IN AND ABOUT GBEEXSBOBO DEATH OP MRS. KATE yAMBETlI. Jlmable Guilford Lady V?? Ho Home at Oak lUdge--Two eJ5i CSpd With Ilobberr rl-Clurf iuattco Spencer Adams nor-Federia Oerk K" . school Suspend for the ' Holidays Two Interesting ,WM" .:.'" dings. vV'""'' " Special to The Observer.' ; , . Uraenabora, Deo. 52.-A : yeIBCnLI" n foot to get the boom or irsiw ' 3 to InvlW President to spend a In Greensboro, when he k JT poerd Southern trip. A ' " In all probability be ,)ISl,l,nton to personally deliver tbe vlUtton. Mrs. Kate Lambeth. "Sul; Chnstlan w)bim of Oak Ridge, died at her horn there yesterday 1 ,mm buried at Muir a ehaoel. four wiles from Guilford county, and sister ? f," , iai iwh a repute- o7 in the nuVsery and trntofW tnr Duplin county, Bhe wui kS year r ford, and Mr. George Imbeth, of Hn dersonville. i , ACCU8ED OF ROBBERY. t .. K .rt.ri.nnii Kd. brown, col ored, of Brown Summit, found when lie entered hi. horn-, that It had been broker, 1... s kiuul nf nil Ms ClOttlfO. "IS run. a watch and til In money. .George Van Hook, a negro, of Brown Summit was arrested here this mornlme, ?ciflrf of the crime. On his person was found :... I. hi. vail. the elothliiK. til poStot-book a t6 bill, identified by Brown as his. but the shot-gun ha not been located. , , w moif a waterdav of the ror- 1 nn Tuesday night of ' urm,i n.otapnnt Yesterday after noon Wllkle found in the store a boot- "black's badge, wnicn me pu-" belonged to a negro. Thomaa uarmn.i . .uiitir ririnrd. the officers ! ..,A V.I. .Mninr nuarters and found many articles of stolen pro-.011 inese were a iroiu wow-.,. -:-. 1 . r,iM last week: a 20- tound box of nuts, stolen from Clegg s bakery 8aturday night; a pair jf panta and other dry goods missing from u. Stadlem's Monday night; cigars misslnu from Wllkles Tuesday nig ni. eoat, atolen from ft dummy ngureui tut, Johnson ft Co s. Monday "erno"; ana two puiais. m - ',"'a in Jail, and will be Riven a hearing to morrow. A wag on the police force de clares that any man who will stenl I an overcoat off of a dummy's back, stand na out day and night in this cold, f reeling weather, ought to be hanged. -FBDBRAt. CLERK BEBION8 Clerk of tho Federal Court, 8. U. Trog dew hareslwned hp position as custo- master Tyre Glenn has been appolntad to the place an ha acreptod. Rev. J. P. McCulloch, professor of mathematics at the Adrlp.n College, of Adrian. Mich., arrived last night to spend Christmas with his family here. Chief Justice Spencer B. Adams, or tne Citlsenship Court of the tndlan Torritory. pent yesterday here and left this morn ing for Indian Territory. He stopped here on his way from Washington, where he bad bean to report 10 tne ueperimeni. ...... work of the court during the two years of Its existence. Judge Adams will re turn to Greensboro to live ana ram; practice of law after January 1st, the life of the court expiring December 81st. The Alumnae Association of Greensboro ' Female College, upon purchase of the property, assumed a bonded Indebtedness s of M0.0O0. Every cent of this had been paid off. except ft bond for WOO. which was atrangely not sent In, and could not be located. It came In yerday and to-day was redeemed to the last penny, principle and interest. 8CHOOL8 SUSPEND. ml. . itTH. 1 UtiH fniliiiitrtal COI- lege, the Greensboro Female College and kl h.wI ahnnta ansr.onded to-day f. rhrtstmas holidays. Studenta of the college began having to-night on west-bound tvains. As most of them -re from tho east, the Southern Railway has provided a sumcieni nunioer ' 4v.s wmlar 7:20 east-bound train to-morrow mor.iing to accommodate the i wnmon B-nlna- In that direction. The factorle- here will shut-down to- . morrow for (n isxmas, rwunuiiB next Tuesday. , -.. At 7 o'clock Inst night, at the resl - -r t. -n w v -Rattln. he unit ed In marriage Miss Nellie Fpgleman an J Mr. Ralphe Barbae, of Guilford Colleao. mom aioin, nr inn nnn. hiiii iiii. ' Je.' Mr. Barbee and wife will make tholr home In Greensboro. At the Flrt Presbyterian ehurch last right. Rev. Dr. E. W. Smith, in the pres ence or a large aaairaw . fri.n. ma man and wife of Mr. Wot- ter Ernest Crawley and Mi Annie Geor- ine 8ohwltwrlt. ot ureensooro. snr. 7...t.u i a nnmilnr vouna man here, a. valued employe of The Greensboro Record, and Ms is a splendid young wo man with ma"fy accomplishments and a large clivle of friends. A oulet wedding, but a beautiful one. was solemnised Inst night at St. Andrew's .; Vniwwinnl church. whn Miss Sarnh -1 nf rirAanahnrn. and Mr. vriiiinm u .Tr. nf Davidson, were . .united in the holy bonis of wedlock, lor the pastor, Kov. HO-untiei n. uuignuru. inti. aftr n. receotion at i the home of the bride's mother, Mr. An- 1 rkawMor.n their future home. Mr m m MMHfnl rni-iHat thpre. and Miss Hward was for some time tho pop- Ular xraveiins: ogeni 01 im -i rni Friend, of Oxfoid. HOLIDAYS AT THOMAS VILLE. suvaiii m nipriun niKiiui BiiaSfiiHiii" a lie ' Gnwled School Suspend Personals , and News Wotes. ' 'i Special . to The Observer. Thomasville. Dec. 22.-On next SnturdAy night, Christmas eve, the Methodist Sun- ! day school will give a tjnrisimas wmiaia . j ' ' . . 1 . . I fnllnmlnn in if in uuvin nu urv. v., Monday night there will be a Clirlstmus tree and exercises at tne uerman iw fcrmed church. , Thomasville is glad to welcome to our nlds. Mr. A. F. Han-, who has recently raved here for the practice of law. Mr. ' ,imi comes to us, from MarJon. wbr ; had built up a good practice, but .linking Thomasville a better opening, ne Zicided to locate here. Mr. Rams was Ir some time principal of the Cary. High I ihook We extend to him our best the. ' iThe srndod school suspended work yes- t rday for the holiday and will begin the N. Hauss left , this imornln to stxmd - le holidays at Liheolnton, the old home . jf Prof. Hauss. ". Mis Mary Jolmsnn. a - teacher In the traded school, will spend the holidays In, Franklin. V. -Mlss Mary Porter left to-dny for her home at i Qreensboro to spend the Christmas vnca- tion. Mls Morrison; will be at her home in 8tatesville for Christmas. Miss Cleave Stafford, of Wlnston-Snlem, ar rived to-day to visit her couln, MN Per. . rv Griffith." -M1sb Aarnes Poy, of New. ' bern.v wlll arrive to the city, to-morrow and will visit Miss Essie Mock. Mr. ond " Mrs. K. 3. McKnlitht left Inst week for an : extended visit to Mr. McKnlght's parents at-Gardner. Mass. Mr. Root. A.. Grims , tiax come home for the holidays with his home folks from Tennessee, where he has ' been In charge of a, furniture factory, "-Most of our factories will clone down to-morrow nigm tor tne nuaayv The handsome residence of Prof. J. N Hauss. on Salem street, has lust benii ' completed and 1m and Min 1 fa uss ex pect to occupy their new; home Imme- . 'w 111 1 1,1 11. "1. 1 im. ' n -ilJi' '-.aj .nsj W Nejrro Who itostxted Arrest Killed by ' v v , j Kinston unicer. , fineclal to The Observer. ' '" Kinston, Dec. Furney ; jsler, ta negro, was shot and fatally wounded - yesterday afternoon at Grifton, by Po liceman Dan. Beddard. isier was fight Ing with another riegro when Beddard . approached to arrest him. -He turn ed upon Deddard and cut him upon the arm when nendard pulled his gun and fired at short riuiKe, hitting th Tiorro two lnohes below the hrnrt. Th f i f pince Hle a biiildini? wa WITH SOUTHERN RA1MIOADS. y Aim oC All tlM Llnra to Kch the Gnlt of Mexico Additioiut rrooi 01 Us FroHperitjr and noread of the Special to The Observer. Baltimore, Md., Dec. St The rail mail situation In the South is full of instances showing the aim ot,U the important lines there to reacn points upon the Gulf of Mexico, particularly since the construction of Panama canal has been assured, giving warrant for great expect ttona of heavy ton nage to follow tne opening 01 msi m-ter-oceanlo waterway. One Is a re port from New Orleans crediting an official ef the Southern Pacific Rail way visiting there with saymg mat the company . would not be satisfied until It had reached a gulf outlet at both Oulfport, Miss., because of great Importance, especially in lumber, and Pensacola, Fla. He also said that plans were' now under consideration, and practically agreed on, to build a bridge across the Mississippi river at Baton Rouge, with a lino -Ofty-two miles long connecting with the South ern Pacific at Lafayette, La. All that remained to be done was to finance the bridge projects and it was the further purpose of the company to continue eastward to the -ports named. Another very Interesting and Important report comes from Nashville. Tenn.. to the effect that the Tennessee Central Rail road Company Is considering plans to butld two large extensions, one to rir mlna-ham. Ala., and the other to Chat tunootra. The first would be direct from Crossvllle. Tenn. - An officer of the comnanv declined to either af firm or deny the report, which is said to pome from a source close to the control of the road. These are but typical of the tendencies In railroad construction In the South.' which In cludes, however, the building up of smaller line throuah virgin territory. A letter to The Manufacturers' Record tells of one of these operating through thirty or forty miles of territory in two Georgia counties. It Is the Tallu lah Falls Railway, which by opening up fifteen miles of new trackage last spring gave a great Impetus to the development of the counties. The let ter says: "As proof of the prosperity along our lines, we have a net increase of 26 per cent, in the earnings' of our road over the previous year. Delightful fall weather has evidently been taken ad vantage of by the farmers along our line, if one Is to Judge by the Increased acreage of fall plowing. The apple and peach growers have also been benefited by this mild rail weamer in so much that their orchards show plenty of cultivation and thrift. Never in the history of these two counties has there been greater activity In the building line than is shown at the present time. Especially is this true In towns along our new road Wiley, Tiger and Clayton. There are several new Industries in tne process 01 con structionnamely, a silk plant, brick plant. Ice plant, starch plant and an asbestos plant. This latter Industry is well under way and turning out a flniahed nroduct at Tumervllle, Oa. We understand that ths asbestos plant Is turning out a new proauci Known as asbestos plaster and meeting with great success." OUt Of tne BOUinwesi similar aciiti iia are renorted. Along the 'Frisco, for Instance, plants are working their men full time and business is very good. The Southwest is filling up very rapidly with new settlers, and t Is estimated that approximately each 1 DM Immigrants are being car rled over the lines to different points In the Southwest, where they are com mencing the worn or Dreaaing boh. u sldes building homes and carrying on general farming. On account of this heavy Immigration and because of the ottnne- nn nf the country, new towns are springing up, ana ainereni iine 01 business houses are being established at each town, and numerous industries of all kinds are being estaDiisnea. ENTERTAINMENT AT LOUISBCRG. "FVhoes From the Operas" Proves a Success Funeral or woaa man. Correspondence of The Observer. Louisburir. Dec. 21. "Echoes From ODeras" held the boards at the opera house last night. The performance was for the benefit of the Y. M. C. A. and nulte a nice sum was realized. The cast was exclusively of local talent. and each and every one acquitted him self and herself creditably. To men tion all of the company would be necessary to mention each who did his or her part well and space for bids: but I trust it is pardonable to mention those most prominent as so loists. Miss Llxzie Lee Aycock, Miss Lynn Hall. Miss May Jones, Miss Helen Williams, Mrs. A C. Hughes and Mrs. D. G. Pearce all sang well,, while among the gentlemen entitled to special mention are Dr. -A. H- Fleming and Mr. W. W. Boddle. Little Miss Ruth Hall made a hit in the cnarming melody. "Don't You "Want to Be My Doggie?" The chorus was beautiful and graceful, doing their parts well, but unfortunately lacking In volume, due to the badly built stage. The costumes were appropriate and every scene without exception was striking ly pretty. The programme was con cluded with the "Old North State." followed by the national hymn "Amer ica." The remains of Mr. Arthur iimner- lake, who died recently from Injuries sustained by an accident on the Southern Railway, by whlcn company he was employed as flagman, reached here yesterday and were carried to his father's residence at Raynor. The funeral will be held at Rock Spring Baptist church to-day at Z o clock. conducted by Rev. H. K. Mashburn. of Louisburg. TRAINMAN COOKED TO DEATH. One Man Killed and Four Injured In an Atlantic Coast line wrecit in Alabama. Montgomery. Ala.. Dec. 22. In a head-on collision between a freight and work train on the Atlantic Coast Line, which occurred eighty miles from Montgomery, one man was killed and tour iersons more or less seriously In tuned. Dead JIM RHODES, flagman, body cooked under boiler. , Inlured Henry E. McDonough, en glneer, skull fractured, in eerlous conT ditlon; Carl Tally, fireman, arm broken tntwn niaces. neck nearly broken. badly bruised and burned? Thomas Walker, fireman, toes cut off. caught under engine: C. P. Ward, flagman. arm broken. Bust of Lafayette for the t'nlverslty i of virgiiua. fharlottesvitle. Va.. Dec 22. Presi dent Alderman, of the University of Virginia, has received a letter from the French ambassanor at -wsKmniun, announcing that he had been Instruct ed on behalf of bis government to pres nt to th University a bust of- Lafay ette, which la expected to arrive here within a. few days. The bust was re produced from the orlgnalby .Houdon, SmoU Launch From DctyoK . Begins m Sea Voyage. Mohiie. Ala.. Dec 22. The iitue open deck gasoline launch' Slsma to-day started on ' her- voyage of 1.800 miles across the Oulf of Mexico to Hondu ras. The Slsma Is In command of Cap tain Daird and her crew-of lour, fcne came from Detroit, down the Missis sippi to New Orleans-and thence to Mobile.' She wHl stop at Tampa and !!:ivnna. i OFF TO ANY ONE PROVING THAT THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT IS NOT BASED ON ACTUAL FACTS. MORE REYNOLDS' SUU CURED WAS SOLD IN THE PAST YEAR, 1903, THE THIRD YEAR IT WAS OFFERED TO CH EWERS, THAN THE AMOUNT USED IN THE UNITED STATES OF ANY BRAND OF TOBACCO CLAIMED TO BE SUN CURED. SMALLPOX IN SCOTLAND. No Effort Whatever to Check the Spread or the Disvase initial wi In Organising tho Farmers Church Entertainments. Special to The Observer. Laurinburc. Dec. 22. Smallpox Is be coming prevalent in the county both in town and in country. Several cases have been reported, though as yet no deaths have occurred. And there Is no telling what will be the outcome, for there seems to be no effort to stop Its spread except the urgent appeals of the county physicians to tne peopie to submit to vaccination. There la no quarantine, not even of the houses where It Is known to be, and no talk of a pest house for the cases declared to be genuine. The "man with the bumps'' is literally given tbe right of way. The meeting of the farmers of the county at the court house last Satur day, is likely to be the Initial act In getting the farmers united and becom ing members of the Southern Cotton Growers' Association. Committees were appointed for each township, who are to thoroughly canvass the county at once soliciting every farmer to hold his cotton for better prices, and securing his promise to meet here January 7, 1905. looking to a perma nent organisation of the Scotland county farmers. Your correspondent has been In formed bv a leading cltisen that an other cotton mill for Laurinburg is an assured fact. The particulars are not yet given out. The display of Christmas goods here An oreriit in th town, and the mer chants are having a good trade. In th anclal circles this Christmas will not be out of the ordinary. It marks the usual return of the college student and the coming and going 01 inenaa, relatives and sweethearts as or yore. "Madam Rumor" does tell us about tbe ringing soon again of marriage bells, but whether during or Just after the holidays she has not Informed us. In the church circles there will be something going on. The Sunday school scholar will not be forgotten. The Presbyterians give their entertainment, to-morrow night at the church. The Baptists will nave a church social; and a candy pulling for the children all at the pastor's room, Monday night, December 26. Churches In the country will also likely have similar entertain ments. BOY ACCIDENTALLY KILLED. Fatal Ending of Rutherfordton Col lege Student s mini. Special to The Observer. Rutherford College. Dec. 22. Stawall Hill,' a boy fifteen years old, accident ally shot and killed himself yesterday, while returning to the house from the woods near-by. While snaxing a pne of brush his foot slipped, causing the hammer of the gun to strike a log, thus discharging the "entire load Into his neck. Stawall was a siuaem oi tuin erford College and a boy of bright in tellect. Tho Most Projrrcsslve Paper. Statesville Landmark. Tk r-hnrlntt,. Observer has Just In- . .. 1 . . . . . .4 n r made es-cranv foY that papeV. The press s capable of printing a paper of 4. 6? 8Tl2 or 1 pages at one Impression at tYt rate of lO.WW :in nour. t e is now printed from stereotype plates and for the regular 8-page paper, with duplicate plates 20.000 complete papers can be printed in an hour. The Obser ver Is in all respect." tho most modern, complete and progressive newspaper In this part of the country.' in ion u 14 years it has attained wonderful suc cess and Influence, all of which It de serves, for it Is edited with great abili ty and la honest and square ana open. Estate of R. II. Plant Has $111,000 on Hand. Macon. Oa.. Dec. 22.-Keceiver . . Corbln, of the estate of the late R. H. Plant, head of two banks here, who committed suicide when the two Insti tution failed, has made a report showing that 769,00O Is now on hand. The Idle Hour Farm, belonging to the estate, has been self-supporting, and some Improvements have made on tho premises. The Idle nour Uuw have been operated at a profit ; ' ' ' The Morning of Time. Two thousand B. C. The Chinese scientist had JUBt lnventedthe clock. "Ifa a rank, failure," said he; the cook swears she won t get up till she's Hla'llttle hope of 8 o'clock, breakfast gone, he sadly watched the wheels go round. A NEW QUARTER SIZE ARROW;; ! CENTS (ACM; S FOR SO 6CNTS OLUC1T, P6AB00Y OO.. WW . Wv.? Nil A GHADMOTIIERS' DINNER. Notable Social Event at High Point A Movement to Erect a 1. M. V. A. Building. Special to The Observer. High Point. Dec. 22. At a recent meeting of the manufacturers held In the Manufacturers' Club rooms It was agreed to start a subscription list to build a $20,000 Y. M. C. A. building and a committee was appointed to solicit subscriptions and report at a later meeting to be held December 27th. Mr. Mlchener, a well known Y. M. C. A. man made a talk to the working men while here last week and about 300 of them signed an agreement to Join the association. The matter la re ceiving great attention, as it is felt that such an Institution should be located here, and will most probably become a reality. Word received lately from Ed Burns, who was accidentally shot by Geo. Gould, reports his condition Improved but the New York specialists are not yet certain that his eye sight will be restored. A recent notable event was a grand mother's dinner given by Mrs. W. H. Ragan, of this place. Mrs. Ragan was assisted in entertaining by Mrs. W. G. Bradshow and the occasion was a very pleasant one In every particular. The following grandmothers graved the oc casion: Mesdames Dorsett, M. A. Tate, H. C. Kearns, Prof. Johnson, Capt. Johns, 8. Perry, Brow sr. Kirk man, J. H. Johnson, C. M. Chase and Donohue Smith. The proposed inter-urban line con necting High Point, Greensboro and Wtnston-Salem appears to be a cer tainty. The promoters mean business and are being encouraged by the towns Interested. It Is thought that ar rangements can be completed so that work can commence within 90 days at longest. Messrs. R. H. and R. A. Wheeler, the two High Point gentle men interested, are much pleased with the prospects and believe everything will be so adjusted that the project will materialize at the earliest possible moment, Among the distinguished men who will be present here next month at the banquet of the Manufacturers' Club are Secretary Metcalfe, of the Depart ment of Labor and Commerce; Senator Overman and Simmons, Congressman Page, Klchin, and Dixon with other members of the House, the Cuban Min ister, Vice President Tinley and M. V. Richards, of the Southern Railway and other distinguished men. The date of the banquet has not been announced as the committee left It entirely with Secretary Metcalfe, on account of the pressure of business In his department. The occasion will be second to none held in this State. Brpart Set. HI Hie "When did you find out you were standing under the mistletoe?" Agnes (blushing) "When it was toe late." A FRIGHTENED HOR9IC. Running like mad down the street, dumping the occupants, or a hundred other accidents, are every day occur rences. It behooves everybody to have a reliable Salve hundy. and there's none as eood as Bucklen Arnica Salve. Burns. Cuts. Sores. Esxema and Pile. disappear quickly under Its soothli effect. 25s. st Burwell & Dunn Co, . 3C By our work you know us know us to be the best Laundry. Don't take our word for it be your own judge. A' trial will prove our claim. , 'J SflOO C PETTEE ME , , improved BTOTES RJRXISKED, A. H. WASHBURN, SOUTHERN AGENT, CHARLOTTE. NORTH CAROLINA. Franklin High School, Frankllnvllle, N. C. Dec. 6. '04. Mrs. Joe Person, Charlotte. N. C: Dear Madame. I cannot express my full ap preciation of your wonderful t Remedy. I have used it In my home for three years, and think It Invaluable. As a tonic. It cannot be excelled. For In digestion, or run-down system. It has no equal. I wish every sufferer would give It a fair trial. It will certainly do ail you claim for It. Mrs. Mary C. Weathsrly. J MRS. JOE PERSON Manufacturer, Charlotte, N. C. At all Druggists and Dealers. JUVENILE BICYCLES Armistead Burwell, Jr. HARDWARE. CUTLERY. SPORT ING GOODS. 25 North Tryon Street. LEONARD L. HUNTER, ARCHITECT Offlea ta 4-Ca Building. CHARLOTTE, I. CAROLINA. Tho Charlotte Shoe Hand-sewed welt, choice Vicl KW. made Bluchcr style like cut, and Bal. Style, with opera toe, kid tip and military heel, or wide toe, kid tip, with common sense heel: sixes, 2 to 8; width. D and B; price, $2.50. By mall, 20c extra. GiLRBnTH & eo. When Kris Kringle Speaks should you not listen aa to one with .n.nritv Hi Holiday ad vice, to you Is to seeH US out tor anytnins . everything you desire and require tit hard and soft woods" for Inside or out side lumbetu That yo wiu make no mistake In dcaUmsr here Is amply borne out by ,the testimony ot. our . oiubbi customers. ? ; ' j. li. mv:i;& cc::?a:.yj , .. .... - DUILDZnO OF cotton pao.jsl::;;; ..BP V 4 - The Char 2 otto Supply Co. WB ARB BOUTHBRN AGENT FOB TINNED WIRE, GERMAN HEDDLE3 AND HUD DLE FRAMES. ;: ; WRIT va TOfl PRICES. Voskatt A Bishop Btaam Craps carried in stock, sOo Card Clothing and ft full Una ot Supplies. CHARLOTTE. BIRMINGHAM. SPARTANBURG. ENGINES And Boiler o During the past year we have col lected from various sources some second-hand engines and boilers. After the ginning season wss over we over hauled and tested these, and are now offering them for sale at attractive prices. At present our list embraces the following: One 40 II P, boiler on skids and engine. One IS H.P. return tubular boiler and 12 H.P. engine. One 20 H.P. boiler on skids and engine. Any one who may be In need of any of theses sizes is requested to write us for detailed description and prices. LIDDELL COMPANY, Engines, Boilers, Saw Mills, Improved Oln Machinery, Pulleys, Shafting, etc. THROUGH TRAIN SERVICE TO CALIFORNIA AND ALL PRINCIPAL. . POINTS WEST. VIA UNION PACIFIC. SHORTEST ROUTE FASTEST TIME SMOOTHEST TRACK Electric Lighted Trains Daily. INQUIRE OF J. F. Van Rensselear, 13 Feachtrec Street. Atlanta, Ga. Pr. I. Ny Hutchison. J. 4. MutohlMn. I INSURANCE I I FIRE LIFE ACCIDENT Offloo, N. Hunt BulldlnB. Sol Phns)499a. mm HMa. Tata a atkw. BWm -SakMltadau4ImltaUM. inula, m mat 4 Mala la mmf'f " Maalan. TaaMajaalaU " far Laalaa. kr fatara Mall. Sox ; u Draaltu. CalaacatOTCamlMltw iaaalM Maara, f Hit, PA. iXmas Flowers We have a choice selection- of American . Beauties, White and -Pink Roses; White. Pink and Red Carnations. : Also r double Blue Violets. - , We are always pleased 4 ouote prices on " ' WEDDING FLOWERS. -' for Flowers wanted on short 1 notice. Telegraph or Telephone us. We have them. - ! We consider well-filled and well-packed ordera our best adr fvertisers. , t Out-of-town orders receive the same attention as It the parties were here. 4 Prices submitted on application. jDihvcrtlf Flcrfi! 02rtf:r.x, f W. G.' M'PHET:, rror-W.-tfr. A p. O. Box IM. I I i " - Li Bull 1 1,1 CHICHESTER'S PILLS UXZ ' "iMICHf TBB'S KHLISlf t; Wl VJ lUli SMasUlls) MM. tsMM Wlir r maul sW CV' . i'4-uJs corrMCMTi Vii.V','1' ONQB n YEAR :. does Christmas come when all make merry, and when there should b "Peace on earth and good will toward- men." Christmas time Is also the sea son when your pipes are apt tof reexe, when your plumbing needs attention because the house Is almost hermeti cally seated, and sewer gaa has an opportunity to do Its deadly work. Your health depends on the condition of your plumbing, and no one can put It in order better than HACKNEY BROTHERS.; PLUMBING, HJEATTNCL ? OAS FITTING AND i SUPPLIES, : Bell 'Phone 111. - W. Fifth Et, VVIIOII III VHUIIl Of Horses, Qaddlos, Robes, Whips, Etc, Don't fail to visit our Har ness Store, 228.North Tryon Street. , . We have the handsomest line of horse goods ever shown here. J We keep everything that a horse wears or a horseman needs. r Special attention given to repair work. exaoooexxxxxxxxxaooooocoooos IC- The Great Library Contest ri We give tickets with j; all receipted coal Jbills. , J -. Best Grade Domestic ; .:- Steam, ' B 1 3 c $ ni i Is - : Wholes!: -and Retail, t:i 13 r t ; 1 11, liiflsiod s Sons 0 FR CdDci Q