Trust Building, Greensboro, N. C : Postofnce Building Winston -Salem. N. C. ; 40 Pstton Ave., Asbevllls, N. C, oi Cleve land Building, 8partanburg, B, C. FOR RENT Two rooms in Wilkinson Building. Apply Gem Restaurant. Chance for a Safe Investment. A limited number ot share for sal In Molee Knitting Mill. Mill to begin operation January 1. Situated on one of the Qnt water powers In Richmond County. For particulars write E. J. INGRAM. Mt. Gllead N. C. NOTICE. Meeting of the Stockholder of the First National Bank, Charlotte. N. C. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the First National Bank of Charlotte will be held on the second Tuesday In January, 1906, (January 10th) In Its bank- ng rooms, at 11 o'clock a. m.. for the purpose of electing directors and also for the purpose of amending the articles of ssoclatlon. H. M. VICTOR. Cashier. Two Very High-Grade, Hand-Made Delivery Wagons May be seen at the ware house of the Adams Grain & Provision Co. These wag ons were manufactured by the Coffee Wagon Co., ofMorganton FOR SALE MY NEW DISTILLERY This distillery was built and started in operation last February, surveyed capacity 38 bushels, 13 chambered Cantinears still; will work 150 bush els per day; all new; now in operation daily In Salis bury, N. C l mean busi ness; will include teams and connections- Reason for offering to sell is my health. Bargain to pur-, chaser. M. b. BEflN, SALISBURY, N. C. R.E. DAVIDSON & CO., Merchant Tailors We have all the newest effects in . Weaves and Colorings from the best foieign woolen manufac turers. Special Suitings and Overcoats. R. E. DAVIDSON & CO. Merchant Tailors ; Tivbli's : Hof brau Beer "wand A. B.Z. ebargo. to mat deooa for uus - oonuBJi. atosoanaer Jservtce, tV THIS MONTH t ? f .It will keep off the blues when only water ia plentiful.. ,, . ft VALAEJt BOTrLIX0 TTOR2S. CC4CCC300OCS 0ttC3O0t)O00OO0OXrC00OOO0O00OOOOO0OCOOO Flhe Exhibit I oh of FURS OPENS THIS AFTERNOON Beginning this afternoon and lasting through to-morrow the handsomest line of furs we have ever shown will be exhibited at the Big Stores. This is your best oppor- tuuity to provide magnificent fur pieces for gifts. Mr. White, who was here a year ago will be here and demonstrate to you the worth of these new and stylish fur goods. Rainy Day Necessities SPLENDID APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN Rain, snows, sleet, muddy streets and dark days are bound to come. It is well to make your preparations now for the inclement weather. Wrap up kind of apparel it will mean a saving in the doctor's bill. Everything here to keep you dry and comfortable from head to foot. We have abundantly supplied our lines of Rubber Goods for the winter's trade. You'll find here the most serviceable lines obtainable. MEN'S RUBBER AND COVERT COATS $3.00 to $5.00 Men who do not care to be bothered with Umbrellas should wear a coat that will throw off the rain. You'll lose a half-dozen umbrellas to one coat. BOYS' RUBBER COATS $2.50 Every School Boy should be provided with a good, substantial Rubber Coat one that will last until he outgrows it the kind we are selling to-day at $2.50. . An Immense Stock of Men's Women's and Children's RUBBER SHOES 40c. to $1.00. Rubber Shoes will not only save shoe leather, but the feet can be kept per fectly clean, warm and dry. Rubbers reduce your Shoe bill. Men's and Ladies' UMBRELLAS 50c. to $1.00 We offer special ajarge Umbrella of fine serge, with selvage, 26 byf28 inches, . selvage, 26, by 28 inches, strongly constructed, at only $1.50. , oooocxxxcxxttetiCjc)oa30cKocx ' until 1 well, wear the right Ladies' MACKINTOSHES Exceptionally well made, of serviceable material the handsomest and most com plete line in the city. Men's RAIN-PROOF COATS $10.00 to $15.00 In black and colorst Two special lots to-day at under prices. $12.50 to $18.00 Raincoats at $10.00 and $12.50 As a Rule Women Select HOLIDAY GIFTS FOR MEN AND BOYS early in the season, .there fore we have already oh sale a number of handsome" " SMOKING JACKETS, BATH ROBES, ETC., at the usual Department Store's saving in prices. Also all the latest styles Neckwear. .Numerous Bargains in Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, and everything for the styl ish appearance and comfort of Men and Boysi Nobby Line of WHITE AND FANCY VESTS In fact, this is as much a Man's store as the exclusive i clothing establishments, and' you pay less here for many, articles.

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