'if-" V 0. a. tompkins J rTELISIIEKS' ANNOCNCCMENT. , A subs-ilbM" in ordering the addres tfl.is rPr chanced, will .,,ni the add vs W which -, it r. tlm! i hi asks tor th Chang to "IT South' Tryon rhane number: Uusines office, W. :. city dttr oflic. 4; jaanaglng edK; tor's nice, !34.- ' 2. l.l A r,n Advertlsl." rates are-furnUhed on application. Advertiser "y -. ,. air. that thwugh 'ThSrln?.. t.rr tike mar reach ell Charlotte Sa larM portion f th best peopi tathl 6ut and upper South Caroline - This paper tve correspondent as w latuSd. it think. public pormlts. but e in Mltc?lZ iponibU lor their View. It J much nreferred that correspond1"' . sign thH? liwS iU their articles, -p-rtaiiy in ciiM where they jr on or institutions, though this is St demanded. Th tor.resvw, the right ta tv the oaw of oorre spondeois when -they are tdeirnded t th purpoe of personal "th"" tlon. To receive consideration a. com munication muit be accompanied by, the true name of the correspondent Tt'ESDAr. tctumn $9. urn. COVCERXIXa CIIIXE8E AXD OTH KB IMMIGBATIOBT. A valued friend,' on of th leading ourtnea men of the Bute, write to express intereat, in the editorial on i fMimtlAii Southward." . 4uiuj & . which appeared In The Observer ot the uli. and adda: ,tl " ' - -On thing Ui ure, there la jnot suffl ' cleat labor In the South to-day to upply the demand caused by our rapid develop ment I an almost persuaded that, ft such a thing could be done, It would be wise for th South te admit the Chine I niet In to cotton-growing State. WbethW this would be constitutional or ' not I do not know, but I do bollev tl , Chinese would be an help a any Ir. the world for: cotton farina, rice farm and frnlt-trowtng. and lumber nulla. I pent tew weeks In Cttiforr.la Iiut fall and by inquiry tamed that the farmer, tiolel-kepere and rrult-groweri are much ' pleaded with lb Chinese labor and the opposition to tbetr coming to thia country originate from labor organizations. The Chinese are uwirairivun, auwiuvoiy -hie, and aa a rule have no vlcloun Imblt i that Injur aoeiety., "t not not writing tht for pubJIcntlon. but I. would like) flrst-rat? to see au ar ticle front you, or aoma person better Informed than I am on this aubjant" ' TV do not aaautne to be better In formed than our-correspondent, upon the subject under dtseuMlon, but it may not 1m amies to say that we hard ly think It worth while to consider the Chines when we come to think of the need of more labor in the South. They are shut out not by any constitutional provision, but by tn Chinese exclusion Act wbkh Is about as firmly engraft dttipon our system as It 1t were an '. organic Instead of k statute law. We think well of "the Chinese as 1 Amerl ' can laborers, especially on the cotton and rice farms. In the orchards and for domestic service, though it must be admitted that the testimony Is r not uniformly favorable. However, as . said above, the exclusion Act closes our ports to ther and we apprehend that the present generation will not live to see Us repeat It signifies nothing thut we tbtnk It should never have been enadted,- but U was done to meet a poIUIcaL emergency and is apt to stick Indeflnltely ; 4 .' ' All acre that the labor problem Is r the most serious one that now con ' fronts the South, We are producing ' wa wnkvii vaswes " V fevavf esll vai aw - is not in the cotton fields alone that tnor labor Is needed. The South' : vapia aeverapmeni, as our correspon dent suggests, cells for help in other , directions, and where It Is to come ' from laoor ef a satisfactory class is of course .meant ioes not yet appear. In this connection the following article ; day to or Interest: fSpeaklng ot Italian Immigration." ob- t IIMlt rAl T f XTi.ttluon r f'W., i I f laat evening at the Spartan Inn. "our rx porknse kaa teen not what we hoped for. : The Italians who came to thia country to work la the phosphate minee were dU- . contented and soon left the plaoc to en- gese w wufr lines, an or wnicn are non agricultural. In my opinion the Italians are not the clu.se that we want. The German, Scottish, Welah. Scandinavian or French immigrants are all right. The Latin races do not iisslmilatc with ua. and they are like the Chinese In one senseas soon ss they make what In their ideas is ; competency they return to their native country and become burons, mogul arid counts. - Tb question of Immigration Is rerleus had r people do not really ap preciate the Importance of the matter. The negro is leaving- the plantations and bis future is uncertain. , The cities and towns are full of indigent negroes. They have eschewed the farms. Therefore we must look to a lusty race or races to save the washedrut loads and bring the soil back to its heritage. The Italian cannot, and will not do it, as long as bananas and peaauts are for sale and the plain tive waff of the hand-organ can he heard and the "monk' eaa hand around the hat" South Carolina is, w i believe, en deavarltns, through Us immigration commissioner,, to settle Italian immi grant. There ate Italians and Jtsl Jari. and like Jeremiah's pigs the good e ( ery good and the bad 'very bad. The latter class. would tie a scourge and of the Importation ot a very great many of the former we have no great hope. There are foreigners of various nationalities, who would make - unex ceptionable citizens, but the only for '?iiprs who come to the-country In treat numbers who ate particularly tl f irable for Southern settlers are the i vidi n avians, and these turn - their i s to the Korthwcst.-' Jf, through i.-a:, rratlon ' commissioners, . ; special ".si. bureaus of Information or oth '' thl tldo could once be set fJ. our iaW, troubles would . fn.l. Jipji.time until provl '' to - the- rwmn. we must, ' " ' r ffiil tlnvly OVnlinff, ' T, r, l ! lu lu ; . :.t the THE It Ci: Qi r.STIOX IS KANSAS. The race lsae has coine to the front in Kansas in a manner, which' sayors of the Cooker Washington Incident and Is very shnllar to the dinner of the Republican na tlonal - committee In Washington a year ago, In which the stand taken by National Committee man W.'S. 0&. .Robinson resulted. In his belnaT practically read out of th organisation, -f. The trouble comes about over an In vitation to Prof. Vernon, bead of Quin daro ' University, a negro educational Institution, to respond to a toast at a banquet' of the Kansas Day Club, on January SOth. - Th Kansas Day Club Is mad up of th Republican leaders of th State and the invitation, of course, embrace all it member. Cot Vernon accepted - and, If the ' dinner comes Off, he will be the only colored man to have his feet under th table. CoL W. C MoKhar, a leading and Influ ential citizen,, balks and ha written a letter ot protest to the club, In which lie says: "It you, sir, and your committee de sire to associate with negroes, it is your privilege to do so, providing; the negroes do not object, but I, with 90 per cent, of the White people of Kansas, am not con structed that way, and, while they may not write you la an effort to make that fact penetrate your skull, depend upon it they wilt fpcl Insulted when any one tries to thus associate the name of the State with a function wherein ' the savage of Africa Is received and mingles on terms of social equality with all. If one negro takes part this time it opens the door to others. The next annual event will find more on the list of invited guests. The next thing you will know some crank of this kind will be bringing a negro Into a white man's parlor to a social gathering." Against Col. Mosher's attitude the other Republican leaders present a solid front, taking- the stand that if Vernon, who stumped the State for the party in the lata campaign, is good enough to work for the party, he Is good enough to ear with It.. Col. Ver uon Is discreetly silent. It Is gratifying to note that there Is at lesat one while man in Kansas who views the matter of race distinction as it is viewed in the South. A GHOWIXG TOWN, AND WHY. The prime reason for Charlotte's contlnuoue going forward is the diver sification ot its Interests, manufactur ing and other, There is a popular Im pression that it is merely a cotton mill centre. Nothing could be more er roneous. Legions of things are going on here, some on a large scale, others on a smaller, but all paying good wages and contributing" to the growth and wealth of the community. The latest projected enterprise Is a handkerchief factory. It may not be an enormous Institution at first 300 dosen ot hand kerchiefs per day but the most suc cessful enterprises, br and elsewhere, have small beglnnlrTgs. Not only in manufacturing but Jn other lines, a great variety of interests are repre sented here, fcvery few days a new sign appears In the window ot an ofnee building or elsewhere. The city Is rapidly becoming a headquarters or .the seat of a dltttlnct agency for an In finite diversity of "Susinessea Char lotte people, who. ' few years ago, knew everybody here, have entirely lort the rurt of the population: the best Informed have no" idea of all ihe things that are going on rljfht around them. If there are those away from here who" think of making their homes and estab lishing business in Charlotte, they would do well to come before property gets high, for this Is a growing town and hi destined to be a big one. A LESSOX TO LITIGANTS. TIk( Cone Kxport and Commission Company Gives a Sharp lesson to a Former Cuutomer in Defending an Unjustifiable Claim.. ... New York Commercial. A sharp lesson to that class of busi ness men who immediately rush into litigation with those with whom they cannot agree was "administered In a New York court recently, when the Judge dismissed the suit against the Cone Export and Commission Compa ny, brought by S. Blum & Son, of 404 Boardway. New York city, on the evi dence submitted by Blum & Son. The court considered wa not even re quired to introduce any evidence. The plea upon which the suit was based was thut the Cone Company had failed to deliver 16,000 yards of Electric coUonnde. As u mutter of fact the plaintiff failed to prove that the entire purchase of Electric cot tonudes aggregated 15,000 yards, when a portion of the order placed had ul ready been delivered. Bium contend ed that a conditional order for an In terior grade of cottonades. which was aeennea, was also an order for the Electric brand. The main question litigated, so far aa the trial went, was as to the quantity of goods that had been ordered. The whole question was one that- had no manding- In court, and never should have been taken there. If every firm that failed to agree with another over a compara tively trivial matter should hasten to the courts for a settlement, there would be bo vast an amount of busi ness litigation that half the commun ity would have to turn lawyers. Judges and court attendants to dispose, of it. We have no desire to unduly criti cise a firm -r individual. It is the principle involved, that makes the e cision in the case one over which every business man who favors the healthy progress of business interests should rejoice. The less ITCigatlon the business world haa,, the more fortun ate does It become, and we trust ihe rebuke administered to the trftntltt In this case will be heeded by those who allow their anger to get the better of their sober business Judgment, Th Con Co "imiastoii an j Export Company la one of our solid business Institution, and no one who knows it would tor a moment bjlljvs it rith.r attempted to dodsr the terms of KnJ agreement or set the upper hand in any controversy ty' llieeltlm.aC4 mean?. There ar ways of aet'lUig- honorable disputes in an honorable und Signified fashion, without turning them over to the, lawyer. Let w. top y that In cv.ry cas , such ia the plalit!.T will h laughed out of court.. - , " "" .' -''"i"illi'fl!ii.,niiii, lii,v;-Vfr , iv, ' Country' Residence Burned. ' , '.Fire completely destroyed the "resi dence of Mr Willam A. Nfsblt, near Hunteravtlle, at about o'clock yes terday morning. The, family were at breakfast when It brohe out, and the flames gained such rapid , headway that there was nor checking them." The loss- was , 11.600,' with 70O Insurance. &.m all nun at cra:isuono. jBlnze In ItcMtaorant Thrftcn Other , I'r)fertT -itiiiUluig at VlliiiHeU in- xtitute Murnw orotauie . Jicunion oj '1 hire rromlncnt Men. . ( Special to the Th Observer. y Greensboro. Tec. 18. A fire, at the restaurant of John Hart, Just south of Jennings' , wholesale fruit store, on South film street, -this morning at. 6 o'clock, threatened for a time th de struction of a splendid business block. The fire companies quickly responded, Although the entire first floor was ablaze, water, wa plentiful, the eponae prompt and the names were subdued. Tbo loss to Mr. Hart was his entire stock.' amounting to about 300, and m cash, Which wa dam aged, but' this belonged to Mr. Percy Albright, of Wilmington, ana is cov red by insurance. Tb family of Mr. Hart wa sleeping on the second story. The firemen res cued the ladle from th front win dowe. The ladle were perfectly cool, until their naked feet touched the snow-covered street, when they lost their nerve and went Into hysterica. New reached here to-day of the burntnr last nurht at Whltsett Instl tuto of a two-story frame- building used as the musical department. The buildinsr was the first on erected there for the school. But few particu lars are had, but it la said that seve ral piano were consumed, the loss on the building and musical Instrument being covered by Insurance. , There will be a notable reunion her next Thursday of three notable men and near kinsmen, Major Joseph M. Morehend. of Greensboro, president of the Guilford Battle Ground Company, ha Invited his wuslns. Major Turner Morehead. of New York, and Col. Jim Hobson. of Alabama, to break bread with him. U is nil arranged for next Thursday, and Major Turner Morehead arrived from New York Suturday night, spending yesterday here and leaving to-day for Danville, to return in time for lite formal reunion. Colo nel Hobson, who is the father of Hero Richmond. Pearson Hobson. will arrive Wednesday night n his way to visit his old home In Pavle. county. Years ago these three were not only class mates, but rootn-mat.ee at the Htate University; later In war, each earned a title for brnve and heroic service, and In the wnyn of peace ever since have won distinction in law, finance and belle-letters. Colonel Hobson has been a Judge: Major Turner More- head ono of the most progressive financiers, first In North Carolina, now In New York, while Major Joseph Morehead has attained imperishable renown as a splendid public citisen and devoted student of Revolutionary history, a protector of North Carolina's honor tn that struggle and a promoter of the Interests and the glory of the battle of Guilford Court House. The regular two-weeks' December term of Guilford Superior Court for the trial of civil cases adjourned to day at 10 o'clock for the term, aft6r holding one week. The .. only work this morning wan the signing of seve ral judgments ot compromise and the setting aside of a verdict which the jury had rendered Saturday In the case of IT. C. Richardson & Co., of High Point against the Insurance Company of North America- The JOde charged the Jury that If they believed the evidence, the defendants were not liable, but the Jury returned a verdict of $300 in favor of the plain tiff. So there will be a new trial in this case, which consumed two days of last week. Judge Bryan will leave for his home at Newborn to-morrow. Although but two or three cases have been tried at this term, it is said that at least fifty have been compromised or settled. There are now over four hundred rases on the civil Issue docket, and a special term to begin January 2nd has been called, to last for a month or more, with Judge 8haw presiding. There will be an intermission of one week in this special term, as on Janu ary 16th a one-deew'S regular term of court for th trial of criminal cases, Judge Allen, presiding, will he d. There is some comment her over so many special terms of court being called, when the regular term are in variably curtailed. PEOPLE'S COLUMN The Observer will send A. D. T. Messenger, witiiout charge, to -yotir placo of business or residence for advertisements for this column, 'Phone A. V. T. Measenger Service, No. 45; or Observer, No. 78. All ad vcrtiscmenta Inserted in this col umn at rate of ten cents per line of six words. No ad. taken for lc. than 20 cents. Cash in advance. HUNDKED8 of tlio best glfU for men. Ed. Mellon Co. F1HE SETS, coal vati. silver-plated ta bleware mnke dHtral)le gifts. Wed- aington Hardware Co. HOUSE COATS. ETC.. at per cent, off lowest prl' th-so goods ever sold in Charlotte. Uttle-LonB Co. FOR SALE--A very desirable home on North Plr. street. ood locality. Jas. L. Deljiney. Piedmont Buildlnr. TEN CASES OF ROIdD OAT8-$2 per en He. Jno. B. Ross & Co.. 8. College St. LOST A erold pin with Confederate flag. Hewar.l if ranirned to B West Morehead. THREB CASKS OF PICKLES at 75 per cent nt their value. Jno. B. Ross A Co., 8 College ftret. SE13 OUR GREAT BOOK VALUES Miiny tl SO books tl.lS. Stone A Bar- ringer Co. RRANNON will save you 40 to 60 per cent, on your Christmas shopping. 'VIOLETS." by L E. Avery. Price $1.00. Stono & Burrlnger Co. STERLING SILVER Traveling Cases, brushes, military brushes, at Brannon's Drug Store. CHARLOTTE Souvenir Paper Weights, 15 to SO cents. Btone & Barringer Co. PMALL QUANTITY of desirable canned poods at cost. Jno. B. Ross A Co., S. College. VERY FINE CIGARS In boxes of 12 and 25 at Ji.oo and $2.09 per box, at Brannon's Druj Store. VICTOR TALKING MACHINES and Co lumbia phonographs. Stone & Barringer Co. , . WANTED QUICK-Buyer for ftood Sec-ond-hand steel rang (Buck's). Used six month. A bargain. 210 West Eighth. GIVE A BOOK Stone & Barringer Co. 8TELUNG SILVER NOVELTIES Such as manicure seta infant sets, cieor. curling tongs, glove fastener, shoe horns. nail files, nail clipper cheap, cheap, ; very cheap, at Brannon's Drug Store. , i T DELIGHTFUL PERFUMES at . Bran- ABBOTTS Histories- for Young -ople, ln eloth odltion. Price B5e. Stone & Barringer Co. . , v ORDER YOUR Christmas Ice cream from . Brannon,. - Fancy- shapes, for holiday functions. 'Phone 1S , 8HOPPTNG RAGS The latest stvles. $2,00 to $12.00, Stone A Barringer Cov BRANNON'S lll!low Ic Cream Plire: : lH,h ' tutfM tllSM mvAif . 1PMAtf .forms for Christmas. f GIVE A BOOK-Onr srieclai fl.l counter m?ki It easy.-' fitono & Bsrrlna-r. : ( . - '' . . ' , , L ; - The) Observe U' ea4 A. p. Meawantrer, without chair's to your place of ttaaUte Of renUenM f off advcrUaenaemt v for tfaia . oolamn. 'Phooo A. I. T. Uemmigm gertioe, No. dftf oc Observer, New 34V All ad vertlaemeat Inserted - In thl Col umn at rat of tea cent net lUM of six word. N ad. takon for leag thaa Z0 oeata. Outt la suivsuaoa. - - folks at hots at th Weddlacton Hard- war , WV:w..::..yv"' ANOTHER BIO ' LOT .apl ladle' etoaaa jre, i WANTKO-Fifteen sale ladle at one. s. ti. uress co ana j una e smmsu wb HAVK NO TOrs-Th nicest store to do year shopping in. ivejr. MORRIS CHAIRS at lowest pricea W, T. Mcc'oy. ALL FTRNITURB FOR GIFTS at low est pni.-es. V). t. sacioy, , RELIGIOUS PAMPHLETS stent free on application to K. I Weaver, of Chester Ave., urocktoa, at ass. . FOR RiT-rSlsj-room bouse; modern con- CRANBERRIES in quarts, bushel or bar rel Jots at eut price! ease pouna eaa. )Sc; best fruit cake, Uc; fresh, whit cel ery. Kridger A Co. ---;t - A WEALTHY and attractive maiden wants without delay kind husband ta relieve her or business care, no oujec f ions to honorable, capable poor man. Ad dress Cook, 67 Flournoy, Chicago. WANTED Position by competent lady stpnuifi-aplier, Good references. Address "M." care Charlotte Observer, - OUR 8TOR10 wilt be open evenings dur ing the holidays. The Lonsr-Tate Cloth ing Co. . THE FINEST PIPES In town. Make cettabiat srifts for a man. charlotte Ctgur Co. L08T POO White setter with black head. Muck spot on tail; female, smuli, has on ionther collar. Reward If returned to Observer office. WANTED AT ONCSFlrst-class whit barber; salary til per week. Address 1 N. Tryon St.. Charlotte. N. C. J. C. Pressley. LOST Pair gloves. Reward it returned tb Frank Hoover or Observer office. HOUSEKEEPERS Don't forget the sale of Christmas cakes and home-mad can dry Friday at Stieff's Music House. Sale beains at 9:30. You will rind all kinds of cakes, from grandmother's (ringer bread to pound and fruit cake. A BOX of Cocke's Bouquet Cigars Is just the thing to give your husband or gen tleman friend,, Charlotte Cigar Co. JORDAN offer many Christmas shoppers. inducements to Lpre OF DESIRABLE GIFTS for tne PERFUME in fancy bottles. Get them at Mayer's, Druggist, and Tryon. 'Phone 232. Sixth A PIANOLA la Just the thing for the whole family. You will be delighted with your purchase. Parker-Gardner Co. FOR YOUR WIFE OR DAUGHTER Com3 her and get them a fine dresser, individual desk, book case or cheval mir ror. Parker-Gardner Co. COSTUMERS, Hat Racks, Brass I .amps, Taborettes and Pictures. Just the thing for a gift. Co. Prices low, Parker-Gardner THE BEST LINE OF CIGARS at May er's. Druggist. 'Phone 8M. Sixth and Tryon. OFFICE DESKS, offlo chairs or office cabinets will make a nice Christmas gift for your husband. Parker-Gardner Co. WANTED Reliable person In each lo cality for business position. Salary $20.00 weekly and expenses. Expense money advanced. Position permanent. Previous experience unnecessary. f-iualneHs estab lished. Address Mr. Cooper, Como Block, Chicago. FOR THE CHILDREN Buy them here a nice rocker, dressing table, ehlffoner or brass and white enamel bed. Our stock Is large. Parker-Gardner Co. FOR FANCY CANDIES go to Mayer's. Druggist. 'Phone 262. Sixth and Tryon. SHE WOULD APPRECIATE a box ot candy or a nice bottle of perfume. Mayer haa them. 'Phone SIX Sixth and Tryon. $20.00 AND EXPENSES paid weekly to a reliable man to travel and collect In North Carolina. Experience not necessa ry. Self-nddresBcd envelope for reply. Address Dept. L, IS Dearborn St., Chi cago. GIVE HIM A BOX OF NICE CIGARS Get them at Mayer's, Druggist. 'Phone 212. Sixth and Tryon. FOR BALE Two mules, wagon and har ness, one good family horse, two cows; also farming implements. 'Phone 294-S, WE WILL HE GI.AD to help you select a present. Mayer. Druggist. 'Phone A. Sixth and Tryon Sts. . WANTED Position by experienced sten ographer first of year. Address Miss M. care Observer. LARGE STOCK of carpets and rugs. These make handsome and useful gifts. Parker-Gardner Co. THE FINE8T CIGARS for the holiday trade. Gem Restaurant, FOR RENT Furnished first floor fiat Re ception hall, five rooms and bath. Pos session at once. Apply Mrs. Jas, A. Dor ritee, Dilworth. FOR SALE Horse and buggy. Ross, Cochrane' table. See M. THE OBSERVER Is offering a year's sub scription for ths best written carriers' address to be used Christmas day aa a greeting from the carrier boys ot the paper. Contestants must send in copy not later than the 20th Instant There are no restrictions a to number of verse. WE DELIVER your Christma packages. Charsre reAranahlA. A. n. fr. 'T.l.nhnn. 46. : : ' V ."'. - : T FOR SALE Several fine lot on North Pine street, and on W. Twelfth street. Hugh W. Harria V : IF YOU are in Dilworth, Piedmont Park or anywhere and want a messenger th American District U prepared to you. Telephone 45. J THE AMERICAN DISTRICT Messenger are at your service, Kates reasonable. Phone 45. . . : :-,.vi;..'.f ,, WANTED A tew boarders. Apply at ts$ North Tryon. ; PORTION of a warehouse for . rent cheap. Apply, Obwrver offlo. u ! FOR RENT Fred Oliver residence, va . Tryon street; furnished, furnace heat, all modern convenience Apply to J. R. Hol land. ;,- w.--'-,-..;' k ' : WANTED For TJ. & Army, Able-bed led, unmarried men. between aare of SI and $&, cltlsens of United States, of good cbar- scter ana temperate naoinx, woe eaa speak, read and writ Bneiish. For Infor mation apply to Recruiting Officer, U Weat a w eft., vi"" kilkw, fw. v. i bvuihwi um and Trust Building, Greensboro. N. C.l Postofflc Building, WInMon-Salem, N. C; 40 Patton Avew, Asheville, N, C, or Qer. wao uuuama. epartanDurg, B. u. . FOR RENT Two rooms in Wilkinson Building, . Apply Gem Restaurant. , WANTED Salesman already traveling to carry linseed oil and paints as aide line; no sample needed. .Address t'nlt-d Paint and Unseed Oil Co., Klchmond, Va. ron gale ' Ten-room Furnished Boo ' with cellar, situated on car line, boulrvad ana unanarvt avenae, LHiwortn. -, Comfortably planned, handsomely finished. Water, gaa and !ctrle light. neaiea ny not water.:: s Out-bouse- t ot servant. A corner Jot, 10Q feet front tr MO tet deep, i Uot desirabi srooertv for family wanting m horn. .. jr-urnitur not Inclu4d if aawrM For term, apply to 1 ' MECKLENBCftQ IKOX WORE. Wall Papers and Decorative Work ArllsUs frcscolnf. All kind ef Paintinr and Finishing. "Ptrlod. deooration v specialty. , wall Paper from 5 cent t6 150.00 per rolL Estimates and design furnished out-of-town customer on application. Japanese, French,' English had Do meatio Paper. - " CHARLOTTE FURNISHING DECO- , BAWNG AGENCY. MP YOU TIRE Having Trouble with your plumbing you can overcome am by letting u do your work. We only employ competent plumbers, and all -work Is guaranteed. CaU and see us and let us show you our stock of Bath Tuba, Closets and Lavatories, Gas Fixtures, etc., and submit prices. Phon Hi. A. R. Willmann Pl'g CO. FOES MY NEW DISTILLERY This distillery was built and started in operation last February, surveyed capacity 38 bushels, 13 chambered Cant inears still; will work 150 bush els per day; all new; now in operation daily in Salis bury, N. C 1 mean busi ness will include teams and connections. Reason for offering to sell is my health. ' Bargain to pur chaser. M. L. BEfN, SALISBURY, N. C. Chance for a Safe Investment A limited number of shares for sale In Mole Knitting Mill. Mill to begin operation January 1. Situated on one ot th finott watet powers in Richmond County. For particulars writ, E. 3. INGRAM. ML Gllead N. a W. D. WITHE RBEE, 11 D. CHAIUXTTKt X. a PRACnCB LIMITED TO TREAT MENT OF Cancer and Skin Diseases OFFICE " HTH DR. REGISTER. Tivoli's Hofbrau Beer THIS MONTH It will keep oft th blue when only water Is plentiful. a VALAER BOTTLING WORKS. R. L DAVIDSON & CO., Merchant Tailors We have all the newest effects in Weaves and Colorings from the best foxeign woolen manufac turers. Special Suitings and Overcoats. R.E. DAVIDSON & CO. Merchant Tailors PIANO AND VOCAL INSTRUCTIONS; Special instruction In piano and vocal ; lesson. Latest and beat method used, i Pupil learn to read at sight. W. H. 0YERCARSH. Studio 806 South Tryon Street. ; r -SOUTHERN STATES" PORTLAND CEMENT a. F. WITHERS, ' - State Agent. Oiarlott. - , : North. Carolina. ' 0000C00OOOC00fX90000O0000O WHY : . so much "coughing? It is because every body is not taking ' GRfWS . Compound Syrup of White , Pine, . Wild v Cherry, Glycerine and Tar. .Those who ; ' ' v take it do no cough. Price ID end 25c. : ."- Prepared by the - GRAY DRUG CO. Fhon tt oocwecoobiopoobcxboooof ; Ins Forward And why shoulden't the universe unite in this annual celebration of the most eventful, occasion of the world's history? We shall do our best to jnake this part of the world happy Christmas Day. We've brought to the front a dis play of holiday goods without a parallel. It is all a marvelous ex hibition, an exdeptionally fine showing of presents for children, women and men a collection of gifts incomparable in this section of country. No matter to whom you wish to make a present, or what price you wish to pay you'll surely find it here. There's Toys emphat ically the greatest show for the amusement of the little people at home ever bi ought together in Charlotte And there are sub stantial lines of those of more mature age. In fact all ages have been considered and all classes of gift-hunters have been remem bered. You'll not pay too much for your gif's here. We'll save you money. We had an eye in this direction when we selected our Christmas stock. We made a contract with Old Kris Kringle in the year to supply his wants, and we shall live up to the con tract in the most business-like manner. Brilliant Assemblage of Jewelry and Novelties for the Holiday Trade. Our Jewelry Department has been enhanced, most bountifully sup plied with special lines of gold and silver novtlties, watches, clocks, silverware, etc goods that we have just opened up for the holiday trade. This gorgeous display of the : most favorite of gifts is void of trash, of poorly constructed articles. . It is a rep resentation of the test there is in this particular line, and all these favorite attractions; for the Xmas trade are selling at a marked sav-; i ng . in price. ; t Petter's. Milk Chocolate, the fin- est oa the market, 5; 10 and ape. "cakes.'' r'i:y Our Candy Deportment ik the Drat Equipped v In the Cltyw ; The Flnost Candles at m 4 ner ttnunrf. ' t " ".""; ..-'' -v.aT CCOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOCOOOOOfOOOOOCX) rm . r .-' . ( j