fJOMMBBCE AND FIMKCE. tX)X LOSES TO 1 WMNTS. Market We Verr QoJrt, Prioea tfhowtn a SliKht Gaining- Tendency urine the Early Part of the Day tut Tlien Working Downward Under Sear Freasnre and Betllng. Sew York, Dec. 15. Th oottoa market m very quiet, with prices working down ward under local bear pressure and e)l lni apparently from New Orleans sources, which wa Uken to mean leaa satisfac tory spot conditions. The market open ed) steady at an advance of 1 point on AirlU but generally 1 to 4 point, lower, wWch wu rather better than due on the st&wlng of the Liverpool futures mur ks. Quotations there were 4 points hw erTat the hour of, the local opening, when an advance of t point was expected. But the English spot market showed relative steadiness, and early aa vices irom me South indicated continued stability among interior holders. There was also some support here, that was accelerated, ap parently, by reporta that a certain per son connected with the Census .ment has made a statement to the effect . wt the arovernment estimate of the crop , was too high. But prices only went up a point or two from the opening figures when supporting orders were withdrawn, and during the remainder of the day the tone was generally easy, with fluctuations ivlrregular, but in the main downward. 'The close was steadied a point or two by room covering, but showed a net loss of 10 to 1 points. Bales were estimated at 150,000 bales. MILLER A CO.S REPORT. Condition of the Cotton, Ooffe, Stock and Grain Markets. By Private Wire to F. B. Alexander, Manager. ; COTTON. New York. Dec. 15,-Price was said to be responsible for the unexpected decline in Liverpool, as well as for the decided reaction which took place here in the market this -evening. The forenoon was distinguished by steadiness In the face of the disappointing Liverpool, and early nrWa rilled within a few points of last night. Later In the day the contents of a bearish circular, issued by Mr. rnce, were made public. His main argument Is that there will ba a surplus of anywhere from 1.500.000 to 2,000,000 bales out of, the present crop ana tne price, uiereiqrc, should seek a much lower level. Almost simultaneously with this announcement appeared a rumor that Southern holders were weakening. M the rumor Is true, we have noi be?n able to verify It, and as far as the Atlantic district is concerned, we can say it Is not true. Spot business Is practically at "a standstill, but farmers urt offering very light and not sufficient to be any burde'n'on the market. The ap pearance of .benrtah circulars after an un usually long silence lends color to the claim that the bear element was seeking only to advance prices to a level Huffi ciently high to Justify putting out a new lien of shorts. Yesterday a hue and cry was raised over the failure of two Insig nificant banks in Georgia. The failures had taken place several days before and were a matter of common knowledge In the section directly interested. The man ner In which the reports were circulated yesterday and also the talk of weakening by holders to-day. seem part of a plan to undermine confidence and strike a blow at prices before the ginners' report comes out. No matter what one may think about the Immediate future. It will not do to underestimate the strength of the forces which are working for a decline. They are flushed with success and flushed with profits, and if spinners keep out of the market they may easily succeed In forcing lower prices. There is nothing abnormil in either the receipts or exports, and the situation resolves Itself Into a test of en durance on the part of the holders of spot cotton. If the report should prove true that he Is anxious to get rid of his load at present prices, then further ad vance cannot be reasonably expected. Our closing prices show a decline on the day of 14 to 15. Liverpool Is due to come to S points lower in the morning. COFFEE. New York. Dec. 15. A small further ad vance was scored In Hamburg and Havre to-day and our own market has been steady throughout. There wss-wnw ver good buying during the forenoon by Im porting houses, and there Is .a general impression that they are in possession of bullish news from Brazil, which has not yet been made public. It did not seem, however, as if the market was In need of any new stimulant. The largest handlers of spot coffee here are known to be carry ing very large stocks and their support to the market Is slfficlent to prevent any serious set-back. They, however, seem to be working on a delinte plan to keep bull speculation from running away with the market and we look forward to a healthy, steady improvement. GRAIN. Chicago, Tec. 15. Wheat: The turn m sentiment noted yesterday gave courage to bulls with a resulting advance to-day. Attention is drawn to the probability of smaller receipts In the Northwest after this month, the light stocks in Inter.or ele vators and small country deliveries. Corn advanced moderately with a strong undertone In evidence all day. The ex cellent foreign demand is figured upon to take care of the recent libra! move ment. Country west of the Mississippi river is fair and smaller In Illinois. The car scarcity Is a factor In both districts end in the latter the farmers are not sell ing ut the present bids. Oats Them was a good, strong market In oats with cash houses good buyers. The December led the advance. The demand Is fair, and receipts are light. The sam ple market was K higher. Local arrivals were 58 cars with 19 estimated for to-morrow. Provisions After ruling rather quiet, activity increased in provisions with par ticularly good buying of pork. Hog re ceipts were 40,000, with W.OOO estimated for to-morrow. According to a private esti mate stocks since the first of the month have increased 2,0M barrels of pork, 7,000 tierces of lard and 4,000.000 pounds of ribs. Cash prices: No. 3 yellow corn, 434 to 44; wo. a wnue corn, co s; jno. 3 corn, U tO 48. STOCKS. New Tork, Dec 15. For the first time In several weeks transactions In stocks at the stock exchange to-day fell below the million-share record. The diminution in activity was more of a relief than other wise to brokers and their over-worked clerks and to operators who have for so long oeen unaer wgn pressure. The quiet lag down of the excitement in the specu lation, however, had no delatrlous effect. On the contrary the oulet strength which S mailed most of the time was distinctly noouraginf. as indicative of a return of composure to the street and its recovery rrem tne hysterical foolishly lnduiaed in at the behest of Boston manipulators. The encouragement given by tne conduct of the market was all the more notable be ckues of the complete Indifference to the weakness shown in London before our opening and which was credited by some observers to manipulation originating on this side; The improvement in the rail road list was largely duo to the tenor of Washington advices which began to make It clear that conservative influence com manding the sympathy of the President himself was crystalling in an effort to secure government supervision of the rail road rate-making power in a manner that would be acceptable to both the trans portation lines and the shippers. Especial significance of an encouraging nature was attached to the utterances of Secretary Mortem, which pointed strongly in the di rection of a compromise measure that would not lodge dangerous power In the hand of the lnter-8tate commerce com mittee. The general character of railroad earnings and other news was bullish. The market closed quiet, but strong. Bales 767, 7u shares. . MILLER 4b CO. STOCK MARKET LESS ACTIVE. Total Sales Warn Smaller Than for Several Motits -OesssiOon of Sell tag Pressure Enmoraced Hope That . the Advance Will be Renewed. ' Ner York. Dec. 15.-The subsidence of speculative activity in stocks was very marked to-day, the total sale for the day, making a , smaller total than- for several months. It was evident that the urgency of liquidation was greatly mod- eratea ana practically completed, but at tempts to force prices upwards met with continual cheeks. The absence of any sell ing pressure left the price-level constant ly above last night's and afforded em. ceuragement to persistent renewals of the advance. The courts ' of Amalgamated Copper was still the dominant influence, and reactions in the course of Its advene brought quick response at other- points tnthe list. The Coalers wcce conspicuous features in the opening advance, parUou larly Reading, the favor shown that group leing due to flattering reports of condi tions in the coal Industry. The belief that the new control of the Cincinnati, Ham ilton & Dayton system was destined for the benefit of Brie, helped -that stock, as well as the Coalers generally. Revived rumors of the disposal of Lehigh Navi gation also played a part in that particu lar movement. The Metropolitan Traction group a as affected by the announced In tention to enter on sub-way projects In New Tork city, and the simultaneous de pression of Inter-Borough Rapid Transit on the curb was attributed to the same cause. The United States Steel stocks, es lecially the preferred, were steadily accu mulated. Trade reports were of very largo orders (or various lines of finished pro, ducts. Including steel rails. Money woe easy, both for call loans and on time, and confidence whs felt that with the lighten ed deninnd for speculation In the stock market there was no danger of.nny strin gency In the future. The uncertain tone of the market continued up to the last, but the closlng.was steady and some con siderable -advances for the day resulted. Bonds wcro dull and Irregulur. Total sales, par value, tS.aS.000. United States l-onda were unchanged on call. Total sales of stocks to-day. 7J9.W) shares. Including: Atchison. X5.S00: Balti more & Ohio, 22.300; St. Paul, 11.600; Erie, 15.SO0: Illinois Central. MOO; Evle. 15.800; Louisville 4 Nashville. 23.700; Metropolitan Street Railway. 10.700; Missouri Pacine. 10.100; Norfolk & Western. 37.SO0; Pennsyl vania, :'.; Reading. 11O.J00: Rock inland, lx.fiOO: Southern Pacific. 15,400; Southern Railway. ,500, preferred. WO; Union Pa cific, 41.900; Copper. 81.900; Brooklyn Rapid Transit. 6,300; United States Leather. 3 100, preferred. 5.000: United States Steel, 64,000. preferred, 79.400. "MOONSHINE" FICTION. Revenue Officers and Their Daring (?) Raids Are Ridiculed. Newport, Tenn.. Plain Talk. About once a month the Knoxvillu papers print a hair raising story of a desperate encounter between revenue officers and the desperate moonshiners in the wilds of Cocke county, or jiwt across the State line. The fellow who writes them up Or the one" who gets him "Interviewed" Is evidently the possessor bf a wonderful imlginutlon and as a writer of fiction, or war correspondent would soon become fa mous. Usually the "raids" are pictured In a very thrlllllng manner and the offi cers narrowly- escape with their lives from the fusillade of shots fired by the "desperate outlaws' who are said to Infest this region. The gentleman who gives these In terviews Is getting a lot of advertis ing out of It. and likewise a large fee from Uncle Sam every time he thus takes his life in his hands by beard ing the Hon In his den, the moonshiner In his still. Doubtless he will finally be awarded a Carnegie medal for bravery unless ho Is entrapped by the terrible moonshiners and fed to the wild out, which Is one of their forms of pun ishment, for revenue men. Unfortu nately the 'shiners have always been "warned by friends" Just before the daring officers reach the scene, and the only thing captured is a thousand or two gallons of mash and a copper still the size of a box car. After firing sev eral thousand shots at the officers the 'shiners escaped into the mountain fastnesses, where it would be folly to follow, them, as ambuscades and traps and assassination await them. One of the strange things connected with these raids Is the remarkable similar ity of the stills "captured" which might lead to the suspicion that every time the officers capture one the ras cally moonshiners steal it back and use it again. J. S. Bache & Cos Cotton Letter. By Private Wire to L A. Dodsworth & Co., Brokers. Jtfe.w- Turk. Dec. 46. The market has bren quiet 'and. .Iregulr" The" bears re eently have shown little aggressiveness," being willing apparently to permit an ad vance, but popular sentiment is too bear ish to encourage a general buying move ment, and the result is naturally a nar row, scalping market, .pending fresh de velopments. Reports reaching us from the South indicate continued firmness among holders with but little spot demand, and It looks as though the endurance of the Southern holders was being put to a try ing lent. The future of the market is In their hands. Meanwhile It appears that spinners finding it difficult to obtain spot cotton on a parity with futures, are buy ing moderately in the speculative mar kets. When the spots that certainly exist, whether the government has estimated too high or too low, come out, these hedges will of course add to the selling pressure. Liverpool showed easiness as to futures, steadiness as to spots. The. local market opened steady, 1 to 4 points low er, rallied a few points and eased off again with prices In the early afternoon about 10 points net lower. An Interesting news Item was the report that a special agent of the Census Bureau had issued a Bta-temen claiming that the government had very 'seriously over-estimated the crop. This gentleman Is reported as hav ing made a personal canvass of ginners, and believed that the actual crop is not more than 10,773,000 bales, and that the government's correspondents have over-, estimated the yield per acre. The posi tion of the person making this state ment is special agent collecting ginners' returns would seem to demand attention, hut the figures at which he places the crop are no far below -popular opinion that no credence Is accorded the state ment. J. S. BACHD & CO. C. P. ElUs & Co.'s Cotton Letter. Special to The Observer. New Orleans, La., Dec. 15. The per sistent refusal of Liverpool to share or sympathize with reactionary disposi tion shown in America has finally checked the enthusiasm of operators for a theoretical reaction. News of two important failures in the continental spinning trade at Havre and Barce lona also exereted a disturbing In fluence and finally the circulation of reports from numerous points indi cating a weakening on the part of in terior Holders had a distinctly de pressing effect and caused a decline of 14 to 16 points, the close being steady at the low point of the day. The decline, resulting as it did from comparatively trifling re-selling, only shows that the removal of the specu lative short interest during the past ten days has left the market in no condition to withstand pressure from any quarter, and if the country hold ers conculde to sell freely, we don't see where the support Is to come from to avert a further decline. In the spot market the demand Is confined to specialities, which bring quotations, but average lots are dif ficult of sale except at concessions. C. P. ELLIS CO. Hubbard Bros. A Co.'s Cotton Letter. Special to The Observer. New Tork, Dec. 15. Our market has shown as much weakness to-day as It did strength yesterday showing how limited Is the Interest at the moment on either side. Every one is waiting. The holder In the South for the spin? ner to buy, the spinner for the holder to sell, and the small speculation cur rent. Jumping-, from one side to the other. Which way will the deadlock be broken T Is the query propounded on each aide. Probably the weakness to-day Is due to the idea that the gin ners' report win not be accurate that they In many Instances will refuse to report and therefore no definite result can be forecasted from their fiaures. There is more Interest displayed In cot ton Dtt oumaers, out so rar It has not developed any buying orders." The de cline afternoon 'market was due to re ports of the acceptance of lower bids for spot cotton throughout the south west, i January Was in demand, from spinners' brokers on 'the dclln,''M. ; HUBBARD, PRICE 4k. CO.' o '''- ;: 7 '., -i' ; ,-, 1 ' TREATED FOR DOG'S BITE. tV"; ' ' " 1 '" Mr. Ij. Pnryear Return From Rich i nKMMl Tl Canine Has Been Iro nooaced Rabid. Correspondence of The Observer. Mebane, Dec. 13. Mr. L Puryear. president of the Continental Chair Company, of this place ,who wus bitten by- a rabid dog several weeks ago. has just returned from Richmond, where he has been taking treatment at the Pasteur Institute of Virginia. In charge of. Dr. .'A. Q. Hoen. Mr. i-uryear Is well known throughout this State, buy ing been a traveling salesman for 17 years and his friends will be pleased to know that he has taken the treat ment and is safe as far aa hydrophobic s concerned. The dog that bit Mr. Puryear and those of the Bingham cadets has been pronounced by the government expert at Washington. Dr. Shroeder. as having rabies. The doj v,n killed his head rut off and seut to Washington, and four rabbits were In oculated from the dogs head. A tele gram was received yesterday that two of the rabbits had died with the rabies, and the other two had shown symp toms. All of those that were bitten by the dog five In all. have takn the Pasteur treatment. Tlio Dry Joixlt. , New York, Dec. 15.-Bnylng In the dry goods market amounted to little to-dny, el t tier In first ,r second hands, hut tliu situation is in-lli veil to tic gradually m proving. Spot guilds are ulmonl entirely required and difficulties In delivery are generally experienced. ntcw York produce market. New York. Dec. lo. Flour dull, hut steady. firm. No. J red SI . IS. Spec ulative demand being more urgent to-ituv which advanced nearly a cent per huslicl, final piioea allowing , to V'tu t advance. May $1.12 7-1'i; July 1 03"; December U K. Corn linn; No 2, 0tinn mur ket firmer, closing Se net higher. Decem ber 55t; May 61 Oata Spot dull; .nixed oa;s, ZS to ;C pounds, 'Mj (n ;Ku. Lard -Steadx ; n iim d quiet. Pork Stead Rosin- Strained, common to good. 2.10 to 2.tii. Turpen tine-Stead Coffee Spot ;in steady. Sugar-Raw eflned steady. The nvirket cofloe futures opened steady ut an adwuice and was finally steady, with all months 5 pointa higher except November 'LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKKT. Liverpool. Dec. l.'i. i p. m. -Cotton. Spot In moderate demand; prices 1 point hlnii er; American middling fair good mid dling; middling t at; low middling t.ltJ; good ordinary i.C; ordinary X.Ni Dm sales of the day were 8, (Mo bales, nf which 2,000 were for speculation and export and Included 7,600 America i. Receipts none. Futures t-ne.l ult and closed barely steady; American middling, K- o. r. : 1 eember 4.1b; lie. i mbcr-January;; Jan-uary-Fehruary i 'o, February-March 4.21. March-April 4 a, April-May 4.;0; May June t.33: June-July 4.15; July-August 4..'7; August-September t :.; geple mber-Ocloliei .3u; October-Novi inber 4.35. THE MONEY MARKET. New York. Dei LI. Money on call steady. J to 1, offered at :t. Time loans eaey and dull; i) ind SKI days and i-lx months 3?, per cent.; prime incrcantll--paper Hi to 4; st'-rUng exchange strong, elOBlnfr firm with actual business In bank ers' bills at S4.S7.45 to J4.S7.50 for demand nnd at ii.M 47. to $t M.60 for mi-day bills; posted rates $4 5 to J4 Mi and J4 ; com mercial bills SI M',: bar BtUer , Mexi can dollars 4M,. NAVA1, STORKS. Biivannah. l)e 15. Spirits turpentine steady; receipts 4.i7; shipments BW, Rosin Kirn-; receipts 2.ti;i; sales i.W.5; Bhlpmente .17. A. H. C. IJ.47H; T). t'J.30; I". t2.62tt: P. !.!: II. $2.H: I. .: K. .9o: M. $4.10; N. $l5o;V. U $4 7a; VV. V. JG 15. Wilmington. Dec. l.i. Spirits tutpentino Steady. 47. receipts TO casks. Rosin ...V), receipts 172. Tar-l Sft; receipts 1. .Crude turpentine Firm. 2.W and 3.iffl. re ceipts 50. NEW ORLKANS COTTON MARKKT. New Orleans. Dei'. 15 Futures', under the Influent of unfavorable cables,, lower New York arid easier spots, opened I to 3 points lower and in the absence of sup port from any quarter, the marke.t del lin ed almost continuously to the close. Trading whs light. There Is apparently but little disposition to trade until ilia next Kilmers' report Is received from the Rovernment bureau. A majority of trad era seem to think that the report will show an increas" of 15 to 20 per cent. o or the amount ginned up to November j4ti BA I.TIM OR K PRODCCK MARKET. Bultlmore. Dir. 15, -Klour quiet. Wheat- Firniei ; stint contra "t ;ind 1 cember Sl.lOVs. to fl.10-; Soiillit-rn by sim ple to to $1.11. Corn P'lrinei ; new 5o'4 to X, new Southern oeni 15' , to Outs-Eusler, No. - white ?C. CHARLOTTE COTTON MARKET These fig-ures represent prices paid to wagons: Dec 15. Good middling: 7 8trlct rnlddllng 71 Middling: 7 Ttnces 7 to 71 Stains 61 to 7 1!W4 i!W3. ' Noi folk - 'etei n pid 2 Galveston !5.S 17.W. ' ontai l v U'.m n, I" .', New Orleans 17.. '14 I3.ia i I' niisylv.mia i:n -. Mobile 3. :r,7 ! l'lttsburx, C. C. .V Si I ...ins 75 Savannah 8.SM 9.5S1 ' Reading ' Charleston 274 ' Headlnn 1st pl.l Kt Wllmingtcn 1.0m) 949, KnidliiK -nd pf.l 1 Norfolk 2.W 1..M0 UiK-k Maud '. New York Km :-k Island Co pfd -a Boston l."67 101 81. Louis .V Son Kiaii -i d p'd . .. . . Ji Philadelphia 149 135 St. Louis Southwest. -rn J4'j, Brunswick .-30 St. Louis Honthwcst.-i n pfd Si'i San Franciseo l.J'W Southern I'ncific il Pensacola 3.S45 , Houthern H iilw.n pfd ! Pac Ports 2 745 . Texas Pa. ill- Xl'", Toledo. St L. A.- U est-ni :H Total .".001 W.-.'iS I Toledo, ht. L .V. WVm-iii pfd ''", CHICAGO PRODI CE M A RKKT. High. Lo w. Close. WHEAT Dec May.. .. .. July., .. .. COKN- Dec Msy July OAT8 Dec. ..' . May , July PORK- Doc May Jan LARD Dec Msy Jan RIB8- May Jan .. P17'i 1U7 P7".i .. Ill HO, lla'S, .. iS',' si, 18'4 4'i 4S 45 V4 .. 4fi tl 45 4S' 4.'. 15" j9' "9 .y-K .. :ns :'' ..31 30 ail,; ii.:; ..i:w I:.?.' i:7 ..12.55 12. 1-.55 fi.K .. 7.12 7.07 7.12 i .. .7 6.S5 G.87 .. .S0 6.72 i SO ... 6.50 ti.42 6.50 CHARLOTTE PRODUCE MARKET. Corrected Dally by J. W. Zimmerman Company. Chickens-spring I 11 0 a Hens per head Utt Egg 22 Ducks S Rye LOt Oata m H Oats feed .. .. 4t (J 41 Cotton seed tt Corn . . 72 ' CHARLOTTE HIDE MARKET. Corrected Dally by Tarbrough 6 Bellinger. Ooat skins, green salted 15 f 26 Lamb skins, green salted 85 tj 60 Beeswax No, 1.. .. Tallow No. 1 6 Hldee-dry flint.. .. .. - U . Hides-dry salt.. U Hides city green.. fH Hides green salted cured Calf skins dty.. .. M Ebp akin full wool . ., . 91 00 i. ' I- INTERIOR, RECEIPT. '.-'.;- -v... J904, IMfc Memphi;; .. .. .. . lO.WH Augusta.'. i .. ffft-' K- 'u 1.698 Cincinnati,. 44 ;....i.V..v;'r";.4;.' Houston.. ,: s,4ta fte 1 ia cts iftOM; on ssct y3 I XcLUgTT.ptfABOOTOO..Zar , xv sums mt mumJw PORT MOVEMENT. Middling Gulvestou. steady ... New Orleans. jilei . Mobile, steady Hnviiiinah. ni.-aily ( luirle.iton, steady Wilmington, nominal Uiiltlmote. nomliinl .. New York. ,jul t HokIoii. s.oauy Philadelphia, quid .. 7 ii; .S.IK) .S ii NEW TORK BONDS. 1'. 8, ef milling 2s. registered.. V. 8. refunding 2s. coupon IT. 8. Us, registered l 8. is. coupon I'. 8. new 4s, registered I'. 8. new 4s, coupon U. 8. old 4s, registered I'. 8. old 4s, coupon Atchison general is Atchison udjustraeiit Is.. Atlantic Coast l.lne 4s lialtlmore A- Ohio 4s Haltlmore Ohio ;I4 , Central of. Georgia ih cntral of ijeuigln 1st luc Chcsiipeaki! & Ohio 4'-j.i Chicago & Alton 3'v t lilcago. t hlcagu ' 'liicaxo Chlcatf" Chicago R yuincy new 4s.. M & St. I'aul gen. .V Northwestern consul . ii. I. K- 1'aclllc U. If. . R. I. A Pacific H. H. . I. 6s e". & St. Louis g-'ii. 4.-i. Kll . . 7! Kl .l2 ll'i . . .107 li .111', o::'-. . ,l"l '.' !)'i' . I'll . S'l . M t, . .VH'.'j .i:M .IHf-'-. . . llH)--4 . .10.T-4 lej'-, ..Uf, Ihi'a . M'V, . W . !:i-a iim'4 in . .;' li, .I'IS'i, . .117 . . 06'4 .. 2W . i Iuc.iko terminal s. Censulldateil T.ibai'co 4s Colorado & Southern 4s ivenver ,V Rio Urand" 4s Ktle prior Hen 4k Krle Oeneritl Is Kurt Worth Denver city Int.. Hocking Valley 4'zas Louisville ,V Nash. I'nlli- d 4s.. Manhattan consol gold 4s Mexican Central Is Mexican Cinllal 1st Income . .. Minn. & St. I.ouls 4s Missouri. Kansas it Texas 4s iUisfO'irl, Kansas Texas 2nd: National It. R. of Mexico couso New York Central general ;iVs.. New Jois-y Central sen. in . .. Northern i'a'-lla I Northern I'io'IMc :is Norfolk ,V Western consol Is . nt'oRon Slant Line Is ,V l'artlc. I'enn. con v. .s ., IteadniK Keneial 4s St. I.ouls - Iron Mountain con St. I,oals ,V San Pi ancisco fjt. Is. St. Louis Soul hwestei n lsttt ., .. Si alinanl Air Line 4s Soall.ein I'a -llic 4s Southei u Hail .vay B. I ex. IS .V I'.u'lMi l.sts I 4s Toledo. C. L. ,lvr West in 4 s 1'iiion r.n i 1 1 1 - is 1'mIoii I'acih, i oov Is. . 1 . S. Steel :'nd 5s Wabash Ists Walia-di Iiehentate II. . . WheelliiK & Lake Kile 4: im'oii.-!ii Central 4s.. .. CLOSING STOCK LIST. Clo Atchison sing Rid. . . . M'i . ...Ml', ... . !ti'4 .. .. W .. . V. .. . .1V.I . . . . 4;7h vi " Atchhon pfd Faltlmore Ohio Haltlmore Canaiila n CCentnil .V- Ohio pfd Fa. n:. .if New Jersey. Chesapeak & Ohio. . . . Clili'iieo Alton clilciigo ,t Alton jfd CliliHKu ( Western.. .. Chl'iipo a Norihwi-slern chl'ano. MllWiinkei- K- Ht. I'.iul . n.r t lllr;iK'i, MllWiillkee A.- tSt. I'iiol pfd .v Chif'JlKO rermilHll ,V rrLtllsli I .. .. ClilcuKo Tmnsfer pfd. C. C.. C. St. I.., ills Co! ii jolii Hi. ii! hern Vlor:tcl tiotit liri n 1st pfd Cel'lladn HulJl'lelt: 'tnl pfd v;i.a Ilcl.iVvjire DeLiwar-. Denver iV I lenvi r .V .. I I lll;,i.n . . I..c k,i -. 1 1 1 1 1 : Hh) ( Hlo (il.illile Westel II pfd'.' .. .'.' Kile I'.li" Im pfd. Kile 1'n.l pfd llo-klnif Villi. - liocklllK Vn Ih Illinois Centr.d pfd. Iowa t'eiitrul li.W.i plil K.iiisus I'lty Soul I" i n K.llO'as 1 'Ii ' Soul hel n l.i. His, ill.- ; Nashville pi- I, Metropolitan S'-curitii . Meliojiolnan hi. li Mllilli ajeills ,V HI Louis Minn.. St. P. i S.nili Sii .Minn., rft. V. S.iult HI.-. M pf.l Mlysouil I'acliu .Ill', .H-'.'i, . .l HI', i Missouri, Kansas fc- Te. Missouri. 1-.iuwaH 'I'' x National H It. of .M. :.n New hi k I 'cntral . . Norfolk .; V. Klei n pfd pld.. I'nlon i'ii. -Hie ! I'lilon Piclle .fd Wiihiinh .'I WmImsIi pld .;'.' Wheeling Luke Krle IS'i Wisconsin "Jl '4 Win 'Oii.-dii Cel:ti;il pld 14 EXPRICSS CCVF'ANIKS. Adams '-' Air..iicii Jfii. I nlted ritates Hi AVella-Falgo 2JT MISCKLLANEOl'6. Anialeninat d Copper Amerlciin Cur & Kouiidr Americiiii Cur & Foundry pld. . American Cotton Oil American Cotton Oil pfd American he Ameiiciiri ice fd American Linseed Oil American Linseed Oil pfd American Locomtivc American Locnmtlve pld American Smelling & Refinlin? . American Smelting & Retiniiig-pfd American Sugar Refining Anaconda Mining Co Brooklyn Rcpld Transit Colorado Fuel & Iron Consolidated Guh Corn Products Corn Product pfd Distillers' Securities.. General Electric International Paper ., international Pnper pfd International Pump International Pump pfd ... National Lead North American Pacific Mall People's Oas Preseed Steel Car Pressed Steal Car pfd Pullman Palace Car Republic Steel Republic Steel pfd Robber Goods Rubber iioods pfd . 15 . ar-i , .101 i . 7SS 11; .ISS'i I 110 i . ... W 4SV4 I'm I ffii i TiVs ....' 184 i .... . .. 7H : .. .. 4U . .. M . .. .... 99 .. .. 41 ' ...10uS i ..... 37Vi i .. .. 8SV4 : . .. 14 ... 07 . .. 92 ! ..',.. 67'i ' ,.16fi ....m ..... so ; ..! 30Vi a-. - Tennessee Coal & Iron rhtted States Leather United States Leather pfd.. United States Realty ...... United State Rubber ..... Pnltfed States Rubber pfd.,., United States Steel i,i: .-i United ' States Steal .nfd..-,i' A4.i.i ' Vwhichoiio, Electric'.''.. Western Vuion.yfy.M, fMif. fci' COTTON'M 1 1 L M AC H MAIN OFPICBt COUTH TKYON ST.. GHAMLOTTB, N, O. Revolving; Flat Cards, Railway Heads, Drawing Frames, spinning Frames, Twisters anti-Spoolers Quillers and Reels, Looms. COMBERS ctc, ntc. S CASTNKlt. JR. C. C. mm POCAHONTAS 4 IT IS THE STANDARD FUEL OF THE UNITED STATES NAVY f The United States Geological Survey Pronounces It THE STANDARD STEAM COAL OwIpk to liie fact (hat we represent tlilrty-slx (3(1) rullerle. whose miipul during 1 903 amounted to four Bill V ' linn t 4. oho, nan tuns, exclusive of coal converted Into ooke, and will probably exceed four and one-hall million ' i t,,,iMiHiMi i i,.iim ,iiiiinK i;ioi. wk are prepared to estlmute on and nil promptly any tonnage that mtf b desired. ' CASTNER, CURRAN & BULLITT, Sole Agents ; C. C. B. POCAHONTAS SMOKES S COAL. V; ? .Meade Rnllillnt;. I Sooth ir.lh Street, Philadelphia. Ph.; t flroatlwHy, New York; 12 State Htreet, Boston, Mas.? Citizens' I '.a nk i Hdx . Norfolk. Vn ; Terry HIiIk . Itoanoke, Vu.; Old Colon y llldg. f 'hliiigo, 111.; Neav BulldiOf, ' i '! ncliiiiii 1 1, i 1 i 1 1 . 4 M i-)i tircli Ave., London, KiikIuiiiI. iiideis i'di- tali sliipmciits to the Curollnas ahuuld be forwarded to nut Hoimoke office. , '"" CONDICNSKD STATEMENT OF The First National Bank RICHMOND, VIKOINIA. November 10, 1W4, RESOURCES. Lonnft and discounts Overdrafts H llonds ut par (Market v.ilue IHK B0(i 00) Premium on V. 8. bonds.... Otlur stocks and bonds HnnkliiK lioiiso Fuinltnie mid flxtur? . 44,080. 8 24 m IIS .. 612.&O0 00 0 CO n.604 68 .. ,IHlO0O 0 00 Otl.ei Klchmond real estute. 13.0W) 00 Virginia bonds JOO.000 00 Cash due from banks. 1.&62.&S3 2ft r 16,0.608 21 .1 600.000 00 . . 400,000 00 .. 132,096 99 MAmUTIEU. CmiitHi Sin plus fund t iiillvliied profits I'lienrried discounts A eei lied Intel est und taxei .. Clrciilnthiii . .. 40,000 00 .. 20.8fk.KI .. 5M.8O0 00 .'. 4,401.723 41 I 'epusifs licnd account 442.500 00 21 We millch the nrcounls of bunks, cor porations, firms und Indlvldunls, und will be pleased to meet or correspond with those who contemplate making changes or opening new accounts. JOHN M MILLER. Jr.. Cahlr. 0or Coal DOESN'T COKE. Rut ! does "ilKT TOflF.THER" mid r.l'ltNS l.o.N'i; AND HOT. Tin-re d ! no i llnkeis. sluu or slate to cause dirt i or but it burns lo a CLEAN. l'KKTTY ASH. You know tls well eiinui;li lo kiiou- that WE WON'T SELL ANYTHINO HUT OOOO COAL. mi. I that's the kind we will semi yul'. whether your order be for u busliel or u Car Load; we're prepared to handle either. Yarbrough & Bellinger WHOLESALE, ANTHRACITE. RETAIL. BITUMINOUS, COKE AM) CO All. NO. 600 WEST THIRO .STREET. THE WHOLE BLOCK. CATLIN a. CO. Commission Merchants. t.' mi. I :II7 IliiiHilwni M.W VlUK. liflS'l'ON. I'illl. ADIIIMII A. COTTON YARNS ILL M'MHEIiS. .SKK IN: VARUS. cuI'S A NO CONE: COTTON GOODS. HIOH-GKADK SPTNPLK LOOM. KN OINK AND VALVK 8COUREB, BEL OIL ft OREABEI, LUBRICATING GREASES, READY MIXED PAINTS. COLD WATER PAINTS. Agents WATTLES' DftESKIXE COMPOUND. The George B. Hiss Oil and Supply Company, CHARLOTTE. N. C. m m 11 D Cmlth C Pn f VV. U. OIIIILII IX bU. S BROKERS PstavhUsaed IdTS. ' I New York Consolidated B NtNBlltB Stock ExohsnRe. I cniotgo isoara oixraae. STOCKS, GRAIN, PROVIS IONS, COTTpN. , i PrlTkta 'Wires. We hare orery facility for the Z prompt -exeoutlon of orders. ,- vnvvaiiHn ' bvikhmv, : : Karket Letter on Appllefttloa. Bmptro Building. 7t Broad. Stuart W. Cramer, ENQINEER AND CONTRACTOR. ' Slubbers. . Roving Frames is JJ Iran Intermediates, Jack Frames II. R. CURRAN. Castner, Curran & Bullitt Solo Agonts for tho Oolebratod B, Pocahontas Goal THE BE9T tTKAM AND DOMI8TIC COAL MINIO. ' 1 The only Coal that has been officially indorsed by the Governments . of Great Britain, Germany, Austria and the United Stites. J. Spencer COMMISSION fKFU'EH: New York. Phllndelfihla. ClilcaRo, HI. Louln. London, England. YARNS AND COTTON PIECE GOODS. Crompton-Ttiayer Loom Co. voiiciii'sTi:i. Ms. , , ' ;i MANl'KACTL'ItEHS OF FANCY COTTON AND Ui v(riA ML0OMS, AIHO MAKERS OF DOBB1EK. K1THKH HINtlLE OR DOUBLE INDSX TO BR APPLIED TO oTHKIl LOOMS. SOUTHERN ItEPHKfiENTATIVES. " ALEXANDER & OAESED Charlotte. X. O. CECIL O. 5IOKGAN, M. E. O. E., I-ate y- U. 8. Court Inspector of Mines for s C. C. BKDDOK8, C. E., Civil ncl Ilyilrn . KRXEST GAYIXJKD. M. E., Metaliuri, FIIANK P. CALLOW, C. E. A M. E., Ci.nsi. . MORGAN, B EDO Successors to Onyford MINING AND CIVIL KNGINKEIls Mining-, Engineering, Assaying and Analyse. All Mining and Mint Mill Machinery designed and leonttruetM. TEMPORARY OFF JCB: t W MILLER & COMPANY, i;x ii.n;k iihokkhs I No. HMI Ili-ialva, AKW VOKK Members New Tork fctock Exchange, riew ion Olion dicninin, ntw ioi Produce Exchange, New York Coff ee , Members New Tork Cotton chag) Exchange, New Orleans Cotton Ex- tnd New Orleans Cotton Exchange. , ( change, New Orleans Board of Trade, private direct wires to New Tork,1 Chicago Board of Trade. New Orleans and Chicago. Corwa- Transacts a general brokerage and pondents: J. a Bache fc Ctfc. NaW. 'Z comrnlnsion business. Executes ordsrs Tork; Hayward Vlok 4 Co, New Or for the purchase or sale of stocks, cot- . eani; an Bartlette, Fratder t,7; ton. coffee, grain and provisions for ! carrington. Chicago. cash, or will carry the same on mar- j Q t " f :.WB nrornvtSr axe- ' "X gins. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO cu OI tow" ora' VmVur all. EAunAJNUM. rrouipi iu- tlon to all orders. tsrancn omee, v. nviui vvi. i Street, Charlotte, N. C. V. li. AU-:XAMKH, MmiHKPr. Pi D Salkeld & Bro. COMMISSION MERCHANTO. iiO-72 lx4Miurd St.. .-. .Xi:W YORK. COTTON YARNS. WITH Fred'k Vietor & Achelis. RICHARD A BLYTHE Commission Merchants, Cotton Warps and Yarns, No. 114 Chestnut Street, nLll.J.UI,!. T x luiauoirm.., Cotton Yarns. COXSIGXMENTS SOLICITED. " - c. p. Em., i. p. .,. c. r. aiiu.iiaag'a'.; C. P. Ellis &, Co. CHICHESTER'S PILLS j, :- . -Bw Original aa4 tlr Bal. ' Established 1830. j XTTtViv A ufr4 . -i r , Members of the New York Cotton Ex- j change. New Orleans Cotton Ex- j change. Liverpool Cotton Brokers' i Association, New Orleans Board of Trade. , Cotton Exchange Building NEW ORLEANS. . , -Special attention given to executing of orders In Contracts for future deliv ery of cotton In all the markets. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED HUGH lM'RAE & CO., ' V 1 Bankers. r-, 1 ."' cotton Yarns, miscellaneous ; SOUTHERN SECURITIES. COT- i :. . TON MILL STOCKS. . . '. WASHINGTON. 1. C, 408 Colorado i;;::f Balltltnj:. v-'i:;.v;;:vs.'s.; COHiti i ' i I N E RY. -!..,.'. tHANCM OSSlCgl ,. .. tOUITAftlafi BUHOINO." , . ATLANTA. GA. Automatic Feeder, Openers and Trunk ' breaker, Intermediate and Finisher Uppers, ;l Kirschner Carding Beaten Thread Extractors. , Wast Pickers, etc. ' Raw Stock Dryers. . ETC., ETC. - ' We a BULLITT. Turner Co. M fCIll HANTS. irr.lreiotter of MIntM Ul o., N. IMS! t . i , , i 1 ' " ; ' "-'., j- . r.,..":',-:';".' V:F i Civil fCnttiiieerltit,, Wair I'oirtit'" examiiiccl snd reported on. Hewemg and Hew age disposal planU design d and i-onntructsd. est Fifth Street; 'Phona I7, 'y. i-i'isnorth Dolph M. Young DODSWORTH & CO., " Bankers and Brokers . . . ., .phon- Mo. tt Charlotte. M. G. , ... '&t William B, tharlos Amsterdam, N. Y. ; ' ., Cotton Yarns for the New, York State Knitting Trade. MILL ACCOUNTS AfO COR-i-" JIE.SPONDENCB SOLICITED. bw ; WM. D OLIER & Oa, - ; 1 onimisslon Merchants. - COTTON YARNS inirn ana i,nesiiiui ov., t Mariner and Merchant Building, " PHILADELPHIA. PA. ' j JAMES E. MITCHELL. COMMISSION MERCHANTS ' ' " 11 I I BED u ! aMaUla Wn4 mm wis dim ilHa. Tak M atkok HefaM . SaaMlta Uaa laaWatljaa, Atkjmt v- TTllrfin m unA i MMiia ll r- Pi FT tiralara, TaMlaiatala u ! ? . Ar IW Laaiaa, k; rMarv HalL tt in Ml ; Onuu CklcaaaMoCliMBlval C. : miiA- ra j M. R- DICKSONJ . IK tfttWl U DICKSON & hull; commission; merchants COTTON GOODS. NEW YORK, 105 Franklin M. CAN OFFER MILI-8 ALL ACCOM MODATIONS AFFORDED BY ANT FIRST-CLASS COM-. J .. MERCIAL HOUSE, HUBBARD iEHQ: & CD. carros mehcii am . 1 . . - XlaHOYer . . . - -' ? :,'T 3